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Everything posted by gaarasgirl90

  1. You see? This is the problem! She is NOT in a coma! I repeat, she is NOT in a coma. The only reason you all think she is a complete vegetable is because of what the news media has been saying. But after an interview with two of her former nurses and a few other medical doctors and family members, she is very responsive. She gets excited she tries to help herself. Both nurses have said they heard her say "mommy" and "help me". She is NOT a vegetable!!! The one nurse said, after Terri had had a severe fever, that she always expected it might have been an unneccesary insulin shot. I'm not exactly pointing fingers but if that were the case, what would that look like to you? Also, a family was trying to sneak into her room and give her a glass of water before they were hauled away by police, the police then placed them in hand-cuffs out side, because they were [I]praying[/I]. Does this sound like America to you!? Her husband wants her immediatly cremated after her death, but why? Is there somthing to hide? If she dies they might as well file her death under 'murder' because they aren't giving her the luxery of lethal injection or anything. There are killing her by not giving her food or water! How long can a person last like that? What kind of death is to be wasted away into nothing?
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed]The controversy that had our country on edge. Do you really think that this non-vegetative women deserves a worser fate than those of criminals on death row? Starvation, of all things, they would have been kinder to shoot her in the head! Her "husband", Micheal, had been seeing another women and had had kids with this women, and all while he is still legally married to her. He has denied using ANY of the money given to him for Terri's benifit and the medical experts who examined her have all said she could have been very re-habilitated by now, if she would have been given the proper therapies. Her family pleads for her life yet it wont be given by a bunch of thick-heads. Her husband claims she doesn't want to live, she is a complete vegetable. But she isn't and shows responses and awareness. What her unfaithfull scumbag husband wants, is the million dollars he receibes in case of her death. What is our country coming to when a girl who can't even defend her own life is being starved, when it is illegal to do this to criminals? How do you feel? Agree, disagree? Don't respond if your going to make this an extremely heated debate.[/COLOR] :o
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]Yes, the point of this thread is to discuss what kinda of drivers anime characters would be. And I kinda did get the idea from that DBZ episode. :animeswea And your right about Sousuke, he would never violate the traffic laws. Unless of course he had a mission to accomplish or Kaname to save! :animesmil [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  4. [QUOTE=Kitty]Dragons are just drawings of extinct lizards gone aray QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] [FONT=Fixedsys]Aww you take all the fun out of it! While I don't really beleive they exhist, I love them. Dragons are my passion/obsession. There not real, but I wish to God they were. My whole room is dragons, I love basing my art projects on them. And you have to admit, dragons are one of the most facinating mythologies out there. I cannot wait until that animal planet dragons speicial comes on. *sqeals with joy* I loooove my adorably scaly, sharped teeth, fire breathing, reptilian buddies. :animesmil [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]Ok, imagine this scenario: You're sitting in your car(wether you drive or not) on your way home from were ever you just came from and you have to deal with the every day psychos slow pokes on the road. What anime characters would be driving what kinda of car and how would the be acting? I mean I see Gaara driving this incredibly awesome sports car and then glaring at anyone who comes within a couple yards of it with this "Scrath my car and I'll kill you." kinda look. Then I can see Inu-Yasha, sitting behind a red-light(don't know what kinda car) and he's practically jumping outa his seat, "What the hell is the problem!? :animeangr Whys this damn light taking so long to change!? Hey it just changed! It's GREEN people, MOVE IT!" *honks horn loud and obnoxiously* [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed]Besides the fact that Gaara, my absolute love of all anime loves I have ever loved, would be first on my list, I would think it awesome to be roomates with Naruto! I mean life with him would be a party all the time!! I would't want Shikamaru even though he is also a favorite, cause he'd be to lazy to keep the place tidy. Even though I have a messy room, I still cant stand it. Though for some reason I'd think it cool to go out clubbing with him. lol! Nevermind I would want him! I wouldn't want Sasuke. He'd be to busy brooding all by himself and being a stick in the ***. How about Akane from Ranma 1/2? I'd like, go and train with her for karate. I think I'd take any anime character..no, scratch that. I'm not gonna go on, there are too many to think about... [/COLOR] :animestun
  7. [COLOR=DarkRed]I feel lucky, I have an english teacher that is letting me make a doujinshi sort of comic for my Romeo and Juliet project. He's cool. But then the other day I got judged by anime if that makes sense. I was drawing japanese tsunamis on a poster for art and this kid comes up to me and says "I bet you watch that stupid Puffy Ami show thingy or whatever." I was like "uhh NO thats not even anime it's just based on two jpop singers." But he walked away by then and did care. Then today I was wearing my Kyo hat and these guys working at KFC said it was awesome even though they had no clue what it was. The one guy was like "dude the ears alone make it awesome!" I was flattered. :animesmil [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed]I recently purchased a set of Naruto DVDs offline, and they came with a free sample of the 1st episode of Bleach. It was really good and now I want to buy it, but before I do I was hoping somebody could tell me a little bit more about it. You know like what exactly is it about, is the manga better? I would just like some input on it before I go and buy it.[/COLOR]
  9. [color=darkred][font=Fixedsys]Oi, Dargonboy! If you cant get your thread or whatever up and running, you can post here, or start a new one if you want. I mean this thread is fanfiction in general right? By the way, I have created a pen name on fanfiction.net. It's NazgulGrl and so far I have one capter of my first fic up. It's probably corny, but it's an ooc Sasuke/Sakura fic. Though I did get 3 good reveiws on it so far. Even if you're unfamiliar with the characters or story you could read it and still understand. Maybe you guys could check it out and tell me what you think. Does it suck, is it pretty good, how could I improve? Some more reviews would be nice too... :angel: LOL, haha, nvm! [font=Verdana][size=1][color=red]Please do not double post. Simply edit your original post to include the message. -- Lady Asphyxia[/color][/size][/font] [/font][/color]
  10. [QUOTE=Yamisui] I'm currently obsessed with Naruto :animeknow , so I'm also writing a Naruto novella. It's mainly centered around Team 7 and the mystery surrounding a mission they're on, though Gaara has half a chapter dedicated to him for one of the fight scenes. I'm not going to post this particular fic (Red Blossom) on this site until it's finished, because the fight scenes are so difficult to write that it takes me forever between posts. Suffice to say, this work-in-progress is going to be LONG. I plan on 11 chapters. There are 4 chapters posted on ff.net thus far, totalling 100 pages. On a general note, we need more good Naruto fanfiction. Sorry, fangirls, but you're flooding our fandom with FAR too much OOC-ness, utterly implausible yaoi, and icky pedophilia. Let's get some stories people can sink their teeth into, ne?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]I LOVE Gaara!! lol tell me when you're done writing that chap!!! I agree with you on the fangirl attacks though. I hate reading a Naruto fic that is highly improbable, unless it has Gaara in it. I like reading almost all Gaara fics except yaoi. Gaara/male leaf shinobi? No thank you. I like it with the OC's. [/COLOR]
  11. [quote name='Panda']Oh Sanada, my friend's mom has the ultimate doll for you to be afraid of. I am not afraid of dolls but this one I have made an exception for. This doll gives me nightmares and I run past it since it freaks me out. If you stand it up it is about 5 feet tall. Has long arms AND looks like a clown. The arms and legs are really long, they look like they will reach out and grab you. It sits in their foyer somewhat behind a door. So you walk in the room and when you go to shut the door the clown is sitting in a chair behind the door. I just expect it to jump up and kill me. Either that or I will see it sitting there, look away and when I look back it will be gone. Hiding some place waiting to attack. Creepy, just plain creepy.[/quote] I swear that sounds just like the doll from poltergiests! ;)
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed]I'm just intrested to hear of any kinds of phobias you have. Sokme phobias are weirder than others. I have one of the rare few and I'll tell you even though it's retarded because I highly doubt I will ever meet you anywhere but on otaku. It's called eisoptrophobia. It means fear of mirrors or seeing oneself in a mirror. Now I'm only a little bit eisoptrophobic. I don't know why but I am. Also this fear is weirder. I dont know if there is a scientific name for it but for some reason iceburgs creep me out. Maybe it is their emmence size and you only see 10% of it because the rest of it is like some huge monster hidden below your view. Iceburgs just make my hart race. I wonder if it's because of Titanic..the movie ay have something to do with it... :animeknow [/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkRed]0 tolerance does suck. I've expierienced it first hand. Some punk kid puched me in the face! What guy punches a girl in the face!? All I did to him was grab his arm to yell at him for pissing me off and throwing staples and other sharp objects!! So my guy friend goes up to him and choke holds him on the office window. Nice job smart one...Well the office calls the two boys in and I cant let my friend take the blame for it all so I went too. They even called a cop to tell us if we got in trouble again we'd go to a sort of juvi for a week!! What crap! I didn't do a thing except I apparently left "serious marks" on the kids arm. Puleez, he made it up so he wouldn't get in as much trouble because I didn't grab him hard at all! He was even crying! If I'm gonna get punched by someone:blackeye: , and suspended for it, I don't want to be punched by a wuss! We were all suspended for a day instead of 5 days because of finals. Hah! I got back at them though because I went to the beach that day!! :rotflmao: [/COLOR]
  14. My fonts were messed up. What I ment to say was- I think the only problem in getting them to watch it is simple: The titles. You would not be able to get anyone I know to sit through any anime movie or show if it sounds stupid. People judge books by covers too much!! and- I wish people I knew were more understanding. You try to get away with wearing a kyo hat to my school, ears and all and see how that goes.
  15. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]I wish people I knew were more understanding. You try to get away with wearing a kyo hat to my school, ears and all and see how that goes. :animesigh [/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]I think the only problem in getting them to watch it is simple: The titles. You would not be able to get anyone I know to sit through any anime movie or show if it sounds stupid. People judge books by covers too much!![/FONT][/COLOR] :animeangr :animesigh
  17. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]I havent seen your thread yet but I'll be sure to check it out. lemme know when your story is up and I'll read it. I like to write alot too, though I rarely get to write anything fun because of school. You'd think you would be writing intresting things in school ne? Not just boring essays about Romeo and Juliet. I did enter a poetry contest for our yearbook, I wrote a humor-ish poem. Now that I have alittle more time on my hands though I'm goin to start a fanfic username.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]It gets on my nerves, and I know alot of other people feel this way, when people always assumn thiings about anime. They just don't understand it. They think it's either all japanese porn, or all Poke'mon or Yu-Gi-Ohish. They don't understand why they have those facial expressions or why they do the things they do. To them it is stupid, it always will be stupid. Some people just DONT GET IT!!![/FONT][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]Oh I cried in the Naruto episodes that show Gaara's past. I think around episodes 70-80ish was it? It was so sad and I just wanted to jump into the T.V. and hug him. I don't want to give it away to people who havent seen it but it was REALLY sad and I don't blame him for ANYTHING he does in the show. I dont even feel very sorry(kind of) to the people he kills. I mean if I had his past and that was supposedly my sole purpose for being alive, I'd be killing people too. Not that people have to worry!!! I don't mean that like it sounds!! :animeswea And everytime they play the slow music in Naruto it just makes me think of depressing things and I get teary. Curse the pretty/sad music!! :animecry: I looooooooooove Gaara...[/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]Dragonboy I'd love to see your Batman Beyond fic. That sounds awesome. Dude., if you wrote a fanfic I would like see it too. All the better if it had Gaara in it!! And Roxie, I'd like to see the links to those fics. Espeicially the Harry Potter ones, I love Harry Potter! I'm gonna make an account name sometime and I will then write out the many ideas in which have subsided in my head. lol. :animesmil [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]I love reading fanfiction. Well, it depends on what it's about, but that's besides the point. I'm going writing some myself(Naruto stories) but I have alot of ideas and dont know which to pick. But I'm not really asking peoples advice, I just want to know more or less what you like to write or read. Are there any fanfics you've writtin that your proud of? I might be intrested in reading some..:blush: And what kind do you like to read, what topic? Anime? A certian book? Any that you thought were really good and people should so read them? I WANNA KNOW!! lol. *calms down* heh I've been in the mood for fanfiction latley. :animeswea [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]I talk to myself alot. Mostly at home..Hey noone else is there to talk to! and I do it at school sometimes too. I guess I developed the habit in grade school when I realized noone really cared about what I had to say. So I'd be talking, ya know, about something maybe I thought was cool or intresting but then they'd start talkin about something else while I was still talking so , 'hey what the heck!, why not just continue the conversation with yourself?atleast you know what your saying is intresting.' God I cant wait till next year when I will meet people who will actually care about me and what I think actually does matter.. :animeangr .[/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. [quote name='moonlightshadow']:animesigh Okay there's this girl in my school. She's soooo preppy!! Omg she thinks she's the cream of the crop, but really she's ugly, snotty, and annoying. She thinks everyone Loves her but the truth is no one likes her at all. Everytime i see her i want to kill her!! Like a jam my pencil up her butt! :animeswea pretty sad and disturbing but i do.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]*shakes head* :grumble: Preps...everyones got em.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. [QUOTE=Dagger] I can't really tell what you're trying to say here. So I guess some clarification would be appreciated. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]lol sorry I was having trouble trying to say what I ment. What I really meant was pretty much what you thought it was. What would they look like, how would they act or appear. i mean if you took an anime character and put them in real life what exactly would they be like? I mean if gaara were real I doubt he'd have a demon inside of him but maybe he'd be a skitso(sp?) and his "demon" would be he's other personality. lol! like Me, Myself and Irene!!! :animesmil :animeswea [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]heh the naruto manga i was reading finaly updated. unfortunatly nothing important happens in this chapter and the real story will pick up probably in the next chapter.[/FONT][/COLOR] :animesigh
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