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Everything posted by GinnyLyn

  1. I guess the real question I want to ask is, [i]why[/i] do you want to see SquareEnix put a same-sex relationship into their games? As both James and I pointed out, media in general (games, movies, tv, etc.) have not done the best job in portraying life accurately. So, without sounding spiteful (and if you think I am, then you might want to check your maturity level on this subject .:smirk:.), why? Is it because you wish to see SquareEnix support same sex relations, or is it because you are curious about them and hope to have some questions answered? Let's be realistic here--when has the media [i]ever[/i] been true to life? Life's problems are not solved in half an hour, you can't tell a sad moment from a happy moment because of the background music, and contrary to popular belief, everyone is [i]not[/i] watching you. Perhaps you want to see a game that shows tolerance as a theme? It's been done. Done well, done badly, but it's been done. My mom and I had a long talk last night about this subject. We both agreed that it is ridiculous that people think that homosexuality is a much worse sin that, say, lying. In my belief, it's not. And if you can just hold on a moment for my point (I'm not out to offend anyone, just make a point here), then I would just say that if I wanted a game that focused around a pathelogical liar, it, quite frankly, wouldn't be done any better. It goes back again to the tv mentality. By the end of the game, all characters will have this obligation to set aside their differences, grin happily at surviving, and gallop off into the sunset for a happy ending. Meanwhile, back here in reality, we have to deal with individual thoughts and beliefs that no one but each of us can control. Pathelogical liars aren't gonna quit just like that. In the same manner, homosexuals aren't going to be accepted just like that *snap*. I suggest, if one is either curious about same sex relations or wishes to support them, to not sit around and let some big name company afraid of losing paying customers to stand up as unsung pioneers. Go out and get to know people. Again, I have nothing against the person, and sometimes, I wonder if calling someone homosexual only further alienates them versus helping them stand out as an individual. Actions are not a person. And that was another long thoughtful post from yours truly. ^^;
  2. OoC: Um, does this mean that Zeh is out? Methinks, Sage, you should also PM both Mei and Domon, to remind/ask them to post or let you know if they are out as well. Actually, don't make "let you out?" an option unless they bring it up and really need it. We're losing people far too fast here. *snorts* Cid is reminding of my old manager Ron right about now. :D ~~~~~~~ Auron shifted uncomfortably. [color=crimson]"Remind me not think 'outside the box' again next time."[/color] [color=redorange]"Hey, I thought it was pretty creative,"[/color] Zell pointed out. He turned to Rinoa next to him. [color=redorange]"Right, partner?"[/color] The cardboard cutout of Rinoa fell over. [color=redorange]"What the HELL?!"[/color] Cecil yelled out, startled, as 'Sephiroth' fell over as well. Both cutouts had notes taped to them: 'Be back soon! Hope nothing important happens while I am gone.' Cecil raised an eyebrow. [color=teal]"Now what do you suppose those two could be up to?"[/color] [color=orange]"I saw her first!"[/color] Zidane hollered in anger. A cough behind him made him blush. [color=orange]"Oops, sorry Garnet, darling."[/color] "Grrr."
  3. I...I won? Again? *comically bawls in happiness* All righty, tad hard to find a pic this late at night, but give this baby a gander. Um, I mean, look. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=395245[/img]
  4. By popular request...;) I must say, when the first part of the picture popped up (Chibomon and the top half of DemiVeemon), I was nearly floored, it looked so professional. DemiVee and Vee do have a little unproportionate stuff going on (legs for both, face for Vee, but then, Vee's face has always been hard for me, too). The colors are perfect as are the shadows. *points to the drop shadows and grins* I give you a 8.8/1o. Keep up the sweet work! :D
  5. Personally, I couldn't give up any of my team members, but if it meant evening up the teams--but seriously, who would be willing to change sides? I say go ahead and make us all one big team. Or maybe split us off into pairs? One gets the Ragnarok, another gets the Hilde Garde 4 and the third gets both Lru and the Cargo Ship. *shrugs*
  6. OoC: We can't "pretend Zeh is here"--he's got originality and suchlike for his posting. And he wouldn't gain levels. I would suggest that you, Sage, take his place for awhile, but then, that brings to issue whether you'd be moling for Avalanche. >.> What we are going to do is going to depend on how long Zeh is gone. I'd probably go ahead and recommend becoming individuals, but...what good would the Hilde Garde 4 be now? Who would get the Golden Chocobo or the Ragnarok? As I told Zidargh on AIM yesterday, we aren't writing this for the OB peeps. It'd be nice, but I know they aren't reading it and I'm not writing for them. I'm writing for [i]us[/i] to enjoy, for [i]me[/i] to have fun (and maybe win? ^_~). So whatever you may do, calling off Survivor is not an option.
  7. GinnyLyn


    Oh my gosh. I know you had warned me before reading it. Considering all the junk n crap the English teachers put us through, plus the King and Crichton I read, I was ready. Well, but for the gore and eerieness, anyway. Once I got started, I couldn't stop. You told me how it was based loosely off of Sara's dream. The dream essence is there, with the surreal moments of incomprehensible events. What really got my attention, kept my attention, was the human factor. How the main character still searched for an answer, still held some sanity in the depths of the craziness. And the multiple Charles. I think the part that actually had a profound effect on me was: [quote][size=1]"Charles, what have you done?" she said, but her voice wasn't hers. It was loud, it echoed, it cringed and dug. It was painful to hear her voice. My ears rang and clanged from her voice, fell and thumped. .... It was then that I realized why that voice dug into me like it did, why that voice hurt so much. It was my own voice, my own angry voice. It was my emotional voice, the one that was full of hate and spite. [/size][/quote] There is just something about that that I identify with so strongly. Was the ending based on a song, I take it? *points to your sig* I've been known to write the tiny small story based on a song I've heard. I'm grappling with whether the ending was perfectly neat and tidy, or too neat and tidy. Excellent job, Mitch.
  8. [spoiler]White Kitten: Whoa, look at THAT! I don't got one of those-- Black Kitten: *claps sarcastically* Way to go. You're so smart.[/spoiler]
  9. Well, Sage, the thing is, homosexuals and their romantic relationships have not always been portrayed in the best light. I was eating my lunch just today, and my dad was flipping through the channels. He stumbled on this one TV14 movie, and, well, the gays were shown to be less than desirable people. Time and again, everytime I am exposed to anything that shows homosexual relationships, that's what happens--they are shown to be less than desirable people. Where society is tripping up is grouping the person with the act--the act is bad, therefore the person is bad. WRONG. Again, my personal belief is that the act is wrong, but the person is not. I can respect the person, just not that choice of lifestyle. If most people are locked into the mindset that I have grown up with, then they will feel the same way as me--if society's movies are any indication of their approach to this topic, then they need to mature in their approach before they can seriously think about putting gays in as the front running character. Otherwise, it's completely pointless.
  10. I won I won I won I--oops. ^^; I like this picture, anyway! ~~~~~~ [center][img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=394251[/img] [b]The first movie still for the motion picture "Kung Fu Kitty"[/b] This harrowing story follows the life of a young kitten destined to wrest wronglyfully imprisioned catnip from the clutches of the evil Sapian-San. Tom Jones lends his voice for the title song.[/center] ~~~~~~~ White kitten: I'm standing! It's structurely impossible! B&W kitten: Well, I'm twisting my spine in an unnatural way, so what's your point? ~~~~~~~
  11. Says the girl with half a smilie face. Sorry, had to post that. ^_^
  12. GinnyLyn

    Lady K

    What everyone else said. Is there possibly another pic of Totodile that can be used? The pose is good, but the image is overdone. >.> LOVE everything else. Seriously. And I think I've learned the secret to making those kind of backgrounds. *evil laugh* Ahem. *tiny grin* 9/1o.
  13. *shoves the Angel to one side, gently* It does [i]not![/i] This is called stylized technique. Or slightly abstract. The emphasis here is the texture, not the realism. The scales on the dragon are nicely done. The wings curve back in a believable motion. The texture on the trees and ground are fabulous, as is the essence of the cloudy day (complete with hidden sun). I take it the dragon is bending the world? Nifty. My only nitpick is the tail's bend--it doesn't seem to bend naturally. 9.8/1o. I wish to see more of your work!
  14. Bright colors, eee! Chibify, eee! Surfer girl, eee! I actually think your colors work very well together. My only nitpick is the color overlap on the surfboard, but that's nothing more experience can't fix. I really love the way you patterned the ?bags at her sides. 9/1o. Welcome to the Art Forum, hope to see more of your unique stuff soon. :)
  15. "Look at my pelvis!" I'm sorry, that was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw this. *hides from DBZ fans armed with sharp sticks* The smaller figure is shaded very well. As for the large head, the eyeballs aren't exactly--what's the word--aligned? And overall, there seems to be an awful lot of light color, which throws the balance out of whack for me. 8.5/1o.
  16. As for Max's voice, I know EXACTLY where I heard it--since my little bro was watching the cartoon "Carmen Sandiego" right before I started the game. Max is Max...confused yet? Heh, tis true, the two detectives that chase Carmen in the cheesy cartoon are Max and Ivy (if memory serves). As for the photos, I found that they sorta kinda move automatically to the album, but I haven't figured out [i]how[/i], so I just check to make sure they are in there before I delete them. ^^
  17. I believe this is the scene you mean. Where it's after dinner, and Zidane and Vivi are talking quietly to each other, while Eiko eavesdrops. [quote][i][size=1]Taken from [url=http://ffwa.org/ff9/index.html]Final Fantasy:Worlds Apart Scripts[/url].[/size][/i] [b]Zidane[/b] "You wanna know a trick to get your mind off things?" [b]Eiko[/b] "Okay." [b]Zidane[/b] "This is an age-old ritual between male friends!" [b]Eiko[/b] "Uh-huh." [b]Zidane[/b] "Come over here, Vivi. Let's go together." "Doesn't it feel nice to let yourself go under the stars?" [b]Eiko[/b] "......" [Eiko stands up, shakes her head, and runs out of the kitchen] [/quote] I'm going to make some assumptions here, since I don't know Japanese cultured too well, but I always saw Zidane (and to a similar extent, Tidus, but he isn't in this particular discussion) as an "American". Someone who isn't as caught up in Japanese tradition as the rest of the characters. Therefore, he is sharing some traditions not commonly know (again, I do not know if the Japanese do this or not). A form of male bonding (and why, I honestly don't know) is to find some out of the way spot and just, well...:blush:...take a whiz together. Not intimate in the sexual way, but intimate in the "hey, we're all human and real" way, which is what Zidane was most likely, ultimately trying to show Vivi--that Vivi is real, with emotions, and eve if he isn't human, he's still alive, and that is what counts. The strongest hints for this are the and Eiko running off (though that could be taken another way, but her sake, we'll make her an innocent). The whole thought of my crush with his best buddy taking a whiz (unknowingly) in front of me is enough to send me running, so...*grin*.
  18. Now doesn't he just look psychotic? Bweh heh. :devil: Nifties on the back shadow. Nifties on the coloring. Dang, nifties on all of it, really. :D 8.6/1o.
  19. The chin area threw me at first, but the rest is simply INCREDIBLE. The shade proportions are excellently captured, the colors work well together, and if it weren't for that frelling chin, I would have mistaken your picture for a photograph. *is in awe* 9.8/1o.
  20. Rock, DeatH, that is shweetnesh. There are a few areas that could be darker, but the proportions are neatly done, as is the shading. 9/1o.
  21. I think I shall find a list on the web that tells me what item "spectrumizes" into what category--I'm having the worst time finding attack items, to a lesser extent wind and one other one. I noticed in your other thread (how come I couldn't find it?), you said you can moved the photos into the invention notebook, so you can make room in the holding area for the photos. If I don't figure out how tonight, please tell me, Sem. I also need to figure out who to talk to so they will be on the train. For now, I'm just leveling up at R.Butterfly wood. Good game, getting better. It's been awhile since I've been this thoroughly involved, fixated, and enchanted (last game was FFX, I believe; poor, poor Wind Waker).
  22. I know, that piccie makes me think she is wearing too much, and at the same time, not enough! Seems a lot of the female characters have gone that route in FF:X-2, 'cept for Paine, from what I remember of her. I wanna draw like that...;_;
  23. O_O I never got that sense when I played through either time, but now...meepers, methinks I need to get ahold of a transcript for that game. IMO, Vivi's far too innocent to understand the concept of "sex" or anything else similar to it, so the notion of him and anyone else is beyond bizarre and foreign to me.
  24. Yuna is so much like me it is not even funny. Tifa and Aeris are too, to a lesser extent. But back to Yuna: to seem rather ordinary, and prove that she is extraordinary by what her pilgrimmage will end with. And losing the ones she loves over and over again. Not so much that I would want her life, but I know a semblance of her life, so I could be her.
  25. Yes, I've recently learned what you just spoke of. I had spent most of my life doing what everyone else wanted, pleasing everyone else, and completely denied myself. Though I was following the Christian way, there was one important point I had failed to remember--Christians are allowed to set boundaries. In fact, if they don't, they get messed over, like I did most of my life. Being a mat for others to walk all over is no fun. Of course, like many of you pointed out, for reasons of decorum and higher authority, you must put a mask over your beliefs. I guess my question was meant strictly in the friend sense, but good responses all around. I'm slowly but surely learning it's ok to say no to people, to know that I don't have to put aside my religious and personal beliefs just to make my buddies happy, and so on and so forth. Trying to think of what else I was going to say, but I need to go to work now. >.>
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