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Everything posted by Dragonboym2
[COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Blue]Hey out there, everyone. When I was kid, Legos were one of my favorite things in the world. Did any of you play with Legos? Oh, the advetures I had with them when I was a kid. My favorite themes were: CASTLE-I really liked this one. I had a couple castles, a large group of midevil mini-figures, and get this: A real working lego catapult! It could fire off little rocks across the room! SPACE-This one was the one I was into the most. I had many spaceships from all sorts of space themes. I even had this HUGE spaceship that had a badass laser cannon on it. I'm not kidding. ADVETURERS-This is like "Indiana Jones" stuff. It a had a daring hero, crazed villians, treasrues, stuff like that. NINJA-I'm not kidding. I really wanted these, but I never got around to them. They had ninja, samurai, fortresses, not bad. But in the recent years, I thought Lego was suffering. Alot of their products were based off licenced stuff liked "Star Wars" and "Harry Potter." I thought that kind of killed some of Legos creative spirit. Even the wildly inventive "Bionicle" started to suffer with OVA movies, that gave away the endings to Bionicle sagas. Then one day, this came along. "Exo Force", an anime inspired Lego theme. I was suprised at how they now got mini figures that resemble anime characters, and these really cool lego mecha you can build. It revolves around your basic "good vs. evil" story, with humans fighting robots in giant robots. I got say, I like this. It's a good idea, and I hope it goes well. As for creativity, they of course supply products with summerys, and some characters, but from there, it's all yours. It's nice to see that Lego is re-embracing the creative spirt that made it famous. With giant robots, no less. :) What do you guys think? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]The last movie I saw was Adam Sandler in "Click". I thought it was just another big dumb Adam Sandalr moive. You know, jokes about farts, toleit humor, sex, "SHAMALAMALOO!" etc. But it was a little different. "Click" had a very positive message in it, when you see it. Adam plays Michael, a workaholic father and husband, who seems to have no time for his family. But when he gets a magic remote control, he gets more than he could ask for. He can mute his wife's sister, fast forward through a cold, etc. But there were consequences to his actions. I'm not going to spoil it. See for yourself. And yes, there is some dumb humor in there anyway. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
Anime Animes That need To be Remade , Revised, or Redone
Dragonboym2 replied to Kenshin DX's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=Blue]I ahte to say this, Kenshin DX but there is NO plan at all to do more "Berserk." Sorry. Hmm..for me, I'd like to see the third story arc of the "Ruroni Kenshin" mamga done in anime form. I haven't seen the third arc of the anime, but I heard that the manga is much better. YU-Gi-Oh! needs to be redone. (The american version.). The orginal anime is darker, more vilolent, and has more muture themes. The american dubb is watered down, and aimmed at children. Yu-Gi-Oh was aimmed at TEENS, not children! DO IT RIGHT! Naruto has some problems too. The american dub has changed alot of diolouge, cut scenes, and Naruto has a REALLY OBNOXIOUS VOICE!! He sounds like a ten year old on drugs! If I have to hear him say "BELEIVE IT!" one more time, I will vomit. I know that an uncut version is out, but I'm going to skip the dub track. As for the rest of the show, I hope more uncut stuff comes out soon. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Blue]I've had a couple myself. One that I has was that I was alone in the dining area at school, and sitting on the other side of the room was Gundam SEED's Kira Yamato. He was reading a book. I came over to say hi, and he looks up at me. "Hmm? Oh, hello." He says. "What are you reading?" I asked him. He was reading a copy of "Battle Royale." "I wish the fighting would stop." He ads. "What, the book?" "No, the war." Another one I had was that I was in a Suncoast video, and standing at the horror section was Ed Alric. But he was wearing a red hooded sweat shirt, sunglasses, jeans, and a Bruins cap. I go over and say, "How's it going, Ed?" He shushs me quickly. He looks around, and says "Quiet. I'm hiding from the fan girls." I don't remember anything else, but knowing how fan girls are, they probally found Ed. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Drowning Pool-WWE themes -Triple H "The Game" Yu Yu Hakusho-Opening theme Disturbed-"Just Stop" Rob Zombie-"Never gonna Stop" Orgy-"Blue Monday" Disturbed-"The Game" Godsmack-"Realihgn" Hellsing OST-"hatred of the sinfulness" Powerman 5000-"Drop the bombshell" Rob Zombie-"I'm your bogieman" Disturbed-"Violence Fetish" Rob Zombie-"Thunderkiss '65" Linkin Park-"Nobody's listening" Linkin Park-"Points of Authortiy" Rob Zombie-"What lurks on channel X?" Not a bad selection, huh? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]For me it was, "Life is Beautiful." Wow. I was deeply moved by the plot and characters in the film. The poor guy and his kid get hauled off to a death camp in the '40s, and during the entire time, the man keeps an positive attitude about everything, and convinces his son it's all a game their playing to protect his innocence. I've seen it in it's orginial Italian version with subtitles. I love the italian lanuage, it's so poetic. (Look who's talking. I'm half-Italian, and I don't know a word of it.). "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[quote name='Shi no Tenshi']ROFL. And the cheeky thing is she let you finish before she said anything.[/quote] [COLOR=Blue]You said it. She told me she let me do that because she LOVES massages, and dosn't care who does it. And I enjoyed giving her one, just as much. :) "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2 [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]I wanted to get some opinions on "Naruto: Ultimate Ninja." And like a moron I looked at what G4's X-Play had to say. I shouldn't have done that. Morgan did the reveiw, and all she did was ***** about how bad Naruto is. Not just the game, she greatly dislikes the anime. She said Naruto looks like Arron Carter(Who?), had a stupid catch phrase(I agree. He dosn't do that in the manga or the Japanese version of the anime), and she did somthing that she's never done when reveiwing a anime based game. She insulted the fans. She called the Naruto fans "pathetic", and "Mentally handicapped." Morgan, when will you ever learn? Otaku are legion. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Hey out there again! Not to long ago, I went to this years Anime Boston, my hometown's yearly convention. And it was great! I got to meet a lot of cool people, and even seen a few that I know from school. The guests for this year were some of the best so far. Greg Ayres (Son Goku from "Saiyuki"), Steven Blume(Mugan from "Samurai Champloo", and Spike from "Cowboy Bebop".) Kari Wahlgren,( Haruko from "FLCL", and Fuu from "Samurai Champloo") Vic Migonila (Ed from "Fullmetal Alchemist"), Richard Epcar, and a few more. I went to a autograph signing with Kari so she could sign my FLCL poster(And just between us guys, Kari's pretty cute. ;) ). She really liked my poster, and we swapped some FLCL lines. She even did some Haruko. I got a glimpse of Greg, and I accidently got distracted in the dealer's room and missed the Q&A with Steven and Vic. I saw it on Youtube anyway, and someone there asked the question I had for Steve. "Is there going to be a Cowboy Bebop video game coming out?" Steve: (In Spike's voice)Yeah, it's gonna kick ***. Vic did some Ed for the fans, "WHOAREYOUCALLINGABEANSPROUTMIDGIT!?!" I even got interveiwed by some local fans for their website. I was cosplaying as Goku. :) I even got to spar with a few people. One of best things about this year was a free preformance by "Kaiju Big Battel". That was awesome. I've been to one of their shows once, and I forgot how fun it was. I felt like that the audience was part of the show as well. Did anyone go to Anime Boston? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Can't say I've played it yet. I hear it's even better than the Gamecube Naruto game. I don't really watch the U.S. dubbed version of Naruto. I've heard that some stuff was cut out of the U.S. version, like when Naruto accidently fell on Sasuke's mouth. In short, I'm getting the Japanese Naruto DVDs. I saw a couple episodes of the Japanese version at my school's anime club, and it was very good. I would like to see some more characters in the game. It seems to have about ten available characters. But I've heard lots of good things about game, and that's a good sign. I'll get around to the game just as soon as I catch up with some more of the Naruto manga. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
Dragonboym2 replied to DotHacker32's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=Blue]Could someone give me a hand with Magas on .Hack//Quarintine? It won't protect break, no matter what I do. The other day I was fighting it for thirty minutes, and no protect break! How do I project break it? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR] -
[QUOTE=Heero yuy]Crushes, crushes and crushes... Yeah, the lesbian thing happened to me too, so yeah. Kinda shocking right...[/quote] [COLOR=Blue]Heh. Small world, huh? Most of the girls I like at school are taken, it's a little frusterating at times. I even had a crush on a girl who turned up to be engaged. Her name was Nazz. She's one of the prettiest girls I've met. She dresses in mostly black, skinny, and has black and orange hair that she syles herself. She's kind of Goth meets punk rock in some ways. I used to flirt with her. Alot. I remember the time I gave her a back rub, and I look over next to her, and there's her boyfreind. Yipe. I finished up, and he was still there looking at me. He didn't say a word. That was that. And why didn't he clobber me? Because he's not that kind of guy, for one. And also, Nazz and him have an open relationship. Oh. Pretty surprising, huh? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2 [/COLOR]
[quote]There was one kid, Alec, who was really shy, like really uber shy and awkward around girls. Being the stupid hyper kid i was i would hang on his arm and give him a hard time. Alec wasn't my type at all. He was pretty overweight... ok, he was a fat kid... and he had super big and thick glasses. One of his best friends was my good friend so we all started hanging out as a group after school. Alec would see me during passing period and give me candy. Before i knew it i was starting to like him, and i freaked out so bad. I would goto Neuma and be like "Why?! Why is this happening?! I don't know what to do?!" I didn't want to be in a relationship and i didn't even know if i wanted to date someone like him. :animeswea But i ended up giving it a chance. Two years later Alec and i are still together and are probably going to get married, but not for a long while. ;)[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]That's a good story you got there. I remember that High School was a little confusing for me too. Your very lucky to found someone at that time, most people don't. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]I ask myself that all the time. I'm Catholic, so I do think there is a heaven, and a Hell. I don't really think about death, really. I find that a little depressing, and sad. But on a lighter note: [/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Calvin: What do you think happens to us when we die?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hobbes: I think we play saxaphone for an all girl caberet in New Orleans.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Calvin: So you believe in Heaven?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hobbes: Call it what you like.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
She's really great, but there are a few problems, one being that i'm a senior and that she's a sophomore. Another being i don't have a car. I never really cared to have one the past 3 years considering my lack of need. So now i really don't know what to do. Oh well. I'll figure things out. Later.[/COLOR] [/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]Hmm. I see your point. Just take it slow, like I would. Not having a car could be a little bit of a problem though. I don't have a car either. I hope I get a good cr when the time comes. Like the Mach 5, or somthing. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Hey out there, it's me again. Did you ever have any crushes or feelings for someone you knew? What did you do? Did you admit it? Keep it to yourself? Tell you closest freinds? etc. I've had a couple in my life. I guess we all do from time to time. If I may, I will tell you about a couple I've had. Firstly, there's a girl I know at school named Alice. She's kind of tall, Asian american, very intellegent, and is very pretty as well. I at last got the courage to talk to her, and we have nothing in common at all. Well, that's that. But I still kind of like her. There's Jill, another girl from school. She's got these big bright eyes I like, somtimes dresses in sweats, she's real adorable, and is a Red Sox fan. She has the cap to prove it. One night a year ago, I was hanging out on campus, and she was sitting alone on a bench outside. I came over to say hi. She said that she had a bad day, so I offered a hug. She acceppted, and I hugged her. I don't remember what I said next, but I ended up rubbing her shoulders for her. At that moment, I realized she was enjoying it as much as I. I tried to think of somthing clever to say, and like a moron I said "Wow, Jill. You got soft skin." :animeshy: She says "Thanks. I moisturize with Aveeno." I ended up massaging her shoulders, neck, arms, hands, legs, and feet. When I finished, she thanked me, and said she felt a lot better. I then asked if she would like to get a soda with me at the cafe down the street. She looks up and says "Are you asking me out?" I of course said "No, no, no, no,..yes." She smiled and shook her head. "Umm..thanks for the offer but..I have a girlfreind." "What?" "I'm a lesbian." "You are?!" I couldn't beleive it. "I thought you knew." She added. "Uh..No, this is the first time I heard of it!" I said. That was it for that idea. What were your crushes like? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]A little bit of trivia for you. After the second film, Universal was approached by National Lampoon with a movie pitch called "Jaws 3 People 0." Universal of course turned it down. But Universal made a third film anyway, "Jaws 3D". And it wasn't that great. Oh, I forgot to mention there is kind of a in-joke in the game. During the part when you get to fight a Killer whale, it reminded me of another movie. After Jaws was made, rival studio Paramount, made a rip-off film with a killer whale called "Orca." I didn't see it, but I heard it was very much like Jaws in story. This is kind of like Universal's way of getting back at them. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]TA-DAAA! You have got the power to manipulate metalic objects! Yay! What fun! But you didn't say anything about having control over them, did you? You accidently use your power to pick up a steel girder and sending flying through the air into a nearby building that colapses on top of you, and you have no time to repel the rubble. Congrats, you are dead. I wish Morgan Webb was my girlfreind. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Hey out there. I've heard of a Jaws video game in the works for a long time now, and I finaly got to take a look at the trailer for it. It looks pretty cool, I got to say. One of the best things about this game is you get to BE the shark. That's right, you heard me. So it means that the world is your buffet! Playing as the shark, you get to eat whoever or whatever you come across from swimmers, to killer whales(Chomp, Chomp!) But there is a plot to the game. It takes place on the same island as the first film. You have eaten the son of a big time CEO that owns the island, and he has hired a marine biologist and shark hunter to track you down. This game is a real treat for me. "Jaws" is one of my favorite films, and it was filmed in my homestate, too. I've been to the town where it was filmed, on Martha's Vineyard. I'm a little scepical though. Movie games are not really that great. It's any one's guess with this game. Will it be a a solid hit? Or a disaster like the three movie sequels? What do you guys think? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]It looks to me like anyone's game in the next console war. Nintendo's got a great new system, and an inventive way to play games on it. Microsoft is uping the ante with new games, and Sony's PS3 looks like a real winner with a motion controler, HDTV, Blu-ray, etc. I'm rooting for Sony, myself. But the problem is the price on the PS3. I think it's a bit steep. Is Sony doing the right thing, making it that expsensive? It could be a tough blow to their buisness, but I think they can pull through once again. I've been watching the E3 speical on G4(AKA Spike TV 2), and I'm excited by what I got to see. But what about "Devil May Cry 4", "Dead Or Alive", or "Okami"? Speaking of the E3 speical, I was surprised to see Geoff Knightly and Kristin Holt on it. Even more surprised to see Gilbert Gotfried as a special guest. Wheren't Geoff and Kristin fired from G4? It didn't feel like an E3 special because Laura and Tina are gone. Unlike most of the people on that special those two ARE gamers. I miss them. :( "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]I'm concerned about the price of the PS3. Five hundred to six hundred dollars!? Are you kidding me!? Sony is releasing two kinds of PS3s, one is $500, the other $600. I forget the difference involved though. Also, what about HDTV? I don't have a HDTV, and many other people don't either. What does that mean for people who have regular TVs? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Coming in the near future, Marvel Comics will launch a new epic event. In the recent year, much has happened. HOUSE OF M, The colaspe and re-form of the Avengers, Spider-Man's new coustume and powers, and now a new threat may tear the Marvel Universe apart. A tragic event that results in the loss of many innocent lives, leaves the US goverment with a idea for a new law. "The Super Hero Registration Act" as it is called, will make it a law for all supe-powered beings heroes, and villians, to regestier who they are, powers, and their true identies. Many heroes think this is a good idea, while others do not. In Marvel some heroes identites are know to the public. Like Captain America, Iron Man, etc. But what about the heroes who want to keep their identies secrets? Revealing themsleves could put their friends and loved ones in danger. So the heroes are torn between what to do. Teams, freindships, and teammates, are in danger of collasping, and sides will be taken. Spider-Man is going to be caught in the middle of it all, and it is a big deal in the mutant comunnity as well. This is basicly mutantkinds worst nightmare "The Mutant Registration Act" come to life. What will happen? "Civil War" begins soon. I'm looking forward to it, it looks like a great story. What to you guys think? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]I've had a couple. Lets' see... LITTLE MIKEY:This was given to me buy a few high school kids when I was, what eleven twelve years old. I hung out with them for a bit, and got this name from one of the girls there. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]MIKEY: I hate being called that. Don't even think about the "Hey Mikey, he likes it!" gag. I DISPISE that. [COLOR=Blue]MIKE: That's my name. Don't wear it out.[/COLOR] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]MONTY MIKE:[/COLOR][COLOR=Blue] Becasue of my love of Monty Python. "What do you mean, ughhh? I don't like Spam!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]BRUCE: A old teacher of mine and I liked Monty Python, and there is this scetch were everyone is named Bruce. "'Allo, Bruce!" "Hello, Bruce! This is Bruce!" Silly things.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]THE TRAVELING KNIGHT:[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]This was from freind of mine after she heard a stood up for a girl at my dorm who's boyfreind was being a jerk. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]GOKU: [/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]I cosplayed as him a few times. When I do, I act in character sometimes. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]SAMURAI: [/COLOR]A[COLOR=Blue] girl at school called me this. It's because once on capmus I was practising one of my katas. I'm flattered to have been called this, though.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]GOD OF DEATH:[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]:) I got this name on the dodgeball team at school. After a winning game, eveyone was doing the victory thing, you know "WHOO-HAH!" "Hell yeah!" I thought "When in Rome.." and shouted out "The God Of Death is back again!!" It kind of stuck. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2 [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]I'm trying to sign up for AB's "Anime dating game." I wonder if I'll get picked. The only problem I have at AB is how much money I want to take with me. I like to spend wisely, and most stuff at cons are half off, or even less. But there is so much stuff, and so little money. Any of you have that problem? That super deluxe collectors Voltron looks pretty promising. :) "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]I just saw the first episode of "Hellsing Ultimate". Wow. It was better than I thought it would be. Yes, they are starting over from the begining. It seemed a little more like the manga, and the art style had a more creepy vibe to it. Oh, you can see it for yourself on this website [link deleted by moderator]. Trust me, you'd enjoy it. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed][INDENT]Dragonboym2, please keep in mind that the propagation of illegal or copyright material is not permitted at Otakuboards and considered spam. Please refrain from posting links to sites that do so in the future. -Arvi[/INDENT][/COLOR][/SIZE]