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Everything posted by Dragonboym2
[quote name='MehrLicht']I didn't read the story, I just think you should know that you kinda got the words to "In the End" wrong...[/quote] [COLOR=Blue] I did? I listen to that song all the time. Are you sure? What were the correct lyrics? Oh, and BTW try reading the story. I think you might like it. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2 I got the correct lyric. Thanks for the heads up. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Next week is E3. I've heard lots of good things about htis year's E3, such as the PS3, and the XBOX 360. G4 had a contest to send in a tape to be a speical guest reporter with them at E3. I didn't have time to get a tape done. Well, there's next year. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
38 military bases to be closed in the US
Dragonboym2 replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Blue]A freind of mine works at Hanscom AF base! He's got a family, for Christs sake! And he's a MARINE as well! And don't forget he was in Iraq for FOUR months. This is how they repay him? DOWN WITH BUSH! DOWN WITH BUSH! DOWN WITH BUSH! "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR] -
Sci-fi club: A true story RMHS Sci-Fi Club: A true story of tragedy and triumph ?I tried so hard, and got so far. But in the end, it doesn?t even matter. I had to fall to lose it all. But in the end, it doesn?t even matter.? -Linkin Park ?In the end? This is a true story, just to remind you. Well, it began the first day of High School for me. I was very excited, after finally being able to go to my hometown high school after being a different school for a long time. My dad is a member of the faculty there. He is a math teacher, and head of the math department. Also, he is coach of the Reading High baseball team. Still, it was a very exciting time for me. My dad introduced me to my teacher, Mr. Blanchard, and my first day was a blur at most. I remember coming to the cafeteria for lunch, and getting to see all the kids I grew up with. But the biggest shock was this. I was standing in line for lunch, when a voice behind me said ?Hi, remember me?? I turned to see a girl standing in front of me. Her short hair was dyed dark red, and she was dressed all in black. She was grinning at me. I didn?t remember her, at all. ?It?s me, Audrey. Audrey Sheehan.? Then I recognized her. Her mom was my second grade teacher, and friends with my mom. ?Where ya been?? She asked. ?It?s a long story, Audrey.? ?It?s cool.? She said. ?Well, I?ll see ya around.? She sure has changed a lot since the last time I saw her. Later on, my dad had an idea. ?How about a sci-fi club?? He suggested. ?It could work.? I wasn?t to sure. ?Only two people will show up.? I said. ?It?s not like drama club, or anything.? My dad was still willing to give it a shot. Well, I thought it might work, so I decided to go with it. The next week was spent discussing where we would have it, when, and fliers. Dad said we could use his room upstairs in the library, every Tuesday, and Thursday afternoon. I got to work on the fliers, and such. The week after, it was the first day of club, and I arrived at dad?s room. ?I think you?d like this.? He said. ?See for yourself.? I opened the door, to find about fifteen people in there. Fifteen? On my first day? That was a first. I was surprised, and pleased. We went around the room, and introduced ourselves. Ally, her brother Little Dave, Andrew, Costa, Dana, Rose, Chrissy (for a while I got her and Rose confused.), her sister Steph, Tim, Scott, Robin and Robin, Lindsay, Carly, Big Dave, and Becky. Meetings were a lot of fun, and eventful. Some of us would go and play ?Magic: The Gathering?, others would hang out and talk, or watch movies. We even had some club outings. One of which was going out to see ?Star Wars: Episode One: The Phantom Menace.? But things really got interesting when I invited everyone to go see the long awaited X-Men movie at the new theater in the Liberty Tree Mall. Almost everyone wanted to go, except Big Dave. He claimed that no one could beat Ian Macelene. Robin was excited as much as I was. Robin has red hair tied into a ponytail, and was allways wareing a Boston Bruins cap. She and her step-dad like to go to Bruins games, and bond. She ussually wares jeans, and various t-shirts. Most are Bruins or Star Wars ones. Robin is a super tomboy, and that's cool. ?So who?s your favorite character, Robin?? I asked. Robin smiled. ?Easy. It?s..? ?Let me guess.? I said. ?Jean, Psylocke, Storm, Rouge,..? ?Hell, no!? Robin said. ?They all suck! It?s Wolverine! He kicks ass!!? A girl liking Wolverine? That was a tad strange for me. Oh well. It?s cool. The theater, very big, and was the first time I went to a theater with stadium seating. Not to mention the huge snack bar. Robin ordered all this stuff. I just stuck with M&M?s. After the movie, Robin came out with a huge smile on her face. ?Allright! Wolverine kicked some ass!? She said high-fiving me. Everybody liked it, except Big Dave. I asked if he didn?t want to go, he didn?t have to. Why did he come anyway? ?Because Becky called me up at night and yelled at me.? He said. I looked over at Becky. She was grinning like the cat that ate the canary. Becky was the big brain of our group. She has short dusty blonde hair, is kind of skinny, and is one of the smartest people I know. Another fun outing we had was when I invited them all to my place for laser tag during the summer. That was a lot of fun. There were two moments that stand out in my mind. Becky climbed up into my tree house, and dumped a bucket of water that was up there since?September I think It landed right on Big Dave. Now, Big Dave is six foot seven, and he wasn?t happy. He climbed up into the tree house, put the bucket on Becky?s head, and started applying pressure. I ran into the house, and got Big Dave?s mom. She made him stop, and Becky apologized. Big Dave went right up to me. ?Look at my shirt! It?s soaked! How long was that bucket up there?? I thought about it. ?Umm..Since September, I think.? ?What?? Big Dave mostly wares all black, and glasses. He has long blonde hair, and claims that he can't be killed. Uh..Yeah, right. Whatever you say, Superman. My mom said that she?d get one of my dad?s shirts for him. But we take care to remember not to have buckets in the tree house for God knows how long. Later on that night, Robin was the last one to leave. She was sitting on the back stoop, waiting for her parents. I came out to join her. ?Nice night, huh?? I said commenting on the star filled sky, and the bright full moon. ?Yeah.? She agreed. ?I?m gonna move to Alaska, when I get older. You can see as far as you can into space.? ?How come? Wouldn?t your family miss you?? ?No. My mom would, but my dad wouldn?t give a damn.? ?How come?? Robin went silent for a bit. And she opened up to me. Her parents were divorced. She has had a hard life growing up, and because of that, she was kind of lonely. Well, her mom came to get her, and I made a promise to Robin. ?I?m not going anywhere. I promise.? Robin smiled. ?Thanks, man.? She said. A week later, I invited Robin and Rose who missed the movie to see it with me and my friend Raff. Robin (AKA Robin2 but she hates being called that.), has glasses,shoulder length black hair, and is allways waring an anime related t-shirt. Rose has her black hair in a ponytail, and dyes it alot. This time it was purple. She's a little odd, but that's okay. Every group need a wild card. Robin went everywhere with her sketch book, because she loved to draw. She never let me look at it though. After the movie, and dinner in the food court, we went back to my place, and played a little MarioKart 64. Robin left her sketch book at my place by mistake. I was tempted to look at it, but I didn?t. I said I wouldn?t, and I ment it. But however, one of my cats, knocked it off the coffee table, and it fell to the floor and opened. What I saw amazed me. Robin drew manga style art, and it was amazing. It was a picture of winged serphinan, with flaming swords, and large feathered wings. It was an incredible drawing. Robin was what, fifteen? And she drew THIS? Wow. She?s really talented! I was impressed. The next day, I gave it back to her, and she thanked me for it. I didn?t tell her that one of my cats knocked it off the coffee table, and it opened up and I saw what was in it. She would never believe me. The Holidays were a lot of fun. We did ?Secret Santa?, and such. Besides that, I asked if anyone wanted anything. ?Rose wants candy.? Rose said. ?What kind of..? [I] ?Rose wants candy!!?[/I] Rose liked to talk in the third person sometimes. Odd. For Becky, I got her this card I made. She happens to like Spider-Man, so it was a little Spider-Man drawing. Inside, was a king-size Caramelo bar. She has a weakness for chocolate. It?s like her Kryptonite. That summer, I went down to Baltimore to Otakon. I came with my dad, my brother, and my friend Raff. Raff and I decided we?d meet up with the Deshamp sisters, Rose, Robin, Robin, and the Beckers when we got there. Ally has blonde hair ( I think), and is a Wicka. Little Dave is also a Wicka, and he has blonde hair as well, and dresses in black mostly. The Deshamps look very simuar. Except Chrissy is shorter than Steph, and Steph wears glasses, and is bigger. They both have blakc hair, and are best freinds/sisters. It was a complete success. The Deshamps and Robin hung out with Raff and I, and it went smoothly. Robin bought a sword. A real sword. ?Hey, guys! Check it out! Look what I got! A Highlander collector?s sword." She struck a poze. "There can be only one." Raff said in his best Highlander voice. ?Duncan or Connor?? I asked. ?Duncan, I hope.? She said. She unsheathed it a bit, and nicked herself on the blade. ?Better get a band-aid.? I said. The summer was very good. Later, school started again, and so did club. At this time, ?Gundam Wing? was aired on Cartoon Network, and the girls were going crazy over the Gundam boys. Robin liked Hero, The Deshamps liked Quatra, Rose liked Trowa, and Lindsay and Pocky(The other Robin) liked Duo. Especially Pocky. She worships him. She was crazy about him. On day at lunch, I tried to tell Pocky the truth. ?Robin, listen. The Ronin Warriors, Trunks, and Duo are cartoons. Their. Not. Real.? I should?ve said that. ?[I]Don?tyouevertalkaboutmyDuolikethat![/I]!? She cried. And she hit me on the head with her sketchbook. BAM! I?m never doing that again. Some new members came to club that year. Matt Scharr, AKA ?Axis Powers Boy?. Because he was half Japanese, Italian, and German. He hated being called that. Justin, and Liam. My younger brother showed up at the school that year. Dad suggested he join the club. I wasn?t to sure. My brother has OCD, and he could get obessed with a girl he finds attractive. Dad said that it wouldn?t happen. I was still suspious. My brother came, but he wasn?t interested in talking to anyone. He would spend meetings in the other room, playing ?Star Wars: X-Wing? on the PC. If anyone tried to come in and talk to him, he?d yell at them. PC games fusterate him, especially when he?s losing. My other friends and I were playing ?Battle Masters?, and Becky being the outgoing and good natured person she is, desided to talk to my brother. And to my surprise, they were having a conversation. That was a kick in the head. I was pleased. Jonathon found a friend who was a friend of mine. This could work out for all three of us. A week later, I was talking to dad about the short story contest, when I came downstairs, and witnessed something horrible. It was a stack of papers, and it was all of this writing about Becky. And drawings of her as well. Oh no. My fear has been realized. Jonathon has become obsessed with Becky. I told him that I wanted him to stay away from her, and he got mad, and lunged at me. He was screaming profanities, and threatening to kill me, when dad came in. He and Jonathon got into a big fight, and I walked to school. I could hear Jonathon screaming even when I was across the street. I told dad it was a bad idea. The short story contest was a lot of fun. Matt?s was an X-Files like story. Ally?s was kind of kooky, with her in the D&D world. Mine was a super hero story, and Becky?s was a Star Wars related one. Speaking of her, she found out about my brother. She still was friends with me, however. But she couldn?t come over, and things got worse. Jonathon was told by Becky?s parents that they didn?t want him talking to her anymore or anything, because he was creeping her out. He got really mad, and blamed me. He even attacked me in the hallway one day. ?GIVE ME BACK BECKY!? he screamed. An teachers?s aid had to carry him away, literly kicking and screaming. The mere mention of her name, would send him into a blind rage. As for Becky, she didn?t want anything to do with him. She used to shudder at the mention of his name. Club wasn?t as smooth as I hoped however. Everyone got into playing D&D, all the time. I felt left out. I just wasn?t a fan at the time. But that?s all they wanted to do. I felt like they were abandoning me. This made me upset, and I would act out of fusration sometimes. They invited me to play many times, but I refused. I just made things harder for myself. But I was blinded by my own pride, and my disability got in the way. I have Asberges Syndrome stage one. It means I have a hard time understanding social cues. It?s very minor at stage one, but it still sucks. So there were times when I felt pretty bad. But luckily for me, Scott, Dana, Big Dave, Robin, (Now nick-named Rocky),and Justin stood by me the most. I really needed that. There were great for doing so, and always will be. Becky rarely had time for club. She was doing all this school work and projects and stuff. She?d get a riled up about it. ?IhavetogetthispaperdoneorI?llflunk,and..? I would get her to calm down if she was getting all antsy. Junior year, things changed again. Club was all but non-existent. Everyone joined band, or drama. I hated that. Scott, Big Dave, and Justin stayed with me, thank God. I found out that Rose, the Deshamps, Carly, Robin, and Pocky went out every Friday afternoon with each other. I once asked if I could join them, and they told me it was ?girl?s night out.? Okay. I still felt left out however. As for me, I got Dana, Big Dave, Scott, and Justin to come to my place Friday nights for to watch movies. It worked very well. The next day, they?d drop by again, and we?d play RPGS. It was a lot of fun, and I really enjoyed it. At work one day, I found a GBA game with a hilerious title. It was called "Pocky and Rocky With Becky." I kid you not. It was a tale on how a preistess named Pocky, and her freinds have to save Fedual Japan from a horrbile monster. Those three? Having to save the world? We're doomed. Senior year, I found out something shocking. I found out that the Deshamps lied to me. It wasn?t really ?girls only.? They would go over Andrew?s house, The Beckers, or Matt?s as well, and hang out there. That really made me mad. I asked Robin if it was true, and she said that it was. Why did they do that? Why did they exclude me? What made Matt and Andrew so special? But I still had movie night, and Kevin joined us. A month later, The Beckers had a Halloween party, and invited nearly everyone, except me. That did it. One day I confronted Little Dave in the cafeteria, and I was very angry. In the heat of the moment, I threatened to punch him into next week. I calmed down, and realized what I did. I turned, and Becky saw the whole thing. Before I could say anything, she left. Becky totally wanted nothing more to do with me. No matter how I tried to move on, and still speak to her, she didn?t want to hear it. It was my fault, and it hurt like hell. On one day, while everyone was outside posing for the seniors 2003 photo, poeple were taking pictures of eachother. No one asked me to be in any at all. In my fustration and rage, I punched a brick wall. I knew it was going to hurt, and that it was a dumb idea but I did it anyway, because of the anger I felt. I still wanted to speak to Becky. But she was sitting at the end of the our lunch table with people who weren?t too fond of me. So I would pass her notes. I saw one day, that Becky was asked the others to toss these notes when they came to her. That day, it was Scott?s turn. I asked him to please mind his own business. He gave Becky my note, and I went back to my seat. Later, Scott handed me a note from Becky. It said, and I quote: ?Please don?t write me any more notes, or call me or anything. EVER.? Ouch. I sat there, and the cafeteria emptied out. Moe the janitor came over. ?Hey, why the long face?? he asked. I showed him the note. ?Ouch. You okay man?? ?Hey, Moe you know that song by Puddle of Mudd, ?Hates me?? ? I asked. ?Yeah.? ?Well, in the words of Puddle of Mudd,[I] SHE FUCKING HATES ME!![/I]? (For a time, whenever I heard that song, I'd call it "The Becky Song.") Pocky didn't want to talk to me either. I was going to ask if I could get a photo, and before I could finish, she yelled out "NO! LEAVE!" I think the entire cafeteria heard her. Why was she mad at me? She thinks I'm in love with her. What? Me? Her? That would never happen. At graduation, the assistant principle had something for me. A certificate that said I was the first student in the schools history to graduate with Asbergs Syndrome. I was surprised. They were going to put it in the year book, but ran out of time. I was really honored. Wow. I was the first. Senior night came. That?s when everyone goes out to Boston, and has a big party. This year, was the famous New England Aquarium. I didn?t go. I didn?t even go to prom. My dad asked why wouldn?t I go to the senior party, and I said, that there were some people there who like to see me drown in the coral reef tank. I don?t want to entice anything. I came at the very end, for the year book signings in the field house. To my surprise, Rose signed it, but then came the real kicker. I wanted to ask Becky to sign my yearbook, but I was scared. I haven?t spoken to her in three months, but still I was nervous. So a teacher asked for me. I was going to protest, when my yearbook was handed back to me. And she signed it. I couldn?t believe it. Later on, she said that she couldn?t make my graduation party. She spoke to me after all that time. So I wished her good luck, and she did the same, and the night came to an end. EPILOUGE Where are they now? That?s a good question. Robin: I used to e-mail her back and forth or a while. She?s changed a lot. She still has that little blood thirst I like about her. She?s going to Amherst College, and is doing very well. I miss her. But she?s been a very good friend to me, and I?m going to be there, like I promised years ago. Rose: Last I heard, she was working at the post office. So if it blows up, burns down, or something, she might have had something to do with it. :) The Deshamps: We?re not friends anymore, and they moved to Florida. Oh, well. Carly: I have no idea. Pocky: She wasn?t at graduation or anything. At first I thought she was sick, but then I found out she dropped out. She has a lot on her plate, and I hope that she is doing okay. I always thought she was a great person, and a fantastic artist. Recently, I paid her back on somthing I told her years ago. I told her if I ever met the guy who does Duo's voice, I'd get a soundbite for her. And at Anime Boston 2005, I met Scott Mcneil, the guy who does Duo. I got the soundbite like I promised. She's gonna go crazy when she hears it. Andrew: I don?t know. Matt: Don?t know either. The Beckers: Ally has never forgiven me for getting mad at her brother. So I haven?t spoken to them. I hope they are doing well. Dana: He?s working with his dad, who?s a plumber. It?s a sick, dirty, disgusting job, but someone?s got to do it. Liam: Not sure. Kevin: He?s in the US Civil Air Patrol. He wants to join the Air Force. Good luck, Kev! Scott: He?s been doing well. He plays a lot of ?Warhammer 40K.? He?s really good at it, and has a strong Chaos Lord. Big Dave: He?s been doing very well too. He and Scott get together and play 40K a lot. I play too, but my paint job isn?t that great. Justin: He's hanging in there. Last I heard, he moved to another part of town, and is working at Wal-Mart. Becky: One day last year, I gave her a call. I expected her to hang up on me, but she was very happy to hear from me. We talked about old times, and what we?ve been up to. She spent that summer in Japan, and was looking forward to it. I still get to talk to her every now and again. Becky?s a work-a-holic, so she?s busy a lot, but I know that if I keep trying, we can get out to Harvard Square some time soon. I?m also trying to get her to relax more often. ?Get a massage! Get aroma therapy! You need to calm down, or your head will explode!? I once told her. Those fours years, I learned a lot about life, and myself than I ever did before. Through that hardships, and difficulties, I came out on top once again. I will never forget those times, the bad, and the good. Oh, yeah. And special thanks to my best freinds Dave Frankle, and Raff for helping me out, and sticking by me, even to this day. Thanks guys. You rule! [COLOR=Blue] What did you guys think? "KAMEHAMEHA!"[/COLOR] Dragonboym2
Anime What do you think the appeal of Gundam is?
Dragonboym2 replied to Dragonboym2's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=Blue]Has anyone seen or heard of "Gundam SEED Destiny"? What's it about? Is coming to the US soon? Does anyone know? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR] -
[QUOTE=Bloodseeker]On the subject of "cute" female characters that are much more annoying than they are cute, I think that Peppita from Star Ocean takes the #1 entry into the hall of shame. Seriously, there wasn't one scene that she was in that I didn't want to clobber her. They introduce her by having her draw on Fayt's shirt for Christ's sake! And that pretty much sums up her character... I don't see any problem with any of the Final Fantasy main characters. I don't think that there's anything that I can say that others haven't already said about the Playstation Final Fantasy protagonists. Both Cloud and Squall were pretty badass throughout most of their games. Zidane was yet another example of how to make a difficult character type work. He was curious and friendly, yet they made sure that you took him seriously as a protagonist when bad situations came up. Tidus might not be my favorite character, but I think that he's crapped on by gamers unfairly a lot of times. He really didn't whine a lot, and unlike many other whiners, he was put in a bad predicament and had a good reason to complain. [spoiler]First he was thrust into an unfamiliar world, which he doesn't like, but doesn't complain about either. Later, he finds out that his friends had been keeping Yuna's And Jecht's fate a secret from him, and suddenly he was put in a situation where he was forced to either chase his dad down and kill him or sit on the side lines and watch as Yuna went to her death. On top of that, he saw signs that Jecht had regrets about how he'd treated Tidus when he was a kid.[/spoiler] And yet despite that, he only complains about it a couple of times. For the most part, he stays focused on keeping his friends safe and chasing after and destroying the problems.[/QUOTE] Amen. Tidus is a good guy in my book. A freind of mine thinks he's hansome. As for Zidane, he was pretty cool too. Zidane: Don't talk like that. If you do, people will get suspious. Try talking like Vivi. Like this. "Alrighty." You try it. Dagger: "Alrighty." But FFIX isn't as popular as VII, VIII, or X. Has anyone seen that Coca-cola commerial with the cast of FFIX? Oh, a popular character in IX would be Vivi. Girls like Vivi, because they think he's cute. He was tripping over himself every now and again, he was allways adjusting his hat, and was very timid. I guess that's part of Vivi's charm though. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2
[COLOR=Blue]I came for all three days. I got to meet Scott Mcneil. He's a pretty cool guy. He signed my badge, and recorded a sound bite for me as Duo for a freind of mine who has a crush on him. Scott and I talked a bit about DBZ, X-men: Evolution, and Wolverine. I said all Logan did in it, was stand around and look menacsing. In the old one, he did stuff. Scott agreed. "Yeah, every other episode he was like (In Wolverine voice) Hey another mutant kid. Come with me." I think I'm going to see him again this summer in Baltimore for Otakon. The convention center is built into a mall, so there was plenty to do when the dealers room was closed. There was so much to do and see. And I even saw a couple people I've met last anime Boston, and a guy who came to work a while ago. A freind of my joined me on Friday, but the dealers room was closed. So we hung out, and went to the game room. All in all, it was a great con, and I'm looking forward to next years. But we still got Otakon this summer, right? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Before I start, I would like to know, what does anyone have against Tidus of FFX? I like Tidus, I think he's a good guy. Alot of people say that he is useless in FFX. No, I disagree. He has the strongest limit breaks in the game. If you time it right, he can do alot of damage. Tidus dosn't like seeing people saddened or upset, same as I do. So he always has a joke, or somthing if his freinds and teammates get upset about somthing. He helps keep the team in a positive frame of mind, so they can overcome obsticals, and feel better about themselves. His cheerfulness is a welcome change to Cloud and Squall's darker personalities.(Don't get me wrong, I like Cloud and Squall too. But Squall was always upset. Cloud at least smiled from time to time.) The most annoying video game character would definitly be. Pikachu. God, will some one just shoot it? He's not cute, he's a pain in the ***! No one cares about Pokemon anymore anyway. That show makes anime look bad. Bad diolouge, TERRIBLE artwork, and the characters make me want to puke. I hate Pikachu. HATE him. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
He played his role to the letter. He deserves alot of credit for his role of Hartigan. I looked at the comics, and there are one or two things that they left out of the movie. (Spoilers ahead.) Like when Dwight sees his parole officer, or when Marv is talking about how much he was good at jigsaw puzzles. And a few scenes were altered so the movie wouldn't get an NC 17 rating. Like Nancy preforms topless, or when Yellow Bastard was whipping her, we was completely naked. Or when Miho cuts off the mercenary's... thing. Etc. I would like to see a sequel. You think so? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2
[COLOR=Blue]"Sin City" was terrific. I thought it was very true to the comic, and had a great look and feel to it, that mathed the comics's look and feel. The cast was great. Mickey Rorke did a great jon as the half Batman half Wolverine tough-guy Marv. Bruce Willis can act? Wow. He did very well too. And Rosio Dawson can actully do a serious role instead of romantic comedy, or teen drivel. It's right up there with all my favorite comic book films. Especially since they had Frank Miller co-direct it. It's his work, anyway. All we need, is a movie baed on "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns". That was the comic Frank is best known for. If you havn't read it, go out and read it. It's really good. Well, there are many "sin City" books, so there is possiblity for sequals. "Sin City" was four stars. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
Batman Beyond [COLOR=Blue]Before I start, this is a retelling of Batman Beyond, and how I think it should've been done. I was a little dissipointed with the show, and I thought it would be better if it was darker. So this version is darker, more vilolent, and fills in some of the blanks in the show. Enjoy![/COLOR] Chapter one part two ?Things change..? GOTHAM CITY?25 years later? Terry McGinnis?s knuckles hit the Joker punk right in the middle of his pasty white and blue face, breaking three of his teeth. The punk fell over into a pile of garbage cans. ?Waste him, Jokerz!? He yelled out. ?Slag the fucker!? Terry ducked under a metal pipe swung at his head, grabbed the pipe and shoved it into his assailant?s face. A purple and green Joker pulled out a rubber chicken with spikes protruding from it from his long tattered green overcoat. ?You made a mistake, McGinnis!? He cackled. ?Pick a fight with The Jokerz, and you?ll end up..? He had no time to finish because McGinnis kicked him in the head, sending him falling face first into the pavement. Terry spat a wad of spit at the ground. He dusted off his brown jacket, and stuck his hands in his pockets. He looked around at his uncounious assailants. ?You guys better stick to something your good at.? He turned walking away. ?Like pissing your beds.? Terry shook his head. Those guys are idiots. Sure there are many of them, but in a fight with him, they are no contest. The Jokerz were a gang of toughs who worshipped a psychotic killer from years ago. They made their headquarters somewhere in Old Gotham, but who cares? They have been terrorizing the city for some time. Burning buildings, raping women, murder, vandoliziom, that kind of stuff. Whatever. Leave that to Commissioner Barbra Gorden and her boys. Not his business. Terry had enough problems. Terry was a tough kid, and everyone knew it. He was expelled from three schools already for picking fights, coming in late and cutting class. He would go to the gym, lift weights, practice Martial Arts, gymnastics, and wrestling, but still he felt very alone. Why did he feel so alone? Because of his old man. Terry?s dad was a reporter, and was always off doing something important. Hell, he wasn?t even there when he was born, for Christ?s sake. He was in Metropolis, talking to Lex Luthor about some shit. Fine. Terry was tired of his father?s excuses. ?I was running late.? ?My plane was delayed.? ?Sorry I missed it. I?ll make it up to you.? He never made it up to him. Ever. Terry walked out the ally, and made his way onto the sidewalk. The Gotham skyline was stretched out before him, looking like weird colossuses of iron, steel, and glass. Gotham?s buildings looked like they belonged in a strange sci-fi movie. Terry knew that Gotham kept the famous Gotham Towers, for several years. Regardless of the changes in Gotham, the towers stayed the same. The people of Gotham thought it gave the city a certain respectability to it. Terry watched as sleek high tech cars, parked and drove away from the Dini Memorial High School. ?Terry! Hey!? A young African American girl ran down the sidewalk. ?Hey Max.? Terry sighed. Max ran up to Terry?s side. She swept her hand over her pink hair. ?You?re late again. Geeze, man I?m gettin sick of covering for you. Mr. Rossel is gonna have a fit.? ?Whatever.? Max stopped in front of Terry. ?What?s up with you, McGuiness? Don?t you care about your grades?? Terry walked right by her. ?You sound like my mom.? He snickered. Max sighed. She shook her head. ?Terry..? Terry turned. ?What?? ?Look, did you get in another fight again?? Terry nodded. ?Yeah. With The Jokerz. So?? Max caught up with him. ?Again? McGuiness, those guys are nuts! They?d kill you if they get the chance!? Terry walked up to the glass doors of the school that opened with a metallic squeal. ?What are they gonna do? Stab me with a balloon animal?? The halls were deserted at this hour. Terry and Max were they only students in the hall at the time, and that was fine with them. Terry went up to his locker, and slipped his card into the slot beside it. It beeped, and Terry opened his locker. He reached in and grabbed his Advanced Mathematics book. Max was still standing there. ?Your attitude is gonna get you slaged, McGuiness.? Terry ignored her. ?See you at lunch, Max.? Terry turned and made his way to room 32 on the second floor. Max watched him walk away. ?Have a good day at school, tough guy.? She smiled. Wayne Enterprises was a dream made by a man with a vision many years ago. Thomas Wayne was the best surgeon that Gotham County Hospital has ever seen. He preformed them all. From tonsil removal, to open heart surgery. He made the Wayne Foundation, and Wayne Enterprises to help his fellow citizens, and the world. When Tomas Wayne was murdered, his only son Bruce was left in charge. Bruce was just as generous and a business man as father was. He held parties with donations to help Gotham?s less fortunate. He donated money to orphanages, and other causes. But Bruce was hiding a secret. He was also the mysterious Batman. Batman was only seen to some as a rumor, and an urban legend, used to scare misbehaving children. Amongst the underworld, he was a demon that came out of the night to punish those who broke the law. One day, Batman vanished. No one knows what happened to him, or where he went. Some said that he died. Others said that he went back to Hell. But no matter what happened, he was gone. Bruce Wayne was sitting in his spacious office overlooking the city. Gotham has gotten bigger, and seemed like a labyrinth to some. Wayne turned his chair back around to face his visitor, Mr. Powers. Powers was CEO of Powers Inc, a large cooperation also in Gotham. Powers was tall, with white slicked back hair, and a very expensive Italian suit. ?Well Bruce?? He asked calmly. ?What is your answer?? He offered to merge his company with Wayne?s. But Bruce was not so sure about that. Bruce was aging, but he was still in good shape for his age. His hair was steel grey, and walked with a cane. He looked at Powers with steel blue eyes. ?No.? Powers was surprised. ?No, Bruce?? ?You heard me. I?ve heard rumors, Powers.? ?What rumors?? Wayne steepled his fingers. ?Like that you sold weapons to Kobra terrorists. And when your vice-president tried to go to the police to testify, you had him killed, and made it look like an accident.? ?W-What are you talking about?? ?You destroyed the evidence as well. Also, you specialize in weapons secretly, and sell them to the highest bidder.? Powers swallowed. ?Well, you could make more money if you joined me, and we could make weapons for the military. With both our technology we could really make a splash.? Wayne leaned in right in front of Powers face. ?One thing you should know, Powers. I. Don?t. Like. Guns.? He said, his voice sounding steel hard. Wayne turned his chair back around. ?Good day, Mr.Powers.? ?Uhh..Bruce, I..? ?I said Good day.? Powers left the office, and went back outside to his car. He slid in the back, and looked at his assistant, Mr. Fixit. ?Did it go well, Mr. Powers?? He said, starting up the car. ?Shut up.? Powers snapped. ?Wayne knows some how.? He smiled. ?Mr. Fixit, looks like you have anther job.? Fixit grinned wickedly. ?But first, let?s see how our warehouse is doing.? Mr. Fixit nodded in reply. Fixit was a large muscle bound man, with a scar running down the left side of his face. He was Powers bodyguard, scoffer, and enforcer. Fixit worked for the mob in the old days, until his boss was murdered. Fixit then was offered a job by Powers. Fixit?s real name was unknown to Powers, but he didn?t really care. He did his job well, and that was what was important. The limozine took a sharp turn, and went to the warehouse on the east side. Terry put down his heavy math book on the table in the crowded lunch room. He liked sitting alone, but Max came to join him each day. ?Hey, McGuiness. What you got for lunch?? Terry swallowed a mouthful. ?Spam. This stuff tastes like rat shit. But it was all I could find this morning when I got up.? Max opened her metal lunch box. ?I got roast beef. Trade you.? Terry raised an eyebrow. ?You like spam?? Max grinned. ?Hell, no. But there are worse things. ? Terry handed her the spam sandwich. ?Enjoy.? Max said. Terry leaned back in his chair. The roast beef was moist, and tender. ?What are you doing after school today, McGuiness?? Terry sat back up. ?I dunno. Hang out, play some PSX, watch holovison, bug Matt, the usual.? Max took a bite from the spam sandwich. It tasted awful. What?s this stuff made of? ?You want me to drop by?? Terry looked at Max. ?Uhh..That would be nice, but..well..? Max got the idea. ?Your nervous, huh? Okay, some other time.? Terry just wanted the day to end. He hated school. All of it. He rather be hanging around, and working out, not listening to bunch of old farts tell him about things that are irrelevant to his life. All day, it was bla, bla, bla, bla. Boring. Terry?s cell phone in his left jacket pocket rang. Terry picked it up, and answered. ?Talk to me.? ?Terry, it?s mom.? Terry sighed. ?Yeah, mom?? ?Your father, Terry.? Mrs. McGuiness said sounding excited. ?He?s coming home, tonight! He hasn?t seen you in months!? Terry nodded. ?Yeah. And when I come home, it turns out that he couldn?t make it.? He snapped. ?Terry..? ?He never kept his word, mom! I don?t care! It?s..? ?Terry, please. For me?? That gets him every time. He sighed. ?Okay mom. For you.? ?Thank you, Terry. Bye-bye.? ?Bye.? Terry hung up the cell. Max was listening the entire time. ?What?s up?? Max asked. ?My dad?s coming home. And mom got me to agree to come home to see him.? Max was happy for Terry. ?That?s great, McGuiness!? Terry finished the roast beef sandwich. ?Yeah, right. My dad never shows up when he says he is.? Terry looked at his watch. ?I got to go to my next class. See ya Max.? Terry got up, and walked away from Max, his hands deep in his jacket pockets. Bruce Wanye sat in his large oak chair, looking at the portrait of his parents on the far wall. He remembered some of the good times he had with them, but one time stood out amongst them all, besides the horrible death. When Bruce was a boy, his parents threw a huge charity party that night for Gotham?s homeless. Bruce hated being dressed in his suit, and meeting all these weird people. Bruce?s father Dr. Thomas Wayne was speaking the mayor and his aide in the dining room, when the large doors to the dining room burst open. It was the District Attrory John Walkins, and he was carrying Councilmen Georges under his arm. ?Doctor Wayne! Doctor Wayne!? Thomas turned from the mayor. ?What is it? What?s wrong?!? The DA wiped his brow. ?It?s Georges! He?s choking on a chicken bone!? Thomas removed his coat, and rolled up his sleeves. ?Put him on the table, Walkins!? He looked at Alfred who was serving drinks. ?Alfred, get me the longest sharpest knife you can find! Walkins! Go boil some water!? ?Doctor Wayne, I..? ?Don?t just stand there! I?m trying to save this man?s life! Get a grip on yourself man!? He slapped the DA across the face. ?Get going! Go!? With Georges on the table, Wayne walked up to the table. ?Sorry sir.? Wayne said. He punched Georges unconscious. Alfred ran in with a long knife he found, and Walkins came with a pot of boiling water. Wayne dipped the knife in the water, and took it to the DA?s throat. ?I have to cut deep. But if I cut too deep..? Wayne cut into the flesh of the DA?s throat. Blood coated the white table cloth in crimson rivers. Pulling back the flesh, he noticed the chicken bone. He picked up a nearby fork, and slowly and carefully pulled the bone from the hole he made in the councilman?s throat. Everyone watching applauded Wayne?s efforts. He ignored it. He motioned to Alfred. ?Get a me a needle and some thread.? An hour later, the councilman woke. He was esustaed, and his shirt was stained with blood, but he was alive. Bruce was at the stair case hiding. He saw it all. This is what his father does. He was amazed by it. And he still is. He gazed up at the portrait. So many things have changed. So many things. Terry fit his key card into the door of his apartment, and it beeped. Terry opened the door, and to his surprise sitting at the table with his smiling little brother Matt, and his mother, was his father. Jack McGuiness stood up and smiled. ?Terry! Good to see you!? Terry just scowled at him. He made his way to his room, to play some PSX. ?Terry? What is it? Aren?t you happy to see me?? Jack said following Terry into his room. Terry sat down in his chair in front of his holovison, and pressed the ?on? button on the PSX. ?No.? Terry answered. Jack looked concerned. ?Why? What?s wrong?? Jack said sitting down on Terry?s bed, facing him. ?Because, you are never here. This is the first time I?ve seen you in THREE years!? Jack hung his head. ?Yes, Terry..I?m sorry son, but..? ?Don?t you ?son? me!? Terry yelled. ?You always had something else to do! Bills to pay, flights to catch, reports to do, and you leave me here! I never even got birthday cards from you, Goddammit! You are always on the road!? Jack adjusted his glasses. ?Terry, I know. I?m sorry. I had a lot of time to think, and I love you. I really do.? Terry threw down his controller in anger. ?SLAG IT! You just can?t come back and say I love you son, and make it all better! Mom used to cry herself to sleep! And Matt, how do think he feels? I remember how mom thought you were dead! You and your fucking excuses! I?m outta here!? Terry got up, stormed out of his room, and left his apartment slamming the door behind him in anger. He decided to go to Old Gotham. There was a café there was open twenty-four hours. He needed a drink. With lots of caffeine. Matt McGuiness was about twelve years old, and he was very happy to see his father again after all this time. He hasn?t seen him since his press conference with the hero called Static. Matt was eating a piece of the chocolate cake, when his father walked in from Terry?s room. ?What happened dad?? Matt asked between bites. Jack slumped into his chair across from Matt. ?He wasn?t happy to see me. He has a right to be angry. After all the times I was never there.? Matt looked up at his father. ?Terry will be back. He does this all the time. He likes it.? Jack smiled at his youngest son?s joke. Jack?s cell phone rang in his left pocket. He picked it up, and put it to his ear. ?This better be important.? He said sounding annoyed. ?Jack! It?s Benny! Listen, Powers is on the move! I got word that he?s selling the goods tonight!? Jacks eyes widened behind his glasses. ?When?! Where!?? Benny continued. ?Warehouse 233 on Chesvou Street. In..Twenty minutes! I?ll take photos, while you get into his limo, and see if you can get any evidence! Good luck!? He hung up. Jack looked at Matt, and his wife. ?I?m sorry. I have to go. It?s an emergency.? He grabbed his jacket, and made his way to the door. ?About what?? Matt asked. ?I?m going to put a very dangerous man in prison, if I?m lucky. I?ll be home soon. Don?t worry.? He ran out the door, and Matt went back to his cake. The warehouse district has come a long way, even though it was on the boarder of old Gotham. The district was now state of the art, and cleaner than it used to be many years ago. The warehouses were made of steel, and no longer wood. They had security systems that were nearly impossible to get by, but hackers still could get passed them if they were skilled enough. A black limo pulled up the side of a warehouse. Mr. Fixit got out of the drivers front, and opened the back door for Powers. Powers got out, and smiled. Business looked good tonight. Very good. Fifteen armed guards in light grey armor ran over to join powers. ?Sir? Are you okay?? One guard asked. Powers nodded. ?Yes, I?m fine. Is everything ready?? ?Yes, sir. All of it.? Powers and Mr Fiixit made their way into the warehouse. On a rooftop across the street, Jack McGuiness and his partner Ben Lawrence watched Powers and the warehouse with binoculars. Ben put the binoculars to his eyes, and switched to infa-red. ?There are about, seventeen of them. Hey, Powers left his limo! Jack, your up.? Jack stood up, and felt the small code breaker in his right pocket. He quickly got to elevator, and made his way to the limo. He knelt beside the limo, keeping hidden from whoever would be watching. The limo?s doors were magnetically locked by computer codes. That?s how all car doors worked this way. Key locks were a thing of the past, making cars easier steal. But still, ways are always found. Jack placed a small black box over the magnetic sensor, and pressed the one of three buttons on the front. A few seconds later, the box beeped. The door was unlocked. Jack opened the door, and slipped inside the limo. He took out his pen light, and shined it around in the inside. He noticed something small and shiny on the back seat. A disk. Jack picked it up, and looked at it. He popped it into the built in computer in the back seat of the limo. He watched the screen come to life with antipation of something important. He watched a few people come on screen. He noticed that one was Powers, and behind him, Mr. Fixit his bodyguard. He was shaking hands with a tall man in robes and a turban. Powers motioned to Mr. Fixit who gave the man in the robes a metal case with letters on it. ?Freeze. Zoom in.? The screen camera zoomed in on the case showing the numbers ?33582-X?. Jack gasped. Those are components used to make military weapons. Powers was selling weapons to terrorists. This could finally put Powers out of power. He shoved it into his jacket pocket, and ran out of the limo, shutting the door behind him. Ben was across the street having a smoke. ?Ben!? Ben looked up from his cigarette. ?What?? Jack ran across the steet, to his partner, and pulled the disk out of his pocket. ?I found some thing we could use! Evidence that Powers is crooked.? Ben took the disk, and looked at it. ?Great! We got the info we need! Now we have to..? ?You have to do nothing. ? Ben and Jack turned around, looking at the muzzle of a gun pointed at them. A armed guard was looking straight at them. ?I think Mister Powers would like to see this.? Ben dropped to one leg, and kicked at the guard?s shin. The guard fell over, and Ben and Jack ran in different directions. The guard stood up, and fired at Jack hitting him in the back of the leg. Jack fell over on to the cold hard pavement, stunned. The guard fired a few shots at Ben, hitting him in the shoulder. Ben kept running, but was bleeding badly. The guard walked over to Jack. ?Let?s go see Mr. Powers, shall we?? Jack opened his eyes, to see Mr. Fixit standing over him. ?He?s awake, sir.? Fixit grabbed Jack, and made him sit up against the wall. Powers walked over, grinning. ?Hello Mister..McGuiness isn?t it?? Powers looked at McGuiness ID card. ?Let?s see. Father of two, Terry 17, and Matthew 12. How nice. How are they?? Jack didn?t answer. ?Allow me to introduce my associate, Mr. Fixit. He?s a master of his craft. Fixit, show Jack your what you do to people who don?t mind their business.? Fixit took a long knife out of his jacket pocket, and came into view. He raised the knife, and plunged it into Jack?s left eye. Jack screamed in pain, and blood oozed from his eye. Fixit took the knife, and cut off Jack?s right hand. Jack screamed again, blood turning the grey floor a dark scarlet. The blade came down again, and again, tearing flesh, spattering blood. When Fixit was done. It looked like Jack?s body went through a machine. Fixit?s jacket was covered in dry blood, and he looked at his handiwork. Powers came back, and saw the mutilated corpse of the reporter. Powers knew that Fixit would ?fix? things, so to speak. ?Good work. Please clean up this mess, if you please. Leave no evidence, and dispose of the body.? Fixit nodded. Terry left the diner, feeling a little better, but not a lot. At times Terry wished that he was legal so he could get a beer. He crossed the street, and made his way toward the subway that was a few blocks away. Terry stopped. He heard shallow breathing from an alley. Terry turned, ready for a fight. ?Terry?? Terry knew that voice. ?Ben? I remember you! You?re my father?s partner!? Ben stumbled out of the alley, and fell to one knee. He was bleeding badly from a gunshot wound to the shoulder. His clothes were caked with blood, and he was barely breathing. ?Terry..Here..Take this disk..Take it.. to the police?? Terry bent down. ?Don?t speak. I?m calling an ambulance.? ?No?It?s too late?Good luck..Terry..? Ben flopped lifelessly to the ground. Terry picked up the fallen disk. ?Alright, Ben. Sorry. Damn..What a waste.? Terry pulled out his cell phone, and called 911. An hour later, Terry was still on the streets. He avoided the ambulance, because the cops didn?t really like or trust him. He did some things that got him put in juvie, and that reputation stuck. He was almost at the subway, when he saw an ambulance and police cars outside a building. He was walking away, when he noticed something out the comer of his eye. The body being loaded into the ambulance looked familiar. Could it be? No. It couldn?t be. Terry ran over to the scene. He ran up to a paramedic. ?Hey! Hey! Who?s that under the sheet?! ? The paramedic looked at Terry, and scratched his head. ?Um..Why do want to know?? ?I think I know him! Who is it?!? The paramedic sighed. ?Jack McGuiness. Why?? Terry?s eyes widened. ?No. NO! DAD!? Terry ran from the scene, tears streaming down his face. Terry wasn?t sure how long he ran, but when he stopped, he was deep in Old Gotham. He was standing outside the rusted gates of a old mansion. He pounded his fists against the bars of the fence. ?DAMN IT! DAMN IT! DAMN IT!? Terry felt a stab of guilt. If he didn?t tell off his father..If he kept his cool, his dad would still be alive. Footsteps. ?Hiya McGuiness!? Terry looked up. Jokerz. Nine, no ten of them. ?Nice to see ya in our neighborhood! We remember the last time you beat the shit out of us. And it?s time to pay the piper!? The Jokerz took out knives, clubs, and pipes from their multi colored clothes. Terry readied himself. He was ready for a fight. ?Get off my property.? Said a deep voice. And old man dressed in black with a cane by his side walked into view from the shadows. ?You are trespassing.? He said. One of the Jokerz laughed. ?Watch your tongue, old man! We?re the Jokerz!? The old man smiled. ?Sure you are.? One of the Jokerz pointed at them both. ?Slag them!? A joker ran at the old man with a pipe. The old man ducked, and delived a fierce punch to the thug?s jaw. The joker went down, and the old man grabbed his cane, hitting another thug in the face. Terry was holding his own against a couple thugs as well. He was so mad, everything was a blur. He punched one in the face breaking his nose, he kicked out, sending two others toppling into each other. Terry took two others, and slammed their heads together. They fell to the ground in a heap. Terry turned to the old man. He couldn?t believe it. The old man was still standing, surrounded by unconnious Jokerz. ?Wow. You did all that?? The old man was breathing heavily, and gasping. ?Medicine?My pills..inside..? Terry ran to the old man?s side. ?My pills?inside?you?Get them..? Terry knew what he had to do. He climbed over the fence, and ran as fast as he could toward the manor. Terry pulled at the door, and to his surprise it wasn?t locked. Terry went inside the darkened hall. He couldn?t really see, but he had no time for that. He ran into a room with a large oak desk, and he pulled open a drawer. Pills. Good. Terry was about to pick them up and leave, when he heard a squeaking noise. He looked in the direction of the squeaking at a large Grandfather clock. In the glass face, was a trapped bat? ?A bat?? Terry said. ?How could a bat..? He opened the glass panel, freeing the bat, and he felt a cool breeze blow. A secret door? In a grandfather clock? Terry?s curiosity was peaked, so he opened the back of the clock, revealing a long stone staircase. Terry went down it, feeling like he walked into an old mystery film. The steps came to an end, and Terry noticed in the gloom, a power switch on the wall. He grabbed it, and pulled it down. Bright lights came on, flooding the cave with light. Terry couldn?t belvie it. A jet black car was parked on the other side of the cave. To his left, were a giant penny and a T-rex looming near it. Large pieces of furnature were covered with white sheets. Near the largest piece of furnature, was a case filled with coustumes. Five of them. One of which looked familiar. It was black and grey, with a large black bat on its chest. It had a long black cape, and a mask with tall pointed ears on top of it. Next to it, was a jet black one, with a large red bat on its chest. It too had a mask with large ears on top its head. Terry gasped. That old man. He is..Was Gotham?s legendary protector, Batman. Terry saw the reflection of the old man in the glass case. Terry turned to and looked right at him. The old man?s eyes narrowed. Terry knew he was in deep trouble. More than usual. End chapter one [COLOR=Blue]Did you like it? Post here, and tell me what you thought. Thanks for reading! "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][COLOR=SlateGray]Well, Nancy Kerrigan is a friend of the familes. We once saw her in Cape Cod many years ago. I wasn't really interested, because I was playing "Super Mario Land" on my Game Boy. And I had no idea who she was at the time. A while later, mom and I saw her at the Stoneham skating arena. My mom's a scating teacher, and she had some things to do. Nancy was on the ice, practicing, and we came down to say hello. Nancy was happy to see us(This was one year after the...incident. You know, WACK! WACK!) . I was messmerized. So I babbled anything to came to mind. So I asked her what it was like being on "That show my mom and dad watch at night" (SNL. Back when it was fuuny.) She said it was great, and the cast was terriffic. "Like that guy who sings silly songs, and the skinny guy, and the big fat guy who breaks things?" Nancy laughed and said, "Oh, Adam, Rob, and Chris? Their great! Chris was always horsing around backstage. " We havn't seen her in a long time. I also met the lovely Traci Lords once at a con. She's even prettier in person. "Kill any aliens lately?" I aksed. "Not this week." She said. But sitting down the table from her, was the man himeself, David Carridine. You know, Bill from "Kill Bill". And he looked at me. I gave him the thumbs up, and he nodded , and returned it. THAT WAS SO COOL. I also met, Dominic Keating from "Star Trek: Enterprise." I couldn't think of a good question to ask him. We got to say hi to Buffy's Nicholis Brandon (I hate that show. Amutuers. Give me Blade, D, or Alucard.) . And I remember once, I was at a con, where there was this lovely girl dressed as a pink fairy. I opened a door for her, and she turns and says "Well, aren't you a gentlemen." "My pleasure." I replied. I found out later looking at the guest list, that she was Hudson Leik. (Callisto from Herculese, and Xena.) I had no idea it was her. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR][/COLOR]
[quote name='x kakashi x']well, it sounds kind of retarded to me lol. As James said most movie based games suck. It would be terrible to take such good movies and turn them into a game. They'd have to modify the story and change a lot of the voice acting, I mean c'mon, would you really want that? I doubt they would make a Jaws game, by the way. Ecco had a terrible concept, and as fun as it would be to randomly eat people, I'm thinking it would get old.[/quote] [COLOR=Blue]There is going to be one. I checked it out in a couple gaming mags. This months "Electronic Gaming Monthly", and this months "Playstation Magazine." And I saw it when I looked it up on Gamestop.com. The "Jaws" game takes place thirty years after the first film, and has alot of homages to the classic film as well. Speaking of which, have you read the book? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Listen to this: There IS going to be a "Dirty Harry" game, and Clint Eastwood has agreed to do the voice overs. Also the next 007 game is going to be based on the classic Bond film "From Russia With Love", and Sean Connery is doing the voice overs. XBOX is getting a exclusive shooter based on "Starship Troopers" (Will Casper Vandiem, Denise Richards, and the mighty Michael Ironside do voice overs? I hope so.). And here's the weird part. A game based on Quintin Tarintino's "Resvouior Dogs." I wonder how Tarintio thinks about it? And yet again, another "Evil Dead" game. Yes, Bruce is doing the voice overs. And Sam Rami's brother Ted is doing a voice too. Do you think these games could work? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Hey. Welcome to the boards. I've been here for two months, and I'm having alot of fun here. I think that you will too. There are alot of cool people here, and so much to talk about. I hope that you enjoy yourself. See you around the boards! "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]I bought "Risk 2210 A.D" a year ago. I havn't played a full battle yet however. I got a little confused with some of the rules, and army placement. I understood some rules, however. (I like the "make your own" cards.) Could you help me out? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
What Does your sig, avi and username say about you.
Dragonboym2 replied to shinji172's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Blue]Okay..I'll do MOMO. Well, it seems to me that you are carefree and happy. But also very strong, and supportive of those who are close to you. You are gentle, and don't like to fight, but will if you have to. But to you, you just wish that everyone would get along, so that there would be no need to fighting. Okay, do me next, please. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR] -
Anime Which rocks the most: Street Fighter or X-men?
Dragonboym2 replied to foxfire_2008's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=Blue]I love those games! Especialy "Marvel Vs. Capcom 2" I'm working on a "Marvel Vs. Capcom" fan fic. I even threw in some characters that weren't in the game. Like Bishop, Sauron, The Fantasic Four, Dr. Strange, etc. And for Capcom, Zero, Mega Man X, Vile, Roll, Maximo, Dimitri, Victor, Proto Man, and the man himself, Dante. Plus some others. I'm still outlining it though. I'm trying to deside if Spider-Man shows up in Captain Commando's world, or Mega Man's. I'd love to see a "Marvel Vs. Capcom 3". But it should be in 3D. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Blue]Don't worry, I bet you'll be fine. If not, we can come to your place, and help you sneak out. (Joking.) Don't feel bad. Stay positive. Will you be in costume? I was thinking about going as Naota from "FLCL". Or Hero Yui from "Gundam Wing." If I do go as Hero, I'm going to ask people if they have seen Kira Yamato. "I heard of his reputation as a pilot, and I wish to challenge him to a duel." I'll say. Or go in the costume that got me alot of attention last year at Otakon 2004. :D Heh. See you there! "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Anime has a small cult following in England. It's not as big as it is here, I'm afraid. You may have to import it from offline or somthing. On the bright side, one of my favorite animes "Hellsing" takes place in England. The guy who did it, must of did alot of research on England, France, the Vatacin, and Proenstent churches. Watching the dubbed version of "Hellsing" makes more sense then the Japanese track, because the people of the UK don't all speak fluant Japanese. I always wanted to go to the UK. A freind of mine lives there. And I can bother people with my MONTY PYTHON impressions. (Joking. I'm joking.) "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]I think the Simpsons, once one of my favorite shows, is going completely downhill. It's just not funny anymore. It used to be hilerious, but now it's bad joke after bad joke. There are huge holes in the plot, and the diolouge is no longer witty or clever. Just flat, and fishes for cheap laughs. These days you get one or two good jokes or bits, instead of non-stop laughs like in the old days. Fox just won't let go. It's over. It's getting old. Let go. I'm not even watching the new shows. The last time I did, it was just horrible. Who writes this crap? Do you think the show is losing it's touch? Or do you think there is still hope? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]I missed out on alot of G4 lately because whenever I want to watch it, my dormates have the TV. They are always watching "the game" no matter which one it is. Baseball, football, anything with the word "Ball" in it. Not to mention the NOISE. They are to damn loud, and I can hear them from my room. Epspecially Bellany. Her voice can shatter an armored tank. I only got to watch G4 ONCE in the last few months. It was "G4TV" and it was a good epidsode, Laura, Tina, and Geoff were talking about the new PSP and "Devil May Cry 3". They said it was too hard. People said the same about "Jak II", and I beat that game. Laura said she wasn't a fan of DMC. What? Say it ain't so Laura. He's DANTE! He kicks ***! "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]I'm sorry for your loss. Deeply and truely. I know it's hard, I've lost people I've cared about too. Stay strong, your freind, your freinds, and your family need your smile not your tears. It's okay to cry, belive me it is. Death is a hard thing to deal with. Your friend isn't really gone if you remember her. She's in a better place, and she'll be with you with in your heart as long as you live. She'd want you to stay strong for her. As do all of us. Remember, your freinds and family and all of us here, are hoping that you will take care of yourself. If you need any help, I'll use my Super Sayjin powers to do the best I can to help. I promise. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]PBS used to have very silly English comides, like "Are you being served?" and "Faulty Towers." And one of the greatest shows EVER made by man "MONTY PYTHON'S FLYING CIRCUS!" That show was funny as Hell, and will always will be. It's funnier than SNL,(Well these days. SLN isn't funny anymore. Neither are the Simpsons. It's sad.The last time I watched a new episode of The Simpsons, it was HORRIBLE.) I saw Eric Idle live in Boston part of "Eric Idle exsploits Monty Python". It was daft, and silly. Filled with songs (a couple were ones that were brand new.) skits, stupidity, and a guest apperance, by God. ("You people are not funny at all! Your almost as useless as Windows '95! And it worked some of the time!" "OF COURSE IT'S A GOOD IDEA! I'M GOD, YOU TWIT!!") Lol. I miss Monty Python. Bring it back PBS! "And now for somthing completely different. The end of this post." "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2 [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]I think reality Tv is stupid. It lacks imagination, and there are about a million reality TV shows on these days, each more stupid than the last. TV networks come up with them, because they think they are clever, and they think that people are stupid enough to watch anything these days. Sooner or later, they might stary airing reality TV shows where contestants have to kill eachother, like "Battle Royale." What next? "Tonight on Fox, we take two people and lock them in a room with no food or water for the next two weeks. How long until one of them snaps and murders the other to eat him? Tonight on Fox's new hit reality show "Snapped!" And people will be talking about the next day. See what I mean? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]