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Everything posted by GinnyLyn
[color=orangered]"Fine,"[/color] Zell spoke up. [color=blue]"Oh no, here we go again..."[/color] Zell kept talking as if he didn't hear her. [color=orangered]"What did [i]you[/i] start out as?"[/color] [color=crimson]"Warrior monk for the Temple of Bevelle."[/color] [color=teal]"Dark Knight for a corrupt kingdom myself."[/color] [color=orangered]"See? SEE?!"[/color] Zell had jumped up and was pointing at them in some self-imagined triumph. [color=teal]"Um...?"[/color] [color=orangered]"We're SEEDs. You were evil. And you..."[/color] Zell blinked at Auron. [color=orangered]"I thought monks were peaceful types?"[/color] [color=crimson]"Most, perhaps, but not Bevelle's. Think of us as 'hidden guards'."[/color] [color=orangered]"Pffft. Most obvious example of an oxymoron if I ever heard one."[/color] Auron hmphed. [color=teal]"Just because I used to be 'evil' doesn't mean I am now!"[/color] Cecil suddenly spoke. [color=blue]"From evil to Paladin...I think it's rather heroic,"[/color] Rinoa smiled. [color=orangered]"Who's side are you on?!?"[/color] [color=blue]"We're taking sides?"[/color] [color=orangered]"Well...um...ah..."[/color] [color=crimson]"Zell, just take comfort in the fact that we are all very different. I still don't quite understand why you want to be seeds, but--"[/color] [color=orangered]"SEEDs, [i]not[/i] seeds!"[/color] [color=teal]"What's the difference?"[/color] Cecil whispered to Rinoa. [color=crimson]"--you don't think any less of me for not having that knowledge."[/color] Auron continued, as if uninterrupted. [color=crimson]"And I don't think any less of you."[/color] Rinoa whined. [color=blue]"Now we're getting philosophical. Groan..."[/color] [color=teal]"I'm ready to learn about this world...how about you?"[/color] [color=crimson]"Yes."[/color] [color=orangered]"And I'll lead the way!"[/color] Everyone else shared a smile. Best to let Zell have a chance to fix his ego. ~~~~~~~~ OoC: Heh, poor Zell, being our new Zidane. ^.~;
OoC: Um, why are we confusing poor Zell so much? :rotflmao: ~~~~~~~~ [i][color=crimson]Machina, unidentifiable meat, what next?[/color][/i] Auron sighed quietly. [color=crimson]"Anything else we need to know about this world?"[/color] [color=orangered]"Only that it's the bestest be--OW!"[/color] [color=blue]"Don't you start that again!"[/color] Zell rubbed the back of his head. [color=orangered]"You guys--I'm gonna have a bruise there if you keep that up."[/color] [color=teal]"Yeah, don't want him to be any more confused that he already is,"[/color] Cecil laughed teasingly. [color=orangered]"Gah, hotdogs are so much more nicer than all of you. At least they don't comment on your intelligence."[/color] [color=crimson]"Given all the surprises lately, I wouldn't be surprised if they did,"[/color] Auron chuckled kindly. [color=blue]"That's probably why Cid's late!"[/color] Rinoa jumped in, trying to steer the conversation in a new direction. [color=teal]"Because of talking hotdogs?"[/color] [color=orangered]"Augh, WHERE?!?"[/color] Zell's stomach chose that moment to gurgle at him and the poor blonde screamed again, while everyone else laughed.
OoC: I hope no one's taking offense to any of this--I'm just having fun while I wait for the next challenge! /_^ And sorry Cecil and Zell...I had to use [i]someone[/i] to replace our comic Zidane...heh heh, sorry! ~~~~~~~~~ [color=teal]"...so I told him that wasn't a Malboro, that's my Chocobo!"[/color] Cecil burst into laughter, barely able to contain it any longer. [color=crimson]"Hmph."[/color] [color=teal]"Well, you sure lost your only shred of humor pretty fast,"[/color] Cecil mumbled. [color=crimson]"Perhaps we should...reveal our joke. It would be unwise for them to think that..."[/color] Auron's eartips reddened slightly again. Cecil raised an eyebrow in amusement and stood up. [color=teal]"Allow me."[/color] After a moment, Auron got up to follow him. [color=crimson]"I started it. I best finish it."[/color] Zell was racing up the ramp faster than he liked, but there was a sense of urgency. He juggled the hotdogs, making sure to take a firmer grip on the one that was slipping out of his grasp. [color=blue]"Zell, wait!"[/color] [color=orangered]"Can't wait--must make peace!"[/color] Zell kept running at top speed. He was lost to sight for a second; that's when Rinoa heard him yelp in shock. Rinoa ran up the ramp after him. [color=crimson]"Cecil, I--"[/color] [color=blue]"Zell, I--"[/color] Both Auron and Rinoa paused in mid-combined sentence as they stared at the unbelievable sight before them. Cecil and Zell had run straight into each other, and were now caught in a tangle of arms and legs. Given the current state of mind on all the players... Cecil stared at Rinoa and Zell blinked at Auron. [color=teal]"This[/color] [color=orangered]is[/color] [color=teal]not[/color] [color=orangered]what[/color] [color=teal]it[/color] [color=orangered]looks[/color] [color=teal]like,[/color] [color=orangered]I[/color] [color=teal]swear!"[/color] they both hollered at once. Rinoa was already in a fit of laughter and Auron's eye nearly closed, he was chuckling so hard. [color=blue]"Awww, but you two look so cute together!"[/color] Rinoa cooed. [color=orangered]"Truce, truce!"[/color] Zell squealed in panic. [color=orangered]"Look, I even brought uneaten hotdogs to seal the deal!"[/color] [color=crimson]"My, he [i]is[/i] serious,"[/color] Auron said with great amusement. [color=crimson]"All right, all right, come up, both of you."[/color] Cecil and Zell untangled themselves, and the four Survivors enjoyed a snack of hotdogs, munching quietly for a few minutes. Zell broke the silence, pointing to Cecil and Auron. [color=orangered]"But, uh, really, are you two, you know--OW!"[/color] [color=blue]"Cecil, you beat me to it!"[/color] Rinoa complained.
OoC: Meeps! Now I have to last past [i]this[/i] round so I can get to Spira--I wanna go to Spira sooooo bad! *quietly freaks out* LOL! :D Never forget your sense of humor, people--you lose weight when you laugh. /_~ ~~~~~~~ Auron casually rested in the cockpit of the Ragnarok. Rinoa and Zell were already racing out to greet their home world, chuckling and sharing old stories of their triumphs. Cecil was about to join them, but paused, and looked back at Auron. [color=teal]"Not coming, old man?"[/color] Auron cocked his good eyebrow. [color=crimson]"Walk the mortal coil a decade longer than everyone else and suddenly you're ancient,"[/color] he grumbled kindly. [color=crimson]"No,"[/color] he said louder, [color=crimson]"I think I shall wait here for Cid. Of all the worlds we've been to so far, this is the one I know nothing about. It would be safer, wiser, for me to stay here."[/color] Cecil's eyes crinkled in amusement. [color=teal]"Wisdom I get, but when has safety ever been an issue with you?"[/color] From just outside: [color=blue]"Cecil, Auron, hurry up before--"[/color] [color=orangered][b][i]"HOTDOGS!!!!!!"[/i][/b][/color] Zell's happy scream rented the air. Cecil and Auron winced at the noise. Rinoa groaned. [color=blue]"Never mind...."[/color] [color=teal]"You sure you don't want to come outside?"[/color] Auron sighed good naturedly. [color=crimson]"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to explore a little."[/color] He followed Cecil to the ramp. [color=blue]"Oh look, it's Auron!"[/color] Rinoa waved cheerfully. Zell tried to talk around his mouthful of hotdogs, without luck. [color=blue]"Good to see you."[/color] Auron shouldered his sword. [color=crimson]"Yes, Cecil talked me into...coming out."[/color] Zell choked on his hotdogs. After coughing a few times, he waved his hand to show he was ok, hiding his grin. [color=orangered]"Auron, I didn't know you were--ow!"[/color] Rinoa had silenced him with a slap to the back of his head. [color=crimson]"Were what?"[/color] Rinoa pinked from embarrassment. Auron looked completely blank. [color=crimson]"All I did was come out of the airship."[/color] He gestured toward it, as if it held all the answers. [color=orangered]"Is that what they call it now--OW!"[/color] Auron looked at Cecil. [color=crimson]"Fine, the old man is really...[i]really[/i] lost."[/color] Cecil scratched the back of his head nervously. [color=teal]"Remember when Zell and Sephiroth had to play Romeo and Juliet?"[/color] [color=crimson]"Of course, I...I..."[/color] Auron suddenly got very quiet. His good eye widened noticably and his ears tinged red. After a moment of silence, Auron cleared his throat gruffly, then threw an awkward arm around Cecil's shoulder. [color=crimson]"Well, I guess they found us out...uh, honey."[/color] Rinoa and Zell's eyes were so wide Auron was half afraid they would pop right out. At first, Cecil looked the same, but Auron's broad wink clued him in. [color=teal]"Yes, uhm, Aurie darlin', let us, ah, freshen ourselves before Cid shows up."[/color] Arm in arm they disappeared up the ramp and the hatch closed behind them. Rinoa and Zell just gaped. [i]Ten Minutes Later...[/i] Cecil and Auron finally had their laughing under control, their sides aching, their eyes tearing up. [color=teal]"Ha ha ha, oh, are they still, hee hee, gaping out there?"[/color] Auron risked a glance out a portal and fell into a new bout of chuckling. [color=crimson]"I've never seen jaws so, heh heh heh, wide."[/color] [color=teal]"Should we tell 'em, 'Aurie darling'?"[/color] [color=crimson]"Sooheeheeoon enough, 'honey'..."[/color]
OoC: If I've been keeping track properly, we have one more challenge here in the FF6 world, then it's off to Spira (FFX) for the final two challenges (or would it be FF8's world? I don't think we've done that one yet). OK, new goal. If I can just make it to Spira, Auron won't have to walk as far when he gets evicted. /_^ [b]Auron:[/b] And who says I'm going to get evicted? Well, um... [b]Auron:[/b] Have faith. Confidence. Or I will be. *looks around nervously* Is anyone else's character talking to them? /_O;
OoC: All I can say is that I've reached my goal by making it this far (sorry, Zidargh, ^^). I can walk away happy now... ...but that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop fighting for first place. Not by a long shot! :smirk: Bring on the next challenge! :D
OoC: Awwww...that kiss was really touching. *wipes happy/sad tear away* Gonna miss having you around, Zidargh. Hope everything's well in your world and thanks for playing! (...so who do we pick on now...? :( :wigout:.) EDIT I've updated the site again to reflect what all has been going on. If you haven't looked there in a while, please do, heh.
OoC: Remember this, Mei? We were talking on AIM about how hard it was for me when I had to pick. *hugs her gently* No one will be angry with you--I've learned that from everyone here. Just do your duty. :)
OoC: Well, in this case it was pointed out--the one with the most wins, so speed was the key here. Though I agree with Des, those long posts were a LOT of fun for me, and I think that Mei, Des, and I did simply superb jobs this time around. I seriously think this is my favorite part I've written so far. /_^ [shameless plug] Once FF:S is over for me, I'm going back to finishing my Auron fic. If nothing else, this game has rekindled my otaku-ness for him. /_^ If y'all want to be kept up to date on that, I'll provide more info later. [/shameless plug]
OoC: Sulking? I wasn't sulking! I understood what the challenege needed this time, and I pointed that out. :) And now Mei feels bad, which she shouldn't--I liked her stuff, as I always do. (Good to see you back, BB, I was getting really worried about you there.) But see? BBaka brings up a good point--she had finals and didn't have enough time to post. And...well...well, I'm [i]trying[/i] to go somewhere with this to show how I feel bad for BBaka too, but my words always come out wrong and I end up insulting someone. I'm not trying to make a big deal out of this, really, I'm not. It's just my competitive spirit. /_^ Gah, now [i]I[/i] feel miserable. :( :bawl: PS--I still say we should only have to vote between Zell and Zidane. No personal offense to either of you, but I thought the one with the least Espers got evicted instantly. :twitch:
OoC: Personally, I really would like to see the best quality win in the ultimate end, not the person that can spend 12 hours in front of the computer just because they don't have to go to school anymore (some of us still have work, you know! /_^). But I trust Sage to lead this all to its final, proper end. As for me, I've just been really really lucky so far. *laughs*
OoC: Mmmm, I have to agree--surely there is some sort of consolation prize for the strong effort we put into these posts. /_^ Maybe, I dunno, keeping one of the Espers or something? Heh, yeah, Sage says, "Quality posting over quantity", but this time around, it WAS specified that the one with the most Espers won this round. Don't worry, Des, you won't be voted off. IMO, the people with the least should be evicted--and we should only have to vote between Braidless Baka and Zidargh. I guess we just wanted our Egos soothed for being good writers, Sage. A kind of, "Wow, you guys really wrote well this time around" bit, heh. We're so picky. :rotflmao:
OoC: FYI, my dear Sage, Mei's got 6, not 5. /_^; PM coming your way.
Cecil staggered into the Airship and glanced at the occupants already there. Auron hid a smirk inside his collar, holding up a hand with four fingers. Lru chortled, proud of their accomplishments. [color=teal]"Four? You got FOUR?! Oh...right...Palidor."[/color] Auron winced. [color=crimson]"Don't remind me."[/color] Something giggled within his sleeve and Cecil stared, popeyed. [color=teal]"Did your sleeve just--"[/color] [color=crimson]"I [i]don't[/i] want to talk about it."[/color] Rinoa giggled, and when Cecil looked at her, she waved. Six magicites dangled from her wrist. Cecil just about jumped out the airship again he was so-- CLUNK! [color=teal]"What was that?"[/color] [color=crimson]"I must have knocked Zell...'s cutout over?"[/color] Auron peered at the flat picture. [color=crimson]"What in the name of..."[/color] [color=blue]"Wait a minute...if Zell's cutout is here--"[/color] As Rinoa bent down, her bottom bumped into the Zidane cardboard cutout. [color=blue]"OOO! Even his [i]stand in[/i] gets fresh with me!"[/color] Angry, she slapped the cutout and it fell over, Zidane's happy grin still plastered over it. [color=teal]"So where have Zidane and Zell been all this time?"[/color] [i]Somewhere at Figaro Castle...[/i] [size=1]STOMP![/size] STOMP! [size=3]STOMP![/size] [color=orange]"Whoo baby, I almost got the hang of this, just in time for the first competition in this world!"[/color] [COLOR=orangered]"I think I'm gonna be siiiiiiick!"[/color] [size=3]STOMP![/size] STOMP! [size=1]STOMP![/size] ~~~~~~ OoC: I just realized why reading everyone else's posts is a good thing. Turns out I took Palidor even after Des hinted at it during one of his earlier posts. I didn't see that until [i]after[/i] I posted, went back and read all the Esper parts. Oopsy. /_V; Sorry.
[color=crimson]"Nothing quite like a good rip roaring battle to test your new abilities, eh, Lru?"[/color] The Golden Chocobo warked back at him as they slowed down and slid into the town of Mobliz. A tiny group of black dogs bayed mournfully at their arrival, but posed no threat. They looked sad, thin, and lost... Auron gazed about the town, noticing that, it too, looked sad, thin, and lost...almost like a ghost town. Auron tethered Lru to a rotting post and walked into a building that looked as if it would collapse at any moment. He knocked warily at the door, and part of the roof fell in with a dusty cough. Lru warked nervously, pulling at her tether. [color=crimson]"Hello? Anyone home?"[/color] The building groaned again. Auron risked a last look...and risked too much. The building creaked wearily, then collapsed inward. Lru screeched. But not because Auron was dead now. But because something very very ugly was stalking toward her. Horns everywhere, a nasty jaw full of teeth, and-- "MrrrRAWWWWWWHHH!" A pretty loud voice screaming hunger. And Lru was tied up. She screeched again. Burning. Hot, burning, put out the flame. Auron coughed, struggled, tried to make his body move in any way that would put the fire out. The stones jostled in his sleeve, clinking against each other. Palidor fought to be free, bursting from Auron's sleeve and throwing off a large chunk of fallen building debris (sp?) as it flew into the air. Lru screeched as Phunbaba reached for her tether; this caught Palidor's attention and with a desperate titter, it flew about Phunbaba, slowing the monster down. Lru tore at her harness and clammered to the fallen building, scratching broken wood away from Auron and warking in terror to him. The Crimson Warrior groaned, rolled over, coughed dust and dirt, groaned again. Lru nudged him roughly and Auron nearly slapped at her. Phunbaba roared and charged at Lru, furious that he was making very little headway due to Palidor's effect. [color=crimson]"Phoenix!"[/color] Auron rasped. The rainbow burst of fire signaled the bird was there; it was quick to blast fire at Phunbaba and the monster roared in pain, swiping at the bird. Seraphim appeared unbidden, helping Auron up and ministering to his wounds. Her fluttering wings hoisted him up and helped him with his balance. [color=silver][i]"I can heal...but perhaps you should hurt...in defense of what you are doing..."[/i][/color] [color=crimson]"And the best mark of a warrior is to be strategic. BIO!"[/color] Phunbaba gurgled in agony as he was lost in a misty fog of grotesque green. He lashed his scaly tail about, looking quite sick. Palidor infused Auron with Haste, and he stood up, holding his Masamune out. Concentrating deeply, he began to spin, faster and faster with the help of Palidor. [color=crimson]"If you can't stand the heat..."[/color] Palidor fanned at the Tornado that Auron charged up, making it larger than he had ever seen before. Auron unhooked his sake bottle, glanced at it, then hurled the bottle into the tornado, where it broke open on contact. The Phoenix breathed onto the flammable liquid, adding even more power to the already awesome Overdrive. [color=crimson]"...then get out of Mobliz."[/color] With a grunt and a gurgle, Phunbaba threw his head back, then hit the ground hard. The monster was extra crispy...and extra dead. Out of his grasp a dark green magicite spun. Auron bent to pick it up. [color=crimson]"Esper?"[/color] A haunting howl whistled through the air. Auron looked for the sad dogs he had seen earlier, but instead saw a fleeting glimpse of a large, powerful creature. The still, charred body of Phunbaba slowly shifted as it disappeared into a portal of nothing. The haunting howl again. [color=crimson]"Welcome to the team...Fenrir."[/color] He clutched the gem tightly, putting it with the rest of the stones. [color=crimson]"I wonder if this is what Yuna and Braska felt when they summoned..."[/color] [quote][center][img]http://www.zellfantasy.it/strate6/esper/fenrir.gif[/img] [i][color=green]You got the [b][size=3]F[/size]ENRIR![/b] This Esper can open a portal into nothingness and cast his enemies there.[/i][/color][/center][/quote] ~~~~~ OoC: Auron didn't really die--Lru just thought he did. Just FYI. ^_~
A day later found Auron riding Lru the Golden Chocobo (borrowed from the Airship) to Solitary Island Beach. Auron slid from the large bird's back and gazed about him for anything suspicious. [color=crimson]"Cecil would like this Esper--Palidor sounds like Paladin."[/color] Lru kwehed. [color=crimson]"Perhaps that [i]is[/i] what it looks like--will you help me look?"[/color] [color=yellow]"KWEH!"[/color] Lru was instantly scratching at the sandy earth, looking for all the world like an overgrown chick digging for worms. Auron chuckled, then did likewise with his boots, refusing to tarnish the Masamune. The first sign that something was amiss happened when Auron began to float. One moment he was kicking sand, then next he was kicking the air just above it. Lru warked in shock and flew to his height (which was steadily growing higher) and tugged him back down with her large beak. They stood very still for a moment, waiting for anything odd to happen. When nothing did, the pair went back to digging, more cautiously this time. When Auron began to defy gravity again, Lru squawked loudly. She wasn't used to him possessing flying abilites, and as such, she yanked him back down roughly, placing a large taloned foot in the middle of his back to keep him in place. If it weren't for his large collar, Auron would have been spitting sand. Not that it mattered--he was floating almost immediately again. Lru screeched in impatient bewilderment and kicked furiously at the sand. The rainbow magicite glittered as it was exposed to the sunlight. Once it hit the sand, Auron did too--rather hard. As he rubbed his aching backside, Auron could almost swear he heard giggling. If not for the majestic nature of the Phoenix, he would almost swear it was the Life Bird, but the ruby Magicite sat silently in his sleeve. Auron reached out for the stone, walking quickly. It took him all of a full three seconds to realize he was 5oo yards away from the beach. He had overshot his mark by being fast, a new concept to him. Auron was never known for being a quick person. He turned back to the beach, walking slowly, but still hitting the ocean water before being able to slow himself down. The rainbow magicite winked at him and he reached for it. Reached...so...very...slow...ly... With an angry Kweh, Lru dove at the stone, pecking at it. In an explosion of irridescent feathers, Palidor appeared. [color=crimson]"Esper!"[/color] Auron called, trying to control his own building temper Palidor sang back at him. [color=crimson]"Would you consider going with me?"[/color] Palidor giggled again, flew about him, brushing one wing, then the other against him. Auron was floating again, then tumbled about quickly, then slowly. When the Esper satisfied its curiousity, it let Auron down gently, then disappeared back into the Magicite. Auron breathed a sigh of relief. [color=crimson]"I didn't expect the Esper to be so...playful."[/color] Lru warked cheerfully as the Crimson Warrior climbed on her back. [color=crimson]"Now off to Mobliz. It may take a while but I--!"[/color] Auron's words were lost as Lru took on an unexpected burst of speed. Palidor chuckled to itself from Auron's sleeve as the Chocobo tore across the water, leaving behind a large white spray. They would be in Mobliz in no time. [quote][center][img]http://www.zellfantasy.it/strate6/esper/palidor.gif[/img] [i]You got the [b][size=3][color=red]P[/color][/size][color=orange]A[/color][color=yellow]L[/color][color=green]I[/color][color=teal]D[/color][color=blue]O[/color][color=purple]R[/color]![/b] This playful Esper can Float, Haste, or Slow anything.[/i][/center][/quote]
OoC: Very nice! Hmmm...I wonder what to use as a pic for the Seraphim? Oh well... Oh, true stuff on the name Masamune below. I found it on an FF site! ~~~~~~~ The storm had tapered off sooner than Auron expected. With a noiseless stretch, he left the cave of the Phoenix and looked around. In his large sleeve, the Phoenix Esper stone glowed gently, as a promise to always be there for him. Though Auron had not taken any part in the Chocobo catching back during the Golden Chocobo trial, he found that stumbling across such birds was easy. Especially when you still had a Sylkis Green or two left. They practically sought you out when you had one. "Kweh?" Like this bugger here, shoving Auron with its yellowy head. "Kweh KWEH!" [color=crimson]"What the--?!"[/color] "Wark!" The Chocobo couldn't have been more than a few years old, still an adolescent, really. It roughly nudged Auron again, then sniffled at his sleeve. The Esper rock shone hotly, and Auron let out a sharp yelp, waving his arm around to keep from being burned. Startled, the Chocobo backed away and the rock cooled off. But Sylkis Greens had a way of bringing them back. The Chocobo was far enough away to get a running start and pummeled straight into Auron's back before the rock could react. The Crimson Warrior landed rather ungainly on the rough ground, his breath knocked out of him. "Kweeeeeeeeeeh?" A pair of inquisitive eyes stared closely at his own. [color=crimson]"Bah, get off with you!"[/color] "Ooo wee ooo kweh!" The Chocobo nipped at his sleeve, and Auron laughed. [color=crimson]"Oh, that's right. A Green. Here, before you tear my clothes apart."[/color] He drew it from his robe and tossed it into the air, where the Chocobo easily snatched it up. Two snaps of its large beak, and the Green was gone. Purring, the Chocobo nudged Auron again. [color=crimson]"Oh no, no you don't, I don't have anymore!"[/color] "Kweh!" The Chocobo took a gentle but firm grip on his massive collar, dragging Auron along. [color=crimson]"What now?"[/color] After dragging him along for a bit, the Chocobo knelt down and looked at him expectingly. It even whistled impatiently at him. Auron walked over and climbed on the Chocobo's back, and it warked happily. [color=crimson]"As if I knew where to go--!"[/color] But his words were lost to the mountain air as the Chocobo tore south in the dark night. Auron disembarked just outside of Tzen, his boots making a squelching noise as he hit the wet ground. The stone glowed warmly in his sleeve and the Chocobo kwehed softly in farewell, running back into the wild where it belonged. [color=crimson]"We just need to find that thief now. The Relic Shop should be somewhere--"[/color] And he felt the familiar tug of a thief trying to take the Masamune. [color=crimson]"Halt!"[/color] Auron barked loudly, jerking his sword away from the groping hands. The golden tassels dangled from the handle, catching the thief's eye again. "But sir," the man started in a wheedling voice that instantly put Auron on edge, "surely you don't need a rusty old thing like [i]that[/i]." Auron pointed his sword directly at the thief's head. [color=crimson]"And surely you don't need a dirty old thing like [i]that[/i]."[/color] The thief gulped nervously and tried to inch out from underneath the point of the blade. [color=crimson]"Ah ah ah,"[/color] Auron scolded. [color=crimson]"You are not going anywhere until I get information."[/color] "Anything, anything!" [color=crimson]"The Seraphim Esper."[/color] The thief stared at him blankly. [color=crimson]"Surely you have it--a colorful rock, unlike anything you've ever seen before."[/color] "Oh, you mean this old thing," the thief said in a bored tone, pulling out the stone in question. It shone like a moonstone in the night. "What do I get for it?" [color=crimson]"What do you want?"[/color] "Money. Lots of it." Auron groaned inwardly. [color=crimson]"Fine, how much?"[/color] "You are willing to buy, I am willing to sell. But, I think 'twould be far better to make a trade than a purchase, no?" [color=crimson]"No,"[/color] Auron shot back, knowing exactly what the thief had in mind. "Old man, would not be wise to upset me. Otherwise..." A click of a small blade could be heard. [color=crimson]"I would not have your blood spilled, but if you so desire..."[/color] He readied the Masamune. "This is your last chance, old man. Trade now!" Auron's answer was quiet and firm. [color=crimson]"[i]No.[/i]"[/color] "Then I will cut you piece by piece--starting with that eye of yours. Will be fitting to rob you blind, but even more fitting to slay you when you are not looking!" The Thief rushed Auron, aiming his dagger at Auron's head. Auron easily deflected it, but the force of the thief's charge caused the dagger to slide down the Masamune and sink into Auron's leg. He bit his lip hard to keep from crying out in pain. "Not what I intended, but good enough." The thief raised his dagger again, but froze and screamed. For out of Auron's sleeve rose the Phoenix in all its glory, its rainbow luminesence spreading across town, revealing other similar shady wheelings and dealings in forgotten alleys. The other thieves ran for cover, but Auron's thief was paralyzed with fear. Phoenix gently trilled to Auron and scented blood. The fire about the creature flashed in rage and it towered above his head, peacock tails trailing about him protectively as it glared at the quivering thief. Auron lifted his sword, which began to glow with a fire of its own. And in that light, the thief understood. "Augh, [i]Dokuganryuu Masamune[/i]! Masamune, the One Eyed Dragon! You have come to smite me in such holy wrath!" Auron hid his amused bewilderment and raised his sword higher, the Phoenix glowing brighter in response. "Please sir, please take it--I meant no disrespect!" The thief flung the Seraphim magicite to Auron and bolted, wailing "Dokuganryuu Masamune!" over and over again. (The next day he was locked up, thought to have gone insane.) [color=crimson]"It's been an exciting night already,"[/color] Auron murmured, clenched his teeth in pain. The Phoenix trilled and returned to the red Magicite. Auron carefully picked up the Seraphim one, wanting to take care with his new wound-- --except there wasn't one now. He glanced sharply at his bloody leg, and saw the stain, saw the rip in the cloth, but his skin was whole. The Seraphim magicite flashed, just once, and Auron understood. He placed the new stone with the first one in his sleeve for safe keeping, then began to ponder about his next location. [quote][center][img]http://www.zellfantasy.it/strate6/esper/sraphim.gif[/img] [i][color=silver]You got the [b][size=3]S[/size]ERAPHIM![/b] This Esper is blessed with the power of healing.[/color][/i][/center][/quote] ~~~~~ OoC: Mmm, if you all don't hurry, I'm gonna get most of the Espers. Erhm, should I slow down, Sage, or am I going at an ok rate? (There's enough for each person to get two, plus one extra one.)
OoC: I made it up to the Opera House in this game before my copy was lost, and I've been spending all my free time trying to get a new copy. As such, I don't know anything about the Espers, but here goes. ALSO, there is a bit of a spoiler about Auron further down. If you have not finished or played FFX yet, you can skip this post and just know that Auron got the [spoiler]Phoenix[/spoiler] Esper. (And yes, that is NOT the FF3 image of it down there, but I thought it looked pretty, so there!) ~~~~~~~~~ Auron listened carefully to Cid, an idea sparking in his mind. Locke, hidden behind Auron's chair, tried to grab for the Masamune again. The Crimson Warrior whirled on him so fast that Locke fell over, catching everyone's attention. [color=teal]"Locke, would you quit trying to steal Auron's sword?!"[/color] [color=orange]"He wasn't stealing, he was looking!"[/color] "That's right--I'm a treasure hunter, NOT a thief!" Zell chuckled and Rinoa smiled bashfully. [color=crimson]"Do you really think my sword is some sort of relic?"[/color] Auron asked Locke. "If I say yes does that mean I can have it?" [color=crimson]"[i]Aeons,[/i]"[/color] Auron muttered under his breath. [color=crimson]"No,"[/color] he explained with strained patience, [color=crimson]"if I do not have my sword, that means I will die out there."[/color] "Can I have it [i]then[/i]?" Zell fell out of his chair laughing. [COLOR=orangered]"You have to admire his persistence, Red."[/COLOR] [color=crimson][i]Red?[/i] "Mmmm. Cid, I think I am ready now."[/color] "All right. What do you plan to do?" [color=crimson]"I would like to be flown to Tzen, if at all possible."[/color] "Of course." Cid turned to the rest of the survivors. "Get ready to depart, the rest of you. I'll drop you off as you figure out where you want to be. That way, there'll be no arguments as to who gets the airship." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Somewhere near Tzen...[/i] As the airship lifted off, Auron waved his sword to acknowledge the calls of luck and goodbye. He began to trudge in what he determined to be a south direction. The ground soon rose up sharply, large jagged rocks stabbing the earth from within, struggling to reach the sky. Auron carefully climbed, the Masamune strapped tightly to his back. It wasn't until the sun had sunk near the sea's horizon that Auron wondered if he was going in the right direction at all. There had been no signs of civilization, and the rocks had quickly grown into a massive mountain. Going back without a plan was fruitless and risky, so Auron promised himself to reach a high enough spot that would allow him to scout the surrounding area before continuing on. Darkness pressed harder, as both night and an unexpected storm brewed up. Lightning tore like gaunt wolves through the flocks of clouds, and it wasn't long before they bled the rain onto the earth, hard and fast. Auron was forced to take cover in a cave. Sitting near the entrance of the cave, close enough for the sporadic flashes of light but far enough to stay dry, Auron eyed his temporary home. A few old wooden boxes, warped with age and chewed by countless termites, sat abandoned to one side. Auron broke one apart easily, using his sword and a rock to start a small fire. The storm raged harder outside, as if angry at Auron's comfort; inside the cave, the light glowed warmly. It also lit up the glyphs on the wall. Auron blinked to make sure it wasn't the light playing tricks. But it wasn't--something like golden paint shone gently on the walls, and he touched them gently, as if afraid the markings would disappear. Tracing them with a finger, he noticed they resembled feathers and fire, at the same time. [color=crimson]"Well, how about that?"[/color] Auron chuckled gruffly to himself. [color=crimson]"I do believe I stumbled into a passage of the Phoenix Cave. Not the Esper I was first looking for, but--"[/color] Thunder clapped loudly outside; Auron, unfazed, took a piece of burning wood and explored the cave further. His search was rewarded when he came into a large, empty room, deeper in the mountain than he expected. Stalagmites and stalactites protruding like random teeth, but one stalagmite in particular drew Auron's attention. It held a large glowing stone atop. The Crimson Warrior approached cautiously, alert for any potential attacks from unexpected monsters. The only thing that happened was the stone glowing a bright, then brighter red, as he drew closer. He reached out his hand to take the stone, but just before he could, something called shrilly, echoing about the room. Auron frantically turned to search the room, the stone now behind him, but saw nothing. Behind him a great heat throbbed and he returned to looking at the stone. [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/auron.gif[/img] [img]http://www.fffreak.com/ff9/phoenix.jpg[/img] The creature was too beautiful, too wild, too fantastic for words. Rainbow light was thrown from its multitude of feathers, and the shadows of the room disappeared instantly. [color=crimson]"Phoenix..."[/color] Auron breathed. It shrilled back, musical this time, and flapped its wings. And a pyrefly floated past Auron. [color=crimson]"Bird of rebirth..."[/color] Another pyrefly. [color=crimson]"Wait!"[/color] It trilled, almost questioningly. [color=crimson]"You can't...not now...not here. I still have too much to do."[/color] The Phoenix sighed, a heartbreaking melody. [color=crimson]"Will you come with me?"[/color] In response, the creature vanished, as did the pyreflies. Auron was blinded by the unexpected darkness. No, not complete darkness. The stone still throbbed gently. He picked it up carefully. [quote][center][img]http://www.zellfantasy.it/strate6/esper/phoenix.gif[/img] [i][color=red]You got the [b][size=3]P[/size]HOENIX![/b] This Esper can restore life to anything.[/color][/i][/center][/quote] [color=crimson]"Thank you, Phoenix. We will journey on to Tzen soon...after the storm is gone."[/color]
OoC: Sage, step in quick before we run too far away! ^_~ ~~~~~~~ Auron sighed and rubbed his aching eye. [color=teal]"Auron?"[/color] [color=crimson]"Mmm? Oh, don't worry. I'm just tired."[/color] [color=teal]"So what do you think we should do?"[/color] Cecil asked again. [color=crimson]"I have no knowledge of this world..."[/color] [color=teal]"...nor do I, but--"[/color] [size=1]STOMP![/size] [size=2]STOMP![/size] [size=3]STOMP![/size] [color=orange]"WHOOO! Mech suits, YEAH!"[/color] Auron and Cecil stared in bewilderment as Zidane rode off in the large machine, the earth still shaking beneath the massive thumps. [color=teal]"I take it that he isn't thinking about Rinoa anymore."[/color] [color=crimson]"Hmmm,"[/color] Auron nodded in agreement. They stared quietly after the already-gone figure; a bird flew overhead in solitary tranquility. [color=crimson]"Do you know what I've almost forgotten?"[/color] [color=teal]"What's that?"[/color] Cecil asked, almost not paying attention. [color=crimson]"Zidane. Thieves. People like this man right here--"[/color] Auron grabbed the man in question's wrist and yanked him into Cecil's view. [color=crimson]"--trying to steal our possessions."[/color] "I don't steal!" [color=teal]"Let me guess--Auron's blade caught your attention."[/color] The man shrugged. "I thought it could have been some sort of relic of a bygone era and--" [color=crimson]"I do not tolerate thievery."[/color] The man broke free, working himself into a rage. "I'm not a thief, I'm a treasure hunter! Good gods, do you know who I am?!" [color=teal]"Not...really?"[/color] "I am Locke, the greatest treasu--" [color=crimson]"Thief."[/color] "I am [i]not![/i]" Locke nearly whined. "I merely locate treasure and borrow it indefinitely." [color=crimson]"Therefore you are a thief."[/color] "Treasure hunter!" [color=crimson]"Even your own name suggests evidence contrary to your self-proclaimed nature."[/color] Locke looked to Cecil for help. [color=teal]"He says your name even says you are a thief."[/color] "TREASURE HUNTER! Good gods, how many times do I have to TELL you people?!?" [size=1]STOMP![/size] [size=2]STOMP![/size] [size=3]STOMP![/size] [color=orange]"AUUUUGHH! HOW DO YOU STOP THIS THING?!?"[/color] Auron looked to Cecil and smirked. [color=crimson]"Looks like we didn't have to go far to find something to do."[/color]
Auron heaves a heavy sigh. [color=crimson]"Don't tell me--cardboard cutouts again?"[/color] ~~~~~~~~~ OoC: Sage, does Desbreko determine who gets what text color? He and I were discussing that a few nights ago, and we couldn't agree if that point had come up or not. I'm just saying because Zell and Auron are awfully close in text color, and we might need someone to distinguish the two or--*hides*
OoC: But we don't even know if Zidargh is back yet. I wouldn't wait too long if I were you, else the rest of us will get rather, well, bored. I already am a bit--just waiting to move on.
Everyone sits around quietly. The room is silent. Zidane's tail swishes in rhythmn. Soon, Cecil starts to tap his fingers against his armor, in time with Zidane's tail. In a moment, Zell, grinning, has started to loudly hum the "Jeopardy theme". Sephiroth slowly, threateningly, draws out his Masamune, scraping the tip against the floor in a hinting manner. Everyone sits around quietly. The room is silent once more. ~~~~~~~~~ [size=6][b][color=red]Don't forget to vote! We can't move on until everyone votes![/color][/b][/size] (And don't forget Zidargh is on vacation still, I guess.)
OoC: YAY! Finally, a full pair has posted! ~~~~~~~~~~~ Auron was blinded for a moment by the fresh sunlight that filtered down through the branches of the Iifa tree. He placed his sword on the lip of the tunnel, then pulled himself up out of it. [color=orange]"Little help?"[/color] Auron twisted around to see Zidane squinting up at him. Submuri had brought them through a large passageway that had led them up the trunk of the Iifa tree and out near the very top. Strangely enough, nothing had bothered them in the tunnel; Auron decided to take that for the good--it left them massive amounts of energy to take on whatever was waiting for them to dispose of. Submuri provided a boost for Zidane and spoke. "The top is just over there. If you will just defeat the monster, we can be free again." He crouched back into the entrance of the tunnel, huddling down as if the sunlight was hurting him. Auron looked down to him. [color=crimson]"Are you all right, Submuri?"[/color] Submuri covered his eyes with a decorated hood he had brought along and nodded. "I have just spent so much time inside the tree..." A vomit-inducing screech tore through the air, and both warriors whirled about to face their opponent. [color=orange]"Here we go..."[/color] Auron sized up the creature. It resembled another Malboro, but this one...the color was of sickly foliage, the stalks and tentacles swiveled about as if in an insane rage, and the teeth-- [color=orange]"Um, Auron?"[/color] [color=crimson]"Yes?"[/color] [color=orange]"Do you see the limbs sticking out between its teeth?"[/color] [color=crimson]"Yes."[/color] A bit of a whine now. [color=orange]"Does that mean we have to stay here and fight?"[/color] [color=crimson]"[i]Yes.[/i]"[/color] The eye stalks tilted every which way crazily, then locked onto its targets. Gathering tentacles to itself, the Malboro belched Bad Breath at them. The noxious cloud was small and weak, though, and a vagrant breeze soon brushed it away. [color=crimson]"What...?"[/color] [color=orange]"That was weak."[/color] Zidane pulled his daggers out menacingly and grinned. [color=orange]"That's ok, because [i]I'm[/i] strong."[/color] [color=crimson]"Zidane, wait!"[/color] The Malboro had gathered its tentacles for another Bad Breath, exposing its tender chin area. Zidane easily drove his twin points into the sickly body, and the Malboro screamed. Another scream resounded from the tunnel. Submuri climbed out instantly. "What...what have you [i]done?![/i]" Zidane was poised over the dying monster, pausing in midmotion of pulling one dagger free. [color=orange]"Um...killing the monster that imprisoned your tribe from being free?"[/color] "But how--how could you have--no!" Auron started to inch toward Zidane, watching Submuri warily. Zidane shrugged Submuri's odd behavior off and yanked a dagger free. Submuri bodily jerked, his hood falling off. Beneath, Submuri's face was a sickly green. Zidane got wide eyed. [color=orange]"Oh no, don't tell me--we're dealing with some sort of symbiotic relationship here, aren't we?"[/color] "Aren't you the clever one?" Submuri hissed as he limped toward them, clutching an unseen wound. [color=orange]"Well, actually, I was hoping to be wrong this time, but--"[/color] Auron slapped a hand over the garrulous Zidane's mouth and glared at Submuri. [color=crimson]"Why?"[/color] Submuri laughed haughtily. "You fools have repeatedly come in here, tearing this tree apart, showing no remorse for it or the inhabitants, and you dare ask why?" Zidane tore himself free of Auron's grip. [color=orange]"Um...yeah."[/color] Submuri roared angrily and clutched at Zidane, throwing the unfortunate monkey boy into the tunnel. The former Cleyran then shoved Auron aside, climbing into the dead Malboro's mouth. [color=orange]"OK, that's just gross."[/color] Auron strode quickly back to the tunnel to pull Zidane out. [color=crimson]"I agree."[/color] [color=orange]"So what do you suppose his deal is?"[/color] [color=crimson]"An angry spirit, I surmise. That would explain the safety of the tunnel, the Malboros attacking us. He had hoped the Malboros would have killed us, solving his problem of being discovered. But what has that to do with the winged tribe still in the base of the tree?"[/color] "What indeed!" Submuri cried. Auron and Zidane looked to him...and froze. The Malboro's body had been broken in such a way that its head, now horizontal, resembled a table. Submuri was wedged into the mouth, the massive teeth like a vicious barrier around him. The sickly green was now turning ashy white--some areas of the monster badly withered, resembling a floral skeleton. With a motion of his hand, the ashy white Submuri caused the dead tentacles to rise up and inject themselves into the tree branches around them. [color=crimson]"He's going to turn the entire Iifa tree against us!"[/color] The branches began to fade into sickly green, dead leaves falling one by one, then faster, like a rain. Auron glared at Submuri, calculating quickly. [color=crimson]"We can start off with Bio, to poison him and continually weaken him. If the entire tree is against us, we not only want to counter with Firaga and Blizzaga, but take precautions in terms of our Defense and Attack. Now--"[/color] [color=orange]"Auron?"[/color] [color=crimson]"Not now, Zidane, I'm trying to get our strategy together."[/color] [color=orange]"Do you think he's an Undead?"[/color] [color=crimson]"Yes. Now hush. If I can execute my Tornado before you--"[/color] "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! CURSE YOU, SPAWN OF TERRA!" Auron looked up in surprise at Submuri's death scream. [color=crimson]"What did you [i]do?![/i]"[/color] Zidane buffed his nails on his vest. [color=orange]"Let's just say Eiko left me a Phoenix Pinion as a going away present."[/color] He grinned at Auron. [color=orange]"Feeling pretty dumb right about now?"[/color] The tentacles withdrew from the branches and writhed in midair. In a moment, they twisted into dust and fell to the ground. The Iifa branches regained their healthy color. Submuri was still screaming as the dead Malboro sank into the ground, twisting harder and harder until the plant was dust as well. The skeletal form of Submuri lay on the ground. "I was going to stop you...stop you from ruining the tree...for all winged children...my children...my child...ren..." With a sigh, Submuri died. Again. Auron stepped contemptously past Submuri and pointed. [color=crimson]"The top."[/color] [color=orange]"GOT IT!"[/color] Zidane bounded the short 1oo yards, waving Auron to follow him. The pair reached the top; a short moment later, Rinoa and Cecil ran into them. [color=blue]"No FAIR!"[/color] Rinoa yelled, stomping her foot. [color=teal]"Is that a dead Burmecian over there?"[/color] Cecil asked. [color=orange]"Cleyran, actually. Long story."[/color] [color=crimson]"Remind me to speak to Cid about the hidden tribe when we get back to that airship of his,"[/color] Auron said. ~~~~~~~~ OoC: This post in comic memory of those frelling bosses that looked tough and really [i]could[/i] be killed by tossing a Phoenix Pinion at them.
Auron sat up shakily, blinking his one good eye in the darkness. He let his shades slip down his nose in order to see better, but the darkness hung heavily. A bright light ignited near him and the still body of Zidane jerked into wakefulness. Both squinted at the unexpected light source, failing to discern the person holding it. "Who are the outdwellers?" the one behind the light asked. Several feet scampered to Auron and Zidane, putting their...claws?...out to touch them. Auron submitted patiently, while Zidane slapped the searching hands away. [color=crimson]"Stop it, Zidane,"[/color] Auron commanded in his rough voice. [color=orange]"I don't like touchy feely!"[/color] the monkey man complained. [color=crimson]"This is their way of seeing us, of knowing we aren't enemies."[/color] [color=orange]"Why can't they just use that light over there?"[/color] [color=crimson]"Because they are blind."[/color] "You speak truth, Red One." [color=orange]"That guy doesn't seem to be blind,"[/color] Zidane remarked. The creature holding the lamp waved the rest of the figures away from the pair. "Because I am the only 'normal' one left. My name is Submuri, formerly of Cleyra. Those around you are the rejected children." [color=orange]"Rejected children. Why?"[/color] Submuri tapped the light (which was actually a large staff) against the ground, and it lit up brightly. Trained for this, the figures around him covered their eyes. [color=crimson]"They have wings for arms..."[/color] Submuri nodded, twitching his tail. "They are more like bats than Burmecians or Cleyrans. Which is why they were not accepted. They were drove deep into the dark heart of the great Iifa Tree, and only I could care for them. We long for the day when we can breathe the fresh air again." [color=orange]"Cleyra isn't there anymore,"[/color] Zidane said. [color=orange]"A lot has happened, including the protective whirlwind going away, but--"[/color] "Even if Cleyra was open for us, we still cannot leave." [color=crimson]"Why?"[/color] "Have you noticed the tree acting peculiar as of late?" [color=orange]"Sorry, I was too busy being eaten by a Malboro,"[/color] Zidane quipped, shooting a look at Auron. "There is a magical beast near the top of the tree, controlling it. You can only get to it through these inner workings, but we had never expected anyone to fall into the dark heart of the great Iifa Tree." [color=orange]"Waitwaitwait, lemme get this straight--you're saying that if we beat the creature at the top for you, we not only help your people and the Iifa Tree, but we also will be at the top when we do?"[/color] "Yes...but the creature is very powerful. Very powerful indeed. It could use the entire tree against you to destroy you." Zidane smirked. [color=orange]"Cool."[/color] [color=crimson]"Leave it to Cid to make the last challenge on Gaia an exciting one."[/color] [color=orange]"Auron, waitaminute, if the tree's acting weird then that means the other pairs could be having trouble, too!"[/color] [color=crimson]"All the more reason to get started. Submuri, we will return soon with good news."[/color] "Or not at all. May the great Iifa Tree see you as helpers, not harmers. I wish you the best."
OoC: Got it, Sage! Thanks for the comfort and your English is just fine, my dear. /_^ ~~~~~~~~ Zidane whistled cheerfully as he bounced from limb to limb. He knew the path to the top of the Iifa Tree very well, and he wasn't about to waste any time showing his knowledge off. Auron was trudging slowly up the dirt path when Zidane appeared, hanging upside down from above. [color=orange]"Boo!"[/color] Auron grunted, shoved him aside, and kept trudging. [color=orange]"I swear, Auron, you have no sense of humor."[/color] [color=crimson]"We got a late start, and we can't afford to waste our time."[/color] [color=orange]"C'mon, Aurie,"[/color] Zidane said in his most slickest voice, [color=orange]"I'm telling you I know all the shortcuts, so we'll be fine!"[/color] He looked to Auron, who was already 20 feet away now. [color=orange]"Hey, wait up!"[/color] Auron was concentrating on getting one foot in front of the other when he felt something brush his shoulder again. [color=crimson]"Zidane--"[/color] he growled menacingly. "Zidane" growled back. Auron turned to look at the "something", and... [color=orange]"Auron!"[/color] Zidane screamed as he jogged to catch up to the older warrior. [color=orange]"That's a Malboro!"[/color] [color=crimson]"How in Aeon's name did a Malboro get up here?"[/color] [color=orange]"Part of the decor?"[/color] The Malboro screeched, waving tentacles every which way. [color=crimson]"He doesn't think you're funny, either,"[/color] Auron smirked. [color=crimson]"Are you ready?"[/color] [color=orange]"Bring it on, baby!"[/color] It's a commonly known fact that slicing a Malboro's tentacles will not slow it down, but simply agitate it into regenerating them immediately. The real power lies in the Malboro's stalk and, as true adventurers know, its tongue. Zidane whisked out his pair of daggers and spun them. [color=orange]"Time to trim the bad plant!"[/color] He leapt at the Malboro, slicing this way and that. Tentacles rained down, and even Auron had to admit Zidane was quick and deadly. Zidane had managed to clear a "bald spot" atop the Malboro's head and waved to Auron. He closed his eyes and buffed imaginary nails against his chest. [color=orange]"How's that for being ready?"[/color] [color=crimson]"Zidane, come down."[/color] [color=orange]"I do this all the time, don't worry!"[/color] [color=crimson]"Come [i]down![/i]"[/color] [color=orange]"Why, I remember this one time Iiiiiiiii--!"[/color] [color=crimson]"ZIDANE!"[/color] The Malboro had regenerated its tentacles while Zidane was talking and they felt his position out long enough for the Malboro's tongue to snake out and wrap around Zidane's tail and right leg. With a snap, the Malboro held Zidane upside down in the air. [color=orange]"Auroooooooooon!"[/color] Auron just shook his head, almost as if in amusement, then swigged from his sake bottle. [color=orange]"Stop getting drunk and save me!"[/color] Auron blew the sake out in an angry spurt, spraying his sword. He held it up and it glowed in an unearthly manner. With a swift motion, he threw the glowing at the Malboro. A few hit the nearby area, but most found their target in the monster. It roared in fury as it was hit and gathered up to blast Bad Breath back. [color=orange]"Auron...do something...it's dragging me into its mouth!"[/color] A loud crack stopped the battle. At first, Auron thought it was a large tree branch and looked around hastily for the falling object. Something cracked again, and his eye shot to the source. [color=crimson]"Zidane, hold on..."[/color] [color=orange]"I [i]can't[/i] hold on, I---auuughhh!"[/color] The ground had split beneath them all. Auron had a chance to see the light from above filtering through the hole they had made. He saw long tails. Long noses. Hands gesturing toward him. Zidane mumbled next to him. [color=orange]"Frey...a?"[/color] Auron strained to see harder, but was only rewarded with more darkness. Both fainted warriors were now in the hands of whoever had found them.