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Everything posted by GinnyLyn
OoC: About the Moodle--you are correct, sir! It's the same one. I wondered if anyone else would pick up on that. =) FunNY, Desbreko! *lol*
(Having looking for a thread on this in the realm of the past 75 days and not turning anything up, I figured this would be ok. I know Sem had a thread about this somewhere, but I can't find it. @_@) I have had Dark Cloud 2 for several weeks now, but put off playing it because I had already run the most of the gauntlet with Dark Cloud. That and I was distracted by FF:Origins. Don't get me wrong--DC itself was fun, but it suffered from repetitiveness ad naseum. Plus the whole "break a weapon and it's gone forever" bit. Anyways, I just started playing yesterday, and it's a shame I didn't start sooner! There are some really strong differences (re: improvements) that make DC2 more enjoyable than DC was. Strongest among those was the storyline they've managed to tuck in this time around. The music is soothing and I enjoy whenever it shifts into battle music when you encounter an enemy (a la Zelda). The characters voices, while having some weird inflection at times and sounding downright annoying at other times, are passable. There are still some disconcerting times when there's text only, and I'd wish Level5 would stick to one or the other. Georama doesn't seem to be nearly emphasized as much in this game (then again, I'm only at Sandain/R.Butterfly Forest, so heh--that's early in the game, mind), while the weapon spectrumize system is. When I first heard that, I guess that was one of the things that put me off of DC2, but I figured it all wrong. The upgrade system is far improved over the old one, not to mention it's actually rather fun. Spectrum points and [i]clear, understandable[/i] Build Up graphs help immensely; plus, there's just something that's really nifty about turning anything you can get your grubby little hands on into a spectrum sphere for your weapon. Less characters, but twice as many weapons (2 for each one). That is [i]very[/i] nice. In DC one, I spent half my time switching between characters to deal with enemies. In DC2, characters are equipped to handle both close and distant combat. [i]Excellent.[/i] Items are also easier to come by in this version, but not to the point of babyishly easy--some of the monsters can still kill you in two hits if you don't take them seriously. The time travelling part is nifty, as is Build-Your-Own-Robot and the medal and photograph sidequests. Overall, I'm being thoroughly entertained by this game right now, and recommend it strongly. Any comments or suchlike on DC2 would be nice to hear from those who have played it--but no spoilers, please.
*shudders* Why, oh WHY did you have to remind me about Kuja?!? >.< *bawls* *remembers that one online comic about Kuja showing Sephiroth about the beauties of thongs and laughs* They went completely wild in FF9, design wise, so it stands to reason that there is a wide spectrum of love n hate there. FF8 was...well, I didn't get too much into it, lost interest, yadda yadda, but it tried to pull itself off as a normal life game the part I played, and those clothes did [i]not[/i] fit. FFX--all the main characters were well dressed. It was the minor characters I rose an eyebrow to. Lots of bright colors and odd designs. I want an outfit like that one summoner lady's--you know which one I mean. ;)
Don't [i]ever[/i] question me. :p ^_^ Ahem. #8-The reference to the bugs refers to the multitude of insects Odolwa throws at you, thus [b]Odolwa's Remains[/b]. #23-"Bringing enemies together to sing"--If I remember correctly, Odolwa sang and [i]then[/i] there were bugs, not the other way around. This clue refers to whacking the Geckos in the dungeons so they would turn back into frogs and sing in the chorus, thus [b]Don Gero's Mask[/b]. But 27/29 ain't bad, so go for it, Des!
OoC: I had only planned for Cid to turn into the cat part of Cait Sith, but I can go with this. :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Regent Cid guided his giant stuffed Moogle to stand in front of Auron. "Auron, next time you have some brilliant idea that exists outside my parameters...[i]keep it to yourself, will ya?!?[/i]" [color=crimson]"But Cid..."[/color] Auron started, a hint of a laugh in his voice. "DON'T BUT CAIT ME--ah, I mean, Cat Cid m--ah, um...ooo...ah, dear?" The Regent piloted himself to face Hildegarde. "Dear, I need to go lie down." "Of [i]course[/i], love cuddles," Hildegarde cooed, carrying the cat part only of Caith Sith away. [color=orange]"Love cuddles?!?"[/color] Zidane looked like he was about to be sick. Eiko misinterpretted that and hugged his arm again. [color=deeppink]"My poor Cuddlie Poo, do you need to lie down, too?"[/color] [color=orange]"Gaaaaaaarnet!"[/color] Zidane wailed, trying to shake Eiko off. "Calm down, monkey butt," Garnet answered as she plucked a pouty Eiko off of Zidane. [color=orange]"Monkey butt? Ow, that one hurt."[/color] Garnet lovingly thwapped the back of his head. "Then make up your mind--love cuddles or monkey butt." "kuuuuPO!" [color=deeppink]"Mog, NO!"[/color] Madeen filled the room again, and treaded on Lru in her sneezing fit. The Golden Chocobo squawked and leapt into the air, hit the ceiling and collapsed on the floor in a shower of loose feathers, which only served to irritate Madeen's "allergies" further. Cecil and Sephiroth (who had been coaxed out of the chair he had slumped into) followed Regent Cid, who strode back into the room-- "By the way, Survivors--" --and was silenced as Madeen's large posterior landed atop his head. Auron, Zidane, and Eiko stared in horror. Cecil and Sephiroth chose to go back out into the hallway again, so they couldn't be blamed. [color=orange]"Oh [i]summons[/i],"[/color] Zidane swore under his breath. [color=orange]"We are gonna be in so much trouble when he gets out."[/color] Auron, wide-eyed, blinked in agreement. Then grinned. [color=crimson]"It's been nice knowing you."[/color] [color=orange]"Say WHAT?!"[/color] Auron quietly pointed to the bag of Dead Peppers, then to Madeen, and grinned. Zidane glared at him. [color=orange]"Old man, I [i]swear[/i]--!"[/color] [color=deeppink]"Madeen! Pinion!"[/color] Eiko frantically waved the feather at Madeen, who disappeared and shrunk back to Mog, who wearily and with many sniffles, dragged herself into Eiko's pouch. Once the little Mog was situated, everyone looked nervously at the smooshed Regent. For good measure, Zidane pointed at Auron, so that when Regent Cid woke up, he would know who to blame. Auron narrowed his eye at Zidane, slapped the hand away, peered at the Regent, (who appeared to be waking up)... ...and quickly pointed to Zidane. "Kupo..." Mog breathed tiredly. ~~~~~~~~ OoC: I'm going to wait for Avalanche to show up before I post our team's solution.
Do you think it is possible to live a life that allows people to wholely accept you as you are, or must you compromise yourself in order to be accepted? Think deeply. I am interested in hearing your responses.
ChronoTrigger was my very first RPG ever, and it's no joke when I say I judge all RPGs I play by CT. The animation was superb, both emotion wise and attack wise--it was a delight to see the different double and triple tech attacks. (The different images for different weapons was also nice.) The music, for the SNES, was also wonderful, capturing the essence of each place, moving the storyline along. Each character was developed well, having a believable storyline and magic/attacks/manner of speaking. There was just something about time shifting and fixing things that would affect other time periods, and oh yes, the different endings you could get, and the NewGame+, and... The story itself was a good one, each character fitting in, each tragic moment or delightful triumph very real...for me, anyway. Let's face it. ChronoTrigger is one of the best games ever. My only complaint would be that ChronoCross had difficulty following up and, though wrapping up one hanging storyline from CT nicely, also wrapped up other never-seen-until-CC-storylines far too neatly, to the point of making the CT characters look bad. (Anyone that knows about Prometheus and the Nadine Bell in CC know what I am talking about.) ChronoCross has delightful imagery and [i]gorgeous[/i] music. I cannot emphasize the music enough. There's an ok storyline, but nowhere near (IMO) as fantastic as CT's was; I still have some plotlines in CC that I don't get, or wonder why the heck it happened that way. A few of CT's 7 characters make brief cameos in the game (far too brief, and again, wrapping up those unforseen storylines far too neatly). Though there is a plethora of usable characters in CC, this sinks the notion of a detailed story (making room for all of them); this also leaves many of them undeveloped, character-wise, and many of them are rather useless to me. Shameful waste. CC is NOT CT all over again--don't make the mistake I made about that. I still encourage you to play CC, though. *Silent Protaganist*
Psyco is thwapped for his egg-tremely bad pun. Cracks under the pressure. *is thwapped herself* Ow!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shaun [/i] [B]But I've never yet to have one here that thought that way, or wasn't psyhotically obsessed....(long story) [/B][/QUOTE] I've got some time. Let's hear that long story. Now, back in the REAL world, I think it's simply maddening that guys who know better, [i]should[/i] know better, constantly flaunt their "manliness", or hormones gone to the head. I just don't get it. But the people we want to reach are not people who generally spend a good portion of their lives locked into online lives. Aren't we all just a bunch of suckers? :p
As far as homosexuality goes, I'm against the deed, not the person. That in itself could make for a very strong and passionate theme, along the same lines of heroes that spend entire video games seeking retribution or redemption for their deeds. Homosexuality is a delicate subject. As such, using it blatantly would generate a lot of criticism: first from the people who would be against it completely, then the less common but ever present "You represented homosexuals all wrong!" type people. They are out there--trust me. For now, being subtle is a good choice. I've seen people on these boards suggest using homosexual or handicapped characters for anything from Pokémon to Final Fantasy to who knows what else. The fact of the matter is, this isn't prime time television. Something to consider is, does the subject fit into the overall game theme? Is the subject appropriate for the target groups (in FF's case, I would hope that people are mature enough to deal with such subjects)? Should a whole game be written completely around this subject, where it has been sidelined as a tiny hint in the shadows for past games? Money talks, so the biggest thing is--for the programmers and directors and such--will I lose money over this, or will I get it? It's a fine line. Which is why us programming/game animating types *bounces up and down waving hand frantically* need to keep aspiring. Yesh. Kweh!
OoC: Considering that my method of using the original restoration on Regent Cid is considered cheating/nonusable *giggle*, I don't see why we have to follow the rulebook exactly. For Sage, it's probably enough just to go to those locations and get the items. (Way to go on the consolidation, Zidargh! *thumbs up*) *grins at Sage* We're doing the best we can, just enjoy. :) And may we all make this enjoyable, especially if we want the last four Survivors to be voted by OB peeps (though that reeks of popularity contest type stuff, and I doubt anyone outside of the contestants have been reading this). I'm just having fun writing, so there! ~~~~~~ Auron picked a woozy Zidane up by the tail and set him upright again. [color=orange]"Suuu fah Recant Neeeeiiid be fuzzeeeee,"[/color] Zidane garbled, pointing to Regent Cid. [color=deeppink]"Oh my poor Zidane!"[/color] Eiko wailed, throwing herself at him and hugging him. [color=deeppink]"Where does it hurt?"[/color] "EIKO!" [color=deeppink]"Wha--Garnet?!"[/color] "Kuuu...kuuu...kuuuUUUUU--" "No, Mog, not here--not again!" "KUUUUUUUUUUU--POOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Madeen filled the room again. [color=crimson]"Bless you,"[/color] Auron murmured, sprawled on the floor from the unexpected transformation. Queen Garnet rushed to Zidane and helped him up, despite Eiko's protests. Regent Cid and Lady Hildegarde were clinging to Madeen's wings, looking uncomfortable. [color=deeppink]"Madeen, down!"[/color] But Madeen couldn't. She kept sneezing uncontrollably, her wings shaking with every spasm, and Cid and Hildegarde shaking along with them. [color=deeppink]"You found the Dead Peppers, didn't you?"[/color] Lru chortled in her sleep. Eiko waved the Phoneix Pinion at Madeen, who calmed down, turned back into Mog, and hugged the feather to herself as she rested in Eiko's pouch. ~~~~~~ OoC: Remember, Tantalus, we need 5 of the Aquamarines AND Dead Peppers.
I believe that Square has already allowed for the issue, still of which FF7 is most prominent. They are simply being passive vs. presenting it full to light and having the American/English audience lop their economical heads off with a hypocritcal executioner's axe. Fandom has presented many many and MANY examples of yaoi and yuri throughout all the games--if one character so much as even [i]looks[/i] at another, that's reason enough to go at it. >.< That being the most extreme example, there are also examples that make you stop, think, and wonder, hey, was this really going on and I was not aware of it? I recently (and accidentally, I might add) stumbled across a site about the relationship between Sephiroth, Zak, and Cloud. There is extremely strong thoughts that Zak and Cloud had something going on (experienced guy leading the innocent rookie), and I've seen countless story summaries of FF7 fanfics that have resurrected Sephiroth going after Cloud time and again. Considering Cloud's nature, his inability (it seems) to show love to either Aeris or Tifa, but crumpling at the first sigh of Seph, the first thought of Zak...makes you wonder, nei? (People have also brought up the Braska/Auron/Jecht issue in relation to the Sephiroth/Zak/Cloud issue, but all supporters of that are promptly exploded into tiny bits, since Auron is MINE! *crazed fanatic, baw ha ha*) Trust me, Japan is a lot more open that we are. There's probably more going on in the original versions that are editted out when they get to us. So as far as how homosexuals are treated in society--that would be something that America will have to develop, and since it falsely prides itself on being religious and open at the same time, I don't see that happening any time soon. Kweh!
Just a quick comment on the puffy sleeves (since I'm running late). If you take a look at the general theme that runs through the artistic part of the game, you'll see that the whole puffy sleeves bit is rather common. While it didn't look too good on Garnet, I thought that it looked all right on Eiko (though Eiko's pouch dress thingie was [i]weird[/i]). The sleeves thing carried over to the two jesters as well, Zorn and ?Thorn. While the sleeves concept was probably good at first, they rather overdid it in a polygonal system that wasn't able to render it properly. More thoughts later, heh.
I too have Liquid on right now, and it still pops up. Do you login automatically when you visit OBs? (cookies) If that isn't it, then double check all your options, just to be sure.
OoC: I haven't lost interest, my dear Sage. And if you want, you can start providing feedback on the FF:S site as to who you think will be evicted off next, not by your choice, but by "reading" the teams. PM me for more details. And I noticed you weren't bothered by your predicament, heh. ^_~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ "Auron!" Regent Cid screamed from inside Madeen's mouth. "You do realize that if I get eaten, not only do you fail your primary objective, everyone will automatically be evicted because there won't [i]be[/i] a Final Fantasy Survivor once I get digested!" [color=deeppink]"MADEEN!"[/color] "Prrrowl?" [color=deeppink]"Spit him out or Aurie loses!"[/color] [i][color=crimson]Aurie? Oh aeons...[/color][/i] Madeen obligingly spat Regent Cid out into Hildegarde's waiting arms. "Oh my poor darling!" she said, hugging the sodden Regent to herself. [color=crimson]"Eiko..."[/color] [color=deeppink]"Auntie Hilde, Auntie Hilde!"[/color] Eiko bounced around, getting the hint from Auron. "What is it, child?" [color=deeppink]"Change him back, change him back!"[/color] "What on earth--?" Auron cleared his throat, his eartips slightly red from embarrassment. [color=crimson]"Allow me? It was my understanding that the last time Regent Cid was in this position, it was a matter of, ah...your doing, my Lady. While the Regent had sent everyone from Zidane's group to find a potion to transform him the last time, the only [i]true[/i] solution was your own loving hand."[/color] "Such eloquence..." Lady Hildegarde said. [color=deeppink]"We're going to Conde Petie for sure after this..."[/color] Eiko murmured dreamily. Mog kupoed from her pouch. [color=crimson]"As such, it would make sense that using your divine hand again will bestow upon Regent Cid once more the gift of his original form. If it please the Lady?"[/color] "While your logic is like a perfectly cut diamond, dear Auron," Hildegarde began, "there is one flaw that is invisible because it is easily overlooked." [color=crimson]"Pray, madam, inform me."[/color] "I wasn't the cause of his transformation this time." [color=deeppink]"Could you at least try? Pleeeeeeease?"[/color] Regent Cid bounced out of Hildegarde's arms and quivered. "Oh Eidolons..." "I could try...but mixing magics and unknowns is dangerous." Regent Cid quivered. "OK. Let's try." Hildegarde waved her arms, then motioned with her fingers. Chanting a few foreign words, she pointed at Regent Cid, and he disappeared in a poof of smoke. [color=deeppink]"Did it work did it work did it work can we go get married at Conde Petie now Aurie?"[/color] [color=crimson]"What?!"[/color] "NO ONE'S GOING ANYWHERE!" Regent Cid hissed. "JUST LOOK WHAT YOU DONE TO ME!!!!" The smoke cleared away from Regent Cid, only to reveal a Cait Sith like figure tapping its footpaw impatiently. Auron, Eiko, and Hildegarde stared in shock. Mog kupoed sleepily from Eiko's pouch. Eiko put her long sleeved arms to her mouth. [color=deeppink]"Oopsies..."[/color] "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH THIS SETS US BACK! AND FLEAS! DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK ABOUT FLEAS?!? Oh summons, this has not been my day..." Regent [strike]Cait[/strike] Cid ended up murmuring.
OoC: I figured you'd at [i]least[/i] give me credit for knowing my stuff and being creative, Sage. ^_^ Methinks we are losing Avalanche again. Maybe you had better turn this into an evicting challenge, to generate interest. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eiko hadn't taken two steps when she tripped over Regent Cid. "DARLING!" Hildegarde cried out. "HILDEGARDE!" Regent Cid quacked. She reached over to grab him by the ear, but finding none, glared at him. "What did you do this time?!" "My dear, quack, I--" Auron and Eiko exchanged glances. Mog picked this moment to sneeze again, and everyone suddenly had less room as Madeen filled all the free space. In the panic that followed, Regent Cid bounced about, and eventually found himself in a place he did not either anticipate or like--Madeen's massive maw. [color=deeppink]"Uncle CID!"[/color] [color=crimson]"Regent!"[/color] "DARLING!" From Madeen: "Mmrrrfff?"
Oh HO! So we [i]did[/i] start--way to tell this judge. lol ;) :p Anyways, time for Ginny to catch up: [b]Sara[/b] Impressive. I was blown away the first time I saw this, and still like it very muchly. It is drawn in a way I know I would draw my imagination--the random areas, images, the feeling that you are stepping through different areas of your mind. Every time I think I've seen everything, there's something else to pull my eye around. [b]Chinchiromon[/b] Actually, if I may be so bold, lemme start with the judges. I think it's rather close minded to say that drawing a person for representation of the imagination is not legit. Before I started this post, I saw several other people put representational persons into their pictures, and we even have some people asking if they can use pictures from anime. As such, I think that Chinchiromon's is just as viable as anyone else's. [/rant] [b]Chinchiromon again[/b] Chibis strike again! The first thing I saw was the die on his finger, which was nifty. Then I saw Calumon with a cookie, and (if you know about the phrase "*gives you a cookie*", then you know why that is sweet) and grinned. The only thing that really bothers me is a lack of background. Remember, this is all about the imagination--I'm hoping to see pictures with very little negative space in them. Your coloring was good, as always. [b]Shinobi[/b] And they say the brain is, what, 90% water? Heh, looks like it. Very effective--shows us when your mind has one thing on it. I just love the watery effects--can't get over them. ^^ Something's missing, though... [b]WW2[/b] Imaginative, many persons represented different parts of the brain. It is a bit fuzzy and the colors seem to rub me the wrong way, but I LOVE the dragon part. Anime is definitely in your mind. I still see some empty space, though... [b]Steiner[/b] Cheerful. O_o; And hey, if you draw like this, how come I haven't seen any of your stuff before now? :D Anyways, another representative figure for the imagination. And a gruesome it seems to be. Or, if we wish to delve deeply, perhaps your imagination is the unfortunate head and the ogre (if you will) is society cramping your style. Go me, go deep. ^^; Do you wish to use that as your final entry or wait till it is colored? Either way, I cannot rate it until you tell us which one is the final. [b]Final Rating:[/b] (pending Steiner) As it is difficult to give number ratings till I see ALL entries, I must say that Sara's is my top choice, followed closely by Shinboi's. Keep entering, peeps. This is fun!
Hold your horses, Mr. Happy. ^^;; You got 27/29 correct, so two of yours are in the wrong place. Switch 'em and it's all good.
Not true. You can only use 24 masks, you can obtain 28 of them, and the 29th one is the namesake of the game. Try again, Dessy dear. :p
OoC: Seeing as how Sage hasn't stopped me yet...^_~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ornate elevator hummed to itself as Auron, Eiko, and little Mog (still hidden in Eiko's pouch) rode up to the royalty level of the castle. Eiko bounced and quivered with excitement, her decorative wings almost looking as if they were fluttering, about to send her into the air. [color=crimson]"So you are royalty?"[/color] Eiko giggled into her long sleeves, and Mog kupoed from her pouch. [color=deeppink]"Garnet's uncle is Regent Cid, who rules over Lindblum. He's royalty, and because Garnet is related to her, and is the Queen of Alexandria now, and since I am related to her, I [i]have[/i] to be royalty!"[/color] "Kupo!" Auron blinked his good eye once behind his shades, unseen by Eiko. [color=crimson]"Self appointed royalty,"[/color] he quietly chuckled to himself. [color=deeppink]"Sooo--"[/color] Eiko finished, [color=deeppink]"--why are we going to see Hildegarde?"[/color] [color=crimson]"Hmmm."[/color] Auron stroked his chin stubble, grinning. [color=crimson]"Was this before you joined Zidane and his group to save Gaia?"[/color] [color=deeppink]"Wha?"[/color] [color=crimson]"Zidane told me about the last time Regent Cid was in this situation, so I thought if we used the same solution--"[/color] [color=deeppink]"We [i]aren't[/i] going to use the jewels and peppers and stuff?"[/color] [color=crimson]"We'll still being doing that but--"[/color] Auron was interrupted when Mog sneezed. For some odd reason, the tiny Moogle fell out of Eiko's pouch and sprouted back into her Madeen form. A pair of guards shouted in alarm, and Madeen bellowed back. Before anything could happen, the double doors nearby burst open and Lady Hildegarde herself walked out. "What is the meaning of this!" Eiko gulped visibly and hid behind Auron, who looked at her. [color=crimson]"Why are you scared?"[/color] [color=deeppink]"I just remembered how Regent Cid got to be a oglop the first time around. Madeen, please come here!"[/color] Madeen shrunk back to Mog and hopped into Eiko's pouch, hugging the Phoneix Pinion. "Eiko, darling!" Lady Hildegarde waved the anxious guards away and held her arms open. "How [i]are[/i] you? And who's this handsome gentleman?" Auron pinked slightly. Eiko ran to Hildegarde's embrace and giggled. [color=deeppink]"Hi Auntie Hilde!"[/color] "To what do I owe the honor?" Eiko pointed to Auron; Hildegarde smiled. "Whatever happened to that nice tailed child? Oh, right, my dear Garnet. Well, sweetheart, you are going the wrong way to arrive at Conde Petie." [color=crimson]"Oh no no no,"[/color] Auron quickly replied, [color=crimson]"we are actually here about something else entirely."[/color] And he began to explain the situation to Hildegarde. [color=deeppink]"So can you help us, Auntie Hilde?"[/color]
Wow, you mean you've heard it? Heh, it's a "Christian Rap" song, so I'd think that most wouldn't, but nifties! Regardless of its origin, I still recommend everyone give that song a listen. Thanks again, all. *takes cookie and smiles softly*
I drew the whole thing. Added the computer effects, too. *nods* Love Photoshop. Anyways, I'll get through it--this is one of my ways of doing that so, yeah. *smile* Thanks.
I'm pretty sure it's: Bottle-500, Heart Piece-950, and Chart-900. If I am right, then identify all 29 masks from Majora's Mask as hinted at below: 1. Put me on and see you cry. 2. Talking to bones. 3. Wearing me hurts you. 4. Insomniac, are you? 5. ARGH! Dog! ARGH! Fire! 6. I cannot tell a lie... 7. A full moon, complete destruction. 8. Bugs, bugs, and MORE bugs. 9. Don't forget the stamp. 10. [color=white]Can't see me, can you?[/color] 11. Two of the hosts, only one of me. 12. Twisted sword, easy win. 13. Mooooo... 14. The only time it's polite to snort. 15. Answer me these riddles three (or any number of questions). 16. Making an adult look like a kid? 17. Turning kids into adults. 18. Baaah Bahhh big sheep...sheep? Oo; 19. Dancing the night away. 20. Just because I have the pigtails doesn't mean I scream with insane laughter. 21. Ring of fire, lost in shadow. 22. Size DOES matter. 23. Bringing enemies together to sing. 24. Pirahna. 25. Breathe underwater. 26. Time to Rock and Roll. 27. When the Sun and Moon are together as one... 28. Speedy little thing, ain't cha? 29. Silencing the undead.
Hey, easy there. Double posting is [i][b]against the rules.[/b][/i] People who are doing so need to be reported, because it has been CLEARLY stated again and again not to double post, no matter what the excuse. (Will edit this to include ratings soon--need to go for now.)
This image might not make sense to most of you. My closer AIM buddies and Blog readers will. In short, my mentor and father type figure was transferred to another store that isn't mine about a week ago, and this is just my way of dealing with it, I guess. =\ My DigiPeeps will recognize Rondo (orange one), which was a character I made for Ron (mentor) and Gryf (the smaller one) is commonly known as me, so...yeah. So rant, critique, do whatever you want. Heh, I'm putting this up not to show off my art, but to just share, you know? (In case you can't read the words, it reads: "Hush little baby Don't you cry Daddy's gonna sing you a lullaby Everything's gonna be all right The Lord's gonna answer your prayer tonight. -"Irene", TobyMac")