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You Don't Care

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Everything posted by You Don't Care

  1. Okay, I'm officially back! Ozymandius Jones, you should make a post or two so that we can get to know your character. I'll post a couple more times to give you more time (at least until I'm ready to integrate our paths together). Or we can have it to where your story begins at the end of one of my posts (I kinda' like that idea better). Actually, I'll PM you ideas. Other than that, I would like to say how excellent the story has come about so far. Everyone's posts are very intersting and I can't wait to get the ball REALLY rolling! I'm about to take the next step and , with your permission Demonchild, I would like to add a story arc.
  2. I went to my first convention just yesterday. It is called AniZona (Phoenix, Arizona) and it lasted all weekend. It was an amazing experience and one that I will never forget. It was even better than going to Disney Land! HAHAHAHA! It had a few special guests, but I didn't pay much attention to them except the two major ones. Amano (the artist for the Final Fantasy games) and Hide (local Arizona manga-ka). Not only was Amano's Panel amazing, but seeing Hide's work was some of the best first works I've seen. If you want, you can check out Hide's site at: [url]www.playgroundpop.com[/url] There isn't anything now, but I'll update when there is. Anyway, when going to a convention I have really only one thing to say. Bring LOTS of money for entry, food, manga, anime, etc. There really not much else that I can think of now.
  3. Indeed you are saving no money when buying the package. Wait for the price to go down if you plan on not spending tons of money for the PSP (one or two months).
  4. Conveniently, there are many computers out there that have a port to insert the memory stick for downloading. Saving entire PSP games to a memory stick will range from 500kb to 1mb. This leaves plenty of room for MP3s and downloads (even on a 32mb stick). The two other options of memory sticks: $39.99 for 128mb and $49.99 for 256mb. There is plenty of room for whatever you wish to download. Range of music memory is estimated to be 100kb to 250kb depending on size of MP3. Other info has not been released for video and PSP customization yet. When comparing a system setup save on a PS2 memory card to the PSPs downloadable options, the ratio is about the same. However, I recommend getting a better memory stick (check out package information below). The price for the PSP may seem high, but that is because of the package in general. First, is the $150 console. Next, is the $40 Spiderman 2 movie. Then, there is the $30 memory stick. And finally, the earphones, case, and demo round to about $30. That would make it $250 in total. If you would like, the PSP price will start to go down to $150. However, you will not get any of the accessories from the package (which I would prefer not to have myself). The games are worth buying! Games like Grand Theft Auto (coming out soon), Twisted Metal, and Metal Gear games have better graphics than their other predecessors. The sound may not be great from the provided speaker, but that is because the settings are set up for a better sound experience when using the earphones. For those who have anime download needs for the PSP, check this out. You can minimize memory space AND keep video and sound quality for your PSP! The estimated space for an episode/video will take only 1mb to 5mb! I don't know the specifics, but companies are working on this right now.
  5. Silence.. Kadar turned his head toward the waitress with his chin lieing on his crossed hands. He could hear the incident of his apartment complex, while the woman looked more or less horrified of the situation. "Tabris.." There was no answer, but Kadar knew she was listening. "You yourself gave us the gift of free will..And also convinced man to end their ways long ago. In the time of our greatest folly, the reach to Heaven.." Tabris' expression remained unchanged, but was none-the-less surprised about the specific knowledge that Kadar knew of. "If we were given free will, then should we have had the right to want to be with God in life and death?" More silence, but this time Tabris snuffed her cigarette into the ashtray. "And if angels, gaurdians, grigori, demons, and every creation of God can make the dicision to fight with or against their creator, wouldn't that make it free will, too?" Kadar rose from his seat and turned toward the door of the diner. "To choose yes or no..that seems to be a forced choice to me!" Before Tabris could answer, Kadar looked over his shoulder and gave a sneer. Not a sneer of being cocky or rebellious, but one of honor and true faith in what one believes in. "As a fellow being of free will...I will take the path that lays before me! I will find the other Zodiacs! And when the time comes to finally confront Reoan, I will show you my answer! I will show you by placing judgement with the free will that God has willed me to have!" Kadar pulled a ten from his pocket and tossed it onto the tabletop. He turned once more and headed to leave the diner. "When the time comes, you'll see what Kadar Romolac is all about." He opened the door and held it as he stood in the entryway as the light from sunrise shone in through the door. "Not as a human, but as one of God's many children!" The bell of the door rung as he dissapeared from sight. 'Maybe Man has a chance after all,' Tabris thought as another cigarette appeared in her hand.
  6. [quote name='demonchild781']We've lost aquarius to let you all know. [/quote] I expected as much. I'll try to stall until we find a way to replace Aquarius (there are a few other things that I want Kadar to accomplish while trying to find the Zodiac member). Do we have a replacement or are we going to NPC the character (I'd prefer not to)? Other than that, I won't be able to post until Monday (maybe). So we've got a weekend to find out what to do until then. Of course there is no rush. Besides, the story can go into more depth if I add anticipation into finding Aquarius. That is what this RP is all about, right?
  7. It was a mere three minutes before Kadar made it through his apartment door. Without even considering to close it, he gathered his bag and a few other belongings. 'I hate to leave without notice. I don't even have time to make a call.' He grabbed for his special suit and a couple of other relics that might come in handy. As he reached for his wallet and credit cards, he paused. 'Maybe it isn't a good idea that I should bring these. THEY might have ties to organizations. THEY could track my every move. I guess I could use it just for the trip to Coasta Rica. Any more and the risk would be too high.' He reached for his keys and headed for the door. But when he reached it, a figure stood in its place. "You left the door ajar. I thought that I might drop in," the figure spoke. It sounded like a man's voice, but there was something different about it. It sounded almost evil, which fitted perfect for the brute's size. Other than that, the man had an aura. It was blacker than the dark room itself. Kadar hesitated for a moment. "This must be the farewell party!" Kadar said as sweat trickled down his face. "HUUUR HUUUR HUUUR! As a matter of fact it is. Your farewell to HELL!" the beast announed as he pulled off his disguise. With no doubt it was a grigori. The monster lunged for Kadar. Kadar tried to dodge, but the grigori was too fast and he threw Kadar into the farthest wall. Kadar rose off the ground as the beast made for another lunge. But Kadar made quick work of the space between them. He made a lunge too and rolled between his opponent's legs. The monster was caught off gaurd as Kadar jumped, turned, and kicked making a solid blow to the head. "Don't try doing the same thing twice! WHAT!?" The grigori stood there unfased by the attack. "I'm not waiting to find out what's next!" Kadar made for the window and crashed through it. Kadar plummeted three stories to the ground and rolled out of the fall. The monster's rowr could be heard echoing throughout the streets. "YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE ALIVE!" The beast stood at the window and rose his hands. A veil of fire appeared and morphed into a sphere of inferno. "Oh, God!" Kadar cried in panic. The ball hurled itself toward Kadar. He made cover behind a car as the ball hit it and blew up. The vehicle melted into a pile of magma. Kadar could see his motorcycle three spots down and ran for it. More balls of fire were thrown and they created massive destruction wherever they landed. People were pouring out of the apartments to find out what the commotion was. "NO! EVERYONE! GET BACK INSIDE!" It was too late. The grigori attacked everything and anything in the area. Blood curtling screams could be heard as flesh melted into the pavement. Kadar couldn't stand for it anymore. "THAT..IS..IT!!!" Kadar summoned his own ball of fire and hurled it at the grigori with all his might. The flame screamed with intense heat and speed as it hit its target. The grigori was singed, but was still alive. It leaped out of the window and soared directly at Kadar with extreme hatred. Kadar took one step back and raised a shield of air that was concentrated toward the attack. The beast bounced off and deflected into a nearby car which exploded on impact. He rose from the debris, but seemed unharmed. 'I can't defeat him. He seems to be indestructable. All I can do is run.' Kadar threw his barrier of air at the grigori, which constricted it, and Kadar hopped onto his motorcycle. He started the engine and sped down the street. Another intense rowr from the grigori echoed throughout the city. As Kadar looked back, he could see an immense explosion engulfing the apartment complex. Everything in the area melted into nothing, but magma and rock.
  8. Name: Cloud Strife Age: 26 Personality: Finally getting over the struggle of who he is, Cloud has become straightfoward with his feelings and morals. He fully understands the support of his allies and the people that matter most to him. Weapon: Buster Sword Appearance:I'll provide a picture ASAP.
  9. So, every time a different member looks at the image, it brings up the count. That's cool. I guess it could be used to find out how many people have seen it (give or take). I still have my doubts though.
  10. I looked through my attachments on my Profile and have noticed that one of them has a notice that it has been downloaded eleven times. If you would like to keep my art and any other ones I post, then I would appreciate that you at least tell me that you have taken them. I feel honored that you would want to have a copy, but I would like to know who is interested in it and what you liked (or disliked) about it. However! If you do use my pics for anything, then please make sure that you do give me credit (just inserting Xy GGu would be fine), post me that you did, and where I can find it so I can see why you used it. I am VERY flexible when it comes to others using my art and the art's concepts. The image I am reffering to is at this location: [url]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22826[/url] Thank you for reading this and downloading my pics.
  11. Kadar woke up with a start. It felt as if sharp knives were stabbing him there as he fell out of his bed. "Guh HUUURGH!!" Coughing to get rid of the pain, he stumbled to his bedroom wall. His vision began to blur and his hart raced with what felt like a kind of fear. With a blinding force, he rammed his fist into the wall, leaving a small crater into it. Suddenly, it stopped. 'What is this?' he thought to himself. 'It feels as if HELL ITSELF has been opened up! Good thing it was only for a short while.' He placed his hand on the indentation he had created. "Damn! This apartment sure is flimsy." He walked back into his room and began gathering his clothes. First his pants and shirt. Then, while putting his jacket on, he grabbed for his hat and put that on, covering his platinum colored hair. 'Looks like another late night walk for me.' =================== It was quiet outside, even more than what a small town like this should have been. The occasional pedestrian and car passed by, but other than that, all he could see was the starry night and hear his footsteps on the pavement. He turned onto a dirt road toward the cemetary as if the problem could have derived from that direction. "It's strange. The feeling I woke up with was different. And yet I'm being, not pulled, but led into this direction. What could possibly be going on?" While making his way toward the entrance, he rose his hand. A form of energy was emanating from it as the mass began to surround himself. 'I better take procautions just in case. I don't like coincidences.' The energy formed around him like a barrier and stretched as he made way through the entrance. It always does this when entering an area of high spirituality. The air seemed normal. The graves stood cold and silent, which was fitting for how the sky looked. Using his alternate vision, Kadar could see the ghosts of those who would not leave their Earthy bonds, both freindly and unfreindly alike. Kadar stopped and turned toward a gravemark in the shape of a cross. On it had the words 'Jamie Harkenson: Age Fourteen'. Suddenly, a spirit rose from the grave. It was in the form of a young girl who appeared to be smiling. Kadar smiled back. "Hello, Jamie." 'Hi! K,' she spoke back back in a playful voice that can be heard by only those with special hearing. 'What did you bring me?!' Kadar reached into his pocket and pulled out what seemed to be a triangle shaped rock. "I found it in the lake. It's a naturally shaped one!" 'LIAR! But I'll take it anyway!' Kadar layed the rock on the edge of the gravestone. "I have a question, Jamie. I feel that something is nearby. It lured me here." 'Lured yoooouu..?' the spirit cooed. "Yeeeahhh...? Did you see anything like that stop by?" 'Hmmm. No. But you could ask Grandpa J. He's been saying something about ROOOAANNN or something like that." "John, huh? Thanks." Kadar began to walk down the path once more. "WAIT!" Jamie shouted. The ghost flew around Kadar to block him. She looked up at him with big worried eyes. "Is this thing you're looking for..dangerous?" Kadar nealed to her level to meet her gaze. He smiled and said,"Don't you worry about it. It probably is just a detached energy source floating around somewhere. I'm just tracking it to find out if it belongs to someone." The spirit suddenly became less worried and quickly flew back to her spot. 'That's good,' she shouted back. "You claim that energy for me!" She went back into the Earth. Kadar went back toward John's grave site. 'I can't let her worry about it. If my suspiscions are correct. Then it could put her in danger,' he thought to himself. "Hey, John. John?" 'What is it?' the spirit said as he floated down to his grave. It seemed that he was floating around the cemetary again. "I heard from Jamie that you might know something about a roan," Kadar answered as he put his hands into his pockets. 'That girl still callin' me GRANDPA?' the spirit spatted with an annoyed looking face. "HAHAHA! Yeah! She looks up to you after all!" Kadar pointed out. Kadar made a serious look toward Jake. "Well?" 'She's right. I 'ave been rantin' to everyone about somethin' or 'nother.' "WHAT?! No wonder she's worried!" 'It's not like it, I tells ya. If I wouldn't of done it, would ya be talkin' to me now?' Kadar thought for a moment. "I guess you're right. You sure are tricky..FOR A GRANDPA!" The ghost looked really annoyed. 'I AINT HER GRANDPA!!!' 'Back ta the point. Something is defn'tly here. Actually..SOMEONE,' the ghost explained as he crossed his arms and nodded. 'They said when 'E came to meet 'er when 'e shows up.' "How did she know I would be here?" 'Don't know. She said the next guy ta show. An' here ya are. I never liked coincidences. DO YOU?!' Kadar's look turned into a serious one. "Where?" 'Over there.' The ghost pointed toward the back entrance of the cemetary, where only desert laid for miles. "Thanks." Kadar turned toward the exit. As he approached, something was pulling at him once again. His barrier was still up and fully functional. He left the graveyard and walked toward the expanse of desert. After about thirty yards he stopped. "I know that you're there. No sence in hiding." Kadar turned around to face a person. But this wasn't any ordinary person. "GAAAAH!" Kadar's second sight was being blinded by the mere pressence of the person. Kadar's barrier was torn to mere shreds. [I]YOU'RE BARRIER IS STRONG! BUT IT MAKES YOU VISIBLE FOR ONE HUNDRED MILES BY ONES WITH THE SIGHT![/I] "It is supposed to do that, so that I could lead an unsuspecting enemy to me." Kadar could see it clearly now. The wings. Its posture. Everything about it was magnificent. "I can see you aren't no mere reincarnation. You must have been sent directly from Heaven." "It can't be! You are an actual angel!" [I]YES I AM! I HAVE BEEN SENT BY GOD TO YOU![/I] "Isn't that always the case. What does he want from me? What goal do I have the potential to realize?" [I]THE FALLEN ANGEL KNOWN AS REOAN HAS BEEN BROUGHT BACK FROM HELL! YOU MUST FIND AND DEFEAT REOAN![/I] "May I ask how or why this fallen angel has been brought out of Hell?" [I]THAT IS UNIMPORTANT! WHAT IS IMPORTANT IS THAT IN ORDER TO DEFEAT REOAN YOU MUST FIND THE OTHERS THAT HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO FIGHT ALONG SIDE OF YOU![/I] The angel raised its arm and pointed with one finger and a colored flame per number. [I]AQUARIUS, THE WATER BEARER! ARIES, THE RAM! GEMINI, THE TWINS! VIRGO, THE VIRGIN! PISCES, THE FISH! CAPRICORN, THE GOAT! AND FINALY: CANCER, THE CRAB! FIND THEM AND TOGETHER YOU WILL SUCCEED![/I] "Wait a minute! The prophesy of the ZODIAC?! Then who is the..." Kadar thought for a second then remembered his birthday. "Oh..Then that makes me Saggitarius, the Archer." [I]YES! YOU HAVE LEARNED WELL OF THE WORLD AROUND YOU AND ARE PERFECT FOR THE PART OF SAGGITARIUS, THE ARCHER![/I] The final flame lit a color purple. Then, as the angel lowered its arm, the eight flames went up into a burst before dieing off. "So where are the others? You're at least going to tell me where they are, right?" [I]THE FIRST IS A PLACE THAT YOU CALL COASTA RICA! ONLY YOU WILL KNOW WHERE THE NEXT WILL BE WHEN YOU HAVE FOUND THE ZODIAC MEMBER![/I] "What does he or she look like?" [I]THE PHYSICAL BODY WILL NOT TELL YOU, BUT YOU WILL KNOW WHEN YOU MEET![/I] "Then I guess that's it. I'll be seeing you around then." Kadar began walking back to the cemetary. [I]STOP! YOU CANNOT REENTER A HOLY AREA! THEY KNOW WHERE YOU ARE NOW! YOU WILL ONLY ENDANGER THE RESTLESS ONES![/I] Kadar stopped dead in his tracks and could only think of one word in his mind. 'Jamie!' He turned toward the heavenly body. "Do they know exactly where!?" [I]EVEN AS WE SPEAK![/I] Kadar made a mad dash for the other direction directly toward the town. 'I guess its time for another sudden dissappearance,' he thought to himself as he headed back home to get ready. The angel had already left.
  12. Where is the underground? Is it on this site or do you have a different location?... Or, perhaps I have posted too soon and you haven't had the time to make one in the underground section yet (you did, after all, just posted the first campaign post) :animeswea . I'll keep looking for it, unless you want to PM me. (My patience wains...if that is even a word...) EDIT: Okay! I see that you are creating a thread in the underground. (I had to look at your status. That is an awesome option!) Ignore this post.
  13. Of course, I watch DBZ..A LOT! But the only series that I have watched over and over again (even more so than DBZ) would have to be "VanDread". This was the first actual series that I finished and I would have to say that it IS my favorite of all time. A combination of 2D comedy/drama and 3D space fighting, pumps me with adrenaline. I never thought that I would have liked the whole space thing, but it didn't distract me from the actual concept. IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET, THEN PLEASE DO!!!
  14. [QUOTE=demonchild781] Xy GGu, you're fine. I can't wait for this story to start to see what you're mad of ;)[/QUOTE] HAHAHAHAHAHA! I can't help, but laugh at how funny that comment is. [QUOTE=lil kitsune boy] tell 'em to hurry up, because i'm forced to agree w/ Xy GGu(where the hell did you come up with that?) [/QUOTE] Are you refering to my log in name? Le' see. Way back when, I was coming up with a title for a comic that I was beginning to plan. After I had found one ("Community Blank" patent pending), I was experimenting with the font styles for it. Well, while scrolling through the fonts in Word (I think it was called), I had gotten bored and decided to choose symbols or something like that. When I gave the OK, the whole thing looked jumbled and awkward (no surprise) except for the first five characters. They actually looked like letters. "X..y..G..G..u" (it actually was in the exact uppercase/lowercase format)! At the time, I was trying to come up with a name for the main character and decided "What the hell! Why Not!?" It turns out that I decided to integrate the name of the title and its [B]"interpretation"[/B] to purposefully relate to the character's name (purpose my ***) as an event to take place in the comic. I was also wandering how everyone would pronounce it. Post me with your version if you would like. Note: "MAD" indeed!
  15. Excellent phelosiphy, Sunfall. (Did I spell phelosiphy right? I hardly use the word when writing.). No one should be pressured to be in a religion. You do indeed make perfect sense to me.
  16. Speaking of moderation. Do you moderators out there think that my opinions are out of line or anything of the like? If this is the case I would like to be told. I respect your thoughts as well as the responsibility that has been given to you to keep these boards under control. Thank you for considering this.
  17. School violence, neighborhood problems, acts of violence to or toward eachother and everyone else in or outside the home. I have advise for those who have children. If you love them and they know that you love them and how much you love them, then when they go somewhere(ANYWHERE) you should trust their judgement if a situation comes to rise. If you let them know your concern and show your trust in them every time they leave the house out of your care, then they will reflect on that and think of your concerns as well as what the right actions are to just about any situation. This and many other methods are good for the development of a human child and getting both parties to understand eachother's limits. Knowing these limits can be put to either person's advantage when the need arises (such as an act of violence, etc.). Love is truly the greatest strength anyone can possibly have. Fuel! Drive! Passion! No matter the explanation, LOVE cannot truly be fathomed in its entirety. Thus lies its true power. Note: ...
  18. [QUOTE=Patronus][color=black]I have just viewed your newly-closed topic about astral projection, and while that makes me doubt your true being as a Wiccan, you may think as you will.[/color] [color=black][/color] [color=black]I'm undenominational, meaning I don't take to one religion such as Christianity, Catholicism, etc.[/color] Organized religion isn't something I'd be able to handle, because I'm what they call a left brain thinker, meaning I'm more logical than faithful. EDIT: I'm not going to make a new post just to reply to you. Saying you're not a true Wiccan, and just a new one is basically calling yourself a fraud in my eyes. *shrug* I saw something and commented on it.[/QUOTE] I just have to reply to this one and A LOT of comment in this thread. Astral projection is [B]indeed [/B] practiced in the Wiccan belief (it just isn't [B]exactly[/B] called that and the manner it is practised in is "somewhat" different) If anyone wishes to deny this, then that is their [B]"belief"[/B], however they want to put it. Now, speaking of churches. Here's a crazy name for a church that actually exsisted in an Arizona city. "Catholic-Lutheran-Mormon" Church. In my opinion, the name by itself proves to me that a church is, after all, a place to speak of the "word" (whatever word it may be). About prayer and..."stuff"...If you truly have faith in your religion, then you can pray wherever "the Hell" you are (pun intended). The God/s you believe in will appreciate it! (A Christian actually pointed this one out to me!) And one other thing. Sora, is it true that Mormons can marry more than one wife? Note: The last comment was an example, [B]NOT[/B] directly bashing a single religion. It just so happens that there are religions out there that change some points/rules that the "founder" presented and still say that their religion is the right one. There are examples that apply, but I find it innapropriate to list ones in general. Picking Mormon as an example was the only one that was most obvious to me at this/the time. I hope there are no hard feelings.
  19. I'm on a roll! Two words: Population control!..of rare species..don't look at me. There is, however, one species that must be controlled. When looking at Deathbug's pikachu pic, I realized something. WE REALLY NEED TO CONTROL THE POKEMON CLONE POPULATION. Those buggers are just infesting everything from Kanto to the Hoen Region! On a serious note, if the majority of hunting (killing in numbers) is indeed for sport (especially if the matter involves KANGAROOS, FOR CHRIST SAKES!), then something [I]must[/I] be done about it. I picked this thread as I thought that I should express my opinion on the matter. The debate has probably already been decide. None-the-less..
  20. Oh, yeah! Starting to dig up the old threads! Multiple personalities are common, everyday placement. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, I talk to lately has this "feature" about them. Yesterday, the assistant manager at my work was talking to all the employees as if they were members of the army (he kept saying something about "You have have two speeds. Slow and stop," to one guy and said to me "You are moving as fast as pond water!"). I guess it can relate to how the person feels. ("SHH! Quiet. They're around the corner." Seeing this at a convenience store is ammusing.) Anyways, my understanding is that the reason why (a good number of) people have this feature is that these people have a different way of relating themselves to the parts of their brain (conscious and subconscious) and are able to represent themselves better in this fassion. (Apoligies for the long sentence.) This can be good or bad whatever the case may be. Unfortunately for me, I don't have alternate personalities that I am aware of. I ussually get mood swings according to how much I sleep and how "influenced" I am (the last comment [B]does not[/B] refer to a drug reference in any way). Thanks for BEARING my explanation/opinion (stress on the opinion).
  21. What if I am both!?!?...MWAHAHAHAHA!!! But seriously folks. If this thread became a huge despute, what would be next? Racial issues!? MY skin is the color of pigment (or black and blue if severely beaten down by a paper-fan-carryin' schoolgirl). Sorry, I copped another joke. A-ha-haaa.. Note: GOD, I [I]KILLED[/I] IT!!
  22. Bitchen! Your biography is excellent, demon child (as well as everyone else's). This definitely is going to be an interesting RP after all. When can we start? Or are we still waiting for others to join? I noticed that this thread was first posted yesterday and there are quite a few good characters that have joined. I can certainly wait for more. Note: I apologize if I am a little too straightfoward. I have been doing literally [B]nothing[/B] for the past week and have been very impatient with a lot that has been going on. But for this, patience IS a virtue. Thanks for understanding.
  23. Heh heh heh heh! I can do nothing, but chuckle on this concept of being or not being a goth. I guess the matter is as contraversal as atheism or [B]"GOD"[/B]. Could it be an actual type of group rising from the ashes of the dreaded 80's fassion?.. Could it be that all "goths" have coincidentially found a way to express themselves all at once in this time of "youth-not-careism" (not to be confused with fassion statement)?.. (realizing something)..A FASSION STATEMENT?.. Or is it just another excuse to not call it depression. A bunch of people jumping on the bandwagon with a method that isn't directly questioned (They just want to be left alone?)? These are points of the argument that are commonly presented to me (by goths and un-goth alike) and I do not favor any one of these opinions above the other. I guess that would make me neutral and make me leave the thread undecided. However, I think everyone here has a good point to their opinion and it should be accepted as that. Note: None of the above is sarcastic in ANY way.
  24. As many people here have posted (either ghosts and other supernatural things ever exsisted or not), I happen to have expertise on the matter and all things relative. No, I'm not a psychic, witch, cultist or anything like that. I just happen to have been involved with it the majority of my life and understand it better than most. I am, in simple terms, a gatherer of knowledge and in some cases, an informist. Ghosts "exsist" as much as you want them to. Whether in an untangible form that simply replicates the things that are, or have been, there. Or the "contact" of an actual "apparition" (the possibility is becoming recently more common for whatever the reason). There is an actual method and scientific reason that is still being proven (or too complicated to prove). If you are interested in the fields of history and present events, creatures, encounters, experiences, dreams, facts thereof, intangible evidence, obviously visible proof (and only visible), etc. then send me a private message. I would like to make a thread of my experiences and answer any questions you have, but I [B]will not[/B] unless the moderators and/or whoever have rights to this site give me permission. Now ghosts I can say I have indeed made "contact" with. Dragons and other things...I may have or have not seen.
  25. [B]Name: [/B] Kadar Romalac [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Height:[/B]6'3 [B]Weight:[/B]210 [B]Age: [/B] 26[B] Soul:[/B] ? [B]Appearance:[/B] Picture Below [B]Race:[/B] Zodiac Saggitarius [B]Position:[/B] Undecided..will follow the the better of two paths until then. [B]Power:[/B] Balanced in all elements except dimension (give or take). Ranged ability, but mostly for defense. [B]Morph:[/B] Unicorn [B]Weapon:[/B] Flexible with all weapons. Unusually excellent in archery. However, carries a sword instead. [B]Bio:[/B] Kadar has grown up from a normal lifestyle. However, it isn't normal at all. When he became aware of his "abilities" he had spent his high school years honing the powers inside of him. The freinds around him knew of this and had powers of their own and had trained along side of him. He wishes to keep a balance of all the elements as much as possible. After his high school graduation, he left town and kept his abilities to himself except to help those who were wrongly abused by others. In time, he became more attuned to the world and what had seemed to be "unnatural phenomena" that had been going on in the recent years. He decided to dissappear to study these happenings and get a better understanding of them. Nearly eight years have passed. Kadar comes out of hiding with the knowledge that he had searched for. After integrating back to society, he waits. He is waiting for a sign.
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