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Fun loving, loyal, honest, creative, single, and I'm a big fan of anime, sci-fi, fantasy, and horror.
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Otaku (3/6)
[color="#0000FF"][font="Arial Black"]Um...why are they rebooting Devil May Cry? It's not even that old! We got the Dante we know in MVC3, but this isn't what I was thinking I'd see. What about the questions from DMC4? Is Nero a clone, Dante's half-brother, or something else? What's with Nero's arm? How about Yamato, Virgil's sword? Explain, capcom! Explain! As for the new game, it could be good or bad. This new Dante looks kinda cool, but I'm not sure yet.[/font][/color]
[COLOR="Blue"]Hey out there. I've been playing Yu-Gi-Oh! CCG tortaments at a local game store. I hate to say it, but I lose a lot. I was wondering if anyone out there could give me a hand with my deck. It's an Elemental Heroes Deck. It contains: MONSTERS 1 Elemental Hero Neo 2 Elemental Hero Wildwing 2 Elemental Hero Sparkman 2 Elemental Hero Clayman 2 Elemental Hero Avian 2 elemental hero burstinix 1 elemental hero necroshade 1 elemental hero stratos 1 Neo-spacian grand mole 1 neo-spacian dark panther 1 dark blade 1 elemental hero ocean 1 elemental hero woodsman 1 elemental hero bladeedge 2 maraduding captain 2 elemental hero neos alius TRAPS 1 feather wind 1 hero counterattack 1 torrental tribute 1 dimention wall 1 magic jammer 1 sakuretsu armor 1 bottomless trap hole 1 mirror gate 2 hero signal MAGIC 1 hero's bond 1 lighting vortex 2 warrior returning alive 2 skyscraper 1 common soul 1 swords of revealing light 1 miracle fusion 1 axe of despair 1 lighting blade 1 polymerization 1 H-Heated Heart 2 E-Emergency Call 1 R-Rightous Justice 1 O-Oversoul 1 future fusion 1 fusion sword murasmae blade 1 super polymerization FUSION 1 elemental hero wildedge 1 elemental hero phoenix enforcer 1 elemental hero electrum 1 elemental hero tempest 1 elemental hero mariner 1 elemental hero wingman 1 elemental hero neos 1 elemental hero grand neos 1 elemental hero rampart blaster 1 elemental hero thunder giant 1 elemental hero wild wingman 1 Blackrose dragon 1 colossal fighter SIDE-DECK 1 colossal fighter/assault mode 2 assault mode activate 1 urgent tuning 1 assault slash 1 elemental hero knospe 1 elemental hero captain gold 1 edge hammer 1 miniaturize 1 wicked-breaking flamberge-baou 1 neo-space 1 assault armor 1 elemental hero bubbleman 1 synchronized realm 1 elemental hero neos So, could you guys give me a hand with my deck? Thanks![/COLOR]
[COLOR="Blue"]Hey out there everyone. The other day, I found a very chilling message from the president of "BANG ZOOM!" entertainment released a chilling message on the fate of anime in the USA on Anime TV.com. It's in dire danger of dying out. If you look at the facts, you can see that's it the truth. Geneon USA shut it's doors, ADV films went under, Central Park Media went bankrupt, Ban Dai fired 90% of it's staff, and anime magazines NEWTYPE USA and Anime Insider were canceled. You may have also noticed that less and less titles are coming out, too. He continued to say that the problem behind anime's dying is fansubbing, and bootlegging of anime. It's hurting the industry. Who is it hurting? Everyone. Voice actors, producers, editors, directors, scripters, and most importantly, US. The fans. This is scary, but there is hope. We have control over what happens to anime in the US. If we stop bootlegging, and fansubbing we could save anime from dying. If we don't, by next year there be no anime at all. Please try to spread the word. We can save anime from dying. If we ban together, we can make a difference. Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Dragonboym2 replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='NinjaGirlSango']Hm... I can't seem to find any (unedited) pictures of myself that weren't taken for the purpose of art class... so excuse the posing... >.> [IMG]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y81/NinjaGirlSango/Sarah/208.png[/IMG] And a cosplay picture for the lulz [IMG]http://i40.tinypic.com/23sg8xy.jpg[/IMG] [EDIT] Am I the 3rd homo posting in a row? 'Cause that would be pretty awesome. :0[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Blue"]I know you! I saw you at Otakon this year! I took your picture![/COLOR] -
[COLOR="Blue"]This is a tough one. I mostly lean toward dubs, but I've recently been doing both. For exsample, I'll watch the DBZ dub, then I'll watch the same episodes in Japanese. But there are times when the dub is just PAINFUL. At those times, I'd go for the japanese track. The "Naruto" dub comes to mind. The dub is terrible. REALLY terrible. Which is kind of shame because they got some really talented people working on it. Steve Blume, Yuri Lorenthol, Chrispin Freeman, and a few others. But it's still bad. Especially Naruto's voice. But there are some dubs that I think are better than the Japanese tracks. Namely, "HELLSING." That is one of the best dubs I have ever heard. With me, it's a little bit of both.[/COLOR]
Mis-Adventures at New England Fan Con'08
Dragonboym2 replied to Dragonboym2's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='taperson'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][SIZE="1"]You have reached official nerd status. (But it sounds pretty bomb diggity!)[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Blue"] You bet it was! Johnny is a pretty cool guy. He has kind of a dry wit, like I do. I think his best moment was at Sunday morning breakfast. I went up to Johnny and I said "GOOOOD MORNING! LIFE IS WONDERFUL!" Johnny looks at me and says: "Dude. It's too early. Coffee." Good times were had by all.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR="Blue"]Hey out there everyone. Well, I'm from Boston, land of ideals, funny accents, and the best damn seafood out there. Last year, there was a small con held at a local hotel not to far from the famous M.I.T. campus. "New England Fan Con." At first I wasn't really interested, until I found out who were going to be guests there. Namely, voice actors Vic Mignogna, and Johnny Yong Bosch. Cool. I met Vic the year before in Philidelphia, where I gave him this custom-made t-shirt. It was blood red, and on the front in big black letters it said: "COLONEL MUSTANG IS DEAD SEXY!" and on the back it read: "IN A MINI-SKIRT!" That got the crowd cheering. I wondered if he would remember me. He did, to my surprise. Meeting Johhny was a little different. I grew up watching Power Rangers when I was younger, and I was meeting one of my childhood heroes! I had a fanboy spaz. When I met him, I starting bowing down to him chanting "I'm not worthy!" Johnny responded by saying: "Dude. Your worthy, your worthy! Get up your embaressing me." He signed my Bleach season one box. It gets better. I met with one of the stars of "Firefly", who was this really cute girl. Get this. One of the guests is this one guy whom I never met, and he yells out "Hey! Goku!" (I cosplay as Goku, you see.) And he fake sucker-punches me. And he challenges me to fight right there in the hallway. It turns out it was Daniel Logan. Young Boba Fett from "star wars episode II." And he's a BIG Dragonball fan. We kept teasing each other for the rest of the con. But the best part was the saturday night dinner, and the sunday morning breakfast. I got eat with both Vic and Johnny at both. And Vic's girlfriend, Michelle. Vic and I are friends now. Be afraid, be VERY afraid. That's my story. What do you guys think?[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Blue"]Anime has taught me: 1. Humankind can't gain anything without offering anything in return. That is the first law of equivalent exchange. 2. Be loyal, be brave, be honest, and NEVER give up, EVER. 3. The power of bravery can make 0% into 1034%! Even your limbs are cut off! 4. DO NOT EVER LET 4KIDS GET THEIR DIRTY HANDS ON ANY ANIME! 5. Some ninjas wear orange. 6. "Naruto" dub: BAD. "Fullmetal Alchemist" dub: GOOD. 7. Don't start a fight unless you intend of finishing it. 8. Your friends are just as important as your family. 9.Dragonballs make great paperweights. I could go one, but it would be half-past March if I did.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Blue"]Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who likes this movie. It was better than "X3", I'll tell you that. I saw some inspiration from the comic, even though a few liberties where taken. The big one that got was: "Isn't Sabertooth blonde?" And yet, he's not in this movie. Besides that, it was an enjoyable movie.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Blue"]I've had a copy of MVSC2 for the PS2 for a loooong time now. I'm going to hold on to it. But I am tempted to see what it would look like in high-def.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Blue"]No, No, I don't think that's the case. I think it means that they own the rights to Wolverine and characters via media launches. You know, animation, movies, video games, etc. Marvel still has the main rights via the comic, but the media rights belong to Fox.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Blue"]Hello out there. Ah yes. It's the silliest tv show ever made by modern man to grace the screen. MONTY PYTHON. Since 1969, they have been making us laugh so hard we'd...uh...do something when we laugh too hard. After the tv show, and four films, we are still laughing. Some people are still laughing, and had to be taken away to the loony bin. But there is a method to this madness. It's a very smart show if you can look beyond the absurd humor. They respect the viewers intellegence, saying "We think you are smart enough to get this joke." It's such a well done piece of work, we can really laugh at it and ourselves when watching this. They don't try to bombard the viewer with too much or try to overdue anything(Yeah, I'm talking to YOU SNL!), keeping it to a good amount of fun. What are your favorite monty python movies? Who do you like on the cast? What are your favorite monty python bits?[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Blue"]I've seen lots of movies in my life. Many of which were really stupid. Here's the top five stupidest movies I've ever seen: "Jaws The Revenge" What a load of crap this one was. The producers beat this dead horse to death. The shark was hardly in the movie. And when it was, it wasn't really scary in any way. The shark even goes "RAAAAARRHH!' in one part. What? Not even Michael Caine could save this movie, and he's Michael Caine. Near the end of the movie, Caine falls off a boat, and when he gets pulled aboard, his clothes are magically dry. That must be some kind of magic clothes. "Batman and Robin" Moving on.... "Hulk" Not enough action, it was kind of dull, there wasn't much to like about it. At least the new one was good. "Scary Movie 3" They try WAY to hard to funny in this movie. It's just throwing everything they can think of at you at break-neck speed. Instead of trying to enjoyable like the "Naked Gun" movies or "Airplane!" They just consider everyone in the audience had seen the movies they are parodying, and just over do it. "Employee of the month" I was forced to see this movie. For a school assignment on "improper actions in the workplace." What? Are you kidding me? It was horrendous from start to finish. Did you think a movie with Andy Dick, Jessica "chicken of the sea" Simpson, and Dane Cook would be entertaining? I didn't laugh at all, and NO ONE could act in this. That goes double for Jessica. She's TERRIBLE. Dane Cook happens to be a friend of a friend of mine, I might add. Dane's from Boston, and we New Englanders got to stick together, right? Well, Dane, you know I love you man, but no more acting. Stand-up. That's it. Stand-up. Jessica? Please GO AWAY. All you got going for yourself is your looks. Don't see this movie. It's bad for your health.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Blue"]Hey out there. If you could be a pro-wrestler, what would your persona be? Would you be a good guy or a bad guy? What would your outfit look like? For me, I'd be a super-hero persona. I'd call myself "Blue Thunder"! I'd have a costume that's mostly royal blue, and silver, with a mask and a silver cape. I'd come out to the ring and I'd say: "Do you hear that, evil doers? There's a storm coming in!" I'd climb into the ring, and give a speech like "I am BLUE THUNNNDERRR!!! I have come to face the evil of (place WWE bad guy name here)! I will bring you down! You will face the hand of mighty justice! Blue Thunder is here! Blue Thunder is alive! And I will bring you JUSTICE!! Can I get a "BOOO-YAAH!"?! That's me. I coming for YOU Randy Orton!! So, what do you guys think?[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Blue"]Hey out there everyone. So the other day, a guy whom I met up at an otaku themed party at a bar, told me that there was a sale on anime at Best Buy. Well, I dropped by a Best Buy in my area, and there was this 50% off sale on anime there. The store was getting rid of it's anime section. I was upset about this, because most anime I get comes from Best Buy. There's an anime store not to far from my place, but they don't have everything, and newberry comics only gets what anime they can. So I asked them to call another Best Buy in the area, and they were having a sale too. But it was a sale on select anime titles. That's good to hear. The problem I have reguarding this is that nearly every store that sells movies and all is bankrupt on the verge of it because Best Buy has been killing it in the market. Suncoast is gone, Circuit City is gone, and FYE is nearly out of business. Has there been any anime sales at Best Buys around your neck of the woods? Have your Best Buys gotten rid of their anime? What do you think? [/COLOR]