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Everything posted by GinnyLyn
AuronAuronAuronAuronAuronAuronAuronAuronAuron!!!!! Heh, why PM you--I'll just post it here for all to see. I'm an Auron freak and I always welcome anyone with any spare time to draw me him. Preferably not copied from the common images of him that float around, though. Seen those too many times. Auron, please?
Ooooo, nothing to nitpick. Ooooo...*gasps in awe* (Duck.) Um, did you draw this? If so, I'm gonna go hide in that corner over there and be a hermit for the rest of my life. ^^;;; (Duck.) Good GOLLY, but this is a nice piece. (Duck! :D) A perfect 1o. How could one give anything less?
All right, patience has run out. We are moving on to the next question. [b]Q:[/b] In Wind Waker, defeated enemies sometimes drop black orbs that shine different colors. What are the three colors, what order do they shine in, and what does the black orb give you?
Tiptoe carefully--I will not have another religion discussion blown out of proportion here. (Already got one thread doing that, groan groan.) The moment I think it starts bashing, I will not hesitate to whine and tattle to some Mod, so there. (Oooo...) Seriously, though, let's keep a flipping open mind instead of turning this into another "all Christians are dumb" thread. My understanding is that Lucifer and Satan are one and the same. Lucifer was his first name, and he was a gorgeous angel, with all this decoration and whatnot. Well, he wanted to be the one in control, and God didn't like this, natch, so Lucifer and all his followers were banished. Lucifer then called himself Satan, to distinguish between the good him he was, and the evil one he is now. As far as why God doesn't prevent all the bad stuff--well, the thing is, everything happens for a reason and according to plan. Fact is, though, I'm human, and I'd be lying if I said I have never wondered why he prevented Satan from falling and tempting Adam and Eve in the first place. (All you non-Christian types better stop that frellin' cheering about my wondering--if we were to know everything God does, we'd be God, so get over it.) Meh, world peace is meant for one world, not for everyone's view of the world.
Auron swung his sword experimentally. [color=darkblue]"I wonder when Cid will show up."[/color] Sephiroth shrugged. [color=orange]"I wonder who will get voted off,"[/color] Zidane mumbled. Woeby warked encouragingly to him. Freya shrugged. [color=teal]"I wonder what the next challenge will be,"[/color] Cecil mused. [color=orange]"You seem awful confident you'll be staying on,"[/color] Zidane said, not out of anger or spite, but just said. Cecil shrugged. [color=teal]"I am just trying to keep my mind off the eviction for one of us."[/color] The Cargo Ship was silent. Woeby kwehed sadly. [color=darkblue]"I wonder when Cid will show up..."[/color]
I do recall reading [i]Many Waters[/i] by L'Engle, and there was talk of the seraphim (good angels) and the nephilim (bad angels). Give it a read. I wouldn't say it's Bible-accurate, if that is what you are reaching for, but it can definitely help in the development of your manga--as long as you don't copy the story. ^_~
But to answer Ginny's question, there's no other two leaders (that I can recall) that fell with Lucifer. He went down and took 1/3 of the angels with him. And let's not turn this into any religious debate please. I know no one's starting yet, but that always needs to be said in a religious topic (unfortunately). EDIT Do you need to anything about the angels with God? Ya know, Gabriel, and Michael and those other ones. ^^ *is blushing about lack of memory at moment*
(As far as the religious aspect of this thread, if you all would quit yammering and rehashing about it, maybe every other thread would quit turning INTO a religion flame. GAW! (Des and Deus covered everything I wanted to say back on the 2nd page, so I'm not going to stir up any more idioticy.)) Desbreko, actually, covered the whole porn topic quite well. It's not in the creator alone, nor is it in the viewer alone. Things get miscontrued (porn and religion both). You don't have to buy the magazine nor view the site, though I do not approve of false links leading to pornography (when I was younger, I did a search on Kirby AllStar, clicked on one link--and lo! was exposed to the world on online pornography. THAT was a bad day.). I don't approve of people doing it for a job, I don't approve of people viewing it for a habit. I believe sex is a sacred act between two people alone, and I'd mightily thwack my proverbial boyfriend and instantly dump him if I caught him looking at such stuff. Sorry, but I was raised by gentlemen and ladies. (And before y'all start flipping out [i]yet again[/i] as you all are so prone to doing, may I point out that there's freedom of speech and freedom of thought going on here? I've seen just as many people in this thread trying to shove the fact that the Bible's screwed on the religious people here as well as religious people "shoving" the Bible on everyone. Same concept of porn here--don't like? Don't have to read. I'm sorry you're not willing to be open minded and promote the common grounds concept that James and Adam have worked so hard to have at these boards. Besides, you knew talking about porn was opening a can of worms, no? ;))
OoC: Oh Zidane, I didn't mean anything by my post. I am so sorry! *hugs him gently* You've been a perfectly wonderful captain, especially since you listened to your crew. =) And like Braidless Baka said, if you need out, we'll miss you but I certainly hope we can RPG with you again soon. I'll be praying for you, darlin'
[img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=390066[/img] The consolation prize that runner ups receive in online captioning contests. ~~~~~ Finger food is one thing, but [i]this[/i]...
Personally, I would think that he votes regardless. His team lost, so his team votes. His team's loss counts as his loss, so his team voting counts as him voting, too. My thoughts, anyway. ^^;
Well, this question has idled on for four days now--methinks we need a new one.
Gaming I'd like to see a "Futuristic"zelda.
GinnyLyn replied to Senor Ding Dong's topic in Noosphere
Well, now, let's not be too hasty (and let us NEVER speak of Zelda as street trash ever again). Perhaps some sort of deal where, by freeing the Sages, the mechanical world is reverted back to its (for lack of a better word) medival nature we all know and love. Though, with improper producing, it [i]could[/i] turn into a rip of FF7 and 8. It's a thought...but I don't see it happening any time soon. -
For me, it's not a matter of good and evil so much as the motive behind the action. There are both good and evil characters that are that way just 'cause they were born that way or they woke up one morning and decided to, but the more complex ones with [i]reasons[/i] to what they do make sense. Sympathetic characters resonate with me. As do reformed/corrupted ones.
*screams and points* YOU'RE A GINNY! YOU'RE A GINNY! *faints* *wakes up again* And we all know that Ginnys make for good artists. Anyways, heh, your characters' poses are fantastic! I want to gush forever about the drawing aspect, but this thread is about the color aspect. Ahem. A very good and promising start. Might I suggest you ink the outlines, or some of them, anyway, after coloring? Some of the smaller details get lost in the colors. And the final one had just the right amount of color. 9/1o because you are a Ginny. ^^
*crowns Mei the technicalities Queen* Heh, can't get away with anything when Mei's around. ^________^;
S'allright...mmmpf. S'okay... No, honestly, there's just something about this that I don't care much for. I dunno what. I'd like to see some monochromatic versions of this or... Meh. Rating pending.
Little nothing! Sphere, nothing--it's an EYEBALL! Heh, anyways, nifties. I wasn't aware that PhotoShop could pull off stuff like this. O_o; I see the lens flare and all, but... Wooooow. 9/1o, since some of the reflected stuff looks...odd.
OoC: What happens in this post does NOT reflect my eviction choices, so please keep that in mind. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Zidane shuffled into the Cargo ship, more than a little disheartened. Woeby stood next to him, looking guilty and remorseful. Sephiroth's arms were crossed, and his scowl was hard to hide. However, no one said anything...the loss was sitting hard on all of them. Soon enough, one of them would have to go. Zidane finally broke the uncomfortable silence. [color=orange]"Go on, say it. SAY IT!"[/color] [color=darkblue]"Hmm?"[/color] Zidane threw Woeby's reigns harshly and stalked over to Auron, his tail quivering. [color=orange]"Don't play stupid, old man. Go ahead and kick me off for not winning the stupid race."[/color] Auron hadn't made eye contact with Zidane, but stared at the floor, lost in his own thoughts. Zidane stomped over to Sephiroth, trying to get in his face. [color=orange]"C'mon, say something!"[/color] Sephiroth's scowl remained, but Zidane noticed a tinge of...regret? Maybe even empathy? [color=red]"Zidane, calm down. We all los--"[/color] [color=orange]"Not you, Freya Ratface!"[/color] Freya froze, a look of shock on her, well, rat face. She clutched her spear tightly, keeping her own anger in check. [color=red]"Zidane, stoppit. Just because you lost to a pretty face is no reason to take it out on us."[/color] [color=teal]"That's right,"[/color] Cecil added. [color=darkblue]"It wasn't Rinoa."[/color] Everyone turned to Auron. [color=orange]"Sure it was,"[/color] Zidane blurted out. [color=orange]"She distracted me and Woeby. We coulda won because Woeby's--"[/color] [color=darkblue]"That's enough!"[/color] Auron snapped. Zidane, remarkably, shut up. After another long, uncomfortable moment, Auron turned to Zidane, who was hanging his head. [color=darkblue]"We lost,"[/color] Auron said slowly, choosing his words carefully, [color=darkblue]"because we let our guard down. Just because Woeby was the guaranteed fastest mount there did not prevent her from shying at the Moogles. She didn't prevent us from losing."[/color] [color=orange]"But Woeby's a Golden..."[/color] Zidane half mumbled. [color=purple]"Captain, we exposed our weakness. We shall not do that again."[/color] Freya nodded. [color=red]"Besides, I don't think it's the loss that's worrying you. You're upset because one of us will have to leave soon."[/color] Zidane bit his lip in shame and looked to Freya. [color=orange]"Yeah...I'm...I'm sorry I called you 'Ratface'."[/color] [color=red]"Forgiven."[/color] [color=orange]"Sorry...sorry, everyone."[/color] [color=teal]"Team Tantalus reporting for duty, sir!"[/color] Cecil chuckled as he threw a salute. Zidane hugged Woeby, who simply kwehed happily. [color=orange]"No matter what happens, you guys are the best team a captain could ever have."[/color]
You, me, and Mitch both. ("Both." lol) How many letters does Maryland allow? We can figure out some sort of License Name for you if we can.
I kinda like the trash can. Looks niftier than my ugly little pixely one. :p (Oh duh, that be Mac'ies. *dodges Sara*) Nitpick on the banner--the first pick has a black corner or something sticking up at the bottom and I'm pretty sure that's not meant to be there. PrntScrn fuuuuun. ^^; Because I've never seen the pics before, I give you a 9/1o.
Now, now, the technique's all right--I've done it before with my hand drawn stuff. I guess what I would like to see is a shadow for [strike]Freya[/strike] Faye against the background, or text that jumps out at you. Not both, mind, just one or the other. Rating pending.
OoC: Poor Mei. ^_^'' Oh, and Woeby is a girl. Good DEITY, Braidless Baka, you're gonna kill me with laughter over here! The thought of Sephy being a ham was just [i]too[/i] funny! Giant stuffed Moogle...*bawls* *grumbles* My team be losing...t'ain't good. O_o; ~~~~~~~~~ Restored to their former selves, Cloud, Cecil, and Auron walked out of the Arena behind Cid. Auron was still grumbling to himself. "Oh fer crying out loud," Cid hollered. "HERE!" And he shoved the huge stuffed Moogle at Auron. Auron just stood there for a moment, looking bewildered and rather odd. He instantly turned to a little girl next to him. [color=darkblue]"Here you are."[/color] "Oh THANK YOU, Mr!" Auron smiled, glad to be out of the embarassing situation. He saw the little girl beckon him and he bent down. She kissed his forehead and, before he could respond, ran away, waving. "Thanks again! I won't forget this!" [color=blue]"Awwww, Aurie's got a giiiiirlfriend."[/color] [color=darkblue]"[i]Hmph![/i]"[/color]
How often do you visit? ----------------------- [color=red]Being the junkie that I am, once in the morning before I leave for work, once after I get home from work, and once more before I go to bed. I actually think stuff is going to happen. :sleep: Though lately...[/color] Whats the longest length of your visits? ---------------------------------------- [color=red]Depends on if there's anything worth responding to. I usually piddle for about half an hour on average these days. [/color] Whats been your longest stay? ----------------------------- [color=red]Back when I did the Digimon site for theOtaku.com, I'd have the Boards, AIM, and my HTMLer open. I remember one night while doing that, the OBs had been hacked and those of us that could get on spent a midnight vigil (at least, in my neck of the world) trying to get it back. So that'd put it at ...geez, that was so long ago. 12 hours? (My parents would kill me if I stayed on the computer all day. :p)[/color] Which forums do you visit? -------------------------- [color=red]Lounge (86 Picture), Suggestions, Adventure (Recruitment on occasion), Digimon, Zelda, Square/Enix, PC/Mac (on occasion), Art and Design, Sprites. [/color] Why do you continue to stay at Otakuboards? ------------------------------------------- [color=red]Again, it's that internet junkie thing. I can't get away, else I go through withdraw. ^^; But for the most part, it's because I've been here for so long (thanks to Adam), and I'm comfy with people here. Being a newbie again somewhere else...*shudders* I can't possibly imagine it. [/color] Thanks for an interesting thread!
Pretty pic. I say this is one of those images best left without text or special effects. It's one of those banners you see after reading a lot of posts and it has this calming effect that makes you stare at the banner and go, "...huh." Did that make sense? If so, 9/1o. Make that prettiful banner yours before I nick it. :p