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Everything posted by Spydaweb782005

  1. Name: Deavan Stone Age: 20 Gender: Male Appearance: Look at attachment but is around 6 feet and 1 inch tall and weighs roughly around 205 lbs. Strengths: Deavan worked as a police officer for about 2 years and then quit and became a hunter. He is really built and is really good with guns he was trained with pistols and shotguns but he can also use other guns. Short Biography: Not much is known about Deavan except that he is an ex-police officer. He is very mysterious. He is always in the mood for a good fire fight but that stopped after he quit at the police station. After he quit he became a hunter, but the things he hunted were... different. He would hunt dead things. But not dead like stiff and not moving i mean dead things that move. He came to Silent Hill after hearing about the strange things happening there and is there to have a good fight.
  2. Can someone make me a banner and avi of this attachment i have, please i would really appreciate this.
  3. [QUOTE=sunofexiles]The final bell of the day had rung. ?Oh thank God!? Serenity bursted allowed and ran out the class. The strange pen she got started to beep, she took it out of her bag and looked at it. The pink covering on the pen turned into a message. She read it quietly to herself, ?Meet at the place of the brave girl who died a long time ago?? ?What? Serenity thought to herself. She looked around, the hallway was empty. She thought about it for a long time, and then it hit her. Sadako?s Shrine. She started to run toward the train station. She looked around and there she saw a strange sight. Ten other children running on different sidewalks, and running through the park. Could they possibly be making their way to the same place? When the train stopped the same children got off, they walked slowly noticed who each other were. ?What is this?? asked Oki. ?I don?t know.? Ryu added. ?Did you get the message on a pen?? Serenity asked. Everybody nodded and took out their pens that were glowing. Then all the people in the town froze. Everything darked out accept the ten children holding out their pens. Then, a woman floated down and said something very abrupt. ?Hello my children, you are chosen. Keep your identities secret. You are?? The children looked up at her in amazement. ?THE ELEMENTAL CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!? the woman boomed, then disappeared. They looked at each other. They all looked different. The girls had uniforms* that looked the same but with different colors. Same with the guys, but the guys had masks on. Serenity was different from the other girls. Her uniform seemed more significant. ?Ok..? Serenity said. ?Are..we super heroes?? Meteo asked. Fighting Crime by moonlight Winning love by daylight Never running from a real fight! She is the one named Sailor Moon! Sailorrrr? Sailor Water! Sailor Earth! Sailor Wind! Sailor Fire! OOC: Meteo your posts are sooooo short. They should at least be 3 good paragraphs. Oh yea, I?ve decided to call Princess Nature my character Sailor Moon. It goes along with the story. And prince is no longer a leader. It is a Sailor Moon story and someone brought that to my attention. You guys still have the same names. Sorry again if I am making you feel like im all powerful. That is not my intention.[/QUOTE] OOC: Ok yeah i didn't join no sailor moon i mean i knew you mentioned sailor moon sunofexiles but this is just getting a little too... you know what i mean.
  4. -------------------The Relic----------------------- The year was 2009 and the school of Kennedy High School was going to Egypt for a school field trip. But when a couple of the kids got bored and staryed of from the group they found something, somthing very intresting. They stumpled upon some sort of portal of something. It looked like a a cirlce mirror, but when you touched it, the surface seemed to break like water and you could stick you hand threw. They didn't know what was on the other side but they wanted to find out so they all went in. When they were all through they seemed to be in some sort of alley way and all you could here was swooping and there was cheering coming from a stadium that was to the east of them. they all looked at eachother as they looked out of where they came out and it was just a alley wall made out of medal. A couple of them walked out of the alley way and looked at a crowd coming towards the stadium. One of the kids asked one of the people from the crowed where they were. A tall man replied meanily, "We are in Sakatin city, what are you stupid little boy!" The boy mumbled to himself "Sakatin city?" What year is it? The man answered him again "It is the year 3001, you really must be stupid." The man said as he walked off and caught up with the crowd. ----------------------SIGN UPS--------------------- Name: Gender: Age: (15-18) Appearence: (picture if you could but still list height, weight, and the build of body) Personality: (short but tells you how they act) Bio: (atleast one paragraph)
  5. Hakento walked into the classroom and looked at Serenity and then at Kuro. He walked up to his desk which was next to Kuro's and looked at him "Hi Kuro long time no see, we went to the same school last year." Kuro nodded "Oh hi" he said as he looked at serenity. Then Hakento looked at Serenity and then at the door as he pulled out the pen he found earlier looking at the teacher getting ready for class. He then looked at Serenity and Kuro talking and smiled. He glanced around the room looking at the girls behind him and Kuro. he began to converse with them and then got interupted by the teacher as class began to start. as he dazed off and looked at his pen as there was something about it. He continued to looked at his pen as it shined like the sun and there was something about it that was magical like.
  6. yeah thats to bad she gave me the spot after it took you so long i even asked her so ask her yourself she will choose
  7. Thanks for the help i wasn't really paying attention but sunofexiles told me that the prince sky and princess nature controlled all the elements so i listed the elements. Thank you again DJ
  8. 1.) Lightning speed punch 2.) Fire punch 3.) Water blast 4.) Wind push 5.)Earth slam 6.) Elemental Shield(containing all his elements) Hakento wakes up looking at the clock, "Oh man i'm gonna be late!" He jumped out of his bed quickly and grapped some cloths putting them on. He ran tripping as he was trying to put on his pants, triping down the stairs saying "Damn pants!" He grabbed his bag and petted his dog Nigel as he ran out the door locking it and runing towards the school. He then looked at his watch and then spotted a silver pen as he picked up"Cool pen," he said as he began to run again. He gets to school earlier than he thought and sits on the bench looking around for anyone he notices. He continues to look around as he plays with his lighter and just sits there. He gets up and begins walking around as he looks around some more. He then spots Serenity and Aoi. He walks over to Serenity "Hi, Serenity how have you been we haven't talked all summer."
  9. Name: Mishatugi, Hakento Age: 17 Gender:Male Element: Prince Sky Appearance: [url]www.picture-galaxy.de/pics/ff/SEPBIG.JPG[/url] Stands at 6'2" Personality: Hakento is a very short tempered boy and is very is to get on the bad side but he is mostly on the good side of girls and his friends that control the elements. Bio: Hakento loves nature he just likes staying outside and just sit there. He also likes to go swimming and he always sits there and plays with fire. he seems to have a bond with all the elements. He is good friends Zeke, Akechi, and Ryu. They all seem to like some sort of nature. Hakento never goes anywhere without his dog. It is the only family he has now after his mother died. He pretty much lives in the park now but he does have a house. He has a crush on Oki ever sence he seen her but he doesn't have the courage to talk to her.
  10. Name: Kyo Hatinko Race: dragonborn Class: Warrior Age: 25 Description : (look at the attachment below) he stands at 6'7" and weighs roughly around 195lbs. Weapon of Choice: A giant great sword about 4'5" long Personality: He is very protective of the people he cares about just like his dragon and is short tempered when fighting but when you are friends with him he is very nice. Bio: Kyo grew up on the countryside and learned to fight by his father training him until he was 14 when his father died of a heart attack, but he kept training and getting better and by the time he was 16 he was able to train with his fathers great sword. He always trained at the volcanoe a few miles away by instinct. He always felt something about that place that was different by everything else. But one day he heard bubbling and something arose from the volcanoe's crater. It was shaped as a ball and all of a sudden it opened and the wings spread out and it was a dragon. Amazed by the dragon he didn't run like others would. he stayed and he befriended it they grew together and every day he would go back and see it and train with it. Dragon Dragons Name: Blaze Description of Dragon: [url]www.gotojassminesitenow.com/dragons/dragonslair.html[/url] Dragon Type: red Dragon, Fire Element Dragons Emergence(Dragonborn only) : (The first thing that changes when the dragons give their power to the humans. Only changes when host calls for the dragons power. Diffrent then full transformation. Only the thing listed changes) Personality of Dragon: Blaze is very protective of Kyo he never lets anything happen to him and only likes people that Kyo likes. He also is very short tempered and strikes at anything that threatins him and Kyo.
  11. Name: Takato Hanasai Gender: Male Age: 20 natural Personality: Takato is a calm guy outside of his gundam but when he is in his gundam it's a whole different world to him. He is ruthless and gives no mercy, he sometimes can rush into things and risk the safety of himself and sometimes his comrades, but he seems to be able to make up for it and come of with something big. Description: (will finish appearence latta) Biography: While Takato was growing his father flew and repaired gundams. He always loved helping his father repair and go for test rides at the base, but when he found out that his father died in a inter-galactic war he swore to follow his fathers footsteps and be a gundam pilot. Mobile Suit: GX-9900-DV Gundam X Divider (will getpicture in a little bit)
  12. Name: Nexon Talinhar Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Look at attachment(Panther is his pet) Element(s): fire, wind, earth Personality: Nexon is quiet but when he wants to be and when he has to be he can be loud. He is very active, he loves to play sports but they are hard to find at this point. He likes girls alot and is attracted to them alot. He also has a secret crush on Trilby Gerard. Short Biography: Nexon is fast so he spends alot of time runnning at inter-galactic track. He has no more family left but his Kain his panther, who his father got when he was just a baby for him. He grew up with Kain and he follows Nexon everywhere unless Nexon tells him not to. He likes hanging out with his friends and listening to music. He also likes to work on motors. He likes to hang out with Trilby alot esspecially cause they are alike with thier powers. Nexon lives in a little house near the slums. He cannot afford alot but he has been saving and is trying to move out of the slums. He works at a garage in the slums and only makes a little money but it supports him and Kain.
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