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W00t,iM uNbAnNd

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Everything posted by W00t,iM uNbAnNd

  1. [QUOTE=50 cent]To start things off I have the game and simply one word can desribe this game, incredible(sp?). Well to start things off the ai is wonderful(if you haven't already noticed by the demo) they actually try to lure you out of hiding or cover to end up swarmin you. They ambush you, and they know when to use grenades. There isn't a command option but theres no need they already know what to do in situations but they still can get overwelmed and die(that last comment on ai was for both sides of the ai). The higher the diffuctly the harder the game is and not just by means of there bullets hurt more. They are way smarter and yo literlaly have to think even when it's on normal. I have only beaten the game on normal! I haven't even beaten one level on veteran(thats the hardest diffuclty). The online is great too, but there has been some problems with the servers so it's been laggy but I think they just sent out a patch for that, I'm not sure though because I haven't been online with it for a week now. Well down to what I wanted to say this entire time, it's the 360's first great shooter. Deserves a game of the year award, and if you're thinking about buying it, get it.[/QUOTE] CoD2 for the 360 is a very good SINGLE player game, not so much for online play. I play online sometimes, but thats only when im feeling bored with Condemned, PDZ, PGR3, or an arcade game.... `
  2. I was wondering if anyone plays the game Socom 2 online for Playstation 2? I am a vivid Socomer and I just wanted to know if there were anymore people on here that are also addicted to SoCrack 2. Tell me so we can play together someday!! Its possible you might know me or my clan.....(many ppl on socom do) Clan: Alleyboyz (former top 10 clan) [ABz] Alleyboy>Dope (Socom name) P :ball: K e B a L L [color=#4B0082]Merged with the original Socom II thread. - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]
  3. damn, i live in atlanta.....oh well, i hope im dead before it happens... Yes, I really would like to know more about this too, please elaborate on the subject.
  4. any series where the main character has a Vespa is a cool series in my book :p :ball: gotta catch 'em all!
  5. While on the subject of what people say as a theory to why Bush "started this war", I thought I should share a funny one I saw on the net. Some people theorize that Bush really was after France, and went first for Iraq because France and Iraq had a relationship going on with trade, and then would/still will (!) go after France and get involved with France. Lame..... :sleep:
  6. [QUOTE=James][color=#334366]They were fine with their system? No, they weren't. As I mentioned in my last post, they tried to rise up against Saddam at least twice during the 1990's. They [i]weren't[/i] fine with their system and they were crying out for help. To say such a thing only demonstrates that living in a free country can put you in a complacent bubble. It's really really easy to say these things when you can just switch off your computer and do as you like. It's 100% different when you're actually living in terror day after day. Spare a thought for those people.[/color][/QUOTE] Wow, what I was trying to say in two posts you got across in 3 very short paragraphs. lol Anywho, yes, the the many people that strongly oppose the war really don't understand [I]how the Iraqi people must feel everyday[/I] in the grip of that monster. Everyone is intitled to their own opinion,but everyone should reflect on what they are opposing. :ball:
  7. Maybe they are fighting because...umm....umm....their [U]TERRORISTS[/U] . See, some people will fight us (terrorists) but the majority loves that Iraq will be a democracy. Think about others, not yourself. For a moment don't think about the deaths of our soldiers as the only part of statistics in this war. Don't even think statistics, think about your moral duty as a human to help others when they are in great need of help. Think about how the Iraqi people feel so much better now that they know Iraq is no longer a dictatorship, and they will now have a say in what they need and want. You say American lives are more important than thiers... I think that is a bad attitude about others lives, everyone is just as important as anyone else.
  8. Could someone shrink this lovable pic down so I can put it as my Avatar? Or does it still not accept it...? :( i did an attachment....i dont quite remember how to make thumbnail....how do you?
  9. I believe it is worth it for many reasons. Yes, many US soldiers have died and we are spending billions upon billions, but you can't think just about, "oh, our country is using alot of dough and alot of us have been killed." Think of the good we are creating [I]for the Iraqis[/I] . Saddam killed thousands of his own people for no reason. For instance, there are videos of him taking babies away from women and then throwing them at the concrete wall. He has used biological weapons on crowds of people who in turn perished. He has killed the Kurds from the north for no reason whatsoever. I think that, even though one of the reasons we went to war was found false, there are plenty of other reasons why this needed to happen, a mad man maliciously killed innocent people [I]for no reason[/I] . And you can see that the Iraqi people are majorily (sp?) thrilled at a new beginning. 60% of eligible voters turned out to vote, that shows that something was right with this war, right? So, yes, in conclusion I think that this war was worth it to help a huge mass of people under this tyrant's rule. I would go over there to fight too, and I know it sounds cheesy and alot of people say they would but then would back out if the chance was presented to them, but I in my heart feel it is a worthy cause.
  10. I would make sure my million dollars would go towards research for a cure or treatment that could battle Chrons' Disease. My poor mother, who almost died because of it, has it and I can see that it makes the unlucky one who has it have a tough, horrible time. Anything for my mom... :love: :ball:
  11. Actually that is a good point I haven't given much thought. From what I've read, the the best thing for the PSP is to have on it a cover at all times. Apparently, from what I've read, the PSP can scratch easily. In the PSM magazine, they compared it to an iPod, and only lord knows how many scratches I have on my PSP lol :(
  12. [quote name='Pumpkin][SIZE=1'] I'm I the only one who wasn't scared of the video? It's just some guy and his friends playing a funny prank and posting it on their website. [/SIZE][/quote] Have you looked at the whole website...? Its not just a one time thing, plenty of time has been put into that website lol...
  13. Sadly, I find myself hearing discrimination everyday. For you see, I play an online game on Playstation 2 everyday for many hours. The "clan" (group) I have been in for over 2 years is mostly black. Out of 20 of us, about 16-17 of us are black or mexican and I'm one of the 3 white people. I am only 15, and the rest of my clan is between 22 and the oldest is 33. Everyday we play, many different people pass through our room that we play in. If we win (we usually do), many racial slurs are thrown at us for no reason. Words such as N***er and S**c are just thrown about like it doesn't make the people saying them feel bad. Then they will say many things bad about blacks and hispanics. Things such as that they make our society dirty and unclean. It truely hurts me, and I feel horrible when these people say these things. So, that is why I hate discrimation so much, and I can't stand people who even joke around about stuff like that.
  14. [QUOTE=Desbreko][color=#4B0082] Same thing with graphics. One system may be technologically superior and can produce better graphics than another, but what happens when you get someone like me, who doesn't care about that difference? Well, that supposed advantage means nothing to me. The DS handles 3D well enough, and the PSP's graphics don't impress me. And on the other hand, there are people that won't play games if they don't look good enough, so the PSP's better graphics will be a big thing for them. It just depends. Morpheus does have a valid point about the wireless capabilities, though: You can't know which is better without having used both. You just don't have the experience. You may not like one, but that doesn't automatically mean you'll like the other more. About the systems' sizes and being able to fit into pockets. ... Well, that really depends on the size of your pockets, doesn't it? I've seen a friend's DS, and also life-size pictures of the PSP, and I don't think I'd have trouble fitting either into my jacket's inside pocket. Which is about the only place I carry my GBA SP as it is. Something about the number of developers that I'd ask is, do you have any numbers on DS's support? If not, how can you say PSP has better support? Do you know that for a fact? And if PSP does have more support, is the difference actually a substantial amount? If you want to make an argument like that and be taken seriously, you really need numbers for both systems. [/color][/QUOTE] For Morpheus' views of the wireless capabilities, I also agree with him and you about that you can't judge something before you've tested it. I was just putting in my [I]opinion[/I] about the DS and PSP (isn't that what a forum is about, people posting thier ideas and opinions and discussing them with others?). I have played the DS and I found it very disappointing, and so I hope the PSP is better with that. Another reason [I]I believe[/I] that the PSP with be better with wireless is that Sony has much more experience with the consumers and online play (PS2). Nintendo however, has had only 1 successful online game for GameCube (PSO) that had a short life span. From looking at the specs of size and wieght, the PSP strongly wins in this category. Everyone can think what they want to about it, but the fact of the matter is that the PSP will always slide in easier into a pants pocket than a DS. :) As for the support of the PSP and DS, you can surf the web and easily find out about the support for both. From what I have done, it seems that the PSP is backed by alot more support than the DS. A good website to get alot of information about both is the obvious [url]www.ign.com[/url] They have alot of good information about both, as thats where I grabbed that list of specs in my previous post from. Yes, you shouldn't judge something by its graphics and say that something with better graphics is the better of two. What many people mainly look for in games is good graphics followed by storyline. I don't care as much for graphics(I find myself playing my Zelda on NES every week), but good graphics is always a plus.
  15. I like many from the 80's. I like bands such as Twisted Sister and Black Guardian. I also find myself listening to many one hit wonders such as the oh-so-famous band A Flock of Seagulls "I Ran".
  16. Have you TRIED putting the DS in your pocket...? I cant fit it into mine... Anywho, you keep trying to back up the DS with "oh yeah 30 titles so its better" kind of attitude, and keep saying that the PSP games might suck so I cant say I like the PSP better, but cant the same be said about the DS...? Can't I just backfire what you said, "Is kool-aid better than off-brand? [B]You don't know if you've only had one.[/B] So, what you are arguing for the DS is the same as what I'm saying about the PSP. Don't freakin give me a lecture if you are saying the same exact thing as me and then try to play it off like your smarter than me, and what your saying makes more sense or has more evidence or meaning than what I'm saying.
  17. [QUOTE=Kiba_the_Chosen]I really don?t think that we would want to turn this into endings we hate but here it goes. In the ending of Halo 2 [spoiler]when the ending wraps up with a confusing state. While the master chief is on that covenant ship he leaves us open. I really wanted to have another level on Earth explaining that a little more.[/spoiler] I also wondered [spoiler] what questions does that master flood want to ask cortana. As she says to it ?shoot.? [/spoiler] [/QUOTE] As for the situation involving Cortana, [spoiler] She will most likely side with the Flood as she is just a computer. Her involment with the Humans has ended, and since she is just a computer, she is just finding a way to "feel needed". It is her duty as she was programmed to help. This also suggests that in Halo 3, the flood will be much smarter because of Cortana.[/spoiler]
  18. lol thats why i didnt care for FFX.....im my earlier post I didnt even mention FFXI. I love to play this MMORPG, as it is ever changing and the people too. I find myself loving to party up with Japanese players and go off on a 3 hour quest. It does, however, take alot of time to get ANYTHING done in the game, unless your just buying and selling at the Auction House (which for some reason, is quite fun) or leaving your PS2 over night to let people look at your Bazaar.
  19. Yeah, well thats just it, never will every person in the world feel that way. There will always be evil people, who might band together and it would be a dictatorship again. I believe in the Social Contract Theory, where a group of people bascially got together and agreed to let people rule them in a State ( an example is the United States of America). Another thing, how would work be continued? From what some of my Anarchist friends have said, everyone works and does their work and its "shared". Well, people wont have that incentive to want to do things like make cars or computers. They sure as hell wouldnt want to work at dangerous places involving dangerous machinery. Money, as sad as it is to say, is the incentive for [I]most[/I] people to want to work to help anyone else. I strongly disagree with Anarchy, as it would never work. I am a Bush supporter actually. :)
  20. Hmmm...you think you know quite alot....well, im sorry but everything i said was true.... The graphics ARE better...The lineup, while you cant tell how good it will be, has many more well known titles that are in the works for it.The LAN will be much better because the DS is just pointless, trust me ive played my friends alot. As for movies and MP3, all i said was that the PSP can do that. As for size, the real PSP has already been made, and it is MUCH smaller and thinner than the DS. The DS is huge; the PSP can easily fit in a pocket, but not the DS! The PSP has a huge amount of support also; The list is huge! Specs for the PSP, Just to show you that they really are good... PSP CPU Core PSP CPU (System clock frequency 1~333MHz) 32MB Main Memory 4MD Embedded DRAM Media UMD Drive (Playback only) Region Code Parental Control Format PSP Game UMD Audio UMD Video Input/Output IEEE 802.11b (Wi-Fi) USB 2.0 (Target) Memory Stick PRO Duo IrDA IR Remote (SIRCS) 5V DC OUT Terminals for charging built-in battery Headphone/Microphone/Control connector Control: Directional buttons (Up/Down/Right/Left) Analog pad Enter keys (Triangle, Circle, Cross, Square) Left, Right keys (shoulder buttons) START, SELECT, HOME POWER On/Hold/Off switch Brightness control, Sound Mode, Volume +/- Wireless LAN On/Off switch UMD Eject Size Details Dimensions: Approxately 170mm (L) x 74mm (W) x 23mm (D) Weight: Approximately 260g (including battery) Other Specifications Screen: 4.3 inch, 16:9 widescreen TFT LCD 480 x 272 pixel (16.77 million colors) Max. 200 cd/m2 (with brightness control) Built-in stereo speakers Built-in lithium-ion battery AC adaptor 128 bit AES encryption Individual ID for each PSP hardware unit Accessories Stand Headphone with remote commander Headphone with remote commander and microphone External battery pack Case Strap USB Camera for PSP (E3 Prototype only) USB GPS for PSP (E3 Prototype only) USB Keyboard for PSP (E3 Prototype only) PSP CPU CORE MIPS R4000 32bit Core 128bit Bus 1 - 333MHz @ 1.2V Main Memory :8MB(eDRAM) (**Changed to 32MB, 4MB embedded in May 2004) Bus Bandwidth :2.6GB/sec I-Cache, D-Cache FPU, VFPU (Vector Unit) @ 2.6GFlops 3D-CG Extended Instructions PSP Media Engine MIPS R4000 32bit Core 128bit Bus 1 - 333MHz @ 1.2V Sub Memory:2MB(eDRAM) @ 2.6GB/sec I-Cache, D-Cache 90nm CMOS PSP Graphics Core 1 3D Curved Surface + 3D Polygon Compressed Texture Hardware Clipping, Morphing, Bone(8) Hardware Tessellator Bezier, B-Spline(NURBS) ex 4x4, 16x16, 64x64 sub-division PSP Graphics Core 2 'Rendering Engine' + 'Surface Engine' 256bit Bus, 1-166 MHz @ 1.2V (**Changed to 512bit Bus in final version) VRAM :2MB(eDRAM) Bus Bandwidth :5.3GB/sec Pixel Fill Rate :664 M pixels/sec max 33 M polygon /sec(T&L) 24bit Full Color:RGBA PSP Sound Core: VME Reconfigurable DSPs 128bit Bus 166MHz @1.2V 5 Giga Operations /sec CODEC 3D Sound, Multi-Channel Synthesizer, Effecter, etc UMD(Universal Media Disc) 60mm Laser Diode:660nm Dual Layer :1.8GB Transfer Rate:11Mbps Shock Proof Secure ROM by AES Unique Disc ID AVC Decoder AVC(H.264) Decoder Main Profile Baseline Profile @Level1,Level2,Level3 2Hours(High Quality) - DVD movie 4Hours(Standard Quality) - CS Digital I/O USB 2.0 Memory Stick Extension Port(reserved) Stereo Head phone Out Communication Wireless LAN (i802.11) IrDA USB 2.0
  21. In this thread there have been many different prices announced for the PSP...well the malarky is over... the Base price for a PSP is $179-199 the Value Pack is between $229-249 The PSP is better for many reasons. The PSP has graphics that are much better than the DS. The PSP has a much better lineup and the Wireless & LAN will be much better than the DS. The PSP will also play and store MP3 and Movies that you can watch. The DS is very bulky and is noticable to carry around. The PSP is much thinner and is not bulky at all. Another huge factor is that the PSP is backed by many more developers and has much more support than the DS. Over 99 developers and production companies have already signed up for PSP development.
  22. I feel that I am drawn in against my will and i end up watching them. The TV Shows I want to turn off but cant are: Maury Montel (Williams) Jerry Springer Ricki Lake !!Duh DUh Duh DUH!! Oprah (OMG, i cant believe i just said that!!)
  23. i mean i know what it is, and what ppl do like they like to dress up for conventions, etc. but i have never seen someone so devoted and spend so much time for something like this. Im sure many ppl do it, but this is the first time ive come across something like this where they do webcam and the sort.
  24. I am guessing that the most successful games this year will be RE4, Socom 3 (if it happens), FFXII, and The next installment of Rainbow Six 3. The most successful new system will be the PSP, which will own the Nintendo DS on the market.
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