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Everything posted by GinnyLyn
Mainly to All You Wiccans-How do I "Come Out"?
GinnyLyn replied to Patronus's topic in General Discussion
Most people have already said what I wanted to say. I also recall us having this conversation over AIM, dear Z--ah, Leh. I still stand by what I say. I accept that this is your choice right now. I respect [i]you.[/i] And I hope you will continue to respect me as you always have. I don't agree with your beliefs, but that does not mean I have to go into HATE HATE KILL KILL BAD STUPID LEH mode everytime I see you. That's just stupid (and people wonder why there's so much hate running around, and fyi, for all of you, Christians are not the only group in the world to do this, so don't turn this into another [spoiler]damned[/spoiler] "Christianity is evil" thread.). Realize that there is still going to be confrontational issues, to be sure. People will react louder and offendedly (mesa made new word, HA HA!). And I must tell you this, dear Leh, you [i]do[/i] have a short fuse. If you are quite serious about this, you will need to guard that fuse from blowing, else it will make everything much worse. With all faiths/religions/sects/whatnot, there are people who disagree and oppose. I reiterate this one last time--I don't agree with your beliefs, but I do respect you. Done. ^^ -
OoC: You'll forgive me for not knowing what My Final Heaven looks like. If BB wants to clue me in, I can edit that part. ^^ I tried to be fair and impartial for this last part, but everyone fell where they did, so...^^;;; ~~~~~~~~~ The Survivors traded glances, checking on each other. They nodded in unison, then took up battle stances and faced the fallen Anima. In her place was Ganger in his true form. A shadow-black, bone-thin, humanoid creature, marked with a multitude of scales that reflected the light easily, like tiny mirrors. His eye were barely distinguishable, being only slightly brighter than the scales. Sickly black smoke hovered about his feet, floating out in tendrils that grasped at the floor. "How [i]dare[/i] you!" he hissed at all of them. "You defied me in my conquest of this world!" [color=orangered]"Damn straight,"[/color] Zell snapped back. "You don't know who you are dealing with!" Ganger screamed, pointing a thin finger at them. [color=crimson]"A demonic weaver of deception, a sadistic tamperer of memories, an unholy corrupter of fayths...Shall I continue?"[/color] "You mock me!" [color=teal]"You have tried to mock us!"[/color] Cecil bellowed back. [color=teal]"You sought to possess the Aeons, to destroy the world, to even break us--"[/color] He indicated Zell and Auron. [color=teal]"You failed, Ganger. You failed in every aspect."[/color] "You haven't stopped me yet!" With a wave of his skeletal hands, Ganger sent a negative energy shockwave through the three of them. "I will dispose of you three, and then no one can stop me!" The threesome were thrown against the walls, hitting them hard and sliding down. For a moment, Ganger thought he had won. He was wrong. [color=orangered]"We have the power of the Aeons and all the Survivors behind us, Ganger. You can't stop that."[/color] Zell stood up. He bunched his fists tightly, his blue eyes glittering dangerously. [color=teal]"That, monster, is--[i]was[/i]--your final mistake."[/color] Cecil brought the Crystal Sword up, its blade shimmering with holy power, the color reflected in his light blue eyes. [color=crimson]"In that knowledge, suffer...and [i]die![/i]"[/color] Auron gripped the handle of the Masamune with intense strength, his russet eye glaring death. [i][b][color=crimson]"TORNADO!"[/color] [color=teal]"LIGHT WAVE!"[/color] [color=orangered]"MY FINAL HEAVEN!"[/color][/b][/i] And in the blinding result of the combination of the most powerful attacks known to these three, Ganger was ripped asunder, shred from shred, screaming like a slaughtered pig and snapping bodily like a dry twig. A single pyrefly rose, wailing softly, mournfully. For a moment, it hovered just above Ganger's limp body. The black fiend melted one final time into the stones, leaving behind an acrid smell. The pyrefly dropped low to the floor, its color waning. And then, it went out. Auron raised an eyebrow. [color=crimson]"I have never seen a pyrefly do that before..."[/color] [color=orangered]"RINOA!"[/color] As if it had just come back to him, Zell frantically searched the room. Just in front of him, a shimmer of light reflected once, then took form. Rinoa appeared, then collapsed into his arms gratefully. [color=blue]"Oooo...I never want to do that again. It was horrible!"[/color] Zell blushed madly. [color=orangered]"Hi, Rinoa!"[/color] [color=blue]"Zell?"[/color] Rinoa pushed herself away, and stood up. [color=blue]"Auron, Cecil!"[/color] Auron nodded, Cecil waved. [color=blue]"You did it! You beat Ganger!"[/color] [color=orangered]"Was there any dou--OW! Hey, what was that for?!"[/color] Zell demanded of Auron. The Crimson Warrior didn't respond, but merely crinkled his one eye in muted cheerfulness. [color=teal]"We [i]did[/i] do it..didn't we? Hey, we defeated Ganger!"[/color] Rinoa smiled widely and kissed both Cecil and Zell on their cheeks, contented to just hug Auron. [color=blue]"You sure did!"[/color] [color=orangered]"About flipping time--it seemed like we were going on for weeks trying to kill that thing!"[/color] "I'd have to agree!" a familiar voice bellowed. [color=teal]"C[/color][color=crimson]I[/color][color=blue]D[/color][color=orangered]?"[/color] "In the flesh, kids. Oh, and old guy." Auron grunted. "I never quite expected that little twist to turn up. That's all right--you saved the world unwittingly. Great job! Now what's say we go ahead and wrap this up?" ~~~~~~~~~ OoC: Of course they unwittingly saved the world through doing a task completely innocent and unrelated. That was so [i]not[/i] related to any RPG in any way. [/sarcasm] LOL.
Don't get me wrong--I do like CC, but there were some elements laid on too thick, some not thick enough, and the [spoiler]mentions of the CT characters, while nice, were also tacked on.[/spoiler] Or maybe I just didn't like how they messed with them in the second game--[spoiler]it made the first game's entire storyline[/spoiler] look like the characters had done something wrong. Whoopee for Japanese dramatics, if that is it. *mutters darkly and without reserve* Some character designs were awesome, some were strange, some we seriously could have done without *cough*KORCHA*cough*. Same as some characters were awesome, some were useful, and some were completely pointless. Maybe it was a sluggish storyline, maybe it was a boring one. I dunno, but given what was included in it, I felt it could have gripped me a lot better than it did. I liked the two worlds, and I liked the idea of the [spoiler]"six" Dragon Gods[/spoiler] even better. My only real confusion is how Serge played a part into that whole mess at [spoiler]Chronopolis[/spoiler]. That was one of those laid on too thick moments and I got lost in all the plot hurled at me at once. Oh yes, the constant slaughter of animals (not random monsters, but stuff like baby Komodos and [spoiler]mother Hydras[/spoiler]) and the constant tirade about nature being destroyed--irked me all the fricking way through. More Japanese dramatics? *grumble grumble* Bweh, my thoughts. Opinions. I'm [i]allowed[/i] to have them, remember. ;)
*purses lips* Well, since that was [i]word for word[/i] from the players' guide, you got it right. *grumbles kindly* Someone do a judgment call, please.
1. Your banner is [i]huge[/i]. 2. You're advertising. 3. I am a FEMALE. And for that, you suffer. *cue evil music* Mu haw haw haw... Fine, new question it is then. [b]Name Freya's Eight Dragon Knight Skills, what they do, and from what weapon they are obtained[/b] (putting more than one weapon for each skill is ok, but not required).
OoC: I was about to say, that seemed rather Cecil/FF4 oriented, and...hee hee hee. I'm very glad you came up with this idea, Des! Fanservice, yay! Spoilers ahead. Lots of angst ahead. Bear with me. :p And in the spoiler areas, I bolded Auron's text instead of crimsoning it, so it wouldn't show up against the spoil tags. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pyreflies flew past, their irridescent light bright to his eyes even behind their lids. Auron mentally groaned, and sat up, pushing himself up with his left arm. [color=crimson]"Where...am I?"[/color] Images briefly flashed through his mind: wings, fiery mane, crystal horn, talons, someone crying out...but as soon as he tried to look closer at the images, tried to remember them, they melted away. Auron rubbed his eyes wearily, then pulled his hands back in shock. He traced a finger over his right eye again, to make sure it was true. "Auron! Hey Auron, we don't got all day!" The Crimson Warrior drew in a sharp breath. [color=crimson]"Jecht?!"[/color] [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/jecht.jpg[/img] Jecht, the famous blitzball player, father of Tidus, Guardian to Braska, friend to Auron, uncrossed his arms and rubbed the back of his head. He was a course rough type, not given over to emotions. "[i]What.[/i]" Jecht grumbled, slightly irritated. "Jecht," another voice cut him off. "Auron, do you feel all right?" Auron had to restrain himself from crying out, for there, just in front of him, very real, was his mentor, his master, his friend. It was Lord Braska. [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/braska.jpg[/img] [color=crimson][i]Do I feel all right?[/i][/color] Auron rubbed his right eye again, his scar still absent and showing no signs of returning. Jecht and Braska were in front of him, breathing, very very real. In his core being, Auron was hit on one side with retrospect and on the other with youthful emotion. They crashed together like waves as he numbly realized...he was reliving that moment, ten years ago. There was something else he knew he was supposed to remember, [i]tried[/i] to remember, but it seemed like a dream, another life, something that still evaded him. He left it alone for the moment and retraced his eye. Looked at Jecht and Braska again. And he felt his knees go weak from the absolute, helpless confusion of it all and knelt on the floor, cradling his head in his hands. Jecht stretched luxuriously, pretending not to be worried that the one stick-in-the-mud of the group was breaking down emotionally. He didn't want to admit it, but he knew if he watched, he would have succumb to the sorrow as well. "[i]Bra[/i]ska!" he whined. "A moment, Jecht." Braska rested his hand on Auron's shoulder. "Auron, please, talk to me." [color=crimson]"Braska..."[/color] Young Auron leaned on his Lord Braska slightly, then stood up. [color=crimson]"Forgive me..."[/color] "Can we get [i]on[/i] with it already?" Jecht snapped. The trio stepped onward, through a door, into a very familiar place. Pyreflies flitted about, wailing in their dirges, voices long past, memories forever forgotten. The Mark of Yevon was everywhere, clearly making this large, cathedral-like room a holy Temple. A large, ornate staircase rose from the center, leading to a large door. [color=crimson]"Z-Zanarkand?"[/color] Jecht looked witheringly at Auron; the more he felt sadness, the gruffer and ruder his exterior became. "What of it? You knew we'd get here eventually. Peh, not exactly the way I remembered it..." "Auron, are you [i]sure[/i] you're all right?" Then Lady Yunalesca appeared on the highest steps to lay before them their choice and their duty. [i]Several moments later...[/i] [spoiler]"Well, let's go," Jecht gruffed. Auron heard their footsteps moving toward the stairs. [b]"Lord Braska! Jecht!"[/b] "What do you want [i]now?[/i]" Jecht demanded. [b]"Sin always comes back. It comes back after the Calm every time! The cycle will continue and your deaths will mean nothing!"[/b] "But there's always a chance it won't come back this time," Braska patiently pointed out. "It's worth trying." "I understand what you're saying, Auron," Jecht added. "I'll find a way to break the cycle." [b]"You...have a plan?"[/b] "Jecht?" Braska, too, was curious. "Trust me, I'll think of something." And his laughter, rough and loud, echoed in the air.[/spoiler] He was alone. The room was empty, black...even the pyreflies were as nothing. They went up the stairs, he did not. No one was there to question him when he fell forward on his knees, arms dropping listlessly to his side, head bowed. Regret and shame poured into his very soul in a massive torrent, battering him mercilessly. His inner demons he thought he had laid to rest had returned to torment him. His heart torn, his spirit crushed, he threw his head back and clutched at it with both hands, screaming in emotional agony. The room shifted crazily and young Auron found himself on a long blue platform, hovering just above the new Zanarkand. The city was still in her night mode, lights twinkling in deceptive cheerfulness, muting the glamour of the stars above. And yet the world was very empty. Until the Final Aeon appeared. [spoiler][url=http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/BFA.jpg]Braska's Final Aeon[/url] His enormous scaled fingers clawed against the edge of the platform, and he hoisted himself up upon it. [i]YOU READY THIS TIME?[/I] [b]"J-Jecht?"[/b] [i]ARE YOU GONNA START THAT AGAIN? GAW, AURON![/I] The Final Aeon towered above Auron, easily thirty feet tall. He flung his burly arms out and bellowed, the air shaking, the area just around the Final Aeon bursting into flames. [i]BUT THEN, WHAT COULD I EXPECT FROM THE KID THAT ABANDONED BRASKA?[/i] [b][i]"What?![/i]"[/b] [i]FACE IT, YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE TO PROVE YOURSELF...AND BACKED OUT LIKE A COWARD AT THE LAST MINUTE.[/i] Auron gasped sharply, as though he had been struck. As the Final Aeon spoke, he drew closer to Auron. [i]I TOOK THE FINAL HIT FOR BRASKA...AT LEAST[/i] MY[i] LIFE MEANT SOMETHING...UNLIKE YOU, YOU SCARRED REJECT![/i] The Final Aeon lashed out with his talons and slashed Auron across his right eye. Auron toppled forward, bleeding profusely; he tried to staunch the bloodflow with his glove, but the life water dripped between his fingers, ran down his sleeve. [i]WAS THERE ANYONE THERE TO PROTECT BRASKA WHEN HE FACED SIN? NO, BECAUSE YOU --[/i] [b]"I was avenging both of you against Yunalesca!"[/b] [i]NO, YOU WERE RUNNING SCARED. NO BETTER THAN MY CRYBABY OF A SON.[/i] [b]"What else could I have done, though?"[/b] [i]YOU COULD HAVE SAVED HIM...FROM ME.[/i] Auron still covered his wounded eye, painfully peering at the Final Aeon with his other. [b]"Why?"[/b] he whispered. [i]AURON, AURON, AURON...YOU REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A SUMMONER CALLS THE FINAL AEON...IT MAY DEFEAT SIN, BUT IT SLAUGHTERS ITS OWN SUMMONER.[/i] An image of Braska appeared, hovering, motioning as if he had just summoned the Final Aeon. The Aeon flexed his arms, roared, then plunged his claws through Braska's body. And even in death, Braska did not look angry, but still kept his calm countenance. [i]"For...Spira..."[/i] The Aeon forcefully ripped his claws out again, ignoring the body as it collapsed and dissolved into pyreflies. Examining his scaled hands, the Aeon snaked a tongue out to touch the blood on the tips. [i]THE TASTE OF HIS BLOOD ON MY FINGERS...AURON, IT WAS DELICIOUS.[/i] [i][b]"STOP IT!"[/i][/b] Auron screamed, sobbed, roared. [/spoiler] [i]I CAN DELIVER YOU FROM YOUR OWN PAIN...JUST STAY RIGHT THERE, LET ME PIERCE YOUR HEART MORE PAINFULLY THAN ANY MEMORY YOU HAVE.[/i] Auron's one good russet eye flew open. [color=crimson]"You're not Jecht..."[/color] In a flash, his body was returned to its older self, and he confidentally stood tall again. [color=crimson]"You're Ganger."[/color] His Griffon wings appeared again, broke free from his coat's restraints. He gave himself over to the Aeon tranformation as he continued to speak. [color=crimson]"You knew you could not conquer me with mere power. So you tried a different approach, to break my spirit. It would have worked too...but I know that Jecht valued Braska just as much as I did. He would never want to see Braska in pain. That was the break in your hold over me."[/color] Auronite gathered energy into his wings. [color=crimson][i]"You screwed with my deepest, most inner memories and feelings. You are a cruel, heartless, sadistic fiend and you deserve every moment of agony you will feel before death kindly releases you. In that knowledge, remove yourself from my mind!"[/i][/color] The Final Aeon screamed as Auronite cast his wings' energy at him. As the energy crackled around the giant fiend Aeon, Auronite threw sharp edged feathers at him, tearing into the Final Aeon's stomach and leaving a jagged hole. [i]DAMN YOU![/i] Ganger screamed as the Final Aeon melted away. Auron was crouching in the front room of Baaj Temple again. In his mind's eye, Auronite dipped his wings once in farewell, then glided away. Auron grinned slightly to himself. His Aeon form had been most...informative. Not that he'd be discussing such matters with anyone anytime soon. Cecil nodded slightly to him, then pointed to Zell. [color=teal]"Just waiting on Sleeping Beauty."[/color] Auron noticed that Cecil looked a little more careworn than the last time he had seen him, but asked no questions. He concluded that he probably looked careworn as well. ~~~~~~ OoC: Whew, long, and overly angsty! Sorry about that! I got carried away...^^;;;;;
Finally, someone who shares my opinion on CC (though personally, I still hold that CT is better than CC). CC's music and battle systems were great (except for the element switching, yeah), but the story line went every which way but in an understandable manner, and though it was fun with so many characters, it was also annoying (musta been during the Pokémon craze. @_@)
What do you mean by what they turn into? I've just noticed they get really really shiny (and if you look closely, their outfits change ever so slightly, such as Vivi's hat standing straight up, versus staying flopped over like it usually is). There is also no name for each Trance, but I wrote what is effected by the Trance the most (except in the case of Zidane, who has Dyne skills which only appear during Trance). Zidane--Dyne (this is the only Trance-only available skill). Zidane looks more feral (almost cave person like). Garnet--Summon: Eidolons are more likely to have full animations. If I recall, Garnet almost looks like she's wearing white. Steiner--Attack: he just gets super strong. Again, if I recall, his armor looks, well, not goldish, but he sorta looks shiny. Vivi--Black Magic: he can cast twice in a row. As I stated above, his hat stands straight up. Freya--Jump: remaining in air the entire Trance time, she hurls lots of spears, instead of one. She looks shiny, white and purply, methinks. Quina--Eat: a greater chance of Eating an enemy for Blue Magic skills. Quina looks shiny, but I can't remember what else. Eiko--Summon: Eidolons are more likely to have full animations. Eiko's wings are MUCH larger, I noticed. Amarant--Skills: more effective. He looks shinier. Whee. (I never used him much, so never really Tranced with him that much.) If this is right, I'll edit later with a question. It's nearly 1am now.
Talented? Me? Y'all seem to think so. :p (But one is always one's worst critic, so...but I still don't see it. >.>) My mom claims she could tell at a very young age for me that I was an artist. When I was in first grade, I did some sort of Halloween picture she /loved/. I found a Thanksgiving one from third grade about how to catch turkeys (I had someone dressed up as a female turkey to lure the guys turkeys in ^^), and one for science class illustrating the water cycle. In both instances, I noticed that each important part was a character, and I was telling a story in both. When I was about 9 or 1o, I think, I was copying the cover of the [i]The Land Before Time[/i] cassette. My grandparents freaked, because they thought it was a perfect copy. (I remember, and no it wasn't--proportions, proportions.) I finally came into my own around the time of [i]The Lion King[/i]. I was an absolute freak about getting every image possible out of that movie, and in this case, I [i]did[/i] copy them near perfectly. It was about that time I figured out I wanted to be an animator some day. I always figured that, since I could draw, everyone else could too, and they would always draw crappily to make me feel better. @_@ (Mesa got issues, I know...) That's why I can't [i]stand[/i] it when someone says, "Dang, I could never do that," because it makes me wonder...could you? Done.
OoC: I'm a little confused by that last part, so this will be short. (HA! My definition of short is so weird! :p) ~~~~~~~~~~~ Auron "moved" through his mind's eye. He was trying to find Rinoa. It would have to be done with as little talking as possible, though--if Ganger found them... Cecil and Zell pulsed next to him, striding forward. As one, the trio hit the invisible wall. Zell quivered, tried to move forward, but was stopped again. He pulsed questioningly, trying his best not to talk. Cecil moved in such a way to determine where the wall was, and tried to get around it, with no luck. [i][color=teal]Barrier.[/color][/i] Zell suddenly pointed urgently, beyond the wall. Rinoa (or her essence) pulsed there miserably, with a sense of being trapped. The Survivors knew they would have to break the wall. [size=1][i][color=blue]...help me...[/color][/i][/size] The three were already on their guard, victims of constant surprise attacks from Ganger. They stared at her from through the wall. [i][color=orangered]She's chained up, though...[/color][/i] [i][color=crimson]Shhh![/color][/i] [i][color=orangered]Well unless you have some sort of mind reading within the mind reading zone, I don't see how we are going to be able to communicate. We'd be fighting blind.[/color][/i] [i][color=crimson]Mmmm...and we have to take into account being hurt whenever the others get hurt.[/color][/i] Auron pulsed teasingly. [i][color=crimson]I don't need to suffer for your brashness.[/color][/i] [i][color=orangered]Hey![/color][/i] [i][color=teal]Rinoa... Is there any way we can get you free?[/color][/i] [size=1][i][color=blue]...you shouldn't...be here...[/color][/i][/size] [i][color=crimson]Why not?[/color][/i] [size=1][i][color=blue]...Ganger...wants Aeons...[/color][/i][/size] [color=orangered][i]Now, I love you, Rinoa, but no[/i] duh![/color] [i][color=teal]Zell, hush. Do you mean our forms, Rinoa?[/color][/i] [size=1][i][color=blue]...I have only been a part of Anima...for a little while...its pain...oh its pain...[/color][/i][/size] [i][color=crimson]Get ahold of yourself, Rinoa! We need your help so we can help you.[/color][/i] [i][color=blue]...LEAVE!...[/color][/i] Rinoa's sudden blast of angry made the Survivors wince in pain. [i][color=orangered]But why?![/color][/i] Zell asked, throbbing with hurt puppyness. And realization hit Cecil. [i][color=teal]Guys, we're Aeons now, right?[/color][/i] [i][color=crimson]That is my understanding[/color][/i] [i][color=teal]And what has Ganger been after all this time?[/color][/i] Zell's pulse shuddered. [i][color=crimson]Well, we'll just have to break the barrier and save Rinoa quickly, then.[/color][/i] [i][color=orangered]You're unusually positive. What's the alternative?[/color][/i] [i][color=crimson]Taking too long and being possessed by Ganger, then watching helplessly as your body is used to take over the world.[/color][/i] [i][color=orangered]Well, aren't you just a proper ray of sunshine?[/color][/i] [i]He's also quite correct...[/i] The area around them turned sickly black. [i][color=teal]...Ganger![/color][/i] Auronite flung his larger wings open, brushing the ceiling. Individual feathers spiked out, glowing, absorbing energy. Smoke drifted out of Zeltinc's mouth, and flames burst into life, running down his mane. Cemyth reared and slashed his horn through the air, sharper than his Crystal Sword. It crackled with holy power. Then they unleashed their attacks. ~~~~~~~~~ OoC: So um, yeah, hope that made sense. ^^;
I still need someone to tell me what the Skills [i]do[/i]. Else this question is not answered. :p
OoC: I'm going to keep it short so BB can jump back in. (Please come back--I miss you! .:bawl:.) ~~~~~~ Auronite stretched out his right foreleg and dug his talons into the stone floor. Lashing his tail, he watched Anima carefully, the giant powerful Aeon throwing her head back and screaming every so often. [i][color=crimson]So now what do we do?[/color][/i] he thought to himself. [i][color=teal]That's a really good question.[/color][/i] Auronite's eagle eye widened slightly; he almost turned to look at the Unicorn next to him, but caught himself in time so Ganger would not detect anything. [i][color=crimson]Cecil?[/color][/i] [i][color=teal]Yes?[/color][/i] [i][color=crimson]You can hear me?[/color][/i] Auron sensed some sort of pulse that must have represented Cecil in his mind's eye; the pulse took on a dry tone. [color=teal][i]No, Auron, I can't hear you.[/color][/i] [i][color=crimson]Shut up.[/color][/i] Auron responded. [i][color=orangered]Hi guys![/color][/i] Auron resisted the urge to roll his eye. [color=crimson][i]That's all I need, is for you two to be messing around in my mind.[/i][/color] The Zell pulse quivered questioningly. [color=orangered][i]Wha? I thought[/i] you [i]were inside[/i] my [i]head![/i][/color] [i][color=teal]That just sounds so wrong on so many levels,[/color][/i] Cecil remarked. [i][color=crimson]Moving right along,[/color][/i] Auron said. [i][color=crimson]We appear to be mind linked. That will be useful, but--[/color][/i] [i][color=orangered]Guys, check this out![/color][/i] Zeltinc reared back, then opened his mouth, belching out a fiery sphere. [color=teal][i]Zell, I don't think that's a good i--[/i][/color] Anima bellowed, then unleashed her Pain attack on Zeltinc. In Auron's mind's eye, he watched as the Zell pulse gyrated wildly, throwing out pulses of its own. The pulses hit Auron and he writhed in pain. Cecil's pulse moved in a similar manner, and Auron figured the Paladin was also feeling Zell's pain. [color=teal][i]Ok, rule number one--as cool as our new forms are, we are[/i] not[i] going to do that again. Got it?[/i][/color] Zell's pulse throbbed in shameful agreement. [color=crimson][i]As for rule number two, we need to find out if Anima/Ganger/Rinoa can hear us.[/i][/color] [color=orangered][i]Right. HEY RIIIIINOOAAAAAAA![/i][/color] [color=teal][i]What are you[/i] doing?![/color] [color=orangered][i]Finding out if Rinoa can hear us.[/i][/color] [color=crimson][i]IDIOT! If she could hear us, then so could Ganger![/i][/color] [color=orangered][i]Well how do you know?[/i][/color] Zell shot back. [color=orangered][i]They could be seperate identities or--[/i][/color] [color=teal][i]Or not. Zell, we could be in serious trouble here...[/i][/color] Auron pulsed for silence. [color=crimson][i]Do you hear that?[/i][/color] [color=orangered][i]Hear what?[/i][/color] Auron pulsed a glare at Zell, then listened harder. [color=blue][i][size=1]...he..lp....me...[/size][/i][/color] Zell quivered in shock. [i][color=orangered]RINOA![/color][/i] ~~~~~~ OoC: OK, so now we are all super powerful Aeons (make your own attacks) and we are mind linked--but whenever one of us gets hit, the others suffer too. Take this somewhere--I'm just messing around. ^^
OK, so it wasn't exactly how I originally imagined, but I learned a few new tricks, refined a few old ones, and got more ideas for future art. (I'm planning to do one where Auron attacks his memory...for those of you that remember that scene. ^^) I [i]seriously[/i] love how the pyreflies came out. And it only took 5 minutes to do that part! O.o All together, the time on this project was Drawing: 1 hour (lots of torn pages and start overs) Inking: 25 minutes CGIing: 6 hours 7+ hours. Golly. O.o [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/akeldama_small.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/akeldama_small.jpg[/url]
I always knew you were the clever one, Devi. ^_~ The funny thing is, Aurikku is one of the most popular Auron couples, which makes no sense. They hardly interact during the game, and people use the Squall/Rinoa example to support Aurikku. *takes Devi's sharp objects and hunts those people down* As far as Digimon goes, I still support Takari. HA! :p
Thank God none of you are Aurikku (Auron/Rikku) lovers. Or anything Auron/ for that matter. I just can't see him in a relationship.
OoC: That's [i]one[/i] way to bring someone back to life. O.o I apologize in advance for this post being so long. And for making the Baaj Temple seem a lot larger than it really is. ^6;;;; ~~~~~ The front room was lined on either side by six statues, monsters that held their hands out, as if waiting for something. Just ahead, the door to the room of the Fayth waited. [i]"I E Yu Iiiiii No Bo Meeee No Re N Mi Riiiii Yo Ju Yo Go Ha Sa Te Ka Na E Ku Ta Ma Eeee..."[/i] That same haunting melody. Auron remembered the last time he had been here, during Yuna's pilgrimage. He had been surprised at the identity of the Fayth, but... The Crimson Warrior shook his head. Enough memories. [color=orangered]"I survived Geosgaeno! And Cecil kissed Auuuuron!"[/color] Zell was loping along, chanting in a sing songy voice. The other two glared at the blonde. [color=crimson]"I don't suppose you know Mute?"[/color] Cecil made a face. [color=teal]"Not really."[/color] [color=crimson]"We could always gag him with his own jacket."[/color] [color=teal]"Tempting."[/color] Inside the fayth room, Rinoa watched in silent terror as Ganger sank his claws deep, one into the fayth statue, and the other digging into her shoulder. The unfortunate girl cried out as the power of Anima was transferred into her body. Zell whistled and twirled the red velvet pouch around his finger. They had yet to use it and it had been quite some time since they had left Ixion's temple. Auron glared at Zell and was about to say something, but thought better of it. That's when the door to the room of the Fayth slid open. [color=orangered]"Hey, it's Rinoa!"[/color] [i][color=skyblue]"Hello, Zell."[/color][/i] [color=orangered]"Oooook...your voice is echoing funny. That means..."[/color] Zell took up a battle stance. [color=orangered]"You're not Rinoa!"[/color] [i][color=skyblue]"Of course I am. Ask me something only I would know."[/color][/i] [color=teal]"Could be a trick."[/color] Cecil Peeped at Rinoa, then scowled slightly. [color=teal]"What do you think, Auron?"[/color] Auron studied her for a moment. Suddenly, Rinoa fell forward on her knees. [i][color=skyblue]"Help me!"[/color][/i] she gasped. [i][color=skyblue]"Monster in there--it was talking about taking something called Anima...and then it merged Anima with me and..."[/color][/i] Rinoa shrieked and grabbed her head, sobbing. The three Survivors looked at each other, silently asking if it was a trick...or the real thing. Rinoa sniffled one last time, then stood up. She lifted her head, revealing a nasty smile and empty eyes. [i][color=skyblue]"And here I thought you were gentlemen--that you would save poor Rinoa."[/color][/i] [color=teal]"Doppleganger!"[/color] [color=orangered]"He's possessed Rinoa! LET HER GO!"[/color] [i][color=skyblue]"And spoil all the fun? I think not."[/color][/i] Rinoa's body stepped backwards, then she threw her head back and screamed. [i][color=skyblue]"BEHOLD MY POWER!"[/color][/i] Her angelic wings tore out of her back, but appeared to die off immediately. They wrapped around her, covering her body, giving it a cocoon look. Chains appeared from nowhere and shot into the cocoon, pulling out Rinoa's arms by the wrists. But these arms were ugly, sickly, scaly. A serated edge tore the top of the cocoon, and Anima's head began to rise up. Anima threw her head back to scream...and lost somewhere in that scream was Rinoa's own voice. [color=crimson]"This just got very damn dangerous..."[/color] [color=teal]"You mean--Rinoa's really possessed by Ganger?"[/color] Auron nodded grimly. [color=crimson]"And somehow, Ganger called Anima up through her. Very damn dangerous indeed."[/color] [color=orangered]"RINOA!"[/color] Zell cried out. [color=orangered]"Don't worry, we'll save you!"[/color] [color=teal]"How do you plan on that?!"[/color] Zell looked at Cecil, blank faced. [color=orangered]"I don't know, but...but we can't just leave her like that!"[/color] Zell pointed to Anima, the velvet pouch dangling from his wrist. It banged against his arm, and he looked at it. ~[i]"Don't open it until your need is the greatest."[/i]~ [color=orangered]"Hey guys, would you say our need is greatest right about now?"[/color] [color=teal]"I have absolutely no idea how to even begin fighting this--it--her---augh! I say, yes!"[/color] [color=crimson]"I would have to agree. Whatever is in the pouch may give us an advantage. Besides, it's time to get rid of Ganger forever."[/color] [color=orangered]"Without hurting Rinoa!"[/color] Zell held the pouch out and was about to open it when-- Anima reeled back, Ganger's voice echoing out. [i]"I think not!"[/i] Rinoa's scream issued out as Anima used her Pain attack. It hit the pouch, knocking it to the ground, and burning it to a crisp. [color=orangered]"Oh expletive..."[/color] Zell mumbled, staring at the dust. [i]"You're next..."[/i] The pouch was not destroyed, though. Ixion heard the call of the energy released from it. Rearing up, Ixion slammed his hooves down, lightning crackled outward. In Besaid, Valefor swooped upwards, singing in response. In Kilika, Ifrit stretched and pounded the ground. In Macalania, Shiva shifted temptingly, swinging her arm out. In Bevelle, Bahamut growled in appreciation, stretching his wings. In Remiem, the Three Sisters shared a grin and raised their arms to the sky. In Baaj, Anima itself reared back slightly, Ganger yelling in annoyance. "[i]Whatever you are attempting to do won't work, so stop! You'll only kill the girl!"[/i] [color=orangered]"Oh shut up."[/color] Zell's eyes flashed. With an agile backflip, he dug into the floor on all fours. Somewhere, he could see Ifrit bellowing and Bahamut roaring back in proud agreement. [color=teal]"Um, Zell...I think you are on fire..."[/color] Zell turned to Cecil, his hair flaring out into a long mane. The Paladin was startled to see Zell forming into a large lizard; the heat didn't bother Zell at all, but rather, he basked in it. His tattoo took on a three dimensional form, extending off of his face and curving into black horns. His jacket melted away, leaving feathery tufts on his forearms. Zell roared challengingly, stretching his new body. [url=http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/zeltinc.jpg]Zeltinc[/url], Salamander. [color=teal]"Auron, did he just--AURON!"[/color] Auron's one russet eye winked at him before he pulled his head slightly down into his collar. In his mind's eye, the Crimson Warrior spotted Valefor spinning about and the Magus Sisters flying in majestic patterns of their own. His red coat exploded into ribbons as an enormous pair of eagle wings brushed against the ceiling. Another small pair formed in front, the left wing cradling itself. Auron raised his head again, opening his lethal beak for a battle scream, extending his ebony talons. He lashed his black tail just one, to test balance, then grinned in eagerness for coming battle. [url=http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/Auronite.jpg]Auronite[/url], Griffon. [color=teal]"Fine, just leave me in the--WHOA!"[/color] Cecil's complaint was cut instantly short as he staggered backwards. He could tell Shiva was winking at him and Ixion pawing at the ground, eager to fight. Cecil was startled to see his armor melting down, running over his body, giving it a complete crystal look. He was about to run his hands over it in awe, but discovered he now had split hooves. His hair fell in his face and he tossed his head to throw it back, thus learning he now had a long, bluey white mane that ran down his back and turned into a lion's tail at the end. Similar blue white tufts encircled his hooves. His head felt heavy, but Cecil was quick to assume it was because of his brand new, pearly white horn. Cemyth, Unicorn. The three new Aeons faced Anima. The final battle was now on. ~~~~~~~~ OoC: PHEW! That was long. OK, in all honesty, that's what I wanted to do. But now I dunno what to write! HELP! Oh, and I chose a Unicorn for Cecil because he is pure, just like Unicorns are reknown to be. Cemyth (name pending) is on his way. I need to finish Zeltinc, too. ^^
Mweh, the legs...I blame the fabric of his pants. ^^; Here we go--nearly done image. I still have some stuff to tweak, mainly shadows--and no, I don't know how his tail got so freaky fuzzy. O.o Also, the spot where the blood hits his knee looks...wrong... Once I get all that worked out, I'll add the background and be done! *SQWEE!* [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/akeldama_WIP2.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/akeldama_WIP2.jpg[/url]
OoC: Chill, Sage, m'dear--we wanted to give Dessy a chance to write, too. Anyways, we'll nearly done, and I think you'll really like the twist I have planned for the final Temple. BB's already gotten a kick out of it, and I hope that Des will too. ^_____^ And once we are done, you [i]are[/i] going to tell us who "won" the Quiz Challenge, correct? That's what I assume this final post of yours is. ^_~ Someone please get us to the beginning of the Final Fight with Ganger--I want to get my surprise started. *glees!!!!*
*salutes, and smiles thankfully* Yes ma'am! (At the moment, I've got the base color done. I need to add shadow/highlight, colored lines, and background.) Thank you all. *smiles* I needed this encouragement. ~EDIT~ Well, just wanted to give you all a headsup on how this pic's coming. I've got half of it shaded and colored. I just have to color/shade the other half, add the background, and viola! I'm done. ^^ *is quite happy* I especially like how the feathery tassel came out. [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/akeldama_WIP.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/akeldama_WIP.jpg[/url] As for the jaggedy edges, those won't be there in the final product. This is a WIP, after all. :D (Had to stop--though I didn't want to--'cause "Akeldama" just hit 25M in PSD form, and it's threatening to crash my computer.)
OoC: Inspiration! (of a weird sort) Let's see how this goes. Yes, I took creative license, bwa ha ha! :devil: Again. ~~~~~~~ While Geosganeo roared and writhed its tentacles in confused frustration, Zell peered at the unusual energy pulsing in his gloved hand, to make sure he hadn't 'seen' that wrong. Zell had not actually Drawn a spell from Geosgaeno, but instead, its ability to use Stone Punch. [color=orangered][i]Veeeeery interesting...[/i][/color] At the Temple door, Cecil was fighting to keep a hold on Auron [i]and[/i] open the door. Auron's ponytail floated indifferently, and Cecil waved it away in irritation. Lungs burning, Cecil realized he would have to go to the surface again, then try the door once more. Geosgaeno watched the pearled one dragging the less colorful one toward the surface, and strained at the rock trapping its one fin. Unable to break free, Geosgaeno opened its mouth wide, attempting to suck the two into its giant mouth. [color=orangered][i]Don't think so![/i][/color] Zell grinned. He quickly swam toward the fiend, flexed his right hand, and swung. To this day, people still argue about how Geosgaeno could have been susceptable to petrification. Many pointed out that the fiend was a keen user of Petrification, and as such, had built up an immunity to it. Some people reasoned that Zell had used its own Stone Punch against it, but this was incorrect, others said, for two reasons. Number one, Stone Punch was not a spell, therefore, though drawable, it was not usable. The other point was that Zell had attacked physically, not with a spell. The strongest logic was that, by drawing Geosgaeno's Stone Punch away, Zell had also taken the fiend's Stone immunity with it. Whatever the reason, Zell had become a hero. Cecil struggled under Auron's weight, breathing heavily and trying to get the Crimson Warrior to respond, with no luck. He quickly looked down to see how Zellw was fairing...and froze in shock for the second time that day. Geosgaeno was gone. Zell broke the surface in a moment, blonde hair plastered to his forehead, his face beaming for all it was worth. [color=teal]"Where's Geosgaeno?"[/color] [color=orangered]"In tiny stone pieces on the bottom of the pool. It won't bother anyone ever again."[/color] Cecil stared at Zell, wide-eyed. [color=teal]"But I thought Geosgaeno was immune to Petrification?"[/color] Zell shrugged, then pumped the air with his fist. [color=orangered]"Well, doesn't seem like it anymore, does it?"[/color] Cecil's calculating mind went to work. [color=teal]"Did you use any kind of Stone spell on it? I saw you Drawing from it."[/color] Zell shrugged again. [color=orangered]"I just went up to it, flexed--"[/color] He mimicked his actions, to better show Cecil. [color=orangered]"--and POW!"[/color] A rock ivy that served as Zell's example Geosgaeno turned to stone as Zell hit it with his fist. Cecil gaped, and Zell followed suit. [color=orangered]"Did I just...wait, did Auron say StoneProof or StoneStrike?"[/color] Cecil extended his free hand to touch the petrified ivy, and it crumbled into dust under his touch. He heard Zell whimper, and faced him. [color=teal]"What?"[/color] [color=orangered]"I just realized I had the wrong Stone-thing on."[/color] [color=teal]"What do you mean?"[/color] [color=orangered]"Geosgaeno could have turned me to stone at any minute and I--"[/color] Zell looked faint. [color=teal]"Well, in this case, it was the [i]right[/i] Stone-thing and--hey! Don't you go fainting on me! I've already got one heavy guy to lug around!"[/color] Fortunately, Zell regained his composure...but spent the rest of the day boasting about his close shave. ~~~~~~~ OoC: Nifty, neh? And I still haven't figured out what I'm going to do with Auron, but he needs to wake up soon if I want my surprise to work! *cackles eagerly*
Whoops, I didn't even see Mei's question. ^^;;;;; [QUOTE][B]Q:What can you get from Ultima Weapon from FFX when you steal from it?(if we're giveing out points bonus points for Omega too) [/B][/QUOTE] You can steal Doors to Tomorrow from Ultima, 1o or 2o, depending on how lucky you are. Don't bother stealing from Omega--he's got one of those "I'm a super tough boss so don't even try it" kinda guys. [b]Q:[/b] (sticking with FFX, since my last outside-of-FFX question deal was such a disaster (the FFV, not the FF9 one).) What is the last Skill Auron can learn in his portion of the grid, and what does it do? (Two possible answers, kudos if you name both.)
I [i]love[/i] this--I just can't stop laughing. Whoever made those images...lol!
Thanks, all, and-- Thumb? Wha? *peers at picture* If by right hand we both mean the one covering his face, then you can't see it. O.o You got his smallest finger (pinky?) across his brow, then the ring finger next to it. Maybe you mean the palm and the gap between hand n face. *feels playfully silly* *sorta feels like bawling, too* I so hope the colored version comes out better... *trundles off* But thanks everyone, I seriously appreciate you all commenting on the image. :)
OoC: Will edit this with post soon. I'm still pretty torn up and upset over losing my manager friend. :bawl: Plus I've been busy with my new Auron art...*grin*...[url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=29031]See?[/url] EDIT OOC: Well, I'm back. I'll see if I can get us past Geosgaeno and be able to pull off my idea for the velvet pouch. Someone just get us to Mei and the Fayth room, start the Ganger fight, and I'll take it from there. *grin* ~~~~~~~~ Zell made a face as he slipped into the water. [color=orangered]"Still cold, still wet..."[/color] [color=teal]"...still whiney,"[/color] Cecil finished, grinning. Auron chuckled, then shoved Cecil gently into the water. [color=crimson]"Hurry up--some of us aren't getting any younger, you know."[/color] Zell laughed loudly at this, the sound echoing loudly in the empty tower. Cecil looked at Auron. [color=teal]"I...no, wait, wait. That's just too easy."[/color] Auron's eye crinkled and he too stepped into the water, his tokkuri floating again, his coat floating out behind him like some crimson tail. Geosgaeno prowled about, irritated at losing that one tender, colorful morsel of flesh it had captured earlier. Sahagins and the occasional sea gull were all well and good, but the giant fiend had a chance to devour something new...and lost it. Geoesgaeno unfurled its tentacles, letting them sway with the water's flow; it was the easiest way to catch unsuspecting prey without even trying. Auron never saw it coming. The Survivors swam cautiously along the edge of the deep pool, straining their eyes to catch a glimpse of either Geosgaeno or the Temple door. Zell's eyes popped open and he knew he had to take a fresh breath. He motioned behind him without looking back and broke the surface, drawing in a deep breath. Next to him, Cecil bobbed, his bluey white hair floating on the surface. The Paladin also took a deep breath, then brushing water drops from his face, looked around. [color=teal]"All right, where'd the geezer go [i]now?[/i]"[/color] [color=orangered]"He's probably already inside the Temple by now, laughing at us,"[/color] Zell groused. [color=teal]"I don't think so,"[/color] Cecil countered in a serious tone. [color=orangered]"Really? Why's that?"[/color] [color=teal]"Because he doesn't have a sense of humor, remember?"[/color] Cecil chuckled. Zell snorted cheerfully. [color=orangered]"Too true."[/color] [color=teal]"I wonder how he got past Geosgaeno though..."[/color] Cecil instinctively began to scan the area for the giant fiend; what he saw shocked him. Just below and a little to the right of them, Geosgaeno had settled itself into the crevices of the underwater ruins, hugging the edges of the pool like the Survivors had been. The fact that the fiend was so close to them wasn't the terrifying part--it was seeing Auron struggling in Geosgaeno's grasp. One of the thick octopus tentacles was wrapped tightly around his head, another around his stomach, and a third clinging to his right ankle. Auron was trying to push the tentacle around his head off with no luck, struggling in the fashion of a man desperately in need of air. His free leg was kicking at his trapped one, his tokkuri bobbing from the motion. Geosgaeno ignored the bottle until it tapped against its mouth; growling deeply, the fiend slashed at the bottle, and it cracked slightly, releasing the liquid inside and sinking downward as a result. [color=orangered]"And he complains about me getting killed all the time!"[/color] Zell yelped. [color=teal]"We'll do a death tally later. Let's get rid of Geosgaeno!"[/color] Geosgaeno gurbled gluttonishly to itself. This one wasn't as colorful as the last, but appeared to have the same texture. It growled in dark pleasure as the bottle sank down, no longer a nuisance; its owner soon followed suit. Geosgaeno was about to stuff its motionless prey down its throat when the world spun about dizzingly. Geosgaeno bellowed in confusion and gripped its prey tighter; it wasn't going to lose out again. Its eyes spotted the colorful one from earlier, and one that glistened like pearls. The giant fiend tried to rush them, intent on more meals, but in its gluttonous haste instead ran into one of the stone towers. The ancient rock crumbled instantly, hitting Geosgaeno and trapping it by one of its large wing-like fins. The fiend roared and dangled its free tentacles, then whipped them at the two offending figures. [color=teal][i]It's trapped. Good. Now to get rid of it.[/i][/color] Zell was drawing his arm back to use the Holy he got earlier, but looked noticeably upset. He pointed to Auron, still tangled in the tentacles, not moving. [color=teal][i]He's either worried about hitting Auron with Holy or about getting Auron to the surface. Well, seeing as how we can't do the second yet and we might have to put up with the first...[/i][/color] Cecil groaned mentally but made a frantic motion. Zell looked grim, pulled his arm back again, and... ~~~~~~~ OoC: OOOO, cliffhanger! LOL! I'm sure BB remembers how many targets Holy hits, right? Tentacles, tentacles, tentacles...dirty minds would cast this as a bad hentai ripoff. But we're all innocent here, ya? :p (Y'all better be!)