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You Don't Care

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Everything posted by You Don't Care

  1. WHAT!? YOU STEALIN' IDEAS!? DON'T MAKE ME KILL YOU!?... Just playin'! Go ahead and post your manifestations from Hell! And when I'm rollin' in a pile of make believe monies (comic artist isn't a high paying job after all), I'll remember to put you on my hitman list to the sky! :D .... :animedepr ...Wait. Where was I again? EDIT: It's cool having fan-art presented when there isn't even a comic to "fan-art" about! Whoooooaaaa... :alcohol:
  2. Did you by any chance turn off the sytem while it was saving. If this is not the case, than you should make sure that there is anyone else who could have used your system. If there is, then ask them if they did anything that could have corrupted the data. There are quite a few reasons to how data can be corrupted and you need to investigate all the options. If the previous are not the reason, than you should remember what you did and the [B]exact[/B] things you did when you played last and post it here. Any suttle action you could have taken could be the problem.
  3. [COLOR=Sienna]O.O.C.: I deleted my last one and reposted it here. The order wasn't right.[/COLOR] Kadar could smell blood. Gunshots were heard earlier, too. Kadar made quick work to get to where his senses told him to go. 'There are three people. But I don't sense power from the third. Must be a human. But it isn't human blood that I smell.' Kadar followed the alleyway. His light footsteps hardly echoed as he moved like the wind through this channel between buildings. He approached the site only to find that he was too late. Two dead creatures, both headless and still bleeding. Kadar touched the ground where he saw blood that wasn't near the body. It trailed away. 'Definitely a human. He defeated these things without using power. Only his wits.' Kadar stood up and noticed the trail lead into a specific direction, then fade in the distance. 'It's going to take a while to follow him. Besides, he might have been the one that nearly killed Reoan. I can get answers from him.' Kadar leaned foward and a blur took his place. It was a good thing that Kadar's pressense was completely hidden the entire time he was gone from Switzerland. Otherwise Reoan or anything else might have already noticed his movements. Suddenly, a creature appeared out of nowhere, grabbed his head, and threw him into a wall. "GAAH!" The sudden shock took his breath away. Having his aura turned off didn't help either. "[I]You were the one who killed the others. I will take a head for a head[/I]," the thing snarled. It was a werewolf! 'What is a werewolf doing here?!' Kadar thought frantically. 'The climate doesn't suit them!' The beast threw a punch into his gut. As if he couldn't breath at all. [I]"You are pathetic, human. You may have taken out creatures, but I am entirely different."[/I] It grabbed Kadar's head and threw him into the adjasent wall. The concussion was forcing Kadar into unconsciousness. He could not reveal his pressence to Reoan or she might try to escape before even reaching her. Kadar was thrown once again into the street. The werewolf was laughing as it approached Kadar, who was not moving an inch. [I]'I think that I will feast apon your head.'[/I] As it's form towered over him, Kadar bolted upward and threw his sword at it's chest. It jumped back and turned out of the way. The sword rang against the building. Kadar ran toward the werewolf and jumped, throwing his feet in the air directly into the monster's chest as it stumbled back a couple steps. Kadar jumped and used both feet to kick it back, again. "[I]What do you think you are doing[/I]," it snarled, laughing through the attacks it was receiving. Kadar made another plunge again, a few more feet. [I]"Enough of this!"[/I] It swiped at Kadar when he landed. "GOTCHA!" Kadar kneeled and swung his left leg, which swept the werewolf off its feet. Kadar followed his attack with an upward back-kick right into its chest one more time, with much more force. The monster flew directly into the wall as a blade plunged into its back and out through its chest. The werewolf stuck there as Kadar walked to it. "My sword's hilt embeded into the wall and the blade was exposed. To bad for you, it is made of silver," Kadar said as it was dieing. Blood poored heavily onto the concrete. It begun to howl, but Kadar's fist flew into its jaw, smashing it into pieces and rendering the werewolf mute. "Sorry, but we can't have you warning anyone of my being here," Kadar whispered while making a small prayer. "May God have forgive you for being tempted by the limits of the flesh." The werewolf's body grew limp as the body melted and evaporated by the sword's magic. Kadar ripped the clean sword out of the wall and slid it home. It rang, pleased by the kill. The sun rose and the sheath glowed, taking in the sunlight. "Damn it!" Kadar looked around and saw that blood was everywhere. The man's trail from before was now covered and it was too late to follow him. Kadar would have to go directly to Reoan now and forget about the man. =============================== It was several hours before Daemond and Camilla's plane had landed in Morocco. Delays and other problems forced the wait. They exited the gate and found themselves in line leading directly to a security area. "[COLOR=Magenta]Oh, no. I have weapons on me[/COLOR]," Camilla whispered to Daemond, who's expression remained calm and unchanged. He looked around for witnesses and made a gesture with his hand. Camilla catiously handed them over and he made a quick gesture, weapons in hand, as if he was throwing them into the air. However, they disappeared as if they weren't even there. [COLOR=Magenta]"Where..how?"[/COLOR] Daemond remained mute and followed the line. Once they made it to the metal detectors, he went through as if nothing was going to happen, his movement was swift and collective. Not one sound. Camilla took her turn. Of course, it wouldn't beep because she didn't have anything else that was metal. After her bag was checked, she caught up with Daemond who was patiently waiting for her. [COLOR=Magenta]"You don't talk much, do you?"[/COLOR] "Yep," was all he said. She felt irritated again. She started to walk toward baggage claim, but noticed that Daemond didn't move in the slightest. He was looking at the security area. [COLOR=Magenta]"What are you doing?! Let's go!"[/COLOR] He pointed toward the metal detectors. [COLOR=Magenta]"I don't see anything. Everything is normal..Fine!"[/COLOR] Camilla turned away and began to walk. All of a sudden, she could hear the metal detectors go off. She turned around again and saw that two women had snuck passed the security and made their way around her and Daemond without noticing them. "Looks like the other Zodiac are here," Daemond said, loud enough for all three to hear him. [COLOR=Sienna]O.O.C.: I'm speeding things along with the Zodiac regrouping as I'm delaying Kadar's approach to Reoan. Remember, Daemond will say "Gemini will be here shortly" and nothing else. He remains mute unless absolutey nesseccary and his power is hidden to everyone. If anyone disagrees with any of this post, please PM me.[/COLOR]
  4. I am an insomniac who works full-time, goes to school full-time, volunteers for certain things, has time for [B]OB[/B] ALL THE TIME, and does art related projects! I get about THREE hours of sleep a day and am perfectly healthy. I've been doing this for about eight years and have gotten used to it. [I]Woot[/I] for productive insomniacs! [CENTER] :drunk: :nervous: :laugh: [/CENTER]
  5. Alright, a Pokemon RP! Just for fun. A little violence is allowed, right? Hope you like my character. Name: Jared Gearus Age: 17 Description: This guy has red, spikey hair that falls foward and covers his face, which has a scar on each cheek. He wears a white long-sleeve shirt and has a black vest over it that has a silver pokeball symbol on the back. His camo pants are tucked into his boots and he wears gloves with metal cuffs. On his belt is his pokeballs and a black customized pokedex and a cell phone. Bio: Born and raised in Viridian City, he started training to be a pokemon master at the age of eight. When he finally reached ten, he went on his quest to "catch em' all"! He was off to a good start, but dissappeared. Everyone though that he didn't come back because he was ashamed. But rumors began to spread around of his feats and deeds. When he finally revealed himself, he announced that he had given up being a pokemon master for something more. He can be frequently found on the route leading to Indigo Platuea. Starter pokemon: Eevee Pokemon Line-up: Wartortle, Charmeleon, Ivysaur, and Dragonair. O.O.C.: If you are concerned about my character's Pokemon, don't worry. He doesn't pick on newbie trainers. He is just someone who helps them on their way.
  6. NICE PICS, Opal! These are perfect for Camilla and Jane. I couldn't quite get them down. Along with a few others, I need ideas for Benjamin Hawthorne, Kariz, and Ima. I'm afraid when I make attempts to create Kariz and Ima, they start to look more alike every time. Ben's fassion style is a little vague, too, unfortunately. Other than that, everything is good.
  7. Name: Cloud Strife Age: 26 Personality: Finally getting over the struggle of who he is, Cloud has become straightfoward with his feelings and morals. He fully understands the support of his allies and the people that matter most to him. Weapon: Buster Sword Appearance: View below. (it's an older drawing)
  8. [COLOR=Magenta]"Okay, I will help."[/COLOR] Kadar and Daemond turned their attention to her. It looked like that they were talking to someone else. "Good to hear," Kadar said as he patted his hand on Daemond's shoulder. "Daemond here will escort you to the others." "It will a be a pleasure doing business with you, Miss Virgo," Daemond stated, half-bowing to her. [COLOR=Magenta]'Something wasn't right about him?'[/COLOR] [COLOR=Magenta]"Aren't you coming with us?"[/COLOR] "Apparently, plans have changed. I'm off to see Reoan." [COLOR=Magenta]"WHAT?! But you said the Zodiacs have to find eachother before we confront her!"[/COLOR] "I'm not confronting her. I'm just paying her a visit." Kadar turned away and started to walk down the sidewalk. "Take care of our little friend, won't you, Camilla?" Kadar dissapeared into the crowd. He no longer could be seen or sensed. "Miss Virgo." Camilla looked up to Daemonds face. Camilla couldn't argue with what was happening, but she was getting even more irritated by the moment. Daemond walked in the other direction, toward the airport that would take them to Morocco. Camilla followed him, flower in hand. ========================== Kadar was now walking alone, again. Thought after thought bounced in his mind, trying to understand the situation. Reoan was dying and it was by mortal hands. If she could die so easily, than why does God need the Zodiac to defeat her? He could have gone and done it himself if it was so simple. 'I'm beginning to understand..We are not being told the entire truth. I must get both sides to the story before fair judgement can be issued.' He continued, following the energy of Reoan herself. 'Kadar Romalac, once known as Eloc Freidon, will finally prove what he is all about,' he thought to himself as he drew closer to the answers of so many questions.
  9. I finally took the time to get another concept drawing posted. You'll have to excuse me because I rushed this one (a couple minutes). This one is of Reoan and Adiol. In my opinion, Adiol...I don't know what his human form would even look like! I made a completely random character in the process to complete the staging of this concept drawing. Demonchild, if you would like, PM me images that would lean toward the character design that you have in mind (unless, of course, you like this one). Everyone else, give me a rating, damn it!
  10. LIke the Cookie Monster, I gave up my cookies. Anyways, hope you get back onto My Otaku soon. The more the merrier.
  11. The coffee shop was, surprisingly, not busy. People were more worried about going home than lounging around pretty much anywhere. The only customers were Kadar and Camilla. Daemond remained outside to watch for anyone who might notice them. [COLOR=Magenta] "So what is this? Why do you need me?"[/COLOR] Kadar layed the plant on the end of the table. "You see, there is a being who escaped Hell." Kadar looked out one of the windows while sipping his cup of hot chocolate. Camilla thought it was strange to see such a guy drink something like that. "This being is Reoan and she is an ex-gaurdian that had disobeyed God long ago." Memories flashed of events that had long transpired during the war as he scratched his head. 'That's some pretty good dye,' Camilla thought as she looked at Kadar's hair. "The Zodiac, you and myself and a few others, were predestined to stop her and the war she will cause." "[COLOR=Magenta]So how did Reoan anger God?[/COLOR]" Camilla half-asked, leaning to the side as she poked her untouched meal. She couldn't believe much less care about his story. It seemed so unoriginal. "You know, I never really asked," Kadar answered with a humorous smile. He did have an idea, however. Adiol. "[COLOR=Magenta]And you blindly follow orders, not given a choice to what you want?[/COLOR]" Kadar took a sip from his mug as he looked toward Camilla. He put it down and leaned over the table. "You ever love someone before?" [COLOR=Magenta]'How could he ask that?!'[/COLOR] Kadar leaned back and took another sip. He was thinking of Jamie and Adiol's lover. Things were beginning to become too conspicuous. Maybe he should rethink the plan. Kadar stood up and put some cash on the table. "It's up to you if you want to come or not. I will not force you to if it is against your wishes." Kadar made a look at the flower on the table and cracked a smile. He turned toward the front door. Daemond noticed and gave the signal that it was almost time. "Go back home to Jane. She's probably worried about how your date was." "[COLOR=Magenta]How do you know about her?![/COLOR]" Camilla stood up and got in Kadar's face. She moved pretty quick. Much quicker than Kadar thought she would. He pointed to the flower on the table. "The only reason I know is because the flower said so," Kadar said non-chalantly as he headed for the exit. "We both thought that I could convince you to do what is right." Outside, Daemond pushed way from the wall he was leaning on. "Is Virgo coming?" he asked. "I think she is. But we have another guest on the way," Kadar said as he looked down the street, waiting for the angel to show herself. [COLOR=Sienna]O.O.C.: Another delayed post. Still waiting for a reply from Delta.[/COLOR]
  12. Name: Jinzo Attribute & Subtype: Dark, Machine Appearance: I'll get a pic. Affiliation & Rank: Leader of the humanoid machines. Although he and his machines are not a part of the war, he occasionally strikes deals with both sides of it. Reports to: Rarely keeps contact with the Council. However, he does not directly associate with it or any other monster type for that matter. Weapon/s: Amplifier: A helm of the most advanced technology that only Jinzo can wear and use. It allows him to stop all tricks that the enemy might use without harming his own. Weapon Ability: Amplifier is an invulnerable helm that allows him to use whatever type of machine or any trap at his disposal without question. Special Ability/Abilities: Jinzo has the supreme power over technology of machines and no tricks or trap will go unnoticed by him. He and his direct forces elude every trap that they come across. History: The machines have been at constant war with eachother long before the war of Kione. Jinzo, with his humanoid machines and deadly devised traps, and Spell Cancellor, with its factory power and anti-magic beliefs, have gone at it for longer than anyone can recall. The machines under direct power of these two tyrants do not even bother with the world other than themselves and have stayed out of the Kione's war. These great machines might one day be called to aid or even end the war. But, given the time and suffering caused by their endless civil war, these two machines will probably never come to terms with eachother and the rest of the world. O.O.C.: Is this alright? This character and the machine civil war could play a good part in the world of Duel Monsters. Just an idea that I think would be pretty cool. If you want to discuss this, PM please. I can't wait to play this!
  13. [COLOR=Sienna]O.O.C.: Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Something came up at work.[/COLOR] The flight to Switzerland was a troublesome one. Radars malfunctioning, security unbelievably tight, all was in chaos as people fleeing major cities and authorities trying to get into them. Daemond and Kadar made it through the gate and into the lobby. Kadar was wearing his casual clothes with his handbag strapped to his shoulder. Daemond was wearing baggy pants covering his boots, a dark brown-faded trenchcoat over a shirt, and a long scarf which concealed most of his face and hangs the length of his arm. His shaggy, dirty-blond hair was the only thing that could be seen besides his blue eyes. The lobby was swarmed with people and Kadar made his way to an empty area by one of the observatory windows. Kadar was the first to speak. "Switzerland is pretty busy. Looks like we'll have to split up and find eachother later. You know what to do if you find the Zodiac, right?" Daemond made a look towards the crowd to see which path was the best. "Don't I always?" he asked back. Daemond quickly dissapeared into the crowd and exited the lobby within seconds. Kadar followed the flow of the crowd toward the opposite exit. ============================ The crowds in the street were even more tense than the airport and there seemed to be sign of hope for finding the Zodiac. 'This person's energy pattern is all over the place. Everywhere I look, whether it be a simple flower shop or a common park, I always find a dead-end,' Kadar thought to himself. He stopped in front of a building. There was nothing much, except the windowless brick wall and a steel door. 'There it is again!' He stepped up to the door and pulled it open. Humidity rushed out as stepped in. It was a green house. "Appearances sure are deceiving," he said out loud. "Sorry, sir," a gardener spoke at the end of a path. "We are closing." The man walked over, trying to escort Kadar back outside, but stopped short at the sight of his hair. "Excuse me," Kadar spoke. The man looked at Kadar's face. "I was just looking for someone. I thought that they would be here." "You are the only one here. No one else comes anymore." Kadar caught something in the corner of his eye. "What's that?" Kadar asked as he moved around the man and kneeled down onto the wooden path. It was a strange looking flower surrounded by a newly made gate, but it looked more wild and free than a normal flower did. Even in a place like this. "Uh, that's a good eye you got there. That flower was going to die off, but it started growing in a crazy sort of fassion. I wanted to get rid of it, but no one really wants it, because it sprouted when all the crazy things started to happen. Supersticious reasons, you know." Kadar stood up and faced the man, pulling out his wallet. "How much?" ============================ Kadar continued his search, but this time was holding a pot with the flower in it. He could see Daemond walking toward him, a questioning look in his eyes. "How goes it?" he asked. "It goes." "What's up with the flower?" "It will show us where to find the next Zodiac." Daemond leaned over to take a closer look at the plant, his hand facing it and partlially covering what was visibly left of his face. His eyes grew wide. "Dear God!!"
  14. Never! In a million years! :p Of course you can! That is why this thread is up, after all! Throw in your character ideas and anything else so we can keep improving the style for a decent comic. About which character is which, from left to right: Zane Wyatt, Luna Lee, Yasuo, Raven, and Rubedo. I based the ideas on the character descriptions that everyone made. I'll post the next few later!
  15. I have come across this [B]really awesome[/B] movie that is a crossover of the end of Final Fantasy VI and [B]all[/B] gaming concoles that I would like to share with you wonderful folk. I would also like to set up a poll to see how you rate it, but I don't know how. Well anyways.. ENJOY!!! [url]www.hcn.zaq.ne.jp/cabic508/rsf/SF6-2i.swf[/url] Note: Click on "new game" to watch the entire movie.
  16. DN Angel is indeed a good read. However, for those who have not watched the Anime, don't watch the anime. I heard that it is unlike the manga in lots of ways (plotwise and actual concept I think). It will ruin the manga. A lot of people I know have complained about it. Keep reading.. No watching.. Unless you're still curious, I couldn't care either way. :p
  17. [quote name='demonchild781'] Oh, Xy, how's the comic coming out?[/quote] I've got a few character drawings in the Manga section right now. Once everyone replies there, I'll put up some more. [COLOR=YellowGreen]EDITED- I finally edited my last post in the RP thread. Read if you feel that it is neccessary.[/COLOR]
  18. [quote name='Jahjahwarrior17']Once again, I'm not against it, I'm just curious why they do it so much[/quote] Ummm.. ..They're bored?.. ..it's a signature? (everyone does it though).. ..an accident? (ninety percent sure on this one).. ..they suck?.. *while shaking fist in the air* PERVERTED FREAKS!
  19. Apparently, in every Disney movie there is always a shot of a butt (whether it be animal or human). They call it "the butt shot"! (Original name isn't it?) But the awesome thing about Najica was that all the panty shots were cleverly inserted (clever being a strong word).
  20. Well, BLAAARG! I don't know anything about Macs (they just don't work fo me). You'll probably have to wait until morning for someone who does. Sorry.
  21. Ignore it. There are times when lots of people get crap like this anyway (some of it [B]is[/B] true, but most is not). I remember a few years ago, in Nevada there were people who got e-mails saying that their "unknown" relative had passed away and the bank wanted to "get rid of the money"! If you give them your bank account numbers (and codes) they will send the money to you. Apparently, it was a hoax (who'da guess). Some country in Africa was scamming small cities in America and there was no way to prove it (but if you could, there is nothing that can be done, because you were stoopid enough to give your numbers away). An old couple lost a few-hundred-thou' that way! Now that I'm back on topic, I will have to see this gas "thing" happen with my own eyes before I believe a single word. The gas here is about 2.15/gal for unleaded, but I couldn't care less, because I take the bus (It saves thousands a year!)
  22. God I hope not! Changing Naruto (Otaku Anime Sensation! In Arizona anyway!) into NATHAN!? I'll stick to sub thank you! Note: I doubt that anyone could stoop that low. I'll ask my club (they have CONNECTIONS) if this is true or not. If someone here tells you before hand, than that's okay, too.
  23. Since you don't have Photoshop (or anything of the like) use Paint (standard coloring program for every PC). Open your drawings there and reduce the size about 80% and save it as a JPEG (since you just scanned it, then this should be how you do it). Then when you are posting, click on making an attachment and browse for your JPEG image. Upload it and check the window. If it says that your image is still too large (it shows how big your image in pixels is compared to the size it allows) reduce it in Paint and try again. Note: This is how I do it if I want it on here fast.
  24. I will delete my last one and start over!
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