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Everything posted by GinnyLyn

  1. I dunno, I just always have this thing for strong, white haired outcasts with ideas of world domination. the Brain: Does that horrifying revelation include me? *bats the albino mouse to one side* May I also add as a corollary that they are generally HUMAN for one, and a decent age for another. OH! and the really huge sword deal too. *Brain stares at the 7 foot Masamune* My word. Pinky: Poit! Oh, guess that lets you out, Brain. Brain: Quiet Pinky, before I have to hurt you.
  2. Eh, I was about to say that they should make an FF7 movie, but then good stuff would get left out, so FF7 is ok as is. Although I would have nothing against a movie centered on Seph's "life". ^_^
  3. *whacks kuja upside the head with her Mod Rod (set to "hurt")*:devil: What are you talking about?!? [i]Anything[/i] with Seph in it is [i]awesome[/i]! Even Ehrgeitz. My most hated part is in FF9, where you have to win the card game for the RPG to progress--it is [i]so[/i] annoying!
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shibatku [/i] [B]Well I think that Sephiroth rocks he's cool Just imagine if he joined then good guys as the one winged angel that'd be cool But I thought he used to be good. Like in the very beginning does anyone know? [/B][/QUOTE] I read some [i]excellent[/i] fanfics surrounding Seph's childhood (dadgumit, the site for that is down!), but the general gist I got was this: Sephiroth was contaminated shortly after conception with Jenova cells. Thus, when he was born, he was already different from others. He [i]knew[/i] he was different. Some authors argued he could already command Materia at a very early age, plus he was quick to master the art of swordplay. Nonetheless, all authors portrayed him as having a tendency to be a loner, subconciously (sp?) blaming all others for their own stupidity. He could be one's best adviser (friend is not something you tend to associate with Sephiroth), or of course, one's worst enemy. Some argue that he knew Hojo was his father; all agreed Professor Gast was someone he looked up to. Somewhere about the time he got Masamune, things began to change--not as radically as his discovery of JENOVA; rather, much more minute. Still, it had an impact on him. No one is exactly sure how he recieved Masamune, but let's draw on some non-FF games here real fast--in ChronoTrigger, the Masamune was made of two Spirits, Masa and Mune; the sword was always used for good--until the downfall of Guardia, a few years after Lavos' defeat. Masamune disappeared. In ChronoCross, the Masamune is now seen as a cursed sword; any new master it comes in contact with, it feeds upon their dark emotions, driving the weilder insane. Sephiroth was a special case--yes, he had many dark emotions, but he was no normal human. Even in what others would call the depths of insanity, he knew exactly what he was doing. No question. Sephiroth can double check my facts/fics here; I'm done preaching. ;) BTW, Sephiroth, do you have any idea who that metal "Red XIII-like" creature is in the Ehrgeitz game? It's hard to believe it's Nanaki, but I'm not sure if it's Seto either. I know it's not the Ehrgeitz beast...
  5. I remember writing a fanfic about young Sephiroth, and how he began to become aware of some of the things about his "creation"--especially explains how he knew about the secret passage in the ShinRa mansion, and how the Ti key was knocked out of the piano... These days, I realize my fanfic doesn't aline totally with the game's story...some gaping plot holes, but then again it [i]was[/i] my first fanfic ever....but I tell about the Masamune being passed to him, about the Enemy Skill materia....how his "insanity" begins with the hint of things he'd rather not know... Where the heck did I put that thing?!? As far as Seph and Aeris go, they were both "creatures" not of this earth, so they would have been together HAD Seph been an Ancient--which he was not. He was infested with the same plague race that wiped out the Cetra, so it was only natural for him to destroy Aeris.
  6. aw yes, a few more pics for my adoring public--oh, and the rest of you too ;) :laugh:
  7. Hey, Forte, who are you talking about? If it's me, then let me say I look young for my age. (Everyone says I look 4 years younger than I really am.) That's also a year old pic, I'm hoping to find a much more recent one soon.
  8. In an effort to keep spam low, I humbly add my pic inside this thread. This is the most recent one (1 year old, HA!--I don't care much for cameras), showing me taking my first bite of fried rattlesnake (seen on menu: "If you complain about our cooking, we will bring you a live one.").
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B] [SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]ok where is your "gerbil" heck id kiss anything that is yours :) anyway... ima CSI/MATH major... and that isnt true... cause first off you have to start it w/ "if x = y" because x = y isnt always true... second... masterfork... (x+y)(x-y) actually does come out to x^2 - y^2 if u use TI's writing for squares :) third it just isnt right anyway trust me on this... i took algabra in 7th grade this stuff is ez (dont ask what math i took in high school) too many to meantion[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] *sets Mod Rod to "Painful" Mode* *chases Kuja and whacks him repeatedly with it* A MATH major, huh? Child of the DEVIL!!! EVIL EVIL EVIL!!!! *laughs insanely* (hee hee hee, just kidding, well, maybe not about the Math Major being evil part but...)
  10. O.O O my dear... Sephiroth: God? Yes, I know I am. Thank you for that adoration. Me: Whatever. :rolleyes: Scares me to think I am actually inspired to go dig up some new pics of me...then something remotely akin to sanity sets in....:p
  11. By the way: a^2 + b^2 = c^2 *eyes Cera's last post* Wanna go halfsies? My mom and I complain about that theorem all the time. And if [i]anyone[/i] tries to tell me that math is FUN, that it is freaking GOOD FOR YOU, then you can KISS M-- kiss my gerbil, uh yeah, that's what I meant.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Adam [/i] [B]-_- Dreamweaver is good. -Ad [/B][/QUOTE] Oh Adam, if only you knew what your faithful Digimon Webmaster was using. :eek: :toothy: :angel: Ah, I'm in FrontPage, yet all of Adam's DreamWeaver stuff shows up just fine. It's all in the format you use.
  13. Circle for head, lines for body position. (I generally focus on the facial expression, so that's the most important part for me.) Then, like everyone else, "tubers" for the basic body shape. That's all done lightly. Then light details--hair, clothes, face, etc. I do that stuff pretty loosely, 'cause I find inspiration tends to show here when I let the drawing "draw itself". ;) After that, I darken the outline I want, then the details. Then shadowing or color as needed, and cleanup as well. And then... :babble: :babble: :babble: :babble: :babble: :babble:
  14. Now NOW Sephiroth, you can't blame it on her. I say it all the time and I must be rubbing off on her. :laugh: o golly!:whoops:
  15. You know, I live right where this guy is driving...and I'm only [i]now[/i] finding out about it? (I heard through Adam--that's pretty sad, considering he's up in NYC....)
  16. I know I am talking to you on EIM right now Cera, but I'm gonna say it again--Mono. Gotta be. I had it and what you describe sounds like what I went through. 'Course no one notice until I caught Laryngitis and Bronchitis (sp?) and those totally threw me for a loop, so to say...
  17. OK, wanna know what's stupid and relates to smoking? When smokers are driving and they throw their cigarette butts out the window. One time, one landed in another driver's lap; the butt was still lit partly, and the driver nearly lost control of the car. As for me, I cannot work in the smoking section of Chili's. It just so happens I have a highly sensitive nose (bleh, I can smell anything, and that's not always good); smoke--be it cigarette or otherwise--is bad for me. I can get seriously sick from being around cigarette smoke. Luckily, my managers are understanding about that. And the whole smoking bit? Well, if I can't stand the 2nd hand stuff, what makes me think I can do the 1st hand stuff? :p Besides, I am a pyromanicphobic. Heh. I burn stuff, then freak at the sight. So smoking's out for me.
  18. How about that scene in the first disk where Cloud goes on a date with whoever the game thinks you were the nicest to up to that point? generally, it's Aeris (and Sephiroth, I think more than anything, for some odd reason, internet junkies tend to pair that handsome villian with Aeris); maybe Tifa I'm working on making it Barrett--it's possible you know. :laugh: Don Corneo to Cloud in drag, when trying to "get it on": Is it someone else? Cloud: --No --yeah, his name is Barrett heh
  19. GinnyLyn


    Not hard so much as tricky. A lot of the monsters know instant death type attacks, so you have to get them before they get you. If you pretty much have everyone's Limit Break 4, mastered Materia, ribbons, and everyone's Ultimate weapons, the path to Seph shouldn't pose too much of a threat.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shinra [/i] [B]...ginny lynn, when you said you are making everyone feel bad with your art, it sounded like a way of bragging,no offence [/B][/QUOTE] I know I know...I just....*sighs miserably* Sorry, I'm trying not to post my stuff in other peeps' threads, I know I should stop and.... o golly, Cecil, please forgive me for posting in your thread....:(
  21. Awesome! You have a unique rendering style all your own. I'm laughing because I was playing FF7 again today, and the team had just reached the blown up reactor town, ya know, the one Zack was from (help, name?). Anyways, Rude and Reno were standing around talking about who they liked; Rude had a thing for Tifa, Reno for Aeris, and Elena for Tseng. You just don't see "secret agents" doing that sort of stuff. (Then again, the future can't be predicted by three pelvic thrusts (Don Corneo (he is SO "Corny-o" *groans*)), soooo.....:laugh:
  22. Now, of course my last post is an example of worst case scenario. For the most part, close people tend to be sincere with their apologies. And you'll soon learn just how much your friendship means to them. Unless they make a habit of breaking your trust--then that's questionable. But for the most part, although it hurts, honest sincere peeps try to stay away from the broken trust bit. And even when it comes up, you should be gentle but firm with your friend, tell them how they broke your trust, and why you don't like that. In the long run, the stormy parts of friendship bring friends that much closer together...or that much farther apart. It all depends on how the two of you face it.
  23. *shakes head in sympathetic agreement* It really hurts when you have your trust broken. Like a rug yanked From under me I hit the ground (The world is different From down here) You dug your heel Into my back Like some sharp knife (A back stabber? You? Why?) I lay there in disbelief (What did I do to make you This way?) You didn't care You laughed! (You rejoice in my sorrow?) You picked up the fragile glass smashed it to the ground And walked off (You do not care? Or do you?) I simply lay here In disbelief Never to trust Again? ([i]What did I do To make you This way?[/i]) I had a person in my life, break my trust three times the romantic way, and twice in the friendship way. I kept forgiving, and forgiving, to a fault. I am only now learning that life is not like tv--some people do not change, sadly, and even more disheartening, I need to learn that and walk away. Being near this person is detremental to me, for whenever I am near him, I feel as a failure, that I did something to make him betray me. It hurts. I have been told time and again...and again, to point [i]au naseum[/i], that it is not my fault, nor should I feel that way. He made his choices, but I do not have to pay for them. Don't tell me to keep forgiving him, and it will be all right. I've been doing that. This has been going on for eight years. Some things you have to let go in this life. No matter how much it hurts.
  24. Oh man, FF games are the best, PERIOD! (But I don't suppose we will include FF Chronicles in all this mess, will we? ChronoTrigger was seriously one of [i]the best[/i] SNES games.) OK, not done with FF9 yet, so my vote is... FF7 (replaying that as we type), FF9 (excellent FMVs)/ChronoTrigger (I consider it FF fodder), FF3 Anything else I have not played. Well....I'm [i]trying[/i] to get interested in FF6 (4?--eh, whichever one was included in FFChronicles), but it is not working...
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