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make me cry101

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Everything posted by make me cry101

  1. not really. like maybe... width around 300 or 350 and the height being about 200 or 250. Around that size would be nice. heh sorry I forgot to put that in the original post...:/
  2. Would anyone be interested in creating a brand new, the band, banner for my live journal? I would like the color scheme to be blue and black or something to that effect. and it should say something like: I Know You're A Sucker For Anything Acoustic.... (then at the bottom) ...but this is for friends only. //end// and then have the bottom be smaller text yeah something like that,be creative. If you're interested and can help me out that'd be awesome~ thanks in advance, sam.
  3. Vendetta Red is a pretty good band, I have come to like their music, does anybody else care for them?
  4. [FONT=Garamond][SIZE=3][COLOR=Indigo]Disturbed is alright, they aren't my favorite, but I don't hate them :][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [SIZE=2][FONT=Garamond][COLOR=Indigo]I haven't really been introduced to bands, or music through friends. I usually introduce them because I am a loser with no life, yay! lol.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] :D
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