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Everything posted by GinnyLyn

  1. Well, seeing as how I'm playing Final Fantasy (that's [b]1[/b], mind) for the first time, and I just had some ?dwarves mention the Levistone, it is found in FF1 first. As to [i]where...[/i] got me. I do know that, true to its name, a Levistone levitates stuff, or, in layman's, makes it float. Whee. [b]Q:[/b] List all the colors of Chocobos in FF7. Which could you [i]not[/i] get?
  2. In an ongoing debate about species-specific names, Spike proves that his name isn't just for dogs anymore... ~~~~~~~ [center][img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=386673[/img] [b]FELINES LOSE TO LONG-TIME RIVALS, PITBULLS[/b] Team players recommended to trim nails from now on[/center] ~~~~~~~ In an effort to make amends for the [url=http://www.nokia.com/nokia/0,,6042,00.html]unauthorized, online cat video[/url] that offended Animal Rights people, Nokia has offered this new commercial, which shows Fluffy in a much more welcome position.
  3. 1st, 2nd, Ocarina, and both Oracles?
  4. Wild Stabbys! 1st, 2nd, Ocarina...and that is it?
  5. OoC: Great minds think alike, Tasis--I was also going to call ours Karot at first, but decided against it in the end. ^_^
  6. OK, but answer the rest of the question! :p EDIT The part I didn't make clear was the counter that's present in Ocarina. Oops on my part. [b]A:[/b] Black, pink, and mixed? ~~~~~~~~ [b]Q:[/b] There are eight dungeons in Link's Awakening. How many dungeon keys (to open the dungeons) are there? What are their names?
  7. "Your answer cannot be accepted at this time (or any other). Please try again." *dial tone*
  8. Cucco, Cow, Beetle, and Fish. WOOT! [b]Question:[/b] List the games in which you would get hurt if you landed in water (without proper swimwear). Which game in the series prompted a change in regards to this, and what was the change?
  9. I'd say Majora's Mask. (20x4)-(3x4)-(4x4)=13x4 or 52. That's a LOT. (And FYI, Wind Waker comes in a close second with 48.) [b]Question:[/b] We know that Cuccos and pigs attack when provoked, but what other animal has been known to do so, and what game did it appear in?
  10. Team Tantalus stood at the Chocobo Farm, proudly displaying their Golden Chocobo and waiting for Cid's return. For some odd reason, Auron got it into his head to name the bird "Kumtah Lrulupu", or "Lru" for short. [color=orange]"Can I go race Lru while we wait?"[/color] [color=darkblue]"'[i]May[/i] I?'"[/color] [color=orange]"I asked first! Besides, you'll just slow Lru down!"[/color] Freya groaned. [color=red]"Never could teach you proper talk."[/color] [color=teal]"We're gonna stay here until Cid comes."[/color] [color=purple]"We are going to go find him if he doesn't. This bird will not stop eating my bangs!"[/color] The group shared a small smile. It was good to work as a team.
  11. It's harder and harder to be a good Samaritan these days. There's been a serial killer running around in N. Texas (some of you might have heard about this) that targets women. One lady came to the police, talking about her possible encounter. She was at a gas station, filling up, and wanted to buy something at the convienience store. Taking two bucks in, she bought and got back into her car. Next thing she knows, this guy's knocking on her car window, telling her that she dropped a $5 bill on her way out, and he wanted to return it. The lady [i]knew[/i] she hadn't done so, and refused to open the door to him. The guy went ballistic, pounding on the window, and screaming obsenities. That's when the lady drove off to tell the police. I'm not saying your lady is some psychopath. But the fact of the matter is, it's dangerous to be kind these days. And Hades, it's noting new (highwaymen are centuries old). While I wouldn't call your act pointless, I would caution you to be more careful from now on. And I leave you with a common joke (no offense to anyone): "If you give someone a $10 bill and they don't come back...it was worth it." =^.^=
  12. I agree with Elite--less clutter, more better looking. *thwaps her English AP self for slaughtered English language* 9.5/1o.
  13. Question, question, question...mmm. [b]Q:[/b] Part of one sidequest in Majora's Mask is to protect the Romani Ranch cows from being stolen. What does the Bomber's Notebook define these invaders as, and what does little Romani say they are? (Easy, I know...brain tired.)
  14. Sem's right. Too much negative space. I :love: all the effects!!! *stares at the !s* And the text is done well, and the effects are cool, and--*keeps gushing* Maybe toss in some muted color of some sort? Keep it monochromatic, though. 8.7/1o.
  15. To be honest, it still looks the same style. I'm not quite sure what to make of this one, but I keep staring at it, which is good. And I have yet to see anyone match your style, so :p. It'll always be your style. 9/1o.
  16. *feels pouty; giggles and smiles at Sara* OK, time for me to hang my art robe up. ^^;; How do you [i]do[/i] that and leave all the pencil/ink marks behind? *whines* It's just...just... I've been bested. *blinks in awe* 1o/1o.
  17. Daaaaaang. If I was some sorry little bugger feeling sorry for myself, I'd insert my plunge into self-worthlessness about my own art ability right about here. ^^; I got a pretty good guess on the edges, but how'd you do the light and dark areas in the background? No rate till you tell me! :p
  18. The only thing that really annoys me is the sharp edges between the characters and the central image. *refrains from saying anything else* ^^; 8/1o.
  19. Nice, sharp, and clean. The bot bugs me for some reason. The image fits with the skin I have on right now. 8.5/1o.
  20. I...whoooooooooa.... *blinks* I...whoa... Dang. (Standstills still suck, standstills still suck, standstills still suck...) NephEH's looks real celestial and watery. And his is still a tech out of my reach. Oooo... Hitto's is purdy and all, but...=\ ...somehow, knowing how to do that myself sorta takes away from the art, if that makes sense at all. Personally, I'm a tad more impressed with the border. However, I cannot choose which should win. O_o;
  21. OoC: Easily fixed, Brek. ^_~ Also, I've added on the second part of this post 10 hours after the first part. I figured we can get sage his Golden now. :D ~~~~~~ The baby Black Chocobo staggered out of the stall, still unused to its new found legs. Zidane held a hand out, and the baby tottered over to him, and collapsed a few inches before it reached him. [color=orange]"C'mon, Shadow, c'mon...c'mon!"[/color] [color=red]"Shadow?"[/color] [color=darkblue]"It's appropriate."[/color] "You might want to keep this one away from Woeby, though," Chocobo Bill pointed out. "If'n you gonna breed the two, Shadow better not get it in his head that he's messing with his mama. Not good for Chocobo mentality." He winked broadly. There were no worries. Shadow had already staggered (with many trips and falls along the way) to his mother Saffa's feet. With a tiny coo of a wark, he nestled next to her. Reald and Saffa rubbed heads, warking lovingly. They were obviously going to be together once they were released. [color=teal]"All that's left now is Shadow and Woeby, huh?"[/color] "Just give him a little time to grow up, and then, you'll have your Golden Chocobo." Chocobo Bill smiled, then left the barn. [b]EDIT[/b] Much later that day... [b]"Wark!"[/b] [color=yellow]"Wark!"[/color] [COLOR=chocolate][size=1]"Kweh..."[/size][/COLOR] "Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!" Woeby and Shadow looked extremely proud of themselves, and well they should. For there, sitting on Woeby's claws, a legend in itself, a memory lost, and yet here it was not but 5 feet away from the Tantalus team...the Golden Chocobo! [color=red]"Aren't you just the rare little cutie? Yes you are...yes you aaaare!"[/color] [color=orange]"I think I'm gonna be sick."[/color] [color=red]"Oh, shut up."[/color] The baby yawned in boredom, as if being Golden was an every day occurence. And to it, it was. Because it [i]was[/i] a Golden Chocobo. [color=darkblue]"Now, to wait for Cid."[/color] [color=teal]"Fine with us. Just keep the chick away from Sephiroth,"[/color] Cecil laughed. ~~~~~~~~~~~ OoC: I'm glad to see the Avalanche team is posting again. I was getting worried about you guys.
  22. Personally, I haven't yet (note the "yet"), but I would like to get into some sort of self defense class. That would be nice. My former pastor's son takes Tai Kwon Do (sp?!?!).
  23. Wind Waker, Link's Awakening, Majora's Mask, Oracle of Seasons/Ages... ...86 Ocarina and Past... ...which means the missing two are the first two Zelda games? It'd make sense.
  24. Halo watched smugly. [i]This should be interesting...[/i] Regardless, she was still bored, as made evident by her twitching tail. She decided to have a little fun while the brats were distracted. Quickly making a copy of herself, she made her true self invisible. Then she stealthily snuck toward one of the brats, who had Celestine's Sphere in her hand, cheering and crying out. Halo easily put her hand against the Sphere, and created a new copy, leaving the original in the brat's hand. To everyone else, Amber tripping looked odd, but they passed it off as over exuberance. Amber brushed herself off, picked up the Sphere on the ground, and got up again. "You can't do this!" she continued to call to Celestine, but Celestine wouldn't back down. She was locked in a battle with David now. Halo smiled nastily, her fangs showing. In her hand, the real Sphere sat. Which meant if Celestine was injured gravely or even... Halo's nasty smile grew wider. "The world is full of delusions. Best you learn this now, brats." And with that, she went back to her spot, dispelling her copy and reappearing at the same time.
  25. GinnyLyn


    Mmm, the only disproportion to me is the head is a bit short in the back. I like the hair. [b]You are forbidden to change it.[/b] ^_^ The overall design is very nifty...just smudged. Oo;;;;; 9/1o.
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