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Kurai Yuki

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Everything posted by Kurai Yuki

  1. [quote name='CaNz' timestamp='1315986729' post='709426'] That is a lot of freedom, Are you sure there isn't anything specific you want on the banner? Also, I would need the right size that you'd need. If you don't have any theme suggestions, my ideas so far are: - Old school games, and an 8-bit theme. - Modern day popular titles like Halo, Call of Duty, Mass Effect...ect - A play off the name "Team Infestation" with bugs (possibly computer bugs) - The consoles. [/quote] I would roughly like the size of your banner maybe a little bit longer in length. As for games I'm open to anything old new classics anything really and the name go for it
  2. I'm trying to get a website up and running. It's about reviewing video games and was wondering if someone could possibly make me a banner. Be creative with the banner as you like I'm not too picky.. However I do wish for the name "Team Infestation" to be somewhere on the banner Thanks in advance :)
  3. hello, i would like a banner for a forum i am currently in wit... a black and silver/gray background top left corner text to say Ren and the bottom right corner to say Resonance Thank you in advance :)
  4. i would like a banner of this Couple with text saying "Always and Forever" in funky writing please :) thanks
  5. Hello. I would like to have a banner using these pictures putting sasuke face on the left side and itachi's on the right with a greyish background with white swirls as for the text i would like it to be red and to say "I Will Have My Revenge" decently visible without being huge and fancy letters thank you very much :)
  6. i like like if someone could use this picture and make a banner/Signature for me for me iro diary with the name Ayaka Hama and the little text message that is also in the picture thanks :)
  7. Hi I am looking for a banner with the character from Tokyo Mew Mew / Mew Mew Power Named Ichigo Momomiya / Zoey Hanson Any picture of her is human state (not her pink cat form) fine with me as for text i would like for it to say Kura It doesn't matter how big or small the banner is its just for my sign. for another forum im in Also if its not too much to ask if you can also make a 100 x 100 Pixels of her as well :animesmil Many thanks ~
  8. [quote name='jigglyness']Is there a specific size you want it?[/quote] hmm not really no :)
  9. hii i need a little banner for my forums with this picture and background thanks ^-^ And can you put the text "Kura" somewhere in there aswell thanks
  10. can someone shrink this pic down about 50% please ^-^;
  11. can anyone make me a cool banner using this picture and put Moon Angel as a text message please ^-^ Edit: this new picture too if you can please Thanks
  12. can someone pretty please make me a banner and put Moon Angel in it ^-^ Thanks
  13. what i want for the banner are all in the Attachments thanks
  14. 726x140 pix. size banner with these pictures [url]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y52/gummibearaimee/Anime/005.jpg[/url] [url]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y52/gummibearaimee/Anime/Itachi2.jpg[/url] [url]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y52/gummibearaimee/Anime/2215aa.jpg[/url] instead of putting my name can you put "November Rain" with a motto "Having Painful Thoughts." thanks ^_^
  15. thats really wat i was looking for ^^ thank you very much
  16. i need a banner from this picture (the girl only please) no text on it thanks a bunch :D
  17. i like that very much thanks can u also make a 500(width) by 450(height) pixel picture like that aswell?? im using this picture for a RPG ill give u credit for it tho =)
  18. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v509/Gummi_bear_Aimee/NightShade.jpg[/IMG] can you make me a signature, button and maybe change the background if u can if not thats fine also instead of putting Kurai Yuki can you put NightShade thanks a bunch :)
  19. can you also change the background on it ? if not thats alright but instead of writing Kurai Yuki on it can you wright NightShade Thanks a bunch :) [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v509/Gummi_bear_Aimee/NightShade.jpg[/IMG]
  20. can any one make me a banner with this picture but instead of putting Kurai Yuki can you please put Sakura thanks :)
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