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Everything posted by Dragonboym2

  1. I rewatch DBZ and DBGt. Two of my favorites. I love the characters, the endless action, the humor, and of course the fights. I also rewatch any Gundam serires, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing, Vampire Hunter D, VHD:Bloodlust, well, I rewatch all the anime I have. :D
  2. Escaflowne is a wonderfully inventive, thought out, well acted, well animated, emtional and action packed seires. The movie was just as good. I really enjoyed them both. I first saw Esaflowne on TV, but Fox butchered it. My firiends in club said that they cut out everything. So, my freind Becky showed us what Escaflowne was like uncut. We watched the first five episodes (english subbed) and it was one of the best anime's I've ever seen. I thanked Becky for showing us. To this day, I think that Escaflowne is one of the best animes ever done. Mike
  3. [COLOR=Blue]My grandparents are Italian American. That's where I got my dark brown hiar, brown eyes, and thick eyebrows. My mom's parents are Irish American. From them I got broad shoulders, and sharp feachers. Both of my families are Catholic, oh yeah, my mom's parents grew up in Southie. (South Boston.). I do have the Irish temper, but I'm to nice a guy. I rarely get mad. :D I also have the Italian temper. But I'm not an angry person. But like both sides of my heritage, I enjoy good times, good food, and good freinds. :D My Grandma makes too much food when we're over for dinner. Even when your full, she asks if you want more food. "Would you like more raviolli?" "More calamari?" Etc. I remember the time I showed her a picture of a freind of mine, and Gradma says "She's skinny, Michael. Very Skinny. You should have her over for dinner. I'll make some calamari." :) Both my Grandpa's fought in WWII. My father's dad was an airforce pilot, flying cargo planes, dropping off suplies, troops, etc. He later went to be head of a airplane parts repair company. My mom's father was in the navy on a destroyer, I think. He said he never saw any action. He used to tell us he got in a big fist fight with a Japanese solider, but that never happened. My mom's parents are very Catholic, and spend every winter in Florida, so they missed the big blizzard we got recently. Eight feet of snow! :eek: That's all I know about my family. I'm going to look up my family tree somtime this week. If find anything out, I'l drop by. Hey, Kane! Here's to a free Ireland! :) Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  4. It's a great game, I loved it! I'm looking forward to part two next week. Have you played PS1's Xenogears? It's what happens later. KAMEHAMEHA! YOU DIG GIANT ROBOTS! iI DIG GIANT ROBOTS! WE DIG GIANT ROBOTS! CHICKS DIG GIANT ROBOTS!-Megas XLR
  5. Thanks very much! Domo Arigoto SayinPrincessX-kun! :D But how do I attach these? This is new for me, actullay. I'm good with PCs, but not anything really technical. Drop me a line, thanks! KAMEHAMEHA!!
  6. Trigun needs a second season most definetly. Is that it? It's an awsome series, but is that it? Hellsing, as well. I saw somthing online called "Hellsing: Psalm of the Darkness", but I'm not sure what that it. Are we going to see a second season based on some ideas from the manga, or what? And lastly, "The Guyver." It finishes at episode 12, but goes on for a bit in the manga. But it the manga was never finished. :mad: . I hope we don't have to wait to long, or that these shows won't get second seasons.
  7. [COLOR=Blue]I guess I'm a little of many. [COLOR=DarkRed]Kenshin: I'm loyal, kind, generous, smart, and I can hold my own in a fight, but I like to avoid violence.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Goku: I'm good natured, always ready for action, I got a big heart, I like people, and I got a great group of freinds.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue] Kira Yamato: I can be pretty shy sometimes, I belive in the right thing, and I'm good natured, [/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Duo: I'm a bit girl crazy sometimes. Heh.[/COLOR] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue] "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  8. This show is not well liked among most people I know. My best freinds like it, and I think it's okay, but the first words that came out of my mouth when I first saw it was "WHAT THE ****!?" But I like the twisted Haikus, and the odd ball humor. Hey, I grew up with John K's "The Ren and Stimpy Show". :D The show can be very silly though. It needs the late great Gram Chapman to come on as the Colonel, and say "Awlright! Stop that! Stop that! Stop it imedditly! It's silly! Too silly! Too silly! Right! Now off with you! Off with you! Off with you! Offoffoffoffoff!" That's how silly it can be. But still, it makes me laugh.
  9. Women: EEEEEEEEE! He's SOOOO Cute!! Farmer: I'm cuter.. Women: Shut up! Go back to milking the cow! I'm gonna snuggle him all night! Farmer: Yeah, yeah...(walks away.) Why did I marry her? :laugh:
  10. Alot of people I know and met have not seen the original Gundam, or liked it. That makes me sad. :( What's wrong with it? I think it's great! I asked why not, and most people said that the animation was too old, the mobile suits aren't as amazing, and none of the boys are attractive. It dosn't matter that the animation is old. I still like Speed Racer, and that was WAY before Gundam. I love the characters, they are very interesting, and complex. And the mobile suits are very cool to me. They aren't as powerful as the new ones yes, but still, it's great to watch. Oh, BTW, there is a little mall in Porter Square where I live, and it's mostly Japanese. There is a store there called Kotobokiya, and I get my pocky there. I once went there in my Goku outfit, and no one regonized me. :confused: . So I went up to the clerks and said "Hey, do you know who I am?" They looked confused. "No, we don't know you." "Hey, you know who I am right?" "No..." I sighed. "I'm Goku." Then they regonized me. "OH..OHHHH..Son Goku! You're Son Goku!" One of them shook my hand. Now they know me. :) Also, I met a guy who is a big Gundam fan (the older ones), and he was amazed at the information I had. His face lit up when I mentioned Harlock. "Harlock? You know Harlock?" He asked. "Oh yeah." I said. " I love Matsumoto's work." And he went "I watched Harlock, when I this small!" "He's got a new series out. It's very good." I said. Very nice, huh? Mike
  11. Okay, first I wouldn't want anyone evil or too annoying. Well let's see... Don't stay THE SAILOR SCOUTS AAAGH! Get out, get out, get out! And Serina, quit drinking out of my Batman mug! And quit calling my cousin Liam! I don't care how hansome he is! BAD GUYS IN GENERAL (Gulp!) I'm going to die... ED OF COWBOY BEBOP Please God no! I'm trying to sleep! Stop howling at the moon! The neighbors are complaining! Stick around! DUO OF GW The guy's a chick magnet. Girls will be lining up around the block to see him. Who knows, maybe I get a girl or fifteen! :D VASH THE STAMPEDE He's goodnatured, freindly, and very loyal. Rarely gets mad. We can go out and just have fun. TEAM YUGI Yugi, Joey, Tristin, Tea', Deviln, Serenity, and Mai. What a group of loyal supportive terrific people. They never give up, there allways there for eachother, and they are true exsamples of what freinds should be. GOKU Wanna spar? Wanna get dinner? Just wanna talk? It's cool. Oh, by the way, Vegeta beat up the pizza guy. Again. KIRA YAMATO OF GUNDAM SEED He's quiet, good natured, a good guy, and kind of shy. And he's really smart. Girls love guys like him. So, I could get some pointers from him. Mike
  12. I was pretty young at the time. The anime I watched were..let's see. The avarage stuff, everyone watched, you know G.I. Joe, Transformers, and Masters Of The Universe. But my first anime was my childhood hero, Voltron. I'm still a big fan of Voltron, and I even had the deluxe Voltron (Lion force), that no one had. When it came on, don't bother me for thirty minutes. I also liked Tranzor Z, aka Mazinger Z. Oh yeah, "Saber Rider And The Star Sheirffs". That was a cool show too. And another classic, Robotech. I still love Robotech and Macross. I even have the RPG. It's alot of fun to play. All generations, plus some stuff they made up. And Robotech II: The Sentinals was in there as well. To wrap it up, Pallidium added Macross II the RPG. It's just as cool. And I have feint memories of "Captain Harlock and the Queen Of 1,000 Years". That should be on DVD. And there was that anime mini boom back in 1995. I liked Teckno man, Ronin Warriors, and I discovered DBZ. That was win Pioneer owned the rights, and they kind of butcherd it. They spliced twelve episodes into six, and replaced the words "Die", "Died", "Killed", "Kill", "Dead", and "Death", with "Destroy" and "The next dimention". I hated that! They edited out the blood, too. But the voice acting was a little better. Thank god Funimation took it up. They fixed it. That's how I got hooked to anime. Mike
  13. Zeta Gundam was just realeased a couple months ago. However, it was realeased in a ten volume box set only. It comes with a poster, and six collectable pencil sharpeners of certain mobile suits used in the anime. As for the Zeta Gundam movie, I heard it's going to be a trilligy ala what they did with the first one. I don't know which ones next, but I hope it's Gundam ZZ. All those Transformers series. Wow. Does anyone know if/when Voltron is coming out on DVD? I miss Voltron. Well, we still got the comic book, right? It's a great comic, but it's more grown up than the show was. Check it out, it's that good. Has anyone seen "Mazinger Z" or as it was called here in the '80's "Tranzor Z"? That was a good show, with old school super-robots. There's a what if story out called "Mazinkaiser". It's very old school meets new school. It's very good. "ROCKET PUUUNNNNCH!"-Mazinger Z "FORM..BLAZING SWORD!"-Voltron
  14. [COLOR=Blue]Well, I love mostly all of them, from the original to the Force Impulse Gundam(not the ones from G-Gundam though. Didn't really like that show much.) . But my top ones would be as follows: Wing Zero: :D AW HELL YEAH BABY! It's got those huge feathered wings, and a very powerful buster rifle, that can take out...God knows how many ememies! I'm working on a Perfect Grade of it now, but I'm having some trouble with it. Can anyone help me out? Deathsythe Hell: It can jam enemy radar, and cut you in half with that badass sythe in no time. I like what they did with it Endless Waltz. Zeta Gundam: It can transform into wave rider mode, and it's got a large arsnal of weapons. That's one cool Gundam. Nu Gundam: A big step from the previous UC Gundams. Lots of weapons, it's fast, and it 's built just for it's pilot so no one else can use it. Strike Gundam: It has many different moudles for different situations. Agile, Launcher, and Sword. It can handle any combat situation in mear minutes. Freedom Gundam: FIREPOWER BABY! Have you see this bad boy in action? Right up there with Wing Zero's firepower! First Gundam: The first of many. A timeless classic. Sure copared to the newer Gundams, it's not to strong, but back in U.C. 0079, it kicked alot of ***. It even beat Char to a draw many times. How cool is that? Wow, I could go on and on, but I don't want to take until next month doing so. They all are very cool in my book. (Except G-Gundam :sleep: ) I look forward to seeing what they got in "Gundam Seed Destiny" in action. It's not going to be here for a while though. Mike[/COLOR]
  15. Thanks for replying. Sounds like you had a lot of fun. Otakon this year is going to rock hard! Guess who's coming? Scott Mcneil. You know, Duo. But I knew him best as Piccolo when Pinoneer owned the rights to DBZ, before he became Duo. Thanks again. Keep the replys coming, everyone! Thanks! Mike
  16. I was at a freinds house, and a friend of his brought "Do You Remember Love?" englished subbed with him on VHS. It was great. But I have no idea where he got it. Does anyone know? And Minmay had a GOOD singing voice in it. Didn't make me want to bash her over the head with a crowbar when she sang. My friend thinks that Roy's [spoiler]death in DYRL was much cooler than his death by internel bleeding in Robotech/Macross. Also, does Rick know that Miriya shot up Roy's VF causing the wound? It would be a tough blow to find out that the wife of your best freind killed your "older brother."[/spoiler]
  17. [COLOR=Blue]I loved Linkin Park's "Breaking The Habit." Great animation, great band. I thought the imagery was terriffic. :) BTW, the video is anime. The guy who did the anime bits for "Kill Bill" did it. Not only that, in LP's "Somewhere I belong" video, on the shelf was some Gundam models. They were Wing Zero Custom, the unit 2 full Verionion Gundam, Char's Sasabi, and I forget what the last one was. Maybe someone in LP is a anime fan. :D I can also sypathize with many of their songs. Mostly "Somewhere I belong." And I loved Daft Punk's alblum that had the great Leji Matsumoto do the animation for the videos. Great stuff. I was exspecting Harlock to have a guest shot or somthing. That would've been cool. I also liked U2's "Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me", from "Batman Forever". It was very cool, and looked liked a comic. Not many people know this one, but it was "Reel Big Fish's "She has a girlfriend now." It was silly, very silly indeed. :laugh: Another fun one would be Denis Leary's "Merry ******* Christmas" video that was on "Mad TV." Very funny video, and a very funny song. And lastly, Godsmack's "I stand alone". From "The Scorpion King" soundtrack. It was an okay movie, but Godsmack is a great band, esspecially since their from my hometown of Boston! (86 Years! The curse has been Broken! Now let's get Drunk! Boston Pride! :beer: ) I'm not a Sox fan, I just love my town. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR] :D :D
  18. The Dropkick Murphy's rock! I have heard of few of their songs. I like their blend of Irish folk, punk, rock, and ska. I think their best songs are "Irish Drinking Song", "Finnigin's Wake", "skinhead on the MTA", and "Kiss me I'm @%$& Faced." That song makes me laugh. Boston Pride! :D
  19. I would love to see Alan Moore's "The Watchmen" be a movie. They allready made his supernatural thriller "From Hell", a movie. Why not "The Watchmen"? The comic takes place in a world were superheroes are imputant, or even nuts. And it has a lot of policical intrege involved. It's one of the best stories of the mid nineteen eighties. Right up there with "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns", and Frank Miller's "Ronin". On the other hand, "V For Vendetta" is becoming a movie, with Nataline Portman. But the Mztrix guys are directing it. I hope they stay true to the comic. -"Who watches the watchmen?"-my english teacher, Mr. Croft -"You don't get it boy. This isn't a mudhole. It's an operating table. And I'M the surgeon."-Batman, "The Dark Knight Returns" book two-"The Dark Knight Triuphant" .
  20. Hi! I was wondering if I could get an avatar of The Freedom Gundam from "Gundam Seed", and a banner of SSJ 3 Goku of Dragonball Z with "Sayins Rule" on it. You can e-mail me at [email]MWMoscariello@Aol.com[/email]. Thanks very much for your help. Mike
  21. Robotech and Macross are great! I even have the rare RPG of Robotech, for all generations, including Robotech II: The Sentinels. Macross is just as brillent. I'm still looking for "Do you Remember Love?" Does anyone know where I can find it? Also, how about I show great to respect to anime legend Captain Harlock? Many fans have heard of him, but havn't seen him in action. I urge them to look at "The Harlock Saga" and "Space Pirate Captian Herlock: Outside Legend Endless Oddessy." And his guest shots in other works, like the clsasic "Galaxy Exspress 999." He was really cool in that. "Under my flag I live, and I live in freedom."-Harlock Mike
  22. Hey guys! Hey Panda, I never had that before. Is it good? I hope it's not to sugary though. As for me, I likes good old A&W Root Beer. It is bold, thick, and brewed to perfection. I'm old enough to drink alcholol, but I don't touch the stuff. But I still have a drinking song! It's two songs by the Dropkick Murphy's I like. "Finnagen's Wake", and "Irish Drinking Song." Fun songs. Great to drink to. See ya later. Mike
  23. Hey out there, everybody. I was thinking about all the good times I've had at Otakon and Anime Boston today, and I thought it would be cool to ask others what good times they had that were most memerable for them. Well, here's mine. Otakon 2004. It was my third year at Otakon. I desided to cosplay as Goku this year, because the last times I was Hero Yui from Gundam Wing. Well, DBZ/DBGT are two of my favorite animes. My friend Raffi, my father,(he had to pay for meals and such, also look after my brother.), my younger brother and I went. Dad and my brother left us to venture on our own at the con, and would join up with us later.Otakon was crowded and jumping as usual. Spirts were high, and everyone was super freindly as allways. That's why I love cons so much. It's like we're one big happy family. I had some conversations about anime, video games, and comics, with complete strangers. It felt pretty damn good. More people paid attention to me this year because I was Goku. Well, one day, I met a girl who was dressed as some...pink cat girl or somthing. She wore the black cat ear hat on her head, long pink braids, black boots, pink pants, and a black tank top. I think I gave her some pocky. I said goodbye, and went to the dealers room. Later on, Raff and I saw her. I said hello, but she dropped a poster. I tried to give it back to her, but we lost her in the crowd. I took a peek at the poster. "Labarinth." Good movie. Well, Raff and I wanted to give it back to her, and we spent two and a half hours looking for her. We at last desided to drop it off at the lost and found, and there she was standing in front of it. I handed to her,and she happily jumped on me, and smothered my face with kisses. "My poster!! You found it!! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!IloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyou!!" :D Raffi snapped a couple photos (One of which was her giving me a kiss on the cheek :D. Raff got a kiss too, because he helped. Well, Miss Kitty thanked us again, saying she was so upset when she lost the poster, and appreated it. (I should've got her e-maiil. Oh well.) I said "Hey, hero stuff is what I do, I'm Goku, right?" She said goodbye, and Raff and I sat down for a minute. "We're mighty heroes." I said. "Yeah." He agreed. That's my story. Let's hear your stories. See you later! Mike [color=#4B0082]Moved this to the Anime Lounge, since this seems to be talking about anime conventions rather than gaming conventions. - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]
  24. Okay, here they are. NES: I wouldn't know. I never had one. Uh..."Jaws." Watch the awsome movie, read the awsome book, avoid the game like the plauge. It was poorly done. Not scary, not exciting, and at the end "Super death mode?" The shark starts FLYING through the air. Stupid, stupid, Stupid. SNES: "Shaq Fu." WTF!?! This isn't fighting, it's a hissy fit! Genesis: Don't know..I never played it much. PS1: "Gundam Battle Assult." I played it because I love Gundam, and mecha. Also, Hero Yui of Gundam Wing made his first video game appearence, in Wing Gundam. Other characters included, Char (in Zaku, and in Sazabi from Char's Counterattack), Kamile, Armuro, and others. Bad play control, bad diolouge, and it made no sense. The sequal had all of the Gundams and characters from "Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz". So, there was Wing Zero Custom, and all of the GW boys. Hero, Quatre, Trowa, Wufei, Zechs, and of course Duo, (Breath fan girls. Breath.). But not much improvments. It could've been better. But still, a fight between Char and Zechs? I'd pay to see that. XBOX: "Malice". Originally, "No Doubt" front woman Gwen Stefani was going to be the voice of the spunky head character. And the other band members were going to be voices of supporting characters. And No Doubt was going to record some music for the game as well. Cool. But the project was scrapped, and redone, as a awful game. It was too rushed, and badly done. If it was done as it was first intended, it would've been great. PS2: "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" for one. Buffy is an amuter. and what kind of a name is Buffy? Ever met anyone named Buffy? Didn't think so. It's more of a name you give your dog. Give me Van Helsing, (from Bram Stroker's Dracula novel), D, Blade, the Belmont Family, or even better Alucard. Bad fighting, cheesy diolouge, and Geller can't act her way out of a empty room. Spike and Angel are cool though, but the game even makes Spike look bad too, I'm afraid. Ally: I'm wicka. Me: Huh? Ally: Ever seen Buffy The Vampire Slayer? Me: I don't watch that crap. I also hate all reality shows. Freinds was first cute and funny, then it became the Ross and Rachel Show. The Simpsons aren't funny any more, and neither is SNL. It used to funny, but now, it's awful. I apologize if I upset anyone. I'm just exspressing my opinions on games, and t.v. Mike
  25. Resident Evil 4. A game that I've been waiting for a looooong time. It's good to see that Leon is back after so long. Hmm. I wonder if we're ever going to see Chris, Claire, Jill, or that bastard Wesker again any time soon. Or maybe even Alice. :love: Hey, if those guys are having zombie troubles more than ussual, they can allways call Dante. :) "Devil May Cry 3". Yeah baby. Mike
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