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Everything posted by GinnyLyn

  1. Yes, this [i]is[/i] pick on Ginny day. Shy, you completely miscontrued one of my statements, and that isn't fair to me. [quote]Is it because you wish to see SquareEnix support same sex relations, or is it because you are curious about them and hope to have some questions answered?[/quote] As I pointed out in my original post, this was NOT MEANT TO SOUND SPITEFUL, and yet you still took it that way. I was not downing homosexuals, I was trying to tap into the mind of people. I know that some groups benefit in self-confidence from having supporters. I also know from personal experience that I tend to seek out others in my curiousity, which is why I brought up the second question. I'd appreciate if you apologized, Shy, or at least recognize that you misunderstood part of my posts.
  2. GinnyLyn


    This actually reminds me of Windows Media player--how it does that visual effect when you play a CD on your computer. That or a close up of mold. ¬_¬ Heh, nifties. 8.5/1o for the color scheme. The text unbalances for me, and doesn't sit well with me. >.<
  3. If you mean in reference to the things you find in his stomach: Princess Ruto, Link, the Zora Sapphire, cows, boxes, jellyfish (Bari/Baru, Barinae), those manta ray dealies, octoroks, and ...um...that's everything I can think of. (Bubbles are formed in stomaches, not swallowed into them.) If I be right, (and I'm not sure if I am): [b]Q:[/b] How many horns does Deku Link carry? How many drums for Goron Link?
  4. In response to DeathKnight, I never considered you among the people I was accusing. But if that is the way you see it, so be it. I'm not here for your respect, but I still give you as much as a Mod deserves. Don't think I haven't been pushed to being cold-hearted. I have been, and I got a hell of a lot of good/sound reasons to be. But it doesn't do anything constructive. I could build on this further, but I feel I would be, well, to be frankly honest, wasting my energy. BlackDragon465, don't be petrified by this story. As long as you remember basic rules--don't take candy from strangers, accept rides home from people you don't know, etc etc blah blah blah--then you should be fine. And sometimes, stuff happens. That's life. It's what you make of the situation that either makes you a "better" person--or just a person. I'm still just a person right now. "Better" is a bit ways away.
  5. [center][img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=398210[/img][/center] Although this was his prize winning photograph, Farmer Brown was never quite sure what other people meant by phallic imagery. ~~~~~~ A little off the top gets a new meaning.
  6. Ever since I got the new version of my browser downloaded, all image attachments are shrunk to fit the window. And since this one is very light, I can barely see anything. Please produce a "darker" version--I can't give a rating till I get one. ^^;
  7. *shrugs* And what if I'm right, huh? Again, we will never know until we get there. So why worry and speculate? It's everyone's personal decision. I've got my beliefs, and everyone else has theirs. It's not like someone from the afterlife is going to show up and tell us. And even if they did, our society is so riddled with suspicion and deceit that the chances of anyone believing the etheral visitor would be very slim. I could say it's your own choice where you go after you die. And really, it is. So get deciding. =)
  8. Well, but, it's one of those questions you'll never know the answer to UNTIL you die. And why spend all your existence mulling over that, if this is all you get? Life doesn't come with a cheatbook. Gotta make your own decision. Death'll take care of itself. And if I die tomorrow, well, at least I'll die with hope. You really honestly don't know [i]when[/i] you will die, so...yeah.
  9. *brings out the religious flamers attack dogs* I'm ready. Anyways, [b][color=red]MY BELIEF[/color][/b] (and for crying out loud, you can't debate personal belief) is pretty much what Agatio said. When you die, you either go to heaven or hell. Not based on what you did in your life, but on who you believe in. The thought of living in this world over and over and over again makes me ill. I'm glad I only have to go through it once. Hopefully. ^^ The world just sucks that much. There's a lot more I could say, but I'm leaving it at that. Heaven or Hell. Smoking or non. :D Eternal blissful afterlife or a really short and painful one. [/the personal belief of GinnyLyn]
  10. I'd swear I've heard this somewhere before, IRL.
  11. As I pointed out, Mitch, my thoughts on this are best captured in the AIM convo we just had: [quote] [b][color=blue]Cruxed Chimera:[/color][/b] The Phone Call [b][color=red]draKehho:[/color][/b] *shivers* [b][color=red]draKehho:[/color][/b] How do you do it, Meh? How do you make the people feel the emotion? [b][color=red]draKehho:[/color][/b] my Deity...it reminds me of ...yeah. [b][color=red]draKehho:[/color][/b] [i]Damn,[/i] that captures emotion. [b][color=red]draKehho:[/color][/b] *hugs Meh* Simply incredible. [b][color=blue]Cruxed Chimera:[/color][/b] Thank you. [b][color=red]draKehho:[/color][/b] Closure. *nods* Closure. People need it, whether they read or write it. [b][color=red]draKehho:[/color][/b] the innocence with the Mickey Mouse phone [b][color=red]draKehho:[/color][/b] not quite denial, but a grip on innocence to forget what happened, [b][color=red]draKehho:[/color][/b] mmmm. [b][color=red]draKehho:[/color][/b] the out and out not caring, making Fran to be a faceless identity [b][color=blue]Cruxed Chimera:[/color][/b] And I wasn't even thinking that at all when I wrote it. None of that. It just happened. [b][color=red]draKehho:[/color][/b] wow... [b][color=red]draKehho:[/color][/b] *blinks* I always thought that writers did that sort of stuff on purpose. At least, that's what our English teachers led us to believe, indirectly. [b][color=blue]Cruxed Chimera:[/color][/b] Sometimes. But I was too emotional that night to even know. I just needed to write something, that's all I knew. [b][color=red]draKehho:[/color][/b] the cruelty of the world. [/quote] Meh is the voice of closure when one cannot find closure herself. This story resounds with me more than it might sit with other readers.
  12. Auron looked at Zidane happily. [color=crimson]"Not only are you a monkey boy--"[/color] [color=orange]"HEY!"[/color] [color=crimson]"--but you also know your way around the Iifa Tree. This should not be too bad."[/color] [color=orange]"Just don't expect me to carry you all the way, old man."[/color]
  13. That [i]is[/i] weird. It's not making any sense, and I'm starting to wonder. In any case, do NOT blame yourself, G.D.Ryoko. They made their choices, and those choices wouldn't have been much different if you had been there.
  14. As far as Ratchet&Clank goes, that's a teen game just because of the plethora of guns, futuristic or otherwise. Whee. Oh, and the annihilation of an entire planet--younger kids might wonder what's up with the whole death thing. Most of the T games I get ahold of have mild profanity. And yet, they managed to release FF4 (I believe) before the ratings system came out, and that also had profanity in it. The guns, for me, are not much of a problem. It's the profanity--frankly, people who use it constantly are making themselves look bad. I am all for using one in a bad situation to relieve tension, but constantly--no. I know my brother is 15 and he plays Half-Life constantly, with a mike. And though he may not go out and blow someone's head off, I'm really getting tired of him shouting about stabbing people or shooting them, and laughing uproariously about it. I know it's all virtual, but it's [i]annoying[/i] to say the least. And as far as prohibiting kids to buy the games, the parents that could care less about their offspring's wellbeing won't have any reservations against going by themselves to buy the games. And it's those kids the gov'n. wants to reach the most. Seriously, if people want the gov'n to stop screwing with their personal lives, then people need to start taking more responsibility, and the [i]right[/i] responsibilities, besides.
  15. I seem to be everything BUT water. FIRE: I've had a temper that's developed recently, plus I really am unpredictable. I dunno about the leader part, but I do know that I will not use my talents or power for just anyone. AIR: Carefree and ditzy. In my younger life, I was sweet and lovable. Fire's taking over Air, my my. EARTH: Quiet, intelligent, and observant. You are a passive follower, who enjoys serving. (Enough said--that's me all over--or was. Once, again, Fire's surfaced in the past few weeks.) ETHER (stars, heavens): Mysterious, aloof, and deadly. You hold yourself away, but only until the moment before you strike. Anotherwords, don't screw with me. Sure, I've got some mental problems, but until you pry, I won't smash you over the head with them. Methinks I shall see if I can find an online quiz about the elements. (After work, that is.)
  16. Sara-9/1o. The Majin-8.5/1o. Shinobi-*9/1o. WW2-8.2/1o. Shinkoru-8.5/1o. maladjusted-9.2/1o. KittyLynn-8/1o. Kaisuke-*9/10. daedalus-*9.5/1o. Zidane-*8.5/1o. DarK DeatH-*9.2/1o. My final hand drawn choice is [b]maladjusted[/b]. The words floating, the hands reaching in, the mind like a box, the person in the middle--I could go on for a bit about this one. ^^ I think I said that the first time, too. My final graphics choice is [b]daedalus[/b]--I've already gushed about this one as well. ^^ *see previous post on daedalus, then* Both pieces really made me think for a full 30 seconds, to delve into the artist's mind about his/her imagination, and to think about my own. Well, done both of you. And a cookie for everyone else. I enjoyed all the entries immensely.
  17. It's a 3D inkblot test! :rotflmao: Oooo, hot wax coating--that's what really made it stick out. See, the lines look like large scars to me, tracing all over the place and adding to the heavy (not morbid really, just heavy) effect. Bumping this up to a 9.5/1o. I'm so in awe of this.
  18. Awwwww, lookit the cute MarineAngemon! ^^ Mmm, they are all so small. And images I've seen before. Um. But then, I also used common images when I made mine, so....^^; I'm not used to rating avies in this manner.
  19. (Sheesh, people, lay off the "Oh Digimon--feh, but this is good anyway." You don't see me dissing DBZ. :p 'Course, that's me speaking as the former DigiWebMistress for theOtaku.com.) 8.8/1o. Colors are vivid, characters are very regonizable. There are a few lines that kinda skitter where they shouldn't, but all in all, nice piece of work. (And none of us are quite sure what Leomon's In Training should be, but I would have gone with Upamon, 'cause of the ears and all. ^^)
  20. Dude, I am in awe. This is sweet stuff. Solid 1os. I am speechless. This is pro stuff. Make more. *thumbs up*
  21. I never could get into Oekaki. ^^;; However, your background in this pic is simply fabulous! The shading and coloring is pretty nice, too. The lines are a bit jittery, but that's only because of the mouse. =) 8.8/1o, because I like it that much.
  22. For some reason, I just can't seem to wrap my tiny little art brain around this one. =\ I like the image and the color, but the extra lines are throwing me? Not sure, because then I think the color and the lines are good, and the image is evil, and then I think it's the color, and...well, you see what's going on here. Rating pending. Lemme stare at it for a few more minutes.
  23. If it ends up like EverQuest, though, that would mean those add-on programs (can't think of the offical name for them). In which case it goes back to me saying that SquareEnix should have set this MMORPG aside from the numbered series. Does anyone know if it will be playable by itself, as in, no internet connection?
  24. Mei, in reference to your rank question, are you looking for clearly defined ranks or either/or? Technically, all the FFs have classes/ranks, just not all of them out and out defined. Oh poopy, I think I just answered my own question. ^^; I'll get back to you with my answer in a bit.
  25. Ya know, I know the guy's whizzing and all, but it keeps looking like he's got a firecracker stuck in his crotch. >.< *feels very sorry for the wee guy* ssss.....FOOM!
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