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  1. Heck yes i would date anime charictors! All the girls are so hot, how could you not want to? Iwish my life was like an anime....... That would be the best.... :cool:
  2. Ive got a couple favs. Sasuke from Naruto, Sanji from One-Peice, Amidimaru from Shamin King, Ryo from digimon, and more that i cant think of.
  3. Ya , The Samurai Deeper manga is WAY better than the anime. Just a simple lession people, im sure youve herd it before but, the manga is ALMOST always better than the anime. I say almost because there are a few exceptinons (Digimon, FMA,)
  4. Kyo from Samurai Deeper, And Kenshin From Ruroni Kenshin/Samurai x. That would be the best fight ever, in my opinion. Two ridiculusly strong/skilled samurai warriors goin' at it.
  5. Ya, i have the american manga, and i gotta say, its defenetly one of my #1 favs! :animesmil
  6. i saw a rare anime, on G4( a videogame channel) really late at night. i dont remember what its called, but it was about these two kids that were twins and they few in this army with airplanes with no wings.... it had to be the most bizzare animes out there, yet it was pleasinlingly fun to watch. i hope i catch it again some time!!!! :D
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