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Everything posted by GinnyLyn

  1. OOOOO, Sage, you came very close, but...13/15. And very nice job on getting names, everyone, but #7 is actually "Catcher" and #13 is "Beast Master". And you're missing a few on the characters I left out--but you are so very very close! C'mon, Sage, or anyone! PS-The images came out of my players guides'. That's why I get players guides--not for the walkthroughs, but for the secret stuff and for the character/weapon images. ^_^
  2. OoC: So the final challenge is based on all the games, not just FFX? But..wait..we're in Spira, and...but...eee...wha? *looks dizzy* I also have had very little luck finding the older survivors to come back :( (except for Domon--he can't wait to post! :)). ~~~~~~~~ [color=orangered]"Whoooooaaa....."[/color] Zell gazed at the Djose Temple in awe. [color=teal]"I concur..."[/color] Cecil replied, equally speechless. Auron snorted in amusement. [color=crimson]"Cecil's using big words. I'm amazed."[/color] Cecil didn't quite hear him. [color=orangered]"Hmm?"[/color] Auron shook his head. This was his third time to the Djose Temple, so his amazement was rather subdued with age. In front of him, the Temple's outer surface had already broken open from the rocks lodged in the canyon. The broken pieces now hovered about the inner surface, held in the air by static lightning. [color=orangered]"Ooooo..."[/color] [color=teal]"Ahhhh...."[/color] /_¬ [color=crimson]"Gawww....."[/color] He tapped Cecil and Zell on their shoulders. [color=crimson]"Let's go."[/color] Freya nodded politely to them as the trio stepped into the front room of the Temple. Around them, the Hymn of the Fayth filled the air. Zell remembered it from the Besaid Temple, recalled Valefor's fayth. [color=orangered]"Hey, Freya?"[/color] "Zell?" [color=orangered]"Has anything strange been going on here?"[/color] Freya's eyes widened beneath the wide brim of her hat, and she looked at Zell. "What do you mean?" [color=teal]"We were at both Besaid and Kilika earlier today, and at both Temples, somebody was trying to hurt Valefor and Ifrit. How is..."[/color] He looked to Auron. [color=crimson]"Ixion,"[/color] the Crimson Warrior supplied. [color=teal]"Right. How's Ixion?"[/color] "I have not seen it yet." [color=teal]"So that means whoever has been causing problems isn't here yet. Good, that still gives us time."[/color] Freya looked from one Survivor to the next. "What are you talking about?" Zell explained and Freya nodded thoughtfully. "In that case, perhaps we should set up a defense in the Temple, to deflect our enemy." [color=teal]"But what if the enemy's gone to another Temple?"[/color] [color=crimson]"He won't. He's been following the Temples in linear formation. He would have to come to Djose next."[/color] [color=orangered]"So how shall we do this?"[/color] Freya spoke up quickly. "Let Zell come with me. Since I'm long range and he's short, we should be able to protect the Fayth's room. Cecil, Auron, you should do perimeter patrol. The enemy shouldn't be able to make it past you two, but if he does, give a holler." [color=orangered]"Sounds good to me!"[/color] Zell turned to the other two for their agreement. Auron's face was unreadable, Cecil had his eyebrows knotted. [color=orangered]"What?"[/color] [color=crimson]"Nothing. Go ahead and go."[/color] [color=orangered]"OK!"[/color] Zell pumped his arms in the air. [color=orangered]"Let's go, Freya!"[/color] The Dragon Knight nodded, and the pair walked deeper into the Temple. Auron waited until they were out of sight then turned to Cecil. [color=crimson]"That's not Freya."[/color] Zell was so excited about being part of a plan that he did not notice Freya had fallen behind. The Cloister of Trials was a little dark, lit only by faint static electricity. Zell looked around, taking in the sight, then spotted a dark bundle nearly hidden in an unlit corner. [color=orangered]"Hey, what's that?"[/color] He peered, then walked to it and knelt down. It was Freya. She was bound tightly and, judging by the swell on her head, not likely to wake up any time soon. [color=orangered]"What the--Freya? How did you get here so fast?"[/color] Zell started to panic a little. [color=orangered]"Does this mean that the enemy's already here?"[/color] "Well, the myths about blondes [i]aren't[/i] true," Freya's voice, slightly warped, echoed behind him. Zell's neck hairs prickled in terror and he felt a cold blade press against the front of his neck. The fake Freya had stepped up behind him and caught him by surprise. It sneered at him, was now part Freya, part heavily clothed man, and part...pixie? "Hello, King Zell. Remember me?" [color=orangered]"Oh great...why does stuff always have to make sense right before I get my butt kicked?"[/color] [color=teal]"Yes, I got that sense as well. But you have proof?"[/color] Auron pushed his shades up his nose and leaned on his sword. [color=crimson]"How much did you know about the Aeons in this world before you came to it?"[/color] Cecil shrugged. [color=teal]"I knew they were like my world's Summon Monsters. That's about it."[/color] [color=crimson]"Many people from my world don't know about the finer details of the Aeons. And very rarely do they actually get a chance to see the Aeons in their own Temple. So what are the chances that an outsider would see Ixion, much less know about the Fayth room?"[/color] Cecil's eyes widened. [color=teal]"You're right. Freya had first said, 'I have not seen it yet.'"[/color] [color=crimson]"[i]Yet,[/i]"[/color] Auron emphasized. [color=crimson]"As if she had expected to..."[/color] [color=teal]"And Zell never said anything about the Fayth room in his explanation, yet Freya knew about it."[/color] Cecil looked grim. [color=teal]"Looks like our enemy beat us here already."[/color] And from inside, they heard Zell scream. ~~~~~~~~ OoC: I need to know, you all--do we just want to quit the Temple hopping and go to the Final Challenge? I can't write all of this by myself, you know...:toothy:
  3. 12/15. Keep trying. Oh, don't forget--you need to mention the characters I left out. And yes, one of the weapons [i]is[/i] a trick question.
  4. Character Tally (if all are accepted): FF7: 2 (Yuffie, Sephiroth) FF8: 4 (Squall, Irvine, Rinoa, Zell) FF9: N/A (what, y'all don't like FF9 or something? ^^) FFX: 2 (Auron, Tidus) X-2: 1 (Sano) TOTAL 9--we need 7 more people!
  5. Oh, you don't [i]have[/i] to name the weapons. Whoops! :bluesweat A good start, but not enough...
  6. Name: Auron Age: 35 Height: 6' Weapon: two handed swords--in particular, Masamune [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/Survivor/masamune.jpg[/img] Bio: Legendary Guardian to the High Summoner Braska years ago, Auron has seen it all. Though he is usually quiet, he speaks with authority and wisdom--however untactful it may seem at times. His sword is as strong and sharp as the bitter memories of his past that haunt his soul. [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/auron_sword.jpg[/img]
  7. I'm confused--did sweetreyes get ang3l5rul3' question right? I'm going to go ahead and answer sweetreyes', so the quiz can get moving again. [b]A.:[/b] Angelo-Watts has this one. Quezacotl-Mayor of Fisherman's Horizon has this one. Diablos-you must defeat Diablos to get the card. Alexander-Piet has this one. Zell-Zell's mom has this one. Aww... Squall-Laguna has this card. [b]Q.:[/b] Name the owner of each weapon and what game the weapon is from. You should notice a pattern of which games I used, so after identifying the weapons' owners, tell me which characters I left out from each game. (Major major bonus if you can name all the weapons, too, but then there are a few I'm not really certain on, so :p.) [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/ffquiz.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/ffquiz.jpg[/url]
  8. COLOR! *blows own Caps Lock key up again, and fights to keep this from a one word post* I especially like how Moomba Tidus came out. It's a tad bit hard (just a [i]tad[/i]) to make out the details, since pencil runs together, which is why I suggest color. ^_~ I need to get going on mine again. :shifty: :D
  9. LOVE IT! It looks as if Gir is just hanging on--I can see a little off white-gray space between his lower half and Piro's hair, but eh. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT! *kills Caps Lock button*
  10. *gape* What do I think? Exceptionally creative. *gapes more*
  11. If only they would give us more confirmations...:rolleyes: Theories are nice, but I prefer strong, from the home company proof. :bluesweat
  12. Here's the [spoiler]FFX[/spoiler] fanfic I've been working on, on and off. Since I haven't gotten any replies on any of my written stuff, I need to know now if it's worth writing more, or just quitting. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Chapter One: Bevelle Temple[/b] (Music: ?To Zanarkand Once Again?, Fan Remix) (note?needs major reworking) Thirteen year old Braska was following his fellow classmates back into the Temple of Bevelle when he overheard the elder men speaking. ?Just curled up?won?t respond?like he?s dead?? Braska chanced a glance at his retreating class, decided that he should visit whoever this was. ?Excuse me,? he spoke up, approaching the elders and a warrior monk. ?Hello, Braska,? one elder nodded. ?What brings you here?? ?I wanted to see who you were speaking of.? ?This small bundle of misery,? the warrior monk said gruffly. He pointed to the child, who was hugging his knees tightly, his dark head of hair bowed, pressed into them. His back shook silently, and Braska recognized the signs of absolute grief. ?What happened?? ?Sin,? the monk answered grimly. ?This one was found at the edge of the battle, screaming for his mother.? The first elder that spoke pulled both Braska and the monk to one side. ?Show some pity,? he reprimanded the monk. ?That child had to watch his mother die.? ?She?s dead??? Braska asked softly. ?Does he?? Braska looked to the hunched figure, (so small, so alone). He was wearing a far too large shirt that was obviously meant for an adult, tied around the neck with a scarf to keep the shirt from sliding off. It only made the child's smallness, loneliness more painfully clear. ?Does he have anyone else?? ?If he did, no one has claimed him,? the warrior monk grouched. ?What is your problem with him?? Braska suddenly shot back. The monk looked surprised, and even the elders looked at Braska with open mouths. ?That child over there?he has a name, and I?ll bet you don?t even know it!?he has just suffered what we in Bevelle and all over Spira are striving, training so hard to prevent. Yet what do we do when we find those like us lost in sorrow? We simply let them drown, as if they mean nothing!? Angrily, Braska stalked away from the stunned elders and monk and approached the small boy. ?Such spirit,? one of the elders whispered. ?He?s also correct,? the other responded, glaring at the monk, who looked shamefaced. ?We did not approach this situation properly.? ?Shall we now?? ?First, let us see how young Braska handles the child. Then we shall speak.? Braska knelt on the marble floor of the Temple, next to the huddled child. He watched his own reflection for a moment, then turned to the other. ?Hello.? The other said nothing, save for a quiet sniffle. Undeterred, Braska extended a hand, smiling. ?I?m Braska, who are you?? No response. Braska held his hand out for a moment longer, then slowly dropped it. He sighed, trailed a finger on the floor, and then stood up. He had just turned to walk back to the elders and the monk when: ?Auron.? ?Excuse me?? ?My?my name,? the child whispered, his head pulled back from his knees slightly, but not up yet. ?It?s Auron.? [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/youngauron.jpg[/img] Pleased that he was able to reach Auron, Braska immediately sat down again. ?So, Auron, what brings you to Bevelle?? The face that turned to look at him tore Braska?s heart and made him sorry for being so jovial. Russet eyes gazed at him, tinged with red, dark lashes stuck together in jagged clumps from sobbing. Dirt was smudged in uneven layers across his face, some washed away by the trails of tears that had run down his cheeks (some very recent, as in evidence from the small puddle on the floor). A small cut, just below his scalp, trickled blood that ran down his forehead and across his right eye. His raven hair jutted out just as sporadically as his lashes, damp from sweat. ?I?I dunno?Mother knows?where?s Mother?? Innocent question, simple, left hanging in the air. Auron stared at Braska, who could only return the gaze, afraid to speak. ?Braska, where?s my mother?? ?I?I don?t know, Auron.? ?The monster?? Braska looked to the elders and the monk frantically. He didn?t know what to say, afraid of false hope or harsh truth. Noticing his look, the trio joined them. ?Yes, young Braska?? one elder asked. ?Auron wants to know what happened to his mother.? ?Auron?? Braska indicated the small boy beside him. The elders smiled at each other. ?He got his name.? ?Very good!? ?Enough patting on the backs, you two,? the monk groused. He knelt down, his breath smelled of alcohol, his body of sweat and death. Auron hated him instantly. ?Look, kid, your mom, well?remember the monster?? Auron didn?t look at him. ?She?s dead, all right? SinSpawn got her.? ?Sir!? Braska cried out, pointing to the monk and looking to the elders pleadingly. ?How dare you, man!? one elder cried out as well. ?I shall have to speak to one of the priests about you,? the other glowered darkly. ?I?d prepare my resumé if I were you, you heartless son of a *****.? He started to roughly escort the offending monk away. The remaining elder turned to Braska. ?Come, let me take Auron now.? ?No,? Braska said quietly, equally as shocked as the elder for his unexpected defiance. ?Let me speak with him, at least for a little longer. Please,? he begged, ?he responds to me.? The elder nodded. ?I will be just down the hall if you need me.? He nodded kindly to Auron. ?My sorrow and my welcome are yours, young Auron. Welcome to Bevelle, though I wish it had been under better circumstances.? He left. Braska watched the elder walk away until he was gone from sight, then looked at Auron. He was startled to find that Auron had sat stone faced, gazing at the reflection that brooded back up at him from the floor. ?I?I?m sorry, Auron, you weren?t supposed to find out that way?? ?I think I knew.? The response was void of emotion. ?My deepest sympathy.? Auron nodded, still staring at his reflection; he touched the cut on his head, stared at the blood that stained his fingers in dull shock. ?What are you going to do now, Auron?? ?I don?t know.? They sat together in silence. Auron spoke up in a tone that belied his nervous obedience. ?Who was that man that was taken away?? ?I don?t know his name, and even if I did?? Braska?s eyebrows pressed together and he shook his head angrily. ?Not his name?what was he?? ?You mean his job? A warrior monk.? ?Really? I know about warrior monks,? Auron responded, almost shyly. ?Back home, my mother told me stories about the monks?I?liked hearing about them.? Yearning to keep Auron happy in the moment, Braska gently pressed the child onward. ?Would you like to become a warrior monk?? ?I would do a better job than that man.? Braska laughed gently. ?Yes, you would. You would be much kinder to others, I?m sure.? And just for a moment, there was a genuine spark of gratitude and love in Auron?s eyes, the first since the attack. ?Do they fight Sin?? ?Well, they could, but it?s not their official job. More like they protect us from Sin,? Braska responded. ?I want to fight Sin,? the child answered determinedly. ?I want to stop it from ever hurting anyone ever again.? ?In that case, you might want to be a Guardian some day.? ?A Guardian?? Braska nodded. ?To guard the summoners that would help calm Sin.? He pretended to study Auron very hard. ?But you must be strong, a good fighter, no, the best fighter, if you want to guard summoners. ?I used to practice sometimes with an old katana at home.? Braska looked around, found an old abandoned mop handle lying against a pillar, forgotten by the janitor, obviously. He pointed to it. ?Show me.? Auron stood up, Braska seeing his whole body unwound for the first time. He walked resolutely to the handle, picked it up with some ease. A few practice swings, and indeed, Braska could see a hint of talent. ?Impressive,? he answered. Auron beamed shyly. ?If I become a Guardian,? he asked slowly, quietly, ?would you?would you be my summoner?? Braska was startled, looked sad. ?I?ve thought about it a few times. Being a summoner, I mean. I just?I don?t know.? He sighed sadly. ?The duty of a Guardian is to protect his summoner at all costs, even?of his life.? Braska looked at Auron. ?I just don?t think I would want to risk that, or ask that of anyone, even you.? ?But that?s the job of a Guardian?? Auron said. ?You seem determined.? Braska smiled. ?Try it. See if you like it.? He stood up to stretch. ?I think that you would make a great Guardian. Whoever gets you will be blessed by Yevon indeed.? ?Yevon?? It was a slightly foreign word to Auron; his family only occasionally dabbled in the Yevon faith. They knew of Yevon, but that was about it. ?My class!? Braska gasped. ?I forgot completely about it!? He glanced about to get his bearings, then prepared to go. He was stopped by Auron?s small hand on his sleeve. ?Don?t go?? ?Auron, I need to. It?s part of my training.? ?But what will happen to me?? What indeed? Braska had only wanted to comfort the child; now he was more involved than he had bargained for. ?We will take you to the elder down the hall, and he should be able to help you from there.? At the office, Auron sat down with the elder. He turned to watch Braska leave, his face troubled. ?Braska, will I see you again?? ?If you both train here at Bevelle, then most assuredly you will,? the elder answered. ?So there is no need to worry, young Auron. Now, young Braska, you need to go. Take this note so that Elder Maikar will not count your absence against you.? ?Thank you, Elder Somas.? Braska made an unusual bow, then smiled. ?Goodbye Auron.? ?Goodbye Braska.? Auron gazed after Braska, then bounced out of his chair. ?Braska, wait, please!? ?Auron?? ?Thanks for talking to me. And?yes. Um, Braska? I think you should be a summoner. You will bless the Guardian that you will go with.? Braska gazed curiously at the child, who couldn?t have been more than 8 or 9 years old. ?Yes. Thank you, Auron.? And he turned to walk to his class.
  13. Gaw, I'm beyond impressed. This is pro stuff. *twiddles fingers* Um...well phooey. I got a rep to live up to now. ^^;;;
  14. As always, my dear Sage, you simply astound me with your creativity--you're making me green over here! And I think your random patterns work very well. Who needs realism when it looks attractive? Color. Now. ^_~
  15. I thought that at first, too, Sage, but he has a lot of layers on, which is probably making the body look disproportional. The shoulder plate is purposefully big to make room for the wings. I guess his legs could be thicker, but...heh. :rolleyes: You're still showing me up, quantity wise. :bawl:
  16. A new Deschu plush pic! [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=432786[/img] Desbreko might not get this joke. I modeled this new one after a character in [url=http://www.aliendice.com/d/20020430.html]Alice Dice [/url] that Des reminds me of--Riley, the blonde Littan. Littans are aliens who are [i]not[/i] vampires--they simply have canine teeth in place of molars. Plus, once they kiss someone, that person is under their control forever. Riley is an interesting character--he likes to tease, "flirt", and corrupt. He's also super strong, so he's not someone to mess with.
  17. OoC: I, um, actually don't know what kind of magic Zell knows, if any. :bluesweat ~~~~~~~ Rikku shrieked as a Thundara hit her--she [i]hated[/i] lightning! But instead of the nervous little girl that hid back when she was little, she stood up and cast Blizzaga right back at the offending Thunder Flan. It melted with a satisfying gurgle. The leader of the heavily clothed men snarled, then waved his unusually large hands at the other five men. "Kad kuehk--fa ryja hu milg rana ([i]Get going--we have no luck here[/i])!" [color=green]"No!"[/color] Rikku understood and she was not about to let them run. She bolted past the Flans, being the agile little person that she was, and was heading toward the leader when he faced her and swung his arm in a wide arc, slapping her across the face. Crying out, she fell backwards among a close cluster of Flans. They blurbled eagerly, crawling over her, covering her, intending to smother her. Rikku screamed. [color=crimson]"R[/color][color=teal]i[/color][color=orangered]k[/color][color=crimson]k[/color][color=teal]u[/color][color=orangered]!"[/color] all three men yelled at once. Zell went ballistic, pounding at the Flans for all he was worth; they simply drew back in and gurgled again. He wasn't about to let that stop him and kept fighting. Cecil saw the strange men were trying to leave and swung his sword high. He Muted several more Flans (Ifrit covering his back by using Firaga) and grappled with one of them. [color=teal]"You can't smack me around--I'm not an unarmed girl!"[/color] Rikku protested beneath the Flan pile and one of the Flans melted unexpectely when she stabbed its underbelly, right near the vital organs. Rikku sat up and glared at Cecil. [color=green]"Number one, I'm [i]not[/i] unarmed--ever hear of the Godhand?"[/color] She held her massive metal glove up, making Zell a little jealous. [color=green]"Number two, if you are implying I am little, Cecil--!"[/color] [color=teal]"Well, I--"[/color] "Hmph!" The leader of the strange men thrust his large hands out, and more Flans appeared from nowhere. They slimed toward Rikku, and one of them, a Thunder Flan, sizzled with static in preparation for another thunderbolt. [color=green]"Yeek!"[/color] "Dryd femm daylr oui du ehdanvana fedr sa, meddma ihynsat kenm ([i]That will teach you to interfere with me, little unarmed girl[/i])," the leader snarled. "Nih, huf! E femm lydlr ib fedr oui ([i]Run, now! I will catch up with you[/i])." Seeing the men were leaving, Cecil swung the flat side of his blade against the man's head, intending to at least catch one person. Though it didn't hurt much due to his helmet, the leader still tottered and Cecil was quick to tie him up with extra ropes he had found lying around. [color=teal]"Dammit, Auron, where [i]are[/i] you--they are getting away!"[/color] [color=crimson]"Everyone, get [i]down![/i]"[/color] Auron's voice suddenly bellowed from nowhere. Rikku knew that tone and instinctively broke from her Flan prison, tugging at Zell and Cecil. The four (Cecil's captive included) shrunk into a corner of the fayth's room, leaving the Flans free to move around. They blurbled and hopped a bit, then fixated themselves on the lone target Auron. It was exactly what he wanted. [color=crimson]"Pray...[i]now![/i]"[/color] And with that contemptuous battle cry, he began to build wind up. Slightly limited in the room, he nonetheless swung in a few circles, building the tornado up. Flans gurbled and slimed about uncertainly, a few already being picked up by the strong winds. Auron threw the tornado directly at the fiends, successfully containing all the Flans. Ifrit roared earthily, making Auron hold on to his sake bottle and allowing the Aeon to provide the fire for the Tornado. All the Flans melted instantly. Meanwhile, the other five men used this distraction to escape. It took Cecil a moment to realize it, and swore heavily. [color=teal]"Auron, what are you [i]doing?![/i]"[/color] [color=crimson]"Cleaning house."[/color] [color=teal]"The other five men got away!"[/color] "All six, you mean," the leader spoke. [color=orangered]"You don't just talk Al Bhed?"[/color] Zell gaped. "I talk whatever I choose," the leader said. With that he melted and ran through Cecil's hands, then reformed as Cecil himself. "Whatever may get the job done." [color=green]"I [i]told[/i] you they weren't Al Bhed!"[/color] "I am not, that much is true," the fake Cecil smiled. [color=green]"What?"[/color] Fake Cecil melted and slimed across the floor, toward the exit. Ifrit bellowed, and Zell nodded. [color=orangered]"Stop him--he's still got a lot to answer for!"[/color] [color=teal]"Auron, get him--don't screw up this time, old man!"[/color] [color=crimson]"I don't 'screw up',"[/color] Auron replied. "And stop calling me old man," Auron added. [color=orangered]"Wha-oh..."[/color] Zell blinked and rubbed his eyes. [color=orangered]"Did anyone else forget to watch which one was which?"[/color] [color=green]"I always know who Aurie is!"[/color] Rikku chirped, bouncing in place. [color=green]"He's...he's...um..."[/color] She bit her lip and looked between them. [color=green]"He's...oh [i]tysh ed[/i]!"[/color] [color=crimson]"Rikku!"[/color] grated Auron. "Watch your mouth!" Auron added. Cecil stared hard, trying to find the twin, but he was having difficulty...until the small halo glinted at him from above one of the Auron's heads. He nodded slightly at Cecil. [color=teal]"Ifrit, get him!"[/color] Cecil yelled, pointing at the imposter. With a grimace, the fake Auron turned on the real one and slashed at him with the Masamune, instantly killing him. Auron's body crumpled to the ground. Before he could get away, the imposter's body did like wise, as Ifrit struck at him repeatedly. The fake Auron gurgled angrily, melted, and the form slithered through Ifrit's claws. The Aeon struck at him, but the form melted into the cracks. They couldn't reach him now. [color=green]"AURON!"[/color] Rikku screamed in hysterics. [color=crimson]"Keep it down,"[/color] he grumbled back, massaging his head. [color=orangered]"Hold on just a moment!"[/color] Zell yelped, trying to make sense of it all. [color=orangered]"You're dead...um...right?"[/color] Auron smirked as he forced himself upright again. [color=crimson]"Have you ever heard of AutoLife?"[/color] Cecil blinked. [color=teal]"[i]That's[/i] the thing I saw about your head!"[/color] [color=crimson]"A safety net,"[/color] Auron nodded. He winced, massaged his head again. [color=crimson]"Forgot how strong I was."[/color] Cecil smiled knowingly. Rikku just look plain relieved (and a little peeved). Zell was patting the fire Aeon gingerly on his fiery shoulder. [color=orangered]"So what do we do now?"[/color] [color=teal]"I vote we keep moving. If that...whateveritwas...was so intent on getting Ifrit, it might try to get some of the other Summon Monsters."[/color] [color=crimson]"I agree. The next stop is Djose Temple, then."[/color] [color=green]"You're [i]leaving[/i] me here?"[/color] Rikku squeaked. Zell shrugged. [color=orangered]"Gotta."[/color] Rikku pouted, then hugged each Survivor. She paused at Zell, looked at all of them. [color=green]"Promise to come back to visit me, ok?"[/color] [color=orangered]"We promise,"[/color] Zell winked. EDIT OoC: All right, where IS everyone? I can't keep double posting--as much as I want to to keep FF:S going, it's still breaking the rules.
  18. Here we go: Phoenix Paladin Auron. [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/phoenixpaladin.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/phoenixpaladin.jpg[/url] I had to do this image in four seperate scans, because the original is 2' in height and 1' wide. O_o; (The dark area is one full scan, so that should give you an idea.) Also, I had to completely redo his head, which is why there is that fuzzy torn edge looking area around it. There's a lot of details that went into this (this sketch took me 3 full hours to do!!!), but my favorite is the sword--Phoenix Paladin has seven wings--6 of which comprise the Fayth Seekers. The final one actually merges with the Masamune to become Auron's holy weapon (instead of Excalibur, like I originally said). Name is still debatable, but I've come up with the following so far: Magnamune MagnaMasamune Excalimune I'm open to other suggestions, too. I need to ink this one and finish inking Tamer Auron and get both computer colored! ^_^; *has so much to do*
  19. I always like your unique ideas, Sage! ^_^ (I especially like Popstar!) It's not easy to draw the characters in new outfits and make them look the same, but you did quite well! Everyone's seen [b]Black Mage Auron[/b] by now, but the three I am working on at the moment are: [b]Tamer:[/b] with griffon/gryphon Aravis [b]Mascot:[/b] I turned him into a Flan, and there's an impossibly long ling of reasoning behind that, besides the fact that I like the "teeth" that Flans have and it suits him (since Tonberry was already taken). ^^; [b]Phoenix Paladin:[/b] Auron's special. I have to get my minisketches together and post them like Sage did in this thread. Other Spheres in workds: BandMan-Auron version of Songstress/PopStar; he gets to be a drummer Beserker-mixture of Behemoth and Dual Horn hides White Mage-like Braska, except whiter Dark Gunner-mixture of Auron, Vincent, and Squall Gunner-probably Auron without his coat, a few Gunner details tossed on Samurai-normal Auron Ones I have no ideas for yet: Item Shooter Gambler Dark Knight Sage, I want to see your idea for Tidus' special!
  20. Let's see, crushes...crushes...cute, whisper-sweet-little-nothings crushes. ^^;;;; That would include: [b]Mitch, Shaun, Desbreko, and Sage.[/b] (The rest of you are my fanboys. ^_~) Ah yes, [b]Adam[/b] forever. Gah, Adam, you left me and broke my heart. ;_; Heh, kidding! (He really [i]is[/i] a nice guy, though.)
  21. [url]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/thumbnail.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/sinscale.jpg[/url] (full story panel) Because of the nature of the pic (character being partially bare), I've decided not to img link it. Yups, another Auron pic. (I'll never stop! :D) This is still in prep for my prequel fic I am working on. I decided to put a few...not really illustrations...so much as mood images in with the text. Does that make sense? Anyways, this is one of the very last chapters. It's the morning of the big Blitzball game that Tidus goes to before FFX starts. I was trying to figure out how Auron would know [spoiler]Jecht was coming back for him and Tidus.[/spoiler] The scene is, Auron is getting dressed for the day, has just stepped out of the shower and is wringing his hair out (long ponytail, remember?), and he is about to spot the SinScale at the window. I suppose, for a proper panaramic feel, I should put the SinScale at the right end, and Auron on the left. So, Auron aside, is his muscles and all that ok?
  22. ~My vote~ [b]Shinobi:[/b] All around got it covered. Looks like this person can both draw AND CGI, a wonderful combo. ^_~ [b]PiroMunkie:[/b] He managed to nudge Psychotik out of the way for the final running with his unique stuff. (Sorry, Psychotik.) [b]Booboo:[/b] Excellent pencil artist. (Explore color!!!) [b]Juna:[/b] With a good grasp on both traditional and surreal, it would be a crime to leave her out. [b]Hataki Vash:[/b] A tough choice on the last person (many were banners), but Hataki gets my vote. Potential Up and Comers: Psychotik (good CGIing), Krillen, Dark_Apocalyps, Dan Rugh.
  23. Thanks everyone! (And SAGE--! *admits she thought that at one point, too* Great, now Sage's being a Ginny corrupter. I prolly should have put the Deschu plushie on my shin.) Yeah, I've gotten my hair cut about shoulder length, and the night before, for the first time ever, I dyed my hair--it's a golden honey brown color now. ^^; *waits for Des to inspire her more*
  24. I don't know about Paine yet, so don't you DARE spoil it, heh, but I know about Lenne and Tidus--and I think, Sage, you might want to spoiler that part about Tidus [color=red][b]*MAJOR SPOILER*[/b][/color][spoiler]being a lookalike, and not Tidus at all[/spoiler][color=red][b]*/MAJOR SPOILER*[/b][/color]. I was told first week of Nov here and they are starting to take reservations, so....*giggles and squeals with happy glee* Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait! This will be one of the first times I'll actually like playing a Class game. ^^ *hasn't played FF5 yet*
  25. Sage: Heh, I knew you didn't want me to reuse any characters (thus Nanaki instead of RedXiii), but I completely forgot about Umaro! :bluesweat sweetreyes: good JOB! I'm impressed! I thought that would have been a hard question. But um, I think Sage is right...do you mean FF8 for your question, because I don't recall any Queen of Cards in 7.
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