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Everything posted by GinnyLyn

  1. There's something that I noticed sorta lacking from all the discussion. How the students will adjust to the world [i]after[/i] going to the school. It was always my (perhaps unfounded) thought that kids that went to a private school would lack in how to deal with the "real world". Such as, if it were an all girl school, you would have a little more difficulty being around guys vs. being around them all the time as the norm in public schools. So I would think "hiding away" homosexuals in a school will only make it more difficult for all of us to learn to be more tolerant, as have been pointed out. And the fact that there will always be discrimination (sadly, my grandfather is still from the early part of the century, and still holds negative views on anyone not white). School is preperation for real life, socially, intellectually, working-ly. Or so I've always been told. Or maybe I am thinking boarding school, not private schools. :drunk: In any case, saying it's a public school, but "special sexual preference first" (sorry, I...eeks...that's not meant to be offense! honest!) makes my mind to think they want to be private. Which is fine, but still, like I said, would be detreminental to everyone's acceptance health. And if they are letting anyone in, it's not private. No, it makes it just another public school. So how does that make this school any different? I think the school people need to set down what exactly they are planning to do here, and I think I shall need to read on that, because I feel like there is still something missing out of this (for the most part so far) mature discussion.
  2. Deep, very deep. Indeed, "FartMaster745" just doesn't seem like an appropriate s/n with someone of your obvious deep thought (and maturity). I, for one, think it's fascinating that we always have to have answers to every question. A matter of a control issue. Therefore, if we had all the answers, would we be able to control all of the chemical reactions that went on inside of us? Realize that there reactions going on this very instant inside each of us that we are not conciously performing. Therefore, if we had all the answers, we would be God. Heh, maybe He is the only One that figured it out... *nervous laugh* Anyways, my thought--and good topic! *yanks your "Newbie" title off, slaps "Thinker" title on* ^_6
  3. Take this whichever way you want: [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/newbies.jpg[/img] Personally, I think "Newbie" is a term that alerts us to recognize that these are members that don't quite grasp the rules yet, or that they are getting settled into the way we do things around here, which is, I admit, remarkably different from other MBs I've been to. It's not a derogatory term; it's just a flag for some of us older members. As such, I think us older members need to quit with the sense of "Gawd, Newbie, must be, acting so stupid" that we've been portraying. Yes, they break rules, yes, they should read them, but non-Mod members have been giving them pains about it. It's no wonder "Newbie" is a loathed title. On the flip side, being a Newbie is not an excuse to ignore/not know what is expected of you. Wanna be a Member (hopefully, a Newbie-welcoming one? heh)? Then, well, act like one. I'm done.
  4. Well, funny story on mine. "GinnyLyn" is actually my third screen name, has been for nearly two years now. I didn't like "Ginny" just by itself, but I knew I wanted people to be able to identify me with the work I was (at that time) doing on theOtaku.com/Digimon. My middle name is "Lyn", but as far as last names go, they change so often. I'm a first marriage child, and I was [i]supposed[/i] to be adopted by my stepdad. By the time we ever get around to it, I'll probably be married, :rolleyes:, so I made both a s/n and my artist name at the same time. I dropped my last name and kept my middle for my last, so to speak. "GinnyLyn" : the Pure/Virgin Waterfall. :twitch:
  5. Auron squinted his eye against the sun. Figures they'd give him the seat with no shade. "I actually never got into Blitzball myself...though I had a friend...a very close friend..." Auron's voice dropped off. He was thankful for his overly large collar; no one could see his throat throb with emotion. [i]Jecht...[/i] "Sir Auron?" Auron cleared his throat and settled back, adopting a silent tone. "Well, that's ok," Rikku chirped, "I can explain it!" Yuffie suddenly grinned. She could sense a kindred spirit in the green eyed girl. Maybe after the game they could go "borrow" some money...Yuffie chuckled at the thought.
  6. Auron breathed deep, the salty air filling his lungs, the noises of large excited crowds assailing his ears. He remembered the last time he had been here. Waiting for Tidus; he knew the Blitzball capitol of Spira would bring the blonde like a firefly to light. He had been right. This time around... Auron tried not to grit his teeth. He was going to give that boy an earful and a half when he caught up to him. But what would be the point? It would go in one ear and out the other. Auron sighed and rubbed his good eye. He [i]earned[/i] his white hairs those past 1o years. And guys in their thirties weren't supposed to have white hairs, he thought with a rueful chuckle. "You all right?" Sephiroth's voice cut in on his thoughts. "Yeah. You?" Sephiroth nodded. "Yuffie's coming." "Oooorrggh....stupid ship. Damned sea. Blurrg..." "You look rather green," Auron commented. "Shaddup, Red," Yuffie grunted, clutching the rail that let her off the boat. "I thought she was the Leviathan Summoner?" Sephiroth shrugged, an unusually light hearted motion for a man of his nature. "I wouldn't take it up with her if I were you." "And I'd rather not cross you about it either," Auron smirked. "Smart man." "Peh," Auron gruffly chuckled. "She'll be nicer and feel better after we walk around the stadium."
  7. The problem is, that's the only version I can find of that image, and I really like that image. Captures the mood I'm trying to convey. How about now? Better at all? [center][img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/world2.jpg[/img][/center] I might try again, leaving the background whole but warping it somehow...*totters off*
  8. Ahem. The answer is: Link's Awakening, Majora's Mask, and Link to the Past. Is that right? ~EDIT~ I was told to post. :p In [i]Ocarina of Time[/i], one of the bottles you find cannot be used right away. Where do you find it and why can you not use it instantly? *Bonus points for the exact message the item description box showed.*
  9. OoC: OK...I [i]think[/i] I know where you all are going with this, but I'm not quite sure, so I'm winging it. *gets flash of inspiration* OOO! Hmmmm...ok, work with me here, BB--I know that Aeons were never known to do what I'm going to write here, but hey! *grin* [quote][color=blue][b]Desbreko145:[/b][/color] You old. Not me.[/quote] LoL! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cecil concentrated on the race, so much so that he almost missed seeing the random irridescent pyreflies flittering from Zidane's back. [color=orange]"Faster! Faster!"[/color] the monkey tail cheered. [color=teal]"Zidane!"[/color] the Paladin cried out in shock. [color=orange]"Oh no you don't--I'm not losing to you!"[/color] Zidane urged his Chocobo on harder, just a few feet away from the old man. Auron and Zell both froze, listening to the sounds. The torches still burned with blue flames about them, but the other bright flash had died down now. The only thing bothering Auron was the tremor in the path--it was getting stronger. So were the cries. One drew his attention to the right, where several Chocobos were corralled. Most shied away, but one, oddly marked with red and black, stood still, kwehing at the two intruders. [color=crimson]"A Chocobo with red and black markings? That's unusual..."[/color] The Chocobo in question gave vent to a deep sounding WARK! and snapped. Auron stepped back and looked to Zell. [color=crimson]"Ideas?"[/color] A familiar blue vest caught the blonde's eye. [color=orangered]"Auron, someone's in there!"[/color] Zell clamored into the pen, much to the terror of the Chocobos, who scrambled to get away from him. The odd Chocobo stomped its scaled foot and snorted. It spread its wings and hissed, daring Zell to get closer. "Almost there!" the old man called back to the other two. "You boys couldn't beat me if you life depended on it!" [i]...heh heh heh...and they're about to...[/i] [color=orange]"Not fair!"[/color] Zidane yelled. In one swift movement, he gripped his Chocobo by the neck instead of the reins, and, with a huge leap, they sailed right over the old man's mount, only to barrel into the Chocobo corral. Cecil and the old man brought their Chocobos to a halt just before the end of the track, watching as utter pandemonium reigned supreme in the corral. [i]PECK![/i] [color=orangered]"Ow."[/color] [i]PECK![/i] [color=orangered]"Ow!"[/color] [i]PECK![/i] [color=orangered]"[i]OW![/i] Quit it!"[/color] The odd Chocobo warked and kicked at Zell, who was sprawled over the bird's large feet. The Chocobo Zidane rode in on was huddling with the rest of the Chocobos (who were now blocking Cecil and the old man's view), and Zidane slid off, trotting with ease toward the odd Chocobo and Zell. [color=orangered]"Get back, Zidane! This bird's crazy!"[/color] [i]"SAYS YOU!"[/i] Zell got popeyed. [color=orangered]"Did that bird just speak?"[/color] Zidane giggled and nodded. [color=orange]"She sure did. Sandy, back off--I think they're looking for that one."[/color] Zidane turned to point into the corral, and that's when Zell noticed that, not only were pyreflies hovering around Zidane, he also had a double pair of wasp wings. Sandy sulked and nudged Zell not unkindly off her taloned foot. Zell was too busy staring at Zidane's wings to notice. [color=orangered]"Um, when did you get wings?"[/color] Zidane giggled again. [color=orange]"I've always had them, silly."[/color] [color=orangered]"And when did you start sounding so feminine?"[/color] [i]"Let me step on him, sister, please!"[/i] [color=orangered][i]"SISTER?!"[/i][/color] Cecil tried in vain to peer over the Chocobos, with no luck; it didn't help that the old man beside him was having a sneezing fit. "Damned pyreflies!" the geezer snorted, "I'm allergic to them!" [color=teal]"ZELL! Dangit, AURON!"[/color] Auron turned toward the voice, startled. [color=crimson]"Cecil! Is that you?"[/color] [color=teal]"No, it's the Doppleganger,"[/color] Cecil replied sarcastically. The old man choked back a sudden cough. [color=teal]"Of [i]course[/i] it's me--can you see what's going on?!"[/color] [color=crimson]"Zell, what are you--Zidane!"[/color] Auron ignored Cecil's further calls as he climbed into the corral. Sandy spread her wings. [i]"Oh no you don't, not another one!"[/i] [i]"Sandy, they are here to take them all out, including this one. Zidane, right?"[/i] the winged Zidane asked, pulling a moaning Zidane into the middle of the corral. Zell nodded in dumbfounded amazement and Auron bowed his head. [color=crimson]"The fayths..."[/color] [color=orangered]"What? You're kidding, right?"[/color] [i]"'Fraid not,"[/i] the winged Zidane giggled. Auron pointed to Sandy. [color=crimson]"You are Sandy, the Ladybug Sister. You,"[/color] he pointed to winged Zidane, [color=crimson]"are Mindy, the Wasp Sister. Where is Cindy, the Mantis Sister?"[/color] [i]"She's inside, keeping an eye on our statue,"[/i] the winged Zidane, or Mindy now, replied, twirling a lock of golden hair. "[i]We got a little bored and came out to play. Except I think Cindy forgot to let us back in--the doors are locked now."[/i] [color=teal]"Can someone clue me in--I still can't see anything! Hey!"[/color] Annoyed at being ignored, Cecil stepped off the track and the Chocobo, attempting to step into the corral. He was stopped by the ten foot canyon span from the track to the corral. [color=teal]"Pfft. Nothing a litle Float can't ha--HEY!"[/color] The old man, still sneezing, had jumped on his back, piggyback style, then bounced off his back and dove into the corral. "The fayths, the fayths, ha ha hee HA!" ~~~~~~~ OoC: Just to clue you in--both Mindy (Zidane clone) and Sandy (odd Chocobo) changed into tangible forms in order to go outside. I could keep writing, but I'm going to let you handle the rest. ^_^
  10. Link's Awakening and Link to the Past. Wait...am I missing one? :twitch:
  11. OK, now THAT was spammy. And Olga, I can't believe you're...argh...I'll give it a wild shot, but Desbreko is the judge on whether this question stays or not. :p Link?
  12. Yes, it's another Auron one. *watches half the readers immediately back out* Heh.... OK, you can see it in my sig, but here it is again for your viewing pleasure. [center][img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/world.jpg[/img] [i]You can still be lonely in a world full of people.[/i][/center] I love how I did the shadows, but I think I might have screwed up on the background. What I was shooting for was to have Auron look like he was, I dunno, popping out of the image or something. Something's wrong with the banner, I just don't know what! So can someone help? Please? In case you want to see the original image, [url=http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/auronroof.jpg]here it is.[/url]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shy [/i] [B][size=1] Sara and Charles alone have made more humorous sigs than everyone else combined. -Shy[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Gee [i]thanks[/i]. That just made me feel super wonderful about myself and others. ¬_¬
  14. Another favorites topic. :nervous: :smooch: Sorry, Poisontongue, I don't mean to pick on you--I'm just responding to you. ;) OK, sticking only to the 3Ds here, and it's hard to choose, really. I [i]loved[/i] the look of Wind Waker, yes, but that's pretty much where the love stopped. Most of the puzzles were tired and old, and my complaint was that there was a serious deprivation of dungeons, overcompensated by a far too large overworld. If there was at least enemies to slay by the handful, all that sailing around wouldn't be so bad. As it was, I could start Link going in one direction, run off to the bathroom, check on my laundry, microwave some popcorn, come back upstairs, and Link would [i]still[/i] not be wherever I wanted him to be. (And this is [i]with[/i] the warping, argh.) OK, some exaggeration there, but not by much. I fell in :love: with OoT, and no one can sway me otherwise. ^_^ Names are nothing--"A rose by any other name..." So let's call the Golden Gloves the "Tooty Fruity Fresh N Fruity Citrus Arm Deodorant Sprayers and Stone Lifters" for all I--wait, no. On second thought, don't do that. Anyways, names are irrelevant; Link is a Hero, end of story; it's the way of Japanime stuff--you're always going to have whacked out names for attacks/items/weapons/whathaveyou. Plus the fact that there was something very satisfying about OoT. Too dark? Have you forgotten about the Dark World from LttP? Mmmm, now [i]that[/i] was dark. Adventurers being turned into critters or inanimate objects for being stupid. Majora's Mask was...well, I felt it was a slide back to the kiddy nature of the earlier days. You spent all your time as Kid Link, for one. The search for the masks, for another. The transformation masks were keen, and finding all of them was a complete pain in the arse (so were some of the puzzles). OK, so Oot, MM, and WW. That's my personal, allowable opinion.
  15. Now THAT I can answer. In the [spoiler]employee gym, you can search the lockers[/spoiler] and find Cait Sith's HP Shout, his Ultimate Weapon. [b]Q.[/b] Name the 22 different jobs in FFV. (Extra, non-mandatory credit--name which crystal each job came from.) ~EDIT~ Too hard? All right, let's see if I can think of another question. In FFV, Black Chocobos: a. walk fast. b. fly. c. don't exist. ~EDIT AGAIN~ Still too hard? Um, ok then...what color is Auron's coat? :twitch: KIDDING. OK, last attempt at a question, then I'll just have to hurl a far too easy one at y'all. [b]Question:[/b] Going back to FFX (since FFV doesn't seem to be working :p), which of Yuna's eyes are blue and which one is green; what is peculiar about the green eye? (that second answer is a spoiler, don't forget to tag it)
  16. Hmmm...we seem to be deadlocked. Do you want to ask a new question?
  17. As you so "eloquently" already pointed out in the Merger thread you made. :rolleyes: Frankly, these favorites topics always get shot down after awhile with people gritting their teeth at each other (and we're waaaaay off topic--I thought this was about Vii and Viii only, lol). It's nice to hear valid opinions (I've learned a few things about some of the FFs now), but they're still opinions nonetheless. Every game has its good points and bad points. IMHO, ChronoTrigger still carries my flame as far as RPGs go, but then we aren't talking about CT, are we? *lol* There just isn't an end all and be all to the FF series. [spoiler]And according to Sem, FF isn't the end all and be all (is that backwards, heh?) to RPGs.[/spoiler] :p Which is true. Unfortunately, it's what I "grew up" on, so tackling other RPGs tends to be a little..."messy"...at times for me. :sweat: I have no idea where I am going with this post....*wanders off*
  18. OoC: Kimahri is actually blue, but I'll go with it. ^_~ ~~~~~~~~ "Brrr....cold." Tidus ran his hands up and down his arms quickly, and Kimahri peered at him. "Why does Tidus come if Tidus not prepared to come?" "Well, see, we sorta found this warp hole at Kilika and--" "Auron tell you not to use warp?" "Well, more like he told us to stay away from it, and--" "Tidus not listen. Hah. Kimahri take all but Tidus to warm place, let Tidus freeze little till get respect for elders." "Auron's about as elderly as you get--OW!" Zidane had been whispering to a nervous Vivi, but Rinoa smacked the back of Zidane's head with the palm of her hand. "Aw, c'mon, Kimahri, don't leave me here!" The Ronso was ushering the others down toward the caves of the mountain, and turned back, a rare smile on his face. "Kimahri think about it." "Kimahri! ARGH!" Tidus chased after them.
  19. OoC: Is James posting anymore? I need to know...:twitch: ~~~~~~: Auron shifted and noticed Sephiroth and Yuffie wandering back down the beach. He wasn't put at ease at all; Tidus and the rest were still missing. And the Crimson Warrior knew [i]exactly[/i] where they'd be. [i]Stupid kids...[/i] He started to stride toward the woods, making a mental note to speak to Sephiroth and Yuffie on his way. "Tada! Warp hole!" "Ooooo...can I touch it?" "Vivi! What kind of question is that?!" "A smart one. Where does it lead, Tidus?" Tidus scratched the back of his head. "Y'know, I don't know. I..." He paused. Did he dare admit not looking at it earlier? "I didn't want to go without showing it to [i]some[/i]one!" "Pfft, that was a weak save," Zidane laughed, buffing his nails on his vest. "Hey, shut up!" "Guys, guys!" Rinoa shouted. "OK, thing is--do we want to go through?" "Can we sorta hold someone as they look through and then pull them back?" Vivi asked quietly. The others stared at him. "Wow, you're smart for a little guy," Tidus grinned. Vivi adjusted his hat nervously and his eyes crinkled in happiness. "I can go, if you want!" "Naw, better let me," Tidus replied. "If it's another part of Spira, I'll be able to recognize it right off." With that, the foursome worked together, Tidus getting on his hands and knees, crawling forward slowly. On the other side of the warp, the snow blew thickly. Tidus' spikey head stuck out of a rock and he looked around, surprised. His breath was taken away for a moment by the frigid tempature, replaced by foggy clouds of steam. "Mt. Gagazet...whoa." Tidus began to signal to the others at the warmer end to pull him back, but before he could-- "Fiend!" a large violet Ronso roared. It charged at Tidus, who yelped in dismay. "No, wait--! Pull me back, pull me back, pull me---WHOOOAAA!" The three second tug of war ended quickly when the Ronso put Tidus in a headlock and yanked him from the rock. Rinoa, Zidane, and Vivi were quick to follow, and they fell on the Ronso in a heap. He snarled at them, clearly unhappy. "A heh heh...hi?" The Ronso bellowed, Vivi's voice just barely audible. "Guys, guys! The warp hole!" With a quiet blip, it disappeared.
  20. OoC: I have abosutely no inspiration, but here goes. BTW, it was never called the Remiem Canyon in the game, but for Zell's sake, heh heh heh...imagination and creative license go a long way. ^_____^ Cling cling cling...heh heh heh. *shoots grin at the one person that will get that joke* :D ~~~~~~~ Auron growled. Moved his left leg foward, draaaaagged his right leg behind his left. [color=crimson]"This would be easier if you didn't have a death grip on my ankle,"[/color] he groused at Zell. The blonde cautiously peered up at him from the ground, then (idiotically) peered out at the abyssimal drop beneath them. Auron only sighed as Zell clutched his ankle even tighter, if that were possible. [color=crimson]"Let go."[/color] [color=orangered]"NO!"[/color] Step, draaaaaaaaaag. [color=crimson]"Besides the obvious, why not?"[/color] Zell's face was buried in the folds of Auron's coat, his voice muffled by the crimson fabric; he was trying to block out the sight of the Remiem Canyon. [color=orangered]"Logic says that we are good guys and we don't die. Therefore, falling off a bridge into [i]that down there[/i] would be bad--I wouldn't be a good guy any more."[/color] [i][color=crimson]Logic?[/color][/i] Auron snorted mentally. Zell usually didn't prescribe to logic. The Crimson Warrior narrowed his eye at Zell. [color=crimson]"Do you mean to say you don't consider Cecil or Zidane heroes anymore because they fell off a bridge? That is just..."[/color] Step, draaaaaaaag. [color=crimson]"...incredibly ignorant."[/color] The comment didn't bother Zell in the least. [color=orangered]"All right, then how about this? Me good guy, you good guy, us close like this means the good guy ness gets concentrated into small area, which makes us practically god like invincible. How's that?"[/color] Step, draaaaaaag. [color=crimson]"Besides your lack of proper speaking skills? Stupid."[/color] [color=orangered]"Geez, you're heartless."[/color] [color=crimson]"Says the kid who's clinging to my ankle."[/color] Step, draaaag. [i][color=crimson]OK, this is getting old. My foot's going to be dislocated at this rate. Time to get Zell moving.[/color][/i] [color=crimson]"Zell."[/color] Still muffled behind his coat: [color=orangered]"Yeah?"[/color] [color=crimson]"How strong do you think the bridge is?"[/color] Cling, cling, cling! Zell's voice escaped from his mouth shakily. [color=orangered]"Why?"[/color] Step, draaaaaaaag. [color=crimson]"How much do you weigh?"[/color] [color=orangered]"What kind of question is [i]that[/i]?"[/color] Zell shrieked. [color=crimson]"Considering that we are in the middle of the bridge now and it's sagging dangerously, coupled with the fact that I'm probably about 180 pounds, give or take. And then there's you-how many hot dogs are weighing your butt down?"[/color] Zell's face pulled itself from Auron's coat and the blonde glared at the older man darkly. [color=orangered]"Have I ever told you how rude you are?!"[/color] Step, draaaaaaag. [color=crimson]"A few times, yes, but I'm trying to be practical here. You see--"[/color] [i]SNAP![/i] [color=orangered]"AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGHHHH!"[/color] Zell sprang up and barreled bodily past Auron. The blonde already reached the end of the bridge (which was shaking precariously now) before Auron fully fell to the ground. Zell didn't stop running until he slammed into the closed doors of Remiem Temple. Stunned, he reeled back from the tall decorated doors, and sat down on the steps, comically alternating between screaming in terror and crying in relief. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the familiar black boots, stepping close to him. Auron chuckled. [color=crimson]"Gotcha."[/color] Zell paused in his hysterics and glanced at Auron, uttering the most intelligent response he could manage: [color=orangered]"Dowha?"[/color] Auron held up a piece of broken plank. [color=crimson]"Before we crossed, I picked up this rotted piece of wood. I knew you would need some motivation, so with the right words and sound effect..."[/color] He trailed off and smirked, his russet eye twinkling in merriment. [color=orangered]"Why you--you--!"[/color] [color=crimson]"Congratulations, Zell. You made it across."[/color] [color=orangered]"But you--and I--the--ba--whoo...wha....heh?"[/color] Zell fainted clean away. ~~~~~~~~~ OoC: Whoa, another "wrote itself" posts, lol! :laugh: And look--a few more crappy 15 minute doodles I did of FF:S. Makes me wonder how they'd look if I actually spent time on them. O_o *[url=http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/froggy.jpg]Frog in Your Throat?[/url] *[url=http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/frogsong.jpg]"Excuse me..."[/url] *[url=http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/fuzzydevils.jpg]Fuzzy Devils aka Ginny's Favorite at the Moment[/url] *[url=http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/crappycannonball.jpg]Crappy Cannonball Picture[/url] ANOTHER OOC!: Lookit what I did this afternoon--the start of the FF:S Comic...if I plan to do it. :twitch: Anyways, they are only half done because I still need a few decent pics of Zell. Him, Rinoa, Squall, and Cecil are going to be the only buggers to draw, because I have no pics of them. Aw well...look at the WIPs anyway, heh. I'd also have to get approval from everyone to copy their words down, and edit for spelling/grammar reasons. But I doubt anyone would mind...right...erhm, right? Heh. *[url=http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/FFSZell.jpg]Zell shows up.[/url] *[url=http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/FFSZidane.jpg]Zidane appears.[/url]
  21. There's one important person I left out--Mitch. Shame on me. Do you have any idea what it feels like to actually feel like you are worth something to someone even after you just got done trying to run away from everybody who ever cared about you? Yeah, I know...he's been the glue between the pages for me on several occasions, and he was one of the first people I talked to during that horrible event back in Feb. This one's for you, Mitch. I really miss you.
  22. Color was attempted on the Zebrahorn and failed miserably. ^_~ Three hour attempt and I finally threw it in the e-garbage can. As for the fully graphite ones, I daren't touch them--I'm so afraid of losing their effect. As for the names--*shrug*--they come, and I don't judge. I prefer the name of my orca dragons, which are known as Draaquas. *grin* Thanks all! Now I just sit back and wait for my next inspiration...I feel griffonish today.
  23. And unfortunately, if the ninja got away with killing a samurai's master, the samurai tended to commit seppuku. :twitch: At least, early on--that was outlawed/forbidden after they figured out that wasted a lot of good Samurais. Sidenote: seppuku is [spoiler]when a samurai takes his own life, usually by falling on his own sword (preferrably impaling his own stomach, argh), or allowing himself to be beheaded, because either his master died, he disagreed with his master, or he failed to protect his master.[/spoiler] The best way to die was in battle but as pointed out, these guys had a pretty strong code of honor.
  24. I still dream of the days of holodecks. Of the far off future days where video games will be considered exercise in their own right for both mind AND body, because there will be holodecks and yes, we shall jump, run, slash, yes! Heh, oops...got carried away there. ^-^ Not a feasible near future idea, but still one I hope for for one of these decades to come. Would that not just be the best for the Zelda series? *grin*
  25. Auron from FFX was a monk first and then a Samurai. Since the original question was samurai or ninja, I go with Samurai. Ninjas always had a bad connotation for me. (Stupid Ninja Turtles corruption.)
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