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Everything posted by GinnyLyn

  1. "That, students, is what is known as a saturated color picture." ^^; Yeah, anyways, another well-drawn pic, and I'll leave your color-scheming to you. It's a unique style that's reminiscent of Sunday comic colors. The wings are a little...off. They don't seem like they belong with the pic, so forgive me if I seem to have suspicion implanted into my little noggin now. Rating withheld till further notice. :X
  2. If one does not reply, then what is the point? *soft smile* *a la Kiki (Sluggy.com)* Ooooo, shiny! *poing poing* What's this button do? *points to text* Bwa? Heh, anyways, shinyness and vibrant color gets you a 8/1o.
  3. *screams and runs* *from beneath bed* That does it--I'm NEVER coming out again! *bawls pathetically* Yeah, so I have clown-o-phobia. Or Coulrophobia actually. So sue me. Heh, solid 1o/1o. You got everything down, included my childhood fear that's now resurfaced. Go you? O_o;
  4. DUDE! *yanks the text out and stares more* DUDE! I give that sucker a 9/1o. [i]Very[/i] nice.
  5. Choco/Mog-Death Blow: Choco/Mog combo charges at enemy OR Giant Fat Chocobo King sits on them. Odin-Gunge Lance: Odin rides down and slices at all enemies OR Odin hurls his spear into the air and it stabs the enemy from above. Bahamut-Mega Flare: Two winged Drag shoots energy ball from mouth. NeoBahamut-Giga Flare: Four winged Drag shoots energy ball from mouth. Bahamut ZERO-Terra Flare: Flying all the way out into space, six winged Drag shoots energy ball from mouth. Alexander-Holy Attack: Hard to describe (and remember)--he shoots out of the earth and sorta attacks with his arms. =\ Hades-(random): Basically, he conjurs up this cauldon and does a random attack (if memory serves). KOTR-13 Knights: All thirteen knights including King Authur wallop (in an overkill manner) on the poor sucker that somehow managed to stumble into their way. [b]Q:[/b] What are the colors of Cloud's Ultimate Weapon, and in what circumstance do those colors change?
  6. OoC: OmGosh, Braidless Baka, I laughed so hard at that I choked on my popcorn. HILARIOUS! :rotflmao: And I changed Cloud's color to blue in this post, to counteract the darkblue for Auron. ~~~~~~~~ [color=darkblue]"Hello...Cloud, is it?"[/color] The young blonde nodded his head. [color=blue]"And you're the famous Crimson Warrior."[/color] Auron's good eye crinkled behind his shades. [color=darkblue]"I don't know about famous, but I've been called the Crimson Warrior, yes."[/color] "Gentleman!" The Emcee called them to one side. "Let me explain the rules. Basically, the first fighter to drop from absolute exhaustion and life energy loses. Easy enough, right?" [color=darkblue]"But...?"[/color] Auron glared at the Emcee, sensing some sort of catch. "Ah, very good, sir. Not only will you be pitted against each other, but three random monsters will also be in the arena with you." [color=darkblue]"Well, that hardly seems fair."[/color] [color=blue]"Old man's right--he doesn't want to suffer [i]that[/i] much."[/color] Auron just [i]looked[/i] at Cloud. [color=darkblue]"No, what I mean is, what if the fighter victor wins out over the other, only to be defeated by the monsters?"[/color] [color=blue]"Or what if one of the fighters is doing all the work, and the other is just waiting to pounce on him when he gets done?"[/color] [color=darkblue]"You think I'm dishonest?"[/color] Glare. [color=blue]"You saying that [i]I[/i] am?"[/color] Returned glare. "Gentleman, GENTLEMAN! Save it for the Arena!" The pair were led down to the Arena gate, grinning at each other. [color=darkblue]"Nice battle taunts, kid." [/color] [color=blue]"You ain't so bad yourself, geezer."[/color] [color=darkblue]"Watch it--I'm only in my 30s."[/color] [color=blue]"Coulda fooled me."[/color] A screech from one of the other three gates cut short any more retorts. Cloud and Auron were ushered into the arena, and the gate clanged shut behind them. The other three gates, in agonizing slowness, were pulled open. Auron and Cloud touched sword tips and shared one last grin between friends. [color=blue]"Show me what you got, Auron."[/color] [color=darkblue]"Likewise, Cloud."[/color] With a battle cry, both leapt into the fray. "Whodaya think'll win?" a young girl worker asked the Emcee. He studied the two fighters below him. "Well, the younger guy's got speed on his side, but the older fella's got the endurance to last it out. It's a close call on this one, Sheila. Let's just watch and see."
  7. "Rule-whipped"? *feels ill* That just sounded...dirty. ^^;;;
  8. *spies sig* Nifties, I am intelligent. Anyways, I spoke with one of my friends who is a struggling artist. [i]He[/i] actually doesn't mind if someone downloaded his stuff [i]at this point in his career.[/i] It's the word of mouth deal--a nobody has a really great service, and the recipients of the service go around and tell everyone else about it, generating publicity and hopefully business. However, if that keeps up all through his career, he will be forever screwed. I've downloaded stuff, yes. I do have a few burned CDs. So yeah, I'm being a past-hypocrite when I say don't do it. (I've removed Kazaa from my computer to keep myself from doing it anymore.) The only time I would ever attempt to justify downloading from Kazaa is when the file in question just cannot be found by any other means (no, that does not mean, "well, dang, I don't have enough money." (And don't get me started on the monetary aspect of our lives, those of us with jobs or otherwise.)) My example is not exactly music related, but the "Gargoyles" series Disney made. Good luck finding any of the episodes anymore--it's been nearly ten years since it showed. Deity, people, think back a bit--we could trace this to recording music off the radio or taping our favorite shows. Thievery. It really is, according to official sites I've found. If the tapes/CDs are not destroyed in 24-48 hours, then you are in trouble. And while I still say stop it!, the sad truth of it is, there's just no way that every Kazaa user can be hunted down and be made to pay (I can see more evil conglomerates using [i]that[/i] to their malicious ends.)) Even if Kazaa was shut down, like Napster was, another file sharing program will pop up. It's the whole "thing meant for good twisted into corrupted thing" syndrome. I'm sure there was a pure intention for file sharing, but free black market was not among one of the choices. *ends rant*
  9. Well, word is the game is coming out in November. :bawl:
  10. He's pointing a gun at me. oO; Heh, don't you [i]love[/i] airbrushing? Tiny little nitpicks that I am sure could be fixed with experience. How about some backgrounds, even just a shadow? It could take your characters farther. ^^ 9/1o.
  11. OK, for the first one, I liked the images, but there was that black empty space behind the words. Clean edges, good good. And the text wow'd me. Nifties. 8.5/1o. The text is a bit hard to read on the second one. Did you make the background yourself, because that is nice. Your color scheme works well together. You've got some empty space again, though... 8.8/1o.
  12. *snorts in amusement at everyone* Happy Navel day, you two! (I know how old Adam be-a, but I ain't telling. ^^)
  13. The three you have up to that point and a wandering ghost passenger (I too found that out by mistake when I first played). [b]Q:[/b] In FF7, there are 16 summons all together. Name eight of those Summons, their attacks, and the element they represent. (Gah, mesa getting detailed!)
  14. Sorry, not the answers I am looking for. Please try again.
  15. OoC: sage, are you controlling how the different areas work? After all, godmodding is evil. And Avalanche, [i][b]please don't quit posting on us![/b][/i] This RPG is getting good, but if you give up, the spirit of the game just gonna collapse. Please PLEASE make an effort to post. ~~~~~ Auron quietly entered the arena, his booted steps ringing hollowly in the empty room. He gripped his Masamune's handle and peered about the Square with his good eye. Now to await Avalanche's fighter.
  16. Go to the second World, where you can find Mog. It keeps away all random battles. Woo! If that is correct, sah: [b]Question:[/b] In FF9, two of the Eidolons can be summoned to attack in different ways. Which two are they, how can they be affected, and what are the resulting attacks? (That should keep you stinkers busy. :p)
  17. Actually, I think both Krillen AND Insane Idiot need to do some clarifying. (Gah, this is the second quiz I've seen with this problem! @_@)
  18. Well, wait a minute--Des said she was right and you say she's wrong, so we need someone to tell us who's right about being right (or wrong, whichever). My word. @_@;
  19. I read all of it. And agree with it. So want my opinion? Go back and read Sem's, then.
  20. He meant one of the Oracle games, I take it. But which one? Krillen, get back here!
  21. Personally, fencing is another thing I would love to learn, but where would I ever be able to use it? If some guy was attacking me, I wouldn't have a sabre handy. ._.; But still, I love characters that have swords and suchlike, so getting a chance to just see what it is all about would be worthwhile.
  22. You are correct, sah, ask away! (And if anyone's ever found more than 2, please tell me how!)
  23. Um, was Krillen right? If so... [b]A:[/b] #1 is given to you at Dragon Roost by Medli, to hold water. The 2nd can be found in a submarine. You obtain numero tres from catching rich rags girl in the act of stealing from the Eskimo shop keeper at Windfall. The final bottle you can buy from the Special Beedle Boat. [b]Question:[/b] What are the colors of the five frogs living at Zora's River?
  24. How DARE you! *beats Desbreko within an inch of his life, then heals him* Heh. Fine then. The red bird is warped, especially around the wings. As opposed to the large to small (going from top to bottom) in the original CGI work, the in-game's bird icon's wing start small, go bigger, then small again. Also, the CGI pic includes "bolts" and scratches not seen on the sheild, due to limited polygons. Booger. And oh yes, the official art has shown the back of the sheild to be wooden, just blue wood, is all. ;) EDIT Out of fairness and order: Ruto, Saria, Rauru, Nabooru, Darunia, Zelda, and Impa. [b]Question:[/b] Who is the infamous character on Malon's brooch?
  25. To be honest (and if it makes you feel any better), the guys that strut around boasting about how many women they have been with instantly make me sick and want to avoid them. It shows a callous attitude toward females. But a guy cannot be without spine or self-confidence. Without being able to speak up and show that you think you can be wonderful, you're gonna radiate your negative view on yourself to others around you (make sense?). Sometimes I think that is my problem. Thank you for instilling some hope into this nice gal. May I someday find someone that shares my views.
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