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Everything posted by Dragonboym2
[COLOR=Blue]This is a true story. Get this: The other day on the G4TV boards, on their weekly topic board, the hosts of G4TV were going to talk about the "Batman Begins" game. Of course being a gamer, a comic fan, and a Batman fan, I put in my two cents on the game. A week later, on the day of the episode, I rediscovered my screen name's mail icon thingie. I clicked on it, and there was a message from one of the show's producers. He said he liked what I had to say, and wanted to know if I wanted to be a caller on the show. Me? On TV?! I get to call in and talk to Geoff, Tina, and Laura?! Of course I'd be happy to. So I sent in a reply. BUT...it was too late. I found this message one day AFTER they record the show. I watched anyway, but it was painful. That could've been me. This will not happen again though. From now on, I'm going to pay better attention. Well, at least someone likes my writing. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Why does X-PLAY bomb on anime based games? Well, okay not many of those games are that good, but it's odd. Why do good animes get bad games? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]I have many characters, actully. Nearly all of them. But my favorite would probably be [B]Kilick[/B]. He has that staff, and can hit you multiple times very quickly. He also seems very peaceful and calm. I practice with a staff, that's one of the main reasons I like him. I like swords too, but a staff can be a fatal weapon if you know how to use it. I think that staff helps represent his personality. Kilik isn't a kind of guy who enjoys fighting, he only tries to do what he thinks is right, and his staff represents his feelings of non-vilolence. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]I'm a big fan of both Macross and Robotech. Macross was a great series, and it was one of the first anime's I've ever seen in Japanese. I have Macross II, and Macross Plus Directors Cut, but I can't find "Macross: Do you remember love?" any place. I saw it once, and I really enjoyed it. Do you know where I can find it? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
Anime Times that you've rooted for the "bad guy"?
Dragonboym2 replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=Blue]I don't root for bad guys really. I'm mostly for the hero, or the anti-hero. Well, in Gundam, I liked Char. I rooted for both Amruo and Char when they'd fight. Except at the end, when Char was telling Amuro his veiws on Newtypes. Also, in Gundam Wing, I liked Traize sort of. He was a very nice person, but I had mixed feelings on how how he thinks man grows and prospers through war and battle. But genral, I'm for the hero, heroain, or anti-hero. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Blue]Hey there. I'm looking forward to thie summer's Otakon, one of the biggest anime cons on the east coast. It's every summer in Baltimore, Maryland, and I've been going since 2000. The convention center is huge, and there is so much to do and see. It's more than just a dealers room. There are speical musical guests, veiwing rooms, art show, model workshops, and much more than that. I've had a lot of good times at Otakon, and this year looks as just as good. Has anyone been to Otakon? What did you like about it? Is there anyone that is going this year? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[color=blue]I found a couple myself. First, the movie "Dead Zone." It supposed to take place before the series, but in it, Goku is talking with the others about finding his son, and Krillan shows up as well as Piccolo. And in the series, they are meeting Gohan for the first time. (WARNING! SPOILERS!) [spoiler]Also, Raditz claims that the Sayins go to worlds, eliminate them of all life, and put those planets for up for sale. Later on, we're told that in "Bardock: Father of Goku" the Sayins worked for Freiza, and he used them as him own personal army. He used them to go to worlds that resisted his rule, and wiped them out, not to put them up for sale. And when did "The Tree of Might" and "The World's Strongest" happen? Goku was injured after his big fight with Vegeta, and he had the sprit bomb in both movies. A move he learned on King Kai's world while training to fight the Sayins. Not only that, but Gohan and Krillen left for Namek after the Vegeta saga, and they were in both movies.[/spoiler] Weird, huh? Oh well. I still love it. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/color]
[COLOR=Blue]I WAS forced to listen to them. I used to work in a Toys R Us for about four years, and there was a never ending loop of crappy music( Well, every once in a while, we'd get a good song. To this day, many people don't know the real meaning behind the '60s pop hit "Yummy, Yummy, Yummy." ). And those no-talent boy bands had a couple songs on each loop. It was horrible. That's why I was excited about working in the video game section. They had a huge stereo, and would listen to the local rock channel, WAAF. So your in the game section, and the stereo is playing Metalica's "St. Anger" instead of...whatever. Cool. As I once said: "Boy bands are just a gimic and a fad." "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]We don't need anymore boy band stuff. A while ago, that's all it was. Thank God we had real musicans like Godsmack, Rob Zombie, and Linkin Park to help us throught that time of crisis. I think that one of the things that killed boy bands was that no one really took them seriously, except for girls ages 11-15. Boy bands were hileriously spoofed on SNL, and in MAD magazine, and the Simpsons. I realize how shallow the music industry can be some times. I also think that alot of them may have got fusterated, because they don't really get full creative control. Well, most musicans go throught that anyway. That was what John was singing about in Korn's "Freak On a leash." How the music industry won't let him have full creative control. All and all, please no more boy bands. Long live rock! "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
Writing A sample of my work on DBZ/YYH team-up fic(M,V,L)
Dragonboym2 posted a topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=Blue]I've been working on this team-up fan fac for a long time. DBZ, DBGT, and YYH are some of my favorite animes. However, I've been practicing my writing skills for a while, and I havn't really found a place to start that I was happy with. I got some basic stuff down, but there is still room for improvment, and such. Not to mention studing the characters, places, and things in both shows. Whenever I get a good idea for a scene, I write it down. The other day, I was thinking of a fight between Vegeta and a villian called Rai. It's not the entire fight, because I'm still outlining everything. Here it is: [/COLOR] Rai couldn't belive what he just saw. After a blast that strong, Vegeta still had the strength to get up. Most people are bloody toothpicks and scraps of flesh when he is done with this attack. But Vegeta, was not dead at all. Rai's eyes widened in anger and horror. "Why.." He stammered. "WHY..WHY.. CAN'T.. YOU.. JUST.. DIE!?!" Vegeta dusted himself off, and stood there, triumphetly. "Is it because your stupid?" Vegeta asked mocking Rai. Rai dived off the jagged clif, heading straight for him. Vegeta smirked. "Let me show you a effective attack." He stuck out his arm, the palm of his hand facing Rai. "FINAL FLASH!" A beam of energy came out of Vegeta's left hand and struck Rai in the shoulder, severing his arm. Rai screamed, and blue blood sprayed from his wound, and Rai fell in heap in front of Vegeta. "You learned a hard lesson." Vegeta said. "You don't fuck with the Prince Of all Sayins!" Vegeta turned to walk away, when Rai slowly turned his head toward him. "Please.." Rai begged, blood oozing from his pale blue lips. Vegeta turned. "Hmm?" "P..Please.." "Please what?" "P..P..please..Vegeta..." Vegeta put a hand up to his ear. "Hmm? Speak up! Can't hear you." "Please..Vegeta..y-y-you win..Please..show..some.. mercy.." Vegeta put a hand up to his face in mock thought. "Hmmm...No." With that, Vegeta plunged his gloved fist right into Rai's skull, splattering blood, bone, and brain matter. Vegeta withdrew his blood drenched hand from what was left of Rai's skull, and smiled to himself. "Fucker." [COLOR=Blue] What you think? As soon as I finish DBZ/YYH I'll put it up. Thanks again. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2 [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Blue]The movies I like hardly get any awards at any award show. (Exsept for LOTRS: Return of the King. 11 OSCARS! POW! Who's yo daddy, "Cold Mountin"?) "Mean Girls" Shmean Girls, "The Incredibles" and "Spider-Man 2" deserve more credit. How come movies that I like don't get much recogntion? I think that meetings for Oscars go somthing like this:[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]CEO: Right, men. What was the highest grossing film this year? Exsect1: Umm...This one, sir. (hands him a paper.) CEO: WHAT!? This..this a movie based on a comic book, fer God's sake! Exsect2: But the people love it, sir. Great cast, great diolouge, terriffic acting, and.. CEO: SHUT UP! We can't have that! It's bad enough that Lord of the..whatever won eleven awards, but we can't let it happen again, EVER. Jonson, get me every head of every film company in the US. We're going to bribe them to say that best picture goes to "My Life's Work". Exsect1: But sir, that movie was horrible! It made very little money, and it had Nick Nolte in it! People hated it! It dosn't deserve best picture! CEO: Johnson, your fired. Exsect1: I don't care! This movie is trash. It was four hours long about a guy complaining about everything! It.. (The CEO shoots him in the head.) CEO: Make it look like suicide, Jinkins. Your Our new vice president. Call up the film heads. "My Life's Work" is getting the Oscar! [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]I bet movie exsects are bribing MTV this very moment to have "Monster In-Law" as the best film for next years movie awards. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
What;s the most funnist thing you have ever seen?
Dragonboym2 replied to WhiteAoiFox's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Blue]Lots of funny things have happened to me. Let's see... Well, once in club, I tried to tell my freind Pocky the awful truth about her crush Duo Maxwell. "Pocky, listen. Duo is a cartoon. [I]He's. Not. Real.[/ I never should of said that. She grabbed her sketch book, and chased me out of the room. "DON't EVER TALK ABOUT MY DUO LIKE THAT!! COME BACK HERE, YOU!!" She was holding her sketchbook high above her head. And it's very big by the way. When I was a kid, I was riding my bike around the cul-de-sack near my house, talking to a neighborhood kid. I didn't watch where I was going, and I hit a mail box face first. BAM! I was okay, so don't worry. Once I was in the kitchen at my old house, having a snack, and talking to my mom. And up from the basement, I heard my brother shout out, "Mom, I cut myself on the razor." Mom looked upset. "Again?!" She yelled back. I had a nick-name for a girl in my media class Senior year. Her name was Natolie, but I called her Nazz for short. But everyone thought I was calling her "nads." And it lasted all year. And she thought I was calling her "nads" as well, but she didn't mind it. She even mentioned the nickname in her yearbook quote. To this day, she dosn't know I was calling her "Nazz." At dinner one night, I was eatting BBQ ribs. I said "Don't get between a man 'an his meat!" Bunny, a anquitence of mine replied by saying "Amen, brother!" I could go on, but that would take until next year. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Blue]I have this big thick blanket from when I was a kid. It's black, and has multi colored dinosaur prints on either side. Green t-rexs, red mamoths, etc. It comes in really handy during the cold weather around here. I like to put it in my bed when it gets cold, and warms me right up. I have it at the foot of my bed, and my cat likes to sleep on it. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
. Speaking of Morgan, has anyone noticed that her looks have gone downhill lately? I was never one of her drooling fanboys, but she looks like a vampire as of late, and an unhealthy vampire at that.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]You sure? She looks just as nice as allways if you ask me. But, it would be kind of funny if she bit into Sessler's neck, and sucked him dry. LOL. :) [COLOR=Blue] Huh? That's odd. For some reason, the last two posts on this thread are gone. I never touched them however, and they were not inapropriate either. This is strange. Can anyone help me out?[/COLOR] "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]I was very pleased with the animated SW micro-series, "Clone Wars." I wasn't exspecting it to do so well, or to be so good, but I figured I'd give it a try. We finally got to see these Clone Wars we were told about in the first trilogy, and we got to see alot of Jedi kick some ***. That was one of the best parts. But how did Anakin get that scar? I would've liked to have seen how he got that scar. The writing was very good, and the animation was very well done was well. I read that Lucas was so pleased by it, he gave the go for Clone Wars to become a half-hour animated seires. But, I"m not sure how they are going to do that. CW part two lead right up into Episode III, so how are they going to do it? I guess we'll have to wait and see. I'm looking forward to it myself. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]I've seen the original "War Of The Worlds" a long time ago. It was a very well done movie, and was very true to the book. Speaking of which, try reading the book, it's very good. I'm looking forward to the movie as well. I hope it does well, and I hope that it's not really a mindless summer popcorn flick. But I'm not sure if they kept the book in mind. Because to me, it looks like they got inspiration from it, but not as much as I would think. I think it will do well, just as long as it stays inteligent. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
Both of these stories are true, and happened a few years back. I was sitting in the celerium playing SNES, when the phone rang. I got up to answer it, and once again, it was for my dad. My dad is a teacher so he gets a lot of phone calls. Five mintues later, it rang again. It was for dad, I took a message, no big deal. Then five minutes later, it rang again. It was for my mom, took a message, la dee da. But it kept ringing every five minutes for the next thirty minutes. I was getting sick of it, and fustrated. It's hardly for me, and I hate taking messages. I would let the machine get it, but I was told to answer it, because dad was exspecting a call. The phone rang again. Out of anger and fustration, I picked it up, and yelled into it "NO BODYS HERE! EVERYBODY'S DEAD!!!" And hung up. The next one happened two years ago. I was having a tough week, and I wanted to be alone to cool off. The front doorbell rang. I had to answer it, because I was the only one there at the time. I was a guy with a beard, long brown hair, a green shirt and sandles with blue socks. He said he was from Greenpeace, asking if I could donate $200 bucks to save a patch of rain forest. Well, I'm all for the enviorment, but I wanted to be alone. So I told him: "Don't know, don't care. Bye." Slamed the door in his face. The doorbell rang again. It was him again. "That wasn't very nice." He said. "Yeah?" I replied. "Well, THIS isn't very nice!" I said, giving him the finger. And I slammed the door on him again. And went across the street to bug the neghibors. Yeah, I know I was rude, and I'm sorry. I'm not impulsive like that anymore. I ussally hear them out, and respond as nicely as I can. Unless it's an encyclopidia salesman or somthing. Then I say we allready got one. [COLOR=Blue]"KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]That's easy. The Mach Five! It's a really cool car. It's fast, sleek, handles like a dream, and all those cool gadgets like the auto-jump, and the robot bird. Yeah, that car is for me. [I]"Go Speed Racer, Go Speed Racer, Go Speed Racer, GO!!"[/I] (I had to let it out. Sorry. ) "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Blue]The last time I saw her, we had no problems. I said I was going home for the summer, and she said that she'd e-mail me. We hugged, and that was that. That was June, 2004. I did send her an e-mail on her old e-mail, and my service said that it was sent to the adress. That means it might still be active. "KAMEHAMEHA!"[/COLOR] Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Once again, E3 looked good, and rocked out. I wanted to go, but couldn't. Did anyone go? There are minutes when I think that X-Play tries a little too hard. Like they now got a cast of characters like Jonny Exsteme, the X-Play ninjas, etc. Sure they can be funny, but somtimes they can just try to hard. Like the "Tina vs. Morgan" bit. God, that was awful! To those of you who haven't seen it, don't. It's hazardous to your health, like "Bad Dudes" or "Jaws: The Revenge." Has anyone seen that "Tina Vs. Morgan" bit? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]A school activity? Well, she wanted it to be, but lacked getting the funds she needed. So it never became a school activity. She did get a room, though. Yes, her's was the only e-mail I got, and I kept it. As for a directory search, I'll try that. I'll let you know if I find anything. Thanks. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=r2vq]Don't the other friends have her email too? If you're the only one that transferred, maybe your friends could ask her at the game club again. Also, send her an email at her old address. Tell her that you want her new email. That way if she ever [i]does[/i] check the old address (sometimes people do) she'll see your message and email you. -ArV[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue] The game club only lasted three weeks, I'm afraid. Not enough people came, and not enough money to keep it going. She was the one I was closest to, and I didn't really know the others as well. And yes, I'm afraid I'm the only one who transfered. Who knew? Besides, Cape Cod is boring as hell. I live about an hour and a half away, where there is stuff to do. Thank God I'm going to school in Boston. "KAMEHAMEHA!"[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Hey out there. Awhile ago, I lost contact with some old freinds of mine. I met them a year ago, at my last school. And we were members of the game club for a bit. But since I was getting transfered, I got some e-mails. But one of them changed her e-mail, and I didn't get a heads up. It was odd. So, could anyone help me out? I have no idea how to restablish contact with her, and I don't know where she lives. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks for listening. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]I'm having a hard time with FFX. To be frank, FF games are great, but I never beat any. It's always I'm missing an item, or I don't have enough money, or exsperience, or I need to fight a certain boss or somthing. But I'm determined to beat FFX. But I have a couple questions: What's the signifagance of Blitz ball? Is is relevent to the game at all? Do get certain power ups, or somthing? I have no idea. Besides, I hate blitz ball. The hidden aeons, I was told that a few are a waste of time. Is getting Yojimbo, and the Magus sisters worth it? AHHHH! I hate these quests to get the speical weapons! Hate them! Can I beat the game with second most powerful weapons? What is the easiest speical weapon(s) to get? That' s all. Can any one help me out? Thanks. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]G4 just started it's coverage of E3. All I've seen so far was just a few people sitting around talking about new systems. The XBOX 360, Nintendo Revolution, GB Micro, and the PS3. They all look pretty good, and I'm looking forward to getting a PS3, but the GB Micro? Looks like I'd break the thing. Tina Wood was invited on stage to demonstrate "Nintendogs." And she did very well, but the other guys dog mounted hers. By accident? I think not. That was WRONG. And now, the worst thing ever. G4 has had this thing going on the Tina and Morgan hate eachother. I've heard rumors that Tina thinks Morgan is a stuck up egomaniac, and Morgan thinks Tina is a spoiled brat. Regaurdless, they made this awful, awful, AWFUl bit where Tina and Morgan face-off in a race for the promotion of "Juiced." I hated it. (It burns. It burns.) It wasn't funny at all. It was just bad. SNL bad. Neither of them can act either. Carlito Carribian Cool is a better actor than them, and he's terrbile. I hope G4 never does that again. Has anyone seen it? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Looks great, and sounds like a great system. And the hardware sounds cool too. Hey, wait a minute. How much are games, and how much is the system itself? I'd estimate to about...$350 for the system, and $60 per a game. What do you think? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]