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Everything posted by Dragonboym2

  1. [COLOR=Blue]Everyone's got some great points. And everyone is right in some way or another. If you ask me, here's how it see it. The shock and trauma of his parent's death killed somthing in him. His father was a respected surgeon, and did many things for Gotham, and her citizens. He was brave, generous, and and it didn't matter about who had inshurance, or how many zeroes on his check. What mattered if he made a difference. Bruce really admired him, as did every one else. (Well, except for Tommy Eliot.) Bruce feels he owes it to his parents. That's what his holy mission is about. He's not just doing it for the world, nor Gotham, nor it's citizens. It's doing it for his parents. His father helped people, and he does too, on his own terms at least. Batman is obsessed with his war on crime. In Alex Ross's and Paul Dini's "Batman: War on Crime", he admited that this is war he knows he can't entirly win. But he does it anyway, to the brink of obsession, because he wants to make sure that no one suffers the same way he did, at the hands of evil. But he puts up a pycological armor that he lets nearly no one penatrate. No fear, no pain, no emtion, no anger. But this leads to the fustration of his allies at some points. Espeailly Nightwing. He has confronted Batman on his behaviors many times. Once during "Bruce Wayne: Fugitive" it even came to blows. Bruce Wayne at the time was framed for murder, and escaped prison. Batman wasn't interested in solving the crime, and clearing his name. He could still go on as Batman. This angered Dick. Greatly. But in the end, he desided he had to listen to his allies, and agreed to solve the crime. And lo and behold, it worked. Thank God for his alllies. Tim (Robin), Dick (Nightwing), Batgirl, Jim Gorden, Oracle (Barbra), Selina (Catwoman), Dr. Leslie Tompkins, and of course his serogate father Alfred. They help him from going off the deep end, or worse. They are his family, he needs them more than he thinks, even though he can be cold to them at some points. But never to Alfred. He knew him since he was a child. Alfred's wit and advice keeps everyone together, though. He's there for all of them, the heroes would be lost without him. [COLOR=Blue]During the story, "Death of the maidens", Batman was given an offer to Help Ras Al Ghul find out who was stealing his lazerous pits. A serum that would let him talk to his parents. He took it, and his folks told him that these things happen, and he need to let go. When he woke, he thought it was all an illusion. Besides, he can't let go. And won't. He's in too deep. If he let go, Gotham or the world would go to Hell without him.[/COLOR] Batman also plays a very important role in the JLA. He's their master stratagist, and will plan, and device every thing that he can come up with. Most League members are a bit spooked by him. Mostly Kyle (Green Lantern, but Hal is coming back! Huzzah!), and Wally (The Flash.). Everyone else escepts him. Superman, Wonder Woman, J'on J'onz, Aqua Man (Who?), and Plastic Man. (PM has tried many times to make Batman laugh. Still no luck.). Once though, Batman's over prepared nature nearly killed the JLA. He studied all of the members, and came up with weaknesses. Talia daughter of Ras Al Ghul broke into the cave, found these files, and gave them to her father. The JLA was nearly killed. Batman belives that Gotham is "His" city. He hates it when other heroes show up to help, or a new hero. His reaction is allways "What are you doing in my city?" Kind of like a knight to a kingdom. And like all knights he must protect it from invaders (the inmates of Arkham) and villians alike. He bends and breaks the rules, but never breaks his ethics. Recently, things changed. (Again.) The was a huge gang war in Gotham that was done accidently by The Spoiler. A girl who has a crush on Robin, and was Robin's replacement when Tim's dad found out the truth and made him quit. Spoiler was fired for going against orders. She found a plan in the cave to untie all of the gangs of Gotham if worse came to worse. She set it up, and waited for the inside man, "Matches" Malone. But Batman never told her HE was Malone. So war broke out. When it ended, Spoiler was killed. Things got worse when Tim's dad was murdered during the "Identity Crisis" mini series. Tim went to Bludhaven, Dick's recovering from a gunshot wound, Oracle's tower was destroyed, putting her out of action, Batgirl left, and Selina...I don't know. So he's alone now. Good luck. In closing, is he insane? A little. A hero? Oh yeah. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Blue]I've see the DBZ AMV to "Down With The Sickness" starring Gohan whupping Cell. But, I heard the entiriety of "Down With The Sickness." Are they singing about what I think they are? An abusive mother? I loved "Voices". It's a cool song, even though it's about voices in your head telling you to kill people. And I liked "Forsaken." An awesome song. It's about vampires, and I like vampires. It suited "Queen Of The Damned", but that was a awful movie. I hear the book was better. I also saw an AMV of "Forsaken" put to footage from "Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust", "Blood: The last Vampire", and of course, "Hellsing". It was a kick *** AMV. And at the end, they had...I think it was Leo Dicaprio doing a speech from "Gangs Of New York." I'm not sure, because I fell asleep while watching the movie one night. And all the Irish accennts sounded to forced. Espeically Dicaprio's. Was that him from "Gangs Of New York", doing that speech at the end of the AMV? My freind Kris says that Disturbed makes GWAR look like girl scouts. Has she ever seen them in concert? GWAR is just a preformence group that THINKS it's a band. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Red] "We do not ask fer yer poor, or yer hungry, we do no want yer tired 'an sick! It is your corrupt we claim. It is your evil that will be sucked by us! With every breath, we will hunt them down. Each day we will spill thier blood, 'till it rains down from the skies! Do not kill, do not rape, do not steal. These are princialbes of which every man of every faith can embrace. These are not polite suggestions! These are codes of behavior, and those who ignore them shall pay the dearest cost! There are very degrees of evil. We are lesser forms of filth, never to cross the bounds and cross over, into true corruption. But if you do, one day you will look behind you and see we three! And on that day, you will live it! And we will send you to whatever God you wish." [/COLOR]-[COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Blue]Was this Dicaprio's speech?[/COLOR] Does anyone know?[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Blue]At the last school I was at, there was this one kid I couldn't stand. His name was Alderson, and he was a ******* moron. He was totaly obsessed with Peter Pan, the movies "Daddy Day Care", and "Richie Rich", and Ashton Kutcher. He also thought EVERY MOVIE IN THE WORLD WAS A COMEDY! Let's see..he thought "Kill Bill", "Robocop", "Das Boot", "The Texas Chainsaw Massacure" were all comedies. He really got me mad when he though that one of the only movies that can make me cry "Schindler's List" was a comedy. I'm serious. I few of us were watching it, and he comes in. "What are you watching?" "Schindler's List". "Is it a comedy?" :animeangr :mad: :flaming: :cussing: What? "NO IT IS NOT A ******* COMEDY YOU ******* ****!" I had to put up with him asking me that question every day for NINE months. I was at my breaking point. No, beyond it. Not just that, but three or four of my dorm mates who were watching with me were Jewish. I nearly beat the crap out of him that day. He would also point out the obvious. The painfully obvious. "It's a book!" "That's a tree!" "That's called a computer!" "It's a lamp!" etc. And he would humilate me. He would rock back and forth and yell out "Vee! Vee! Vee! Vee! Buh! Buh! Buh! Buh! Daddy Day Care! Daddy Day Care! Daddy Day Care! Daddy Day Care!" Or "I want Ashton Kutcher as my brother. He'd understand me." Many, many times. And when I'd go home, (or anyone else for that matter), he's say: "Are you taking the Peter Pan bus home? Off to Never Land! You'll never grow up there! " and he'd start singing "You can Fly." :animeangr I was happy I got to leave. I never want to see him, or hear his annoying voice EVER. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2 [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Blue]I'm Catholic. My dad's family is Italian, and my mom's Irish. Uhh..I'm not sure how Catholism works, but my freind who is very Irish Catholic told me lots of stuff. Like the struggle in Ireland with the UK. And how the British came to Ireland thousands of years ago, and did horrible unspeakable things to the Irish. Recently though, after the recent preist scandal, a lot of Catholic churches in Boston have been shutting down. It makes sense, but still a lot of people don't have a place to pray. I think it's sad really. :( A lot of people are givng up in faith... "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Blue]I think there is nothing wrong with tatoos at all. It's art, and it's a way to exspress one's self as well. I met many people with tatoos. Some were small, some bigger. For exsample, one of the people who I used to take the bus with (Who was very pretty I might add :)), said that she got a tatoo. I asked what was it, and she said a rose, but it looks fake because there was so much color in it. I asked if I could see it, and she said okay. She slowly walked to the back, and showed me. It was a rose tatoo above her left ankle. :wow: Wow. "Nice." I said. It did look a bit fake. "Go ahead." She said. "Huh?" "Touch it." :animeblus "You don't..." "Hey, it's okay. I won't be offended." :animeshy: She wanted me to touch her ankle to see it it was real? It was real, alright. Lots of people here at my school have tatoos. Most of them are small, and cute. But if you want to get a tatoo, it's no problem with me. Just as long as it's tastful. I don't like it if it's somthing sexual, or offensive. I wanted to get a tatoo on my left arm. It was going to be the Kanji for "Courage". Mom and dad went crazy when I told them I wanted one. I work right next to a tatoo/pirceing place anyway. I might do it anyway. But, I'm algergic to pain. They use needles, and I've heard it hurts. I'm going to think about it. What do you guys think? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  6. L[COLOR=Blue]aidies and gentlemen, honored guests, boys and girls...your holyness..,I give you the winner! Envelope please...(Duo hands me the envelope) Thanks. Duo Maxwell, everyone![/COLOR][COLOR=Red] Duo: (to the audience) YO! Keep rockin' baby! [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]The runner up: [/COLOR][COLOR=Green]Strike Gundam[/COLOR]! [COLOR=Blue]And the winner is...Oh my God. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a draw! Between [/COLOR][COLOR=Red]TigerVX, and Kaisha. [/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]Congradulations you two! Come on up and take a bow! Kaisha and TigerVX Everyone! [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Thanks for replying everyone![/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Thank you, and goodnight! [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Blue]That's a good idea. Kevin is looking for a way home alright, but the "jumps" happen at certain points, like "Quantum Leap". But he has no partner that can tell him what he needs to do, if I deside to put that in there. As for stopping a bad guy, that too could work. Hey...:idea:. How about this: He has to repair tears in the fabric of space and time in each world. Because if there's a tear, God knows what could happen. There could a interdimentional flux, or somthing could come out etc. Do you think that could work? I had to restart it recently. Part one was going to be Gundam Wing, but the way I did it didn't follow the plot excastly. Oops. I forgot that the Gundams were in seperate places and not all on the same continnent. So I desided to do the original Gundam as part one. Here's a list of the animes involved (not in this particular order): [/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Mobile Suit Gundam Zeta Gundam Gundam: Char's Counterattack Gundam Wing Gundam Seed Vampire Hunter D Robotech Robotech II: The Sentinels Macross II Cowboy Bebop Trigun Tenchi Muyo! X FLCL Super Milk Chan Ruroni Kenshin Saiyuki Outlaw Star Wolf's Rain Escaflowne .Hack Ghost In The Shell: S.A.C. Star Blazers Captian Harlock Voltron Big O Ronin Warriors The Guyver Mazinkizer Neon Genisis Evengelion Saint Saiya Hellsing Dragonball Z Yu Yu Hakusho Naruto! Last Exile Fist Of The North Star Berserk Demon Lord Dante[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]I have a few others in mind, and there are lots of anime I likem and not all will be in here. (Every Gundam series? Not SD or G, but still...maybe.) I will be posting part one soon, as soon as I'm done writing a final draft, and working on a few other things in there. The title "Scene Switchers" sounds good. Hey, what were the other ones you thought of? Thanks, keep up the replies everyone! Let me know if any of you have any ideas for anything! "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Blue]"We're here live at Spring Break Middle Earth 2005!" "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Blue]Wow, this is hard. I played many great games...Umm, let's see. Ratchet & Clank: It's just fun! :animesmil You get all sorts of cool weapons and gadgets, and blow the crap out of enimies. Plus the humor and story involved make the games even more fun to play. .Hack: Talk about addictive. Weapons, spells, characters, an involving story, it's got it all. Too bad there are only four games. This is good stuff. Soul Caliber II: Pasifisim is so overated. Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! :animesmil :animesmil :D :D It's an awsome game. Need I say more? There are many more, but I'm only aloud three here. Oh well. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonballm2[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Blue]I HATED SD Gundam. With a vengence. It's just...stupid. This show would make Char himself vomit with rage. G-Gundam was to corny and weird. It's Gundam, not Street Fighter! And some of the Gundams looked ridiculously stupid. The Windmill Gundam? The Tequila Gundam? They must have been smoking somthing... All the other series and movies were great! I first saw Gundam Wing. It was a great show, and very interesting. But confusing. I had to get the Tokyo Pop Techical Manual to make sense of it. And in my club, there were rabid fan-girls. One liked Trowa. Two others liked Quatra, one of my best freinds liked Hero, and two others LOVED Duo. They thought he was a God. "Duo! Duo!! Duo!!! EEEEEEEEEE!!!" One of them would sqeal. Okay...It was weird at first, but now, I think it's cute. The first is one of my favorites. It deals with the horrors of war, and how war isn't allways black and white. Even though it's old, it's still one of the best series I've ever seen. Gundam Seed is one of the most human Gundam series I've seen. Kira is torn between his duty, meaning he might have to kill his best freind. It's a hard road he has to walk, but thankfully he's got some good friends to help him out. Plus the fact that there is love, and freindship invovled. I'm looking forward to seeing Seed Destiny. Zeta Gundam is one of the best. It's the first Gundam sequal, and it has a complex and involved plot. It tackles alot of the same points as the first, plus Char reveals that he would like all of mankind to live in space, which is his fathers dream. He takes it to exsteams in "Char's Counterattack", and becomes the one thing he hates most. A tyrant, and a hypocrite. Bravo, four stars! I love all the series and movies, except for SD and GGundam, and I hear that Zeta Gundam is becoming a movie trilogy in the near future. Oh, BTW does anyone know what Gundam series is coming next to the US? Gundam X, Gundam ZZ, Turn A Gundam, Victory Gundam, or Gundam Seed Destiney? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Blue]Recently I've been reading...let's see: Battle Royale: You've seen the movie, now read the book. I really enjoyed it. It was violent, dark, edgey, and somtimes disturbing. But it was an interesting take on trust, loylaty, love, and the way things are for young people somtimes. A great take on socsity, and the so-called "dog eat dog" world. The manga's good too. But a little more extreme in some cases. Superheroes: An anthology book by different authors with very different super beings. From the hilarious to the weird, it's all in there. Mythology: The DC comics art of Alex Ross: Brillient and wonderfully illustrated. A look at Alex Ross and his work for DC comics. From unpublished art, and promotional works, to his thoughts on his favorite DC heroes. This is good stuff. Mobile Suit Gundam: The novelation version of the original Gundam. There are many diffrences in there, like all the battles are in space, and the realationships with certain characters are more in depth. There are also a couple suprises you got to see for yourself. :D The Many Faces of Van Helsing: Another anthology book. Many different stories looking at vampire hunter, Professor Abraham Van Helsing. And no, it's not like the awful Hugh Jackman movie. And sorry but Alucard is not in the book. (Damn.) books I'm getting soon: The Pythons: "It's..." MONTY PYTHON' S FLYING CIRCUS! A in dept look at our daft and silly english sketch comedy. Terry, Terry, Eric, Michael, John, and Gram are all there. A very silly book, for very silly people. If you don't know what I'm talking about, stop reading this, and get out while it's still safe. And now for somthing completely different. :blowup: Jaws: I can't tell you how many times I heard people say: "Jaws was a book?" Yeah, it was a book allright. And it's creepy too. (Teeth. Big teeth.) :eek: Fight Club: I can't tell you about this book. First rule of Fight Club... Electric Jesus Corpse: A comedy horror with craziness galore. The world is overun with zombies, and Jesus has come back with a crazy band of apposals. Ones a pimp, ones a skin head, and ones a geneticly altered super warrior. It has such diollouge as "The carpet was eatting ants. But it would prefer a nice cold Pepsi, or a dog." The collected Hichhiker's Guide to The Galaxy: All the books in one. Read it, it's very funny. ( "FOURTY-TWO!") And bring a towel! (You'l see..) The Ultimate Zombie Survival Guide: How to survive a zombie attack. How to kill them, what weapons to use, and where to go to be safe. I have a suggestion: Get Bruce Campbell. Problem solved. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Blue]This was a radio commerical featuring one the Gods of mirth John Cleese. He was talking about "Kalow And Bowser" toffees. "They are smooth and creamy in your mouth.. I like toffee that's bland and hard you say. Well these aren't I say, they are lovinglt made and shipped from England. Yuck, you say. Why would I want smooth and creamy? Well come along now, I say it's time for your therapy." And now for somthing completely different. :animesmil :animestun ;) :o :animeangr :animeknow :animenose Thank You. And for you fans of bad boy humor here's a radio commerial starring The King Of The ******** (And Boston native), Denis Leary. Man: Okay, Mr. Leary just read the cue crad. Denis: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. (Lights cigerete.) Man: Uh, Mr. Leary, there's no smoking in the sound booth. Denis: (Mocking tone) "There's no smoking in the sound booth." Ahh, kiss my ***. Man: Forget it. Pleae read the cards. Denis: Yeah, yeah. This is Denis Leary. Join me and some of my freinds for the Comedy Central Roast of Denis Leary. There, I said it. I'm outta here. Man: Don't forget to.. Denis: Shut the **** up! I need a beer. Hey, where's my ******* limo!? (Door Slams) Man: Wow. He really IS an asshole. The roast was great, by the way. I loved Jim Breuar's metal version of the Asshole Song. ROCK ON! "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Blue]Hey out there everybody. I had another anime dream. There's this cafe called "Three Aces" not to far from where I live. In my dream (the sky was purple for some reason..) I was at the Three Aces, and Kenshin and Sano were at an oposite table. Kenshin was drinking a milk, and Sano was having a Sam Adams. "Damn!" Sano says. "This is good beer." Kenshin just smiled and nodded. "Hi guys!" I said. "Good Evening." Kenshin replied with a smile. "Yo." Sano said. That was it, however. Why was the sky purple? Keep sending in your replys! Thanks everyone! "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Blue]Hey, it's Dragonboym2 again. What do you think the apeal of Gundam is? Why is it so popular? What do you think makes it stand out? What about it captures our imaginations so well? Send in your replys! Tell the world what you think! "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Blue]I'm from a small Eastern Massachusetts town called Reading. It's not to fancy, but we try. It's about thirty minutes from Boston, so that's a plus. We don't have many famous land marks, except for the old church in town square. It's been there since...the revolutionary war, I think. Recently, our hometown put up a Home Depot, a Chili's Resturant, and a Jordan's Furichure. The Jordan's is amazing. The first floor has all these famous Boston landmarks made out of Jelly Belly Beans. Hence the nickname for Boston, "Beantown." And their all in full size. They also have a replica of the famous "Green Monster" from Fenway Park. It's made all out of dark green jely beans. There's also an ice creame parlor, and a candy shop, a '50's style resturant, and a trapeeze all on the first floor. How cool is that? Upstairs is an IMAX theater. :D :animesmil :D :animesmil Plus furnicher on sale on the top three floors. I need a new couch for our basement playroom. A big one. And a comfy chair. That's my hometown. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Blue]You got to Glomp your favorite singer? Who was it? Any one we know? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Blue]I saw that in the paper too. Those guys are going to kill an action figure! Oh no! but just when they were about to, a super high tech tank crashed through the wall. "I told you guys my friends would come to resuce me!" said Mr. Action figure man. A bunch of guys in crazy millitary outfits lept out of the tank, yelling "YO JOE!!" ("G.I. Joe is the code name for Americas top-secret milltary force. It's purpose to defend freedom against Cobra, a ruthless terrorist orginisation determined to rule the world.")" A vilolent battle ensued, and it was interuppted every fifteen minutes by a commerial. In the end, the villians were defeated, and it was followed by a PSA. Wow. All this in one day. Their good. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Blue]I would like to be a lycanthromorph. You know, a ware creature. For me, either a ware-Tiger or a ware-panter. Yeah, that would be cool. When I transform, I'd have superstrength, agility, super seneses, razor sharp claws, teeth, and regenerative ablities. But I'd still be in control so I'm not a snarling beast. And to transform at will. Besides, imagine all the bad guy *** I could kick. :animesmil "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Blue]I hate it when.. -The Simpsons have another unfunny season. Fox TV, it's time to let go. It's over. The show has had a good run. IT's NOT FUNNY ANY MORE! -I don't get any e-mails for about...forever. (No e-mails from anyone at all this month. :( ). -SNL has another unfunny season. It's been going downhill for awhile now. -When I get writers block. The thing about writers block is....The thing about writers block is....:huh: -When I run out of soda over here. I got to go out and get more, but it costs money. -I can't get a girl freind. All of the girls I've met recently are all taken. God is pointing at me and laughing. -When people say that I can't reunite with a girl I have a crush on since High School. She's at school now, but still..I know that I can't have her, but I miss her. :catgirl: -When I get a sucky job. Sure I get paid but AAGHHH! It sucks! -When I have no money. Stuff cost money, you know! Like the song says "There is one thing I can garentee, the best things in life sure ain't free!" -When no one replys to my threads. It makes me sad. :animecry: -Somthing I thought would be cool is a big dissipointment. Like "Daredevil" for exsample. Or "Gundam Battle Assult" for the PS1. -I'm not a good artist. I play Warhammer 40k but my paint job is subpar to everyone elses. "Ah. that's one good looking Space Marine. SO HOW COME MINE DOSN'T LOOK LIKE THAT!?" -I can't get this damn Sci-Fi club started. So much peperation. It wasn't this hard last time. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Blue]Dragonboym2 here. I had three ideas for fan-fic of late. I've working on each one, but I'm always revizing and editing them. I'm a good writer, but I could always get better. Well here they are. Tell me what you guys think. Mobile Suit Gundam: The Trial of Char WARNING! SPOILERS AHEAD! After "Char's counterattack " movie, Char has been arressted and brought to trial. We also get to see what the characters from 8tm MS Team, 0080, 00083, Zeta, and ZZ have been up to. Some are alive, others are dead. I'm still working with it. One big reason is that I havn't seen Gundam ZZ yet. Robotech II: The Sentinals The Red Viper Coronicals This story revolves around a young pilot, and his squadron of Veritech and Destroid pilots. Jamie Franks, new to REF and his squad are thrust headlong into the war. Jamie has to deal with the horrors of war, the loss of freinds, and seemly invincable Invid forces. Jamie also is constantly trying to live up to the reputation of his father, the late Joshua Franks. A heroic pilot during the first Robotech War. It co-exists with the novel versions of Robotech II. DBZ/Yu Yu Hakusho I'm still working with this one. How do they meet? Do they fight? I'm thinking about doing it ala DC's "Crisis on Infinite Earths", or somthing else. It's tough. Anyone got any ideas? I don't have a name for this one. Think of it as "Quantum Leap" meets "Sliders". In it, a college student named Kevin is warped into various anime worlds. He has a strange ability to adapt to each world, but he has no idea why. He shows up Gundam Wing, Ruroni Kenshin, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop and others.( But he never shows up to ruin the show or story line. So nothing in the animes are changed at when they end.) I just need a name for it, and Kevin's purpose. Any ideas? Well that's it. Let me know what you think, and if you have any suggestions. Thanks! "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2 [/COLOR]
  21. [color=blue]Hey out there! It's me again, Dragonboym2. What do you think was a better Dragonball series? The orginal itself that introduced us to Goku, Krillian, and a number of crazy characters? Was it DBZ with it's longer series, bigger cast, and incredible battles? Or was it DBGT the follow up that tied everything up? What do you guys think? Who's number one? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2 [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]I merged your thread with the original DBZ/GT one, seeing as the question would be more appropriate to put in there, heh. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b][/color]
  22. [COLOR=Blue]Did you read my review on Hellsing? Did you like it? Feel free to tell me what you though about it Thanks. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Blue]I have the first three volumes of the anime , and I enjoyed everything I've seen so far. Lots of action, great artwork, and I like the humor involved too. Saiyuki follows the story closer than Dragonball does, which is a nice touch. (I'd like to see Son Goku and Goku fight. If it was DB Goku, it would be better matched, but DBZ Goku, Son Goku would be outmatched.) I like the characters too. Senjo is a very unlikely preist. He drinks, smokes, and is constantly yelling at Goku and Gojo. "SHUT UP BACK THERE, OR I'LL KILL YOU BOTH!" Gojo is a huge womanizer, and enjoys a good smoke and a stiff drink. "Hey, Baby. Feel'n frisky?" He'd get slapped for that these days. Cho is very laid back, calm, and polite. "I would be honored if you'd be my opponent." And Son Goku is hyperactive, spunky, loves to fight, and loves to eat. "Are we goin to a resturant Senjo!? Huh?! Huh!? Huh!? Are we!? Are we!?" And Goku and Gojo are always arguing. "Awright! Rice balls!!" "The Beer, Goku! Get the beer!!" That's always fun. I'm looking forward to Saiyuki Reload. I ever met these guys, we're going out for drinks :) . What do you think? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Blue]Two games scared the living crap out of me. 1. Resident Evil: Code Veronica X PS2: The first time I played it, it was just freaky. Dark shadows, moaning zombies, giant insects, etc. That feeling about "Who or what is behind that door?" and "Oh My God! What was that!?" The giant spider near the end scared the **** out of me! I ate it up. Great game. 2. Resident Evil (RM) GC: It was the first, and very scary. I havn't gotten to far, but that feeling of the unknown. Wow, that's freaky. I'm looking forward to RE4. But not until I beat 1-3. Hey, wait a minute. If the S.T.A.R.S. Squad is having so much trouble with zombies, why don't the get Bruce Cambel to help? I'd love to see that. :D "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Blue]I really liked "Heart Of Swords" from "Runroni Kenshin", and "Invoke" from "Gundam Seed" by T.M. Revolution. T.M. Revolution played a live free concert at Otakon 2003. I didn't get to the concert because I was asleep in my hotel. :laugh: I also enjoy "Ride On Shooting Star", and " I think I can" from "FLCL" by The Pillows. Those guys rock! One song that I have no idea who did it, would be "Cool: A world without Logos" the opening theme to "Hellsing". I was in Barns & Noble in Baltimore for Otakon last year, and they played some anime music over the speakers. One of which was "Cool: A World without logos." A girl came up to me and asked me if I knew the name of that song, because she thought it was cool (no pun intended.). I told her the name, and what is was from. She said thanks, and would see if they had it someplace. I told her only at Suncoast, or the con. She thanked me again, and that was it. Anime music is hard to find sometimes, huh? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
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