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Everything posted by Dragonboym2

  1. Alot of people put lables on people. I hate that. You say you got ADD or ADHD it's hyperactive cousin, people think your a brain dead freak, or SPED. ADD and ADHD it's hyperactive cousin are forms of Autism. They can't help they way they are, same if your Homosexual, bisexual, hedrosexual, or what ever. I go to a pretty big school, and it was formerly an all girl school. There are alot of lesbians here, and they are some of the bravest people I have ever met. (I'm also a little dissipointed that a couple girls I was attracted to here were lesbians. Oh well.) I know what it's like to be labeled. I have a form of Autisim called "Asbergs Syndrome." It means I have trouble understanding social cues. I have stage one. So does one of my best freinds by the way. So to all of you out there on the fomrams that have ADD, ADHD it's hyperactive cousin, Asbergs, homosexual or bisexual, or just have hard lives, I salute you all. Mike
  2. I'd put it in the bank. Hey, it's realistic right? OR...buy my own big screen t.v., and put the rest in the bank. Mike
  3. I'd pay a million bucks to see Michelle Yeoh and Zyang Ziyi fight to the death. Then they'd probally kick my *** at my proposal. :laugh: Mike
  4. Hellsing is one of the best anime's I've ever seen! And the manga is just as good. I even wrote a reveiw of Hellsing for my school newspaper. Would anyone like to see it? As for a second season, I've only heard rumors, no soild evidence. Mike
  5. For me, it was the Star Wars arcade game in a bowling alley in North Reading 1989. I was hooked on it. But my parents used that old love excuse to screw me out of toys. So for the longest time, I had hardly and G.I. Joes, Masters Of The Universe, Or Transformers. I asked for He-Man for Christmas, and I got..Prince Adam. Prince ADAM?! But I did have the one toy everyone wanted but couldn't find. I had VOLTRON! (Lion Force.) I was like a God for a week. :D Later Nintendo got popular. Everyone had one, except me. Like I said, the old love excuse. :( I was so left out. I loved plaiying Mario and Zelda at friends houses. Later, mom and dad got me a Game Boy. I was happy. Then a Super Nintendo. That was my road to gaming glory. Look at me now, I got a PS2, and a GC. I have to thank Grandma for convincing dad that it was not as bad as he thought it was. Mike
  6. I cosplayed for the first time that year. I was Hero Yui from Gundam Wing. Not many people looked at me though. XD. Besides, it gets hot in Baltimore. It was what, 97 degrees, maybe? So, the tank top and shorts were a good idea. Well, one girl got excited to see me? "Are you Hero Yui?!" she asked excitedly. "Yeah, that's me. I mean..(Hero Voice) that is correct." "Can I hug you?!" "Sure. I mean (Hero voice) very well." And so she did. "I hugged Hero!" she sang. But last year, I got alot of attention because I was dressed as Goku of DBZ. :) Life was good. But what does "Glomph" stand for? Mike
  7. [B]I'm playing "Jak 3", ".Hack: Outbreak", "Prince Of Persia: Warrior Within", and many others. I have alot of video games, but I can only bring so many to my dorm. One of the coolest thing about the new "Prince Of Peria" game, is that Boston's own Godsmack did the sound track. They even got "I stand alone", and "Straight out of line" on the soundtrack. How cool is that? [/B] :) I recently beat "Sly 2: Band of Theives". I loved the first game, and I'm looking forward to a part three. Thank you Suckerpunch. Thank you X-Play. Thank you X-Play's lovely Morgan Webb. Thank you G4TV.com. Thank you G4TV.com's teriffic Tina Wood, and the lovely (and super engergetic) Laura Foy. All we need now is "The Dropkick Murphys" to bring their mix of punk, ska, rock, and Irish folk to a video game. :) That would be cool. "And we drink, and drink, and drink and drink and drink and fight. We drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and fight. And if I see a pretty girl I'll sleep another night! We drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink and FIGHT!" -Dropkick Murphys-"Irish Drinking Song".
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