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Everything posted by GinnyLyn
[color=crimson]"Four against one?"[/color] Auron looked around, incredulous. [color=crimson]"Where are you getting those numbers from?"[/color] Both men sweatdropped (unusual for warriors of their type) and sighed. [color=orangered]"And Cid's not here any more either..."[/color] It was quiet for a moment. Zell grinned at Auron. [color=orangered]"Wanna thumb wrestle?"[/color]
I remember once speaking to my manager and mentor Ron (my close online peeps know who I mean--the rough tempered guy) about rape. His view was not to be concerned on whether the victims deserved it (a minor issue, perhaps, but not THE issue), and that the rapers should be raped themselves as punishment. Graphic, but I'd have to agree. Of course our "Grand Ol' Gov'n" would [i]never[/i] allow that (who would you get to do that? ugh) and probably let the criminals walk after a few days. *miserable sigh* Some punishment... If you feel comfortable about it, G.D.Ryoko, feel free to update us on what has happened (whether any one has been contacted, etc). I'm praying for the whole lot of you. "A Time to Kill" is a good movie to sway some of the more cold hearted peeps we got running around here, and [b][color=red]I have to say I've lost respect for certain people after this thread.[/color][/b]
I'm withholding them until I see all the entries. I find my opinion gets swayed depending on what I see, so this way, I can rate in retrospect. Trust me--it's better for me to do it this way. :)
Personally, I feel SquareEnix should have set this FF apart from the rest, as in, not one of the numbered FFs. The question is, where will FFXi be in 5 years? It took me just that long to get ahold of FF7 (late RPG bloomer, heh), and that was for the PC. Do you really think the server (or whatever they call it) for this game will still be around?
[b]Zidane[/b] Interesting use of the spiral filter and lens flare. I wish I could tell what all the blurred objects are, but nonetheless, a very nice entry. Does this mean you feel alone in your imagination, and it is the only thing that brings you hope in your life? [b]DarK DeatH[/b] Whoa...hee. Pyro tornado. You have some empty space, too, but the image doesn't look nearly as chaotic as it is striving to be. I really really like the effect, nonetheless. ~~~~~~~ When do we make the final judge?
Methinks we are going to have to make quiz rules very very clear--this is getting far too muddled. [b][size=4]1. If you answer a question, please post a new question. 2. If your answer is correct, then the next person should answer your question. 3. If your answer is incorrect, then everyone else, [i]please[/i] return to the question that was first asked--NOT the question the incorrect person posted. 4. To make things easier, if you are the person whose question is being answered, [i]please[/i] remember to tell people who answer whether they are correct or not. This should cut down on confusion.[/size][/b] I'm no Mod, but I am getting weary with all the messes the quizzes are turning into.
Auron leaned on his sword and looked around. [color=crimson]"Has everyone become a cardboard cutout?"[/color]
All together now: Balance is gooooooooood. Heh, yeah. :bluesweat Anyways, all your text is on one side, and Buu's all by his lonely on the other. And negative space...no-no. Colors work very well together, so I'll give you a 8/1o. I've seen that font before and...well, eh...so...um...trying not to kill any egos here. ^^;;;;;;
Life does suck, but I want to reiterate that, though the friends could have taken care of themselves better, GDRyoko should not be told to treat them cold heartedly, and with an attitude of "oh gee, you brought it on yourself." I don't need to recount my own horrible experience, but I can tell you that getting the facts out [i]now[/i] is far more important than being "nice" and hiding it. Stop the assailants. Bring some closure to your friends. Don't judge them--they need you the most right now. I wish I had had someone at the time, but I finally got closure through my online friends about a year ago. Waiting over 10 years to do so is not smart--please believe me. Talk to the parents, talk to the police, talk to your friends. Just [i]talk.[/i] I cannot emphasize that enough. [b][color=red]Life may suck, but you don't have to be cold-hearted along with it.[/color][/b]
Flat out 1o/1o. This is just too cool. I'm pretty sure I know how you colored this, and I've seen this effect once or twice. You are quite talented at art and I hope to see more from you again soon.
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom. *Mazda reference* ^^; Controlled effects. And out of control effects. What a combination. Oo; This one looks quite technical, and, nothing personal against you--I just don't go for the machine look too well. >.> Good color scheme--constant, effective. 8/1o.
*giggles immaturely* Shinobi one is funny. *giggles immaturely again* I have to agree--a soft, mellow background is a refreshing, welcoming change to the "take-no-prisoners effects" or "anime character 24/7" ones. But therein lies the only thing that could hamper this background--the fact that it is a relief means that I could get bored with it pretty quickly. ^^; 9.5/10. Professional (1st one, anyway, *giggle*), clean, and relaxing. Excellent job. No nitpicks.
*points and pouts at Skones* That was gonna be MY answer. :p (Easy, dear Mei--I know it isn't great when people get after each other for, well, for our quiz rules for instance, but it's gotta be done. Um...*insert comforting words and runs off*)
I'll be able to finish Jurak's area as soon as I can figure out how to get past that one area that splits into two (R.Buttefly Forest)--you know, the one with the shiny star thing blocking the way--so I can pick up more Geostones. I've made it to Starlight Canyon today, but those frelling Masked Tribesmen keep killing me! :mad: Any hints to get rid of them (that don't involve chucking bombs or other items at them) would be appreciated. I've also gotten my first two [spoiler]tranformation medals--Flora and Undead. I think it's a nifty concept that they will turn into stronger monsters after certain levels (never mind the fact how Digi/Pokémonish that sounds), but it's the leveling up that takes awhile. Even the weapons go faster than that![/spoiler] I'm still loving this game very much so. *grin*
Nabooru: So [i]that's[/i] what happens when a male Gerudo is only born once every 100 years... (Desbreko can correct me on that if needed.) Bah, this is just conjuring up so many inappropriate phrases. ^^;
It's hard to rate when you aren't getting your images in. ^_~ [b]Shinkoru[/b] OK mix of images. The only thing that is detracting is the open negative space you have, and the white edges. [b]maladjusted[/b] Very very nice image. This is up there with Sara's. There's something very real, yet very abstract about it. The words, the hands, etc.--I could gush for a little while about this one. [b]KittyLynn[/b] Another composition artwork nicely done, but...the lined paper distracts and breaks it up. The lines are rather light as well, making it hard to see some of the images. [b]Kaisuke[/b] Erhm, this is a contest about imagination, not desire. ^^; Though I can see how those might go hand in hand together. I'll have to withhold my thoughts till I can decide if this fits the contest subject or not. GORGEOUSLY DONE, regardless. [b]daedalus[/b] Now this one is quite captivating, by far. It's actually making me think and decipher. Your description only added to the viewer's ability to appreciate it. The text mighta been handled better, but all in all, very nicely done. VERY. ~~~~~~~ I would suggest the judges make two divisions, one for hand drawn and one for computer generated. Sara and maladjusted hold a tie for hand drawn, Shinobi and daedalus for computer generated.
The flying man doesn't come across as all that awesome to me, :bluesweat [i]but[/i] I do like the background texture effect. The flying man just completes the effect. 8.7/1o. Very nicely done.
Duuuuuude...O_o; I'm not quite sure what I am looking at--the image keeps changing. Out of curiosity, what [i]did[/i] you do? *is in awe at effects* Giving this one a 9/1o easily.
I dunno, all those jagged white edges are screaming at me. *hides* Lemme alone, white edges! I cast thee out! *hides again*
Mei, we must answer Sage's question first. Sage, I'm gonna hurt you soon :D--this one's a stumper!
Wow, Freedom fries were only the start.
GinnyLyn replied to Senor Ding Dong's topic in General Discussion
Oh please--this is FAR from new. This site was out long before the big hullabaloo over French Fries started. Other me: Who uses words like 'hullabaloo'? -
Roughly, and without spoilers, since I've just started: Max, a young millionaire's boy, wants to see the world and maybe find his mother. His father forbids it, and for an unknown reason, the mayor has locked the gates to the areas beyond the city. After a tiny coming-of-age, you-are-the-chosen-one bit, Max meets Monica, a girl from the future, who needs Max's help to fix his world to save hers. I've managed to restore Jurak (I don't have much time to play), and I am simply delighted by how the future is altered by what you Georama in the past. I giggled insanely, childishly happily when I saw the Glowing Mushrooms restored. :bluesweat I highly recommend this game. Entertaining enough to make you [i]want[/i] to play when it is frustrating. *big grin*
Just when you think you've seen it all....O_o;
I'm giving this one over to Desbreko, with Heaven's Cloud, Geist, and Dan L all close seconds. It's all yours, 'Sko!
Yes, Mei, please post a new question regardless of if you think you got the previous one right. Saves us time on waiting for a new question. *kind smile* Anywho, Valen is wrong. Bahamut is a nonElemental, Ark is Holy (I think?), Atomos is Gravity, and Doomtrain...um...*shrug?* I know one answer is Kjuta, but the other three...I dunno. ^_^; Magus Sisters? That makes two...DANG, Sage. *thwaps him*