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Everything posted by Dragonboym2
[COLOR=Blue]I told a freind of mine about my DBZ/Yu Yu Hakusho team-up fan fic. He said that would make a real cool anime. I said yeah, with a kick *** sound track. Here's who would be on it:[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]"Dragula"- Rob Zombie "Superbeast"-Rob Zombie "Living Dead Girl"-Rob Zombie "More Human Than Human"-Rob Zombie[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]"Bad Religion (Fight Club Mix)-Godsmack "Bad Religion"-Godsmack "Whatever"-Godsmack "Stay Away"-Godsmack "I stand alone"-Godsmack "Realine"-Godsmack "Voodoo"-Godsmack "Straight out of line"-Godsmack[/COLOR] "[COLOR=Green]Papercut"-Linkin Park "In the end"-Linkin Park "Run away"-Linkin Park "Nobody's Listening"-Linkin Park "Points of authority"-Linkin Park "Crawling"-Linkin Park "One step closer"-Linkin Park "Faint"-Linkin Park "Cure for the itch"-Linkin Park "With You"-Linkin Park "By Myself"-Linkin Park "Easier to run"-Linkin Park "Giving in"-Linkin Park/Adamea "Somewhere I belong"-Linkin Park[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]"Sermon"-Drowning Pool "Bodies"-Drowning Pool "Mute"-Drowning Pool "Reminded"-Drowing Pool "Sinner"-Drowning Pool "Tearing Away"-Drowing Pool "Step Up"-Drowning Pool "All over me"-Drowning Pool "The Game"-Drowning Pool[/COLOR] [COLOR=Yellow]"Thoughtless"-Korn "Here to stay"-Korn "Falling Away From me"-Korn[/COLOR] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Leave you far behind"-Lunatic Calm "Blue Monday"-Orgy "Flagpole sitota"-Harvey Danger "Voices"-Disturbed "Crazy Sunshine"-The Pillows "I think I can"-The Pillows "Little Busters"-The Pillows "Ride on shooting star"-The Pillows "Trip like I do"-Filter/Crystal Method "End of the world"-REM[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]What do you think? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]You did say the words, right? Or you would unleash a great terrible evil. "Did you say the words correctly this time?" "Not excatly every little sylablie, buy yeah, I said 'em." Now say them with me: Klatu, varrata, ni...uh..necktie! Nugget! Nectrine! A n word. Definetly an n word. Umm.. Klatu, varrata, ni(cough, Cough.). "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[quote name='Qukey']Not really know too much about Harlock but Galaxy Express 999 and Space Cruiser Yamato are both my favorites. Once I am done with Die Legende Der Sternhelden (Legend of the Galatic Heroes), Harlock is my next step.[/quote] [COLOR=Blue]That's one of the first times I saw Harlock, in "Galaxy Exspress 999: The Movie". His entrance was great, and it was one of the most memerable scenes I've seen. "The Legend Of Galatic Heroes". That's quite interesting. Because it's got German characters and Harlock is German as well. I suggest you see "Arcadia Of My Youth" first. It's really well done. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]I've heard of it. Wrapped in human flesh. Inked in blood. It was filled with bizzare burial rights, and demon resusertion rituals. I think it was destroyed. Remember, if you find it, speak the words. "Klatu, varrata nickto." Don't forget. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Hi again. Listen to this: I went to a anime store in Harvard Square, and they had nearly NO Harlock stuff. Say what? But he's HARLOCK! He's a legend. I'm a big fan of Harlock, and I'm amazed that there are fans who heard his name but have never seen him. Well, I recomend that they see "Arcadia Of My Youth", "Galaxy Express 999", "The Harlock Saga", and "Space Pirate Captain Herlock: Endless Odessy Outside Legend." Is anyone out there Harlock fans? Has anyone heard of him? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Hey again! Get this: I heard that some movies are getting games based on them. Not recent movies, more like older ones. They are as follows: "The Godfather" This game has some of the last recorded diolouge by Marlen Brando. In it, you play a guy who goes up through the ranks, and becomes a "made man", as it is. The movies plot is involved, keep in mind. "Scarface" Yup. A game based on Al Pachino's classic film that inspired "GTA: Vice City", is a tad odd. Antonio died at the end of the movie, and in the game he wakes in the hospital for some reason. He finds his empire in ruins, and he has to build it from the ground up. It's GTA style, but because of Tony's ethics, he won't just randomly kill people. The world is yours. "Jaws" You heard me. This game is made by the makers of "Echo The Dolphin". In it though, you get to be Bruce (The name of the shark given by the cast and crew of the first movie.). You get to eat fish, people, cause chaos, go crazy at the sent of blood, etc. It has a plot too. Bruce has killed a son of a CEO on the island of Amtvile. The CEO calls a shark hunter, and marine biologist Michael Brody (Son of Roy Shinider's Chief Brody from the first movie) to find you. Sounds like fun. What next? A "Dirty Harry" shooter? A "Braveheart" RTS? What do you guys think? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]I used to have Carniaphobia. Fear of sharks. When I was a kid, my family was drving to a desolte rock at the end of the earth for out summer vacation. A stupid cottage in Marshfeild across the street from my Aunts place over looking the beach. I hated it. Sand was in everything, and there was no good signal for the tv, and I was bored stiff. On our way there, a saw a huge bilboard for "Jaws: The Revenge." It scared the crap out of me. I found out from dad that it was the forth movie in a seires. I went to a video store a year later, and met a man who collected movie posters. Most were flicks like "Plan 9 From Outter Space", "Psyco", "Batman", "Godzilla Vs. MechaGodzilla", and "Brazil." I ran across the Jaws poster. I must of jumped three feet in the air. (Teeth. Big teeth.) I later on years later saw Jaws, and it was one of the best movies I've EVER seen in my life. It was so well done. Great acting, writing, plot, direction, etc. Bravo, four stars. And it was filmed off Martha's Vineyard, and I live in Massachusetts. The sequels were awful. Jaws 2, was okay..but needed work. Jaws 3, Ack! Terrbile! And it was done in 3D but the effects! Pure cheese! Jaws: The Revenge, Stupid. Bada cting, bad writing, bad everything. Not even Michael Caine could save it. Besides, Bruce (The name of the shark given by the cast and crew of the first movie,) was hardly in it. And sharks don't go "RARR!" I plan to read the book soon. I hear it's just as good. Oh, get this. A Jaws video game is coming out soon. And you get to be Bruce. LUNCH TIME! Ding-a-ling-ding! "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]They have fingers now. Meh. Whatever. I'm more of a fan of "Samurai Jack." That show was awsome. Geddy should make more. My friends and I used to watch Jack every friday night. Bring him back! "They call me...Jack." "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Actully Geloogpilot,, I was saying that all reality TV was fluff. Like "The Simple Life", "Surviver", and God knows what else. I wasn't saying that G4 was fluff, just those awful reality shows. If I see one more reality show, I'll scream. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Hey out there! Is G4 a good channel to watch, or is it just a pile of fluff, like so many reality shows? Well, I think it has it's moments. The shows I like to watch on it are: X-PLAY: I find this show informitve and witty. Adam is really funny, and Morgan..she's pretty smart, and not to mention pretty. :D I like the hilierious skits and bits they do as well. But they give most games I like "A three, out of five." They better not gave DBZ Budokai 3 a three out of five. Vegeta might find out. And he WON'T be happy(Run, Adam! Run! Run for your life!!) Players: I had no idead so many celebritys played games. From musicans, actors, ans sports stars, this game looks at what celebs like to play games. I had no idea Robin Williams was such an avid gamer. I liked the one at The E3. Some guys and girls of the WWE were promoting their new games. Who was there...Ray Mysterio, The Big Show, Triple H, Stacy, Trish, and Boston's own John Cena. He's a big gamer, too. Cool. Electric Playground/Judgement day: These two shows are mostly the same. Tommy Tellorico and Victor Lucas look at games, talk to game developers, and even look at action figures, and comics. Pretty good, but needs a little more variaity. Cinematech: Footage and cut scenes from all games of all kinds. From the latest, to the oldest. To the bad, to the good. I like seeing stuff from new games. Filter: The top ten list in games, gadgets, gear, and other words that don't begin with the letter G. Diane Mizota is pretty too. And she looks great in those outfits she wears. G4TV: This show is hip, quirky, and just plain fun. It's a interactive talk show where veiwers can send in comments via e-mail, or call in. The hosts are pretty cool too. Tina is the brains, Geoff is new, but he ads valuable input to the show, and Laura...Laura..Laaauraa...Well, she's INSANE. (No hard feelings, Laura you know we love you.) She's got alot of energy, and is very humorous too. She makes me laugh. What do you guys think? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]I hate to say it, but I got a little writer's block. ARRRGH! I hate that! I'm trying to think up a senerio for my "Scene Switchers" fan-fic where the head characters Kevin and Nara end up in "Ruroni Kenshin". All I got so far in my notes is that they wander around the countryside a bit, and run into Ken and Sano at a local bar. Sano is looking for somthing/someone, but I'm not sure yet. I'm kind of drawing a blank at what happens next. Can anybody please lend me a hand? I appreate it. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Hey there again. What games make you laugh? What are some of the most siliiest funniest games out there? And now for somthing completely different... Sam(holding a bomb): Max, were should I put this where it couldn't hurt anyone we know or care about? Max: Out the window, Sam. There's nothing but strangers out there. (Sam heaves bomb out the window, followed by an exsplotion.) Sam: Hope there was no one on that bus. Max: No one we know, at least. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Hey out there! It's Dragonboym2 again. One of my favorite manga seires would be Usagi Yojimbo, most defenitly. For those of you who don't know, Usagi Yojimbo is written and illustrated by Stan Saki. It takes place in sixteenth century Japan, (with animal people) following the adventures of a Ronin called Miyamoto Usagi. Usagi is on the warrior's pilgramage, traveling the land, honing his spirtial and fighting skills. He meets many interesting people, from rouge samurai, bounty hunters, to evil warlords. One of the cool things is that it's very historically acurate. And Usagi's adventures are loosely based on the adventures of the legendary samurai Miyamoto Mushashi. The stories are alot of fun to read, and I've learned much about Japanese history and folklore. (One part I liked best was how Katana swords are made. It's a fasinating process.) I have many of the collected volumes (even the sci-fi samurai epic Space Usagi), and I recomend it for all samurai fans. Does anyone out there read it? What do you like about it? What stories do you like? Let me know. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
Writing What I've been working on, part two
Dragonboym2 replied to Dragonboym2's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=Blue]Hey, thanks for the input. Sounds like a great idea. Oh, I forgot to say that Kevin will have a companion with him. Her name is Nara, and she's from the Gundam univerce (the orginal). She's a civilion, by the way. Wait, if it goes to modern-day Tokyo, how is Inuyasha and co, going to fit in with that part? I'm still working on part one, but I have to go back and look at some of Gundam so I can remember what happened excatly. Part two will be...Trigun I think. Or maybe FLCL. Thanks again, and keep the ideas and suggestions coming. Thanks! "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Blue]FMA for the PS2 wasn't that bad. I liked it. I hear that another one is coming out soon, called "Fullmetal Alchemist And the Curse Of the Crimson Elixer." It's also going to be cel-shaded for a more animated look. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[I]Have you all heard of the new mech game about to come out called Gundam vs Zeta Gundam. XPLAY just did there preview of it on thurday. I plan to get it when I am in japan.[/I] [COLOR=Blue]They did? Already? I'm looking forward to that game, but I can allready hear Adam Sessler's voice saying: "We give Gundam: Gundam Vs. Zeta Gundam", a Three, out of five." They give almost EVERY game a three out of five. Besides, I like Morgan better. :D They sure have alot of attractive and interesting girls on G4. Morgan (I heard that she turned down an offer from Playboy.), Diana, the new host of cheat, Tina, and Laura (Laura is INSANE. In a good way. She has alot of energy. I like that.) . "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]I met her in second grade. She was the daughter of my teacher, her name was Audrey. She was very pretty and smart. I liked her, and she was my biggest fan. She liked my stories and my drawings. But one day, her folks split up. I didn't see her again until I got to my home towns high school. I was the cafeteria looking around, happy to be there, when out of no where, a voice said "Hey Mike." I turned around. "Huh? Who?" There was this girl standing there. She was a little plump, and had short red hair. She was wearing all black, with studded braclets on her arms. And she smelled like cigerettes, and beer. "Uhh..." She smiled. "You don't regonize me?" "Umm..." "It' s me. Audrey. Audrey Sheehan." Then I regonized her. I was very happy to see her again. "Where ya been?" She asked. "Long story." I replied. "Well, it was good to see ya. See ya later." And that was that. Audrey changed. Alot. She overwent a personality change after her parents broke up. I have no idea what happened to her. But a freind of mine says she's been all over the place, and been fired from many jobs, for her temper. And now he says she's on alot of drugs like Speed, and Coke. But he likes to essagurate. I havn't seen her since. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Well Alchemist, I heard of the Najing Massacure, but no offence, I recently stated that the Japanese did some things during the war they aren't to proud of either. And the US the "good guys", did some bad stuff as well. Like the interment camps for exsample. My Great Uncle was killed in the line of duty in the Phillipines. Grandpa dosn't like talking about it. I don't think The Titans in Zeta Gundam were supposed to be good guys. I'm for The AUEG. The Titans were bullies and corrupt, they suck. The did awful things, and crossed the line many times. Lines the Zeon wouldn't even cross. Char was right. The earth needed time to heal from the wounds inflicted during the One Year War. But he snaps later on in "Char's Counterattack." He puts together a new army called Neo Zeon, and starts dropping metorites on Earth, forcing people to move into space. Therefore, forfilling his father's dream of moving mankind into space. Ushering in a new era, as he puts it. But he became the one thing he hates most. A tyrant, and a hypocrite. Oops! Got a tad off topic there. Sorry. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]I like Gundam better as well. I could go on and on why, but that would take to long. Yeah, G-Gundam was awful, and SD Gundam was even worse. But I love Gundam SEED. I'm looking forward to Gundam SEED Destiny. I've already seen some photos and models in a Japan Hobby magazine. Looks cool. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Duo from Gundam Wing would drive somthing that he'd think he'd look cool in. Like a Dodge Viper, or somthing. He'd drive up to girls on the street, or somthing and say somthing along the lines of "Hey baby. Go'in my way?" Vegeta of DBZ wouldn't drive. He's have someone else drive. He's a prince after all. But he'd be the backseat driver from Hell. "Left turn! Right Turn! Faster! Slower! SHUT UP!! " Gas, break, honk. Gas, break, honk. Honk, honk, FINAL FLASH!! Gas, gas, run car off the road. Mihoshi from Tenchi would...Wait a minute. Mihoshi?! DRIVING!? RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! CLEAR THE ROAD!! Goku of DBZ would drive pretty well. He drives Chi-Chi around. But he might forget things. "Uhh..What does the yellow light mean?" "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]The Japanese have no love for The Nazi Party. They are allways considered monsters, sadistic killers, and inhuman. The same way we feel about them. When the goverment of Japan found out that Germany was commiting these henious acts of crulety, and genoside, they were shocked. They couldn't belive that their one-time ally was a monster. Germany to this day is ashamed and sorry for what they did. (They don't like being reminded. They take it as an insult.) As is Italy, and Japan. Japan has done some things during the war they aren't to proud of either. But in every anime I see when Nazism comes up, they are portrated as evil, and are defeated. But I do see German characters in anime upheld with respect. And some characters have German sounding names. Like Edward Elric. Elric sounds German, dosn't it? If Japan was so horrorfied and discussted by Naziism and genocide, why do they have so many German sounding names and stuff in animes/mangas? Weird huh? But I don't let it bother me. The past is the past. WWII is over, and none of these countries are fasist or anything. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
Strangest song you've ever gotten stuck in your head
Dragonboym2 replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=Blue]The weirdest song that got stuck in my head was Salt N' Peppa's "none of Your buisness." A couple years ago. And I hate rap. It made sense at the time though. A person I knew was interfering with a conflict with me and a freind of mine. Still, I hate rap. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2 [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Blue]"I did it! I drank my own weight in booze!" "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]
[I]Which is better gundam:encounters in space or Gundam:battle assault 3[/I] [COLOR=Blue]I'd say "Gundam: Encounters in space." I was a bit dissipointed by Battle Assult. It was slow, and not as involving as I hoped. But there were alot of cool fantasy Gundam matches I'd like to see. Like Char Vs. Zechs, or Hero Vs Kira. I just hope that "Gundam: Gundam Vs. Zeta Gundam" is good. Do you think so? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR]