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About gaarasgirl90

  • Birthday 04/11/1990

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  • Biography
    I'm a registered anime freak!(not really but if it was possible..) and my favorite character is Gaara from Naruto. I'm a shoujo(girl) by the way.
  • Occupation
    Highschooler(does that count?) I bath dogs in the summer.

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  1. Hey I could really use someones help on getting a signature. I don't have a clue how to make one and I don't know where I could get one. If anyone here is willing to make me one am I supposed to give a picture of what I want? I'm really clueless on this sorta thing. Right now I dont have any pics but if you're willing to make one I'd like a sig of the heads of Kyo from fruits basket, Ichigo from bleach, and gaara from Naruto with the words "Red Obsession" written on it. for somereason I feel weird for asking, but please help me in someway!!! :animecry:
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]I have three favorites. The first is Kyo Sohma from Fruits Basket. I love the p.o.ed cat boy!! He has anger issues but he is really very sweet and caring on the inside but he never shows anybody that side but the ones he cares for the most (mostly Tohru and Kazuma sometimes too). All he wants to do is be accepted by his family and to beat Yuki. The second is Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach. He always looks so pissed off at everything, but he really cares about other people. He's very honorable and will stop at nothing to do what he knows is right. Plus he's such a bad *** who doesn't take other people crap, you gotta love him. He's a mommy's boy too which shows he's a softy. Third is Gaara from Naruto. The psychotic insecure Tanuki boy who just needs to find his place in the world. Which he eventually does, but thats a spoiler so I won't go there. He's so crazy and it's not his fault that it just makes you want to jump into the t.v. and hug him. What can I say? I have a thing for bad-boy screw-ups. Theres just someting about a guy who you need to open up and show him he can trust you that makes him really hot!! :catgirl: [/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]I'll let you people know because i don't kno you and I will never meet you, probably. I don't let anybody but my best friends know I do this(cause they do it to) but we act out manga. Not act really but we take a tape recorder, pick a manga and what characters we want, then we read it out on the tape. It very fun actually and when you listen to the tape of urself trying to talk like an anime character or the opposite sex, you'll have tears rolling down ur eyes.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]Kanashimi Wo Yasashisa Ni-Little By Little/Naruto Bleach Theme(?)- Orange Day/Bleach All the other Naruto Songs that I can't think of the names to![/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [QUOTE=DeathBug]Well, I'll dissent: I thought War of the Worlds sucked. And Tom Cruise was a big part of the suckage. His character was such an annoying wiss that I was hoping for the aliens to zap him mid-way through the movie. There were so many plot-holes that my head hurt. To whit: [spoiler]If the aliens actually buried their machines on Earth millenia ago, so deep that we never found them, wouldn't they have discovered their incompatability with terrestrial microbes then? And, hey, if they had all this time to bury these things, why didn't they just take the planet then? (This is particularly irritating because they changed the invasion methods from the book; the changes made them worse! In the original book, the aliens arrive via meteorites, which are just compacted versions of their machines.) How could Cruise kill the crazy guy in the basement when that guy was twice his size, had military training, and had a weapon? How did Cruise's son survive the military attack, when the entire hillside he was on was set ablaze. And how could he get to Boston before them? And why hadn't he cleaned himself when he got there? And, for that matter, why was Boston completely unharmed, when the aliens went after tiny nameless towns?[/spoiler] I hate it when Hollywood ruins good books with crappy movies.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]Well everyone has there own oppinions. But if they took out everything, where would the story be? Speilburg couldn't just re-do exactly what the 1953 version or the book had done, it would be like the remake of Psycho, everything would be the same and there would have been no point in remaking it except to add speicial effects. A director has to have their own touch on a remake otherwise it's nothing. As for Tom Cruise being a wuss, so what? not every movie hero has to be Mr. Fantastic. They can reflect on ordinry people too. I'm sure the most normal people would be even more terrified then him in the movie. I thought it was great that the hero was a bit of a screw-up, it added to the story. [spoiler]I did wonder why the aliens didn't take the planet when noone was here, but again, where would the story be? Who cares where the son went on the hill top, there's many possibilities, he coulda been retreating with the military for all we know, maybe he hitched a ride for boston, I dunno. How did he kill the dude? Well you saw he wasn't in his right mind after seeing the ships fertilizing the plants with human blood. I'm sure the now psychotic man wasn't thinking enough to defend himself properly and (Cruise) was also ready to do anything to protect his daughter. When you have that kind of devotion I bet you could find the will to kill someone easily.[/spoiler][/FONT][/COLOR] [color=navy]Remember to use your Spoiler Tags when talking about specific events in the movie. --Manic[/color]
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]I'm one of those people who know the words to every song wether they like them or not. For all the annoying songs, I'd say everyone pretty much got them except I don't know if any one mentioned these two: 1. Holla Back Girl-Gwen Stefani "'cause there ain't no holla back GUUUURRRRLLLL, I ain't no holla back GUUUURRRRLLLL" 2. ***** Like That-Eminem "You make my slinky go DA DOING DOING DOIING!!"? PLEASE THOSE HAVE TO BE THE STUPIDEST LYRYCS EVER CONCOCTED IN ALL OF SONGDOM!!![/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]I live in PHILADELPHIA BABY!! WOOO! or pretty darn close. For those of you who are unfamiliar, we just hosted the biggest music concert of the...years...I'd say that's pretty dang cool. Not thatI went to it, but many people from the rest of the country did. Any smart Philadelphian(who didn't need to SEE live8) knew to stay outta the city when that concert hit, that city was jammed. Our entire Septa transport unit wasn't enough to accomodate all the people who came to see. They may sometimes call us Filthydelphia, but I LOVE the city.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]Wow this question makes me think. You could say I'm "punk" but then again I'm really not, maybe I am only in the way I dress somtimes. If I were to call myself real punk I'd have kids chasing me with pointed sticks yelling "POSER!!!" which I'm not. I'd say there are two kinds of punk though. And I thought of this myself since I didn't fall into the first catagory. The punks you all know are the music punks, they are so into music it's quite annoying. like most of the people you see in Hottopic, they'll shoot you if you say Simple Plan is punk. I consider myself movie punk. While I may not be into music I definatly am into movies. So what if it's not a real thing? I dress punk and I obsess over movies. It's the same as people who dress punk and obsess over music right? If I'm not punk, then call me an anime freak. thats what my friends do(cause of a t-shirt that I have). Either that or "oh yeah, you're into all that japanese ***** right?" Call me a floater, that works. I just don't have my own group. :animesigh [/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. [QUOTE=Lix][size=1][color=slategray]Ehem, the reasons for these comparisons are... With the whole hair color thing... yes, a lot of anime characters have the same hair color. And a lot of people in the real world have the same hair color. Anime creators have different tastes, and yet, a lot of them like certian looks... and that look can be very common. Plus, there are only so many colors. And with the way characters act... normally animes have the typical stereotypes. The quiet person; the pessimistic person; the happy-go-lucky optimistic person; the clueless blonde/ditz; the short tempered/blunt person; the joker; the dark person... etc. Just all your normal stereotypes. There will normally be a lot of those in an anime, no matter whom the writter is, no matter where they are from... and so on. [/color][/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] [FONT=Fixedsys] Yeah, we could figure that out by ourselves, but that wasn't the question. The question was wether or not you noticed certain comparisons between anime characters you like/or dislike by the way some people are going.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]Seriously, I've been reading the Fruits Basket manga online so now I'm just curious. Most Furuba fan girls only have one favorite outta the two. You say you like both but really, you KNOW you like one of them a smige more then the other. Take me for example. Kyo is my favorite. I love the Prince and all but, sorry Yuki, Kyo is a KING!! HAHA. Now I wanna know what you think. Should Kyo or Yuki get Tohru? I say Kyo. I want kyo to be happy,* sniffle* since he can't be with me and all... :animecry: [/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]AAhhh, Monty Python, the work of genius. I must say you did mention all the best skits thats for sure. I happen to be a big fan of John Cleese too, so I get all excited when he's in Harry Potter or Shrek 2. Or when Terry Gilliam directs a new movie, like the Brothers Grimm. ANYWAY did anyone mention the beast of Ciarbaner(spelling?) or Tim the Enchanter? The shrubbery? How about from the flying circus. NOOOOBODY EXPECTS A SPANISH INQUISITION!!! Or the 'buying a matress' skit. what about "spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam SPAMITY SPAAAAM SPAMITY SPAAAAM!" THE GUMBY'S! gotta love the gumby's. Now lets move on to what to do if someone attacks you, with a BANANA(*singing* b-a-n-a-n-a-s...)[/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]When were and whatis this convention? AHH I SHOULD KNOW THESE THINGS! :animesigh Anyway I thought the show was a work of genius. Does anyone know who Tak is? I liked her and they said online that if the show would have gone on she would have reappeard. Tarnation![/FONT][/COLOR]
  13. [quote name='Broken Law']Could you also explain "My doctor said I had to lose weight." I don't understand what that's about.[/quote] The sarcasm there meaning that the BOYFRIEND is the "weight".
  14. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]How about: Do you study karate? Because you can come on down to my dojo. We could spar.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]Let us rain some DOOM down upon the DOOMED heads of our DOOMED enemies! God how could such a great show be canceled? it was INGENIUS! I loved that show, I loved it good. How can you not love Zim or Gir? They were awesome. The music was good too and the stories have me laughing so hard I can't catch a breath. But alas my Tallest, I am stuck here with only three measley seasons of the show. Thank god there are still fans at Hottopic, otherwise there would be no Zim supplies for me! SCREAMING TEMPORAL DOOM!!! Any comments? [/FONT][/COLOR]
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