You Don't Care
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Everything posted by You Don't Care
[COLOR=Sienna]O.C.C.: Sorry it took so long to edit this.[/COLOR] 'Not even a week and I'm already back,' Kadar thought to himself as he gazed down into the valley, readjusting the sword and sheath on his hip. The war was happening, but this town was the first to suffer. The molten crater that was once his apartment building, the random lots of land that had suddenly combusted during the grigori's pursuit. Kadar left in too much of a hurry before he could even tell how its civilians reacted to the attack. Kadar had made quick pace to get here and had good excercise in the process. He got there on foot the entire way to avoid detection from the government. 'It's been a while since I've done anything like this.' It was almost dawn and Kadar made steady pace to get through the streets before anyone would notice him. Besides, a guy wearing a blue jumper, red jacket, and a sword does not get taken lightly here. He looked around at the buildings looking for any violent indications. 'No signs of any riots or anything of the sort! I guess we took it pretty well, with the threat of WW3.' He decided to go through the park to get to Paul's place quicker. However, there were already a group of people already in the park. It was too late to go unnoticed. One of them, a woman wearing some kind of hooded robe, was the first to notice. She pointed at him and the others soon knew of his pressence. Kadar couldn't care less if he was spotted anymore, so he continued onto the parkway path. The group began to approach him as he made his way. They were all wearing robes. "Hold it!" the woman ordered. Kadar stopped moving and layed his hand on the hilt of the blade. "What is it?" he answered. The group stopped short and took the sight of him in carefully. The tension had grown as they all stood in silence. The woman stepped foward. "You aren't here to make trouble, are you? You aren't one of those monsters from outside of town?" Kadar noticed that they were all unsettled by the sight of his weapon. He put his hand to the side and turned toward them. The group jumped back at once, not sure of what to make of his actions. The woman remained her ground and began to shake. She was crying. "Chris, is that you?" she sobbed as she took off her hood. "Mother!" The woman ran to him and embraced him in her arms. "Talecia!" one of the others shouted. "Chris is dead! That is an imposter in disguise! Quick, before he kills you!" "No he isn't! He is my son and a mother can always tell!" She squeezed even tighter as tears of joy began to flow. The others grew calm when they realized she was right. But something wasn't right. "We thought that you died in your apartment," Talecia cried. ===================== Kadar and the group had arrived at Talecia's house. They explained to eachother what has been going on. "So Paul and the others told you what has been going on?" Kadar asked. "Yes. We didn't believe them at first, of course, but when the demons attacked we quickly changed our minds," one of the men explained. Kadar took of his sheath, stood it up against the easy chair, and sat down. He was exhausted from the constant running. Talecia had came back from the kitchen with a glass of lemonade and handed it to Kadar. "Here you go, honey. Oh, yeah. You don't like being called that, don't you? Forget it then." Kadar made a confused look on his face as she went back into the kitchen. When the door closed, one of the woman began to address to him. "Your mother has been hysterical since your death," she spoke. It was in an irritated tone. "She denied your passing and avoided any sympothy from anyone. But when she finally accepted it, you had to come along as if everything was fine." The woman was standing up now and found her way to where Kadar was and smacked him. She went to a corner and huffed some words in her breath. The man from before made eye contact with Kadar. "I knew good and well it was you. It just so happens that it is better for Talecia that you would have died than to have come back so suddenly." It was obvious what was going on here. He wasn't wanted. Kadar stood up and headed for the kitchen door. He could hear his mother crying through it and finally knew that it was a mistake to have followed them here. He turned away and grabbed his sword as he opened the front door. "Where are you going, Chris?" His mother was standing in the kitchen doorway, holding lunch. "You just got here." She had a smile on her face. However, it seemed a little too unreal. "I am not Chris..He passed away a long time ago." Talecia's expression remained unchanged, except a single tear in her eye. "I, Kadar Romalac, have come to give my condolences. I am sorry for your loss, Miss Talecia." He made a bow and closed the door behind them. Just as he made his way to the picket fence, the front door opened again and Talecia dashed toward him, holding a sack lunch. She stopped in front of the stranger and handed it to him. "You forgot your lunch, Mr. Romalac," she said as she attempted to hold back her sorrow. Kadar stood without any reaction what-so-ever. But the emotion was tearing him apart. "How could it be called a lunch if it is the morning?" Mother and son embraced eachother for the last time as Kadar let go of his held back tears. ========================== "It's been a long time Kadar," Paul said, who was waiting for Kadar the entire time. "Sure has." They entered the house together. The others were waiting for him, too. Daemond was the first to speak. "So where are the others?" "The others?" "The Zodiac, Kadar." Everyone else was tense. These were trying times for the kind of people they were."We are still looking for the others. We split up to save time." Kadar told them what happened. "So that was you? No wonder I can't get rid of that ringing!" Danny complained as he rubbed one of his ears. "So when do we leave?" "I leave tomorrow. By myself," Kadar announced. Paul stood up. "That's right! Everyone stays! We need to protect this valley until all the Zodiac have found eachother!" Kadar was at ease to have at least one of them agree. "But one of us [B]can[/B] go," Paul said in a confident manner. A smile spread across his face. "We have enough people to protect this place, so it is possible." "I'll go." Daemond stepped forth as everyone became shocked. "That's surprising! Daemond is taking the innitiative?!" Danny scoffed. Daemond ignored the comment and stood before Kadar. "I'll be ready when you are."
Ahhh. Might as well. Everyone is right about it being a state of mind when it comes to knowing whether you're an Otaku or not. Sometimes there are those who can't really explain why. The relevance of this question reminds me of another. "How do you know if you are [B]cool[/B] or not?" You just are; Or you just are not.
[B]NVIOCMWPOIHFXONJDSCOMPASFN![/B] [I]God? Is that you?[/I] [B]OEINNGFEHJNMIWJSOCIJHOOD![/B] [I]You are not God! Who are you!?[/I] "K! You moron!" [I]What?[/I] "Wake up, Stupid! You promised me!" [I]Oh, yeah. Years ago..[/I] "Wake up, now. You have to. People depend on you. I depend on you." ========================== "JAMIE! I WILL PROTECT YOU!!!" Kadar had practically jumped out of bed. Tabris, however, was not startled, but continued to look at him. Kadar sat down onto the bed, finally realizing where he was. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Sleep well?"[/COLOR] Kadar didn't answer, but remained slouched over. A sad look on his face, half covered by his platinum hair. [COLOR=DarkRed]"If you won't answer, then I guess I will leave you, love. Besides, you wanted to show the world the real Kadar."[/COLOR] Still no reaction. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Or would that be the real Eloc?"[/COLOR] Kadar hadn't moved an inch. '[COLOR=DarkRed]I guess it was just coincidence[/COLOR],' Tabris thought. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Who is Jamie?"[/COLOR] As if it was instantaneous, Kadar turned her way. His face remained unchanged, but his eyes showed the most gruesome of hatred Tabris had ever seen. It held more malice then anything she had ever come across before. However, Tabris kept her composure and remained still in her chair. [COLOR=DarkRed]'Just like [B]him[/B]! He must really love this Jamie!'[/COLOR] Kadar turned away and grabbed for his bag. Tabris stood up and headed towards the window. Kadar reached into one of the pockets and pulled out his blue suit, boots, and red vest. He could hear the ringing sound that he created. According to its strength, he was out for precisely twenty-eight hours. "I will be leaving for the next Zodiac," Kadar said to Tabris, who seemed to be giving his wardrobe a queery look. "This is my battle-wear." [COLOR=DarkRed]"Don't worry. The other two went to Greece already. They will find the Zodiac by time you catch up."[/COLOR] "Nope. Didn't plan that." [COLOR=DarkRed]"What are you talking about? You need to find the Zodiacs in order! That is the only way!"[/COLOR] Kadar turned her way and gave her a smile. "I need to make a few errands first. And by the time I get to where Zodiac Virgo is, Ima and Kariz would have already found Zodiac Gemini. The others will catch up when we all look for Zodiac Pisces at once. It will take about five days tops and we will have another week before the threat of nuclear war begins again." [COLOR=DarkRed]"Foolish tactic, but I like the sound of it. However, I want to know what kind of errands you will be making in the mean time."[/COLOR] "Heh. What is it to you?" Kadar taunted. Tabris was getting annoyed with him. "All you said was that you were here to make sure my ass won't be handed to me, right?" Tabris took a big puff of her cigarette. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Fine!"[/COLOR] Kadar looked around, scoping his surroundings for the first time. "Ah. Cherry House," was all he said. Tabris was surprised that he knew exactly where he was. She was also infuriated. "Where is it?" Kadar asked as he searched the walls for something, feeling every inch. "It's a good thing that you decided to take me here after the stunt I pulled earlier. I was counting on how you would utilize your resources." With blinding speed, Tabris moved across the room and grabbed Kadar's thoat and slammed him into the wall with force. It had completely caught him off gaurd. He was hopeless from her surprise attack and he knew that he made a mistake. However.. Kadar pounded on the wall with his left fist and a hidden compartment revealaed itself. He reached in, struggling to breath, and pulled out a sword. Tabris recognized it easily. It was a sword that could not be forgotten. Its golden hilt and its silver edges were as fine as they were back then. And it was pointed directly at her throat. Kadar managed to speak a few words in his struggle. "Now we are even." Tabris released her grip and Kadar slumped to the ground gasping for air. Tabris turned around and looked at her trembling hand. She had used force against a human. A human that she was sent to protect. "I understand your emotion, heavenly one." She turned around and stared at him. He was standing as if he was superior and his voice had changed. Changed back to what it was so long ago. He was indeed Eloc Freidon reincarnated. [COLOR=DarkRed]"You are just like him!"[/COLOR] Tabris snapped. "I AM NOTHING LIKE HIM!" Kadar lowered his head and glared back with a smile. His posture was the same, but his eyes showed a different side altogether. "I told you. I will show you the real Kadar Romalac and I will keep to that promise. I may be [B]him[/B] reincarnated, but I am [B]still me[/B]. I will not be judged by his shadow." His sword slid home into a sheath that he had just strapped to his waste. It rang, unlike the constant tone she had heard for days, but with the vigor of its might. [COLOR=DarkRed]"We will see."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]O.O.C.: Don't get mad at me, Delta. :animeswea Hope you guys liked my post! I did this so that we can pick up the pace and to show another side of Kadar (He seems to be filled with angst, but his personality will come together soon). I will PM you, Opal, so we could discuss how we meet! Please tell me if you don't like this post, Demonchild.[/COLOR]
[I]"My Lord, thy mistress has been sent to the haven. The troops are ready to desert the premisses." A man, equipped with shining armor and donning two blades, knealed and waited calmly for a reply. The day had hardly begun and they were already planning to evacuate the city in hopes to not get caught off gaurd by the enemy. "What word do you have of grigori brigades one to six?" Another man in the most intense of armor stood before the knealing knight. His armor was the brilliant platinum ever concieved, and with the helm in place it was all the more brilliant. Nothing else suited this man more than the perfectly kept suit. "They are ready for the order and have finished preparing the bombs." "Excellent. Be ready to give the order in two hours. I'll be off to tell the others." The man stood up and looked into the helm, directly at the man's crimson colored eyes. "If I may, My Lord? May I dare ask to why you have chosen to follow them? You are the proud leader of the human forces and yet you allow the ones from heaven to order you around. Don't you have the dignity to speak the part of us humans?" The man in the platinum armor did nothing, but stare back. "We are treated like useless pawns. Us! The children of God! They are meant to serve us not the other way around!" With that, the man struck the knight with the back f his hand, nocking him over. "FOOL! We are treated like pawns, because we can do nothing more! AND YOU DARE REFER TO US AS THE CHILDREN OF GOD!? I ought to smite you here and now! We may be equals, but have you ever faced a grigori or an ANGEL on your own!?" The man turned away and paced toward the balcony. "This war is one that will have no end. The angel referred to as Reoan wishes for our demise and we hand it to her with each act of pig-headedness that we [B]justify[/B] with such idiotic ideals. Remember this! You serve me, not them! And when I say die for nothing, you will do just that or be struck down by my own hand!" He left the knight and headed for the throne room. "Yes, My Lord," was all that the knight could say. These are trying times and he did not have the time to argue with the intent of the Order. He ascended the golden stairway and made toward the towering door. Two gaurdians were manning it and each reached to open the way when they saw him coming. Wasting no time, the man entered and began to address the court. "The time is nigh and we await the final battle!" "Good, but when we have abandoned the city your troops may have their leave from our order. You are free to do as you wish." The voice came the head angel at the other end of the room. The man was shocked at what the angel had said, but half expected it. "When this is over, we will let leave you to your war then," the man answered back. His platinum armor shone even more brightly. "I will be off then, Adiol Hand of God." ========================== After the destruction of the city, the platinum armored man's troops had parted. Away from the battle to come. "MY LORD! DOES THAT MEAN WE ARE TO DO AS WE WISH? WE ARE FREE FROM THEIR ORDER?" The knight's hope was high and other men around him had rejoiced. "Silence! If we were to fight then Reoan's army would surely fall! Adiol knows this good and well." The men had grown silent at the man's bold statement. "You surely don't mean that the Hand of God would allow that to happen? They can fight their own war without our help." The platinum armored man drew his sword and it glowed and shined even more so than his armor. Its golden hilt and silver-lined blade resonated with strength and vigor. It slashed at the soldier who spoke out of line. Blood splattered across its fine splendor. "Speak out of line and you will be freed from your mortal coil!" The man sheathed the blade. As it slid home, the blood steamed off and cleared as the magic cleaned the sullied weapon. The man reached for his helmet and took it off. His hair fell out to reveal its silver-platinum color. His eyes were more clear and his face was calm and claimed a focused composure. "We will not fight, because we were ordered to. We will not come to aid, because God willed it. We will fight, because we must. We will fight for the good of mankind and exsistence itself! And we will not fail or my name isn't Sir Eloc Freidon of God's Order!" The army of humans had joined in the celebration of their great leader. "TO BATTLE!!!" he cried as he once again revealed his sword. He hopped onto his white stallion and charged toward the battle field that had awaited the future of their race.[/I] =============================== Tabris had made herself comfortable in the chair at the foot of the bed. [COLOR=DarkRed]"They will have to tend to themselves for a while."[/COLOR] Kadar had remained still even to those words. But all of a sudden he flinched violently, clutching his chest and shouting something repeatedly. "SIR ELOC FREIDON OF GOD'S ORDER! SIR ELOC FREIDON OF GOD'S ORDER!" Tabris stood up and couldn't believe the words that were coming out of the Zodiac's mouth. [COLOR=DarkRed]"How do you know of that name?!"[/COLOR] She clutched his shoulders, trying to get an answer. He was still unconscious. He calmed down and was still once more. [COLOR=DarkRed]'I haven't heard that name in a long time.'[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]O.O.C.: If anyone doesn't like this post, then I can change it.[/COLOR]
Okay! I've played a lot of games and there is only one single game that I would call "crappiest game ever"! It's for the NES and I think it was called "Athena: Warrior Princess" or something like that. It was a run of the mill side-scrolling game and you were this warrior looking woman that battled monsters. The thing is, the monsters were so awkward looking, that it gave a whole new meaning to bad graphics. They simply were undescribable. And the jumping was frustrating, too. When it looks like you cleared over a monster or a platform, in gaming reality, you actually didn't! But when you managed to beat a level, the new one was [B]exactly[/B] the same as the last one. You would go through many levels and for countless hours doing the same thing over and over again. This was a task that was pretty tough with only two lives in the entire game. It was, however, pretty funny to have game experts (who have never seen it before) try to beat the game. Sometimes we would see who could play the longest without actually getting pissed off at it.
Well, it has been five pages, sixty-two posts, and thirty-two thousand two-hundred sixty-six words. Thats a lot of readin'! I copied all the posts to read it all in one big chunk, but I think I should find the time to read it later. Thanks for the experience everybody and putting up with my antics. Let's keep it up! I'm still working on the concept drawing and had to redo it. I didn't like the results. I will have something tomorrow!
Manga Which type of manga do you like?
You Don't Care replied to Filipinorocker1's topic in Otaku Central
HAH! Strangely enough, I picked drama! I love action-packed fights, a few good sci-fi, and some romance. But drama! The twisting of emotion, intense rivalry, and a little conspiracy combined just takes the cake. -
"[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Look. It's sunset.[/COLOR]" Ima pointed toward the horizon and made a look toward Kadar, hoping for a reaction of some kind. Anything was better than having this man act this way. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"It'll be dark. We should find a place soon."[/COLOR] "We're here." Kadar pointed toward a bench. "Sit down," he said as he gestured toward the bench with a calm urgency. Ima sat down without the slightest clue of why he wanted her to sit. "Now we wait." He sat down and crossed his arms. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as he contemplated what was to come next. Then Ima knew how to change his expression back to its casual carefree form. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Kadar. While we wait, I was wondering what kinds of strange events have happened to you. You know. How you became aware of your abilities."[/COLOR] 'She's being careful not to make any questions by turning them into statements,' Kadar thought to himself. But then, his focused thoughts turned to ones that seemed misplaced and far way. "..." [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"..."[/COLOR] "Where to start..When I was eight, I had made my first encounter with a demon. Like every cliche story, he was evil and sought for blood. I had wondered away from the camp site and ran into him. Lilterally! Unfortunate for me, he knew I wasn't looking where I was going.." The horizon had turned a beautiful crimson red and striking orange. A man and a woman were standing at the water's edge. They were too far to hear what they were saying. "..The demon grabbed my arm and dug in. A chunk of my arm was now missing and the demon was not satisfied with such a small chunk. I lost consciousness and I found myself in the hospital. The perimedics had said that the wound looked like a random animal attack. My arm had recovered the chunk that I had once lost. I knew that humans cannot regenerate like that and that was not the last time I would face such a creature." The sun had gone and the stars began to shine through the blanket of blackness, called the sky. It was odd, but Ima could see that particles of the air had sturred as Kadar continued with his story. "Years later, I was about thirteen, I met some good friends who had the same experiences as I. Not losing an arm, mind you, but of confronting demons and the like. They taught me 'the ways' and helped me to discover my power. It was time to aquire experience.." The particles were not only of air, but of particles that were unlike the ones she could have not possibly have imagined. Kadar's eyes opened, but were blank. Clear of emotion. "We went to a cemetary where we heard that a demon had been eating the nearby souls. It was the same one that I had encountered before. When we got there, it was sitting on one of the gravestones. It was waiting for us. He spoke in a strange tongue, but for some reason I could understand it when no one else did. Everyone thought that I was halucinating and I just wanted the attention. The demon proved them wrong.." Kadar's irises had suddenly turned clear and yet, full of color. Ima could see patterns swirl in an endless swarm of warmth and hollowness at the same time. The woman on the beach noticed what was transpiring as Kadar's aura was flickering in and out of sight. "..He spoke in plain english that I could understand him and he warned the others to stay back. He wanted the rest of his meal. He wanted to taste my unique energy. An energy that was not even fathomable by even the most ancient beings. What he said after that is something that I will never forget." His aura had ignited and the air about them stirred as if it was scared at what was happening. His eyes had turned completely red and the two people on the beach were standing staright up. Kadar's aura formed red then white and back again, creating an erie flow. "[I]Show me your true self! Show me the energy that you had back then! BRING IT OUT! I want to see what the ones of ancient times had spoke so highly of! [B]The Creeping Resonance[/B]![/I]" It was a voice that was unlike Kadar, but at the same time it was more like him than anything else. Kadar stood up from the bench and made his way toward the couple on the beach. The air about him moved away as he calmly paced toward them. The woman stood in front of the man as if to protect him from the dangerous looking pressence. Ima remained on the bench, witnessing the display that Kadar had made for all who were present. But in the corner of her eye, she could see that the woman had an aura of her own. Not of air, but of fire that surrounded her hands. Kadar stopped four paces away from them and looked deep into the woman's eyes. She suddenly grew unsure of what to make of Kadar. Then, as if it had never happened, the aura had dissapeared into nothingness leaving Kadar with a calm smile on his lips. "My hunch was right. You must be the next Zodiac: Aries. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." [COLOR=Red]"Anthon. Go back home. I want to talk to this man for a little bit."[/COLOR] The man walked off, but was a little concerned. [COLOR=Red]"I am Karizmasophie. What is yours?"[/COLOR] =========================== An hour later, the three sat on the beach talking. It was mostly Kadar, because he was the only one who really knew about the entire situation. But the question that was at the back of Ima and Kariz's minds were to what had happened to him not long ago. It probably was best not to bring it up now. "..So now the world is on the brink of chaos and we Zodiacs are the ones destined to stop it." His expression seemed normal enough. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]'It's definitely better then the emptiness from before.'[/COLOR] Kariz was focused on every word that came out of Kadar's mouth. Ima, however, was still sceptical. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Now that we have the details, what do we intend to do about it? Governments are at eachother's throats and have their fingers on the button! It seems, given our location, we can't do squat!"[/COLOR] "I already have an idea," Kadar announced. [COLOR=Red]"What do you intend to do?"[/COLOR] "Wait here." Kadar stood up and walked toward the water's edge and then into the water itself. "If we can't get to them to convince them, then we will have to stop them indirectly." His aura activated once again It wasn't the sinister one before, but his normal one. However, it flashed with sparks and air. A strange humming grew around them. Kadar stopped waste deep as the current threw splashes around him. The water itself began to push away until it had been pushed back enough for him to be standing out of the water. The humming grew louder and Kadar's aura turned into a violent yellow with gray streams swooshing around him. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"WHAT IS THIS?!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]"IT'S AS IF NATURE IS SINGING A TUNE TO DISTRACT US!"[/COLOR] Instantaneously, the hum died out and Kadar's aura faded as he leaned over. [COLOR=Red]"Its ov.."[/COLOR] Kadar flung his hands into the air and let out a scream as an explosion of air and deafening sound surrounded him and rushed out in every direction. "[COLOR=Purple]What the Hell?![/COLOR]" Ima and Kariz cried out. They cluched their ears, trying to protect their drums from exploding. The blast eventually faded and Kadar stood still, taking deep breaths. "I learned that from an ancient I once met." Kariz and Ima took their hands away from their ears, but could still hear the humming. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"What was that all for?"[/COLOR] "You sure ask a lot of questions! You hear that sound don't you? Anyone who has special hearing can hear that.." Kadar turned and pointed to what seemed to be nothing but space. "..All around the world.." [COLOR=Red]"But what is the meaning of this? Why do something like that?"[/COLOR] Kadar walked back to where they were standing, while taking deep breaths between entences. "Radars, transponders, tracking devices, and anything that uses technology to find targets have different signals. However, all these signals have a core wavepattern. The sound you hear disrupts this wavepattern and leaves certain equipment basically useless, particularly weapons of mass destruction and [B]everything[/B] of that sort." A smile spread across his face. "Although it doesn't last long, it will buy us the time we need to find the rest of the Zodiacs." His breathing was beginning to pick up some more as sweat poured down his face. "[COLOR=Purple]How long?[/COLOR]" the two woman asked in unison. "Two weeks." Suddenly, Kadar looked around as if trying to see something. A serious look came across his face. "Someone is watching us." On the last word, Kadar had passed out and fell over, completely exhausted. [COLOR=Sienna]O.O.C.:Watch for my PM "Ozy", Astdis, and Delta.[/COLOR]
Oh, why not! The superpowers I would want would be the powers of the comic writer. Anything I would draw would happen! Not in the future or on paper, but the here and now on actual things. Kind of like manifesting reality through my utensils. Call me "Manga-ka Comic-ka Man!"
I (and a few others) are talking about an idea for a comic based on the RP "Angels Must Die" and I was wondering if we could put a thread here. We don't want to "spam" the underground thread and we will keep our posts up to standard with the rules. Thanks for considering this request. Anyway, I'm going to make a concept drawing of the characters RIGHT NOW, right now! I'll post it when I'm satisfied (in other words ASAP). EDIT- Well, Ive finally got some of the character concepts done! I promissed them earlier, but I've been barfing out ideas left and right (seriously)! What I want you guys to do is guess which one is which. That way, I can see if I got them down right and noticable. When you've all guessed, then I will tell you. Note: They're not the way I really want them to be. The concept is good though. I'll probably need help on the other characters, Reiku, Lil' Kitsune, "Ozy", and whoever else.
I am making a thread for this type of discussion. We'll talk about it over there. When its ready, everyone should send their posts (the ones after my last post) there and delete the ones here. We need to keep topic and I don't want the moderators to waste their time shunning us.
Sorry about not posting for the past day (or two?). My computer did something of its own accord that really delayed me. If you don't care about computer error stories then ignore the text in red. [COLOR=Red]First of all, when I turned it on it gave a warning saying that the resolution was unreadable and I had to change it. The problem was that, when the warning showed, the computer wouldn't let me do JACK! The only response was sleep mode. Well, I called support, they gave me a bunch of steps to follow, and that took an hour. BUT IT WASN'T OVER! While I went to DOS mode (or whatever) I used the command to skip the resolution prompt to get to the desktop. When that was successful, the assisstant said to restart the computer. It went to the warning again! I restarted the computer, again, and tried the DOS prompt bypass one more time. Now here's the kicker! The computer didn't let me do it no matter how many times I tried after the restart! Every time it showed another prompt saying "Warning: Improper Command" then go to the resolution prompt. My computer was learning! After explaining this to the assisstant, I gave my own suggestion. "How about I hit F10, restart the computer from there, then do the bypass to the desktop, and finally reset the resolution from properties." She said okay and I thanked her for her time. All I really needed to do was get to the desktop and I knew what to do from there. I didn't get any help and wasted an hour of my remaining life-span. What I don't get is why my computer changed the resolution in the first place? (ITS LEARNING I TELLS YA'!)[/COLOR] Any way, since you peoples love the idea of a comic, I've decided to do a concept sketch of the characters...RIGHT NOW!...and post in the manga section...AT THE SAME TIME! Welcome back, Demonchild! As payment of keeping things in order, I will steal your banner! HA! (If you don't want me to, then tell me and I will remove it.)
Alright, Astdis. Begin posting. The pace is nice and we should keep it. And also, your PM was exactly what I wanted to hear from you. I can't wait for what is in store. Sorry about taking the initiative, but I don't want this RP to suddenly go "comatose" on the weekend. I am, however, filling in while maintaining Demonchild's interest. Another thing, we should try avoiding the underground thread unless absolutely neccessary. Now that we have an Aries, we should steer clear until Demonchild returns. Before I submit this, I would like to say a few things. Everyone, your posts are awesome (no matter how short or horribly long they are, including mine). There are no other words to describe how "kewl" you all are. When I first decided to play this RP, I didn't know what to expect. My hunch on how interesting this was going to be was dead on! (HELL! I MAY HAVE TO STEAL THIS PLOT AND MAKE A COMIC ABOUT IT! SERIOUSLY! With DM's permission of course.) If I sound like a bit'astard, then please let me know through PM.
"First, we need to rest. At least for tonight." Kadar moved over to his bed and sat down with a thump. He hadn't gotten any sleep since the fall. The height was nothing, but it did happened unexpectedly. The lifegaurd seemed annoyed by how calm and carefree he had become. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"That's it? The world is changing and you want to catch some shuteye?"[/COLOR] He layed down and rolled to face the wall. "I would sleep through it if I could. Besides, I didn't pay for this room for nothing." The lifegaurd made some sort of a tiny fuss, but quickly calmed down. Kadar chuckled to himself at the idea of how she quickly recovered from the shock of hearing what she is. "So, what's your name? I didn't catch it earlier." [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Imahyn Eliandro."[/COLOR] "Ima..Ima-hy..how about I just call you Ima?" [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"I guess that's fine."[/COLOR] Just before he fell asleep, one more thing came up in his mind. 'I've studied the most complex languages and have come across the craziest of names. But her's just takes the cake!' Kadar laughed out loud one more time before he succumbed to fatigue. ========================= The next morning, Kadar and Ima stopped by her villa. He waited outside, half-caring what she was doing inside. About twenty minutes went by and Ima finally came out the front door. She was carrying her travel gear. They were about halfway down the road before either of them spoke. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"So..what is happening to the world right now? Where are we going first and how are we going to make a difference?"[/COLOR] Kadar made a funny look at her as they turned the street. He noticed that his expression was unexpected. "You sure ask a lot of questions don't you?..Well, apparently someone who was banished into Hell long ago escaped and she wishes to claim payback on mortal men and God himself." Ima's jaw dropped at how straightfoward he was. "To make matters worse, some of the major leaders of the world has been assassinated in a single night." Her expression was serious, but remained shocked. Probably by how unfathomable the situation was. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"So how do you know where to go next?"[/COLOR] "I'm not sure, but I've got a lead. Coincidentallly, I've been keeping track of a particular type of power in Rio. I was going to find out who it was in a couple of months anyway, but it seems that is all we've got. Besides, we need everyone that we can get." [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Your telling me that you can track people all over the world?!"[/COLOR] "Before you come to any conclusions, let me explain. I can track certain kinds of signals, not just anyone. This person has been training so it isn't too hard to pick it up." They had crossed the busy street over toward the docks. Kadar preferred to use another boat to get to the next location. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Okay. As Zodiacs, we keep the balance of the universe. But if there are multiple threats, such as the risk of World War and a hell-bent crazy madwoman, what do we keep the balance to? Do we go after the immediate problem at hand or take care of the escapee from Hell?"[/COLOR] 'She sure catches on really fast,' Kadar thought to himself. His gaze moved toward the sidewalk as they continued along the main street. "I haven't decided on that. All we can do now is find the other Zodiacs." [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"One more thing, Kadar."[/COLOR] He remained silent. Yet another, and hopefully the last, question. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"If you could sense this person all the way in South America, how come you didn't know who I was when you first spotted me?"[/COLOR] He turned his face toward her and did nothing, but smiled. [COLOR=Silver]OOC: I want you to take care of it from here, "Ozy". I controlled you for a post and I think you should do the same for my character. Just to make it fair.[/COLOR]
That's good enough for me. As soon as we have at least one more person to agree with "Ozy" and me, then I guess we have an Aries. Congrats, Astdis!
[QUOTE=Innocent]Are you saying that we're aloud to post as two characters but post so anyone could tell the difference? [COLOR=Navy]~Innocent~[/COLOR][/QUOTE] If you are referring to Demonchild's post on page 1, then it means that you should have other characters to interact with that play somewhat of a role with your character's developement (a reason for fighting or someone that your character interacts with everyday). We have shown what our characters are about, but we need more (I'm referring to expanding the cast of this RP). More characters means more points of view for our characters to consider. Now..About the role of Zodiac Aries. Since Demonchild is gone for a few days, I think that it would be best to make a group decision on whether or not we give it to whomever may ask for it. Someone has signed in and I PM them already (it was their first post and I am not too sure). What does everyone else think.
If you want to take it, then be my guest, Reiku. Your character doesn't have much to post about, in general, and my character is center story (for the most part). Thus, I will be relieved if I didn't have to handle so many different characters at once. If you accept, then I think Demonchild would appreciate it if you posted about the character a couple times during the weekend. Thank you.
I'll take Pisces if no one else will! I can integrate the character really well with this RP. I'll post the character in the sign up (or use the original Pisces). You'll be able to tell which character I am posting by the color of my text. Edit: If no one else will take Pisces, I will.
Kadar gazed outside of the window, half listening to the television. He always watched the news hoping for a something, anything to happen. Amongst the usual check was the woman. She remained unconscious and still, steadily breathing. It had been hours since the incident and Kadar has had no time to recover. 'There is no sign of her aura. It must have been the first time that she used her ability in such a way.' After noticing that there was no news to report, Kadar reached for the television and decided to go down to the lounge room to overhear the usual conversation of random strangers. Locking the door behind him, he hardly descended the stairwell when he noticed that there was more of a racket than he had expected. People were making quick work to get into the lounge. The television can be heard inside. [B]"Vladimir Punto, Prime Minister of Russia, has been assainated. While personally going over the plans for a new science commission center, he was killed in cold blood. The murderer has been apprehended, but no other information will be released of what organization is responsible for it."[/B] 'The Prime Minister killed? This is definitely something new, but maybe I'm just hoping too much.' Kadar's thoughts, however, had been interupted by yet another news flash. [B]"This just in! The President of the United States of America, George W. Bush, along with everyone in the ENTIRE White House has been brutally murdered! We take you live to the scene!"[/B] A woman reporter could be seen on the screen. "It is true. EVERYONE has been brutaly murdered. However, one victim did give a description. We have recorded video of what he had to say." The screen flashed to the video and a man with ghastly eyes looked at everything with fear. Blood and open wounds covered his body. 'No sense of respect for others when the [I]important[/I] die,' Kadar thought with disgust. [B]"I..it came s..so fast! Could..dn't think! Disapeared..re..reappeared! A fang..its fang..ate everyone! Hair..half covered..face! Silver neck and..ear! Cold eyes! HELP!! DON'T EAT ME!!"[/B] Blood sprayed from the man's mouth as his last breath drowned in blood. The screen changed back to the reporter. [B]"Such an unsightly thing to see. May their poor souls rest in peace. Back to you." [/B] No sign of true sympothy. [B]"In reaction to this act of terrorism, it was first thought that North Korea was responsible for this. But as authorities decided to take action, news of Korean leader, Lee Wan-Yong, had also been assassinated at his home estate. It was reported as a random sniper attack. No other details will be released until investigated."[/B] 'HAH! RANDOM!' [B]"The situation has grown worse as terrorist organizations rise and governments point the finger at eachother. There is no solution in sight.."[/B] Kadar had had enough and made his way back to his room. A lot has happened and he believed he had not heard the last of it. It will definitely get harder to travel the world for the Zodiacs. As he opened the door, Kadar could hear that the lifegaurd had awoken.
Continuing down the beach-line, Kadar could hear the life gaurd still arguing with the children in the distance. It was just another usual bicker for their safety. But without warning, he could see the wind pick up in the strangest pattern. It trailed around him as he made an attempt to keep an eye on it. However, by a strange twist of fate, the wind..yes the wind made a move for one of the children. The boy was being forced into the shallow water. Before he could make a move, the lifegaurd had already realized the situation and was standing over the child. He began to glow. "Madre Di Dio!" 'Those words! It can't be!' he thought to himself. The boy, by the smooth serenade of the woman's movement, had moved gently onto the shore. Cries from the crowd were filled with panic, however, no one noticed the wind picking up. As the lifegaurd attempted to revive the boy, a man grabbed her arm. Kadar couldn't hear what they were talking about, because the wind began to rowr throughout the beach. [I]You don't have to touch him to help him[/I], he messaged to her. As smooth as her movement, Kadar could see the particles of wind making its way in and out of the drowning boy. He was alive, thanks to her quick decision. She made an attempt to run away from the peering eyes of the crowd. With a sudden great force, a blast of air blew everything skyward. People ran away as best as they could. The lifegaurd stood as everything around her blew into a tunnel. Kadar noticed that more of the air molecules made way toward the lifegaurd post, as it swooped at great speed toward the lifegaurd herself. Kadar ran against the wind's force and persistance. It was almost too late. Kadar tackled her and they went spralling into the sand. The seat barely missed them. "WHO ARE YOU!" she attempted to shout over the gusts. "CALM DOWN! YOU HAVE TO STOP STRUGGLING!" he shouted back. Kadar made an effort to stand against the wind. "STOP DOING THIS!" The woman shouted as she thrusted her hand toward him. As if all at once, the entire force of the wind pushed at him and threw him into the air. Thirty yards.. Sixty yards.. One-hundred yards skyward. It gave way, then he plummeted to the ground below... Tossing and turning, Kadar struggled to straighten himself out. In the-nick-of-time, he succeeded and landed with great force. The sand blew back to form a crater, with him in the middle. The woman was surprised at how he survived. "HOW DID YOU..YOU FELL TWENTY STORIES!" Kadar stood once more, struggling with the pain the impact had caused. The wind began to pick up once more. With tremendous force, Kadar summoned all his might into a blast of air of his own. "HEEEEYAAAH!" He hurled into the source of the wind funnel. A backblast blew him and the lifegaurd away as the winds dispursed. Half buried, he pulled himself from the sand and made way toward the nearly unconscious lifegaurd. She looked at him, struggling to stay wake. "Who are you?" "Kadar Romalac. And you must be the Aquarius." She finally fainted at the sound of those words.
When it comes to punctuation, I crave it. [B]Because[/B] when it comes down to it, I want to understand what the heck [B]you're[/B] talking about! If you [B]can't[/B] be perfect, but at least legible, then making the effort to be grammatically correct is all that counts. [B]And[/B] besides, if your posting [B]isn't[/B] legible to the extent of being somewhat grammatically correct, then I would assume that your post [B]is not[/B] worth anyone's time no matter how right you are. If the contents are not intelligent enough, then you [B]cannot[/B] get an intelligent answer back. By the way, "can not" is one word, not two. But who the heck cares! At least the rest of the message was readable and intelligent.
Wow! This post may be old, but so is the problem with the A/V cord for X-Boxes. If you got one when it just came out, or around that time, then there might be a technical error with the cord itself. As of now, X-Box has a policy of replacing that cord (I don't know why they would bring up the problem now and I don't know why all the cords will suddenly malfunction..at once). Anyways, if you call 1-800-4MY-XBOX they will replace it for you. It was free of charge last I checked, but we haven't had customers with that problem in a while.
Gaming Best Battle System , Which RPG had it?
You Don't Care replied to Sir Auron's topic in Noosphere
Star Ocean has had one of the best battle systems in my opinion. This was especially awesome in versus mode for SO2:Until the End of Time. However, FF7 gets my vote. It wasn't too complicated and it had a wide customization (all thanks to the materia system). None-the-less, FFX was cool, because all the characters got to fight at the same time. It was getting tiresome to have to play with just three characters when it was obvious that the other people there could have helped as well. Are we talking about the best battle battle system by itself, or the best battle system supported by other features in the game that would enhance it? I guess specifics don't matter. -
It has been two hours since the barge entered Puerto Rican waters. After the casual proceedure of docking and unboarding, Kadar made his way through the crowd of other passengers. The entire docks bobbed up and down, smacking the water as the crowd of antsy people's feet hit its surface. There was no definite pattern to how they made their way. Kadar was wearing a hawaiian shirt and board shorts for the occassion, his bag strapped over one shoulder. The natural heat was more pleasing to the touch than the heat of a poluted city and he liked it that way. But there is no time. This isn't a vacation, after all. But how will he find the Zodiac without even knowing what he or she would look like? 'I guess I'll have to use my sight for this,' he thought to himself as he finally made his way onto land. He turned to follow the beach. Maybe he would find something out here. He didn't expect to find Aquarius so early, however, there was no better option anyways. He eased himself down the stone steps, making his way to the sand and across it toward the edge of the shoreline. Using his sight and lowering his shades to get a better view, he looked through the passing crowd while trying not to get noticed himself. There were the usual vacationing tourists and those who actually live here. It was obvious because of the skin tone and tans that each one had there, so ruling each one out was easy. But he stood out more than the non-locals with his pale skin and platinum-silver colored hair. He couldn't care less. Children were splashing far out in the water and the usual lifegaurd blew her whistle, warning them to stay out of the shallows. He wasn't paying attention to the words, but was completely focused on the various people there. 'It's funny how so many people want to spend their days on the beach. But when they get to, they no longer wish for it," he thought to himself all of a sudden. He continued along the beach while making his search.
The Past: "Hey, Chris! Don't forget your lunch!" Talecia, his mother, shouted after him. He trotted back to her. "How can it be called a lunch when it is the afternoon?" he argued as he grabbed for the sack. Talecia pulled it away as she hugged Chris. Then she kissed him on the forehead. "Have a good time honey!" "Blech!" Chris wiped his forehead as he made way down to the picket fence. He leaped over it without making an attempt to open the gate. ===================== The music of the party caused the walls to vibrate and everyone's yammering didn't help any, either. Chris and Paul, one of his friends, chilled outside on the porch. The light of the bug lamp zapped at nasty insects that dared to touch it. Chris chugged at one of his sodas. "You should make a move on her," Paul suddenly suggested. Chris began to choke and spewed out the contents of his mouth. "Wh-WHAT?!" "YEAH! If you really like her that much. I don't see any other way." "BUT SHE'S FOUR YEARS YOUNGER THAN ME!" "That won't matter once you reach twenty-five! And besides, she is too mature for her age." Paul does make a point, but the here and now is just a little too absurd. "HELL NO!" Paul stood up and dragged Chris to his feet and shoved him through the doorway. Trying to keep his balance, Chris tripped and fell on top of someone. "Shit!" It was her. He quickly got up and pulled her to her feet. "I..I'm s..so sorry!" he tried to apologize as he bowed and blushed. "Th..thats fine, Chris. Except now I need to sit down," she said as she fainted into a nearby chair. "JERK!" cried the nearest girl as she punched Chris in the back of his head. ===================== "Well, you blew it again," Paul said as they made their way down the sidewalk. It was 10:30 and they were headed home from the birthday party. "It was for the best," Chris sighed as be rubbed the back of his head. It still hurt after being thwacked by that other girl. "How long have you known her for? Eight years? You hang with a fourteen-year-old and are practically in love with her! You need to get out some more!" "First you say go for it and now you say look elsewhere!? I'M GONNA' KILL YOU!!!" Chris socked Paul in the back of his head, who fell over from the sudden attack. "OW!" Minutes later, they finally made their way to Danny's house. He is another good friend, just like Paul. Chris knocked on the door. They could hear someone on the other side trying to unlock it. The porch light went on and the door cracked open. "How goes it?" said a voice. "It goes," Paul called back. The door opened and Daemond, another friend, was standing in the doorway. "We're almost ready," he announced. He noticed Paul and Chris rubbing the backs of their heads. "What happened to you guys?" "Nothing," they said in unison. Daemond dissapeared into the house. Chris and Paul followed and closed the door behind them, then locked it. Paul went straight to Danny's room while Chris made for the bathroom. "I'll be just a minute." After finishing up and turning off the light, Chris opened Danny's door and could see the others already for the event. "We will start with you, Kadar," Paul ordered. ===================== It was finally graduation and a lot happened over the past couple weeks. Especially after the event. Chris could remember things that he couldn't possibly have. Things of a past and memories and events of long ago. His training was finally complete and after graduation, he will make the journey to discover the secrets of exsistence. He made a promise and he intends to keep it. It is, after all, the reason why he decided to make the journey. "I must go for what I seek. And I will return. I will return to protect you...forever." ===================== Years later, Chris has grown up and has changed for the better. He received a letter from his friends. Only they knew where he was. He stopped by Daemond's house first. He cut off the engine of his motorcycle and swung himself off onto the sidewalk. Daemond was already waiting for him outside. "How goes it?" he greeted. "It goes," Chris answered back. They made for a handshake and turned it into a hug. "It's been a while, hasn't it?" Daemond pointed out. Chris couldn't wait to see the others. "Let's go see everyone else! Are they at the usual place?" "Uh. Not today. They went to Tony's Pizza!" "Then let's go already!" When they got there, Chris could see all his usual friends. Not only Paul and Danny, but June, Tracy, Nick, Nicholas, and Russel were there. "HEY, CHRIS!" they all shouted at once. Everyone greeted him with hugs and backslaps. It was good to see everyone again. Especially after what he went through and the things that he learned of in his search. "So! Where is she?" Chris asked out loud. The party suddenly died. They knew what he was talking about. "What? Did everyone become mute alluva sudden?" Paul started to make his way toward Chris, which seemed like a long time. For Chris knew that something was wrong. Chris wanted Paul to never make his way over to him. He wanted to never find out. "Uh...Chris," Paul began, but couldn't find the words. A long silence. Paul reached for his pocket and pulled something out. It was a note. A letter, actually. Chris opened it and began to read it. His face grew horrified with each word. He stood up suddenly, knocking the chair over with the force, and ran for the door. [I]Give this to Chris when it happens.[/I] He ran down the sidewalk and across the street. He didn't care if he got hit or not. [I]It seems that I am not well and the doctors say I don't have much time.[/I] He jumped cars. Fences. Whatever got in his way. Nothing was to stop him from making sure that it was true. [I]I felt the need to write this so that you would understand better.[/I] At least, he hoped that it wasn't true. [I]I knew you had feelings for me and I you. Paul told me all about.[/I] Stupid Paul. He could never keep a secret. Not even to...her. [I]I always thought that you would come out and say it, but I knew you would have told me when you came back.[/I] He made his way into the cemetary. He leaped over the older stones. Across paths, to the younger ones. [I]I would wait forever for you[/I] It had to be one of the newer ones. He could reverse it if it was. [I]I was stupid. I should have told you how I felt first.[/I] Never. You were never stupid. I was... [I]I guess this is how it is. I guess that it was never meant to be.[/I] I cannot accept that. I love you so much. [I]So I will just say it. Even if it is in such an unnapropriate manner.[/I] He looked everywhere for the stone. It was none of the new ones. It was... [I]There are no other words to explain it.[/I] He went back a few rows. Then, when he thought there wasn't one in the first place, he came across it. His face grew pale as the pain inside of him grew stronger with each beat of his heart. [I]I love you, K![/I] The tears came like a flood. He fell to his knees and cried like never before or ever again. His call of pain echoed across time and space itself. Throughout the expanse of Heaven and the deepest bowels of Hell it could be heard... And on the stone was.. ..Jamie Harkenson