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Everything posted by GinnyLyn

  1. Since the whole point is funniest, it depends on your view of funny. They are all great, but Charles has got my vote this time around. *grin*
  2. Because I am Christian and I am allowed to believe what I want, I take no shame in saying that Jesus is my first and foremost influence. Next up is my mom. Not always a positive influence, but definitely one of the strongest ones in my life. I know for a fact that if she hadn't been in my life, I would be very different. In fact, I wouldn't even be alive--she was the only person in my family that did NOT want an abortion when she found out she was pregnant with me. Go, Mom. Next up is Adam, our very own Prince of Anime. It is through him that I learned I could work long term on major projects, such as theOtaku.com/Digimon, and it is indirectly through him that I became addicted to the net. :sweat: Our final two for tonight are Sara and Shaun. Both have had incredible impacts, both at different times of my life. You could almost say Shaun is just continuing what Sara had started. If it weren't for them, there would be many issues I would still be struggling with, keeping inside; I would never have learned to mature as much as I have over the last year or two. Seriously, without these people, I would not be who I am today. As for the rest of you, I love you dearly! You all have your threads intertwining with mine; we are all shaping each other every day and I thank God every night for that.
  3. Tidus stopped the group and grinned at Sephiroth and Yuffie. "Do you two need a room or something?" Sephiroth closed his eyes, calling up some deep reserve of patience. Yuffie didn't let it bother her, though. She grinned widely and flicked her wrist. Tidus was neatly pinned to a nearby tree with one of her shurikens. "Now, if I was in a bad mood, that might actually have hurt," she giggled. Tidus' cheeks burned in embarrassment as he tried to pick the shuriken out of his sleeve. "Ow!" His finger was bleeding now. "Boys!" Yuffie pffted and pried him free, flicking the shuriken back into a pocket. "And guys are no better. Ha!" And she was off, cartwheeling again.
  4. Yeah, there aren't terribly many fiends waiting to drop Spheres for you. Omega Weapon [i]will[/i] drop 3 of them, so fight him if you haven't already. Also, run around inside Sin--I've picked up Lv.4 Spheres and have about 7 or 8 of them right now, though I don't recall from which fiend. Ultima may be worth it (and it is--nonelemental on all enemies), but make sure you pick up Copycat for at least half your group. That's how I won my second go around at FFX. My final party was Auron, Yuna, and Rikku. Yuna DoubleCast Ultima, then both Rikku and Auron Copycatted her. Easy win. ^_~ (Though items that help you break HP/MP Limits or cast AutoLife/AutoMed are also useful.)
  5. YAY! Another FFX convert, heh! *bounces around* (Aw, I [i]like[/i] the SphereGrid. Due the customization of the Grid, my version of Auron can now attack before Tidus, attack twice before Tidus, and Mug the [i]hell[/i] out of the enemies. Add that to Break HP Limit and Break Damage Limit and ^_______________^) Would you believe I abandoned FF6/3 in favor of playing FF5? O_o; Prep for FFX-2 I guess, heh, but 5 is fun! Well, until you start forcing yourself to level up, which is common for all RPGs. I'll have to go back to Viii, but the general consensus seems to be against it, lol. I might go back to iX or X after V. Or iV, I need to finish iV.
  6. Heh, just going into deeper detail of what Razzamatazz has--don't mind me. [spoiler] ANIMA As pointed out, you need the special items from each temple via Destruction Spheres. They are: Besaid-Rod of Wisdom Kilika-Red Armlet Djose-Magic Sphere Macalania-Luck Sphere Bevelle-HP Sphere, I believe; it is incredibly important to get the item here--you [i]cannot[/i] return to the Bevelle Temple once you have left. The good news is, you generally cannot complete the Temple without getting the item, so you should have it. Zanarkand Dome-Magistal Rod. After defeating Yunalesca and getting the airship, go back into the Dome--a new Tetris like puzzle appears. Simply solve it (annoying but doable), then use the Destruction Sphere to get the last item. Go to Baaj Temple, defeat Geosgaeno as described (Rikku's Mix-Gambler Spirits and Shining Gem for Trio of 9999), but make sure to be protected against Stone. If he hits you with his petrify attack, it's instant kill in the water. Inside the Temple, step by each statue, and they should light up. Once each statue has lit up, the door to the Room of the Fayth will open, Anima's fayth, will tell her story, and then she is yours! (Use Anima in the final battle against Seymour and listen to how he reacts.) YOJIMBO Frankly, I think this Aeon's a waste, but here goes. In the area that links the Calm Lands to Mt. Gagazet, there are two bridges, one of which you can walk under. Do so and find the Cave of the Stolen Fayth (it will be on the left). The fiends in the Cave are a little more difficult, so be ready! Defeat the Summoner's Yojimbo (using magic or Bahamut helps), then negotiate his fee. Chose "To defeat the most powerful of enemies." Whatever he asks, offer half of it plus one Gil. Ie, if he asks for 100gil, offer 51 gil. After his next offer, raise your bid by one Gil. I never haggled terribly long--I always goofed this part, but I was able to "buy" him. You have to keep paying him to do anything in battle, which I think makes Yojimbo a rather sorry Aeon. MAGUS SISTERS First, capture every fiend on Mt. Gagazet (I forget if it's one of every kind or the Arena ten of every kind). The Arena Owner gives you the Blossom Crown. Now, in order to get the Magus Sisters, you must have Anima and Yojimbo. Borrow a Chocobo in the Calm Lands, then walk it toward the very bottom right of the screen. Look for a yellow feather, and this will cause the Chocobo to jump to another area. (This is also how you go about getting the Celestial Mirror.) Go into the Temple where Belgemine waits. Defeat each of her Aeons (I usually like to walk in with Yuna and all her Aeons in Overdrive--Grand Summon allows you to call an Aeon in full Overdrive, and if it was in Overdrive anyway, it gets to use the Overdrive twice!); after Bahamut, she will give you the Flower Scepter. However, you need to defeat ALL her Aeons. You will get the Magus Sisters, and a chance to defeat Belgemine's Magus Sisters. Do so, because you will get an extremely important item.[/spoiler] Hope that helps! =)
  7. Auron half smirked to himself, confident that his collar hid the grin. Sephiroth didn't seem like the type to have young girls hanging all over him, and yet...it almost made Auron bust out laughing. "Hey Auron!" Tidus called, "I'm going to show Zell, Zidane, and Vivi around...is that ok?" Auron nodded. That would leave him with Rinoa, Sano, and Sephiroth. Oh yes, and Yuffie, too. "Just stay away from the warp spot in the woods." "Right!" Tidus waved, not really listening. "WARP SPOT!" Auron hollered after him. "Heard ya!" No, he didn't. Auron could read the kid like a book. Ten years with someone--you're [i]bound[/i] to pick up their body language. Auron quickly trotted up to Tidus and grabbed one of his ears. "Just stay out of the woods." "Ow! Ok ok, stay out, got it! Sheesh!" Auron raised an eyebrow then went back to his original position, next to the still glaring Sephiroth. He was going to have to do something about him. "What's over there?" Zidane asked, pointing to the woods. "Nothing much. Yeah, see, we aren't really supposed to go over there," Tidus replied lamely. "What? What's the fun of exploring a new world if you're forbidden from going anywhere?" "Grandfather told me that the only way to learn what the best food in the world is was by eating a little of everything," Vivi offered shyly. "I'm going, even if you aren't," Zell chuckled. "Listen Wakka-lookalike," Tidus said, waving a finger in Zell's face, "if you're going, so am I! Hey, what can I say? I'm easily won over." He winked at Zell, and the foursome ran into the woods.
  8. [color=crimson]"Well, we are here. Might as well go into the Temple."[/color] [color=orangered]"Over [i]that?[/i]"[/color] Zidane peered toward where Zell was pointing; it was the rope bridge that led to the majestic Remiem Temple. The one problem? The bridge was spanned over an incredible drop. Poor Zell was changing from pink to a pale shade, his tattoo standing out starkly. [color=orange]"Awh, there's nothing to it!"[/color] Zidane said. Before Auron or Cecil could stop him, Zidane was running up and down the crickety bridge, demonstrating his monkeyness by balancing on the ropes. Zell instantly fainted. [color=teal]"We should've done that earlier,"[/color] Cecil remarked wryly. [color=crimson]"Zidane, come down!"[/color] [color=orange]"Are you kidding? This is the best--whoa...whoooooaaa!"[/color] Auron groaned internally. [i]Everything that could go wrong,[/i] has[i] gone wrong.[/i] [color=teal]"Zidane!"[/color] Cecil yelled. He ran toward the monkey tailed person and yelled in shock as Zidane fell over the edge. [color=teal]"ZIDAAAAAAAANE!"[/color] [color=orange]"What?"[/color] [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/fall.jpg[/img] Zidane was hanging by his monkey tail, grinning at his (he thought) ingenuity. Cecil felt otherwise. Angry, he knelt down to pick Zidane up; his knee hit the plank he was standing on a little too hard. Couple that with the fact that one of Zidane's daggers had already nicked one of the support ropes for that plank, and you can guess what happened. [color=orange]"AUUUUURRRR[/color][color=teal][size=1]RRROOOoooonnn!"[/size][/color] [color=crimson]"Hmmm?"[/color] Auron had been trying to wake Zell up; he casually looked up at the yell, noticing the half broken plank and the lack of both Paladin and chatty monkeytail. [color=crimson]"Oh. They have fallen into the endless abyss under the Remiem Temple."[/color] Zell shifted and blinked back into conciousness. [color=orangered]"Mppf. You seem concerned."[/color] Zell remarked sarcastically. [color=crimson]"Easiest eviction I've ever witnessed."[/color] [color=orangered]"Auron!"[/color] Zell remonstrated. The Crimson Warrior chuckled in his gruff manner. [color=crimson]"Given our rash of 'luck', or lack thereof, they should be fine."[/color] [color=orangered]"But what about the fayth? Won't we need their help?"[/color] [color=crimson]"Given that there are three fayths to protect this time--"[/color] [color=orangered]"THREE?!"[/color] Zell yelped. Auron nodded. [color=crimson]"Remiem Temple and the Magus Sisters. Three of the most powerful Aeons ever to grace Spira."[/color] [color=orangered]"And there's three of them?"[/color] [color=crimson]"Yes."[/color] [color=orangered]"Three of them."[/color] [color=crimson]"Yes?"[/color] [color=orangered]"[i]Three?[/i]"[/color] [color=crimson]"Yes!"[/color] Auron snapped. [color=crimson]"Now, in order to do our job, we need to cross that bridge."[/color] [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/oops.jpg[/img] Auron had barely taken one step when Zell gripped his ankle passionately, paling again. This caused Auron to trip and hit the ground hard. He brushed dirt from his coat and glared at Zell; the blonde was reminding him of another certain Al Bhed blonde. [color=orangered]"There's no [i]way[/i] I'm crossing that bridge!"[/color] [color=crimson]"Fine. There just stay here and watch the world be destroyed by the corrupted Aeons because you were too scared to cross a bridge."[/color] Zell whimpered and edged up to the start of the bridge, peering at the endless gap beneath them. [color=orangered]"I wonder how the guys are..."[/color] ~~~~~~~~~ OoC: If memory serves, the gap [i]does[/i] drop horrendously beneath Remiem Temple, but there is also a spiral Chocobo race platform directly beneath the Temple itself--the support pillars. I'm sure Cecil and Zidane will survive. ^_~ OoC2 EDIT: I just now added in that image--I can't help it, I just thought the image of Zidane and Cecil doing some sort of pop eyed double take and/or Zell gripping Auron's ankles was just funny! ^^;; Love you all, and forgive me! LOL! OoC ANOTHER EDIT: Drew another pic. Just realized that that one (the very first one) is incorrect. Auron, not Cecil, freaked at Zidane, so oops on my part. You have to admit, these look pretty funny, for only 15 minutes apiece. *grin* OOC YET ANOT--aw, forget it, heh: This is another quick doodle I did--this time during that famous scene in [url=http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/randj.jpg]"Romeo and Juliet"[/url], heh.
  9. Is that FF Legends or FF: Mystic Quest? I remember that in MQ, you had to fight four different bosses to get spheres to unlock doors in the final tower, but...clarification, please?
  10. Auron stayed by the tree, hanging back. He was lying. And he knew it. The Temples wouldn't have answers. After what he had seen in his younger days... Auron shook his head. Best not to dwell. He nonchalantly pushed his shades back up his nose bridge with his right hand. Tidus seemed to take this as a sign that said, "Tidus, please join me, I am bored to death." "Hey, old man!" "Hmph." Tidus rolled his eyes. "Cheerful and open as always," he laughed. "C'mon, what's wrong with you? Where's your sense of adventure?" "I offered you that back at Kilika's woods. The warp hole, in case you forgot?" "Well, yeah, but..." Tidus waved his hand at the large group. "I wouldn't have met these guys." Yuffie was teaching a nervous but giggling Rinoa the best way to flirt. Sephiroth and Sano had both pulled away in their own corners, ignoring everyone else. Zell, Zidane, and Vivi were all sharing a good laugh, and Tidus looked like he wanted to join that trio and laugh with them. "Go on," Auron verbally nudged him. Tidus was about to, then hung back, rubbing the back of his head. "Auron?" "Mmm?" "They aren't from Spira...are they?" "No." "Do you...do you think we can get them back home?" Auron eyed him quietly for a moment, then dropped his gaze. "Hey c'mon!" the blonde teen nagged, "you got answers, I know you do!" "No, I don't." "Yes, you do. And the sooner you speak up--" "What," Auron said with a short laugh, "are you actually attempting to threaten me?" He gripped his sword's handle. "No no no!" Tidus protested, waving his hands defensively in front of himself. "Good. Now [i]go.[/i] I have answers to think up." "Pfft. You never did make sense, you know." And Tidus ran back to Zell, Zidane, and Vivi.
  11. Cute? :twitch: Part of the reason I broke away into the Final Fantasy style. Aw well, this next one definitely is cute, so...^_^ [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/newmoon.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/newmoon.jpg[/url] Say hello to Newmoon, Aquamoon's baby. And yes, that is Aquamoon in the background. *happy smile* After this, I might drift into the woodland/mountain background again. I still need some practice on water.
  12. What actually impressed me the most in this image was the edging of each drawing--that black/white brush look. [i]Very[/i] nice. Erhm, how did you do that? :toothy: Also, the different color tones for each picture [i]really[/i] makes this one stand out. My favorite image would be the violet one, 2nd from the right. 9.7/1o.
  13. Shiny hair....oooo! She looks almost Arabic. Her eyes are pretty, and the outfit is nice and...*gush gush gush* 9/1o. I like how you used different colored ink for the outlines, instead of just black. *thumbs up*
  14. Total shot in the dark here: "The Great"? (If it is right, I'll edit later with question.)
  15. One thing's for sure--Zelda's been around for almost, what 15+ years now? If people can keep falling for the game of a fat plumber who jumps around a lot, then there will [i]always[/i] be a future for the Legend of Zelda. So speaks me. ^_~
  16. Shall I put up a question soon if Razzamataz does not? It's about FF5, not FFX, so that should be a relief for some of you. ^_~
  17. The battle system, by far, was the best part of both games. I especially liked the seperate animations for the stronger versions of each elemental spell you got. That's where the love for [i]Secret[/i] stopped for me, though. [i]Legend[/i] lasted a lot longer. The music is wonderful! My little brother has started playing this game, and I can sit for minutes on end just listening the background music (especially the opening theme--I'm such a sucker for fine instrumental music). The animation is nice, the monster raising system is fun, and so is growing all those different types of plants in your backyard. [i]Legend[/i] is very nonlinear, and is fun to play--but as a result, I got lost, bored, and even stuck! I had to quit because I no longer had any artifacts to place, nor could I find any to place. And the Mana Tree wasn't done growing, so the game wasn't done yet. I just might go back and play [i]Legend[/i] again. But [i]Secret[/i] just rubs me the wrong way.
  18. The Zebrahorn took about an hour (sketching and inking), and Brokehorn took about two, methinks. (I was watching my favorite show at the same time, so it's hard to gauge.) Cute, Mina! I think I saw that in the Digimon forum. =) I'm going now to make the Narhorn and maybe a dragon or gryffon. See y'all in a bit and thanks for your input! EDIT OK, this wasn't exactly what I had in mind for the Narhorn. [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/aquamoon.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/aquamoon.jpg[/url] She is actually more of a orca than a narwhal, for obvious reasons. *kind grin* Because D&D already took the name "Aquahorn" (and because Aquahorn could cover [i]several[/i] of the water unicorns I am making), this one ended up being named "Aquamoon". She's also pregnant. ^^; Don't ask me how [i]that[/i] happened. It's like I say about writing or drawing...one thing leads to another and it's written/drawn itself before I realize it. Her stomach is sticking out slightly, and I hope to draw her baby soon. Final thoughts: this drawing looks much better IRL. My scanner has been rather nasty as of late, and I don't care too much for how I drew the background cave. And you can't see the details I really like, like how her mane is floating in the water, but sticking to her neck out of the water. Ah well. ^_^ Comments?
  19. OoC: On to Remiem Temple and Zidane. After that, it is Baaj Temple and Rinoa, and after that it's...*sniffle, sob*...the [i]end[/i]. The end of Final Fantastic Survivor. (Or at least this part. Heh, gotta love overdramatic me. ^^) ~~~~~~~~~~ [color=teal]"That was relatively painless that time. I expected the Bahamut fayth to be more..."[/color] [color=crimson]"Trouble than that?"[/color] Cecil shrugged from his pilot's position. [color=teal]"Well, yeah."[/color] [color=orangered]"Hey, don't complain. At least nothing's gone wrong lately."[/color] They heard a muffled explosion, followed by a tremor that shook the entire airship. The control panel sprang to life, beeping and screeching like feeding time at the electronic zoo. Cecil glared at Zell, his furious countenance lit up by spazmatic flashes of neon light. [color=teal]"You just [i]had[/i] to say it, didn't you?"[/color] [color=orangered]"Um, Cec?"[/color] [color=teal]"WHAT?"[/color] [color=orangered]"Now would be a really good time to buckle up."[/color] So saying, Zell strapped himself into one of the other chairs. Auron was already gripping his chair in silence, his face unreadable. [color=teal]"I'm not going down without a fight!"[/color] Cecil hollered. He belted himself in firmly, then struggled with the controls. Before them, the gargantuan expanse of the grassy Calm Lands stretched before them, rimmed by the mountain range of Gagazet. Cecil desperately pulled the pilot's handles back, but the control panel only persisted in flashing and blipping. [color=teal]"BRACE FOR IMPACT!"[/color] Cecil screamed. "Oo wee oo!" Zell groaned. Something tickled his nose and he sneezed, sitting up. "Oh, good, you're awake!" [color=orangered]"Huh?"[/color] Zell rubbed his head, trying to remember what he had last been doing. He decided to concentrate on the present matter. A young lady stood over him, a large yellow Chocobo trilling happily behind her. "Hi, I'm Sameesha, and this is Trilla. Say hi, Trilla!" "Kweh!" "I used one of her feathers to bring you around." Sameesha giggled. "Looks like it worked." [color=orangered]"Yeah, thanks. Say, have you seen anyone else around?"[/color] "Lemme guess--you were the guys who flew a little too close to that fiend nest over Mt. Gagazet?" [color=orangered]"Was [i]that[/i] what happened?"[/color] "Here, climb on. I'll take you to the other guys." [color=teal]"Oh, thank...thank Sameesha,"[/color] Cecil say, trying to hide his concern. [color=teal]"I was beginning to think the next eviction would have been a snap to decide."[/color] [color=orangered]"Har har har."[/color] [color=crimson]"Cecil has a point. It would have made it less painful."[/color] Zell crossed his arms. [color=orangered]"Were you not even concerned about my safety, my [i]life[/i] at all?"[/color] Auron and Cecil traded glances. [color=crimson]"N[/color][color=teal]o,"[/color] they deadpanned together. [color=orangered]"Groan."[/color] "So what are you going to do about your airship? You can't just leave it there," Sameesha pointed out. [color=teal]"Right. We'll see if Cid can fix it. In the meantime..."[/color] Cecil just remembered their primary objective and groaned. [color=teal]"Auron, how far to the next Temple?"[/color] [color=crimson]"You actually have [i]some[/i] luck left. Remiem Temple is not far from here at all. We will just need to borrow some Chocobos. Ms. Sameesha, do you have two other birds?"[/color] "Actually, I only have one. I can let you borrow Trilla and my other one, Samose, for free...but I'm afraid those are the only two I have. You could try to catch some of the wild ones running around, but no one wants to disturb them. Part of the natural habitat, you know." [color=crimson]"Anotherwords, there is a law against catching them."[/color] "Pretty much." [color=orangered]"Great! One of us gets left behind!"[/color] Zell growled. "Oh no, not at all--Trilla could easily carry two of you, and Samose could carry three, if need be." Zell carried on like he hadn't heard her. [color=orangered]"Great! One of us has to share with someone else!"[/color] [color=teal]"So who's it going to be?"[/color] Auron was quiet until he saw Cecil staring at him. [color=crimson]"What are you looking at me for?"[/color] [color=teal]"Well, you always seem to have the answers in these situatons."[/color] [color=crimson]"Even if that were true, I don't have a solution here, other than to--"[/color] [color=orangered]"I don't [i]wanna[/i] share a Chocobo!"[/color]
  20. My thoughts speak that the [b]1/2 Magic is better[/b], and with reason. Because certain times (such as a Medallion) are cast with a certain portion of the green meter, reducing the cost is much more effective than providing extra magic. Example: Let us say the Meter is 1o units (it's not, just bear with me), and using the Quake Medallion costs you 5 units. This allows you to use Quake twice under normal circumstances. With an extended Magic Meter (2o vs. 1o), you could use Quake 4 times. [i]However[/i], reducing the cost by half (in this case, 5 into 2.5) allows you to use Quake four times [i]without[/i] an extended magic meter. With it gives you eight Quakes. See the wonderful difference? [b]Q:[/b] In [i]Link's Awakening[/i], items/treasures with wings were obtained by using what equipment? (easy easy question if you get what I am asking)
  21. [i]"You're here. Good."[/i] Auron, Cecil, Sephiroth, and Zell stood at the entrance to the fayth's room, eyeing the floating child fayth pensively. [i]"I know what you are thinking. Don't be afraid."[/i] [color=orangered]"Shows how much you know--[i]I'm[/i] not even thinking!"[/color] [color=purple]"Zell..."[/color] Zell plugged his fingers in his ears and loudly starting singing. [color=orangered]"La la la, la la la--"[/color] [color=teal]"Zell."[/color] [color=orangered]"--you can't tell what I'm thinking!"[/color] [color=crimson]"Zell!"[/color] [color=orangered]"Huh?"[/color] Zell blinked as Sephiroth yanked the blonde's fingers out of his ears. [color=purple]"Better to keep quiet and leave people wondering if you are stupid, than to open your mouth and prove it."[/color] [color=orangered]"Oh [i]yeah?[/i] Well...well..."[/color] Zell remembered back to Gold Saucer, where he had judged Seph as uncultured. The silver haired warrior was pulling the rug from beneath his feet now--playing pianos and quoting intelligent quotes. Zell did the best he could do to save face. [color=orangered]"Well, I know what you are but what am I?"[/color] (OK, so he wasn't all that graceful at saving face.) [color=teal]"[i]That[/i] was mature,"[/color] Cecil smirked. The child fayth laughed, clapping his hands. [i]"Are you always this funny?"[/i] Zell pointed to the fayth and smiled. [color=orangered]"Now see? [i]There's[/i] a person who knows what the good stuff is."[/color] Auron leaned over to the other two warriors. [color=crimson]"Never mind the fact that the kid's been stuck in this place for over 700 years now."[/color] Cecil chuckled and Sephiroth grinned. [i]"The important thing now is that you know about the Doppleganger. What do you plan to do to stop him?"[/i] [color=crimson]"We know that, of six forms, there is only one left."[/color] [color=teal]"That would leave him considerably weak. This would be his last ditch effort to claim an Aeon."[/color] [color=orangered]"And since yours is so strong, you really gotta be careful, ok, kid?"[/color] [i]"Of course."[/i] [i]"Don't listen to him!"[/i] The Survivors froze at the scene in front of them--there were now two child fayths floating above the Bamahut stone. Sephiroth groaned. [color=purple]"How did I know it would come down to this?"[/color] [i]"He is the Doppleganger! His ruse to learn your plan was a trap!"[/i] The first child fayth stared at the second. [i]"No, you are the Doppleganger. Why else would you only appear now?"[/i] [i]"Because your power is weak and you cannot hide me forever!"[/i] [color=orangered]"I'm getting a headache!"[/color] Zell groaned. [color=teal]"Easily solved. I'll just Peep and..."[/color] Cecil was quiet for a full minute. He frowned. [color=teal]"Let me try that again."[/color] And again, nothing for a full minute. Everyone attempted to Scan/Sense/Peep at both fayths. Auron frowned. There were several types of difficult fiends in Spira that could resist Scan, yielding no results. The fayths seemed to be able to do the same. [color=purple]"Time to come up with a backup plan."[/color] [color=crimson]"I agree. One of those is the real fayth and one is Doppleganger. The Aeon Bahamut is at stake here, and we cannot afford to choose wrong."[/color] Zell was fiddling with the small satin pouch hanging from his wrist. Was now the most urgent time to use it? What if a much more urgent time came up? He would have wasted it. [i]"Please help me!"[/i] [i]"Survivors, you must do something!"[/i]
  22. I've applied to Elfwood, which is a online community all about sharing and talking about art and fiction. I must have four original (re: non-fan) artworks, so here is my first two stabs at submissions. (I have a few other backups, so if these don't work out, it's ok.) First up is the Mountain Unicorn I call "Brokehorn". I started doodling a young deer, then gave it the three horns, and it suddenly morphed into a mountain creature. [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/unihorn.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/unihorn.jpg[/url] The other I've been laboring over all day, color wise, but it isn't working out, so here is the inked line version of the zebrahorn. [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/zebrahorn.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/zebrahorn.jpg[/url] What do you think?
  23. It's too early to make assumptions. Plus, that very last part--"You look just like him". That means either Riku or Sora is not in the trailer. I personally think that Sora is the odd one out, and Riku is the one talking on the shore. But that is just me. And King Mickey looked seriously freaked. I even paused it on his screen shot and...:twitch: Freaky. I might get to like Disney after this game.
  24. OoC: We could always say Ganger's not here and move on to Bevelle's Temple. Domon is waiting desperately to post. Plus Zeh is banned and AJeh didn't really show any signs of wanting to post again. Yeah, I'll move us on to the next temple already. *grin* ~~~~~~~ Zell poked Zack and and prodded Cloud. [b]"Hey!"[/b] [color=darkblue]"That [i]hurts![/i]"[/color] [color=orangered]"Peep Peep Peep!"[/color] Zell yelled in their faces. [color=orangered]"What do you think of that, Ganger, huh? Not so tough now, huh?!"[/color] Cloud snarled and stepped up to Zell, nose to nose, spikey blonde hair to spikey blonde hair. Zack threw a puzzled look at Cecil and Auron; the Paladin rubbed the back of his hair nervously and the Crimson Warrior put his head in his gloved hand, embarrassed. [color=darkblue]"What the hell's a Ganger?"[/color] [color=teal]"Someone we've been having problems with lately. He copies the forms of others, and he's trying to steal the Aeons--in this case, Shiva."[/color] Zell shoved Cloud's shoulder, waiting for a response. [color=darkblue]"Don't [i]touch[/i] me again."[/color] [color=orangered]"Ooo hooo hooo, the real Cloud would never say anything like that!"[/color] Zell danced around Cloud, feinting punches. [b]"Actually..."[/b] Zack started. [i]POW![/i] Zell was floored, rubbing his aching jaw. Cloud stood over him, his Mako eyes pulsing angrily. [b]"...he would,"[/b] Zack finished, shaking his head. [b]"[i]Cloud...[/i]"[/b] [color=darkblue]"He started it."[/color] Cloud yanked Zell to his feet and bellowed, [color=darkblue]"Do I [i]look[/i] like a monster to you?"[/color] [color=orangered]"Peep?"[/color] [color=darkblue]"What the hell are you trying to do?"[/color] Cloud hollered, getting seriously ticked off, as was his natural ability. [b]"He's checking to see if you are a monster,"[/b] Zack answered, amused. [color=teal]"The correct word in this world is 'fiend' and--"[/color] [color=darkblue]"I don't give a %@*%!"[/color] [b]"Cloud!"[/b] Zack tackled Cloud and dragged him backwards, Cecil and Auron tending to Zell. [color=orangered]"You see, you see? My Peep may not have worked, but I know that's gotta be Ganger! He's still out to get me from last time!"[/color] [color=crimson]"You used Peep?"[/color] [color=orangered]"Yeah?"[/color] Zell looked lost. [color=orangered]"Why?"[/color] [color=teal]"You dummy,"[/color] Cecil laughed kindly, [color=teal]"Peep is from my world. I believe yours is Sense."[/color] [color=orangered]"Oops."[/color] [color=crimson]"Here, let me Scan him."[/color] And Auron did. But nothing about Cloud's appearance changed. [color=crimson]"Well, he's clean. He's our Cloud."[/color] [color=darkblue]"Glad that's over,"[/color] Cloud growled. [color=darkblue]"Now would you just lea--"[/color] [color=orangered]"Zack!"[/color] [b]"Yes?"[/b] [color=orangered]"How could I be so blind? It's Zack and he's controlling Cloud 'cause he's really Ganger and--"[/color] [b]"What, you want to Peep me, too? Go ahead, I have nothing to hide."[/b] [color=darkblue]"You know what? No. You're not Scanning or Peeping or doing whatever to Zack. This is ridiculous--you waltz in here like you're some sort of hero and the first thing you do is accuse me of being a monster! GAWDS!"[/color] Meanwhile, unbeknowst to the Survivors, Ganger was slowly making his appearance, slithering up through the cracks of the icy temple. In the fayth room, the floating figure lifted her head, then did something that was thought impossible--she summoned herself. Cecil and Auron were holding Zell and Zack was wrestling Cloud back. The two blondes glared bloody rusty daggers at each other, just waiting for the chance to rip into each other. A single Guado guard watched them from his station, but didn't move. Ganger slipped along, then touched the Guado guard, possessing him in an instant. The guard gripped his spear, then narrowed his eyes. Zell first... [color=orangered]"...that thing you call hair and mop the [i]floor[/i] with it!"[/color] [color=darkblue]"You call that a tattoo? I've seen better scribbles on a playroom wall!"[/color] [color=orangered]"Let me at him--I'm gonna kill that sorry son of a--"[/color] The Guado Guard screamed in pain and toppled over. He had only been a foot away from them. Everyone stared in shock at the fallen guard. [color=teal]"Where did [i]he[/i] come from?"[/color] Auron looked back to the spot where he had saw the guard last and nodded. [color=crimson]"Looks like Ganger visited."[/color] [b]"But who attacked the gu--"[/b] The Hymn of the Fayth cut off all speaking as Shiva stepped mesmerizingly past them. She knelt down next to the Guard, keeping a safe distance. Four bulges of black rage pulsed out of the Guard--it was Ganger. [color=teal]"Now, boys,"[/color] Cecil intoned in a patient mother voice, [color=teal]"if you [i]really[/i] want to fight--"[/color] Zell was already tearing into one of the bulges and Cloud another. Shiva easily dispensed with the third, executing the same frigid roundhouse kick she had used on the guard. Ganger shrilled angrily--he was the only one left! And he was in no position or power to possess anyone at this point. Blurbling incomprehensively, he melted back into the floor. Shiva tossed her hair and glared at the two shamefaced blondes. [i]"Tis lucky I did not wait on you, for I would long have been possessed before it would cross your mind to defend my Temple."[/i] [color=teal]"Uh oh, someone's in troooouble,"[/color] Cecil whispered to Auron; Auron grinned. [color=crimson]"With an Aeon, no less. When those boys do it up..."[/color] He shook his head and chuckled lightly. [color=crimson]"If anything, she'll be able to do what we cannot."[/color] [b]"Shut them up with a pretty body?"[/b] [i]"I heard that."[/i] Auron threw a glare at Zack. [color=crimson]"[i]No,[/i] that's not what I meant. If they'll listen to anyone, it's those with the most power."[/color] [i]"Well spoken, but that still does not let you off the proverbial hook for failing to restrain or lead them."[/i] Auron's ears burned slightly and he bowed in humbled embarrassment toward Shiva. [color=teal]"Ooooo, someone got toooooold,"[/color] Cecil whispered again. Auron roughly yanked the Paladin into a clumsy bow of his own. The other three needed no bidding and bowed. [color=orangered]"Um, Ms. Goddess Shiva Aeon ma'am?"[/color] Zell lifted his head slightly and raised a hand, unsure as how to address the Aeon. [color=orangered]"Will the guard be ok?"[/color] [i]"Yes. In the meantime, I suggest you continue your quest. Ganger himself is not defeated, and if he should possess Bevelle's fayth..."[/i] Shiva shook her head. [i]"...you would be, as you so quaintly put it, screwed."[/i] [color=teal]"But I heard that Bevelle's Aeon is Bahamut, King of the Dragons. How could he possibly have a problem?"[/color] [color=crimson]"The fayth,"[/color] Auron rumbled, [color=crimson]"is a mere child. It would be only too easy for Ganger to overtake him."[/color] [color=orangered]"Then we better get going!"[/color] Shiva nodded, then strode back to her fayth room, pyreflies left flitting irridescently in her wake. [color=teal]"You'll watch over her here, won't you?"[/color] [b]"Of course!"[/b] [color=darkblue]"This ain't over, Zell. I'm gonna find you and really kick your ^@& one of these days."[/color] Zell gave Cloud the thumbs up. [color=orangered]"Looking forward to it."[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~ OoC: Wait, the winner has to choose the other winner. But...but...and...but...! *whine* Why can't Sage do it!? Meepers, heh. Anyways, on to Bevelle.
  25. Auron tensely reached for the tie around his length of hair, just to make sure Yuffie hadn't clipped that as well. It was still there. He just looked at Yuffie, comparing her to Rikku. Wondered if Rikku would have done the same. [i]"All right, Yunie, watch this--my new glove can--" *FOOM!* The nearby crate explodes into fiery chunks of wood. "--um...oops?"[/i] Auron cringed and shook the idea out of his head. Rikku and Yuffie would make for a dangerous combination.
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