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Everything posted by Dragonboym2

  1. [COLOR=Blue]"Quick men, before the buffet closes!" "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Blue]Don't forget one of the coolest things about AC besides the full customation, is taking your custom mecha and going against a freind with a custom mecha. It makes things very unquie and fun. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Blue]For me, it's the action, the sci-fi, the mecha, storylines, and the characters that I think attracts us to Gundam. Gundam shows us that war isn't all black and white. There are many grey areas, and people on both sides with good and bad intentions. In the original, we see the Zeon dropping a colony on the earth, destroying most of Australia. We get the feeling that the Zeon are evil, but not really. They just want to govern for themselves away from Earth's control. Another exsample would be Traize Kushranada from GW. He's polite, well spoken, a gentlemen, good to women and children, and noble. But he thinks that mankind prospers and grows through wars and conflicts. He sees it as a noble pursuit. That's an interesting way of putting it. The stories and characters are complex. Each seires has very human veiws on wars, fighting, and why we fight. I also think that the mecha itself is a big part of it. The Gundams are very unique from eachother, in design, use, and pilot. We keep coming back for all these reasons and more, and I guess we always will. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Blue]Thanks very much for the complaments. I'm working on chapter one, part two. But I need to get a look at Batman Beyond to describe the technolgoy and stuff. Does everyone have hover cars? Or still drive on the street? I made the Jokerz a threat, and not a running gag. And there are going to be many flashbacks to Bruce's heyday. I hope that you will like the next part. Oh yeah. I was a little dissipointed with "The Return Of The Joker". It was good but...it had flaws. I'm going to redo that too. Did you see my new thread on "What I've been working on part two" yet? BTW, get this. I found a live-action Batman Beyond short film done by High School/College Students on a DVD of Batman short films I found at a con. Alot of the films were very good. But the DVD is bootleg so your not going to find it at Tower Records. Again, thanks for the comments. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Blue]I think Linkin Park is a great band. They have a great and unquie sound that never ceases to amaze me. I have reason to think they might be anime fans. In their "Somewhere I belong" video, there are some Gundam models on the bearu. I was also told before they became big, they recorded the theme song to DBZ (The old theme when Pioneer owned the rights to the show.). Did you see the video to their song "Breaking The Habit"? Great video. Right up there with Daft Punks videos done by Matsumoto-Sama. I can also relate to most of their songs. "Somewhere I belong" really speaks to me. I had a situation like that in High School. Does anyone else relate to their songs? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2 [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Blue]I put up a new "What I've been working on" thread. "What I've been working on part two." So I can still have all that stuff I wrote posted. Feell free to check it out, and tell me what you think. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Blue]Vlad was a Romainian prince centuries ago. He was known for his bloodlust in battle, and I think later he became king. But I heard that he did horendous things during his reign. And was given the nick name "The Impailer" for how he impaled his enemies on long sharp pikes *Spoiler( Like Alucard did to Incognito). In modern day Romaina, there are very superstitus and relegious people who don't even talk about or go near Vlad's castle. They say it's a place of great evil, and death. Creepy, huh? I would like to see his castle one day. Oh, BTW what langauge do they speak in Romaina? Dutch? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Blue]Hey out there! A shout out to my supporters Kabapu, and Nebackenezzer. :D Because of accidently double posting, I'm relaunching my thread. I had alot of ideas for fan-fics of late. Tell me what you think. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: THE TRIAL OF CHAR This takes place after "Char's Counterattack." Char was captured, and is put on trial for his crimes. We also get to see characters from 8Th Ms Team, 0080, 0083, Zeta Gundam, and Gundam ZZ, and see what they have been up to. A couple are dead, a couple are alive, but I put it on hold, because I havn't seen Gundam ZZ yet. ROBOTECH II: THE SENTINELS/THE RED VIPER CHROCNILES In this story, a young REF pilot joins up and gets flung head long into the Sentinals War. His name is Jamie Franks and he gets put in a squadron of Veritechs and Destroids. He has to deal with the horrors of war, the loss of freinds, and the seemling invincible Invid forces. Jamie is constantly trying to live up to the legacy of his father who was a hero during the first Robotech War. DBZ/YU YU HAKUSHO A team up for the ages! I'm still working on this, but I'm not sure about how they both meet. I know it's going to be cross-dimentional though. But I'm not sure how to do it. Maybe ala DC's "Crisis On Infinite Earth" maybe? Does anyone have any ideas? BATMAN BEYOND This is a more mature look at Bruce Timm and Paul Dini's futuristic super hero adventure. It's darker, more graphic, more violent , I even tackle how the rest of DC univerce is doing, and what happened to Batman's allies. I have Chapter one/ Part One up on the OBs. Take and look, and tell me what you think. [COLOR=Blue] MARVEL VS. CAPCOM The heroes you know and love from the video games (and a few I added like the Fantasic Four, Bishop, Lady Deathstrike, Mega Man X, Zero, Sigma, and Dante. Plus a few others.), in a battle royale! Place your bets! [/COLOR] SCENE SWITCHERS Think of this as "Sliders" meets "Quantum Leap", meets anime. This is the story of a guy named Kevin who gets transported to different anime worlds. He appears in Gundam Wing, Ruroni Kenshin, Saiyuki, Cowboy Bebop and many more. He has the strange ability to adapt to each world he goes to. He has no idea why, but it happens. (But he never shows up and ruins storylines. So nothing gets changed in the end.) I'm still hard at work on Chapter one. Nebackenezzer has helped me out with a few ideas. Thanks, Nebackenzzer. But feel free to send in your input. That's it. What do you guys think? Have you read my "Batman Beyond" works yet? Let me know if you have any ideas, or comments. But send them all to this thread. Thanks! "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Blue] :animeangr What the Hell? My thread "What I've been working on" has been closed. Great. I was enjoying our disscussion on that thread. Because I made a double post. I was telling people that I put up "Batman Beyond" chapter one part one, and I was told that double posts are not acceptable. So I no longer have the liberty of doing double posts. So, how am I going to discuss my fan-fic works and etc now? If I start a new thread, for it, I'll get kicked off maybe. Any one got any ideas? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2 [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Blue]Some of the parts are metal. (Bolts, screws, etc.) Is it strong enough for metals? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  11. Batman Beyond: A retelling I?ve seen the animated spin-off ?Batman Beyond?, on the WB network many years ago. But I had many problems with it. I liked the ideas, and most of the characters, but it wasn?t what I hoped it to be. It wasn?t as dark as I hoped, or as well done as Bruce and Paul?s previous works with ?Batman The animated Series.? That was great show, well written, well designed, and it worked on many levels. But no one ever died. For example, the Joker, a psychotic killer, never killed anyone. As an old co-worker once said ?He?s the Joker! He kills people!? Geeze. At least in ?The New Batman/Superman Adventures?, he talked about doing it, and tried to do it. I?m going to change that. I?m writing a retelling of ?Batman Beyond? how it should have been. Dark, action packed, violent, and it will answer the questions that never got answered in the series. What happened to Dick Grayson? When and how did Alfred die? What about most of the villains? What about the other heroes of DC? Well, have a look, and enjoy. I hope it?s to your liking. Chapter One part one: Endings? Gotham City, November 15, the near future It was another dark brisk windy fall night in Gotham. On the south side of town in a warehouse overlooking the Warf, Jack Lornan lit a cigarette while eyeing his three hostages. Two young women, both tied and gagged on the floor in their underwear, like some kinky bondage film. And a younger man, also in his underwear lying next to them. Lornan smiled. Their old man Mr. Ben Rapstonn was on the richest men in Gotham. He?d pay through they nose for his kids back safe and sound. Besides, he told Rapstonn if he went to the police, he?d kill them both. He wasn?t bluffing. He killed hostages before. And that?s why he was in Blackgate for those horrible years. But he was sprung on good behavior. Good thing his parole office had a weakness for booze. Got him a years worth of Schnapps, and all was well. He had ten men watching the grounds outside. If anyone came snooping, he?d know. But Lornan was bored stiff. Two hours and not one phone call. One more hour to go, or the kids are dead. He could get the call anytime, now but still boring. He then got an idea. He put out his smoke, and walked up to the oldest of the girls, his cowboy boots thudding on the dirty wood floor. She had long blonde hair, and green eyes. Her faces was round and supple like an apple. And she had powder blue panties, with matching bra. He knelt down, still grinning, reaching for the powder blue panties. He wondered if she was a virgin. Oh, well. Time to have some fun. The walkie talkie on the table squalked to life. ?Boss! We got trouble!? Gun fire echoed in the backround. Lornan got fusterated and ran over to the walkie-talkie. ?This better be goddam important.? He shouted into it. ?Boss! It?s him! He?s..? It went dead. The door swung open, and one of his men ran in white as a sheet. ? It- it?s a bat! A- A giant bat! ? He looked up to see a dark shadow behind him. He went down swiftly, and Lornan got a good look at was behind him. He was six feet tall, with pale glowing white eyes staring at him. A large red bat was stretched across his chest. He was entirely dressed in jet black, with large pointed ears at the top of his head. Lornan froze. ?Y-You?!? He back away, while Batman slowing came toward him. ?It?s over.? He said in a gravely low voice. ?Let the hostages go. You can?t run from me.? Loran pulled out his gun from his faded denim jacket, pointing right at Batman?s chest. There was a black and red blur, and the gun was knocked easily from his hand. Loran?s face met a black fist, and he felt his teeth shatter under the force of the blow. A kick met his gut, sending him flying backward sprawling on the floor. Batman walked slowly toward the hostages. He then suddenly stopped and started coughing and sputtering. He fell to one knee wheezing like a broken carburetor. ?I?m?going..to..get you out..of here..? he gasped. Then, a sharp blow came to his right temple. He fell over. Lornan was standing above him, bleeding at the mouth from the punch he took, and holding a large crowbar. ?Your dead, you fucking freak!? Lornan snapped. Batman?s right arm felt numb. He tasted blood in his mouth. ?No?? He thought. ?Don?t let it be a stroke.? Batman was too weak to even move his legs. He noticed on the floor near him, Lornan?s gun. It was the only way. No. No guns. Never. But if he died here, Gotham will go to Hell, and these kids will maybe die. And all the other nine million in Gotham, they would be in more danger than ever. Batman used what was left of his strength, and picked up the gun, pointing it right at Loran. Loran?s eyes opened wider in fear. ?No. God, No! Don?t shoot! No!? Loran dropped the crowbar, and ran out the open door. Sirens. The police had come just in time. Batman struggled to his legs, tilted his head at the skylight, and fired his jetboots. The momentum launched him upward and out, and he used the suits wings built into the arms to get him to the awaiting Batmobile that was safely hidden. Batman landed in the Batmobiles open canopy that he activated my remote control. The canopy closed, Batman removed his mask. ?Home.? He spoke into the computer. The Batmobiles engines roared to life, and sped off into the dark. Bruce looked at himself in the mirror. He was getting to old for this. His hair was steel grey, and he features withered. He was about what, seventy-nine? The Batmobile made it?s way into the dark cavern called the Batcave at last. Bruce got out of his trademark vehicle, and looked around the cave. The computer crays. The crime lab. The giant penny. The mechanical T-Rex. The giant joker playing card. His weapons lab. The hanger to the Batwing. The underground tunnel to the Batboat. The Robin costume. It was time to let go. He broke the one rule that he never broke. No guns. It was even the same model gun that took everything from him that fateful night. He took off his costume, changed into his evening clothes, and put his suit in a tall glass chamber. He gazed at it. He was once the best hero Gotham has had. Now, he felt that he failed his city. He climbed up the long stone staircase, and took one last look at the cave. ?Never again.? He said, shutting the door behind him. Tim Drake was having a good time seeing his old friends again. A few years ago, he left Batman?s side to join a new superhero team in San Francisco called ?The Teen Titans.? The cybernetic powerhouse Cyborg. The green skinned animal morphing joker of the group Beast Boy. the mysterious psychic Goth, called Raven, and his girlfriend. The alien princess Starfire. They had many adventures together. Tim remembered the time they saved the Japanese pop rock duo Puffy Ami Yumi from British super villain Mad Mod, who wanted sixty million pounds for their safe return. The girls were so grateful; they even recorded a theme song for the Titans, to say thanks. And Yumi kissed Beast Boy. He brings that up as much as he can. ?Go Beast boy! Who got kissed now? Who?s a Japanese chick magnet? I got kissed now! Get funk-key!? He?d sing. That drove Raven nuts. The Titans were growing up, and changed their name to just ?The Titans? in that case. Tim was out for lunch with Starfire, enjoying Star?s favorite Earth food, double pepperoni pizza. Tim saw a familiar motorcycle pull up to the curb of the restaurant thought the window where he was sitting. ?Hey!? Tim smiled again. ?What is it, Rob..I mean Tim?? Star said. The door to the café opened up, and a tall dark haired man walked in. ?Dick!? Tim said. ?Hey, Tim. How?s it going? Star?? Star smiled. ?Dick Grayson! My heart is a float with a million Gojubs in a Famitar to see you!? She laughed. ?It?s good to see you too, Star.? He looked at Tim. ?Can I see you for a minute, Tim? In private?? He led Tim outside. ?What?s up, Dick?? Dicks face became deadly serious. ?It?s about Bruce.? ?Why? What?s wrong?? ?It?s over Tim. He?s given up.? ?What?! Are you kidding?! But he?s?? Dick shook his head. ?It?s over. He broke rule number one.? Rule number one. Everyone who worked with Batman knew that rule. No guns. Even picking one up and pointing it was unheard of. ?Did he fire it off?? ?No. But still.? Tim sighed. Even since Alfred died many years ago of old age, Batman changed. He became more and more obsessed with his holy mission. He would go for days without sleep to get work done. He pushed himself too hard, even made many mistakes that nearly cost him his life. Barbra got fed up, and left. Dick went to Gorham?s sister city, Bludhaven to make a name for himself there. Tim continued his time with the Titans, while Batman forged on. ?Hey, Dick?? ?Yeah?? ?Remember the time Bruce, Babs, and you teamed up with the Titans to stop Slade?? ?Oh,yeah.? Dick said grinning. ?Beast Boy nearly wet himself when Bruce showed up.? ?He has that effect on people.? ?Yeah.? Dick leaned against his motorcycle. ?He beat the living shit out of Slade. And unmasked him.? He turned to Tim. ?I thought you were gonna do that.? Tim looked into the café, and Star smiled and waved back at them. ?At least I disarmed that bomb Slade planted saving the city. That was just as important.? Dick nodded. ?And a year later, The Teen Titans, and the Justice League.? Tim laughed. ?That was cool. BB, and Vic bowing down to Wonder Woman, calling her a walking work of art.? Dick looked up at the night sky. ?And Superman. You guys acted like you met Jesus, or something.? Tim lowered his head. ?Yeah. Does Clark know?? ?He knows.? Tim felt like crying. ?He..can?t?Oh God.? Dick knew how he felt. ?I think you should stay with the Titans, Tim. They need your strength and leadership. Dick?s pager went off. ?Uh-oh. Trouble. Gotta go. Say goodbye to Star for me, okay Tim?? Dick placed his helmet back on head, and leapt onto his motorcycle. He gunned the motor, and sped away into the dark night. Tim turned around, and went back inside the café. Star just got the check. ?What is it, Tim? You look like a Golvian Toople that got his sv?mn cut off by a Golok.? Tim pulled out his wallet, and paid for the check. ?It?s Batman. He quit.? Star?s eyes widened. ?No..Oh my God.? Tim stood up. ?Let?s head back to the tower. We have to tell the others.? Star was just as saddened by this news. Batman did more for them than anyone knew. His guidance, his teachings helped forge Tim into a great leader, a great friend, and a hero. The news will be taken hard. ?Yo! Tim! How did the date go?? Cyborg asked when Tim?s motorcycle pulled into the Titans Tower headquarters. Tim got off the motorcycle, taking off his helmet. ?Cyborg, get the others together. I have some news to tell all of you.? Star took off her helmet, and followed Tim upstairs. Cyborg didn?t like seeing Star sad. She was always so upbeat, and cheerful. This must be bad. The Titans living room overlooked the ocean, and was breathtaking all the time. But tonight, it seemed melancholy. Raven, Beast Boy, Cyborg, and their newest members Speedy, and Aqualad were all there to join Tim and Star. ?So, what?s this all about? I was getting the high score on F-Zero FX3.? Beast Boy said. ?Speedy was working on his arrows, Aqualad was swimming laps, Cyborg was working on his wheels, and Raven was brooding. You know she hates it when someone interrupts her brooding.? Tim slumped in a chair next to Star. ?It?s about Batman. He..He..quit.? The room went silent. They all remembered meeting Batman for the first time. He came out of the shadows like a ghost. He stood with a commanding stature. He took no crap from anyone. He even seemed to have darkness and shadow follow him everywhere. Beast Boy nearly wet himself when he just showed up in Titans Tower. Raven won?t admit it, but even he scared her. ?Dude?? ?No..? ?Impossible.? ?It can?t be..? ?Un-freakin-belviable.? Tim nodded. ?Yes.? No one must of spoke a word for about five minutes. Cyborg put a steel hand of Tim?s shoulder. ?Is there anything I can do?? Tim just sat there silently. ?He was like a father to me. They were all like family to me. Losing one was hard enough but..? Beast Boy spoke up. ?C?mon, Tim! We?re your family too, ya know! We?re here for ya, you know that! Your not gonna give up, are you?? Tim put his head between his hands. ?Well? Are you?? Tim sat up. ?No. No I?m not. He may have quit, but I have not. We?re going to have to work extra hard now. Titans, we will carry on. We have to do this. For me, and for him.? ?Amen to that.? Cyborg said. ?We?re with you!? ?We rock!? ?It will be an honor.? ?CAKKO-NI-DO!? ?I agree.? Tim smiled, but he couldn?t ignore the pain he was feeling. ?Thanks, guys.? He stood up. ?But, I need to be alone for awhile.? Tim left the living room, to the darkness of his room. He had a lot of work to do, and he knew it was going to be a long hard trip for all of them. The Watchtower. Headquaters of the Earth?s greatest heroes, the Justice League of America, AKA The JLA. The Watchtower was in Earth?s orbit, constantly watching for trouble of any kind, from anywhere on Earth. The technology on board was like out of a science fiction movie. With teleporters for each member of the League, that could teleport them aboard in a matter of minutes no matter where they were on Earth. The Flash was on monitor duty today. Or was it tonight. Flash would lose track of time because of the endless night sky stretched before him. He looked at his watch. Ten thirty PM Eastern slandered. Flash put his hands behind his head. Will midnight ever come? He was looking forward to watching The Tonight Show. The Flash or Wally West wasn?t the most patient of the JLA. He was the fastest man alive, regardless of all the other speedsters out there. The JLA was now about eight members these days. There used to be many, like almost every Meta human in the world worked for them. But some died, some retired, some made their own super teams, and others went solo. Oh well. At least it?s quiet now. Especially with out those losers, Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, and the Englongated Man. He liked to call them ?The Super Dorks.? Booster hated that. Who was on the team these days? Him, Superman, Green Arrow, Batman, Green Lantern, J?onn J?onez, Plastic Man, and Hawk Girl. Wonder Woman left the team a while back, because of what happened to her people. And wouldn?t you know it, she blamed Clark for the League not being there in time. Very sad what happened. And Diana was hot too. SMOKING hot. Oh, well. That?s life for a super hero. The emergency light meeting light on the control panel lit up. ?Finally!? Wally thought out loud. ?Some action!? He was in the meeting room in 2.4 seconds. The JLA was all assembled in the meeting room, except for Batman, but he always popped up when you least expect it. Flash took his seat next to Kyle Rahner, the current Green Lantern, who was drawing away on a white note pad. Kyle was an artist, and he loved to draw, but he didn?t do this much at meetings. Superman cleared his throat, and everyone looked right at him. ?I have some bad news.? He said sounding disappointed. Wally didn?t like this. He looked like Darkseid destroyed Metropolis or something. ?About Bruce.? He lowered his head. ?Huh? What?s up Big S?? Plastic Man extended his head to Superman?s side. ?Why the long face?? Plastic Man made his face four feet long to follow up the pun. ?Eel, Please.? Hawk Girl interrupted. ?What happened? He?s not?? ?No.? Superman finished. ?He?s not dead. He quit.? The room went silent. It was hard to news. ?Did you try to talk to him?? Kyle said. ?Yes. But his mind is made up. He quit because he broke rule number one.? ?No killing?? Hawk Girl asked. ?No.? J?onn answered. ?No guns. Besides, Bruce is getting old, as most of us are. But a lot as happened to him in the last thirteen years.? Superman stood up, and walked to the window overlooking the Earth. ?First Diana leaves, and now Bruce quits. We have to carry on our mission to protect people.? He turned back toward the JLA. ?We have to carry on. Bruce was one of the best we had. With out his mind, we will be in for a tougher time. But we must and will prevail. We don?t have much time to dwell on this loss. Times will be tough. Shifts will be longer, and we may have to call the reserve members more often. We will get though this. God knows we have before.? Five minutes of silence passed. Everyone got up, and went back to their duties. Superman stayed behind to look out at the Earth. J?onn came to his side. ?Do you need some company?? ?No, J?onn.? Superman sighed. ?I need some time alone.? J?onn nodded and left the room. Superman looked at Batman?s empty seat. ?Sorry Bruce.? He said silently. END PART ONE.
  12. [COLOR=Blue]The anime that really dissipointed me would probably be G-Gundam. Ummm..This is Gundam, NOT Street Fighter, or DBZ thank you. Giant robots and DBZ don't mix. The Gundam designs were just laughable. The Kyack Gundam? The Mermaid Gundam? The Bull Gundam? Some one must of been on somthing. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Blue]I'd say, 50/50 as well. A know a couple fan girls, and my old club had a few. As for guys, I didn't know any who had crushes on an girl anime characters. It's a little odd, isn't it? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Blue]My hair's dark brown. It's a nice color, but I wanted to dye the back blue. I'm not sure how to do that, though. Can anyone help me out? Blue is my favorite color, BTW. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Blue] That must have been cool. When was this? I hate to say it, but I never heard of that band before. They underground? I never hugged or glomped anyone famous before. Well, there was this one time... I was at a con a couple years back, and there was this tall blonde girl dressed as a pink fairy. She was sitting at a table, and every now and again, she'd get up and talk to some people. I opened a door for her, and she turned to me. She said "Well, aren't you a gentlemen." "No problem." I said. Later on, I looked at the guest list. And I saw a picture of that girl. She was Hudson Leik from "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys" , and "Xena: Warrior Princess". She plays Callsito. Whoa. I opened a door for Hudson Liek. She's even prettier in person. :D And I have instant respect for anyone who works with the Groovy One himself, Bruce Campbel. You ever been to any cons? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Blue]Hey thanks Gaarasgirl. I appreate the complament. I'm still working with it at the minute. I have to get through Chapter 1 first, then I'll post it. I do a lot of writing. I even wrote a couple reviews for my school newspaper. But only one was published. It was a review of last years best selling Batman storyline "Batman: Hush". I can put it as an add on if you want to read it. My other review was on "Hellsing." It should've been published. Have you seen my thread on OB Anthology about what I've working on in my fan fic writings? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Blue]I never really cried while watching an anime, but I have been moved very much. In Trigun (*Spoiler) when Vash was forced to kill Delgato. Vash never killed anyone, no matter how evil or vile they are. But Delgado gave Vash little choice, or his freinds would die. It was quite an impact. It also made Vash realize that he can't keep running, and face his psycotic brother Knives once and for all. In Gundam Seed(*spolier). Kira spotted a ZAFT mobile suit scout while checking the area for enimies while The Archangle resupllied at the bombed out colony. He knew if he didn't stop it, ZAFT would find them, and come down hard on them. He had no choice but to destroy it, and kill the pilot. He slammed his fists into the control panel in fustration. He deeply hated what he had to do. DBZ when (*spoiler) Goku desided to go on to the afterworld, and leave the others behind. Gohan just beat Cell, and Goku thought that most of the trouble that happened of late is because of him, so it's best that he stays dead. He told Gohan he had complete faith in him, and was very very proud of him too. Wow. What a guy. I get moved alot by cetain moments in animes. I could list them all, but that would take a couple months. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Blue]I havn't really read many, but I have been working on a few of my own. BTW, I have a thread that exsplains what I've been working on of late. My latest work would be a retelling of Bruce Timm's and Paul Dini's "Batman Beyond." I was dissipointed with the show, so my version is what I think it should've been. I kept all the characters and plot points in there so not everything is changed. I made Terry bigger, and more troubled. I had made the Jokerz more dangerous instead of a running gag. I detailed more of Terry's father's muder etc. I havn't posted any of my works yet, but when I do, I hope you'll read them. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Blue]Hey there again! It's your old freind Dragonboym2. What games featuring mecha do you like the best? Which ones are the worst? Why do you like and/or dislike them? For me, the mecha games I like are: Front Mission 3 and 4-Decent plots, characters, and twists and turns. I like the mecha involved, with a more realistic approach, and the turn based combat. R.A.D.-A tribute to old school mecha anime, with some Evengelion thrown in there. The mecha are huge, and take alot of imspriation from Mazinger Z, Macross, Southan Cross, Giant Robo, etc. Gundam: Federation Vs. Zeon-Addictive gameplay, many modes, voices, characters, and music from the seires, and you can play both sides, with all available mobile suits for it. You can even take part in battles from the series. Xenosaga-Wonderfully made, a great story, complex characters, and the mecha look really good too. Zone Of The Enders 1 and 2-Part Gundam, part Evengelion. The mecha have great looks, and the graphics and voice are some of the best I've ever seen. The story is very involved, and has surprise after surprise. Robotech: Battlecry-For fans of the series, a must have. It goes along with the Macross saga with lots of new characters, and addicitve gameplay. The cel shading makes it look just like the anime. Xenogears-A RPG that is one for mecha/anime fans. Great design, mecha, story, and cut anime scenes make it a must have. What do you guys like? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Blue]Hey out there. It's Dragonboym2, and I'm having some trouble with building my GW Wing Zero Custum Perfect Grade model. It's a great model, but so far all I got is the legs, and the weapons. The arms I have to put back together because I put them together wrong, and for some reason the screws they gave me for the arm joint won't go in all the way. But the biggest deal I have is, that putting things in there. I put in a screw, and turn it over put in another screw, and it falls out. I need some way to keep them in place, so I can finish this thing. From there, I can finish the damn arms, and go on to the lower torso, upper torso, etc. Can anyone out there give me some advice? I would like to get it done, so I can get a Zeta Gundam PG. Thanks, I appreate it. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Blue]Another show I started to think about was Mazinger or as it was know over here in the States- TranZor Z! Truly a classic giant robot anime. Yeah, I used to watch that show too. I miss it. It should be on DVD by now, along with "Saber Rider And The Star Sheriffs". Those were cool animes. I'd like to see Robotech back on the air. But I did hear that a new series is in the works called "Robotech: Shadow Hunters". Cool. :D My childhood hero, the mighty VOLTRON! I'm still a big fan of Voltron. I have the new comic, and when I was a kid I had a super deluxe Voltron (lion force). Nobody had it, but everyone wanted it. But I HAD IT. Put Voltron back on t.v. Why isn't Voltron on DVD yet? :animeangr Last and not least, the legend himself "Captain Harlock and The Queen Of 1,000 Years." I have faint memories of that show. Harlock is still one of favorite characters, and he's still cool after all these years. Check out his new series "Space Pirate Captain Herlock: Endless Odessy Outside Legend." "Under my flag I live. And I live in freedom." Damn, I love that line. I used to play the Robotech RPG. Good times. :animesmil "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  22. [[COLOR=Blue]color=blue]I appreate what you said, Kabapu. But, if I was going to make it in to a series of books, I'd have to get permission first. How do you think "Megas XLR" will upset the flow of things? I know that "Teen Titans" won't be involved, because it co-exists with the DC universe, and would upset things. Most anime-inspired american shows would get in the way, like "Code: Lyoko", "Totally Spies!", "Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi" etc, could get in the way. Speaking of DC comics, I'm doing a retelling of "Batman Beyond". I was kind of dissipointed with that show. I liked the ideas, and most of the characters, but it wasn't what I was hoping for. So my version is going to be darker, and more grim. I made Terry more troubled, and not to mention bigger. I made his father's death more violent, and Bruce dosn't sell out to Powers Inc. I have also put in reactions to Batman's retirement from the veiws of the JLA, and The Titans as well. Plus, I exsplain what happened to Dick, Tim, Barbara, and the rest. Plus some other surprises. It's going to be what "Batman Beyond" should have been. I'll post chapter one part one of "Scene Switchers" just as soon as I finish writing and reviceing it. But feel free to send all comments on it at this thread. Thanks! "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Blue]I'm shy around most girls I like. It takes a bit for me to get the courage up to talk to them sometimes. I've never had a girlfreind, but I've had many crushes. But before I get to that, here's what I look for in a girl: Personality-I like anime fans, comic book fans, gamer girls, rocker girls, punk girls, tough girls, free sprits, a good sense of humor, and the freindly type. Or a combination of the bunch. Race-Dosn't matter. Hair-Don't care. Red, blonde, black, brown, long, short, etc. Eyes-Don't care. They could be red, I woldn't mind. Body-Slim, thin, avarage, tall, and athleltic. Religion-Don't care. Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, Wikka, etc. It's not a big deal to me. Intrests-Some of things I like, so we can click. That's me. Most of my crushes didn't end well. One of which we're still freinds, but I only get to talk to her on breaks or vacations. The other, well...I'm attracted to her, but she's taken. But we have some things in common, so we're just freinds. So it's cool. The last one, is doing a student activity at school. That's why I joined, because of her. Also, it's a talent show, and I wanted to read one of my short stories. My Grandpa told me once "A pretty face can do weird things to your brain." He's right. Well, keep in mind that I'm kind of shy. :animeshy: Wish me luck! "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Blue]I've had a orange tabby named Eggnog once. She was adopted from an animal shelter, but mom had her declawed for some reason. She ate a plant in the backyard, and died. That was along time ago. A year later, we got Samantha. Sam was all white with some grey on top of her head. She was adopted from the same place, but she was very nice. She loved people, and loved to be around us. She would sit in front of the door when we'd get home, and spend nights with me. She had a near death escsperience, but two years later, she tried to cross out very busy street, and got hit by a car and died. We really miss her. When we got to out new house, we got a new cat with it. The people who used to live there, couldn't take Winston with them, and left her with us. Winston is all black, and is getting old. Winston didn't like us at first. She would brood all day, and spray on the walls when she got angry. A month later, our neighbors down the street had a litter. I came by to see. They were little new borns, two boys, and three girls. I'd come there a couple times a week, and watch them grow. One day, they could see, and hear at last. They were all over the place. :catgirl: Two were climbing up stairs, one was getting groomed by his mom, and the other tow were playing some sort of game of "King of the Mountin" on the sofa. :catgirl: They were very cute, and sweet too. Most had names. The three children living here named them The youngest called a little Black and white one, "Bark." The two sisters called a black and white one "Freckles" because of the spots on her face. A calico was called "Fuzzy" until she could get a proper name. The oldest, a little oragne one, had no name yet. The runt of the litter, a calico called "Mitzy", seemed to like me. I saved her. You see, the youngest of the children a two year old, picked Mitzy two inches off the floor, by the ear. She squealed in pain, and before their mom could leap into action, I did. I forced him to drop Mitzy, and she fell to the floor. Their mom ran over, and picked Mitzy up, and took her back to the sofa. Mitzy was fine, no damage was done, but still, that was unaccepptable. I desided to adopt Mitzy. We came to get her, and take her three houses back to our place. When we got home, we showed Mitzy to Winston. Winston snarlled and hissed at Mitzy, and ran off. A tertitorial dispute. Mitz went off for a few hours to exsplore. I kept an eye on her to make sure she kept out of trouble, and she did. We had Mitz for many years. She should be full grown, but is smaller than most cats. She is very loving, sweet, and for some reason picked me as her favorite. She spends every night with me, and mom and dad say they think she misses me when I'm gone. Winston and her get along now, but Mitz tries to get Winston to play games with her. No luck. They are part of our family, and they allways will be. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2 [/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Blue]Those are some great ideas. I'm still hard at work at chapter one, where Kevin finds himself during a critical moment in Mobile Suit Gundam. It's when the youngest member of the Zabi family Grama Zabi is betrayed by Char and dies in a kamakazi run of the White Base. Or as the Zeon call it "The Trojan Horse". Kevin gets to see the Gundam in action, and finds himself in the cockpit of a RX-78 (G) type Gundam mobile suit. He has no idea why he knows how pilot it, but he is. And he's going to need it too. The Zeon Zakus have marked him as an enemy, and Char isn't to far behind. He's in trouble...Does that sound like a good begining? Kevin is going to stay for a bit, and gets to see that war isn't all black and white first hand. I'm trying to see if I can fit in an idea I had when some Federation and/ or Zeon troops have an impromtu soccar game with civilions or somthing. Do you think it could work? Oh, BTW a freind of mine thinks I should put "Megas XLR" in there. Megas is american, but very anime inspired. Mostly giant robot anime inspired if you've ever seen it. What do you think? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
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