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Everything posted by Dragonboym2

  1. [COLOR=Blue]I found somthing even better! A Voltron DVD set I found at a con today! (However, it's bootleg, so it's 98% qualitiy. But I don't care.) All I need now is to find the Voltron movie, "Voltron: Fleet of Doom". It's where both Voltrons meet, and fight Lotor. Does anyone know where I can find it? I was told of a site that might have the Sprite commerials with Voltron, but I have to pay money for it. Two Euros. Um..Can anyone help me with that? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Blue]A while back, I saw a series of animated Sprite commerials with Voltron in them. I liked them alot, but I can't seem to find them online. Does anyone know where I find these Sprite commerials with Voltron? Does anyone remember them? For some reason, the lions were piloted by rappers, and they had a microphone with a energy blade, instead of the classic blazing sword. Can anyone help me find them? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Blue]Hey again. What board games do you like best? What board games have you had the most fun with? My favorites are: Clue: The game of murder and mystery. It's been around many years, and each edtion looks differnt, but it's still the same game. This is one of those games that never gets old. I have a very rare edtion called "Clue: Master Decective." It has more rooms, weapons, and suppects. And the movie was fun too. If you never seen the movie, go rent it. it's good. Risk: The game of war, and stratagy. It's fun to play, and conquer the known world. I have a edtion called "Risk: 2210 AD". It's Risk..in the future. It's got nukes, mecha, and even battles on the moon. You can only get it offline, or at specialty stores. 13 Deadend Drive: A game where you get an unsavory cast of characters, who all want to inherate the late Aunt Agatha's money. The only way to get it, is buy using death traps in the manor to get it. From a falling chanadleir, to a suit of armor. It's silly, but fun. Life: Live your life to the fullest. Become a success, earn a fortune, get your dream job, etc. Scrabble: Form words, get points. It's like a giant cross-word puzzle. Zombies!!!: A ever changing game with four ad-ons. It's different every time, and has lots of tributes to zombie movies. Make your way through a zombie infested city, killing zombies, running, and causing trouble for your freinds. Don't forget to bring your shotgun, and chainsaw. "Groovy." Monopoly: The classic. This game has many versions, but the original is the best. Buy propoties, sell, get money, and go crazy. This game turns best freinds into blood crazed maniacs, all trying to out sell everyone. But it's just a game and..what am I kidding? I will get all the money, and destroy ALL my opponents! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!! Okay, I'm over the shock, now. What are your fondest memories with the games you played? Do you play them often? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Blue]I like watching wrestling, but some times, the line between realite and fantasy is blurred. I know some things. Like the WWE has writers, and few of the wrestlers are actully cool people in real life. Like take Andre the Giant. He was a very kind, gentle man in real life. (Except once when he was arrested for assult and battery. But that was just once.) I hear Kane is pretty cool too. And the wrestlers are mostly actors/stuntmen. Some of them are really bad actors, though. Like Luthor Raymes, he's awful. What's real? What's made up? Is Kurt Angle really a ragiing egomaniac? Is Heidenrich really insane? Is JBL really a huge jerk? Etc. I know John Cena (He's a local boy!) and Eddie Gurrario are cool guys in real life. So's Undertaker. His real name's Mark. What's real? What's fake? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Blue]I still read C&H in the books I have. I like alot of the stories they got in there. Like "Attack of the deranged mutant killer monster snow goons". One of my favorites. The stories were one of the best things about C&H. Like when Calvin makes a copy of his good side, or when he becomes Stupendous Man to ace a quiz, etc. I remember one strip that would make a great prank. "Hello, is your father home?" "No he isn't." "Okay, will you right down my number and have him call me?" "Hold on. I need a pen." (Calvin puts the phone on the floor, puffs up a baloon, and pops it with a pin.) POW! "ARGH! I'VE BEEN SHOT!" And he walks away. "I hate taking messages." Lol. What strips or stories do you like? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Blue]In the anime that's an Irish accent he's using. And in the manga, he's working in an orphanage in Ireland. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Blue]Genny has been working with Lucasfilm the last couple years making "Star Wars: Clone Wars." I saw both parts, and I loved it. I'm looking forward to seeing what General Greivous, and the other Jedi look like in live action. I read an artical about a "Samurai Jack" movie in an issue of Entertainment Weekly, a while back. That was about three or four years ago. I remember seeing "Dexster's Labortory" action figures in Toys R Us when I worked there. Recently they had "Samurai Jack" figures. Cool. I hope that we'll be seeing "Samurai Jack" again soon. In the meantime, the second season is coming to DVD. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Blue]I want CN to bring back "Samurai Jack" Dammit! That show was just as good as "Dexster's Labratory." My freinds and I HATE PPG. I'd like to see them go up against Freeza, Cell, Majin Buu, Kid Buu, or Omega Shenron. Or Aku. PPGZ looks stupid. Really stupid. Even more so than those new episodes of "Dexster's Lab" that were'nt so great. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Blue]This is a piece from my "Scene Switchers" fan-fic. My freinds think it's funny, so I"ll share it with you guys. Oh, I forgot to tell you. "Scene Switchers" is a story about a nineteen year old named Kevin Johson. He gets zapped into a transdimentional warp, and ends up in different animes, from "Gundam Wing", to "Trigun", etc. His job is to seal tears in time and space in each world. He dosn't know why just yet, but he has to. He also meets a girl named Nara who ends up following him on his adventures. I'm still working with it, but when I get everything straightened out, I'll put it up. This takes place in "Saiyuki", with our two head characters Kevin and Nara, along with Son Goku, Hakki, Genjo, and Sanzo.. Enjoy! [/COLOR] So here we were, our own hotel room. It was spotless, but there were only three beds."Oh, dammit!" Genjo sighed. "Only three beds. Hey..." He turned and looked at Nara. "But I can allways squeeze in one more, huh Nara?" Nara blushed. Hakki chuckled. "Oh my." He said. Goku sat down on the sofa, and leaned back, putting his arms behind his head. "Man. I'm beat. And starving. Let's call room service!" Sanzo walked over to the window on the far side of the room, and lit a cigerete. "No." Goku sat up. "Aw c'mon! I'm starving! I need food, Sanzo! I'm wasting away! " "No. We're laying low, remember?" "But Sanzo.." "SHUT UP OR I'LL KILL YOU!!" I looked at Hakki, who was still smiling politly. "Are they always like this, Hakki?" He nodded. "Yes. It's how they bond." Sanzo and Goku were still bickering, and Nara made a bee-line for the phone in the wall. "I'm calling for a couple pizzas. What do you want on them?" "I don't care." "Extra cheese!" "Pepperoni. Make it spicy." "Pineapple." "EVERYTHING! Cheese, peppers, onions, pepperoni, chicken, pineapple, fried dough, and a stuffed crust! I love those! And.." "SHUT UP!" A while later, the pizzas came at last, and eveyone dug in. Goku sure could eat. He even burped a song. That made Nara laugh. And Senzo hit Goku on the head with a fan. "So what now?" I said finishing off the Vannila coke. "Why don't we play a game?" Nara suggested. "Yeah." Genjo said eyeing Nara. "We can play "spin the bottle." He grinned, and winked at Nara. She blushed, again. I thought about it for a minute. "I know!" I said. "Hang on, I'll be right back." I went downstairs, to teh desk. I saw this hanging out of a cabinet. This will be fun. I came back up stairs, with a long box under my arm. "What you got, big guy?" Genjo asked. I smiled. "Who wants to play a game of Clue?" 8:00 PM I exsplained the rules of the game. Goku kept interuppting me."The game takes place in England where a very rich man, Mr. Boddy has been killed." "Why?" Goku asked. "Every character has a reason. So, as the suspects, we wander the manor, going room to room guessing who did it, with what weapon, and what room. It has to be the room your in, with the weapon in it." "Should the cops take care of it?" Goku asked. "It's only a game, Goku." Genjo said, flciking some ash from his cigerette. "Movement is done by dice roll." I continued. "The cards have suspects, weapons, and rooms on them." I picked up the cards, shuffled them into three decks, one for rooms, one for suspects, and one for weapons. I picked up the top one on each, and placed them in the case file. I put the cards together, and shuffled them. "I'll pass out cards. Mark down which ones you have, but keep it a secret." Everyone did so. "When a player makes a guess in a room, the other players check their cards, and show which card that he has to the guesser. But keep it a secret between you, and the guesser. The guesser marks it down. When a player thinks he knows the answers, he can make an accusation. Then the cards from the case file will be revealed." We picked our players, and placed them in the coat room on the board. "Okay. Who goes first?" Hakki asked. "We role the dice. Highest goes first." Sanzo rolled first, and got a twelve on his first try. He goes first. He moved his picece into the billard room. "Okay. Let's see." He looked at his detective notebook. "Hmm..I say that it was Mrs. Peacock, with the poison, in the billard room." We went thorugh our cards, and Nara handed Genzo a card. "Hmph." He reacted. He marked down his findings. "Me next! Me next!" Goku chimed. He rolled the dice. "BOO-YAH! Seven!" He moved his picece to the dining room, and went over a magrafiying glass. "Whoops! Snoop!" He smiled. "Let's see..." He looked at me. "Kev, let me see one card of yours." "Which one?" "Uhh..That one." He picked it up. "Ah-ha! So it wasn't Ms. Scarlett!" "Goku! You were supposed to keep it a secret!" Genzo snarled. "My bad." Goku said. 8:36 PM "Well?" "I'm thinking! I'm thinking!" "Hurry up, monkey boy! I'm getting a leg cramp!" "Yeah, yeah. Keep your shirt on, Senjo! I say it was, Ms. Peach, with the lead pipe, in the fountin!" I picked up the lead pipe card from my hand, and showed it to Goku. "Oh-ho! Thanks, man!" He marked it down. I noticed Senjo was leaning over Nara's shoulder. "HEY!" Goku yelled. "Nofairnofairnofair! Your cheating!" "No I'm not!" "Yes, you are you purvy kappa!" "Watch your mouth, monkey boy!" Goku lept on to Senjo, and the were rolliing around on the floor like a couple of kids. "Say it! Say you were cheating!" "I WAS NOT!" "LIAR!!" Senjo had Goku in a headlock. "SAY UNCLE, MONKEY BOY! SAY UNCLE!" "BITE ME!" Nara was laughing. Hakki was sipping his coke grinning, and Senzo's eye twitched. 9:35 PM It was either the revolver, the horseshoe, or the candlestick. I eyed over my notebook again. Okay, here goes nothing. "I say it was Mr. Green, with the candlestick, in the trophy room!" Senzo showed me the trophy room card. "Hey, Genjo?" Goku asked. "What?" "Certain pices of the surrounding foliage, and rock formations, may damage my skeletel frame. However, untrue statments of my physical stature will not damage my phyice." "What?" Goku gestuared at Genjo as if he was introduceing him. "Isn't he great folks? Let's give him a big hand!" Everyone laughed, and Genjo tossed a empty pespi can at Goku's head. 11:34 PM "I'd like to make my acusation, please." Hakki said. "I said it was Colonel Mustard, with the revolver, in the drawing room." I picked up the case file and pulled out the cards. "Well, I'll be damned. Hakki, you won!" I put the cards down, and sure enough there they were. Colonel Mustard, the revolver, and the drawing room. "That's right! " I yelled. "I killed him! I killed Mr. Boddy! And you never take me alive! Muahahahahaha!" I ran out of the room, and down the hall. I felt someone grab me from behind. It was Genjo. "I got him, Goku! Quick! Work the body!" Goku came right at me. "Take this, you murdering yellow bastard!" He stopped, and Genjo let me go. "Just kidding!" We all laughed together. [[COLOR=Blue]COLOR=Blue]What did you think? I did one with Monopoly, but I did this one first. Is this satafactory? Or do want to see the other one? Oh, the version of Clue they were playing was 1989s, "Clue: Master Decective." It had more rooms, more weapons, and more supects. It's very rare though. What did you guys think? Did you like it? Post up what you thought. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR][/COLOR]
  10. How did you get all that merchandise? I was under the impression that Watterson never sold the rights to Calvina and Hobbes being marketed, and is in fact really set in his belief of doing so for as long as he can.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]Watterson NEVER sold any of the rights for mechandice. He didn't belive in it. If you've seen a C&H t-shirt or somthing, it's bootleg. Watterson just wanted C&H to be in newspapers, and books. That's it. No t-shirts, no action figures, no Saturday Morning cartoon show, nothing. He calls Jim Davis a traitor to cartoonists. But he does very much admire and like Charles Shultz's "Peanuts" cartoons. Even when Shultz went commerial, he still wrote and drew each strip, till the day of his death. I've heard a rumor once some guys from NBC came to his place, with an offer. "Calvin and Hobbes" the Saturday morning cartoon show. They were getting writers, and artists together, and wanted to know if he was in. Watterson turned it down. He will have no part of it, so don't try to do it, or he'd sue. Bill was a straight forward kind of guy. That's one of things that made C&H so well loved. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2 [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Blue]First, Kris and I are just freinds. And second, she's a raging tomboy. She has no problems with violent video games. I'll prove my point. A while ago, she was watching the director's cut of "Robocop." And she likes comic books as well. So I don't think she'll want a copy of "Hello Kitty's Cube Frenzy." If I got her that,or anything like it, she'd beat the crap out of me :) "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Blue]I'm from Boston, actully. And of course I'm going. It's best to travel with some freinds, and money is pretty important. Try to take advantage of any bargins you find in the dealers room. For exsample, if you find a box set of "Ruroni Kenshin:Tales of the Meji" for $40, where it would be more someplace else, take it into consideration. And don't just stop for the con. There are lots of resturants and bars to go to in the area. Oh, and if you want you can always see the sights, or go to Harvard Square in Cambridge. They got a great little anime store there called "Tokyo Kid." Also, you can get pocky really cheap at a Japanese Convience store in Porter square called "Kotobukia." The people there are great, and I go there alot. Remember to keep your cell phone on at all times, be aware of your surroundings in the city, and don't flash money. Most important, have fun! Who knows, I might see you there. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Blue]A freind of mine dosn't have a gaming system. Her names Kristin, but everyone calls her Kris. Kris tells me that because of her money problems, she can't get a PS2, a Gamecube, or an X-Box. So being the guy I am, I was thinking of getting her a used PS2, and maybe a couple games. I'm not sure where to get a good deal on a used PS2, though. As for games, maybe two or three. What do you guys think? Where can I get a good deal? And what games do you recomend? Thanks. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Blue]Hey out there! I saw a copy of the "Garfeild" movie the other day in a store, and I thought about my favorite comic strip, "Calivn and Hobbes." Remember them? They were around for a while. I loved those strips, and I have all of the books. It's funny, clever, and at times, makes me think, and can be touching as well. Calvin is the star, and is six years old. But he has an overactive imagination. It ussually gets him in trouble, but that's not a bad thing. Hobbes is Calvin's best freind, and is a tiger. He seems to be a stuffed tiger at times, but when no ones around, he turns real, walks on his hind legs, and talks. Hobbes is smarter than Calvin, and gives Calvin good adivce. Hobbes is also so happy to see Calvin when he gets home from school, he pounces on him when he walks through the doorway. And all of those other wonderful characters. Susie, Calvin's parents, Calvin's babysitter Rosalyn,the bully Moe, and his teacher Ms. Wormwood. Calvin to me has all of the symptoms of ADD and/or ADHD. Do you think so? I was told by a teacher of mine agrees with me. However he said, that when your six years old, the world is a big and scary place. That's why Calvin retreats to these fantasies. Such as Spaceman Spiff, a t-Rex, private eye Tracer Bullet, or the superhero Stupendous Man. Because there, he has control. That's an interesting way of putting it. I miss the comic, but I still got the books. I love them all, from Calvin's adventures with G.R.O.S.S.(Get Rid Of Slimey Girls), the mysterious "Noodle Incident", the tranmorgrafimer, etc. What did you like? What are your thoughts on the strip? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Blue]Hello. I was looking for my old thread on OB Anthologys so I could look at the ideas a person and I were disscussing for my fan-fic work. Is there a way I can look at threads that have been removed? Thank you. Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  16. [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]The latest book, or books actually I've read would by Douglas Adam's [B]Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy[/B] series, I personally found the first three book to be gems in terms of comedy [and I can see now where Dragon Warrior gets a lot of his humour]. But the fourth instalment [B]So Long and Thanks for all the Fish[/B] was a bit of a disappointment for me, I just didn't find it as funny as the previous ones and the story was a bit ropey. [COLOR=Blue]Heh. Those books by Dougless Adams are silly. Very silly indeed. :laugh: The movie better be good. They better not ruin it. Well, they have allready gave Zaphod Beeblebronx one head, and two arms for some reason. But still, it looks good. As long as they have my favorite parts from the book. I know it will be better than the BBC version that came out years ago. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2 [/COLOR]
  17. Dragonboym2


    [quote name='KogaDream]:animestun [COLOR=DarkRed]Has anyone heard of Nightmare before Christmas, OMG IT IS MY FAVORITE MOVIE! My favorite characters are Boogie Boys and Zero. EVERYBODY AT MY SCHOOL HATES IT [/COLOR'] :animeangr :cussing:[/quote] [COLOR=Blue]Really? Wow, that's hard to belive. I thought it was inventive, funny, and very well done. I'm looking forward to Tim Burton' s next stop animated works "Tim Burton's The Corpes Bride". Have you seen the trailer? But we have to wait till next Halloween. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  18. [quote name='Who?']I haven't seen that movie, but I do know that Orwell actually wrote a lot of other books. I've never been able to get my hands on any of them, though.[/quote] [COLOR=Blue]I don't think "Brazil" was a book. How come you think you'll never be able to get your hands on those movies? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  19. HELLSING A fans look This is one of the best anime series out there right now. Based on the best selling manga (Japanese comic book) of the same name, it brings a great of mix of horror and action in this four volume cutting edge series. What is ?Hellsing?? Well, for one it has nothing to do with the awful Hugh Jackman movie ?Van Helsing?. Picture this: You are walking home from a night out. It?s a nice night, with a large pale moon in the inking blue night sky. Then, you hear a strange sound coming from the side of the road. It sounds like a chomping slurping sounding, like some one was eating ribs or something. You look over to the side of the street to see a figure hunched over something. You walk over to take a closer look. You wish you hadn?t. It?s eating a dog. Or what was left of it. It picks up his head, and looks at you. He looks human, but his face is strangely pale. He had blood dripping from his mouth, falling on to his torn black t-shirt. He wipes the blood from his mouth with his hand that seems to have talons on the fingers. ?Hello there.? He says. He wipes his bloody hands on his torn black jeans that look like he got bit by the dog a couple times. ?I was having a little snack, and looks like the main course shows up.? He smiles, showing off sharp pointed teeth. ?Mind if I help myself?? He leaps on to you with the ferocity of a leopard hunting its prey. He pins you to the ground, with uncanny strength. He opens his mouth wide, ready to bite into the soft flesh of your throat. You can smell his rancid breath that smells like meat that has been left out in the sun to long. His fangs gleam in the light of the moon. Then, you hear behind you, a chuckle. A tall man seems to melt out of the shadows. He is about maybe over six feet tall, or taller. He is wearing a long red leather overcoat, with a black waistcoat and matching black pants and boots. He is wearing a wide brimmed red hat as well, followed by yellow tinted sunglasses. He smiles. ?Preying on a human.? He says in a deep rumbling voice. ?You are a stupid and predictable creature.? The monster raises his head at the man. ?Who the hell are you?!? The man is still smiling. ?That?s not important, vermin.? He pulls from the folds of his coat, two large .45s. One is jet black, the other silver. He chuckles again, and fires off the guns. The bullets smack into the monster, and it falls over backwards. The man is still grinning, and you notice..fangs? Are those fangs!? The monster staggers upright. He is grunting and breathing heavy. ?So. You?re stronger than the rest, are you? This is going to be fun.? He narrows his eyes at the monster. You feel a cold breeze blow through the trees. ?Lowering restriction to level one. The Cromwell Effect is in motion. Situation B.? His arms melt into black shadow and mist. The rest of his body starts to transform into mist and shadow as well. You can still see his head that is made of shadow, and his eyes. He is still grinning. Blood red eyes start to protrude from the mist and shadow. And the arms turn into wolf?s heads of shadow. The monster has a look of sheer panic and fear on his face. ?Wha..What?! What the Hell!?? He steps back in fear. ?What in God?s name are you!?? The wolfs heads make a bee line for the monster. The monster tries to run in vain. ?N-N-No! Get Back! Get away!? It?s too late for him. The wolfs heads are apon him, and you hear the monsters dying screams as flesh and bone, are torn to shreds. The shadow and mist goes away, leaving a smear of blood that was once the monster. The man transforms back to normal, and looks at you. Are you next? ?Master?? says a voice. You turn to see standing a few feet behind you a young girl. She seems to be in her twenties, with short blonde hair, and big red eyes that are filled with hope and kindness. She?s wearing a dark blue military uniform of some sort, with a short skirt, and black knee high boots. On her left breast pocket, is a black and red checkered shield. And she?s carry a huge rifle, that?s bigger than her, but she?s carrying it. ?Mission completed master. I got the other one on my way here.? She says in a British accent. The man doesn?t take his eyes off her. ?Well now. Police girl.? He then seems to fade away into the darkness. The police girl looks at the damage. ?A cab will be here to take you home shortly.? She says. She turns around, and walks away. ?Have a good night, then.? Twenty minutes pass. A cab pulls up, and the back door opens. Out comes a tall blonde man dressed all in light grey, with a matching overcoat, and a minister?s collar. ?Oh, good evening Father.? You say. He smiles, and makes the sign of the cross. ?Go wit? God Me child.? He says in an Irish accent. ?Nice night, eh?? He says, gazing at the moon in the sky. He adjusts his glasses. ?Now, if ye?d excuse me, th? Lords work has t?be done. Those who defy his grace, shall be labeled heretics, and cast into the flames O? Hell, forever and ever. AMEN.? He walks away, and you get in the cab. You?re going to need a long drink after this one. That is ?Hellsing.? ?Hellsing? is very popular right now among anime fans. It?s dark humor, extreme violence, and cutting edge horror makes is stand out pretty well. ?Hellsing? takes place in modern day England, where the secret organization called Hellsing, has been defending England and the world from supernatural evils for many years. Hellsing is lead by Sir Integra Wingates Helsing, a hard edged no nonsense women. Recently, genetically created vampires of strange origin have been appearing, wreaking havoc across the land. In Sir Integra?s service of Hellsing, is an incredibly powerful vampire named Alucard (?The man? in the story.). Alucard is direct service to her, and the Helsing family. Along with the former police officer Seras ?Police Girl? Victoria who is now a vampire as well, they plan to get to the bottom of these strange occurrences. Seras is trying to fight the thirst for blood, and is still acts just as human. But her new powers and abilities confuse her. Also, there is Alucard?s rival the demon slaying Irish Catholic Priest, Paladin Anderson ( The priest in the story.). Anderson works for Hellsing?s rival origination, Section XIII. Who unlike Hellsing that works for the English Protestant Church, is in service of the Catholic Church. Where are these genetically created vampires coming from? Who made them and why? I?m a big fan of this show, and the manga version as well. A thing I like best is, that it?s the first anime I?ve seen that takes place in England, and not Japan. But I should warn you; this show is not for the squeamish or the faint to heart. Or children for that matter. And is really creepy and violent at times. So if you?re the sensitive type, you will never feel safe in a dark room ever again. ?Hellsing? volumes 1-4 are available on DVD. ?Things in the light are just the same in the dark?Or are they? Heh!Heheheheheheh!? [COLOR=Blue]Questions? Comments? What do you guys think? Did you like it? Did you find it imformative? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2 [/COLOR]
  20. [QUOTE=Who?]I just finished rereading 1984, and I must furthermore insist that everyone with half a smidgeon of thought in their brains needs to read it. [COLOR=Blue] That's a great book. But wicked freaky. Orwell is one of my favorite writers. Have you read "Animal Farm"? It's on fastist sociity. 1984 was on English Soicalism by the way. Not Fasicsism. I don't know what else he wrote, but "1984" and "Animal Farm" are by far his most popular. Oh yeah, some inspiration from "1984" was put into Terry Gilliam's "Brazil." Have you seen that movie? It's very good. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  21. [QUOTE=gundampali23]i think gundam is popular because it reaches out to the teens and makes them believe they can be part of something important,something worth fighting for. As for the mechs i think that symbolizes companionship in ur goal. -The Palestian Knight[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]Well said. [/COLOR] :) [COLOR=Blue]"KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Blue]The games I've beat are:[/COLOR] T[COLOR=DimGray]MNT:Fall of the Foot Clan (GB): It was a good game. But it didn't really matter what turtle you were. They were all the same.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green] Super Mario World (SNES): WOW! This game was long, hard at some points, but fun as hell! I ate it up. Super Contra(SNES): Old school sci-fi shoot'em up. I liked all the weapons, like my favorite spread. Heh. Spread rules. Ultaman(SNES): Senti hero one-on-one fighting. It was kind of dull at times, though. Donky Kong Country(SNES): Looks great, plays great, and was addictive too. Earthworm Jim(SNES): Hee hee. Funny. It was very silly. Four stars. Earhtworm Jim 2 (SNES): The silliness continues! Cows, puns, weapons, and other cool stuff. It made me laugh. Spider-Man: Maximum Carnage(SNES): Play Spider-Man and Venom in a game based on the storyline of the same name. Lots of characters, levels, and endless fun. Venom: Seperation Anxity(SNES): Actully, this was based on Venom's first mini-series, that guest starred Spidey, and took place before "Maximum Carnage." It was just like the last game. No real change. Cybernator (SNES): A mecha shooter that was very well done. Lots of cool weapons, and big bosses. TMNT: Turtles in time (SNES): It was longer and better than the arcade version. I thought the extra levels were a nice touch. Mega Man X (SNES): It was hard, and took Mega Man in a new direction. I loved the charged up weapons, and the armor. Sonic Blast Man(SNES): A superhero game that was good, but needed some work. Captain Commando (SNES): A super-hero arcade brawler. The arcade version was bloodier, but still a good game. Good stuff. The Legend Of Zelda: A link to the past(SNES): WOW. Great game. Loved it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Silver] [[COLOR=Silver]COLOR=Silver][[COLOR=Navy]COLOR=Navy][COLOR=Yellow][COLOR=Yellow]Wild 9 (PS1) Funny, and alot of action too. I loved the rig.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Silver] Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver(PS1): A dark tale of revenge, in a dark world ruled by vampires. Creepy too. Evil Dead: Hail to the King (PS1) It's Bruce Campbell. It's Evil Dead. He did the voice overs. That's all you need to know. "Groovy." Xenogears(PS1): It's a RPG with mecha. A great plot and characters, with anime cut scenes. And the mecha was cool. Front Mission 3(PS1): Two storylines, and lots of strategic mecha action. Mega Man X4 (PS1): Good story, with two storylines, and anime cut scenes. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Silver] Medievil(PS1): A humorous Tim Burtonish game. Lots of fun to play, and I like all of the English humor, and stuff. Medievil 2(PS1): Just as good as the first. New characters, and lots of silly things too.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR[/COLOR]] [COLOR=Red]Soul Reaver 2 (PS2): A very good sequel. I liked the new stuff in it. Jak II (PS2): A darker story, and Jak speaks. A great game, and I love the weapons. Jak III (PS2): I just beat it. Four stars, and I liked all the twists and turns. Xenosaga Episode one (PS2) A sci-fi space opera game for anime fans. Part two is just as good. [COLOR=Red]Xenosaga Episode II: It was just as good as the first, and had a more realistic look to it this time. [/COLOR] Prince Of Perisa: The Sands of time (PS2): An involved story, and lots of puzzles. .Hack 1-3(PS2) These games are complex, and fun. I'm looking forward to part four. Resident Evil: Code Veronica X (PS2): Creepy. Really creepy. It shows more light on Umbrella and it's horrorible secrets. Evil Dead: A fistfull of boomstick(PS2): Bruce is cool. And once again, he did the voice overs. Rachet And Clank(PS2): Weapons galore, lots of stuff to blow up, and grear game play. Rachet And Clank: Going Commando (PS2): A great sequel, with upgradeable weapons, and more stuff to blow up and do. Ratchet And Clank: Up your arsenal: (PS2): I love this game series. New characters, we get more new weapons, a bunch of mini arenas, and a great story. Prince of Persia: Warrior Within: It has a darker feel, and a great fighting system. I thought that the fighting was excellent. Plus two endings, and music done by Godsmack. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]I'm still working on others. Wish me luck! "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  23. [b][color=#006400]You say "used to"-- so how did you get over it? By watching Jaws? Beause that would make my mates die of cardiac arrest... they wouldn't even be able to look at the video box...:animesigh [/color][/b] [COLOR=Blue]That's right. By watching Jaws I got over my fear. Besides, sharks aren't that bright, and mistake humans for seals. Hey, why are your freinds so scared of sharks? I had shark once years ago. Tasted like salmon. But needed tatar sause. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR] [
  24. [COLOR=Blue]Craig, and Genny. Craig was creator, and Genny was co-creater of the PPG. Along with "Dexster's Labotory". I liked all the comic book, anime, and manga jokes in that show. From Dex's giant robot, The Justice Freinds, and Monkey. Oh, here's an interesting bit of trivia. In "Dial M For Monkey", there was an episode called "Wrasslor" starring WWE superstar "Macho Man" Randy Savage as the voice of Wrasslor. (He even followed up the episode with his catch phrase "OH YEAH!" ) Well, Wrassor was inspired by an issue of "Marvel Comics Showcase". When an intergalatic boxer challeged Earth's strongest heroes (Hulk, Namor, Thor, Thing, etc) to a boxing match for the fate of the world. Thing was the last one, and he was beaten to a pulp. But even beaten, he refused to give up, and The boxer guy was so impressed he spared the Earth. Cool, huh? Hey wait. I was told that PPG was no longer on the air because Darkseid killed them when they teamed up with the JLA. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Blue]Maybe we should move this thread to a more aporeate one. My mistake. Sorry about that. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
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