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Everything posted by GinnyLyn
[b]A:[/b] Are we talking mainstream (the numbered games) only? If so, FF7, FF8, and FFX. [b]Q:[/b] In FFX, the Overdrive Mode "Victim" charges when _____ (fill in the blank).
Fuddy duddies, huh? Then you won't care for 35 year old Auron too much. :p Out of curiosity, Sage, what is/was the fourth FF you played? (I'm assuming 6?) I think it topic-limiting to only put 7 and 8 up for discussion, so let me move on to some others. Everyone: *groan* Yes, we know you like FFX. SHUT UP! Silly people. FFX +excellent graphics (main character costumes, places, music, etc). -NPCs look weird +VOICES! -bad lip syncing +Sphere Grid, a piggyback of Materia, I guess. +story was good -story was too short and linear ++++++Auron! (had to throw that in there--what kind of obsessed fan would I be if I hadn't? :D) I've also [i]finally[/i] gotten my grubby little hands on 6 again after so many years. (YAY!) And I am pleased--it's sucking me in the same way ChronoTrigger did all those years ago, so this is going very well.
OoC: Another one of those long post cause double post deals. Please forgive. OoC2: Also, it may be noted that all spoilers are carefully covered, so FFX players will recognize them, but others will not. ~~~~~~~~ "King Zell, please, [i]please[/i] help us!" [color=orangered]"I...don't know..."[/color] "Then let us help you help us!" "Zell, no!" It was too late. Zell was already swinging the short axe against the flat floor statue. The Valefor Fayth sighed, a sound of the wind rushing through a newly opened crevice, and she faded away. A visible crack appeared on the mirror-like surface, marring it. Yuna gasped loudly, and Cecil held her back. Auron was already tackling Zell, pressing the blonde's body against the statue, attempting to wring the short axe away from him. [color=crimson]"Cecil,"[/color] Auron grunted, [color=crimson]"a little help?"[/color] [color=teal]"But Sir Au--"[/color] Auron's patience broke instantly. [color=crimson]"Shut up and--"[/color] He broke off, bit his lip, but couldn't prevent a cry of pain. "What? What is it?" [color=crimson]"Fiends! In the temple!"[/color] [color=teal]"What?"[/color] "Fiends are monsters," Yuna explained. "They are formed from pyreflies, or spirits. Sometimes, those spirits are angry, and want revenge on the living. This warps them into monsters. But Auron..." Yuna continued, "I don't see any..." [color=crimson]"Well, I can feel them. Small ones, by the--ow! Dammit!"[/color] Auron released his grip on Zell and slapped at the area around him. [color=crimson]"Invisible, too."[/color] "Auron, look out!" Zell had Auron in a choke hold in an instant. His eyes glittered feverish with an unearthly light, and his voice sounded like Zell, but not like Zell. [color=orangered][i]"How's it feel to be on the flip side, Sir Auron?"[/i][/color] [color=teal]"OK, [i]now[/i] I'm helping."[/color] The Paladin rushed to the pair and made to knock Zell out with his sword handle, when he shouted in shock. [color=teal]"OW! Dangit, what are they? [i]Where[/i] are they?!"[/color] [color=crimson]"Lady Yuna,"[/color] Auron choked out, [color=crimson]"[i]run![/i]"[/color] "You're doing good, o King!" [color=orangered]"I don't know...something about this doesn't seem right..."[/color] "You are helping your friends break free of the siren song. And we are helping!" [color=orangered]"But something doesn't seem right..."[/color] [i]"Zell!"[/i] [color=orangered]"What the-- The Valefor fayth, right?"[/color] [i]"Help me!"[/i] [color=orangered]"Well...ok, but how?"[/color] [i]"Stop them!"[/i] She motioned at the pixies climbing all over his friends, and gasped as she fell to her knees. [i]"My statue...they are destroying it..."[/i] That's when Zell realized he couldn't hear the eerie song she had been singing earlier...only the evil snigger of the pixies. Zell was tightening his choke hold; Auron's face was as red as his coat now, and turning darker. Cecil was being pressed down under some invisible weight. [color=teal]"Yuna, run! Run and get help!"[/color] "No, I'm not leaving any of you!" With that she stepped backwards, pulled her summoning staff out, and performed a delicate dance. The statue glowed in recognition, and in that light, everyone could see their adversaries. [color=teal]"Pixies? I'm being attacked by [i]pixies?!?[/i]"[/color] "Better believe it, bub," one grumbled gutterly. He and his cohorts resumed their attack on Cecil, but paused as the statue flashed again. [i]"Zell...she's calling..."[/i] [color=orangered]"Who is?"[/color] [i]"Come, you must come with me..."[/i] "But King Zell--!" the pixies wailed. [color=orangered]"Hey, being King is nice and all, but there's just something wrong about tiny pixies that eat candy, destroy property, and giggle evilly. C'YA!"[/color] He took the Fayth's hand and left the dumbfounded pixies behind. [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/Survivor/valefor.jpg[/img] Valefor growled musically as she burst from the statue, carrying Zell with her. The sudden motion broke Zell's grip on Auron, who sprawled on the floor gratefully gasping air in. [color=crimson]"Normal again, I trust?"[/color] he commented, rubbing his sore neck. [color=orangered]"Whoa, what happened to you?"[/color] [color=crimson]"You did."[/color] [color=orangered]"What...?!"[/color] [color=teal]"Hey, can we saved the confused reunion for later and get rid of these guys?"[/color] Cecil hollered. It didn't take much. One look at Valefor in all her glory was enough to make the pixies bunch together and crouch against the floor in one large heap. "The Feathered Beast!" they cried in terror. Valefor brushed a wing against her fayth statue, gauging the damage of the crack. She then brushed a wing against the pixies, and they shuddered visibly. The dragonness Aeon was clearly enraged. She spun in the air, her irridescense dancing in the dim light, and hovered in midair. Opening her wings, she spat a thin beam of energy at the ground the pixies were standing on. At first, nothing seemed to happen. With a minor explosion, the ground exploded, taking the pixies with it. Each collapsed, emitting a pyrefly from its body in defeat. [color=crimson]"Yuna, let us leave before you send them."[/color] [color=orangered]"Send them? Send them where? They're just a bunch of harmless fireflies now."[/color] Auron, still sore from the unexpected choke hold, simply dragged Cecil and Zell out of the Chamber of the Fayth. Further questions were drowned out with one all purpose: [color=crimson]"Hmph!"[/color] The pyreflies flitted about Valefor, wailing their mournful cry of death. Valefor growled in response and watched as Yuna sent the group with her Farplane Dance. When the room was empty, Yuna turned to the Aeon and stroked her feathered head. "I'm sorry that your statue was broken." Valefor shook her head knowingly. She roared softly, then stretched her wings over the statue and melted back into it. The Fayth statue shone just once, permitted Yuna to see a fully repaired mirror surface once more. Outside, Zell rubbed the back of his head. [color=orangered]"I still don't quite get what just happened."[/color] [color=teal]"I don't either, and Mr. Chattery over there is being his usual talkative self."[/color] Cecil jabbed a thumb at Auron. [color=crimson]"Hmph!"[/color] [color=orangered]"Aw, c'mon. Whatever it was, we survived it. So it can't have been all that bad, right?"[/color] [color=crimson]"Oh sure, being possessed by fiends to destroy valuable Fayths is nothing [i]bad[/i]. Fine, let's just go lightning dodging in the Thunder Plains, shall we? Safer and more intelligent than what we just sat through,"[/color] Auron growled darkly. [color=orangered]"Whoa, was that sarcasm I just detected?"[/color] [color=teal]"I think so,"[/color] Cecil chuckled. [color=teal]"Either that or Sir Aurie needs to get some rest, because he's cranky."[/color] [color=crimson][i][b]"Hmph!"[/b][/i][/color] ~~~~~~~ Final OoC: So where to now? Heh, that was fun. ^^; (And no, I dunno [i]why[/i] the pixies were after Valefor.)
For some reason, I just could never get into FF8. I made it up to the train bit on the first disk, then just quit. Squall really SERIOUSLY annoyed me. So between 7 and 8, yeah, 7 all the way. It was my first Final Fantasy, and I will always have a special place in my evil pysche for Sephiroth. *evil grin*
I looked at Tidus and Yuna like they were crazed lunatics, too. How about the time when you pick the Jecht sphere up in the Thunder Plains, and watch Jecht get struck by lightning. That always makes me laugh. ^^
OoC: In that case, I'm going to assume that we are in the Spira of still during the FFX story--anotherwords, before it ended (I hope BB knows what I mean, because if I say anymore, I'll spoil it for Sage and Des). ~~~~~~~~ [color=orangered]"The feathered beast...slay the feathered beast..."[/color] Zell mumbled, almost zombie like, as he strode forward purposely toward the temple. [color=crimson]"Feathered beast?"[/color] Auron wrinkled his one eyebrow in puzzlement, then gasped softly in the breaking dawn light. [color=crimson]"Is he talking about Valefor?"[/color] The Crimson Warrior looked about desperately for Yuna, but she was nowhere in sight. Auron decided that, since Zell was an outsider, he would surely be stopped at the entrance to the Cloister of Trials. So thinking, he turned back to where he last saw Yuna. "Slay the feathered beast, o King!" [color=orangered]"All righty."[/color] "Stop!" An ugly mole looking creature, with quills and feathers sticking out every which way, blocked Zell's passage. "You are not worthy to enter here!" [color=orangered]"Um..."[/color] "King Zell!" the pixies wailed. "Don't abandon us!" [color=orangered]"You heard them--out of my way! I need to save my kingdom!"[/color] He shoved the mole creature to one side and marched into the cave. [color=teal]"What do you mean he's going to hurt Valefor?"[/color] Cecil gaped in disbelief at Auron. "He shouldn't be able to," Yuna said, thoughtfully. "Valefor will only appear when a summoner like myself calls her. Auron is correct in saying that the temple guards should not let him past the entrance to the Cloister. Even so, I would not have Zell accidentally hurt himself or the fayth. Let us go." [i]I E Yu I No Bo Me No...[/i] Her voice wound around Zell's ears, hauntingly sweet and beautiful. [i]Re N Mi Ri Yo Ju Yo Go...[/i] It lifted Zell's heart up, as if on a breeze, and his spirit flew with it, soaring into the very heights of Heaven itself. [i]Ha Sa Te Ka Na E...[/i] "King Zell!" [i]Ku Ta Ma E...[/i] "King Zell, block your ears--it is the Siren song of the Feathered Beast!" [color=orangered]"But it's so beautiful..."[/color] "KING ZELL!" a mass of voices chorused together. And the world went dark. [color=teal]"He got past the guard?"[/color] "Are you ok, Nibor?" Nibor rubbed his jaw experimentally. "Nothing a little time won't fix. But that outsider--!" [color=crimson]"Sin's toxin. No need to banish him for what he doesn't have control over. Let us take it from here, Nibor."[/color] "Yes sir, Sir Auron." As they stepped into the Cloister, Cecil looked back toward the entrance. [color=teal]"Am I allowed in here?"[/color] [color=crimson]"You are now."[/color] [color=teal]"Has Zell really been poisoned?"[/color] [color=crimson]"Just a fabrication. No need to worry."[/color] Cecil laughed. [color=teal]"You mean you just lied?"[/color] Auron ignored him and pointed down the hall. [color=crimson]"The Chamber of the Fayth is just ahead. Yuna, will there be enough room?"[/color] "I think so." [i]"Zell..."[/i] [color=orangered]"Five more minutes..."[/color] the blonde groaned. [i]"Zell, please get up."[/i] [color=orangered]"Huh...who's there?"[/color] Zell sat up in the darkness, and saw a slim figure standing near him. He blinked in shock as he realized that, not only was the figure floating, she was also transparent! [color=orangered]"Who are you?!"[/color] [i]"I am the fayth of Valefor...and you, Zell, you should not be here..."[/i] [color=orangered]"I can't leave yet! I have to protect my people from the feathered beast!"[/color] The fayth watched him, then beckoned him close and indicated the floor. [i]"Do you mean that feathered beast?"[/i] Below him, a large, nearly circular statue stretched across the center of the room. Stone feathers were carved around the edges, and they circled about a small, human figure. The same one that was hovering in front of him. [color=orangered]"Does that mean that you are the feathered beast?"[/color] [i]"You may say that."[/i] [color=orangered]"But the pixies..."[/color] "King Zell, we are here! Take this candy axe to shatter the stronghold of the Feathered Beast--hurry!" Zell grasped the peppermint striped weapon, and stared at the fayth, unsure of what to do. ~~~~ OoC: Um, I dunno how to finish this, so someone else will need to. Else I'll finish this later, when I get inspiration. ^_~
OoC: "Do I have to have Auron get Wakka again?" Heh, funny. OoC2: Sage, if you don't come back soon, I'm going to declare, BB, Des, and myself the official winners! :devil: OoC3: The following is just filler, so there. Yes, I'm still in Auron obsessed mode, so just have patience with me. :p ~~~~~~~~ He waited until the other two seemed to be sleeping. Zell had an unmistakable snore that, had it not started after Cecil fell asleep, would have made it difficult for Auron to tell if the Paladin was also asleep. The bright stars, muted slightly by the hut's door cloth, shone at him, as if asking him to come outside. Auron glanced at the other two one more time, then (leaving behind his sword), slipped outside. It was slightly cool, but his coat kept the breeze off. As he stepped out, his sake bottle thumped in its familiar tattoo against his leg. ...no place like home? There were only two or three people wandering about this early in the morning, merchants setting up early, perhaps. Because Besaid was an open and friendly village, they did not have to worry about thieves. Each nodded to Auron respectfully but paid him no other mind as he slipped into Besaid's small temple. The front room was eerily silent. In his mind, Auron could hear the Song of the Fayth...and for a moment, he thought he really [i]could[/i] hear it. It was early yet. The dawn had yet to touch the sky in rosy stripes. Auron turned slightly to the right, gazed at the large stone statue towering above him, touched the pedestal lightly. [color=crimson]"Braska."[/color] "Sir Auron?" It was whispered, but given the circumstances, her voice sounded loud. Auron turned about sharply. [color=crimson]"Yuna!"[/color] he whispered strongly, gruffly, kindly. [color=crimson]"What are you doing up?"[/color] Her face wrinkled into a smile. "Forgive me, but I should ask you the same thing." He looked to the statue again. [color=crimson]"Hmph. You know I don't need sleep."[/color] Yuna's eyes had a faraway look in them now. "Yes...I know. But S...Auron..." Here her eyes regained their usual cheerfulness. "That's strange, not calling you Sir." [color=crimson]"I rather like it."[/color] "OK..." her voice trembled nervously. "...Auron. You should get your rest, you know. If you don't, you won't do well." Yuna clasped her hands to her chest. "And I want you to!" Auron raised one eyebrow. [color=crimson]"Is this the timid Lady Yuna I've known all these years?"[/color] "Please...I'm growing up!" [color=crimson]"All right. But what about Cecil and Zell? Don't you want them to win?"[/color] "Well...yes...but in Blitzball, only one team can win. It is the same here. I would like for you all to win, but only one of you can. And if you don't get your rest, you won't be at your best. Someone else will win by default...and where is the glory in that, defeating someone not at full strength?" Auron nodded, mulling over the words. "Auron?" [color=crimson]"Mmm?"[/color] Auron glanced over to Yuna. She had moved to the entrance of the temple now. "Isn't that Zell walking around?" Auron joined her and looked. [color=crimson]"Yes."[/color] "Where do you think he is going?" Auron watched Zell. [color=crimson]"I don't think he knows."[/color] "What?" [color=crimson]"He's sleepwalking. If you will excuse me, Lady Yuna, I'm going to keep an eye on him."[/color] "What about Cecil?" [color=crimson]"What, you want us all tired and exhausted?"[/color] "Please, he might be able to help, too." [color=crimson]"All right."[/color] Both parted ways, Auron after the sleepwalking Zell and Yuna to wake Cecil up. ~~~~~ Final OoC: I'm not saying in this post that I should win. I'm simply reiterating in Yuna that I want all of us to do our absolute best in this final challenge. I luv you guys so much!
The more I see this Vash guy, the more I want to know about him. *chains BooBoo up* Color, please. NOW. Please. Heh. Gotta love that expression on Vash's face.
I'm going to start right off by saying that I did NOT draw this picture--and more's the pity. It's downright hilarious. What I [i]did[/i] do was color the picture in a style I saw a few times in my brother's Pokémon strategy guide--the watercolory look with large white areas for highlights. There are some jagged edges, but I didn't take this project too seriously--I just sat down and had fun with it. It's my desktop pic right now. [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/Survivor/tonberry_color.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/Survivor/tonberry_color.jpg[/url] (original pic) [url]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/tonberry.jpg[/url] And "tonberries" may actually need to be "tonberrys", but I say phooey. Heh. EDIT And now that I look at it, I forgot one of Auron's sleeves. Oops, heh. :bluesweat
Heh, don't worry about the .jpg'ing. Like I'm telling someone on AIM right now, saving as a JPG is the devil. EVIL! :devil: (Sometimes .jpg looks ok if you save it in Photoshop, but that's not a promise, and not everyone has PShop.) I'm curious to see this image smaller, so I might borrow it in a few minutes and fiddle with it. And I didn't mean to rant at anyone, :bluesweat, I was just doing a general vent. Sincere apology. :)
Kenshin (that's the guy, right?) looks like a girl! O_o; But that is because of the pic, not you. I believe I had this discussion once before on this forum--it is not fair to yourself or others if you "walk" into an art thread with a bad attitude already. That usually forces the rest of us to either be arrogantly on your side ("You're right, God, you suck.") or wander down the pity party road ("Wow, no, that's the best thing I've ever seen! Can you do my wedding pics, pleeeeease?"). I personally believe the purpose of these forums is to share not just artwork, but the ability to share our experience in all the mediums of art. Sorry, Chris and everyone else, had to get that out before I continued commenting. :blackeye: As far as the image goes, the color scheme would be ok if it didn't seem to mar or jag the black lines. And it suffers from .jpg saving (many [i]many[/i] banners tend to). This banner has potential, so spend some more time with it, ok? And please try to have a more positive outlook on your stuff--I find having a "good" attitude makes my stuff look better. *rating pending*
Off topic again: Action poses are fun, but I'm more into the dramatic stuff--one of my original Seph pics had him in his final form, and another had him gripping his sword blade barehanded after going mad. Still, I'll see if I can get my Auron Dress Sphere project into action poses after I get all the different forms finished. OK, time to go back on topic. *waits for DarK DeatH to bring his picture back*
What do you mean, nothing? You can't learn if you don't try. Believe me. I'm still learning every day. I'd suggest (I'm not demanding you to, just suggesting :)) that you find a fresh new sheet, retrace the head since it is the best part, then do a few sketch lines to include the area you missed this time around, and just retrace everything else once you have your position down. Just a suggestion. :bluesweat I've done it. *glares at crumpled paper pile* Again, believe me. My "Auron Dress Sphere" project has sent me through more paper than I want to admit to. :shifty: :D I'm starting to keep an eye out for the model dolls out there. They are supposed to help with making properly proportioned figures. I know [i]I[/i] need it.
Off topic: I forget...which was your stuff, Chris? *feels embarrassed* Post your stuff more, so I can! ^_~ So, DarK DeatH, what will you do with this image?
[center][img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=421204[/img] [b]Viva Vivi?[/b] Amateur Photographer catches proof of Final Fantasy character[/center] ~~~~~ (uneditted photo) The newest form of Chinese taxis.
Art Black Mage Auron Banner... Inspired by Ginny
GinnyLyn replied to Epitome's topic in Creative Works
[color=red][b]X[/b][/color] Hey, I'm not allowed to get that on an attachment, am I? [i]Am I?[/i] Anyways, just a headsup, m'dear Hataki Vash, the colored, shaded version is in my thread. *grins* Hey, if the attachment keeps not working, email it to me, ok? -
Art Fantastic Four drawing... Check it out.
GinnyLyn replied to DarK DeatH's topic in Creative Works
Dang, your friend is frelling awesome. I, too, cannot wait to see this in color. And this really was done in pencil originally? S/he's got good clean up skills, then, too. *plans to mess with levels on her own next pencil drawing* Thanks for the inspiration boost! 9/1o--color needed. ;) -
Art Yet another wallpaper... War Of Genesis this time.
GinnyLyn replied to DarK DeatH's topic in Creative Works
9.8/1o. The color scheme is perfect, the face/body effect is nicely done, and everything is just...wow. Very, [i]very[/i] nice. The bubbles seem a little erratic though (the big cluster in particular bugs me). Little teeny tiny nitpicks about the flare and the shadow being off, but it's not even remotely enough to take away from the overall wowness of the pic. Again, good job! -
(Only read the last page of this, so forgive any ignorance.) I recently visited a MessageBoard where they were doing a similar thing--you had a RPG status like so: (avatar) (custom title) HP: ---/--- MP: ---/--- (board title) (location) Post# I'm not quite sure how the post thing worked, but longer posts would get you more experience (banking on the fact that the longer posts were entailing quality posting). Your HP and MP would naturally go up as you got more experience. Money was a hidden feature, and allowed you to buy custom avatars or a Custom Title. (Of course, this limits/reduces (whichever way you want to see it) the turnover of custom ability. People would be less likely to change as often.) If I can find a pic of the above, I will post it. The thought on having the staff rate people is, sincere apologies here, just unfeasible. That sounds like an awful lot of time for the staff to dedicate. Unless you mean only rating when they like a post by someone. Then you start stepping into the realm of favoritism, and that just gets ugly. Anyone remember the rating system we had way back when? I do, ugh. Custom titles would be fun. ^^
Borderline, yeah. (I remember the other one and it was definitely inappropriate.) Immature giggle inducing, yeah. Opinionless on this? Yeah. :bluesweat
That's what I was about to say...perhaps it is a common image?
TOO cool. Solid 1o right there, so don't touch it, Red! (Well, maybe the shadow text but pffft! Heh.) At first I thought it was raining blood. Then I thought I was looking at FMVed CGIed red hair. Then, when I [i]finally[/i] read your post and looked at it...wow. Very nice. *is amazed*
The guy was good on his shading, but...ah well, this is why we have maturity ratings for stuff now. ;p
I remember you showing me this on AIM. My only complaints are the jumping the first part of the animation does--and the addition pictures go too fast to sink it. Nonetheless, you picked an EXCELLENT selection of work. The artist [i]is[/i] from the Scary Stories series, and I've always loved the freakiness of his stuff. Also, having the first image on a partially shown monitor was a good touch! 8.3/1o.
Reminds me of Cecil from FF4, with the whole Dark Knight bit (especially the helmet). The only part that really irritates me is the jagged design on the lower part of his chest plate. I'd just suggest redrawing it on unlined paper and giving it a good color (even though you didn't want to hear that ^_~). And just be careful as far as drawing the neck area--you sorta drew his big chest muscles, but didn't leave any room for the bones that go from shoulders to neck (does anyone know what I mean?). 8/1o.