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Everything posted by Dragonboym2
[COLOR=Blue]First wish: Enternal life! Second wish: To never run out of money. EVER. Third wish: Since I'm such a nice guy, to free the Genie. That's what I'd do. :) "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
Hey everyone! Dragonboym2 allways delivers! Do your thing!
Anime Wow... they're just like me!: Characters you identify with
Dragonboym2 replied to Balinese's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=Blue]If I was anime, it would be hard. Each has a different art style. From cartoonish, to more realistic looking. I'd like to get samples of what I would look like from my favorite manga/anime artists, then deside. My top three would be: Akira Toriyama They guy who did characters for Cowboy Bebop. And The guy who did designs for Gundam Seed. What do you guys think? Oh, as for you Sara I got an idea for a signature for you. How about this:[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green] Kagome: Inuyasha, what are you eatting?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Inuyasha: Some thing I found in the feild.[/COLOR] (takes a bite out of Pikachu.) [COLOR=Red][COLOR=Red][COLOR=DimGray]Inuyasha: Takes like chicken.[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue] "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Blue]I'd like to see your artical, please send me one :) . Panda is right. It is a dream and a nightmare. Comic book fans feel the same way somtimes when their favorite comics become movies. Look at "Daredevil". It was awful. And it's a great comic. "Elektra". Awful. But most comic book movies have been great! I skipped "The Punisher" because I think he is a loon. "Hulk" was...good, but could be better. Have you seen the HBO "Fist Of The North Star"? It was pretty violent, like the manga, but not up to par with the manga, or anime. Also, some Japanese horror flicks have been getting American remakes. Like "Dark Water" is going to get one. I hope they don't do an american version of "Battle Royale." They would butcher it. What made BR so good, but so shocking was that it had teens being played by teens. And not a twenty-four year old playing a fifteen year old boy. I will still hope for a DBZ movie. Oh get this, I hear that a live action "Transformers" movie is in the works. Wow. Cool. :) I wonder who's going to be Optimus? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2 p.s. Great new banner and avatar Panda. Very cute. :) [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]I liked his early stuff, but "Titanic" made me want to go out an eat garbage. Sheeze, the obsession with that movie just wouldn't die! And the ******* STUPID SONG! MAKE..IT...STOP... MAKE IT STOP!!! All I can say about that movie is this: The Boat sank. GET THE **** OVER IT! Well, I a movie based on "Battle Angel" could be good. Just as long they get good actors, stay true to the manga, and a good script. But still, a DBZ movie would be cool. I wonder who would direct. Not Joel Sholmocker, that's for sure. Can't forgive him for "Batman and Robin." How about an Asian action director? Like..I don't know, the guy who did "Versus", or "Battle Royale". To make a good movie, you need a good budget, good cast, good director, producers who know what their doing, and of course a good script. If the writings good, it makes the movie look good. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Well, I have no girfreind I'm afraid. I've had crushes, but nothing beyond that. I went to work, I came back from work, I had dinner, a basic normal day. Besides, the girl I still have feelings for, never returns her e-mails, and I don't know her shcedual, or her number. (Sigh). "Oh, cruel fate! Why must you mock me on this blessed day of love!?" "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
Pic one: Mom: Umm..No, Fido's not dead Timmy...He's resting. Timmy: After getting shot, bitten by a rattlesnake, and having a large rock fall on him? Mom :sweat: Ummm...Yeah.. Timmy: Okay. Just asking. Pic two "And here we have the wilely and elusive Man-Eatting Chair. Or "Eatterous Chairroius". Let's take a closer look..." (It spots them.) :eek: RUN AWAY! 'KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2
[COLOR=Blue]It's a weird one, alright. Well, I was in the backyard of my old house, and I was having a martial arts fight with my brother. Then after a deliver a crushing blow to his face, he falls over backward and gets up, his eyes glowing green. "Wait! Your not my brother! Your Kairota!" "That's right." he hissed in a low threatning voice. "He is now ours!" I charged him, and he picked me up by the throat, and threw me into a tree. I was unhurt, but the tree fell over. I was panting, and I said: "This is going to be a tough fight. I hope that Gohan and Piccolo arrive soon." Okay...I never got to see what happens next though. Pretty odd huh? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]My dad is a high school math teacher at my local high school. He is head of the math department, and is coach of the Reading Rockets High School baseball team. My mom is a figure skating teacher. She used to teach at the Stonam arena. Nancy Kerrigan is actully of freind of the familys. We knew her before the silver metal, and before the...incident. Oh, BTW no Nancy and Tanya jokes, okay? We hated that. We were greatly offended by the worlds comments. As for my teachers, they would be as follows: Mr. Dent AKA Dent He was an old ball player on ym dad's team. He is an old freind of the family's, and is very popular with the students. He teaches U.S. History. That's where I met my freind Akudo Wakasuki. (More on him later. :) ) Dent made our classes fun. Yeah you heard me. School? Fun? Are you crazy? He allways greeted us with saying.."It's good to see your smilinmg faces..." "AGAIN!" We'd all finish, in unisin. He would also play Beatles, music, and James Taylor. Every Friday, he'd play Sinatra. He's very positive, and upbeat. And he's only about, what 31? He made that class alot of fun for me. But that's another story for later :) Ms. X I forget her name. :) I never had a class with her, but all the guys in my class wanted one with her. She was VERY pretty. She was Asian American, and get this: A MODEL. I'm not joking. She's been in alot of Boston newspapers, and catalogs. I saw her again in a copy of the Herald during my freshmen year. I never really got to talk to her, though. Matt Lopes Matt was more than a teacher, he was my freind. We liked comics, video games, scf-fi, horror, LOTRS, Star Wars, etc. It was great. Until one day, somthing changed. Matt is in the Air Force, and he was driving us to school one day. I reminded him that I had some stuff to do, and he bit my head off. Matt had a court order to go to, and instead of someone to cover for him, he thought he could do it himself. I politely told him that I know he's under some pressure, but he has no right to take it out on me. He just erupted. He started screaming at me he called me "Mother #$^&@r," and took out all his anger on me. I just sat there and took it. Later, I told one of head of staff at my school what happened. He thanked me, and when I got to see my dad later. He had a phone call from the head of staff. He apologized on teh schools behalf seven times, and said that it wasn't my fault. He said "Matt's behavior was inexcusable, and unaccepptable. And it resulted in his amedeat termination." He was fired. I haven't spoken to or seen him since. Mr. Croft He was my english teacher. He tought Track, and a class I was in called "Media and adolecent." We basicly watched movies. They were dramaic stuff like "Good Will Hunting", "Higher Learning", "Dead Poets Sociity", "Stand By Me", "A Bronx Tale", "Finding Forrester", and one other but I forget. He was a former Veitnam vet. He was also a big "Seinfeild" fan. He was allways making Seinfield gags. Like he once asked me if I got that PS2 game I wanted, and I said when I got there, they told me they sold their last one. "NEWMEN." He replied. He was fasinated with my knollege of comic books, sci-fi, and stuff. He would ussually bring up Superman. Because Seinfeild likes Superman. We'd spend an entire twenty or ten mintues talking about that stuff. It was fun. These people really made an impact on my life. I see Dent every now again. Croft not for a bit, and Matt...we'll see. "KAMEHAMHEHA!" Dragonboym2 [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]I've seen some crossover work by the great Leji Matsumoto-Sama. In "Galaxy Exspress 999" for exsample had Toshiro, Queen Esmereldas, and of course the man himself Captain Harlock. :D His entrance was just so cool too. Tetsuo was being beat up by a machine man at a bar, and Harlock walked in. The entire bar froze. Harlock grabbed the machine man, breaking his hand. "Barkeep." He said. "Milk please." The barman gave him the milk, and Harlock popped it open, forceing down the machine man's throat to drink it, and rust from the inside. He was also in "Adiu Galaxy Exspress 999" as well. In "The Harlock Saga", The Yamato has a short guest shot at the very end. What else..he had guest shots in "Queen Emeraldas", "DNA Sites 99.9", "Cosmo Warrior Zero", and get this. In the "Galaxy Exspress 999" manga, there was a sean where The Arcadia and The Yamato were side-by-side, flying together to a distant world. How cool is that? :wigout: Matsumoto-Sama does that alot with his animes and mangas. It's a nice touch if you ask me. P.S. Awww..Don't feel that way Duoikari. I like you. :) "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]I thought the Guyver was great! During the anime mini boom during '95, I wanted somthing more mature to watch. Everything seemed to be to cut and edited, or childish, or both. I liked the idea, and I ended up watching the live action version. I was kind of dissipointed with it. The anime was much better. WAY better. But, it was never finished. So, I got the manga, that exsplained what happened next, but it was never finished either. Still, "The Guyver" was great. I just wish they finished it. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
Anime What were the best things that happened to you at an convention?
Dragonboym2 replied to Dragonboym2's topic in Otaku Central
[color=blue]Robocon sounds fun. But I think I have school. And I'm saving up for Otakon this summer. Last year, there was a Robotech/Macross forem. We discussed Macross, it's spin offs, the differences between it and Robotech, etc. I even got to see some footage from Macross Zero. And of course, the ever popular question "Veritech/Valkerie Vs. Gundam." Ooh, good question. Well, Veritechs/valkerines are smaller and faster, but Gundams have more firepower. It could be anyone's fight. My friends and I used to to play the Robotech RPG from Palliduim books. It was alot of fun. We skipped Southarn Cross, and did a little of New Generation. We never got to Robotech II, or Macross II like I hoped. Well, keep sending in replies, everyone! And thanks again! "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2 ------------------ Otakon 2005 is coming up in four months. :D It's in Baltimore Maryland every summer. I've been looking forward to it all year. I hope that this years is as good as the last, or better. Who else is going? Have any of you been to Otakon before? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Blue]Yeah, a more realistic look would be best suited at best. But still, they need the glowing and the bright yellow hair for going super saiyan, right? If not, fans would be dissipointed. I'd be dissipointed. Yes, there are no plans for a DBZ right now, but you never know. I just hope it dosn't take as long as it did with the Spider-Man or X-men movies. Hell, some people out there still want to see a live action "Star Blazers" movie. Well, come to think of it, that would be cool. As long as it stays true to the seiries, and Harlock gets a guest shot. But still, DBZ deverves a movie. [/COLOR] "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2
What Comics Would You Like To Be Turned Into Movies...
Dragonboym2 replied to M.Ali's topic in Noosphere
"[COLOR=Blue]Constantine" looks good, but I hope that they try to keep the comic in mind. Making John American and all is about as far as I hope they go. John also smokes to much, and has a very foul mouth. I hope they remember that. But I'm looking forward to "Batman Begins". The last film was a let down. And I"m a big Batman fan. Love the stuff, have for years. I collect his books, and I love the characters, and I'm looking forward to see what happens when Nightwing tells Batman how Blockbuster died. (Good luck, Dick!) I"m also looking forward to seeing "The Fantasic Four" . I'm not really a fan of theirs, but they done so much for comics, and it's good stuff. Hey, what about "Frank Miller's Sin City"? That's becoming a movie too. I've already seen the trailer. It's got a great cast, and a good bunch of writers. And get this: Terinteno is co-directing. :wigout: It's going to be really good, with such a bunch working on it. But if you ask me, I'd like to see a "World's Finest" movie, and Frank Miller's "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns" as a movie. It's one of the best comics I've ever read. It's very dark, grim, and gritty. For those of you who don't know, it was done back in the mid ninteen eighties. In it, Bruce Wayne has retired as being Batman, but he retakes the mantle when Gotham starts to go to Hell. A gang of young toughs called The Mutants have Gotham undersige, and crime is at an high. Batman is going to stop them, if the world likes it or not. It also has a unquie spin on Batman's relationship with Superman. Miller said that they both have very oppiste views on crime fighting , and the world, so in the real world, they would never be freinds. If you never read it, read it. You'll enjoy it. There's a sequel, "The Dark Knight Strikes Again," but read that second. [/COLOR] "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2 -
Hey, JuiceBoy! Well, Trowa is tall, dark, and mysterious. Girls like a guy with a hint of mystery. :) However, Trowa isn't that popular. The GW boys are mostly Duo, Hero, and Quatra. Espeically Duo. Women go nuts for him. How does he do that? Do you know how he does that? I don't how he does that! Does anyone know how he does that? How does he do that?! Hero is an easy coustume to make. Green tank top, black shorts, and maybe some brown hair dye. And a gun, maybe. Girls like a guy who can take charge, and is also a little shy too. Shinji..Shinji...He's a..interesting guy. He's very shy, and girls like shy guys, and he's sensitive too. But he's a guy with issues. ("I must'nt run away....I musn't run away..."). What's a Neko boy? I'd go with Hero, or Shinji. Good luck, man! "KAMEHAMEHA!!" Dragonboym2
I heard that a live-action version of "Akira" is in the works. But Tatsuo, and Kanada are going to be brothers, for some reason. And there are all these rumors going around about a live action DBZ movie. That I would like to see. :) But most live action movies based on animes aren't that good. Like the HBO production of "Fist Of The North Star", or "The Guyver". The only one I saw that I liked was "Mobile Suit Gundam: G-Savoir". But it could've been better. No one said "Gundam", or mentioned the one-year war, or anything that happened before. Oh, yeah there was a live-action "Dragonball" movie. I heard it was awful. I don't even want to see that movie, I'm a big DBZ fan. I hope for better films. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2
Firstly all my freinds and peers call me Mike. That's my name, anyway. But I do have some nicknames: Monty mike: My friend Ricky called me this, because of my love of Monty Python. I know alot of the bits by heart. Mikey: I hate that nick name. Just Mike, if you please. Thank you. Anime Mike: Our RA has nick names for alot of us. Because of my love of anime he calles me this. Samurai Gary: A girl at my school calls me this. I know martail arts, and I have a sword as well. This led to that nick name. Some people think it's cute. I think it's okay, but only Susie can call me that. Big M: I got this from a teacher. Hmmm...Big M, eh? "BIG M! SHOWTIME!" Eat your heart out, Roger Smith! The Escaflowne Guy: I used to go to a comic book store in the Danvers Mall where there was this girl working there. She was very pretty, too. ;) I remember getting in to a discusiton with her about Escaflowne. I came back a month later, and said "Hey, remember me?" "Sure." She says. "Your the Esacflowne guy." "Well, my real name is Mike. What's your name." "Heather." "Well, nice to meet you Heather." That was that. Those are my nick names. That is all I got to say about that. Dragonboym2 "KAMEHAMEHA!"
That sounds very tastey, Afire. Imported, or are you from around there? What the?! OMG! Altron just took a big bite out of Panda's leg! :eek: Don't worry, Panda! I'll save you! YO! Altron! Over here! Eat this!! (Goes SS4) "KAAAAMMMEEEEHAAAAMEEEEHAAAAAA!!!!!" (BOOOM!) You okay, Panda? Good, I'll call an ambulance. No, that will take to long. I'll fly you to the hospital. Dragonboym2 "KAMEHAMEHA!"
Well, I do what I can. Glad to be of service. I got THE feline glomp last year, however. I was wandering around Otakon, when I met with this cat girl. She had a black cat ear thingy on her head, black boots, long pink braided hair, a black tank top, and a skirt. We talked for a bit, and I think I gave her some pocky. Later on, my friend Raff and I saw her. She dropped a poster, and we went to give it back to her. But we lost he rin the crowd. So we spent the next two and half hours looking for her. We then desided to just drop it off at the lost and found. And there she was standing in front of the lost and found. I handed it back to her, and she literly jumped on me, and smothered my face with kisses. "You found my poster! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!IloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyou!!!" she said that wasw so upset when she lost it, because "Laberynth" was her favorite movie. "Hey, hero stuff is what I do. I'm Goku, right?" I said. I got a couple pictures taken, and Raff got a kiss too because he helped. I wonder if she'll be there this year. I hope so. :D Good luck with the glomping! Dragonboym2 "KAMEHAMEHA!"
Hey everybody! It's Dragonboym2 again, after a pep talk from my last post. Well, I'm sorry I overlooked the rules, and I'll pay attention from now on. My bad. Also, I'll try to make more sense out of the introduction and not be as rambley. I love to write, it's one of my hobbie, God knows I love writing, but even Frost and Orwell made mistakes. So I looked at other starters for anthologys, so I could get a good grasp on what I want to say. Well, I'm a huge fan of Robotech, and Macross. I fell in love with Robotech back in the old day when I was a kid. As I got older, Cartoon Network reaired it, and I was very excitied to see it again. I was upset however, that CN didn't get their hands on "New Genration" the third and final chapter. But it was all good. I went out and got my hands on the Robotech RPG from Palliduim books. The RPG had rules to play within the popular anime in all generations (Macross Saga, Robotech Masters, Robotech II: The Sentinals, and New Generation.) , and some stuff they made up themselves. For exsample, new mecha, weapons, characters, and places. The first book exsplained that the RPG takes place during the period after the Macross saga,before Robotech II, and The Robotech Masters. Other books had details on other parts of the world, (Asia, Africa, South America, North America, and space.) Pallidium also released books on what happened after New Generation, detailing new mecha, places, etc. I recomend the RPG for gamers, and fans of the seires. For those of you who don't know Robotech or Macross, I'll exsplain. Macross was aired on Japanses TV back in 1985. It got very popualr for it's characters, action, mecha design, and story line. It was aired in the US a little later spliced together with two other series done by the same creators. Harmony Gold took Macross, and put it with the meha shows, Southern Cross, and MOSPEADA. Each series was placed side by side, and a few tihngs were changed to make it work. In the end, Robotech was born. It was aired on US tv, in 1985, and it did very well. Since I loved Robotech, I took a look at Macross, and it's various spin offs, and I was just as impressed. For those of you who havn't seen it, I encourage you to take a look at it. It's one the best animes ever done. This anthology is rated M for strong laugauge, violoence, blood, gore, some sex, and drug use. "The Silver Wings." "The Silver Wings" is a bar and grill for mecha pilots, where they can tell stories, unwind, have a drink, and relax. Everyone here has a story to tell or two. If your new, the first round of drinks are bought with a story, and like I said everyone's got one to tell. So in this anthology, it's narrated by your character telling his/her story of war, love, death, etc. "The Silver Wings" can used in any chapter of Robotech, so I'll set up with some back round info on each time period of each chapter. (I got the basisi for the backrounds from the RPG.) "The Macross Saga". The time line is the peroid after the end of the Macross Saga. The SDF-2 has been destroyed, but humanity is still fighting a war for it's planet. Rouge Zentradi live in the wastlands of North America, and other parts of the world. The giant aliens still cause trouble for humanity and it's RDF protectors, planning coups, hit-and-runs, and raids. Keep in mind that Zentradi can't fix their own mecha, so they kidnapp sientists, and mechanics to do it for them. Otherwise, the mecha they have are eaither unuseable, or still useable, but beat up. Many Zentradi ships have crashed on Earth. Some of which are beyond reapir, or could hold weapons, armor, and mecha for Zentradi rouges. The war for Earth continues... "Robotech II: The Sentinals" The SDF-3 has at last launched, and began it's journey of peace. It's mission: Go to Planet Tirol, home of the Robotech Masters to disscuss peace. The REF and their Zentradi allys, have brought new weapons and mecha, just in case things get ugly. What they found, was Tirol under siege by the Invid, a savage race bent on desrtuction of The masters. The Invid conquored many worlds, putting gigatic hives on them, where they harvest the flower of life, the sourse of Protoculture, the power sourse for all Masters, Zentradi, RDF, and REF ships and mecha. A band of aliens called "The Sentinals" joined the REF in hopes of defeating the Invid, and reclaming the worlds that were captured. A new war has begun... "The Robotech Masters" A masters ship came to Earth, and began waging war on it's inhabitance. The newly formed Armies Of The Southarn Cross fight vailiently to hold off this seemingly invincable foe. The Masters want the protoculture for themselves, but as far as Earth's forces know, they just want to wipe them out. "The New Generation" The worst has happened. The Invid came to Earth, and ravaged it. A returning REF fleet was destroyed, and the survivers had one order. To go to the main Inivd Hive of Reflex Point, and destroy it before reenforcements arrive. Surviing REF troops, and other freedom fighters begin their long and hard journy to free Earth once again... There it is, everyone. Oh, I will be putting in some stories of my own, and I will kepp you updated from tiime to time. Well, grab a seat, order a drink, and start telling those tales! Good luck, and have fun!
[COLOR=Blue]Hey there, everyone! Have you ever had dreamt about anime/manga characters before? If so, what was it like? Who was there? What happened? I had a couple myself, actully. The first one was from the other day. I went to the home of an old freind from High School, who had a HUGE crush on Duo from Gundam Wing. I rang her doorbell, and the door was opened by Duo. "Yo, dude! How's it goin'?" He asked. From the backround I heard my freind say "Wow Duo!..That was amazing!" "You didn't.." I said. Duo just smiled. The other was from last week. I was sitting in the dining hall of at my school, and across the room having a drink was Kira Yamato. He was quietly reading to himself, and I came over to say hello. He looked up at me. "Hello." He said. "how's it going?" I asked. "I'm tired of fighting. I wish it would end. " "What are you reading?" I asked. He smiled, "Oh, I'm reading "Battle Royale". It is very good. A friend of mine recommended it to me." "I read that. I loved it. Have you seen the movie?" He looked up at me. "Hmm? No, not yet. But I here it's very brutal." That's it, basicly. If you ever had any dreams like these, drop on by! Thanks, Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
I love the .Hack games. They are right up there with Final Fantasy. :cool: The series is very good. I like how it sets things up for the games. I haven't seen all of it yet. FF gets more publisity. So being number two, (or three, or four), .Hack should try harder. At least FF dosn't have those Goddamn "Deadly Present" monsters. :flaming: Oh, how I HATE those things. You think there should be other .Hack animes and games? "Cowboy Bebop". Hell Yeah! :wigout: That show is one of the best. I'm looking foward to seeing how the manga is. I'm also looking foward to the video game too. I just I hope it's good. Dragonboym2
Your right, XanderHarris. It was an easy costume to make, but finding the orange pants was a hassle. But with luck, we found'em! I didn't have the hair made though. But people still regonized me. A couple people thought I was Gohan, however. But it's cool. After all Gohan is one of my favorite characters. He after alll beat Cell, and smacked the living **** outta Super Buu. And what you told me about Merle jumping on Van, reminded me of a funny story at 2003's Otakon. A Van cosplayer was walking around, and out of nowhere, I heard a girl's voice cry out "Lord Van! LORD VAAAAAANNNNN!!" And a Merle cosplayer ran out a room, and lept ontop of Van. "OhlordvanIwassoscaredIthoughttheykilledyouneverleavemeagain!" She babbled. I walked over. "You two know eachother?" I asked. "No." Van said. I just laughed. :laugh: Otakon Rocks! Hey, who do you think is more popular with girls, Hero Yui, or Van? Dragonboym2
Your right, XanderHarris. It was an easy costume to make, but finding the orange pants was a hassle. But with luck, we found'em! I didn't have the hair made though. But people still regonized me. A couple people thought I was Gohan, however. But it's cool. After all Gohan is one of my favorite characters. He after alll beat Cell, and smacked the living **** outta Super Buu. And what you told me about Merle jumping on Van, reminded me of a funny story at 2003's Otakon. A Van cosplayer was walking around, and out of nowhere, I heard a girl's voice cry out "Lord Van! LORD VAAAAAANNNNN!!" And a Merle cosplayer ran out a room, and lept ontop of Van. "OhlordvanIwassoscaredIthoughttheykilledyouneverleavemeagain!" She babbled. I walked over. "You two know eachother?" I asked. "No." Van said. I just laughed. :laugh: Otakon Rocks! Hey, who do you think is more popular with girls, Hero Yui, or Van? Dragonboym2
Request A banner and avatar for Dragonboym2 please.
Dragonboym2 replied to Dragonboym2's topic in Creative Works
This is a first time banner/avatar for me. I have no idea what a URL is, I'm sorry to admit. :( I typed in Saiyansrule-banner.Jpg, is that it? Or do I have to save it to my images first? I'm not to good at this, so I"m not sure if I'm doing it right. Could you help me out? Thanks, I appreate it. Dragonboym2