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    I love horses and of course anime. My fave animne is Inuyasha/ Wolf's rain/ Fullmeatal Alchemist
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  1. Oh jeez, i was watching this on Adult Swim a while back, but i coudn't get enough of it, so i finished the series via youtube.com. But ne way, what an awsome Anime it was! The characters where awsome, and it just kept getting better!! [INDENT][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]A word of advice [B]Wolfen91[/B], do not quote someone's entire post when you aren't even responding to it. Also proper spelling and grammar is a must, try using a program like Word or hotmail to check your posts. And another thing, try to explain why you think the anime is awesome or the characters for that matter. Since posts like this with little to no explanation are considered spam. ~indifference[/COLOR][/SIZE][/INDENT]
  2. [quote name='killua']Why dont they have all the good shows on like ronin warriors and dbz. yeah naruto is good to but think if they had all the old shows back.what would you rather have the new or the old?[/quote] Cartoon Network should differently get some credit. Its made alot of people anime fans, which is good ^^ I personly, like alot of the new shows, but i do miss Yu Yu Hakusho, and Rurouni Kenshin (probbaly spelt wrong)
  3. [QUOTE=Andrew]Now, I don't normally suffer from this God awful thing that most people call depression (and Lord knows I don't post often enough) but the past few days I've had an uncontrollable amount of depression building. I've taken to drinking by my lonesome, leaving others so I can be by myself and have been all around irratible. I really don't know what's up! I'd appreciate stories of your own depression and how you got over your it. Anything would help right now I guess![/QUOTE] I think sometimes i could be depressed but i 'm not sure....... u should try to do stuff that makes u happy, like me i like to be on the puter, watch anime, read manga, and i like to draw and be outside, when i feel down i find something that i can vent it on! goodluck!
  4. [quote name='5th Hokage']of all the great animes that have had only one season (trigun, cowboy bebop, outlaw star, DNA2, ect)which should be brought back for a second chance.[/quote] I think wolf's rai n should have another season so we could what the world will be like and if paradise will ever open up again.
  5. I think I watch Inuyasha the most because i think it's just such a great show! :D Though i do try to watch NE other anime show i can get my hands on!
  6. I've seen a few episodes but i missed saturdays, i like the animation and all the fine details. it's a litte wierd but i'm still hooked! i don't really get the ending with the credits but that is ok! ne way it's a great aninme and i recomnend it for anime lovers!
  7. [quote name='Elk']I started watching anime when i was about 10 or something and it was only DBZ and pokemon and (no offence to anyone) stupid stuff like that. My brother started watching anime when he was 4 and not the crappy stuff I watched! I think the first anime he saw was Inuyasha, then Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, FLCL, Blue Gender, and every thing that's every been on Adult Swim and Toonami, he's also lerning how to read through Manga. (He's 5 yars old.)[/quote] I started seriously watching anime when i was like 11 or 12, i used to watch poke'mon and yu-gi-oh, but i have found alot better anime!
  8. [QUOTE=dark kitsune]I'm wondering if any of you watch it. I just finished watching episode 7 and damned if it didn't make me cry.... So anybody into this particular anime as much as me? From what I've seen so far this anime is incredible. The character development, plot and artwork are great. If you haven't seen it yet...then get busy![/QUOTE] I watch Fullmetal Alchemist every saturday night! (it's on at 11:30 on cartoon Network) From what i have seen i love it, as most anime i watch! Oh and witch one was #7? was it with the Chimera? ( how eva ya spell that) all in all it's a great show!
  9. [quote name='gaarasgirl90][COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]I talk to myself alot. Mostly at home..Hey noone else is there to talk to! and I do it at school sometimes too. I guess I developed the habit in grade school when I realized noone really cared about what I had to say. So I'd be talking, ya know, about something maybe I thought was cool or intresting but then they'd start talkin about something else while I was still talking so , 'hey what the heck!, why not just continue the conversation with yourself?atleast you know what your saying is intresting.' God I cant wait till next year when I will meet people who will actually care about me and what I think actually does matter.. :animeangr .[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] yeah, i talk to myself, i'm ussually in my room most of the time and there is really nothing to do so i talk ot myself!!!!
  10. Well I thank u for ur honesty towards me, but i don;t really think i'm crazy. I don't walk around talking to a stuffed animal. I may do it once in a great while. Could u be specific on what u mean by hyper- insane factor u see i'm trying to play here? I don't really have NE problems, I'm not a people person, so when i really need to talk bout somthing i either write it down or talk out loud bout it but i'm always by myself...... again thanx for ur honesty [QUOTE=Lore][color=indigo]Laxarix_sama, you do have a couple problems. First, you are hungry for attention. While not an "issue" in and of itself, I think you're dealing with it the wrong way. Telling people you're certifiably crazy and posting nonsense on message boards isn't the [i]best[/i] way to make friends. Calm down a little. There's a shortage of exclamation points in the world--don't use more than your fair share. I'm sure you can be yourself without overdoing the hyper-insane factor that you're playing here. The second problem is hopefully very easily rectified. Your post quality is a little 'out there.' What I mean is this: your posts are hard to read, and some are very pointless. Cut down the exclamation marks and smilies. When you're posting, try to stay on topic, and please avoid super-short posts. "But,but...the docters are [i]scary[/i] ! >>whimpers
  11. inmagination is a good thing as long as it doesn't get out of hand. Lets say me, i have a really big imagonation but it doesn't control my life. It's very healthy and normal thing in NE persons life at one point
  12. oh yes!!! i used to have a cat name Puma and i loved him to death! He was like a brother!! Unfortuatley he got so close to me that he got separation anxiety, so he would use the bathroom outside the little box. I didn;t have the money and what i needed to help him so i sent hom to an animal shelter for better care. i don't know where he is today but i will always love him. Hes about 2yrs old now, I had him bout a yr. i could tell him Ne thing, he would always greet me when i came home form school. well enough of my sad story but the point is an animal is a friend and can be like ur family
  13. I am kinda like kaisha, I have one real true frind but u do have another friend. She was my real good friend last yr but i guess she found others to hang with. We still talk and hang out sometimes but i'm usually with my best friend. Were not even close to popular ut oh well, i enjoy it being us 2 and my other frined ocassionally. I'm not a people person so i don;t make friends the easiest and i dob;t like change really. well this is what i have to say If u can realte MSG me!
  14. It's not wrong!! I talk to myself sometimes but don't have the whole people in my head thing but the point is it's not wrong, just as long as it don't hurt NE thing or NE body including ur self!
  15. hmmmmm this is a tough one!!!!! I think Inuyasha would be my favorate, but there r so many good anime out there so it is hard to choose!!!!!! I like Inuyasha because it has a lot of what a good Anime should have. It has comedy, romance, action, dilema , drama, and they charcters are easy to like!!!!!! well TTYL!!!!! :D :cool: :demon:
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