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Everything posted by Dragonboym2

  1. [quote name='lumpy3922']I just wanted to know what everyone else thought of the people going so far. I know I can't wait, I love the people they have so far. Who do you think they should add??? I know I want Johnny Bosch, he's great as Vash and others. Back to what I was saying, I would love to know who you want to go??[/quote] [COLOR=Blue]Um, Johhny Young Bosh was at last years Anime Boston. Or was that last year's Otakon? As for who's there this year, it's going to be Greg Ayres(Son Goku from Saiyuki), Richard Epcar ( Batuo from Ghost In the Shel: SAC), Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (Major Kusanagi from Ghost in The Shell: SAC), Carrie Savage, Steven J. Blume (Spike from Cowboy Bebop), Vic Migongna (Edward Alric from FMA. Breath, ladies. Breath. :) ),and Kari Wahlgren (Haruko from FLCL. And she's cute, too. ;) ). I'm going to see if can meet a few of them. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Blue]Hi there, everyone. Anime Boston just opened rejestrastion for this years con, and I am looking forward to this year's con. I'm from Boston, so it's a big treat for me. AB was called the seventh largest anime con in the U.S. I remember when it was held in puny little hotel, intstead of the Hynes convention center. But that was a good year, because all the Gundam boys voice actors from Gundam Wing showed up. And Scott McNeil has been coming back since. This year, he's cosplaying as Kouga. I kid you not. Is anyone else going? What are you looking forward to doing and/or seeing? Have you been there before? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Blue]Hey out there everyone. The other day I was bored so I channel surfed for a bit, and I came across an interveiw with one of my favorite directors, Quinten Tarintino. Huh? I thought, What's he doing on the Tyra Banks show? Since Tarintino's one of my favorite directors, and I love his work, I watched a few minutes. Then it happened. Tarintino confessed to Tyra that he does in fact have a foot fetish. I kind of thought so when I see his work. There are constant foot shots of women in all his films. Especially Uma Thurman. I still think Tarintino's the man, though. Even thought the foot fetish thing may be a little odd. What do you guys think? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Blue]I got word that the english dub of "Hellsing Ultimate" won't be here until next October. I have no idea who's in it though. Chrispin Freeman better be in it. It would suck if they replaced him with someone else. Freeman IS Alucard! Am I right? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Blue]Yeah, I heard of Gundam ZZ. I heard that it is a lighter story compaired to ZG. Is it "Ruroni Kenshin" light, or is it lighter? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Blue]Hey out there. Awhile ago, I got the box set edtion of Zeta Gundam, a series I have been wanting to see for a long time. I just finished it, and I can see why it is hailed as one of the best Gundam series ever done. Zeta Gundam is the sequel to the original Gundam series. (0083 works as Zeta's prequel.) In Zeta, it takes place a few years after the one-year war, and the Earth Federation has a speical military police force called the Titans. The Titans are are bullies, and coruppt, doing what they see fit to hunt Zeon sympthisers, and rebels. To demeonstrate their power, the Titans nerve gassed an entire colony, killing it's inhabidance. This lead to the creation of the AEUG (Anti Earth Union Group). They are a force of former Federation troops who are fighting against the Titian's tyranny. The story revolves around a young Newtype named Kamille Bidan. Kamille has a bad temper because of his femine name, and picks a fight with a Titans pilot because of it. At that moment, the AEUG snuck into Kamille's colony to steal three prototype Gundam Mark II mobile suits from a Titan's base. Kamille gets caught up in it, and joins them as their newest pilot. The show is pretty dark, I got to say. I wasn't really exspecting that, but it makes the show better than I thought. Have you seen it? What do you think? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Blue]For some reason, CN cancels a lot of their good shows. I was really upset when they canned "Justice Leauge", "Megas XLR", and "Samurai Jack". Teen Titans is a fun show, and I like how it looks and feels. (I would like to see a JLA Titans team up special.) I can tell by the recent episodes it's winding down. I'm not sure how much longer it's going to last before it ends. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Blue]I was a child of the '80s. I was pretty young at the time, and I discovered anime at a young age. Let's see..there was "Tranzor-Z" (AKA Mazinger Z), "Saber Rider And The Star Sheriffs", "Robotech" (one of my favorites.), and my childhood hero and still one of my favorites the mighty "Voltron: Defender of the Universe". "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Blue]It's "Ronjin Z". About an old man who was put on a self-reliant bed thinge, that would take care of him. But it went heywire, and it had the spirt of his dead wife inside it. And it was also orignaly designed as a militart weapon. You could find it on VHS, but it's rare. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Blue]CN also cancled "Samurai Jack", "Justice Leauge" and "Megas XLR". Those shows were great, and doing very well too. Why did they cancel shows that were doing so well? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  11. Dragonboym2


    [COLOR=Blue]It was good, but there were some problems. There seemed to be only one kind of monster, instead of many. And IT'S A VIRUS!? They are supposed to be DEMONS FROM HELL!! Not a stupid VIRUS! At least it wasn't in the desert like I heard it was going to be in. The FPS scene, that was cool. It was short, but really cool. The acting was sub-par. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson did a good job, but he could be better. Oh, BTW What does "Semper Fi" mean anyway? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Blue] :D This is one of the biggest animes I've been waiting for. I got word of it at the Geneon booth at Otakon, and a free mini-poster. I didn't really regonize the staff on the anime, but the creator o f Hellsing has more say in it, which is great. The DVD comes out in Japan in December. I do know that it is more based on the manga, so it's going to be darker, more violent, more characters, and whatever is in store for the fans. I estimate the US realese will come out maybe during the Spring, or Summer at the most. I don't care who does the voices, just as long Chrispin Freeman does Alucard. HE [I]IS[/I] ALUCARD! Oh, yeah. I heard that a prequel Hellsing manga is coming out in Japan, called "Hellsing: The Dawn." It takes place in WWII, back when Walter was known as "The Angel Of Death", and he is partnered with Alucard to fight an evil axis plan. Does anyone have any idea when Hellsing Ultimate will be here? Or who's going to be doing voices? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Blue]I've been to a few. Mostly Otakon and Anime Boston. Last year at anime Boston, I met my first voice actor. I was in line for two hours to meet Scott McNeil. I befreinded the two girls I was in line with, adn I finaly got a glimpse of him. "That's Scott McNeil?" I said. He was wearing a cowboy hat, boots, dungerees, glasses, and a plaid shirt with the sleeves torn off. "He looks like something out of a Bon Jovi video." I finished. My new freinds went first. One was dressed as Duo, and Scott was pretty happy to see that. They got their photo with him, and I leaned in the backround. He noticed me, and says "No mischief back there young man. I'll turn this line up right around!" :) Next it was my turn. We talked a little about about his voice work, mostly Piccolo and Wolverine. I said that Wolverine never did anything, all he did on the show was stand around and look menacing. "I had a good fight with Sabertooth." he replied. "That wasn't a fight. That was a hissy fit." I said. He kind of agreed with me. "Yeah, every other episode was (Wolverine voice) Hey, it's another mutant kid. Come with me." Scott signed my nametag, and he did a recording as Duo for a friend of mine back home. I met with him again at Otakon, and he remembered me. "Hey, I know you! From Boston, right?" He's a cool guy. I have lots of stories to tell. But I'll save some of them for later. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Blue]I know I want to get an IPOD. As for everything else, I'm not sure yet. A few books, dvds, some video games, that kind of stuff. But I do know I want an IPOD. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Blue]I fear being alone. That is my worse fear. I don't get scared of being by myself or anything, but it's more like everyone I know will all go away. That's what scares me. I used to have a fear of sharks. They scared the hell out of me. You see, when I was little, my family and I were going to a sea side town where my aunt lived. We had a small cottage over near tge beach. But, when we were on our way there, I saw this huge bilboard on the freeway. It was a bilboard for one of the most horrible films ever made, "Jaws: The Revenge." The picture terrorfied me. All those teeth..those horrible, horrible teeth...I got over my fear when I turned thirteen. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Blue]I tried a demo myself, and I really enjoyed it. It was more like an interactive movie than a game. Games are starting to become alot like films these days, and I think this game helps push the genra forward. I hope more games come out like this. This is good stuff. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Blue]If you read the old "Teen Titans" comics, you would see that Dick Grayson and Kory(Starfire) had a realationship going. I don't know to much of the details. But Dick and her broke up, I think. As for Robin(Tim Drake), his girlfreind was murdered by Black Mask. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Blue]"Take that, you nasty wasty bug thingie!" "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Blue]Do you need a hug? (HUG). I know how you feel. I myself have an old freind of mine who is bi-polar, and recently got clinicly depressed. She can't see any of us from high school, the shock would kill her. And there is nothing I can do. All I can do is wait, and pray. I hope she'll be okay. She was one the best artists I've ever met, and she has a wonderful gift I would hate to see go to waste. My brother has three disabilties, and no freinds at all. :( He has OCD, PPD, and Asbergers stage one. I got tired of his obessions like with that damn girl from the Harry Potter movies, or Tron Bonn from "Mega Man Legends." And he used to get mad if there were clouds in the sky, or if it was raining. And I have Asbergers stage one myself. It sucks. I'm offended about the sterotpyes on tv, and movies, that people like us run around in wheelchairs, wear funny helmets, drool all over the place, and crap ourselves. I hate that! Many of us are highly intellegent, yoiu see. Most of us aren't that servere. Taking your life is most horrilbe thing you could do. It's a premament solution to a temperay problem. If you feel this way, eat to much, cry, talk to a freind, anything. Life is a wonderful gift, and it's very short. Things will get better, they will. Don't give up. Don't ever give up. Do it for your daughter, your family, your freinds, and finally for me. And everyone here. We belive in you. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Blue]"Shut up! Kira Yamato is WAY more cuter than Duo Maxwell!" "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Blue]Most anime based games are horrible. Why does good anime get bad games? But there are a few good anime games out there. DBZ:Budokai 3, Gundam: Federation Vs. Zeon, Naruto, Gundam Vs. Zeta Gundam, and that's it I'm afraid. Most anime games are so-so, or bad. I hope to God that "Cowboy Bebop" will be good. Please let it be good.. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Blue]I have two cats. The oldest is a black cat named Whinston, and she's been with us ever since we moved in our new house years ago. A month later, one of the neghibors's cat had a litter of five. Three girls, and two boys. I went over to see them a couple days after they were born. They couldn't hear or see yet, but their mom J.P. let me touch them, and pick them up. I used to come over there as much as I could, and watch them grow. One day they all could see and hear, and they were wandering all over the house. Two were wresting, two others were trying to climb up stairs, and the other was sitting on the sofa getting a bath from J.P. There was one slight problem you see. My neighbot had three little children at home. They were picking them up when they didn't want to, and stuff like that. The youngest, a little boy who was two years old, picked up on the kittens two inches off the ground by the ear. I went over and saved the kitten just in time. She was unhurt, but a little shaken up. The kittens made a hole in the wire frame couch, and they would hide in there from the children. I desided to adopt one of them, but I had to get her out of the couch. She was the runt of the litter, a little calico I named Mitsy. We took her home, and she quickly picked me as the favorite. Whinston didn't like her at first. Whinston never hurt her, but when she gets mad, she urinates on the wall in the basement. Mitsy likes to sleep in my room, on a big blanket I have a thte foot of my bed. For some reason, Mitsy likes to suck on it, and I have no idea why. We've had her for a while. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Blue]Oh yeah, I forgot to say that I also met Richard Ian Cox, at the same con. He does the voice of Kai from "Mobile Suit Gundam" but best known as the voice of Inuyasha. He even did a little for the fan girls. We all heard him while while we were in line for Scott McNeil. He shouts out (In Inuyasha voice) "KAGOME!!!" The fan girls went crazy. I didn't get to meet him, but maybe next time, right? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2 [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Blue]There are still some Catholics and Christians that take everything to seriously. This isn't 1342 anymore, people. Get over it, will you? My family's Catholic, but our relgion says that EVERYTHING is a sin. We're not even aloud to go to the bathroom. But that was the old days. You can still be relgious and all, it's just that you got to by your OWN belives. For exsample, the Catholic Bible says that all other relgions are impure, and wrong. Well, they were seen that way back when we had dead carts, and the plauge was going around. Not these days, we all get along no matter what we belive in. Don't be afraid to be who you are, okay? Take care. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  25. [quote name='Killer7']They do still take callers, they just haven't had any the past 2 weeks for some reason. I do agree with the change in style, I just started watching G4 again after about 1 year of not watching it, and this show and cheat are the only shows that have lost something. Cheat got rid of Cory Rouse, and got that anarexic girl who knows about as much about games as she does about Rocket science. G4 lost Scott Rubin and got that other guy who is about as dry as fried noodles (I know I am using alot of similes). Also they got rid of those cool little challenges at the end of the show.[/quote] [COLOR=Blue]Well I think your right in some cases. Kristin Holt has no idea what she is talking about. She's just on their because G4 is trying to get more noticed, so they got a girl from a reality show. I hate reality televison, I think it's uncreative. I've watching for about a month, and no callers have been taken. I thought it was just because summer is slow for games, not many come out, and not many are that good. But they didn't take any callers during the episode where they talked about "Darkwatch" and "Geist." The show just isn't fun any more. But I do have theory. Recently they have been just talking to magazine publishers, creators, etc. And these guys aren't really people you can just talk to for two minutes and move on like callers. So they run out of time. But at least have the common curtosy to tell the people they picked as callers, that they will contact them next time. What do you think? Wait, never mind. They are just trying to do a new format. There will be callers, but not all of them will be veiwer reveiws. WTF? "The Man Show" on G4?! I'm not kidding. They are going to start airing re-runs of "The Man Show" on G4 starting October tenth. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
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