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Everything posted by Dragonboym2

  1. [COLOR=Blue]I love board games. I have many at home, oh the times I used to have. My favorite games range from CLUE, MONOPOLY, 13 DEAD END DRIVE, and FIREBALL ISLAND. We have an advanced version of CLUE from the '80s, called "CLUE: MASTER DETECTIVE". It has more rooms, more weapons, and more suspects, which added to even longer gameplay. I recently purchased some new board games like "NEXSUS OPS", a sci-fi game where rival mercanaries hired by coperations on Earth fight for control over a moon. The second is "RISK 2210 A.D." It's Risk in the FUTURE! It's pretty cool, you can even make your own cards, too. Finally, theirs "ZOMBIES!!!". This game is played with tiles, so it's never the same game twice. In it, you have to fight off zombies, and escape a town infested with the undead. There are add-ons too. There's one that adds a mall, one at a military base, and even one in the woods, searching for the pages of a cursed book that will stop the dead from coming to life. "Groovy." (Grabs Chainsaw, and shotgun.) "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Blue]I took karate for some time. There's a small Dojo not to far from where I live, and a freind of mine at the time enrolled there. I was invited by him to see his belt test. I thought that taking Martail Arts could be fun, so I enrolled. I met alot of great people, and I had soem good times(I was kinda a class clown) I ended up making it to my sixth degree on my blue belt, but one day, I had some pains in my back. I went to the doctor, and I was told I had socliolis. I was given a huge clunky back-brace, and I had to wear it at all times. I couldn't go to practice anymore. I haven't been with my brace for about seven years now, and my back is in great shape. I haven't gone back, since I left. I would like to come back some time. For being a "true martial artist" I have strong beleifs in the philosiphies and teachings of martial arts. Violence is a last resort, try to be mindful of all things and people, fight fair, etc. What do martial arts mean to you? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Blue]Hey out there, everyone.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]I'm not sure how they orginated, but this is probably the most dedicated fan club I've ever seen. That's right, I speak of "The Risembool Rangers", FMA fans all, and fans of Vic Mignogna. I never met Vic, or any of the FMA cast of yet, I got to say. And I'm not even a ranger either. Nor am I a member of Travis Whillingham's "Mini Skirt Army", but I have have a lot of love for both groups, and htier members. Vic talks about the Rangers all the time! What a guy, huh? I love FMA too, it's one of my favoirte animes out there, don't get me wrong. I hope to meet Vic this summer at Otakon, or Conneticon. Enough about me, though. I at times run into memebers of the Rangers at the anime store in my area. You guys should be very proud of yourselves to have made such a big following. Any Rangers out there? Have you met Vic or any other FMA actors? How did you become a Ranger? Oh, yeah. [COLOR=Red]"RED DAWN!" [/COLOR] "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Blue]What weapon? I'd just go Super Sayjin Three, and beat the crap out these guys. "KAMEHAMEHA!" :) :) :)[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Blue]Um, there's something I forgot to mention. I don't know where Laura lives. I know that she lives in a town not to far from here, but that's it. The only other info I have is that she is a photography major at our school's art instatute. It's located futher in the city. I think she lives with her BFF and classmate, Rose. Rose has no classes on campus either, I think. [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Blue]I hate waiting around. When I first came to my college, I made met lots of cool people, one of which is someone I really miss. Her name's Laura, we met one October night when she was hanging out with some of her dorm mates. I went over to say hi, and we hit it off. She's really into punk rock, and we like most of the same bands. We even liked osme of the same anime. She was mostly famier with whatever "Adult Swim" was playing for anime. One day around hte holiday season, she told me that she couldn't really afford to get anything for her freinds or family. I had an idea. She likes anime, so I went to get her a couple DVDs. I got her the first two volumes of "Hellsing". :animesmil When I got back from break, I was standing around the cafeteira, and out of no where. she just runs up to me and hugs me. ;) "Mike!" She shouted. "I love you! I @#$%ing LOVE YOU!" Whoa. What's up? "Huh? oh, how's i t going Laura?" "Hellsing!" She shouts. "I loved it! It ROCKS!" I was touched. "Hey, can I pick'em or what?" I said. It turns out, I started to develope a crush on her. Next year, I thoguht that this may only make things between us really awkward, and she had a boyfreind, so I buried all my romantic feelings for her. It's best, if we just be freinds. Since she lives off campus now, I would rarely see her. Only once a week, really. Here's the hard part. I have the first volume of "Hellsing Ultimate" for her, and she has no more classes on campus. Plus, she's "off the grid." Her place dosn't have a PC, and her cell plan got canned. I can't contact her. The only option I have left, is to go see her. But that might not be a good idea. But it might be my only option left. What do you guys think? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Blue]I've allways been a fan of Poe's classic poem, "The Raven"(Have you seen the Simpson's version of it from the first Halloween speical? Fun stuff.). Besides that, I've been a fan of the works of Shel Silverstein. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]THE HOMEWORK MACHINE By Shel Silverstein The homework machine, oh the homework machine, the greatest contraption you ever did see! Just put in your homework, drop in a dime, snap on the switch, and n ten seconds time, your homewrok comes out as clean as can be! Nine plus four, and the answer is, THREE. Three? Oh me. I guess it wasn't as perfect as I thought it would be. THE CROCILDE WENT TO THE DENTIST Oh the crocadile went to the dentist. And he sat down right in the chair, and the dentist said "Well tell me sir, why does it hurt and where?" The crocadile said "To tell you the truth, I got a terrilbe, terrilbe, ache in my tooth." And he opned his jaws, so wide, so wide, the dentist he climbed right inside. The dentist laughed. "OH, isn't this fun!" as he pulled the teeth out, one by one. And the crocidle cried "Your hurting me so! Put down your pliers, and let me go!" The dentist just laughed with a HO, HO,HO! and said "I still got twelve to go! WHOOPS! That's the wrong one, I confess! But what's a crocidle tooth more or less?" Suddenly, the jaws went SNAP. The dentist was gone. Right off the map. Where did he go? It's anyones' guess. He may have east, or north, or west. He didn't leave a forwarding adress. But what's one dentist, more or less? ONE PICTURE PUZZLE PIECE One picture puzzle piece. Lyin' on the sidewalk. One picture puzzle piece, soaking in the rain. It might be a button of blue. On the coat of the woman who lived in a shoe. It might be a magical bean. Or a fold in the red-velvet robe of a queen. It might be the bite of apple her step-mother gave to snow white. It might be the vail of a bride, or a bottle with some sort of evil genie inside. It might be a small tuft of hair, on the big bouncy belly of Bobo the bear. It might be a bit of the cloak of the whitch of the west, as she melted to smoke. It might be the shadowy trace of a tear that runs down an angel's face. Nothing has more possilties than one old wet, picture puzzle piece. [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Blue]Hey out there everyone. I've been working on this piece o fwork for a long time, one of my big projects. "Scene Switchers" is basicly "Quantum Leap" meets "Sliders" meets anime. It begins with a young college student from Boston, named Kevin Johnson. Kevin is one day living his day to day life, when one day he gets thrown into a dimentional rift. (However, I haven't really thought about how this happens. I want to do it in a way that's not chlique. right?) Kevin wakes up in a old abandoned basement in the ruins of New York City. He was found lying unconcious on the srtee by a girl named Nara Patvisokski. Nara is a war orphen and has been living on her own in this basement for three months. Theplace that Kevin has found himself in is actully the original Gundam universe, during "The One-Year War" from the first series. In fact, Char Aznable, Zeon's dreaded "Red Comet" killed Nara's parents. Kevin finds that he has a strange power. The power to adapt to each world he goes to. Like in Gundam, he knows how to pilot a mobile suit, in Vampire Hunter D, he knows what a damphir is etc. He also has super-strenght, agility, and a sword that appers in times of crisis called "The Xengai Blade." Kevin has been chosen to find rifts in each world he goes to, and he has to seal these tears to keep each reality from blinking out of exsistance. This is a lsit of animes that are involoved in this. Not nessarly in this order. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]Mobile Suit Gundam Gundam Wing Zeta Gundam Gundam SEED Gundam SEED Destiney Gundam: Char's counterattack Trigun Vampire Hunter D Naruto Fullmetal Alchemist Ruroni Kenshin Cowboy Bebop Getter Robo Voltron Mazinger Z Gatchaman Mazinkaiser New Getter Robo Guyver Space Battledship Yamato Space Pirate Captain Harlock Saiyuki Godannar Gravion Macross Macross II Robotech Hellsing FLCL Samurai 7 Samurai Champloo Escaflowne Tenchi Muyo! Tenchi Universe Tenchi in Tokyo Yu Yu Hakusho Dragonball Z Neon Genisis Evengelion[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue](many more to come.) I have ran into some problems, though. I have to keep things interesting for the audience. I'm trying to seeif I can come up with a bigger cast, or something. Or maybe some really unquie story ideas. If it's the same thing over and over, readers will get bored. That's why I'm asking you guys out there, if you got any ideas. Are there any anime worlds you'd like to see? What could happen there? How about other characters for a bigger cast? (heroes, villians, etc.). I'd like to hear your input. Thanks very much. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Blue]I'm from Boston. I've heard about a "bomb scare" on my way back to school from my job. There were some delays on the Orange Line, for some reason, and sure enough IT WAS A JOKE! Geeze, I don't know why our mayor is making such a big deal. Oh no! Look out, he's got a LITE-BRITE! Get a sense of humor, Mr. Mayor. Speaking of my hometown, I just saw "The Departed". Boston, your my home. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Blue]"Red Dawn!"-Every Riesmbool Ranger I've run into. "GOKU! What's up, man?"-Tyrone seeing me in costume. "NONI? Goku! You Son Goku!"-Clerks at Kotobukia "Yeah, I remember you! From Boston! Matt, right?"-Scott McNeil at Otakon "I'd like to see Gackt and David Bowie fight."-Me "Heh, I like this poster. Wow. Were'd you get it?"-Kari Wahlgren "Why must you poke me?" "Because it's fun." Me and Kris. "If I hear Nartuo say belevie it one more time, I'll puke!"-Me complaining about the Naruto dub. I hate the dub. "Britney Spears? THAT'S NOT METAL!"-Me telling a girl I know my distaste for the pop priincess. "Val dissed VOLTRON!? Bad move." John "I LOVE YOU! I @#$%ing LOVE YOU!" -Lucy after she watched the Hellsing DVDS I got for her.[/COLOR]
  11. [QUOTE=Redemption][size=1]I'm assuming Vic Mignona (sp?) - the voice of Dark Mousy from DNAngel, as well as many others. And don't worry Dragonboym2, you have more of a chance of meeting him than I. Australia doesn't have many anime conventions, and the ones we do have are low key. But Crispin Freeman and Vic (two of my favourite English voice actors) went to the Supanova anime convention in Sydney last year. I was ropeable. I live in Brisbane (about 1500kms north of Sydney). Hopefully they come to Brisbane's one this year (though I highly doubt it). Go SUPANOVA![/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]That's right, I ment Vic Mignogna. I'm looking forward to meeting him. I never met Crispin Freeman either. I'd also like to meet him. Did you know Crispin did some theater work? No wonder he's really good at what he does. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Blue]I'm planning on going to Conneticon myself. I heard that Vic is going to be there. I missed him at Anime Boston 2006, and the previous year at Otakon. I also got word that Travis Willingham (The voice of Roy Mustang) is going to be at this year's Anime Boston. I feel like I'm the only anime fan that hasn't met Vic. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  13. [quote name='DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I used to do Warhammer, which is kind of the same thing. Goddamn it was expensive. [i]Never again[/i].[/font][/color'][/size][/quote] [COLOR=Blue] I hear you. I do some Warhammer 40K myself, and it's a lot of money. Paints, glue, brushes, units, woosh. I put mine of hold for the time, because I'm working on my paint job. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue] "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Blue]I'm waiting on my PS3. There are a few bugs they need to work out. But PS2 isn't done just yet. They got some games coming out for it soon, and some of them(God Of War II) look pretty good. Get this. There's going to be a special edtion of Kingdom Hearts II. It will feature some new cut scenes, and battles (Like Sora Vs. Roxas), and a 3D edtion of "Chain of Memories." It's coming out next fall. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Blue]Hey out there! I'm sure a few of you out there had heard of the new show on "Adult Swim", "Metalopacolypse". I got to admit, this show is great, and I love the music for it. For those of you who don't know, "Metalopacolypse" is the story of DETHKLOK, the most popular metal band in the world. With their legions of fans, billions of dollars, and the mighty power of metal, they basicly have misadventures, while unknow to them, they are being watched by a secret orginization called the Tribural. They belive that DETHKLOK is could one day destroy the world, acording to an ancient text they have found. They might be right. Fans that go to their concerts have to sign wavers stating that the band if no way responcible for any maimings, disfigurements, or even deaths at their concerts. Their fans will do basicly anything the band tells them, not to mention they have more money than any band in history. The band members are lead guitarist Skiwsgaar Skwigelf, rythm guitarist Toki Wartooth, bass guitarist William Murderface, their drummer, Pickles, and lead vocalist Nathan Explosion. One of the best things about this show, is the music. I'm a big fan of their songs, even one of their songs is on Guitar Hero II. Any DETHKLOK fans out there? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo] [SIZE=1]Fixed the thread title for you. -Clurr[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Blue]Hey out there, everyone. Does anyone here play Role-Playing Games(RPGS)? No, I'm not talking about FFVII, or anything, these are RPGS you don't need a console for. I play a few myself. I play: Heroes Unlimited: A super-hero RPG. Make your own hero of all kinds, from mutants, cyborgs, robots, mutant animals, aliens, magic users, mega-heroes, and many others. Fight evil villians, save the world, cause lots of property damage in epic battles, it's all here. Beyond the Supernatural: A horror RPG where you play heroes who weild phsyic powers who fight the monsters and demons who strike from the dark and prey on humanity. Players take the role of ghost hunters, phsyic healers, latent psyics, pychic mediums, and pyrokenetics, and others in this game. Nightbane: Demons from another dimention called the Nightlands, have come to our world, and aim to conquer it. They are controling our goverments in secret, and are gathering power each day. The Nightbane are heroes who can transfrom from humans, into nightmarish creatures weilding supernatural powers to fight these demons, and protect the world. Systems Failure: In 1999, we feared Y2K, but nothing happened. But in this game asks the question, what if something did happen? Giant insect-like monsters invaded our world on New Years Eve, 1999, and the world is in a state of darkness. The heroes are people struggleing to survive, and fight the monsters that have taken our world from us. (Note: This game was made in '99. I would've liked to have seen more books for it, but I guess people lost intrest.) After The Bomb: One day, a bomb dropped and it changed the world. The radiation from the bomb mutated animals into walking, talking, intelligent beings. A post-Apocolyptic world where humanity is no longer alone, and the animals we know walk among us. Robotech The RPG: The RPG based on the classic anime series! Play all three generations (Macross, The Robotech Masters, New Generation) as mecha pilots in wars with horrible alien foes. From the the transforming Veritech Jet fighters, to the heavily armed Destroids. It's one of the best anime RPGS I've seen. Macross II: This is another anime based RPG. In the future, mankind is at war with the Marduk invaders, who aim for the Earth's destuction. Players play as members of the U.N. Spacy, who use their mecha to fight back against the marduk hordes. RIFTS: This game is HUGE. Seriously. Many years from now, a great disaster awakens the lines of engergy in the earh called "ley Lines", and portals or rifts from all sorts of dimentions, alien worlds, other times, and galaxies, open bringing all kinds of beings to Earth. This brings the return of magic and psyonics, along side super-science, high technology, and machines. Players can take the role of countless kinds of beings. Elves, wizards, dragons, demi-gods, robots, vampires, robot pilots, ley line walkers, the heroic cyber knights, Coalition troops, and many many more. Do you guys play any RPGS? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Blue]I've been looking forward to a few game myself. XBOX360 -Halo 3 -Lost Planet -Blue Dragon PS3 -Devil May Cry 4 -Metal Gear Solid 4 -Tekken 6 -Virtua Fighter 6 -Assassin's Creed -Army Of Two -FFXIII [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Blue]I don't really try pick-up lines. But I tried on once at my old school one day. I was sitting in the cafeteria, and there were these two cute girls there getting signatures for somthing. They came over to me at my table. One was this punk-rock girl, BTW. They asked me if I would like to sign for....I forget what it was. So I replied by saying:"I can't say no to a pretty face." The punk-girl turned to the other girl and says: "See? I told you!" "You were talking about me, right?" the other girls asks. "Actully, I was talking about both of you." I said. "But mostly me, right?" the punk-girl asks. "C'mon! Share!" the other says. Not bad, huh?[/COLOR]
  19. [quote name='Elk']let's see.... idk.. hm maybe something like "some one's thong is on a bit too tight." and i really like the eye test one. it's halarious. or this one : If I had balls, life would be kicking me in them right about now. that's one of my favorites. :animesmil[/quote] [COLOR=Blue] Heh. That's not bad. Ooh, how about this one? (I hope I don't get sued for this) "COLONEL MUSTANG IS DEAD SEXY..IN A MINI-SKIRT!" :) Thanks for giving us the quote, Vic. And for making millions of fangirls go nuts! [/COLOR]
  20. [quote name='Raiyuu][FONT=Trebuchet MS']I have no problem at all with Harry Potter LEGO or Star Wars LEGO or any of the other franchised-out sets. But I DO think LEGO are getting lazy. Say you buy a set that builds a boat. You'll open the bag and there'll be a massive custom block shaped like the prow of a boat, where once you would have had to build it out of standard blocks. These huge custom blocks make it more difficult to mess around, experiment and build new stuff, too. You've got a piece that looks exactly like the prow of a boat, what are you going to build with it, except a boat, or something that looks like one? Standard blocks allow more for imaginative projects, which I thought were the whole point of LEGO.[/FONT][/quote] [COLOR=Blue]Yeah, I think they are getting lazy too. I would like to see less franchise stuff, and go back to some orginality. Hey, you remember the Lego "Aquazone" sets? That was a pretty cool idea. An underwater world were two forces fight for control over these crystals that could be used as a sourse of oxygen. They had these cool subs, undersea bases, I liked it. Too bad it got canned, I wanted to see a sea monster of some kind for it.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Blue]Coolest song of the week for me would be "METAMORPHOZE" by Gackt off of the "Zeta Gundam" movie soundtrack. I think the song is really cathy, and I like how the music's got this epic sound to it. I've seen the video as well. It was WAY AWESOME. [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Blue]Zombie trouble? Then go out and get "The Zombie Survival Guide" by Max Brooks. That will help you out in no time! [/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]As for me,I'm not worried. I'm Dante. I'm half-man, half-demon, and zombie bites don't work on me! They just hurt and piss me off! Besides, I got a badass sword, guns that NEVER run out of ammo, demonic powers, need I say more? Bring on all of those undedad ugly @$#^s! I'll send'em to back to Hell! "JACKPOT!" [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  23. [QUOTE=neomonkey]LEGO IS GREAT! I love them so much, I have a door magnet that says "Warning: I still play with legos". But yes, lego is suffering with the release of the Spongebob, batman and other licensed sets. Now [B]Bionicle[/B], that's a different story. :cool:[/QUOTE] What kind of Legos do you like? I think the Batman Legos are kind of cool.
  24. [QUOTE=thepinkprincess][COLOR=Magenta]umm, id say '-I R A colloge stewdent' lol...thats funny^^...[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I was orininaly thinking about "I is a colledge Stewdant", but the R is a little more funnier.
  25. [COLOR=Blue]Hey out there, everyone. I started my holiday shopping recently, and I think I got off to a good start. However, I had an idea to get a freind of mine a custom t-shirt or sweashirt. I had a few ideas about what I could put on it. But, I'm not sure which one is the best. The ideas I've had are as follows: [/COLOR] -"I drink, I smoke, I'm young. What's your excuse?" -SEX! The gift that keeps on giving! -I R A colloge stewdent -I need a drink. -A moronsezwhat? -EYE TEST Y-O-U S-U-C-K -I'm a superhero! So you better be nice to me! [COLOR=Blue]What do you guys think is the best one? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
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