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Everything posted by GinnyLyn

  1. Matto hit all the points I was going to make--and I never made it past the first disk. Why? Because I quit. [i]Because the game was boring.[/i] I've never quit on any game before--except FFViii. Matto is correct in saying that games aren't made to be too realistic. For me, that sorta defeats the purpose. If I'm going to sit around waiting for payday, I might as well do it in the real world vs. the imaginary one. I might go back and play it some day, though personally, I have many more games I'd rather play. I've already read everything about FFViii and I know just about all the broader points, so I might as well sit down and play it. But still... *waits for Sem to come down like some demigod and rip her apart, because she know he will* ;)
  2. Auron cleared his throat, for once, looking...well...perplexed and without words. His mouth hung open ever so slightly, working to form words that just didn't come out. Cid plopped the microphone in front of the Crimson Warrior again, and he stepped back as it shrieked with high pitched feedback. Instead of his usual glare, Auron just watched Cid step back, then cleared his throat. He looked up over his shades toward his audience, giving the appearance that he was watching everyone through the screens in every world. [color=crimson]"I am...well, I am...honored. Something I haven't felt in a long, long time. I..."[/color] Auron blinked hard and his shades slid down his nose; he had to nudge them back up to keep them from falling off. [color=crimson]"...well I..."[/color] All over the many worlds, people leaned in to hear what he had to say. The other Survivors watched from their prime spot on the Ragnarok; even Cecil listened attentively. [color=crimson]"Cid asked me what my thoughts and feeling are. My mind whirls in a mad rush with the memories of everything we Survivors have done in the past few months. We raised Chocobos, climbed an enormous tree, fought for cards, searched for Espers, saved Aeons and were Aeons ourselves. We laughed, we planned, we lived in awe of each other as we learned to work together. Never once did I see any malice between players, whether it was from the loss of a single challenge to loss of ourselves from the game. That, my friends, I will truly take with me. For, in any other competition, many would have cheated to win, thrived on hatred and gossip, and pulled out on top only to be cursed. Yet here, in Final Fantastic Survivor, twelve of us were thrown together, people who did not know each other well, if at all. And I know I have walked away as friends to them all, closer to some after all this, and becoming friends for the first time because of all this. I am proud and honored to wear the Final Fantastic Survivor title, not because of me, myself, and I. I wear this for all those who helped to shape me into this. I wear this in memory of what we started so long ago, and what, sadly, finishes here today. I can't..."[/color] Auron's shades slipped down again as he bowed his head. He furrowed his eyebrows and pushed them high on his bridge nose, enough to cover his russet eye, glinting brightly. There was a moment of silence. Auron gritted his teeth slightly, and when he spoke again, his voice sounded thick. [color=crimson]"Thank you, Cid. Thank you, Survivors. Thank you, everyone who voted. I am proud to be your [b]Final Fantastic Survivor[/b]."[/color] And with that, he stepped away from the microphone. World to world, the audiences burst into tremendous applause, accented by screams of joy and cheering. Cid clapped Auron on his back and grinned. "You just won Final Fantasy Survivor. What are you going to do next?" [color=crimson]"I'm going to....rest."[/color] "That's rather anticlimatical, you know." Auron smiled. [color=crimson]"There's a nice little island just off the coast of Besaid. Perfect for an 'old warhorse' like myself. I'm glad to prove that us 'old fogies' can do as well as the young ones, but...it's time for me to rest. Thank you again, Cid."[/color] "No, thank you. And everyone, for joining us for [b]Final Fantastic Survivor[/b]!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~ OoC: OH MY GAW EEEEEEEEEEE!!! *bounces off of walls crazily and screams and does all sorts of Ginny-gone-crazy things* ThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyou!!!! Oh my gosh oh my gosh...I never thought I would have made it this far but....whoa. :eek: Seriously, for everyone that stuck it through, thank you. For everyone who wrote, thank you. For everyone who voted, thank you. For everyone that grew closer because of this game...thank you. And thank [i]you[/i], Sage, for making this game, for showing me I can actually write, for reflaming my passion for Auron (that's right, it's HIS fault, lol!), and for, well, for all of it! This is GinnyLyn, Final Fantastic Survivor, signing off! :excited:
  3. My personal thoughts? OK, if I were doing this *gets things thrown at her*--eep! Yeah, if I were doing this, I would have kept the first image. The second one's showing some white edges. It was a good idea to use red instead of blue; however, if you can, try to use the color selection tool to pick the color off of the dark deep red around the train's lights. In PhotoShop, the tool I'm talking about is an eyedropper. As for the text itself, maybe smaller, more tucked into the corner. But that's how [i]I'd[/i] do it. That's not how I'd tell [i]you[/i] to do it, Shaun m'dear. :)
  4. Ah, the famous Zero pic! (And another one, too!) Again, your match-color coloring and your shading skills are very nice. I guess my only problem (since I suffer from this too) is that there are small areas in each of your pictures where the proportion is off ever so slightly, and it makes that area look unnatural. Zero's chest armor is one such example for me. And I think Hikaru's rigth eye is slightly larger than her left, unbalancing her face a little. Like I said, it's a prob I suffer from too. ^_^ Just takes time and practice. Keep up the excellent work!
  5. Second banner, then. "Squishy Goodness" Eeps, misnomer! Looks to me as if there is a grandly majestic phoenix in there, in which case it looks spiffy grand! The texture effect is good, but it gets broken up in the darkest area, toward the mid-right. 9/1o. I like it a lot.
  6. Although the images are ok and the transitions are nice (especially the second and the last), they are seem rather...not as good...as they could be. Why? Well, they are going, IMO, too slow. And this allows for us, the viewers, to pick out the bitmappy edges. That rather dampens the effectiveness of the animation. Speed 'em up, reload them, and let's take another look. Rating pending.
  7. Taking wild stab. *pulls out Black Mage stabbity-stab-stab animated gif* Way 1: When visiting Crazy Tracy at full heart compacity, she will sell the medicine to you for, I think....4o Rupees? Way 2: When visiting Crazy Tracy at partial (injured) heart compacity, she'll sell you the medicine for only 1o Rupees! Is that right? If it is, I'll edit this with a question.
  8. Well, then, how can we prove it for sure, if it's so easy to manipulate said image? Don't get me wrong--I think it's wonderful if theOtaku.com has reached this far. But again, I never thought of us being that far up the ladder (if you know what I mean) before until this came up. Ah well, show me proof, then I shall be happy. ^_^
  9. *quietly waits for the entire tangible ecomonic representation to be made-over*
  10. Cid was sleeping, snoring even. He was resting his head against his arm, which was propped up. Auron nodded to Cecil, then nodded to the arm. Cecil stared, mouth wide open. [color=teal]"You wouldn't [i]dare...[/i]"[/color] [color=crimson]"What are you talking about? I was just going to ask if you had a pillow or knew of some way to wake Cid back up."[/color] [color=teal]"Suuuuure you were."[/color] Auron blinked once, then stood up, his eyebrows furling together. [color=crimson]"Look, I don't know what's going through your blue haired head--"[/color] Cecil also stood up, hand instinctively to his hair. [color=teal]"I saw that glint in your eye--and you call yourself honorable!"[/color] Auron's mouth dropped open. [color=crimson]"At least I wasn't evil at some point!"[/color] Cecil took offense to that, because the statement was untrue. [color=teal]"At least I have both of my eyes!"[/color] he shot back in the same tone. That one stung. Auron gritted his teeth and gripped the Masamune's hilt tightly. Cecil watched him with narrowed eyes and held his Crystal Sword out. Both roared in a battle manner, charging each other and-- "What the HELL'S the meaning of this?!?" Cid bellowed. Auron and Cecil both skidded to a halt in midcharge. [color=teal]"Well, I, uh..."[/color] [color=crimson]"Well, you see..."[/color] "I was having the [i]best[/i] dream about the ultimate Airship and you two nitwits had to go and &#%$*ing wake me up!!!" Both men looked cowed and hung their heads sheepishly. [color=crimson]"S[/color][color=teal]o[/color][color=crimson]r[/color][color=teal]r[/color][color=crimson]y,[/color] [color=teal]C[/color][color=crimson]i[/color][color=teal]d,"[/color] they both mumbled. "Yeah yeah yeah, just wait a little longer, ok? Can you two play nicely till we wrap this up?" Both eyed each other, then broke out into huge grins. [color=teal]"I can, can you?"[/color] [color=crimson]"Of course."[/color] "Good. Now shut up, both of you. Gonna see if I can get back to that dreamship...hmm, there's a nice name...dream...ship..." [color=crimson]"I apologize, Cecil."[/color] [color=teal]"Please forgive me, Auron."[/color] [color=crimson]"It[/color] [color=teal]was[/color] [color=crimson]the[/color] [color=teal]tension,"[/color] they continued together. [color=teal]"Forgiven."[/color] [color=crimson]"Agreed!"[/color] And they shook hands. ~~~~~~ Seriously, though, the natives [i]are[/i] getting restless. Zidargh's already planning the next FF:S. ^_^;
  11. Even though I don't have cable, I still am having trouble believing this. I have no access to proof and I have yet to [i]see[/i] any proof. We do know for sure it was about us? I need proof. Gimme.
  12. And that's it. Nothing more. That's too bad--I really enjoyed the extra scenes in the PSX version of ChronoTrigger. I don't recall if FF4 had extra scenes, but I wish they had squeezed a few more in. Then again, CGIs take longer and....ah well. I have yet to see the opera scene. I am looking forward to that part. :)
  13. "This is Ginny taking a look at her most recent Auron drawing. What she doesn't know is that we replaced Auron's head with Desbreko's--let's see if she can tell the difference." Gin: Awww, how's my favorite love cuddles, *kiss kiss ki--* *pauses, blinks* I...I...I..O_O; [quote] [b][color=blue]Desbreko145:[/color][/b] *uploads* [b][color=red]draKehho:[/color][/b] GAWHHH!!!! [b][color=blue]Desbreko145:[/color][/b] *maniacal laugh* [b][color=red]draKehho:[/color][/b] *dies a million deaths* OMG OMG OMG!!! POOR AURON! [b][color=red]draKehho:[/color][/b] oh my oh my oh my....*dies of giggling and blushing now* [b][color=red]draKehho:[/color][/b] White Mage Auron it is then! [b][color=red]draKehho:[/color][/b] BWA HA HAHA! [b][color=red]draKehho:[/color][/b] oh wait...oops. [b][color=red]draKehho:[/color][/b] Wait, that wasn't the right thing to s---DESBREKO, NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! [b][color=blue]Desbreko145:[/color][/b] If you do another Auron one, can you guess what'll happen to it? :D [b][color=red]draKehho:[/color][/b] O_O [b][color=red]draKehho:[/color][/b] *bawls* My poor poor Auron... [b][color=blue]Desbreko145:[/color][/b] I do like playing white mages...[/quote] I am speechless. *much more helpless laughing* And don't forget about the original sketch link, peoples! EEKS! [b]EDIT[/b] Ginny gets back at Des, lol. [url=http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/chibiC-A.jpg]I've made my choice.[/url]
  14. Seriously awesome. Almost a perfect 1o, because you used the filters so well. There's just something that bothers me about some of the character edges getting filtered, too--I can't decide if that goes with the background or if it looks out of place. Hmmm... Regardless, love it, hope to see more.
  15. I cannot see the first image. Lined paper is evil. That being said, I feel that your shading and matched-color skills are wonderful. Keep up the good work and hope to see some original work of yours soon--I know you can! :)
  16. Gin: Yes, Des. *hides and starts to draw* But...I want to draw Auron.... Des: NO. Cemyth, NOW! Your God speaks!!! Gin: *whimper* Aurie... *Des cracks whip* Gin: YIPES! :eek: Heh, yes, color, BB, please. And I need to get back on AIM or Yahoo to talk to you again--I miss talking to you.
  17. YAY! BB finally posted!!! Yeah, the stripes, like I said, were a completely last minute thing. Zeltinc looked really blank and then--BOOM!--let there be stripes, and there were. *glee!* Next up, Cemyth. *hides from Desbreko* It's coming, it's coming, I swear it is, Des! :)
  18. For that you'll need the flippers, which is...um...*blinks* Well, the way each Zelda game is set up, you get the items you need to proceed. Therefore, you don't really need to be going through the Signpost Maze just yet. The "treasure" at the end of the Maze you actually only use twice--both being set times (anotherwords, it won't work until the game will let it). Confused? Oops. Well, the Dungeon that has the flippers is the Dungeon behind the waterfall, which is a partial water Dungeon. As I recall, you won't be able to explore all of the Dungeon and get to the boss until you get the flippers; there's just enough shallow water to get you [i]to[/i] the flippers. *sees she's being more confusing* Heh, stopping now. ^^;
  19. Looky! Zeltinc!! (Confused? It's Zell Dinct as an Aeon from [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=23032]Final Fantastic Survivor[/url].) [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/Survivor/zeltinc.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/Survivor/zeltinc.jpg[/url] I didn't plan for the black stripes on his back, but they made him look a lot better. Whatcha think, girl (and the rest of you, too)?
  20. If I recall correctly, you will need the Hookshot to get across. :)
  21. Um, what's Mario doing? Desbreko145: Wigglying his tail. Oh...my...heh. I'm sorry, I just spent a lot of time at Videogame Recaps, so...oh dear. Oh dear me. *bursts into laughter* Shake that groove thing, Mario! *gets serious for a moment, pulls out librarian glasses* There is some white edging on Bowser's arm against the black, but the image looks nice. *back to laughing* I like it, I like it! GLEE! Oh man, Des corruption reaches new high. ^_^
  22. Hmmm, that was a few years ago, which means, in e-terms, back at the beginning of Time, heh. I remember sending Adam some fanart. He somehow asked if I wanted to be the webmistress for Digimon. I said, sure, why not, and he encouraged me to post on OB to be in tune with the Digimon fans. So I'm betting it was somewhere in the Digimon forum. Now I [i]know[/i] the first time I posted on this version of the Boards, it was something along the lines of "Go Adam! *inhales the scent of new messageboards*." Heh. That was a little over 2 years ago? *checks background* Yups, that one post was August 12, 2001. *grin* But my exact date for my very first post...*shrug* I know my name was DigimonEmpress. That's about it.
  23. Sheesh, accidentally leave an extra "l" in and you never hear the end of it. :p Cel shading is what everyone else said, though. And yes, the coloring is simply excellent. For an example of what is [i]not[/i] cel shaded in your image, look at the shadows of the floor. Blurred. Not sharp at all. As for me, cel shading and I do not get along. I get this inate urge to just blur the edges, because my attempts always look far too blocky. Heh. Again, that image rocketh. I'm keeping that one.
  24. It's been done, trust me--and not with pretty results. ;)
  25. *stares and blinks in awe* Copied? Really? [i]Daaaaaang.[/i] Regardless, I am way too freaking jealous of your ability to capture the cell shaded look. *drools* I am strangely captivated by the creepy awesomeness of it all. I...*more gush gush* Dang. Dang dang dang. Frekking [i]awesome[/i] job. *scaredy-loves the lack of eyeballs on some of the characters*
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