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Everything posted by GinnyLyn

  1. Copying and pasting doesn't work for me--I still get an error. :\
  2. [color=crimson]"You're kidding, right?"[/color] Auron rumbled. He closed his good eye for a moment, then opened it again. [color=crimson]"You want us to show off our ego?"[/color] he laughed. "Just do it already." [color=crimson]"All right...you asked for it,"[/color] Auron said. [color=crimson]"If this game of yours had consisted of only one player, that person would deserve to be the sole Survivor. Because he was already. But we didn't have just one. We had many."[/color] "So they all deserved to be the sole Survivor, yadda yadda [i]get on with it already![/i]" [color=crimson]"Hmph. Amusing. So the question asks of me[/color] (like some sort of demented side quest in any clichéd RPG--Gin) [color=crimson]not if it should be only me, but if I am worthy."[/color] Cid groaned and put his morphing head into his changing hands (when he had both at one time). "Oh gods, he's getting philosophical." [color=teal]"Way to go, Cid, the world's gonna end and it's your fault,"[/color] Cecil ribbed. [color=crimson]"Worthiness means did I come to the task with the skills expected of me? Did I perform at base level or did I exceed that level? Did I hold back, hoping to let simply existing carry me through or did I rise beyond the occasion? In my mind, I believe so."[/color] "Wrap it up, kid." Cid had a long beard for a few seconds. [color=teal]("Auron called a kid? The world really [i]is[/i] coming to an end...")[/color] [color=crimson]"The question,"[/color] Auron finished, [color=crimson]"is not a matter of comparing myself to the others, to say how much greater I am than them. I cannot say that, because we all exceeded expectations[/color] (by sticking this RPG through--Gin again)[color=crimson]. Therefore, I have acted both as one on his own and as one with many others."[/color] [color=teal]"Well, now that we've shifted to confusing exposition, the world will be ok."[/color] "Yeah, if it kept making sense--" Auron continued on by himself for a moment. [color=crimson]"So it's not how much do I deserve this so much as how worthy was I--did I do enough?, and because I continued to be confident even when I thought I would be returning to Spira on my own--"[/color] That's when Auron peered at the other two jabbering. [color=crimson]"Look, if you aren't going to listen to me--"[/color] "We're all worthy, blah blah blah, yeah yeah, anyways, NEXT!" Cid chuckled at Auron's wounded look then grinned. "Kept the ego in check. Very nice speech, kiddo."
  3. Actually, big hint--it's right there in the title. It's more of a technicality than it is a romantic title thing...*closes mouth and trundles off*
  4. *smiles softly at Baby Girl* [spoiler]Considering the only person who [i]didn't[/i] want to abort me when I was on my way was my mom--so you can see my stance, but again, off topic, not going there now, oops, emotional attachment--ARGH! Heh. Sorry, I love you all and you know that.[/spoiler] Now, I've spoken with a few people, and it's rather shallow to consider Arnold as "just an actor" or "only an actor". He's actually done a lot of great stuff outside of the actor racket (forgive my lazy brain for not finding out [i]what[/i] exactly at the moment), and as my mom says, he's married to a Kennedy who is still alive. Gotta be a good thing. LAUGH, people! ^_^
  5. Sheesh, irritable, aren't we? :p Yes, Yuna's mother dies via Sin, but Cid did [i]not[/i] tell you. And yeah, that's tell you, as in Tidus, not Yuna. Bapfft. Rin actually tells you. And as far as Rikku's mother went, she was killed by rampaging machina. Rikku tells you this. Here, I'll toss out a nice, new, easy question then head off elsewhere. [b]Q:[/b] Why is it called the [b]Final[/b] Fantasy?
  6. FF7 Confusion When Cloud first takes Aeris home then talks about going back to Tifa's bar, what's the deal with Aeris asking if Tifa's a girl, then knowing [i]exactly[/i] where the bar is PLUS knowing its name--7th Heaven. Uh, don't recall Cloud ever telling you the name, Aerie (purpose typo). FF7 Translation Evilness At the Honey Bee Inn. The guys crowd around Aeris and Cloud says: "...Hmm. That's how you'll fool them," ".......Hmmmmmm. So that's how you fooled them," Aeris replies almost instantly. Uhm....righto. :twitch:
  7. Spoilers! but how correct you are! Here's a couple of FFX ones (there are some FF9 ones bonking around in my head, but I can't seem to rmemeber them at the moment): --after the [spoiler]wedding[/spoiler] scene, Yuna goes to get the Bevelle Aeon, still dressed in her [spoiler]all-white wedding gown[/spoiler]. However, when the rest of the characters catch up to her, she is wearing her normal black boots. --when Yuna [spoiler]sends Belgimine[/spoiler] at Remiem Temple, Auron [spoiler]feels no adverse effects--anotherwords, he isn't getting sent as well.[/spoiler] --Wakka says that Chappu looked a lot like Tidus. However, when you visit the Farplane, Chappu doesn't look anywhere close to what Tidus looks like. Here's a FFVii one: If Vincent has been locked away ever since Sephiroth was born, then how come Vincent looks in his mid-2os, versus looking 4oish?
  8. Everything terra said I agree with. I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels that way. ^^ (Double Techs, the character problems, everything.) The one place CC excelled over CT was the music. Oh my [i]gaw![/i] the music was beatiful! Both had very well done soundtracks, but CC was just...wow. If there does, for some reason or other beyond imagination, turn out to be a third Chrono game, I do hope they fix the problems that CC experienced (I can't really think of any that CT had).
  9. My favorite is the second one. It contains the most continuity. I know what you mean about the third--I've had times where I've had a great image, but it just doesn't lend the way I want it to to my banner. Keep working it--you'll find a way to get it to work. Promise. ^_~
  10. This is a phrase I picked up from Videogame Recaps (which is a hilarious site). Anyways, I'm curious to see how much we, as the gaming public, pay attention. So tell me, what are some boo-boos that the FF/Square/Enix game/plot designers have made? I'll post a few as soon as I remember them, heh.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pantalaimon [/i] [B]30 years in a coffin under a abandined mansion does that to a guy [/B][/QUOTE] And yet he doesn't look a day over 25. :p Woobs game designers! Heh.
  12. You got one answer right, but I won't say which one (need two to ask question). I can tell you this much--there are different answers for both mothers, and different people who tell you.
  13. OoC: Is Sage going to answer our questions? I'm curious to know when the voting ends. And is it ok that I voted for Des? O.o
  14. Don't we have a thread about this already somewhere? *is too tired to look right now* Mweh, my opinion is in that thread. I'm off to sleep. [color=CC0000][size=1]SPA-HAM. *cough* Add something to this post to make it valid, there ain't another thread on page uno. -[b]Break[/b][/color][/size]
  15. OOO, I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW! Des: Then kill the Caps Lock already. Ahem, to get the Crystal Sword, you must fight the [b]Wyvern[/b]. My turn! Prepare to be stumped. [b]Q.:[/b] In FFX, we are told how Yuna's mother and Rikku's mother died. How did Yuna's mother die? Who tells you? Bonus points if you can tell me how Rikku's mother died and who tells you about her death.
  16. OK, exposition time on the Sphere Grid. Let's see if I can do this without confusing anyone. *pulls out large Sphere Grid insert from her guide* Originally in FF games, you leveled up by getting experience points. Once you had enough, you went up a level. I guess people got tired of waiting for levels to go up without much noticable change or without control over their characters development, because we got the Sphere Grid (which, in my mind, is one of the best leveling up programs I've ever seen). At the beginning of the game, you have the large Sphere Grid, and each character is placed in his or her own section. Sections contain abilities that focus on the core qualities of each character (Stength or Power Break for Auron, Speed or Sleep Buster for Tidus, Luck or Mug for Rikku, etc); they are also limited by the Level Locks (1, 2, 3, and 4) that border each section. There are quite a number of different spheres, and you have to know which node on the Grid gets activated by which Sphere. Now, when you are on the Grid itself, and you can activate a node (indicated by the Use/Move menu), the game shows you this by highlighting usable Spheres. IE, if Tidus' current position is adjacent to a MP+20 node that has not been activated yet, the Mana Spheres you currently have will be highlighted and you will be prompted to use the Mana Sphere. You can choose not to, which makes the characters that much more customizable, and therefore, that much more suited to how you "grow" them. If you cannot use a Sphere to activate a node at that time, the Use command on the Sphere Grid will be grayed out. The same goes for the Move command. When you go up a Sphere Level, you are able to move. Making use of your movements to get to the Sphere abilities you want is crucial, and again, the way you customize your characters. Confused yet? A good way to get used to the grid is just to play around. The most common Spheres are Power (HP, Strength, Defense), Mana (MP, Magic, Magic Defense), Speed (Agility, Evasion, Accuracy), and Ability. Ability Spheres are not as common as the first three, but contain the power to activate white/black magic and skills (like Mug, Entrust, and Lancet, to name but a few). Because these four spheres are the easy to get, you can't go wrong with using them--enemies drop them after battles constantly (and you can buy and use Distillers if you are having trouble getting enough of one of those four). And while we are on the subject of battles, know that every character that has at least one turn in battle (even if only defending) will get AP (the Sphere Level points). So if you detest, say, Kimahri, and leave him out of battle a lot, that'll become prominent in the future; I know I have and he's painfully weak next to everyone else on my game. If there's a node you cannot activate at this time, don't worry about it. Luck Nodes are hard to activate, because of the lack of Fortune Spheres floating around. Level Locks cannot be opened till much later in the game, but the transportion spheres can return you to just about any spot on the Sphere Grid, if you have the right ones. And, oh yes, the game keeps track of where your characters have been. There is a color coded line for each character and each character leaves a colored dot of the node s/he activated. Final Breakdown: Power Sphere--HP, Strength, Defense Mana Sphere--MP, Magic, Magic Defense Speed--Agility, Evasion, Accuracy Abilit--White Magic (like Holy), Black Magic (like Ultima), Skill Ability (like Mug), Special Ability (like Doublecast) Fortune--Luck Skill/Special/Black/White Magic--activate a Skill/Special/Black/White Magic node already activated by another character (in otherwords, if Lulu already got Firaga, you can use a White Magic Sphere while on Yuna to make Yuna learn Firaga. [i]Very[/i] awesome.). Level 1/2/3/4--break a Level 1/2/3/4 lock permanently (lock becomes empty node). HP/MP/Strength/Defense/Magic/MagicDef/Agility/Evasion/Accuracy/Luck--turns an empty node into the corresponding node, except stronger (IE, use a HP Sphere on an empty node and it will become a HP+3oo, more powerful than the common HP+2oo nodes. However, you still need the right Spheres to [i]activate[/i] the newly created node.). Return--return to any spot previously at (anotherwords, if Auron was at point B, he could return to point A, provided that he had previously activated point A). Friend--jump to any team mate's current location on Grid. Teleport--jump to any node already activated by a team mate 9 (if Yuna had activated Holy already, Auron could jump to Holy, then use a Mana Sphere to activate it). There's a few others, but I have yet to find them in the game, and that's all right--I've nearly activated everything for everyone on the Grid. I have waaaaaaaaay too much free time, lol. So again, experiment. Early in the game, you don't have much choice, so you really can't go wrong. But you've [i]got[/i] to understand the Grid if you hope make your people stronger. The Beauty of Sphere Grid--Ginny's Auron HP: 13,ooo+ Fastest, strongest, highest evasion and accuracy of everyone. 2nd highest luck, MP; middler on magic (hey, he started out sucky on magic, so :p). Knows: Use, Flee, Pray, Cheer, Aim, Guard, Sentinel, Steal, Threaten, Provoke, Entrust, Copycat, Doublecast. Dark Attack, Dark Buster, Silence Attack, Silence Buster, Sleep Attack, Sleep Buster, Delay Attack, Delay Buster, Zombie Attack, Power Break, Magic Break, Armor Break, Mental Break, Mug (teach this to him--it is PERFECT), Quick Hit. All White and Black Magic. My Auron can beat up your Auron. :p
  17. I say your third one is, by far, the best of the three. There's just something about her...*shrugs happily* Color? Please?
  18. For Trio of 9999, it's [spoiler]Gambler Spirits and Shining Gem or Door To Tomorrowx2[/spoiler]. Spoilers for some, so highlight away. Also, the only thing I am missing is [b]HyperNulAll[/b]. Does anyone know the combination for that one--it's the only one I am missing. If anyone has a prob with the ones I listed below, let me know so I can edit, but I've had success so far. Some Items can be switched out, such as any kind of elemental gem can replace the others, Electro Marbles-Fish Scales-Arctic Winds-Bomb Fragments can replace each other. Curtains can replace each other as well, and each item usually has a more powerful version of itself that can also be traded out (ie-Arctic Wind and Antarctic Wind, Sleeping Powder and Dream Powder, and so on). I tried to put the most common items in my combos. Final Note before the combos--to get some of the items needed for these combos, simply complete the Arena sidequest in its entirity. You will have Shining Gems and Dark Matter and Doors to Tomorrow like crazy, I promise. In the order given in the game: Bombs/Grenades [spoiler][color=red][b]Grenade[/b][/color]--Electro Marble and Fish [color=red][b]Frag Grenade[/b][/color]--Power Spherex2 [color=red][b]Pineapple[/b][/color]--Electro Marble and Arctic Wind [color=red][b]Potato Masher[/b][/color]--Lvl 2 Sphere and Power Sphere [color=red][b]Cluster Bomb[/b][/color]--Shining Gem and Arctic Wind [color=red][b]Tall Boy[/b][/color]--Grenade and Three Stars [color=red][b]Blaster Mine[/b][/color]--Grenade and Antidote [color=red][b]Hazardous Shell[/b][/color]--Poison Fang and Frag Grenade [color=red][b]Calamity Bomb[/b][/color]--Mana Spring and Shining Gem [color=red][b]Chaos Grenade[/b][/color]--Poison Fang and Door to Tomorrow[/spoiler] Fire Elementals [spoiler][color=red][b]Heat Blaster[/b][/color]--Antidote and Bomb Fragment [color=red][b]Firestorm[/b][/color]--Fire Gem and Antidote [color=red][b]Burning Soul[/b][/color]--Lvl 1 Sphere and Fire Gem [color=red][b]Brimstone[/b][/color]--Silence Grenade and Bomb Fragment [color=red][b]Abaddon Flame[/b][/color]--Silence Grenade and Fire Gem[/spoiler] Ice Elementals [spoiler][color=red][b]Snow Flurry[/b][/color]--Arctic Wind and Antidote [color=red][b]IceFall/Ice Blizzard[/b][/color]--Ice Gem and Antidote [color=red][b]Winter Storm[/b][/color]--Ice Gem and Lvl 1 Sphere [color=red][b]Black Ice/Hazardous Ice[/b][/color]--Silence Grenade and Antarctic Wind [color=red][b]Krysta[/b][/color]--Poison Fang and Ice Gem[/spoiler] Thunder Elementals [spoiler][color=red][b]Thunderbolt[/b][/color]--Electro Marble and Antidote [color=red][b]Rolling Thunder[/b][/color]--Lightning Gem and Antidote [color=red][b]Lightning Bolt[/b][/color]--Lvl 1 Sphere and Lightning Gem [color=red][b]Electroshock[/b][/color]--Silence Grenade and Electro Marble [color=red][b]Thunder Blast[/b][/color]--Poison Fang and Lightning Gem[/spoiler] Water Elementals [spoiler][color=red][b]Waterfall[/b][/color]--Antidote and Fish Scale [color=red][b]Flash Flood[/b][/color]--Antidote and Water Gem [color=red][b]Tidal Wave[/b][/color]--Lvl 1 Sphere and Water Gem [color=red][b]Aqua Toxin[/b][/color]--Silence Grenade and Fish Scale [color=red][b]Dark Rain[/b][/color]--Water Gem and Poison Fang[/spoiler] NonElementals [spoiler][color=red][b]Nega Burst[/b][/color]--Shadow Gem and Power Distiller or Shadow Gem and Ice Gem [color=red][b]Black Hole[/b][/color]--Shadow Gem and Door to Tomorrow [color=red][b]Supernova/Sun Burst[/b][/color]--Supreme Gemx2 or Dark Matter and Ice Gem[/spoiler] Healing [spoiler][color=red][b]Ultra Potion[/b][/color]--Potion and Power Distiller [color=red][b]Panacea[/b][/color]--Potion and Dream Powder [color=red][b]Ultra Cure[/b][/color]--Silence Grenade and Al Bhed Potion [color=red][b]Mega Phoenix[/b][/color]--Phoenix Downx2 [color=red][b]Final Phoenix[/b][/color]--MegaPhoenixx2 [color=red][b]Elixir[/b][/color]--Antidote and Power Sphere [color=red][b]Mega Elixir[/b][/color]--Sleep Grenade and Antidote [color=red][b]Super Elixir[/b][/color]--Lvl 1 Sphere and Potion [color=red][b]Final Elixir[/b][/color]--Lvl 1 Sphere and HiPotion[/spoiler] Support [spoiler][color=red][b]NulAll[/b][/color]--Potion and Ice Gem [color=red][b]MegaNulAll[/b][/color]--HiPotion and Fire Gem [color=red][b]HyperNulAll[/b][/color]--??? [color=red][b]UltraNulAll[/b][/color]--Chocobo Feather and Healing Water [color=red][b]MightyWall[/b][/color]--Power Sphere and Power Distiller [color=red][b]MightyG[/b][/color]--Al Bhed Potion and Lunar Curtain [color=red][b]SuperMightyG[/b][/color]--Arctic Wind and Lunar Curtain [color=red][b]HyperMightyG (by far, my fav)[/b][/color]--Lunar Curtain and Door To Tomorrow [color=red][b]Vitality[/b][/color]--HiPotionx2 [color=red][b]MegaVitality[/b][/color]--Stamina Tablet and Lvl 1 Sphere [color=red][b]HyperVitality[/b][/color]--Lvl 1 Sphere and Stamina Tonic [color=red][b]Mana[/b][/color]--Ether and Potion [color=red][b]Mega Mana[/b][/color]--Etherx2 [color=red][b]Hyper Mana[/b][/color]--Mana Tabletx2 [color=red][b]Freedom[/b][/color]--MegaPhoenix and Ether [color=red][b]FreedomX[/b][/color]--Twin Stars and Stamina Spring [color=red][b]Quartet of 9[/b][/color]--Lvl 1 Sphere and Door to Tomorrow [color=red][b]Trio of 9999[/b][/color]--Gambler Spirits and Shining Gem or Door to Tomorrowx2 [color=red][b]Hero Drink[/b][/color]--Designer Wallet and Potion [color=red][b]Miracle Drink[/b][/color]--Designer Waller and Ether [color=red][b]Hot Spurs[/b][/color]--Three Stars and Shining Gem [color=red][b]Eccentrick[/b][/color]--Mana Tablet and Door to Tomorrow[/spoiler] Hope this helps! Join me next time as I discourse on the Sphere Grid! ^_^
  19. [color=crimson]"For me,"[/color] Auron began, [color=crimson]"I felt every eviction had my name on it. I have this sense as if I had been a similar contest before[/color] (OBBII!--GL) [color=crimson]and I had been dropped halfway through. To counter the anxiety of each challenge, I played as though to win, which I still intend to, if I can. I did not really become concerned until the halfway point, [i]especially[/i] during the Triple Triad challenge."[/color] [color=orangered]"Triple Triad challenge, then. Is that your final answer?"[/color] Auron raised an eyebrow behind his shades and hmphed. [color=orangered]"Guess so."[/color] [color=crimson]"Does this potential eviction count?"[/color] Auron responded. [color=orangered]"Good point,"[/color] Zell grinned.
  20. Auron cleared his throat. [color=crimson]"If I may, Cid...how long will the voting be open?"[/color] [color=teal]"Yeah,[/color] Cecil added, [color=teal]"and do we get to vote, too? Or not?"[/color]
  21. Well, let's see...you also have Cloud and Squall--two types of weather. A common complaint of FFX is the "double" rule--Wakka, Rikku, so on. Or Lulu. Tifa, Rinoa, and Garnet all look like twins. Tidus and Zidane could be dimly related. Then there's Vincent and Auron, RedXiii and Kimahri, and Cid and Cid and Cid and Cid and Cid and...oh you get the idea. Heh. It's FFness. And...I have nowhere else to go with my comment. Oops.
  22. Bah, guy who needs multiple personality help having the same B-day as me. Wait....that actually makes sense, now that I think of it. O.o ^________^ I wonder how I forgot that--about his bday, I mean. ^^;
  23. OoC: *noogies BB cheerfully, then sadly* I didn't want to get rid of either of you. Des was on this morning when I was writing the post, which is why Cecil got the unadorned side--Des chose the "tails" part of the Barbados coin and...*more exposition* Anyways, yuppers, three special peoples made cameos in my last post. *grin* I can't believe this is almost over...it's been a part of my life for so long...*gag gag gag lol* Once FF:S is over, I can start prepping up for the comic. Though it'd be just as easy to read, I know, but...hey, humor me. ^^; And I'm gonna sorta chibify/humorfy (Ginny made yet ANOTHER new word, lol!) the characters. It'll made it easier to draw, for one. ^^ And BB, I want to see you on AIM or Yahoo again sometime. :p
  24. OoC: *screams, tears her hair out, flops around in an angsty manner* I can't BELIEVE this--this is the ...second? or third?...gah, I have to choose AGAIN?!? *dies* *pretends to make a big deal out of nitpicking over answers* ...groan...*pulls out a Barbados coin* ~~~~~~~~ Auron looked around at the enormous crowd. The masses watched him quietly, and he dropped his gaze to the familiar faces of Zell and Cecil. [color=crimson]"I..."[/color] Cid suddenly placed the microphone in front of Auron, amplifying his voice many times over and prompting cheers again from the crowd. Auron cleared his throat, away from the microphone, and glared slightly at Cid. The Al Bhed leader just grinned and indicated the microphone. [color=crimson]"I don't give speeches."[/color] He waited for his words to stop echoing and thought about what he would say next. [color=crimson]"It has been an honor, a joy, to have survived this long, no less with my other two fellow Survivors."[/color] This time Auron had to wait for the cheering to die down before he could speak again. [color=crimson]"For those of you who have been watching since April...we have had several cases where the leader had to vote a fellow Survivor off. It is never easy. And now, I am faced with the same choice again."[/color] The crowd was quiet again. You could almost heard the waves outside the stadium. [color=orangered]"Just hurry up--the suspense is [i]killing[/i] me!"[/color] Zell whispered to Cecil. Cecil elbowed him lightly. [color=crimson]"In my mind, both Survivors you see behind me have been worthy of making it this far, and to force one to leave now..."[/color] Auron looked out over the crowd. [color=crimson]"I know many of you have labelled me as cold hearted, emotionless, and--"[/color] "Just get ON with it already!" a lone voice yelled out of the crowd. In an instant, that cry spread across the crowd until it was defeaning. Even Zell was joining it. [color=crimson]"All right, all RIGHT!"[/color] Auron bellowed into the microphone. [color=crimson]"So much for being honorable..."[/color] [color=teal]"'I don't give speeches'. Pfft, I'd hate to see him [i]really[/i] give one, then."[/color] Zell stifled his laughter. [color=crimson]"I have in my hand the Mars Sigil."[/color] Auron held up a coin-like object. [color=crimson]"On one side is the symbol, on the other is nothing."[/color] He turned to the other two. [color=crimson]"I will now ask my companions to choose a side."[/color] [color=teal]"The unadorned side, please."[/color] [i][color=teal]The decoration will weigh the other side down.[/color][/i] [color=orangered]"So I get the cool looking side? Works for me!"[/color] Auron held his hand out and flipped the Sigil. [color=orangered]"Ican'tlook, Ican'tlook!"[/color] Cecil tried to see, but Auron was standing in the way, staring at the Sigil glimmering up at him. Impatient, Cid brushed past them all and shoved Auron to one side as he bent down to look. "UNADORNED SIDE!!!" he roared into the microphone. The crowd burst into intense cheering. Auron and Cecil looked to Zell regretfully. The blonde had just peeped out behind his hands, looking like he wished he hadn't. Auron clapped his shoulder. [color=crimson]"No hard feelings, right kid?"[/color] His eye was hidden behind his shades, unreadable. Cecil threw an arm around Zell's shoulder. [color=teal]"You've been awesome, seriously."[/color] [color=orangered]"Yeah..."[/color] The three walked down off the platform, deafened by the cheers of the crowd. Many people congratulated Cecil and offered condolences to Zell. Zell was still lost in his sorrowful defeat when he suddenly bumped into a brown haired girl. Her glasses slid down slightly and she pushed them back up her nose, gripping her vendor's tray. "Hey, Zell! I think you did great! Wanna a free one?" She held up a familiar object. [color=orangered]"HOTDOGS!"[/color] Zell screamed joyfully. [color=orangered]"You are my new best friend, Ms....Ms..."[/color] "Aww, just call me BeeBee." Auron and Cecil watched Zell happily walk away with BeeBee. Cecil was about to comment when he felt a tug at his sword. [color=teal]"HEY!"[/color] Cecil grabbed the offending hand and yanked a brown haired boy into view. [color=teal]"Gaw, Auron, you're usually the one with the sword theft problems."[/color] "I wasn't stealing! I was trying to see if it was really crystal, honest!" Cecil drew his sword and swung it about in the light. He stopped it a few inches from the kid's nose, then grinned. [color=teal]"Convinced?"[/color] The kid's eyes shone in belief and he nodded in awe. "I gotta ask--if you don't mind--what was it like coming to grips with your two selves--I mean--" Auron shook his head and left the two chattering people alone. Alone. That sounded good. It wasn't going to happen, though. The crowd was still surrounding the three Survivors, pressing forward in order to see or talk to them. Auron tried to step through the screeching crowd when-- "AURIE!" [i][color=crimson]Oh fayths, now what?![/color][/i] A golden auburn haired girl appeared as if from nowhere. The Crimson Warrior cringed in terror as she pounced forward, threw her arms around his collared neck, and (to the protest of numerous numerous people) kissed his scratchy cheek. Auron was so wide eyed his shades were about to slip off his nose. "Good job today," she winked. Auron gaped. "Who do you think you are, kissing on Auron?!" someone in the seething crowd demanded. "I'm dra Kehho and don't you forget it!" she shot back. "I'll see you later, Auron!" It was several hours before the crowds died down. Cid gathered Auron and Cecil together for the final vote. It was all downhill from here... ~~~~~~ OoC: BTW, yes, I really did use a coin, and yes, I'm going to miss you LOTS, BB. :bawl: GTG, work time!
  25. I've been having trouble figuring out what I want to do with my life. Sure, I'm an artist, but...college is dragging and whatnot. Then my manager Josh came to talk to me. He told me about the [url=www.servetexas.com]Texas State Guard[/url] (I'm sure there is one for each state), and spoke about how they get together, I think it's, one weekend every month, and training itself is once every three months. Josh, another manager Greg, and a few other people from work (including a female named Scooter) are either joining up or already joined. It's mostly volunteer work and they say if you stick with the Guard a year, your schooling will be paid for through your Masters, if you want. Has anyone heard of this before? Anyone actually join? I'm very interested in joining (the paid tuition sounds good too, lol), but I wonder if my physique will be good enough? I've been trying to ask the people at work questions, but I've only see Josh and Greg recently--Josh isn't too good at answering questions ("Just come in and see us at training") and Greg keeps dodging the questions for some reason. :-\
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