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    If I told you, I'd have to kill you.
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    SSSHHHH, thats a secert ;p

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  1. Yo, I caught the first episode last night on adult swim and that cartoon is gansta!!!! I love the style that creator is using with his animes. The way it switched between scenes is like anything I've seen before. The mix of modern day music with anime it tooo cool. Kinda like with some kung fu movies like the Black Mask, where they played underground hip hop. I think it's gonna do just as well as Cowboy Bebop. Hey may be even a movie with be out like Cowboy Bebop.
  2. Well...There are alot of animes out there and there are alot of different age groups that watch. Like some said certain animes are catered to certain viewers. Thats hardly a reason to say that animes are sexist. I'm not gay or anything but there are alot of animes out there that also have nice looking guys in them as well. Wearing bikinis or walking around with their shirt open and things of that nature, but you don't see us men complaining about it. I just think there is somewhat of a balance of skin that is shown in animes. So there may be just a little bit more animes with busty women but those women don't any crap from any of the males in the anime. So its not like the women are helpless while they are flaunting their bodies. As far as video games go...their breasts aren't as big as some think. I mean to me they look like they're a decent size for the woman. I guess some say they are too big because they jiggle too much for some's taste. Mangas on the other hand are just animes in books so they would have to kinda go with what the anime has...right? Just my thought on it.
  3. This is Hatoko Kobayashi aka Hatoko-chan of Angelic Layer. I like her because at the tender age of 5 she is a very skilled player of Angelic Layer. She is very knowledgeable about alot of things and she is just the cute little girl ever. Her battle doll is awesome too. *scratched head cause can't remember her name* Oh yeah it's Suzuka!!!! [img]http://www.angeliclayerdvd.com/images/characters/hatoko/hatoko04.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.angeliclayerdvd.com/images/angels/suzuka/suzuka04.jpg[/img] This is Sumomo of Chobits. I like Chi but I like Sumomo more because she is more energetic and can do alot more for her user. I also love her voice and her personailty. She is also just too cute. [img]http://www.chobitsdvd.com/characters/images/sumomo.jpg[/img] This is Najica of Najica Blitz Tactics. She is a perfume creator by day and a secert ***** kicking agent by night or whenever she isn't making perfume. I like her because she is independent,strong willed, sexy (in anything she wears) plus I like a woman who can kick my *****. [img]http://images.animetoxic.com/cover/DNJ-002.jpg[/img]
  4. I haven't seen Elfen Lied.......come to think of it, I've never even heard of it. (But I will keep in mind to check it out next time I want to purchase an anime). Anyway, on to the topic at hand, I think the most violent anime I've seen has got to be Fist of the North Star. I don't know what Elfen Lied has in it but the movie and the series of Fist of the North Star has blood, guts, bodyparts and graphic images in every scene. It's like the creator of the anime was deeply troubled or had some aggression to let loose. I'm not saying that the creator is like that for real, but man, the way the characters would kill one another was something only you could imagine. Getting punched in various places and five seconds later your body explodes or getting sliced in pieces with some guys fingers. C'mon. I like though LOL
  5. [quote name='Katamari666']Yeah with the big cannon thing righty? :catgirl:[/quote] Yeah that would shoot them to whereever the danger was, and they would don their armor (which was pretty cool) and fight with special pizza attacks. Man, I thought I was the only one who remembered that!!! *Gives Katamari666 a high five*
  6. [QUOTE=kabapu]someone (can't remember who) at the top of this post claims that the saiyans first came to earth because of goku. i'd like to dispute tis. they came because of the dragon balls, meeting goku was largely a co-incidence personally i feel that the most important character is kamesennin roshi. as it is he who started most (if not all) of the main heros on the path of their training. without his guidance, i doubt goku would have ascended to ssj status.[/QUOTE] I would have to agree with you on that one. Yeah, Goku did save everyone life over and over again, but Master Roshi did get him started on his path to greatness. So if anyone should be considered the most important or at least equally important since Roshi could only do so much because of his age. But when you think about it, there are others that help Goku as well, like King Kai for teaching the Kaioken style, the first guardian of earth (can't remeber his name) for using the chamber to further him and Gohan's training, and the Supreme Kai after winning the tournament. So they are equally important to the show. I know there are more but I can't think of them right now.
  7. There was a anime the used to come on UPN, it was called Samuri Pizza Cats. I think they should redo the artwork and bring it back, because it was a funny anime and they actually did some pretty cool moves when fighting evil. LOL :animesmil
  8. What I like about animes: 1)I like the fact that they aren't always silly and goofy. They can be real serious and dramatic, which makes it very intersting because it's not real life, with actors. 2)I like the artwork and the amazing way characters can do impossible things. When I first started watching anime, I always tried to figure out how the characters had special powers without being in some kind of accident. 3)And I like it because I have a very active imagination and it just pulls me into their world. Animes are the greatest thing I've ever been introduced to and I will love it till the day I die and even in the afterlife.
  9. True, but a wave of the magnitude....taller that the Empire state building. Now that seems a little far fetched. I guess I would have to see it to believe.
  10. Yeah, I seen that and I didn't believe it at first (kinda still don't) but who knows. Nature has done some pretty strange things so I guess it could be true. It's scary when you think about it, I mean that large of a landslide would hit so hard, the father who survived said it sounded and looked like a nuclear bomb had hit. Now thats pretty scary if you ask me.
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