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Everything posted by GinnyLyn

  1. Auron draped his gloved hand over his face, mentally groaning. [i]Farplane preserve me, she's another Rikku. I[/i] swear[i] they are trying to drive me to an early grave.[/i] "Hey Auron--" "Shut up," he snapped. He was still perturbed at Tidus not doing as he was told earlier. That plus the sudden appearance of these new people and that strange warp hole; his warrior sense was picking up, and it never lied to him before. Tidus pouted. "I was just going to say that that girl looked like Rikku." 'That girl', still hanging on 'Sephy', pouted herself. "Well, I'm Yuffie, not Rikku." "You sure look like her--you almost have the same outfit," Tidus protested. Yuffie just put her hands on her hips, then waggled a finger at Tidus. "Lemme guess, girlfriend? Tough beans, blondie, I'm [i]taken![/i]" she sang as she threw her arms around Sephiroth's neck. He blanched and his face reddened visibly. "I never said--!" "Denial is the most prominent sign of truth," Auron interrupted, with a grumbling chuckle. Sephiroth glared at him and Tidus laughed loudly. "Hey, if you don't want her, may I?" the monkey boy asked. "WHOA!" Yuffie shrieked. "TAIL!" Zidane twirled a dagger, then balanced it on his tail. "I'm quite...ambidextrious," he grinned and winked. "What's ambi...rex..dious?" Vivi asked nervously, readjusting his hat out of habit. "Ambidextrious. Means he can do many things," Rinoa answered. "But hitting on pretty girls...he can't do that. Not well, anyway." "But--!" Rinoa turned her nose up, and Yuffie, after grinning, did a comical copycat of Rinoa. Zidane looked put out. Auron watched Sano, who was taking no part in the exchange. He then turned to Tidus, who looked like he was becoming fast friends with both Zidane and Vivi. Rinoa and Yuffie were getting on well. The other warrior pulled off to one side, staring out over the ocean. Sano was facing inland. Auron wondered how such a motley crew came to be in Kilika...and whether it had any connection to the warp hole. ~~~~~ OoC: Ack! Too many in one place! Drowning in characters!
  2. "Hey!" Tidus yelled as he pulled himself out of the water. He shook himself like a dog, much to Yuffie's delight, and Sephiroth and Sano's displeasure. "Welcome to Kilika!" Sano averted his eyes, staring out over the ocean. Sephiroth simply looked at Tidus. The blonde shivered under the gaze of glowing green eyes, not realizing he reminded the silver haired warrior of someone else. "So what brings you here?" he asked, turning back to Yuffie. "Got me," she shrugged cheerfully. "But this place is great! Sun, ocean, sand--sorta reminds me of Wutai!" "Wu-wha?" Yuffie got wide eyed. "You mean you've never heard of Wutai?" "Can't say that I have," Sano interrupted. "Forgive me, but you seem to be lost, miss." "She's not," Sephiroth interjected, stepping between Sano and Yuffie, and glaring at Sano. "I know of Wutai as well. How do you know that [i]you[/i] are not lost?" "Two against two," Tidus answered, "though...I don't know you, buddy," he added to Sano. Elsewhere, Auron had just stepped out of the woods when he spotted an odd little group: a dark haired girl, a blonde kid, and a small boy, dressed like a large doll. They looked lost, and were about to head over to other foursome standing at the beach. "Might as well join the party," Auron said gruffly. He walked quickly, and was soon spotted by Rinoa, Zidane, and Vivi. "Hello," Rinoa said as she watched him approach. Her threesome waited for him to catch up; they were still a little ways from the other group. "Hello. I'm Auron. Who might you be?" Rinoa smiled prettily. "I am Rinoa. This is Zidane and Vivi." Zidane struck an arrogant pose, and Auron stifled a small gasp. The boy, at first resembling Tidus, now reminded him of an animal--he had a tail quivering behind him! Not normal for a human. Turning to the other one, Auron widened his eye--this one wasn't "normal" either. His large yellow eyes radiated curiosity at the Crimson Warrior, his outlandishly bright clothes only heightening his childish nature. "Heya," the monkey boy quipped, tossing a dagger in the air. "Hello," the small boy added shyly. "Auron!" Tidus called from the other group. Before anyone could say anything, Auron quickly cut in. "Shall we?" He motioned the three toward the group on the beach, trying to ignore the monkey tail and the yellow glowing eyes. ~~~~~~~ OoC: If no one objects, I'm just going to go ahead and play Tidus. ^^;
  3. The game is ok, but in my personal and honest opinion (which I am allowed to have ;)), it's not one of my favorites. What annoyed me the most was how the characters following you could easily get stuck in a corner while you were trying to fight an enemy. Or how you could only have 4 of each item, and the prices for them were abominal. And the computer taking care of your other two people? *shakes head* Not for me. (This is part of the reason Kingdom Hearts irritated me so. I understand the reason why, but it still bugged me.) Like I told Des on AIM last night, I prefer Legend to Secret, but I prefer several other games to either of these. That's just the way I am. :p
  4. I try not to make theories. I usually end up thinking that the game will follow this one storyline I make up for it, and it turns out to be something else completely and I get disappointed (the first Kingdom Hearts suffered that). I try to block out adver. on RPGs, but in FFX's case, I never knew about it till I got it on my B-day last year. Still getting excited about this one, though.
  5. The second version is much better. O my gosh...officially creeped out now. O_O;
  6. Well, I finally got it to behave, in a sense. It still glitches, but I just keep selecting the Save option and stepping out of it until it stops being glitchy. If that doesn't work, I reverse everyone's row position, then try. Once in a while, the Save option will behave. Most times, it will not. Ah well--LOVING this game right now! *grin* Just wish my Save option wasn't so frelling glitchy. >.>
  7. Ink blot test! *grin* All I actually see, really, is a giant whirlpool (or part of one), and the mist of a nearby waterfall pouring into it. Solid 1o. I'll be taking this for my pc's new background, thank you. ^_~
  8. Definitely. It's going too fast for me, and I'm a fast reader. O_o; Blink and you miss it! o_O; So is that what [i]Credo at Christmas[/i] is about?
  9. I just started on this game today, and was far too delighted at how well it was going. I had just recieved my first 5 or 6 job classes from the Wind Crystal and decided to save. That's when it happened. The screen looked very odd. At one point, it was almost totally blue. When I backed out of what I thought was the save screen (all blue, I couldn't tell), it showed my character menu again, but each character was in some bizarre outfit (Bartz was a Summoner, etc), and they all looked like they were about to die, or had already died. O_o I turned my game off, then turned it back on, and found that it hadn't saved my game at all! :bawl: When I tried again, I got the same queer screen, and gave up. This keeps happening at the save point inside the Wind Temple and again when I walk outside the Wind Temple. Help, please?
  10. Odd, I only got 71 Musics and 50 Movies. Can anyone else confirm?
  11. GinnyLyn


    You are a fantastic artist, but [i]please stop double posting![/i] It is against the rules, and if you get banned, it would be a shame.
  12. GinnyLyn


    *claps you in changes and hollers toward Chris* We got another peep for the Otaku Elite Club! Back to you now. Very WarCraftesque-ish. And you paid very careful attention to detail, for which I applaud you. Plus, seeing something non-anime is sorta a welcome breather for me. *is pummeled on all sides* HEY! I said a welcome breather! I didn't say I hated anime! :blackeye: :bawl: Solid 1o there. Do you do color? (A question I ask all my b/w peoples. ^^)
  13. And it's funny, because my Chili's has just started a new item called "Fried Cheese and Fries" for the kids' menus. Fat City. Gaw. And it's even funnier because, as it has already been said constantly, as long as people have a desire for the green stuff and a scapegoat to pin their problem on anyone but themselves, this'll keep happening. "Oh, I just have no free will because I wasn't hugged enough as a child, bawl bawl." Gimme a break. Maybe it's not the money so much as the notoriety they could claim. Hundreds of years from now, the law students will be studying [i]US Gov't vs McDonalds[/i], and shake their heads in wonder at the awful precedent it either set up or continued. People will do the stupidest things for fame, ill gotten or otherwise. On a similar theme, did you hear about the girl who's trying to sue her parents because she claims that, not only is she ugly, it's her parents' fault (genes at work) for being so. Yeah, [i]there's[/i] something you can control. :rolleyes:
  14. The black text is getting lost in all the dark colors. And I see some pixely white edges on the far right image. I like how you did the background--I seriously do. What I would personally do (this is just me, mind, I'm not saying you have to do it) is this: yank the two center images out, then put Sora on the left (as if he is walking off the banner edge) and Crim on the right (as if he is glaring at someone off-banner). This will give your central text more room, and, trust me, it'll make it easier to have the text color stand out more. Just a suggestion. ^____^ 7.9/1o.
  15. Mweh, we all see our own imperfections, even when no one else can. Gaw...I still gape, I still sit and am in awe. I want to know how to CGI like that--my stuff still looks very powerfully opaque. *is still looking to see how the feet are big* Kinda see it...sorta...mweh?
  16. You know, I have to agree with WW2 here. On the one hand, that sort of background helps your work to stand out. On the other hand, your style already does that, and the background is detracting from it. Could you trace or *cringe* redo (a hard thing to do--no two pictures are [i]ever[/i] alike) or make a new pic on plain white paper? I'd like to see the comparison, just to see if the background you have now really does take away or if I'm just being picky. :p Keep it coming--I :love: your inspiring work!
  17. I seriously like the message in there. Can you animate it? Or put a mouse arrow icon in there somewhere? Those are my only suggestions. 9.7/1o.
  18. GinnyLyn

    Yami Yugi

    I'm not terribly familiar with YuGiOh! anymore, so I'm not sure as to the details. One thing I did notice is that his mouth looks...well...not disproportional so much as it's not in the right place. But besides that, it's clean, well drawn, and crying out for color. :bluesweat I always say that last part, heh. 8/1o.
  19. First off, I'd like to thank Nadou for finding this trailer. Anyways, gawk over it (I haven't had a chance to, my sound system has been crap the last few days, not to mention my Net connection has been going down from 12pm to 8pm everyday. *looks sore*). [URL=http://www.gametrailers.com/gt_vault/t_kh2_deepdive.html]Kingdom Hearts 2: Deep Dive[/URL]
  20. This is an odd little platformer I never really heard of. One of my little brother's friends left it with us, because he didn't want it, or didn't have a PS2, or some such stuff. What really intrigued me at first was the anime cutscenes they threw in--though I really wish there were a few more. Maybe there will be when I choose one of the other three paths in the game. The main character is unusally rude, though, and the gameplay itself...mweh. Confusing during battles and too easy elswhere. I haven't beaten it yet, since I just started it a few hours ago (facing off with Kuris or whatever her name is while holding the Crystal Egg), and I doubt this will be a very long game. Anyways, thoughts, ideas, wondering what the heck I'm blabbering about?
  21. Well, everyone already knows about [b]FF:X-2[/b] hitting the USA this Nov.-Dec. But there are a few others I've heard about and am ready to get. [b]JakII:[/b] Just saw a commercial for this one on the tv, slotted for Oct. 14. The shots reminded me more of Ratchet and Clank than it did Jak&Daxter. There's an official site [url]www.jakii.com[/url] (sp?), but I haven't looked at it yet. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=26780]Mei's Short Thread on It[/URL] [b]Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando:[/b] Another sequel game, same gaming company. I didn't get the date on this one (coming soon), but it seems to boast of bigger and better guns, including a leveling up system for the weapons. O_o; Have you heard of any upcoming Sony/PS2/PSX games that you are excited about?
  22. [quote][b][color=red]draKehho:[/color][/b] BWA HA HA HA! [b][color=blue]ZeroFeather:[/color][/b] :o [b][color=red]draKehho:[/color][/b] oh my flipping holiness and ALL! [b][color=blue]ZeroFeather:[/color][/b] MEHHHH!!! [b][color=red]draKehho:[/color][/b] Oh my gosh...oh sweetheart, you got a flipping frelling gift there![/quote] And that's all I have to say about it. *dies laughing*
  23. [color=crimson]"Your Peep, his Sense, my Scan...Scan!"[/color] And in Auron's mind's eye, he scanned over Ixion...and saw that Cecil was right. The Aeon's outer skin seemed to melt off partially under this new insight--at least, for Auron, but he guessed Peep, Sense, and Scan would have the same effect for all of them. Ixion's form grew transparent and he could see one of the Dopplegangers crouched inside. [color=teal]"Do you see it, Auron?"[/color] [color=crimson]"Yes I do."[/color] [color=teal]"Are you calmed down now?"[/color] [color=crimson]"Yes I am."[/color] [color=teal]"Would you like first crack?"[/color] [color=crimson]"Yes I would."[/color] Auron hoisted the Masamune on his shoulder and ran at the fake Ixion. [color=crimson]"Farewell."[/color] Grasping the handle with both hands, he slashed downward, cleaving the Doppleganger in half instantly. Before its blood could stain the Temple floor too much, pyreflies flitted upward and outward, tranforming its physical body into a spiritual one and carrying pieces of it elsewhere. [color=orangered]"Hey, he said you could have first crack, not completely kill it!"[/color] Freya lashed her long tail in agreement. [color=crimson]"Hmph."[/color] Auron pushed his shades up his nose. [color=crimson]"We've still got five more to worry about, the leader especially. There's going to be plenty of time to fight."[/color] [color=teal]"Besides, that one was already hurt pretty bad by lightning,"[/color] Cecil offered comfortingly. Zell just sulked, Freya grimaced, and Auron shot him a look. Talk about insulting warrior pride. [color=red]"C'mon, we better stop the Gangers before they get away."[/color] ~EDIT~ OoC: Adding on, bringing this back up. BB, where are you?!? ~~~~~~~~~ The lead Ganger snarled. It could tell when it lost one of its copies. That one had been a weakling as it was, but still...Ganger could not afford to lose anymore. Corrupting the Fayths was zapping his energy already as it was. His other four copies stood around the statue of the Ixion fayth with him, glowing with white blue light and looking like strange, half human, half Ixion creatures--fauns or satyrs, other cultures would call them. Ganger sunk his mutated, overly long claws into the statue; above him, the floating fayth groaned and gripped his stomach, hurting. Around Ganger, the other four copies began to grow minature golden horns in the middle of their foreheads, the tips crimson, as if in ominous reference to the blood they would be spilling soon. [color=orangered]"There was a party going on and I wasn't invited?"[/color] Zell yelled mockingly as he and the others burst into the Fayth's room. [color=orangered]"Well, guess what?"[/color] He crouched, his fists balling up. [color=orangered]"Party's [i]over[/i]."[/color] Freya twirled her staff. [color=red]"Corny, but effect. We have their attention."[/color] The four small satyr Gangers faced them, growling. Auron steadied his blade on his shoulder, and Cecil slid his sword out of its sheath. [color=teal]"Let's dance."[/color] Auron coughed, stifling his chuckle, and Cecil glared. [color=teal]"Fine, what would you have said?"[/color] [color=crimson]"Some can't [i]wait[/i] to die!"[/color] Freya bit her lower lip, her own laughter threatening to spill out. [color=red]"I choose to remain silent. You three are too much."[/color] "You gonna fight any time soon?" The four Survivors glared at Ganger and returned to their battle stances. Each of the smaller Gangers crossed their arms, their horns each glowing a different color. One after the other, they slashed their horns downward, and the colors shot toward the heroes. The first one had been sickly green, and as such, poisoned everyone. This was followed by the next one shooting a pale yellow, which enveloped Zell. [color=orangered]"Hey, not fair!"[/color] he cried out in shock. [color=orangered]"Ugh...I don't feel so good...poison...ugh..."[/color] His brain was muddled, and around him, the images of the Gangers and his friends got confused. [color=teal]"Zell doesn't look so good,"[/color] Cecil remarked, who looked rather sick himself. [color=teal]"I'll just pull this Antidote out and--"[/color] The third Ganger had shot his ugly grey pulse of light at Cecil, instantly petrifying the unfortunate knight; the Antidote Cecil had pulled shattered on the ground, some splashing on Zell. This was followed up by Zell confusing Cecil for a Ganger, punching the stone knight and shattering him on contact. Auron roared, somewhat worried the fight wasn't going well. Preparing to attack the nearest Ganger, he lunged forward and his world was plunged into total darkness. Auron had been blinded by the Ganger with the black light. Freya's tail twitched; this was [i]definitely[/i] not going well. Using an Antidote on herself, she checked her armor and was pleased to find she had put the Distract ability on before she left. [color=red]"Hey!"[/color] she called to the Gangers, [color=red]"Over here!"[/color] They pulsed their horns against, but this time, Freya put her AutoFloat into effect and neatly sprang above their attacks. Using the height boost, she sprang into the air and leapt back down, digging her spear deep into the chest of one of the Gangers. It toppled backwards, its ugly grey light dying out. The body exploded into a mass of pyreflies. "Don't let them stop me now!" the lead Ganger cried. "Stall them a little while longer!" The remaining three Gangers were getting bigger now, the horns larger, and a large fluff of horse tails hanging from their backsides. Freya jumped back with the rest of her group and was shocked by Zell punching her. [color=red]"Auron, do something!"[/color] [color=crimson]"But I can't see!"[/color] he protested. [color=orangered]"Use Eyedrops, dummy!"[/color] Zell hollered to the Auron image swirling around him. One of the Gangers appeared to his left, and Zell swung out. [color=crimson]"[i]Nnnhhh![/i] Dammit, Zell-!"[/color] Auron's rage, plus the Masamune's ability to counterattack any physical attack, came into play and he swung at the blonde fiercely. The only thing that kept Zell alive was Auron still being blind. The Crimson Warrior fumbled in his sleeve for Eyedrops and pulled out a smooth bottle. [color=crimson]"Better be it..."[/color] He opened the bottle but dropped it as Zell hit him again. The contents were not Eyedrops, but rather, a Phoenix Down; amazingly, they splattered all over the stone shards of Cecil's remains. The shards fused together, leaving behind a weakened but relieved Cecil. He took everything in at one glance. [color=teal]"What the [i]hell[/i] is going on?!"[/color] [color=red]"Cecil, use a Remedy on Zell. I'll get Auron the Eyedrops!"[/color] Both acted quickly; Zell and Auron stood still for a moment, one blinking all the swirling images from his head, the other blinking darkness away. The Gangers charged before anyone else could act. One was unfortunate enough to slash into Auron, who retaliated in strong kind. The Ganger toppled backwards, still alive but sorely wounded. The lead Ganger snarled. "Time to go." [color=red]"Oh no you don't!"[/color] Freya cried, going into Trance. She leapt into the air again, then rained down a lethal shower of spears on the group. It pinned the three remaining Gangers down, and left a thick shaft in the shoulder of the lead Ganger. [color=crimson]"Pitiful!"[/color] Auron bellowed at the enemy. He sprang into the air like Freya did, but leaned hard on the hilt; he fiercely slammed the sword point down into the ground, and the Gangers were enveloped with fire. [color=orangered]"Allow me!"[/color] Zell bounced forward and socked the weakest Ganger; it snarled and died. "Nooo!" The lead Ganger pulled out of the fayth's statue. "Retreat, retreat!" [color=teal]"Like hell you will!"[/color] Cecil charged forward to sheath his sword in the lead Ganger's head, but it was too late. The Ganger and his two weakened doubles melted into the stones. [color=teal]"DAMmit!"[/color] [i]"What is wrong?"[/i] [color=teal]"Who said that? Oh, it's you, sir."[/color] Cecil nodded politely to the Ixion fayth. [color=teal]"You'll forgive me, sir, but being stone for the majority of a battle and not getting a hit in is rather...well..."[/color] [i]"Unfulfilling? Yes, I know. I was that way too when I was in the Sin battles. At least let me heal you and give you this in thanks for saving me."[/i] The fayth extended his arms and healed everyone, then pulled a small velvet satchel from a pouch at his side. [color=orangered]"What is it?"[/color] Zell asked. [i]"Don't open it until your need is the greatest."[/i] [color=orangered]"That doesn't tell us anything,"[/color] Zell sulked. The fayth had already disappeared, though. [color=red]"I shall remain here, in case the Ganger should return,"[/color] Freya promised. [color=red]"But if what you say is true, it would be best for you to move on to Macalania, and soon."[/color] She waved farewell as the three Survivors trekked onward, Zell swinging the small satchel on one finger and whistling. ~~~~~ OoC: There we go--on to the next Temple! And no, I don't know what's in the satchel. I'm leaving it open ended for y'all. :D
  24. Flat Color (no details or highlight/shadows yet), Take 1 [img]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/berserkercolor.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/elementis/berserkercolor.jpg[/url] Freaky, I know. O_o; I didn't really realize how rainbow colored Berserker Auron came out. o_O; The most difficult part for me to handle right now is the Behemoth King mane. It looks really frelled up and I'm going to have a lot of work ahead of me making that look like hair. There is also going to be plenty of fur and scale details all over this image, so it looks incredibly flat right now. So, laugh, wonder what I'm smoking, offer suggestions, burn something. :p It'll take a few days for the final version (thank the Lord I have vacation next week!).
  25. "Tidus," Auron started again. The blonde teen smirked at him and did a neat backflip off the pier and into the ocean again. "Tidus..." Auron said, his voice carrying a warning tone. "Ooo, look, people!" Tidus pointed to a few strangely dressed figures down aways on the beach. "[i]Dammit[/i], Tidus!" (Auron was, uncharacteristically, losing his temper.) "Sheesh, temper, temper, old man. I'm going to check those people (especially that cute girl) out." Auron closed his good eye, seeking some deep reserve of patience. Then he turned around and stalked off toward the forest. "That's right," Tidus called, "if anything happens, just come get me." Auron turned to see if Tidus was coming, but the teen was already halfway to the others. [i]Serve him right if something happened and, Farplane forbid, he'd feel guilty,[/i] he mentally snapped sarcastically. The forest threw down dappled splotches of sunlight against the green grass as Auron walked along the dirt path. The warp hole was still there, pulsing quietly; it was about the size of a beach ball. He looked at it for a moment; irridescent pyreflies were hovering around it, wailing softly, dirgelike. Beyond them, toward the inside of the hole, there were streaks of dark blue and white. Auron tentatively put his gloved hand through the warp. It was incredibly cold inside the warp, a sharp contrast to Kilika's tropical climate. Auron pulled his hand out again, intrigued to find snowflakes melting on his glove. "Harmless. Still, the people of Kilika might want to know about it, so no one goes missing." ~~~~~~ OoC: Now that I have a chance to retype my post, I realize that it's OoC with everyone else's. Beh. Ah well. May I play Tidus, too? I was really looking forward to having Tidus' comical edge playing off of Auron's serious nature. If not, y'all can just write Tidus out for me. ^^;
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