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Everything posted by GinnyLyn

  1. OK, so she's the influencing factor, but she doesn't seem to have any character on her own.
  2. OoC: Thankies, Sage. I was hoping that I could get a fuller pic though...heh, see attached. ^_^ Not colored yet, but my next project. And also, if you have a question about what I'm doing with my character, feel free to PM me. *quiet, evil laughter* ~~~~~~~~~ Auron winced as Eiko grabbed his arm again and chortled loudly in his ear. [color=deeppink]"Gonna go see Hildeee, gonna go see Hildeee!"[/color] [color=crimson]"Yes, I--"[/color] "AUGH! It's a monster!" Eiko glared at the inconsiderate guard standing at the castle gate. [color=deeppink]"Madeen is NOT a monster!"[/color] She crossed her arms and gave an enormous sigh of indignation, hoping all the guards were not this stupid. [color=deeppink]"Madeen...?"[/color] The large Eidolon looked at her then nodded, shrinking back down to her Mog shape. "Kupo!" Mog hopped back into Eiko's pouch, nuzzling the Phoenix Pinion. [color=deeppink]"Better?"[/color] "Wha--wha--what do you want?" [color=crimson]"We need to see Lady Hildegarde, please."[/color] "I-if I don't, are you gonna sic that m-monster--" [color=deeppink]"MADEEN!"[/color] Eiko snapped. [color=deeppink]"Her name is MADEEN!"[/color] The guard almost fainted with fright; in any case, he had fallen over. [color=deeppink]"Look,"[/color] Eiko said, sitting on the guard's chest, [color=deeppink]"just tell Lady Hildegarde that her neice's favorite sister is here, ok? I'm sure that will explain everything."[/color] "Kupo?" [color=deeppink]"No, if he goes tell her, then you [i]can't[/i] eat him."[/color] The guard stifled a shriek and bolted, suddenly motivated to go find the Lady. Eiko winked at Auron. [color=deeppink]"Just gotta have the right motivation, right, Mr. Auron?"[/color] Auron chuckled. Eiko wasn't so bad after all.
  3. Heh heh heh...I'm still covering up the one spoiler for FFX, as far as female villians go: [spoiler]Yunalesca.[/spoiler] Enough said. Oh sure, you have the occasional witchy summoners, but they weren't villians, perse. I think it's very interesting (though not a new concept) to give a female a very strong villian role.
  4. "Ha ha, the yolk's on--! Ewwww..."
  5. [color=deeppink]"Oh poo,"[/color] Eiko pouted, [color=deeppink]"I think I left the Pinion at home."[/color] [color=teal]"All the way in Madain Sari?"[/color] Cecil asked. Eiko nodded, hugging Zidane's arm tightly. [color=deeppink]"Which means we need to go through Conde Petie to get there."[/color] [color=purple]"What's in Condo Petie?"[/color] [color=orange]"The dwarf village that--oh [i]no[/i]..."[/color] [color=deeppink]"What's wrong, pookie?"[/color] Eiko batted her eyelashes at Zidane in, what she though, was an alluring manner. [color=orange]"I'm not getting married to you, that's what!"[/color] [color=deeppink]"But monkey butt--!"[/color] Zidane yanked his arm and Eiko fell over from the unexpected movement. As Zidane stalked off to stand by Sephiroth and Cecil, Eiko pushed herself up and hung her head. She looked like she was about to cry. "Kupo?" [color=deeppink]"Nah, it won't work, Mog..."[/color] Auron stepped to Eiko. [color=crimson]"Excuse me, Miss...Eiko?"[/color] Eiko sniffled and looked up; her eyes grew wide and she broke into a grin. [color=deeppink]"Oh, it's you!"[/color] [color=crimson]"Hmm?"[/color] [color=deeppink]"You're the one that gave me the giant stuffed moogle at Gold Saucer!"[/color] [color=orange]"You were there?!?"[/color] Eiko stuck her tongue out at Zidane. [color=deeppink]"Was I talking to you? No, I think not!"[/color] Zidane gaped and both Sephiroth and Cecil stifled chuckles. [color=deeppink]"Such a gentleman,"[/color] Eiko said, fluttering her eyelashes at Auron. He gave her an unsteady grin, his mind wondering if this meant he was her new crush. [i]Oh Aeons...[/i] he mentally groaned. [color=orange]"All right, enough mushy blah blah, let's go to Madain Sari,"[/color] Zidane said loudly. "Kupo!" Mog fell out of Eiko's pouch, clutching the Phoenix Pinion and gesturing frantically. [color=orange]"You little LIAR!"[/color] Zidane exploded. [color=orange]I can't believe you'd slow us down just to get your little non-reachable fantasies fulfilled in your mind!"[/color] Eiko picked up the Pinion remorsefully and gave it to Auron. [color=deeppink]"Does this mean you're mad at me?"[/color] [color=crimson]"A little disappointed, perhaps, but this does save us time to have it here, Miss Eiko."[/color] [color=deeppink]"[i]Miss[/i] Eiko?"[/color] [color=orange]"I mean,"[/color] Zidane spat, [color=orange]"all we have is the Cargo Ship, which is slow enough as it is, and Lru can only carry one, so--"[/color] It was Eiko's turn to be mad. [color=deeppink]"You expect me to ride in a dinky, squeaky, lousy CARGO SHIP!"[/color] Her tiny body was shaking with fury, and oddly enough, her glare was enough to shut Zidane up. [color=deeppink]"I don't THINK so! MADEEN!"[/color] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=391904[/img] Mog waved then was enveloped into a bright white light; a flash revealed a large, wonderous creature in place of the tiny Moogle. Madeen knelt down to pick her mistress up and stretched her great wings. She was easily four times as tall as Zidane and twice as strong. "Oh," Regent Cid croaked, "did I mention Eiko was a summoner?" [color=orange]"I sorta forgot that myself..."[/color] a pale Zidane remarked. [color=teal]"OK, back in MY neck of the woods,"[/color] Cecil interrupted, [color=teal]"which combination?"[/color] Auron stroked his chin. [color=crimson]"You had a pretty good brainstorm there with the Aquamarines, Cecil, so let's do it your way. All right, everyone, let's figure out who's riding what and to where and we'll go from there!"[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~ OoC: Does anyone have a pic of Madeen--I have yet to find one, and I've always wanted one. I've PMed everyone. It should be pointed out that Eiko's not gonna leave Auron alone now, and Zidane will most likely ride Lru wherever he goes. Leaving Cecil and Seph the Cargo Ship. EDIT--no good pics of Madeen. I'll just have to draw one. =3
  6. To answer the original question, yes. My example of the moment: when you see friends you haven't seen in a while. You get together with them and chat for a few minutes. But then something happens--just a tad noticable at first. But as the minutes wear on, you notice that they are (purposely or not) leaving you out. And they try to include you, but it just doesn't seem to be happening. Felt that just tonight, really. Meh. =\
  7. Auron raised an eyebrow in amusement. [color=crimson]"What is this? We can't make a decision on our own any more?"[/color] Zidane watched a pretty girl go past and, droolingly, staggered after her. Auron grabbed him by the tail. [color=crimson]"Bad monkey."[/color] Cecil snorted behind one hand. [color=teal]"Auron, that sounded, ah...dirty."[/color] Auron and Zidane stared at him, and Cecil sweatdropped. [color=purple]"Let us go to the Industrial District. We may find something there that can help us."[/color] [color=crimson]"Good. And Zidane, you are going to be our tour guide, since this is your home world."[/color] [color=orange]"Got it!"[/color] He saluted. [color=teal]"But no leading us to hidden nudie bars,"[/color] Cecil warned. [color=orange]"Ah [i]man[/i]!"[/color] Zidane kicked at a rock. Auron and Sephiroth stared at Cecil. [color=teal]"What, you think I was [i]always[/i]a Paladin? I mean...uh...ah...[size=1]oh man[/size]..."[/color] Still chattering animatedly, the four hailed one of the taxis, and shot off toward the Industrial District. ...in the shadows, the figure watched them. Auron had gone to the Industrial District? She patted the giant stuffed animal and grinned. She hadn't forgotten.
  8. I believe you mean Red's Sail? You get it by talking to the eskimo guy and he sells it to you in order to get money to start his business. If I'm right, then [b]Q:[/b] In Majora's Mask, a new picture is carved into a tree stump. What is on the picture (I expect to hear all the carving, or no go.)
  9. New character I made today. Methinks "mizu" actually has something to do with water, so never mind the name. ^^;; This is going to be one of the first pics I do with my brand new graphics tablet when I go to color. In the meantime, enjoy the prelim sketch (sp?).
  10. OoC: Auron is being switched over to [color=crimson]crimson[/color] color, so that I can tell him and Sephioth apart. ~~~~~~~ [color=crimson]"I suppose we could go,"[/color] Auron started. He looked at his team, which grinned eagerly back at him. [color=crimson]"But no alcohol."[/color] [color=orange]"But--!"[/color] Zidane's protest was cut short by a glare from Auron. [color=purple]"We need to stay clear headed for the next challenge,"[/color] Sephiroth pointed out. [color=teal]"Clear headed for a frog-headed, quacking Regent?"[/color] Cecil stifled a giggle. [color=teal]"That's a little odd."[/color] [color=orange]"Think we'd see Freya there?"[/color] Auron smiled at Zidane. [color=crimson]"I'm sure Cid dropped her off already. And we can say goodbye to her before we start our next challenge. OK, team,"[/color] Auron called to Tantalus, [color=crimons]"we're going to the local tavern. Zidane, lead the way."[/color] Behind Cecil's back, Auron was telling Sephiroth to keep an eye on the Paladin and Zidane. Auron didn't think Cecil would really get drunk, but he couldn't afford to take any chances right now. As for Zidane, he could probably handle his liquor, but again, chances couldn't be taken. ~~~~~~ OoC: This also leaves it open for Sakuramon. =3
  11. I like just about any animal except monkeys. And the occasional insect. My sign, I believe, is Leo and I was born in the year of the monkey. Go fig. ^^
  12. Auron stood slowly, pushing his glasses up his nose bridge, and did everything else he could think to stall. [color=darkblue]"While I'm honored to be the new leader,"[/color] he said slowly, [color=darkblue]"I...I...well, [i]damn,[/i] Tantalus."[/color] Everyone froze. It was the first time that Auron had ever swore. He felt their eyes on him. Cid tapping his boot. "Hey, Aurie, you wanna get this game rolling again? You gotta make your decision." Auron nodded, walked slowly over to his choice. Putting his hand on Freya's shoulder, he murmured, [color=darkblue]"I truly am regretful that I was put into this position."[/color] [color=orange]"Well, [i]that[/i] makes no sense!"[/color] Zidane hollered. [color=orange]"She was the only one that won in the last challenge!"[/color] [color=teal]"Crimson Warrior envy."[/color] Anyone else would have punched Cecil for that comment. Auron just shook his head sadly and tried to grin. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ OoC: Again, apologies, Sakuramon. I know you have several other RPGs, but regardless, I'm going to miss having you around in this one. Please don't hate me. ^^;
  13. Your choice, ultimately, but I prefer the second one. *grins*
  14. I wonder how I picked up that "Shin" meant "god", then. O_o; Well, considering that Spira is called such because it is lost in a spiral of death, the source of the death should be called as such, as well. In this case, Shin, though why they switched it to Sin...besides the fact that a sin seperates one from God, and that seperation means death if you don't repent. Yup, just covered the whole game story line there. People continue to go on pilgrimages to show repentance, to stop the cycle of death. Though I've warned that spoilers are in this thread, people that have played FFX [spoiler]already know the irony of the pilgrimage.[/spoiler]
  15. Aww, sokay, Semmy. *pats his back and gives him a cookie* And thanks, I've just about had it with wandering around aimlessly. I save that for getting money to buy spells, thank you. XP :3 Off to find Matoya.
  16. Still gorgeous. (Duck.) *hands you a cookie* (Duck.) *glares at subconscience* (Duck!) On a completely different note, yeah, the duck, don't forget the duck piccie. ^^;;; Please.
  17. *freezes at Syk3's words* Well, I [i]was[/i] about to say this was your best yet, and downright professional, but...*freezes again* Meep? Rating pending.
  18. Yeah, there's a bit more empty space than there should be. Black potion? Heh, I get what you're saying, but for some reason, having a [i]black[/i] potion doesn't seem to fly with me. Kinda made me laugh, pause, go "Black potion wha?". Yeah. ^^;
  19. Mmm, depends on what shooting range you want. There's the Gerudo one, the Shooting Gallery in Kakariko, and the Slingshot one in Hyrule marketplace. So a little specification, please? (I do believe two of those three also have several different patterns that the rupees pop up.)
  20. There [i]was[/i] a thread about this several months ago, but I'm too lazy to go find it. :bluesweat Right now, I'm sifting through the first one, trying to find out where Matoya was the last time I saw her. ^^; As for the opening FMV, that was [i]gorgeous[/i]. Too bad there won't be any more FMVs (so I'm told). Now if I could just get ahold of Anthology....
  21. Dude, you don't realize who Raiha [i]is[/i], do you? *stares* And the world shifts yet again, breaking the grasp I thought I had. Best of all, Raiha.
  22. I would much prefer to be a judge. *looks around* Should I have PMed that? :bluesweat
  23. If you haven't read [i]Many Waters[/i] yet, anime_gurl, here's some of the characters that might interest you: the NEPHILIM (the bad guys that took human wives and plotted man's fall from God): Ugiel the Lavender--can turn into a cobra Naamah the Black--can turn into a vulture Rofocale the Red--mosquito Eisheth the Green--crocodile Eblis the ?Emerald--dragon/lizard Estael the Brown--cockroach Ezequen--skink Negarsanel--flea Rugziel--worm Rumael--slug Rumjal--red ant Ertrael--the rat the SERAPHIM (those who work to gently sway the humans from the nephilim and try to win the nephilim back as well): Alarid the Silver--pelican Adnarel the Bronze--scarab beetle Aariel the Tawny--lion Abasdarhon the Golden--cobra Abdiel the Golden--bat Akatriel the MoonBlue--owl Abuzohar the White--leopard Achsah the SoftGrey--mouse Adabiel the Orange--tiger Admael the White--camel Adnachiel the Yellow--giraffe Aalbiel the SnowWhite--goose (It should be noted that there is a snake in each group, which lends for the retribution/redemption factor; also, all seraphim in this book seem to have names starting with "A".) I strongly recommend you read the chapter "Adnarel and the quantum leap", when the nephilim and seraphim speak to each other after their transformations. There are also unicorns, mammoths, time travellers, and a half bred human/Nephilim in the story. Thoroughly enjoyable. Not Bible accurate at all, but it does touch on some themes that this very thread has brought up about questioning God for His actions. Again, go read if you can. And show us the manga when you get done. ^_^
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]...as such I don't really have an agenda with any of this stuff, I am just presenting what I have read and studied up on personally. [/B][/QUOTE] You don't know how much I appreciate that. 99% unbiased info from a person sans an agenda. A welcome change. *soft smile* I can never be that, but at least I can learn about other cultures without feeling like I'm gonna be stomped on for my own. Moving back to thread, heh...anime_gurl, will this manga bear any resemblance to Ah! My Goddess? I've never seen/read the thing, but I was just wondering. Not that I'd know the difference. ^^;
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