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Everything posted by GinnyLyn

  1. The small group gathered: Ryu and Ragear, Siren and Tann, and a weary Silva. Ryu laid her down gently on the ground, where she promptly burst into tears. "Wha--?!" Ryu backed away, totally startled. "Leave her alone," Siren advised. "But why?" "Emotional overload," Tann hissed sibilantly. "What have you got to be upset about?" Ryu asked the tearful Silva. "I--I--I--" Silva hiccuped as more tears coursed down her cheeks. Ryu grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her gently. Her eyes turned to him in an instant, alight with some fiery rage. "...uh oh..." She promptly punched him in the stomach, then sagged on the ground again. Ryu, winded, gasped for breath. "Sorry..." Ragear giggled. Tann smiled knowingly. Now that the intial scare was over, Silva could regather her thoughts. "I was about to die, possibly be some awful goblin's wife, already gone through massive heights, claustrophobia, losing Shiva, and you try to tell me there's [i]nothing to be upset about?![/i]" Ryu merely gasped in reply. Silva instantly felt guilty. "I'm sorry Ryu, it's just that so much has happened over a short period of time. Most of all, I just want Shiva back..." One last tear traveled down her cheek, dripping onto her crystal tear pendant. There was a loud [i]whoosh![/i], then a [i]thump![/i], and a familiar face poked into the group. "SHIVA!" Silva cried joyfully. "Yes, my little Silvie, and look what I found." She carefully deposited a small silver dragon at their feet. "Whoa, is that...Kam?"
  2. There is another reason, but you needn't worry, for registration opens again tomorrow.
  3. Ignoring the pain in her foot, Silva leapt back, drawing her dagger as she jumped. Holding it by the blade, she flung it at the voices in the dark. "DER!...boss, I hurt!" "Dummy!" The other voice drew close to Silva and she felt a clammy hand slap her face. Lugging Ryu's heavy sword, she swung out, only to feel the voice tug on the sword, stronger than her. "No blades for humans!" "RYU!" He lay still, not making a sound. Silva tugged desperately at the sword, losing her grasp. "RRRArrrrhhh!" Ragear lunged out and bit the meaner voice on the butt. "OWW--why you little--!" The voice tore the sword from Silva's grasp, and she felt sick as she heard it whistle through the air, then hit Ragear. The dragon shrieked, and spat fire. The fire hit the goblin, setting his greasy hair alight. He dropped the sword and ran about frantically, trying to put it out. Silva, now able to see, pulled the sword back toward her, and took stock of the situation. The second voice was the "Der" goblin, who now had Silva's dagger sunk deep in his throat. Ragear was limping, a wetness spreading on his small chest. Ryu was out cold. Then Silva noticed someone else was with them--two someone elses. They hid in the stagamite shadows, watching from a distance. Silva recognized them as the girl Riven and the dragon Kam. "Help us!" Silva called. The goblin looking for whoever she was calling to, but saw no one. Snarling, he yanked the dagger from his dead friend's throat, then back hand slapped Silva hard against the cave wall. He pressed one clammy hand against her throat, and pointed the dagger just above his grip. "Whoever else out there better show themselves. I kill if you not!" "Ryu...." Silva whispered pleadingly. Ragear sat up to charge the golbin, but was knocked back with a kick. The dragon whimpered painfully. Totally afraid, Silva cried out. "HELP!" Riven and Kam heard it clearly. As did Shiva.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cecil [/i] [B]That's what I thought, but how do you get an earing while you are sleeping for 7 years? [/B][/QUOTE] Good point. Hmmm.....PLOT HOLE! heh And if I am correct, doesn't he have an earring in both ears in Zelda 64? *shrieks* >.< He doesn't NEED earrings!--unless they are trying to make the chara non-gender specific, but we all know Link's really a guy and... *keeps muttering as she is hauled off to the Insane Asylum*
  5. *jumps kuja and beats him into the ground* You brought it on yourself! Real Kuja: I did, eh? What a waste of a clone! :flaming: Get back here!!! *chases him with Mod Rod set to "Spontaneous Combustion*
  6. "Almost...there..." Ryu gasped as he strove to reach the final rock. His arms burned painfully, and he knew he'd give anything just to stop climbing, even if it meant letting go. "Um, Ryu...? "Wha...at?" "What's that noise?" There was a slight hissing noise, and then a click. A few smaller rocks clattered down the steep slope, echoing as they fell. Silva's stomach dropped to her feet as she re-realized how high they were. [i]If we fell--[/i] Then suddenly, they did. Or that's what it seemed like. The rock face Ryu clutched crumpled inward, taking the three with it. The trio screamed as they tumbled into semi-darkness. Ryu tried to fling his hands out to grab an edge to grip, but he and the others kept sliding. Up and behind them, the entrance caved in, leaving no sign of where they had been. The other Dragonas flew overhead, seeing nothing but several Bandicoots and the still-tied up Shiva. "That's odd..." Beneath the earth, Silva gave vent to a piercing shriek, stifled only by Ryu's hand. "Shh, Shh SHH, shh, no more, you might start another cave in." Silva whimpered under his hand, her wide eyes fearful. Ryu blinked in the darkness. "What's wrong?" "'ilvee scare?" Pushing away Ryu's hand, Silva scowled--not that anyone could see it. "Of course I am!" "Why?" "You have [i]your[/i] dragon, but Shiva's still tied up somewhere. We're stuck underground, and I'm...." Her voice tapered off. "...claustrophobic." Ryu had to stifle a laugh. Ragear reached out to pat Silva's hand. She jumped when she felt the claws, but relaxed as she noticed it was Ragear. "S'okay, 'Ilvee, we take care oo." Silva felt better...until she heard the clicking noise. "Uh, are there clicking creatures down here?" "....new places..." The two voices floated back to them. Ryu shushed Silva and Ragear into silence. "....linking is...." Silva heard the scrape of metal as Ryu drew his sword, waiting as the voices got closer.
  7. "HEY!" Silva ran past Ryu up to the sagging Kam. "Are you...?" Kam shot past her and climbed up on Riven's shoulder, hissing and clicking in a fierce manner. "[i]Ryu![/i]" Silva yelled at the boy. "That's no way to treat visitors!" "But I thought--" "No, you did not," Riven replied calmly. "Let us go, Kam." Kam clicked meanly in agreement. "Way to go, genius." "What, what did I do?" "That was obviously a Dragonial pair--" "A [i]wha?[/i] Oh, you mean Dragona pair." "Yeah, whatever, but we need to quit being so mean to them." "We? [i]WE?!?[/i] I didn't do nothing, just trying to protect..." His words trailed off in a hot blooded mutter." "Who were you trying to protect?" "Me!" Ragear flopped over, groaning. "Rooie siwwy...." "Whatever, hotshot, just no more flinging dragons into trees. You never know when you might get flung yourself. Now, let's..." She grunted as she tried to climb the cliff back to where they were before they fell. "try to...get back...up to Shiva...She might need...our help..." Ryu shrugged, and turned away. Ragear stared up the cliff, then started after Silva. "Hey!" Ryu shouted. "You're MY dragon, you're not supposed to...ah geez..." With a sigh, Ryu climbed after them.
  8. Going back to the Building riddle, the answer is the shadow. What famous Christmas song is represented by this statement? ABCDEFGHIJKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
  9. [COLOR=chocolate]OK, [i]why[/i] did you post that in this topic and the other FF7 one? If you don't care for FF7 so much...*trails off, muttering* Don't dis Sephiroth. He's more than just some evil guy with a huge sword and a trenchcoat. He's got some kind of past that encourages us as players to invent, regardless of whether we are right or not. And if I recall correctly, Seph did "die", but he wasn't totally dead--he was "caught" in that enormous chunk of (o dear, help me here, Admin. Seph) either Mako or Lifestream--or are they the same? I forgot. I could go on forever about all this, but I won't. And I bet you could make a similar argument in favor of FF8, but that won't make me like FF8 anymore than you like Sephiroth, so....:drunk: BTW-JENOVA is a female. :p [/COLOR]
  10. GinnyLyn

    FFVII remake

    [COLOR=chocolate]Well, thank goodness for FF9 then, 'cause the main character doesn't have some freaked out past that he should be sorting out in a psychiatric's office rather than the battle field. ^_^ The worst problem he has is a monkey tail and a crush on a girl that can practically summon apocalyptic creatures, that's all, sheesh! :D I tried, I mean I [i]tried[/i] ever so hard to maintain interest in FF8, but it just never seemed to click for me. My buddy says it is because FF8 is more a love story than anything else. And now that I know the ending...>.
  11. Shiva wove between clouds in the still night, the moon shining the edges. Silva noticed none of this, but pondered rather over the day's and night's events. "Silva." "Hmm?" "I thought you promised not to laugh at any more Dragonial Warriors." "I didn't!" "Then why did you laugh at Wind?" "I didn't, I...I..." Silva was at a loss for words. She didn't know why she laughed. "I see." The pair flew on for a few minutes in silence. "Shiva?" "Yes, little one?" "Are you...are you mad at me?" If Shiva had eyebrows, she would have raised them. As it was, her ear tufts pricked up. "Now why would I be mad at you?" Silva sighed heavily. "Forget it..." "I have a feeling this may have to do with what all happened today." "Well, yes!" the girl blurted out. "There was the guy and Ragear, the red cloaked guy with the Cale dragon, then we bumped into that other girl that dropped the eggs and [i]her[/i] dragon, not to mention that other person and dragon..." Shiva felt Silva's grip tighten. "Shiva, what's going on?" "I know not, my dear. But there is obviously something wrong. Shall we return home?" Silva imagined the picturesque water garden lit by the moonlight, then yawned. "I suppose so, I need sleep." "As do I." Silva did not respond. Shiva noticed that the girl was already asleep. The Draaqua gently dived toward the ground, unaware of the presence behind them. It...they?...hid behind the clouds a moment longer, watching where the dragon landed, then slipped toward the earth, taking to the shadows.
  12. ??? Envelope the letter "h"
  13. Cera's: Shoes SS Trunks': Air Pikeon: Man
  14. OK, I'm warning y'all! I just watched "Shrek", so this may seem sorta Shrek-ish. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ryu pushed the ragged curtain to one side. "Welcome to my place!" Silva peered at the humble dwelling, marked in several places with burns. Ragear grinned toothily, and Ryu shrugged apologetically. "We didn't know he was allergic to wool." Silva felt Shiva nudge her in from behind, and the girl did so, rather grudgingly. "So...uh..." "Ryu." "Ryu, where do I rest?" "Over there." He waved his hand toward a pile of bags, some filled with feathers, others with leaves. "But first..." He yanked a feather filled bag away, and then smiled. "There you go." "Uh huh...." She stared in disbelief. "Where do you sleep?" Ryu leaned against the wall, Ragear scrabbling next to him. The two shared the feather bag, and used each other as pillows as well. "Well, normally where you are, but seeing how we have company..." Inwardly, Silva flinched. He was being so nice about all this. "I...I can't." "'yy?" "I-I, I just can't take your spot." Ryu shrugged indifferently. "Don't worry about it. We've done worse on some of our rounds." "Some of your...rounds?" "O yes! We go 'n' fo'ev'r bowwow stuff!" "Forever....borrow?" Shiva stuck her large head through the curtain door. "You mean you steal?" Ryu felt an odd sensation clamped down on his stomach. "Yeah, [i]steal[/i]. What's wrong with that?" "Only everything," Silva shot back. "Why?" "It just isn't right!" "Oh come on! It's not like they needed any of it! These rich types are always better off than me and Ragear--we barely get through each day!" "Rich types, huh?" "Silva, don't--" Silva had jumped up and stalked about the room. She saw it in almost an instant, then reached out and grabbed it--a tear drop crystal necklace. "Oh geez," Ryu muttered under his breath. "Deese..." Ragear echoed. "This..." the girl nearly shouted, waving the necklace at them, "is MINE! I was very upset when it went missing. If I had known you two had stolen it--" "Oh c'mon, it's just a necklace, you had dozens others, much better looking anyhow, what's so great about that one?" Silva turned on him. "This necklace was given to me by my mother--before she..." She broke off and looked at the ground. "I think it is time for us to go," Shiva murmured. "Yes," Silva said stiffly, "we should go." She threw the feather bags in her hands down to the floor roughly, then stalked out. The curtain door was jerked aside, but fell back gently. "Ooie skew up?" "Big time, buddy." ------------------------------------ Silva was so angry she hardly noticed when she bumped into the girl. Startled, the girl stared back.
  15. "H-h-hey!" Ryu stuttered as he jogged behind Silva. She turned on him in an instant, the stained knife still in her hand. Ragear backed away, eyes wide. "Tharp!" "Yeah, so if you wouldn't mind pointing that thing somewhere else...." Silva stared hard at him. "...please?" "Shiva," the girl said, holding the dagger up. The Draaqua complied by spitting water on the dagger. In a moment, it was clean. Silva put the dagger away, then turned on the two boys. "Is there something you wished to ask of me?" "'url b'ave!" Silva blinked. "Excuse me?" "The little one," Shiva intoned, "said that you are brave." Silva tossed her hair. "Not brave. Just smart. That's not the first idiot I've had to deal with." "Um, we aren't idiots, are we?" Silva looked at Ryu, as if studying him. She then beckoned to Shiva, and climbed on her back. The wingless dragon began to gain height, flying as if she were swimming. "Hey!" Ryu called as he looked up at the retreating figures, "I'm Ryu! Nice to meet you!" "That's nice," the girl yelled back, "but I doubt we shall meet again. Fare thee well, little creature!" "Bye bye, pwettie 'url!" Shiva permitted herself a small smile. Ryu stared hard into the sky, long after they disappeared. Then he turned to Ragear. "Nice, isn't she?" "S'ees pwettie." "Yeah...." Ryu was lost in thought, then he blinked and scowled. "Hey! She only said good bye to you! What's up with that?! Does she not like me or something?" "Wy not? I like 'url. And Rooie. And [i]food[/i]..." Ryu laughed. "Ok, you little glutton, let's get back to business. Now where were we before the girl showed up....?" ********************** "Silva?" "Hmmm?" "Little one, what are you thinking?" "About that man back there--with the Cale dragon. You don't think he was one of us, do you?" "What about the other one?" "What?" "The boy and Ragear." "You mean that red lizard thing is supposed to be a dragon?" "Silva," the Draaqua's voice held a tone of a mother's reprimand, "why are you so judgmental today? Of course the small one named Ragear is a dragon." "I'm sorry, Shiva, it's just that the call of the Dragonial has kept me up and I'm afraid I've been cranky ever since." "Apology accepted, but the next Dragonial Warrior we meet, you will be more like yourself again, correct?" Silva smiled. "Ok, that sounds fair." They had totally forgotten about the other girl and her dragon. It was the farthest thing from either one's mind. Shiva just wanted to get Silva home to get her rested. And thus did they spend the rest of their night.
  16. *sets Mod Rod to "Molten Lava", hits Kuja, notices it has no effect, tries something else with no effect, then whacks out, sets Mod Rod to "Painful" and whacks Kuja several times with it* Leave Sephiroth alone--he's supposed to be a tragic villian! Ya know, the whole "I was given life to be something I never chose to be" etc. bit, so.... ...leave Seph alone! Or face my wrath! :devil: Kuja: COOL! -_- no no no, you're supposed to be screaming in agony Kuja: Sweet! :cross: ergh....
  17. Just post your chara's name/description, and your dragon, too. And DW, I hope you have someone lined up for the Cale dragon duo? Else he can't really be a Dragonial Warrior, can he? ;) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Ready Ragear?" "'Eddy!" The red dragon grinned toothily and shot a fireball at the man. The Cale dragon smacked the sphere away with its tail, then lunged at Silva. With the scream of a whale, Shiva slammed against the Cale dragon, dodging the venomous fangs and claws as she struck. She took to the sky, the Cale dragon just behind her. "Boy, hey BOY!" shouted the man. "Stick your snotty nose in someone else's $%#@ business!" "Nobody, and I mean [i]nobody[/i] gets away with calling me boy!" the younger one shouted back. Silva watched, wide-eyed, as he tackled the older one. A large shadow hovered over her and she was terrified to see the Cale dragon streaking toward her. [i]Shiva, where did you go?!?[/i] In the blink of an eye, the red dragon, Ragear, bounced past her and collided with the Cale dragon, head butting him just below the jaw. Furious, the larger one snapped his tail against Ragear's back...
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]i do believe the answer is indeed River.... good job Ginny-chan :) [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=chocolate]Coolies! My first time to be called "-chan" (erhm, whatever that means :blush: ). And I know the answer to Cera's, but I won't tell just yet. *peers under bed at the all the doubles, wiggles their tongues, pokes their eyes, smacks their souls* Anybody get what I'm trying to say here? (besides that I am weird/crazy/evil--I [i]knew[/i] that already! :naughty: )[/COLOR]
  19. Naw, I'd prefer that people don't have to worry about having prior knowledge to "play". OK, let's see the Dragonial story unfold! :) Name: Silva Peridine Element: Water Dragon's Name: Shiva Dragon's Element: Ice Weapon: bow and arrows Age: 18 Personality: No one knows why she is rich, or why she takes up with the other Dragonials. Kind and sweet, she has a hidden temper that is explosive when exposed. Hair: Reddish brown, wavy Eye Color: Blue Clothes: Simple white tunic, silver bracelets, a necklace with a tear drop crystal pendant. Elegant looking
  20. Naw, just post your stats in your first post. It's a kind of first come, first serve RPG. And for those of you who remember the last Dragonial, this is before rich girl Silva's house--rather, mansion, was destroyed. --------------------------------------------------------------------- She had been fast asleep. It made sense, the moon was high, the night dark. Next to her, Shiva moved a little. Silva sat up in her silken sheets, and glanced at the Draaqua, Aqua Dragon, in the moonlight. "Shiva?" The whisper carried through the room. Shiva's left ear tuft wriggled, then laid still. One eye opened, glinting aquamarine. "Yes child, what is it?" "Did you...feel something?" The Draaqua raised her head, and sniffed, as if testing the air. Her eyes roved over the richly decorated room, and looked out the window, past the water garden. Despite the warmth of the night, Silva trembled. Something was definitely wrong. "Well....?" Shiva cocked her ear tufts, then, after a long silence, shook her head. "I don't--wait!" Her head snapped up, her serpentine eyes wide, staring hard into the night. "You're right, something is very wrong."
  21. I remember Dragon Warrior starting this on the second version of the Boards, and it was swept away when the Boards were cleaned out. So here is my attempt to revive it. Basically, there are seven (originally six, but I changed it ^-^) warriors and their dragons that were chosen to protect the Dragonial. What the Dragonial is is a mystery, but the seven can sense the day it suddenly goes..."missing". So this is the story of the Dragonial, jump in whenever, and if you see the seven Warrior spots have already been chosen, then I'm sure we can find another chara for ya. The plus of this all is that if this thread gets out of hand for any reason, I will feel no remorse in correcting it. :devil: Anyhow, my chara is a 18 year old girl named Silva Peridine, with her Draaqua ("orca dragon") Shiva. As soon as I see interest kicking in, we will begin.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by steve [/i] [B]:cool: OK. FIRST OFF TRY THIS ONE ON FOR SIZE... WHAT HAS A FOOT BUT NEVER WALKS WHAT HAS A MOUTH BUT NEVER TALKS WHAT HAS A HEAD BUT NEVER THINKS WHAT HAS A BED BUT NEVER SLEEPS HAVE FUN????:cool: [/B][/QUOTE] How about a river? The Foot and the Head of a river are locations (downriver, and upriver, respectively). A river has a mouth, and also a bed. o.<
  23. When people don't signal when they are driving. >.< When people try to talk down to me, acting as if they are better than me (I HATE that!). When people slam my religion because they don't really understand it--it goes without saying that covers a lot of things. So, what REALLY annoys me is when people see only a small fraction of a certain group of people, and then automatically think that's how every person of that group acts. so very very wrong!!!
  24. I think I need to clear something up here. I am am out and out stolid Christian, more so than most people. My personal belief about concerns outside of my faith is--well, I'm not accepting of them, but I try to understand something before slandering it. It's like when people slander Christians or anybody for that matter just because they are not understanding what is going on. The phrase, if you don't have anything worthwhile to say, then shut up? (my words :D) I think certain "Christians" need to learn that. Here's my view on Harry Potter (and the exact same thing focuses on Digimon/Pokémon/Final Fantasy games, what have you): as long as you understand that it is make believe, that you do not try to make it happen yourself, then it is okay. I play Final Fantasy games--but does that mean I believe I can call fire or summon dragons? Certainly not. And that is where it all lies. As far as banning stuff goes, I think it ridiculous. If people want to see/read something bad enough, they will find a way to--trust me. God gave people free will, so they are going to make choices (not always smart ones) about what they do. Innocence is a nice thing, but unrealisitic in today's society. I can try to cover my ears to block out all profanity, but sooner or later, I'm gonna have to open them so I can hear the normal everyday stuff--the profanity is gonna slip in, whether I want it to or not. That's because of the world today. And one last thing--if this even begins to look like a thread that turns toward slandering ANY religion, I will personally close it myself.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud Strife00 [/i] [B]y did u have ta put pinky and brain into this? i out grew that when i was two!...[/B][/QUOTE] You must be pretty young, then. :freak: I haven't seen that show in forever, but there is nothing wrong with Pinky and the Brain--who doesn't, in his or her darkest/fondest dreams debate how to take over the world? :D Anyways, I am planning to be an animator someday, and I'm already a drawer, so I'm pretty accepting of most cartoon shows, save some ones I shan't name. Oh well, I'm not going to argue what makes a decent show (I know people younger than me who detest every aspect about anything anime--how's that for different?). Like I said, nothing wrong with Pinky and the Brain, just like there is nothing wrong with Sephiroth. :whoops:
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