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Everything posted by GinnyLyn
Auron. *listens to the collective groans* Not just 'cause he's hot, lol (especially his younger self), but for a deeper meaning. (spoiler alert ahead, so I'll just spoil the whole flipping lot) [spoiler]I've always had a thing for tragic heroes and even the occasional tragic villian (Frog (ChronoTrigger), Sephiroth (FF7), Magus (ChronoTrigger), Auron (FFX), etc etc). Auron was a perfectionist and a rule player. He deeply loved his friends Braska and Jecht, and when he lost them, it was incredibly devestating for him. The flashbacks held a lot of soul searching on his part toward the end, especially focusing on regretting his final lack of action. Sure, the entire game, his is the mindset of vengance for his friends and attempting to keep his loss from ever happening again, but... Something struck deep within me at that scene when he says goodbye to Braska and Jecht for the last time. I too have had my regrets and losses (though not as bad, thank goodness), and I guess what it comes down to for me is[/spoiler] I can see myself in Auron. I identify with him. And he is the first FF character I've come across that I can say that about. As for games, I don't really have a favorite. Each one is special in its own way, but...*shrug*...I can play FFX for hours on end right now, but the same was true for me when the highest number FF I owned was iX. So no real favorites here, heh.
Why not turn it into a popularity contest like we always seem to do. :rolleyes: (I'm [i]kid[/i]ding, heh.)
Auron groaned, pressed his right arm against his chest, breathing heavily. "A fayth is a spirit of a person who is willing to become more. A summoner can call that fayth to be the more, to be the Aeon." "But who summoned you?" Auron grunted, shrugged. Rikku had a funny look on her face. "I thought spirits were, you know, dead people and stuff. So you [i]can't[/i] be a fayth...um...can you? This Yevon stuff's all weird..." Auron pushed his glasses up his nose and attempted to push himself upright via the wall he was slumping against. "Rikku--" Yuffie screamed. "DAMN!" She threw another shuriken at Dymecia. "Don't you EVER give up?" "Don't you?" "Hey, Red, you got enough to do your fuzzy trick again?" Auron shifted, sank to one knee, shook his head. "Still recovering." "Admitting weakness. Tactical error." Dymecia grinned, though Yuffie couldn't see why. The demon lady was practically wounded beyond mobility herself.
"Yunie," Rikku sobbed, clutching Yuna's head. "Please be ok!" She hastely uncorked an Al Bhed potion and gave it to Yuna, who took it gratefully. Yuna stopped and coughed in shock, pointing to Auron wordlessly. Rikku gasped as she looked at him, her gasp alerting everyone else to look as well. Auron's single russet eye was quite wide now, flashing angrily. He propped himself up, then let his blade clatter to the ground, no longer needed as a crutch. As if in a dream, he could see the griffon creature again, swooping toward him in his mind's eye, joining with him, he could see out of the griffon's own single eye-- Dymecia sneered nastily. "Out of my way, old man; you got a chance to survive after that Malboro. Don't make me take it away." Auron stepped toward her, slowly, deliberately. Yuna reached a hand out, as if trying to stop Auron. Sephiroth glared from his own positon--[i]crazy bastard's gonna get himself killed[/i]--and Yuffie stood still, her hands resting on her shuriken, ready to throw at a moment's notice. Auron doubled over, at first looking like the Malboro's poison had gripped him again, but it hadn't. His crimson coat was suddenly ripped apart as an incredible pair of eagle wings burst out of his back, arching protectively. Another smaller pair formed around his neck, knocking his collar off and carrying his shades with it. "What's going on?" Rikku cried out. "Hell if I know!" Sephiroth snapped. Dymecia drew her sword back, determined to stop this new potential threat here and now. A feral avian scream tore the air, and Dymecia found herself staring at a half man, half griffon hybrid. The creature arched his arms high, the skin now being covered with scales and the fingers ending in vicious black talons. He growled as his spine contorted to fit that of a quadreped, his legs now that of a muscular lion's. He soon felt itchy all over and, giving his body a massive shake, was pleased in a detatched manner at the long braided tail that trailed behind him. Dymecia cough, indifferent. "Impressive, but futual. Time to d--" The [url=http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/Auronite.jpg]griffon[/url] screamed again, and lunged at her, his furious rage filling his every motion. Innocent blood had been spilt and he was extracting vengance. Dymecia was just barely able to pull back from the creature, but still suffered a deep wound in her arm where the griffon scored her deeply with his talons. "Damned creature!" she hissed. She was bleeding. She wasn't supposed to bleed--that showed weakness, folly. She raised her sword once more; the griffon responded by holding his wings out, then, gathering light into his feathers, blasting it at her. Dymecia threw a shield up, deflecting the attack onto an already crumbling wall. It was dust now. "I was only after Squall," Dymecia bellowed, "but now [i]all[/i] your heads have just been made forfeit. In that knowledge, suffer and die!" She hurled her sword at the griffon and disappeared. Yuffie had acted fast and the sword was countered by her shuriken. The sword bit the stones, and the dark haired thief pretended to carelessly saunter over to pick up the shuriken. She couldn't help but be impressed. "So, Fuzz," she said, "are you stuck like this now?" The griffon winked his one eye at her in an unconcerned manner. Like some giant cat, he stretched his front legs out, then sat on his haunches. And turned back into Auron. "Nice trick," Sephiroth groaned from his vantage point. Auron looked a little baffled, but was already counting the advantage this unexpected new skill could have. "That makes two warriors with wings now," he said gruffly but kindly, leaning on his sword again. Tranformation took a lot out of you.
"You're right, you know." Auron swayed a little, but propped himself up against his massive sword. He reached out and batted the shuriken out of Yuffie's hand. The dark haired thief glared at him, and picked it up from where it had hit the ground. Dymecia laughed haughtily. "So Squall sends his lackies to fight with me. How droll." "Lackies?" Sephiroth growled. "Lady, I'll have you know--" "Ah, and the old guy's moving again. Bra[i]vo[/i]." Auron gritted his teeth, ignoring the minor after effects of the Malboro's attack. "I swear I am so gonna--" Yuffie spat under her breath. "Little girl," Dymecia spat back, "didn't anyone ever teach you not to play with sharp objects? Don't mess with me." "Little girl? [i]Little GIRL?![/i]" Yuffie gripped her shuriken tightly, drawing a drop of dark crimson blood on her fingertip. "I'LL SHOW YOU--HEY!" Auron had lain a heavy hand on her shoulder and shook his head. "Now if you'll excuse me..." "HEY!" Sephiroth bellowed, "I don't draw my blade just to show off! Get yourself back here!" Dymecia raised an eyebrow in a nasty grin. "Or else what?"
That's taking it a bit far. ;) If you do a search on the top ten posters of OB, you'll find they are all competent, thoughtful posters. Usually, people who are intent on being spammy just to get the numbers are caught early on and never make it past 5oo. As for Newbies ("Beginners", "Visitors"?), it's a give or take. No matter where you are--MBs, at work, online playing a game--newbies are people that, while not treated with contempt, need help until they get the hang of the ropes. I still say that the status "Newbie" alerts us other members to that fact. Those that take it upon themselves to smack the newbies around should be ashamed. And then you have the Newbies that purposely ignore the rules and mess around without trying to improve themselves. They are the 5% that make the rest of the 95% look bad, which is why "Newbie" seems to have a negative connotation.
If everyone else is a judge, then I would win Ms. Otaku Universe by default. ;) OK, really, this "can I be a judge please please please?" is getting old. I suggest everyone to [b][i]PM[/i][/b] both Logan and Hyper instead of being all spammy about why they should be one. In the meantime, I still have yet to hear anything on what the competition itself is about.
OK, this will sound odd, but hear me out for just a sec. ^^; Anyone who has played in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth has run into the fiend "Magic Urn". He is a purplish imp that hides inside an urn with seven eyes all over it. Depending on what eye you hit, he either rewards you with an item--or blows up. Because he has infinite health and is not affected by status effects, hitting every eye at least once and in the proper order is the only way to defeat him. Most people believe that each Urn just has a random eye pattern. I'm attempting to prove otherwise, because I've seen a few patterns pop up the times I went against it. I just started yesterday, with a few results below. If you want to help research, that would be nifty. *grin* And hopefully, I can come back in about a week and tell you if Magic Urn is indeed random, or can be beaten. ________________________________ Battle-Magic Urn Procedure: Hit middle eye. Result #1: Wrong eye. Explode. End battle. Result #2: Right eye. Item (see Item results). Item #1--Stamina Tonic. If selection arrow goes to right eye when you push right on the controller, go Top Left (urn wiggled when this eye was selected). Get Phoenix Down. Arrow goes right again, select Bottom Left (wiggled). Arrow right, Top Right (wiggle), Frag Grenade. (Research incomplete--chose wrong eye, ended battle.) Item #2--Stamina Tonic. Arrow goes right. (Research incomplete, chose Top Right eye, ended battle.) Item #3--Stamina Tonic. Arrow goes left, chose Top Right (wiggle). Get Silver Hourglass. (Research incomplete, chose Bot. Right, ended battle.) Item #4--Phoenix Down. Arrow goes left. (Research incomplete, chose Bot. Right, ended battle.) Item #5--Phoenix Down. Arrow goes left. (Research incomplete, chose Bot. Right again!, ended battle.)
Watch your [b][color=red]spoilers.[/color][/b] Well, Hojo wanted to start with Aeris and Red Xiii first--remember, that's when you find the both of them in ShinRa HQ. (I just realized that "ShinRa" could be a double god meaning; "shin"=god, "Ra"=sun god.) I even thought there was a hint of Hojo thinking about trying to breed with Aeris himself some day...except for the notion (to me) that he would never lower himself to common emotions and passions. (I'm [i]mostly[/i] convinced that Hojo is [spoiler]Sephiroth's father[/spoiler], but not [i]fully[/i]--just 'cause Hojo said so doesn't mean it's true.) And even if Hojo's twisted mind never got around to putting Aeris and Sephiroth together, I'm sure JENOVA would have driven Sephiroth to. [spoiler]No, wait, I take that back, because the soul purpose of JENOVA's race was to kill all of the Cetras. Making a half n half would result in someone powerful, but also someone that wanted to kill themselves, if you see what I mean. You think [i]Seph[/i] went crazy...[/spoiler] ~~~~~ OK, someone try to 1oo% convince me that Hojo is [spoiler]Sephiroth's father.[/spoiler] When I get back from work, I am going to present my theory on that.
"Nub" is a new one for me. I've heard of "n00b" and "Newb" though. Since we aren't l337|5h around here, and "Newb" seems a shorter version, and...*loses train of thought*
OoC: Anyone who's played FFX and gone up against a Great Malboro (and done badly in the process) can sympathize with this next post. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Auron was fighting through the crowds of both people and fiends. The screams of terrified people rent through the air, but Auron ignored them, refusing to let their emotions seep into his. It was all about clearing the monsters out now. He had gone on his own to a seperate part of the stadium, away from the others, and began his dance of destruction. Step, swipe, slash, step, swipe, sla-- [i]Eagle scream.[/i] --sh, step, swipe sla-- [i]Glint of ebony talons.[/i] sh, step, swip-- [i]Black braided tail lashing out, medallion glinting on the end.[/i] Auron was so lost in his forced, mechanical-like battling that he missed seeing the first few tentacles reach around the building's corner. The guttural snarl was the unheard prelude to a blast of rancid, putrid smoke. It enveloped Auron instantly. He was blinded--he couldn't see the Great Malboro, though he could hear it--or he thought he could. Was it the fiend...or was it this creature he kept seeing? [i]Wings spread out.[/i] Auron shifted his sword, peered into the black cloud ahead of him. This creature was distracting him, he had to drive it away. [i]Russet eye glinting back at him.[/i] Something drove Auron on in what others would call a sudden fit of Berserkerness. He slashed out, but the griffon creature darted out of his line of vision and into his blind spot on the right. It was about this time that Yuffie, Rikku, and Sephiroth were running through the stadium for last minute fiend checks. Sephiroth spotted Auron against the Great Malboro, and motioned the two thieves to a stop. [i]Black mane, streaked with white.[/i] Enraged, Auron roared, swung the Masamune in a shimmering arch, but the griffon disappeared from his mind's eye completely. That's when the first powerful spasm of the Poison tore through his body. The Crimson Warrior gasped slightly and softly and dropped to one knee, balancing the sword precariously. He spotted a faint outline of the Great Malboro though the black haze around his eye and dashed forward, intent on impaling it. His sword clanged loudly against a broken wall, and the Great Malboro grunted in that guttural sound again, mocking the famous warrior monk for missing. Auron turned to let his ears do the leading, when another poisonous spasm shot through his body. His blade clattered loudly to the ground, forgotten as he gripped his stomach in agony with his right arm. He was about to retch. The Malboro snarled contentedly, drew a tentacle around the unfortunate Auron's neck, and began to squeeze ever so slightly. Head swimming, stomach heaving, terror gripping him, Auron tried once more to fight back. He picked up the Masamune and swung at what he thought was the Malboro. "Oh GOD!" Yuffie exploded. "He just--he just--!" "Auron!" Rikku shrieked in horror. Sephiroth looked grim. "Confusion means you'll hit anyone. Even yourself. First things first--we kill the Malboro. Then we see if we can patch the old guy up." ~~~~~~~ OoC Again: Great Malboro+Bad Breath=party completed Confused, Poisoned, Berserked, Silenced, and Dark'ed. Ticked me off to no end the one time I had a Game Over because of that stupid thing.
Wait, do the [i]contestants[/i] or the [i]judges[/i] have to write a short story? If it's the first, then this might as well just be the Otaku Idol. If not, then tell us more. I'm intrigued by the notion.
Mono was the first time I ever had to get my blood drawn--scared the stuff out of me. I had both mono and bronchitis (sp?) at the same time, years ago. Everyone kept teasing me about the stupid joke of who I kissed to catch it. >.< I was out of school for a full week, couldn't laugh, sing, or breath deeply without going into a major coughing fit for a full two months. Ugh. And if you know how much I like to sing and laugh, you can tell how much that annoyed me. Lots of fluids. Whee. Not being able to stand up for fear of fainting. Double whee. Throat so swelled up I couldn't swallow. Tripl--you know, I couldn't even take my medicine, my throat was so swelled. We had to go back to the doctor and get liquid medicine. I remember going back to the doctor after that week. He warned me not to give blood or to get into a car wreck for two full years. Something about my spleen being swollen (that in itself produced some funny jokes, heh). Also, if me,myself,andI caught mono again, I'd die from it. Most people can catch mono all the time, but I guess I'm a special case. Whee. :twitch:
*is completely captivated by the shine of the water* Dude(tte-lol), this is [i]too[/i] cool. I wish the head could stand out just a [i]tiny[/i] bit more, but as it is, it is nifty. Took me a moment to realize what it was and I'n glad you confirmed it for me, Jenna. ^_^
Three Stars...Reduces MP cast to 0. Gold Hourglass...damages all enemies and delays their next turn. Chocobo Feather...Casts Haste on one party member. Al Bhed Potion...Cures poison, petrification, silence, and heals for 1ooo HP. [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/quiz.jpg[/img] Name the enemies and the game these images came from.
OoC: Beautiful as always, Des. ^_^ But why are you the only one Curing everyone? :therock: Auron can, too, you know. :p Zell could probably have half a mind too, as well. Ah, the noble knight. *giggles kindly* I don't mean to pick on Cecil--I really don't! He just seems...pick-on-able today. ^___________^ ~~~~~~~~ [i]"Oooohhh...."[/i] Mindy moaned as she sat up, rubbing her eyes. [i]"Huh?"[/i] She held her arms out and noticed the mutated outfit she had been wearing dissolved back into her normal Aeon form. [i]"Oh!"[/i] She looked to Sandy, startled to see her Sister in her Ladybug form. She then saw Cindy. [i]"Uh oh..."[/i] The Mantis Sister tapped her foot, her arms crossed. [i]"Be lucky that I came when I did."[/i] [color=teal]"Wait a minute--how can you be out here, instead of in the Temple?"[/color] [color=crimson]"It's called a [i]door[/i], Cecil,"[/color] Auron pointed out. Zell stifled a chuckle. [i]"I came out when I noticed my Sisters did not return. Be glad that I did,"[/i] she added, nodding to Zidane. The monkey boy's head was wrapped up in bandages, but he was none the worse for wear. [color=teal]"I thought you could only be summoned to come out, or adopt human forms?"[/color] [i]"You could say that I was summoned by my Sisters."[/i] [color=teal]"But how is that--"[/color] [color=crimson]"Why do you have to have an answer for everything?"[/color] Auron asked, exasperated. Cecil made a face, then laughed. [color=teal]"One more question."[/color] Auron sighed. [color=crimson]"What."[/color] [color=teal]"How are we going to get our airship fixed?"[/color] [color=orangered]"Oh yeeeeeeeeeahh...."[/color] Zell mused. "Not to worry, boys! I was busy while y'all were playing around out here." Cid called, running across the bridge. "Oh, whoa! Aeons! Um...hi." The Magus Sisters nodded to him. "The Ragnarok's all ready to go to the last Temple, Baaj." [color=orangered]"Good, 'cause we still got a Ganger's arse to kick around,"[/color] Zell cheered, punching his fists in the air. [i]"Kick him a good one for me,"[/i] Mindy piped up. [i]"Mindy!"[/i] Cindy reprimanded her. Sandy chuckled deeply. [i]"That's my little Sis."[/i] "Well, shall we?" [color=orangered]"Right!"[/color] [color=teal]"Thanks for everything, ladies!"[/color] [i]"No prob,"[/i] Sandy grinned, crossed her arms. [i]"Just make sure to get rid of that Ganger. More trouble than he's worth."[/i] As the Survivors ran across the bridge, Mindy turned to Zidane, blushing. [i]"Sorry."[/i] [color=orange]"Huh?"[/color] [i]"Sorry I got you hurt."[/i] [color=orange]"Hey, don't worry about it--it wasn't your fault!"[/color] Mindy hugged his arm and giggled shyly. Zidane blushed in slight embarrassment, more so when Sandy burst out into hearty laughter. [color=orange]"An Aeon with a crush? This is a first."[/color] [i]"Actually..."[/i] Cindy corrected him, then shook her head. [i]"I have actually known of another, but that is a story for another day."[/i] The Ragnarok gained altitude, then headed for the fog covered, dark island of the sunken Baaj Temple.
WHOO make me an Auron one! *lol* OK, really, I am amazed...*bows formally to you*...I've always thought of these banners as some of my favorites, but to find out they all came from the same person--simply [i]incredible[/i], BB!!! *is in awe*
Items as in stealing or as in getting after battle? [b]Elvoret (boss FVIII)[/b] Draw Siren. [b]Ultima Weapon (FF VIII)[/b] Draw Eden. [b]Omega Weapon (FF X)[/b] Get 3 Lv.4 Key Spheres. Learn Nova. [b]Midgar Zolom (FFVII)[/b] Learn Beta. Can be morphed into X-Potion. [b]Anemone (FF IX)[/b] You can steal an Ore or a Tent. Get Hi-Potion, Eye Drops, Ether and/or Dragonfly Card. Learn Bad Breath. OK, if that was right (falls back into FFX mode >.
OoC: FINALLY! Someone finally frelling POSTED! LoL! OoC2: I will need everyone's consent to edit the story for spelling/grammar purposes only, then turn the whole thing to a comic. If I can retain all the materials I have right now (pens, paper, computer, time), then it might be a year/two year project, but I'd need someone to be my color person. ~~~~~~~~~ The old man leapt at Sandy, who stomped her large scaled feet and spread her wings. She opened her mouth to hiss and the old man chuckled in sadistic glee. "You're locked out of your temple and are trapped in mortal forms! You're [i]mine![/i]" Sandy crouched down then lashed out with one large foot. It caught the old man in the stomach, knocking him backwards. [i]"Just try it, you copycat!"[/i] [i]"Soul stealer!"[/i] little Mindy added bitterly. "You first, then, my dear," the old man whispered darkly. He gripped Mindy's arm and she gasped in painful terror. Auron took a step forward, russet eye wide in a mixture of emotions. [i]"Back off or this being dies!"[/i] [color=orangered]"PEEP PEEP PEEP!"[/color] Zell sang out desperately. [color=orangered]"Um..."[/color] [color=teal]"Wrong one!"[/color] Cecil snapped. [color=teal]"Peep!"[/color] But nothing happened. Mindy broke out of the old man's grasp; the guy slumped limply to the ground, then blinked as if just waking up. "Wha...what's going on?" Mindy smiled nastily. She roundhouse kicked the frail man away and his head slammed into one of the corral's rocks with a sickening thud. A pyrefly wailed as it floated out of his body. [color=crimson]"No!"[/color] Auron cried out. Zidane moaned as he came back into conciousness. [color=orange]"What's going on--why's that guy surrounded by fireflies?"[/color] [color=crimson]"Pyreflies,"[/color] Auron answered dully, his eye flashing passionately. [color=crimson]"He's dead. And [i]you[/i]--"[/color] he pointed to Mindy, still in her partial Zidane body, her wings fluttering, her eyes taking on an unexpected menacingly glare, [color=crimson]"[i]Damn[/i] you, Doppleganger...People weren't supposed to die. This was only a game."[/color] [i]"It [/i]was, [i]old man, but not any more."[/i] Mindy grinned and grabbed the still dazed Zidane by his scalp. [color=orange]"I'm awake...I'm awake...OK, ow ow OW! I'm awake already!"[/color] Zidane twisted painfully under Mindy's grip, failing to break away. Auron, Zell, and Cecil both took up stances, but Mindy shook her finger. [i]"I could easily crush his skull, you know."[/i] [color=orange]"Whimper."[/color] Sandy snarled but froze at one movement from Mindy's finger. [i]"Very nice...I have your power, Mindy. And what amazing powers they are..."[/i] She buffed her nails on her chest, the Sandy Chocobo a living statue next to her. [color=teal]"You're still mortal--you said so yourself!"[/color] Mindy tightened her grip on Zidane's head and he cried out in agony. [i]"So is your monkey friend here."[/i] Auron swallowed hard, sweat beading his forehead. [color=crimson]"It's finally happened. Ganger's possessed an Aeon."[/color] The three Survivors held their ground in helpless rage: Zell torn by Zidane's torture, Auron shamed that they had failed to protect a Magus Sister, and Cecil desperately trying to plan (without any solution forthcoming). [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/headache.jpg[/img] [i]"It's the beginning of the end,"[/i] Mindy sneered. She tightened her grasp on Zidane and he scuffed the ground with his boots, trying to break free, tears of pain staining his round cheeks. He tried to grab for his dagger, but Mindy only strengthened her grip, and his hands automatically flew up to tear at her fist. [i]"The end for all of you."[/i] ~~~~~~~~ BTW: Have we forgotten there are [i]three[/i] Sisters? BIG hint there. Write away, my friends! ^_~ EDIT OoC: Yup, just added another quick sketch. This one isn't as funny as the others, but rather more serious. Mindy looks odd because she is halfway between her Aeon form and her borrowed form, in this case, Zidane, plus Ganger's possessed her, so she's got some dark markings.
Indeed, it is the most miserable feeling in the world. And given the factors that lead it can intensify it accordingly. I've known that I've brought being heartbroken on myself. That's the worst of the worst. And I remember just sitting there, feeling like I was far beyond what normal people could understand, that the world was unfairly going on without stopping for me. That I was the cause of it too just made it worse...it's just...*shakes head*
"Yuna," Auron said in a no-nonsense tone. "Yes, Sir Auron?" "You can still summon?" "Yes...?" Auron scratched at the beard stubble on his chin. [i]But I thought...[/i] "Interesting." "Why?" "Hmm? Oh...no...no reason." Auron turned to walk away and deal with another fiend tormenting a fish seller. Yuna watching his crimson back walk away. "You're more like Tidus than you think, Sir Auron. You're a terrible liar." The Aeons. Yuna could call them. And Squall and Yuffie had done likewise. Auron felt a twinge of apprehension, though he was not sure why. [i]The fayth.[/i] He had always wondered if things had been different at the Zanarkand Ruins all those years ago. If he had... Auron shook his head roughly and gave a battle roar as he tore into a Bunyip. The fiend snarled and slumped down, pyreflies wailing as they floated away. [i]Concentrate.[/i] Feathers flashed across his mind's eye, a single golden russet eye glared at him from with a wild face, the beak splitting open to scream into the wind. Auron grunted as the Iguion nipped at him and he slashed back. Another dead fiend. The image in his mind's eye took flight and disappeared. "Sir Auron!" "...Yuna?" Auron felt slightly dizzy, almost embarrassed. As if Yuna knew what had just happened. He had seen himself as an Aeon.
I too wish it were longer, a little more developed. Like I told you earlier today, it's no mistake that you wrote this. You've gotten me to thinking about things I thought I laid to rest...good job. You just achieved something most authors only dream about and that is to affect their readers.
"Fiends in the stadium. Again?" Auron snorted. Someone was really starting to suffer from creative juices. But he had a feeling the people who did it last time were not responsible this time. Hoisting his sword, he turned his head slightly at a scream. "No rest for the bored...and how bored I was, too." Another Ahriman dove down and Auron growled. Too agile for him. The Nidrogg that stomped and growled on the walkway, however, was perfect. It shot a blast that would put a flamethrower to shame, leaving a sizable hole in one of the buildings. "Pitiful!" Auron scoffed. He swung his blade in a wide arch then ran at the ground dragon; the Masamune sweeped into the creature just once, and it collapsed, torn neatly in two. Auron didn't bother to watch the pyreflies fly out of it, but instead turned to see how the others were fairing.
Erhm, helLO! Why doesn't everyone remember not to make theories about the game? One of the leading causes of disappointment in games is that people make far out theories, or nicely credible ones, only to find the game went in a completely different direction. It's happened. It happened to me on Kingdom Hearts. I'm not going to let it happen again.
OoC: My bad! Where'd Zell go?!? ~~~~~~~~~~~ Auron got up to excuse himself when-- "Man, you kiddin'? It's just gettin' to da best part, ya?" Wakka indicated the large water sphere where the Luca Goers were taking on the Al Bhed Psyches. "Aren't you the least bit concerned about your wife and those other two? They [i]are[/i] reputed thieves, after all," Auron snapped back. "Eh..." Wakka looked lost and transferred his gaze from the game to the last exit he saw Lulu take. He then looked back to the game and whimpered slightly. Torn between the two greatest loves of his life. "I'll go," Auron said. "I need some air." "But Sir Auron," Yuna said politely, "there is plenty of air here in the open stadium." "Forgive me, Lady Yuna, but there's not enough for me. Now if you will excuse me..." Auron hastily walked through the exit the trio of girls had taken earlier. He didn't need the air. He just needed to get away from the influence. Torn between memories of his friend Jecht and anger at his surrogate son Tidus for running off. Both were star Blitzers, and watching the game only reminded him of that all the more. His warrior sense picked up someone trailing him, and Auron turned, only to see Sephiroth following him. "Yes?" he asked pointedly. "Thought you might like the company." "Any other time. Not now." Sephiroth raised an eyebrow. "What's with you, old man?" Auron's russet eye flashed. "I'm not in the mood, boy." "Boy?" Sephiroth's own Mako eyes pulsed dangerously. "[i]Boy?"[/i] "Going to leave me alone now?" "No, I am definitely following you now." Auron groaned internally. Didn't anyone listen to their elders anymore? He caught the irony and turned the groan to a chuckle. "What's so funny?" Auron shook his head. "Nothing. But you are [i]not[/i] following me." Sephiroth narrowed his eyes. "Don't make me fight you..." "...because you might lose," Auron finished. "Are you [i]intentionally[/i] pissing me off or are you always this rude?" "How about you just return to your seat already?!" "No," the silver haired warrior glowered. "Why the Farplane not?" "Something's been bugging you since we got here. Out with it, Auron." The Crimson Warrior gritted his teeth. "Just..." Heavy sigh; why was everyone so intent on prying into his past? "...just recalling old dreams." "Must be something to upset you." "Mmm. Now will you leave me alone?" Before Sephiroth could answer, there was a loud shriek in the crowd, following by familiar giggling. Rikku dodged past, followed by Yuffie. There was no sign of Lulu.