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Everything posted by GinnyLyn

  1. "CHIBIFY!" heh, the eyes, o [i]word[/i], the eyes...*is mesmerized*
  2. [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/deschu.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/deschu.jpg[/url] Lots of inside joking in there, including (but probably not limited to): Auron Plushie, RAICHU!, Des the Leg Clinger, Des the Ginny Corrupter, Des the Plushie Corrupter (remember the Poliwrath/Auron incident, Des? *growls teasingly*), Des the LoZ Lord. It was a 1o minute sketch, so yeah, looks warped, but heh, it was all in fun for my Desbreko! ^_^
  3. Well, you're in luck, guys. I've been working on Auron's new few, ah, "dresses" already. Tamer you've seen, and I've got to pc color it now. Aravis, too. I've already got a final dress for Auron, called the Phoenix Paladin, with Left Fayth Seeker and Right Fayth Seeker. As soon as I get a decent pic scanned, I can put it up. Basically, if you've seen Seraphimon, you already have a slight idea of what Phoenix Paladin is like. Like the name implies, lots of holy type stuff and he'll have seven wings (two of those being the Fayth Seekers, and one being his sword, the "Excalimune" (tentative title). His sword merges with Exaclibur to undergo its own holy transformation.). *prattles on a few more minutes, then smiles softly* Sincere thanks, guys, I needed that. A lot.
  4. Auron :love: /Aeris/Amarant Barret Cloud/Cid/Cid/Cid/Cid etc ^_^/Cait Sith/Cyan/Celes/Cecil Dagger (aka Garnet) Edgar/Eiko/Edward/Edge Firion/Freya Gus/Gau H--escapes Ginny's knowledge Irvine J--escapes Ginny's knowledge Kimahri/Kain Lulu/Leon/Locke/Laguna Maria/Mog Nanaki (aka Red Xiii) O--escapes Ginny's knowledge Palom/Porom Quina/Quistis Rikku/Relm/Rinoa/Rydia/Rosa Sabin/Setzer/Strago/Shadow/Steiner/Squall/Selphie Tidus/Tifa/Terra/Tellah U--escapes Ginny's knowledge Vincent/Vivi Wakka X--escapes Ginny's knowledge Yuna/Yuffie/Yang Zidane/Zell The five rogue letters are H, J, O, U, and X, to my knowledge. [b]Q.[/b] A voice actor from (English Version) FFX also had a chance to play a character in [i]Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within[/i]. Name the actor and the character s/he played in both game and movie.
  5. sweetreyes, you started well, but didn't quite finish. =) When fighting Lost Number, if the purple side dies first, the red side uses strong magic. If the red side dies first, the purple side will beat on you with physical attacks. So the side you kill first will determine what side you take on next...if that makes sense. :bluesweat As for sweetreyes' I believe you are referring to Ozma, who hangs out at the floating Chocobo Sky Garden (not Chocobo Paradise, but the floating island). Sticking with FF7 for the moment: Each character has a weapon that has no slots whatsoever for Materia. Name the weapon for each character.
  6. I thought Fado played a violin and Makar played a cello? I'll go ahead and use JJRiddler's question as my own (slightly modified), then, if I am right. What are the twelve Ocarina songs and what do they do? (I guess Bonus for who teaches you the songs.)
  7. Oops, sorry, that [i]is[/i] an FFX question. And I'll quit for a bit after y'all answer this one. ^_~ Heh, again, sorry for the confusion.
  8. I applaud Justin for pointing out that Christianity is not a religion, it's a lifestyle. Now, lately, it's very prominent that people welcome other people who have found their lifestyle. And usually, it's welcomed with open arms (the (bad phrase) "coming out" threads). I believe that it truly is something to come out and say, "Hey, I'm a Christian." It's all about standing up for what you believe in--and what hurts in this online community sometimes is that we, who are still faulty humans, are not accepting of others' lifestyles. I've done it, you've done it--don't deny it. I'm not saying that you have to say my lifestyle is right--I'm just saying accept it as a part of who I am. As far as my God goes (and God forbid this should turn into yet another religion flame war, that would just be immature), the exposure I've had to other religions has yet to see god(s) that love their people. Yes, there's the point of, "Well, as long as you listen to what you are being fed, He loves you." In case you haven't noticed, you're always doing something that someone else is telling you to do--society dictates, science dictates, philosophy dictates, etc. I do what my God tells me because I have faith that defies human brains to have this faith--I don't make it on my own. But as far as using her Christianity to back out is wrong. Christianity (or any other lifestyle) is NOT a crutch, and should not be treated as such. If that is what she is doing, then, like Justin said, she hasn't experienced much of it at all. EDIT: Where the hell are you getting this sheep raping nonsense? Just because she screwed you over doesn't mean that Christianity is the be all end all screw over something or other. (Weak, heh!)
  9. *bouncy bouncy bounce!* Auron :love: is automatically prepped with Power Break, his first Skill ability. *loves the rash of FFX questions--grin* [b]Q.[/b] Usually there are only two outcomes to a boss fight in any Final Fantasy game--win or die. What boss fight actually has [i]four[/i] ways to end the fight, and what are those four ways?
  10. OoC: Oh thankyouthankyouthankyou for posting, BB! WayOoC: AIR BAND! Heh... ~~~~~~~~ Auron chuckled mentally, and without humor. He was already aware of the "shortcut" kept at Bevelle, but to have one at Kilika as well? His opinion of Yevon was made ever firmer by this most recent discovery. [color=green]"I can't [i]see[/i] anything..."[/color] Rikku whimpered. She clung to Zell, peering around her into the darkness. A tremendous roar and a burst of flame from nearby lit their way. Cecil nodded everyone toward the flame and the group moved cautiously. [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/Survivor/flan.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/Survivor/flan.jpg[/url] Ifrit bellowed, swung his massive claws at the intruders. They only leapt back, directing the Flan fiends at the Aeon. Each time Ifrit hit one with his ebony claws, the Flan would bunch down, allowing its gel-like form to absorb the hit easily. It would then spring back up and cast a magic spell on Ifrit, not enough to seriously hurt him, but enough to keep him fighting. To keep him in the temple. Ifrit slashed at a yellow green Thunder Flan, knowing full well it would just bunch down like the rest. It did and countered with Thundara, causing Ifrit to bellow again in pain. The fire Aeon cast Firaga, which served two purposes--to heal himself, and to damage those around him. Occasionally, a Flan would be too close and melt, but most stood their distance, or were called back in time by the heavily clothed men. In order to keep from damaging the Temple too much, Ifrit would direct his Firaga in a column, reducing his ability to hit the Flans and men around him, but intensifying his own healing and--hopefully--sending a signal to someone. He wouldn't be able to keep this up much longer. "Ruf silr muhkan tu fa gaab drec ib? ([i]How much longer do we keep this up?[/i])" one heavily clothed man asked. He, like all the others, was covered head to foot in large sleeves and slacks, some large sort of diving or gas mask with holes for the eyes on his head. His feet were covered in high boots, his hands by thick gloves. "Ihdem fa lyh tnyk Ifrit yfyo ([i]Until we can drag Ifrit away[/i])," replied his neighbor, obviously the leader of the group by the way his clothing was more decorated than the others. [color=green]"HEY!"[/color] The men (half a dozen in all) stopped and turned at the voice. The Flans blurbled and turned as well, though one Flame Flan threw a Fire at Ifrit, accidentally healing it. The man nearest to it kicked it. "Cdub, oui cdibet fiend ([i]Stop, you stupid fiend[/i])!" he shouted at it. Rikku gasped, clearly shocked. [color=green]"They..they're speaking Al Bhed!"[/color] [color=crimson]"Rikku, what is the meaning of this?"[/color] Auron barked, perturbed. [color=green]"I-I don't know. Hey...fryd'c kuehk uh rana ([i]what's going on here[/i])?"[/color] "Fru ec cra ([i]Who is she[/i])?" "Yh esbucdan ([i]An imposter[/i])," the leader replied. He turned to Rikku, angry. "Fru yna oui? Fryd tu oui fyhd ([i]Who are you? What do you want[/i])?" [color=green]"Rao, E ycgat vencd ([i]Hey, I asked first[/i]),"[/color] Rikku shot back, sore about being scared by Ifrit, yelled at by Auron, and now being faced with Al Bheds trying to steal Ifrit. [color=green]"Ifrit tuach'd pamuhk du oui--huf mad res ku ([i]Ifrit doesn't belong to you--now let him go![/i])"[/color] [color=teal]"These are Al Bheds? Like Rikku?"[/color] Rikku turned on him, tears in her eyes. [color=green]"No, no, it's not like this! My people would never try to break into the Temples, much less steal the fayth from them! We respect Yevon's Temples! Ghulg ed uvv nekrd huf pavuna E damm Cid ([i]Knock it off right now before I tell Cid[/i])!"[/color] "Cid? Fru ec Cid ([i]Who is Cid[/i])?" Rikku gasped, then rubbed her eyes quickly, almost bouncing with joy. [color=green]"Guys, they aren't Al Bheds!"[/color] [color=orangered]"How do you know?"[/color] Rikku pouted at him. [color=green]"Weren't you listening to me?! Al Bheds would [i]never[/i] do something like this!"[/color] [color=crimson]"What about the summoners?"[/color] Auron pointed out. [color=green]"Auroooon! That's different!"[/color] Auron closed his eye in a teasing way, and Rikku pouted again. [color=green]"You're [i]mean![/i]"[/color] [color=crimson]"No, just observant."[/color] [color=teal]"Ah, hey, hello? Ifrit and the wobbly things and stuff? Can we get back to that now?"[/color] [color=green]"Right! They don't know who Cid is,"[/color] Rikku hissed under her breath to the survivors. [color=green]"[i]Every[/i] Al Bhed knows who Cid is! Therefore, they aren't Al Bhed!"[/color] [color=orangered]"But they know Al Bhed."[/color] Ifrit roared as the heavily clothed men began to throw heavy ropes around his arms and legs; the Flans were attacking in earnest now, but not all of them were lunging at Ifrit. Half were plopping their way toward the Survivors. [color=teal]"We've got coooompany..."[/color] [color=crimson]"Rikku, we'll talk more after we help Ifrit. Now let's go!"[/color] ~~~~~~~~ OoC: Flans include Aqua Flan (blue), Dark Flan (giant black), Flame Flan (red with yellow inside), Ice Flan (white blue), Snow Flan (medium blue), Thunder Flan (green yellow), and Water Flan (blue with red inside). I don't include Dark Flans in this post, because they are far too big to fit inside the Fayth room. The other Flans, however, only come up to knee to hip height, so :p.
  11. OoC: Just trying to help. ^_^ BTW, where [i]is[/i] everyone? I'm getting a little tired of being the only one posting here! (will edit this later as soon as she gets some inspiration for another story post)
  12. [b]A.[/b] King Zora from OoT, Lulu the lead IndiGoGo singer, the manager for the IndiGoGos (forgot his name), Zora Link (ha ha, can't trick Ginny! :p), and LaRuto from WW. [b]Q.[/b] (easy quesion, since Ginny is tired) Who are the three animal helpers in the Oracle games, what species are they, and what is their special ability?
  13. OoC: Yes, I know this is a double post, but we need to bring FF:S back to attention. Plus, this post wouldn't fit into my last one. ^^; OoC2: I know Des had some questions about the Aeons, so since Sage might too (BB, I believe you are familiar with FFX, yes?), here is a picturesque rundown of all eight. ~~~~~~~~~ [b]VALEFOR[/b] [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/Survivor/valefor.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/Survivor/valefor.jpg[/url] [b]Attribute/Element:[/b] It's all about Speed and Evading for her. Non Elemental [b]Temple:[/b] Besaid [b]Special Move:[/b] Sonic Wings--because it has a very short recovery time and delays the enemy, this move uses Valefor's speed well. [b]Overdrive:[/b] Energy Ray, Energy Blast Energy Ray--Valefor shoots a thin beam beneath her enemies, which takes a moment before it explodes. Energy Blast--Valefor gathers a large amount of energy, then hurls it in smaller bits at the enemy. [b]IFRIT[/b] [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/Survivor/ifrit.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/Survivor/ifrit.jpg[/url] [b]Attribute/Element:[/b] Strength. Fire [b]Temple:[/b] Kilika [b]Special Move:[/b] Meteor Strike--Ifrit calls up a fiery rock and punches it at the enemy. Effective against high-defense enemies. [b]Overdrive:[/b] Hellfire--Ifrit contains the enemy in a large ball of fire, then tears up a chunk of earth and hurls it at the fireball. [b]IXION[/b] [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/Survivor/ixion.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/Survivor/ixion.jpg[/url] [b]Attribute/Element:[/b] Defense. Lightning [b]Temple:[/b] Djose [b]Special Move:[/b] Aerospark--Ixion shoots several disks of non-elemental energy at an enemy, which not only do damage, but cancels any positive status effects the enemy may have. [b]Overdrive:[/b] Thor's Hammer--Ixion picks the enemy up in a ball of lightning, then causes the ball to explode. [b]SHIVA[/b] [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/Survivor/shiva.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/Survivor/shiva.jpg[/url] [b]Attribute/Element:[/b] Agile. Ice [b]Temple:[/b] Macalania [b]Special Move:[/b] Heavenly Strike--Shiva calls a block on ice down on an enemy, hurting it, slowing it down, and possibly scaring it. [b]Overdrive:[/b] Diamond Dust--Shiva covers everything in a large sheet of ice, then breaks it all with a snap of her fingers. [b]BAHAMUT[/b] [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/Survivor/bahamut.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/Survivor/bahamut.jpg[/url] [b]Attribute/Element:[/b] All around strong. Non-elemental [b]Temple:[/b] Bevelle [b]Special Move:[/b] Impulse--Bahamut throws four black balls of energy at the enemy. [b]Overdrive:[/b] Mega Flare--anchoring himself down, Bahamut charges up a massive ball of energy and "spits" it at the enemy, causing them to explode. [b]YOJIMBO[/b] [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/Survivor/yojimbo.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/Survivor/yojimbo.jpg[/url] [b]Attribute/Element:[/b] N/A. Non-elemental [b]Temple:[/b] [spoiler]Cavern of the Stolen Fayth in the Calm Lands[/spoiler] [b]Special Move:[/b] Daigoro, Kozuka, Wakizashi, Zanmato. Depending on how much you pay Yojimbo, he will attack with one of the four moves. [b]Overdrive:[/b] N/A. [b]ANIMA[/b] [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/Survivor/anima.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/Survivor/anima.jpg[/url] [b]Attribute/Element:[/b] All around strong. Non-elemental [b]Temple:[/b] [spoiler]Baaj Temple[/spoiler] [b]Special Move:[/b] Pain--Building up pain inside herself, Anima unleashes it on an enemy, usually causing instant death. This attack does take a while to recovery, though. [b]Overdrive:[/b] Oblivion--Anima causes the enemy to sink into the ground, where it can see Anima's [i]other[/i] chained half. The vicious creature breaks her chains and pummels the enemy, then conjures up a massive ball of enemy to explode. [b]THE MAGUS SISTERS[/b] (Cruddy image, sorry) [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/Survivor/magus_sis.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/Survivor/magus_sis.jpg[/url] [b]Attribute/Element:[/b] N/A, but because of having three at once and affection levels, they may or may not attack. Non-elemental [b]Temple:[/b] [spoiler]Remiem Temple in the Calm Lands[/spoiler] [b]Special Move:[/b] Camisade (Cindy (Mantis))--shoots blades of energy at enemy. Razzia (Sandy (Ladybug))--Sandy pounces on the enemy. Passado (Mindy (Wasp))--shoots 15 quick stingers at enemy. [b]Overdrive:[/b] Delta Attack--Incredibly powerful (and long) Overdrive that deals massive amounts of damage from each sister. Hope all this helps! Valefor you probably don't need to worry about, since we already went to Besaid, and we won't be going to Yojimbo's Temple, so no biggie there.
  14. [i][b][color=red]ENOUGH![/color][/b][/i] This thread is about all of FF7's plot holes and such, not just the WEAPONS. The (Sic) Shape, try not to sulk too much, and the rest of you, heh, well, as you can see, we all have deep theories, so unless someone can find [i]concrete proof[/i], let's all believe what we want, like (Sic) says. Question: The W-Item thing. Was that a purposeful mistake or was it a glitch?
  15. Razzamataz, it's actually the Luck sphere in Macalania, but I give it to you--oooh! You already asked a question, ok! ^_^ Yeah, what ang3l5rul3 said. It can be a mixture of any or all of the four abilities. go, ang3l5rul3. ^_^
  16. [b]A.[/b] Geosgaeno, that big fish thingy mabobber. (Can't get enough of FFX! ^^) [b]Q.[/b] Name the six items you need into order to open the door to Anima's fayth's room, and where you can get each item.
  17. The reason I think that is because the story of Link's Awakening was that he was taking a restful trip after his adventures from Link to the Past. (Restful, HAH! He got involved in an island's troubles!) Now, interestingly enough (if fuzzy memory serves--my Oracle games have been missing for some time now ;_;.), I think Link is actually riding Epona in the beginning sequence of the Oracle games--BUT he resembles the LttP/L'sA far more closely, what with the hair color and form. Again, if memory serves (though it tends not to), the Oracle games spoke of Link returning to Hyrule at the bidding of the Triforce (remember, he got the Triforce in its entirity at the end of LttP). So, there's my theory to connect those few games. Plus, just look at the Link art in the manuals for each of those games and compare it--the resemblance is unmistakable. |_^ *flops over from theorizing*
  18. [b]A.[/b] 40 Level 3 Spheres. [b]Q.[/b] In keeping with Demonolith, how much do you have to bribe it with in order to get the Spheres?
  19. [b]A.[/b] Like all of the FFX, characters, Rikku starts on an Empty Node, but already has access to the ability Steal. [b]Q.[/b] Rikku's Customize option allows you to upgrade armor and weapons by using items. What effect does 20 Remedys "unlock" on Armor?
  20. On the one hand, yes, on the other hand, no. Sephiroth was also a villian in Kingdom Hearts, but he wasn't mentioned. So were Wakka, Tidus, and Selphie. *tears hole in theory* ^.^;;; Somebody go find some substantial info on this--we're just a flock of crazed fans grasping at straws. ^^;
  21. Hey, good guess! Go for it. :)
  22. A lot of people believe that OoT came first, with MM following afterwards. That, itself, is obvious. (Remember the stain glass room where you meet the King of Red Lions in WW? Recognize some of those images?) The LttP-L'sA-Oracles games are also connected in their own line. The first two Zelda games are said to fit in there somewhere (because LttP was considered a prequel to the Legend of Zelda, I read somewhere), but I believe the NES games are a set of their own. I once said this somewhere in this forum--each Nintendo system has their own Zelda set, which usually doesn't relate to the others (though SNES and Gameboy seem to be connected). WW is set after MM, because the OoT/MM part was a legend by the time of WW. *is getting lost in all the abrev. and stops* :cross:
  23. [b]A.[/b] Great Gospel. Everyone is fully recovered and becomes invincible for a little bit (fun Break, but rather pointless when you get it *closes mouth from saying any more*). [b]Q.[/b] When Auron is knocked out in a battle, which way does he fall (forwards or backwards)? Which way does Rikku fall?
  24. There's not a combined Black [i]and[/i] Gold one that I know of (though that sounds like an interesting visual, oooo). In FF7, common knowledge dictates that there [i]is[/i] a Black Chocobo, and there [i]is[/i] a Golden one. It doesn't take forever, just a few hours at most (as long as you have the W-Item Materia, that is). As far as FF9 goes, I forget if there is a Black one, but I [i]know[/i] there is a Golden Chocobo--it's the only one that can fly. Again, it doesn't take that long to raise this bird--you just have to know what you are doing. ;) Now, in FFX, there is only one kind of Chocobo--normal yellow. And you don't get a chance to train it to any other kind of color. Maybe they will fix this with FFX-2 (it'd be nice to see), but I don't know. And there you have it.
  25. Heh, I remember this. It was in the play Tantalus was holding yet again (several months after the final events at the Iifa Tree). At first, I thought the cloaked actor was being dramatic--"Neither Cloud nor Squall shall stop me--" but then I wondered how a cloud could ever stop anyone? Storms (what ship people refer to as squalls) yes, clouds, no. (It took me two more seconds to make the connection to Cloud and Squall, if indeed there was one. :p) Of course, as far as [i]who[/i] said it should be obvious. Zidane. I mean, c'mon, he flung his cloak off and Garnet ran to him. Awww... So neither Cloud nor Squall shall stop him from returning to the one he loves. Or maybe my memory is just really fuzzed and I imagined all that. :twitch: :D
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