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Everything posted by GinnyLyn

  1. There [i]is[/i] a way to get Aeris back *cough*GAMESHARK*cough*, but it is SOOOO not in the original programming. So there is no way to get Aeris. And ditto goes for the White/Red/whatever other color Chocobo. I can hardly wait to finish updating the site so I can delve back into this [i]excellent[/i] game!!! I plan to make it where, when Cloud goes on a date at Gold Saucer, he ends up going with Barrett, heh. :laugh:
  2. I know I know, bad me, I'm making everyone feel bad by showing my art, but I have no one to show it to but here. What I don't like about that pic is that it looks like Yuffie is stabbing Sephie's neck. :cross: And I [i]was[/i] going to do it in color, but I got too lazy. One more, then I'll stop, I promise.
  3. Um, criticism? I'll try not to be evil. Mostly, my biggest complain is proportion, especially about the legs, and around the chest. The position is a good one, and I know it is hard to draw from a 3D image. If nobody minds too terribly, I'd like to share a FF7 pic I drew a year or two ago (mind, this image is shrunk to fit into Boards standards, I got the full size (about X4 of this image) in my pc).
  4. I remember taking one of those. The quiz ended up classifying me as a Super Genius, ya know, the types that usually end up taking over the world. :naughty: Pinky: So, Brain, *poit!*, what do you want to do tonight? Me: The same thing we do [i]every[/i] night, Pinky--[b]try to take over the WORLD![/b]--except this time, keep the rubber ducks away from the Twinkies in Tutus. Pinky: *Zort!* Ok.
  5. The more I think about it, the more I act like many different characters. OK, so the basis is still Aeris. Now let's throw some Digimon in. I care about others more than myself, like Sora. When I get silly or mad, I'm like Yolei. But I like to hide my feelings from others, so I don't bother them with my pesky emotions--and I sometimes end up emotionally beating myself up for it--like Ken Ichijouji. :love: What else? Throw in some other stuff here...I'm "adventurous" like Garnet (FF9) and Nadia (CTrigger), in that life isn't what I thought it would be, but I'm willing to give it a shot anyway. I'm "prideful" like Glenn (CTrigger), and I'd rather that people not try to bring my awful past up (don't even try it, I ain't going there) like Janus/Magus (CTrigger) or Vincent (FF7). When it comes to doing a duty, I am like Sephiroth (FF7, before he went, ahem, "crazy")--I will not rest until it is done, and done right (almost to perfection). I thiiiiiiiiink that's it...for now.:naughty:
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Just try to keep up that healthy level of insanity, Safer, and you'll be fine...[/SIZE] :D [/B][/QUOTE] Well, I [i]was[/i] going to say I have the insanity quota covered around here, but giving how you are acting in our EIM conversation right now...:freak: Mr. L!!! It's always the quiet ones...:wigout:
  7. Now that I think about it, I kinda look and act like Aeris from FF7.
  8. Careful. Let's not spend this entire topic talking about how stupid people are, however true that may be. I think people listen to music for one of two reasons: 1-It sounds good. 2-It reinforces what they believe. This is a thin line I'm treading, so bear with me, please. I say people already have certain ideas in their mind. You can blame it on tv/enviroment/music/what not; regardless, people have to make their own choices and beliefs in the midst of it all. Even when it seems someone is stuffing a belief down someone else's throat, the someone else is partially responsible for giving in, or choosing to walk away and not let the belief take over them. When kids hear songs about guns and killing, etc., I believe they think, "Well, since the song talks about it and says what I think, I must be right." Mind, I'm not saying the music is controlling the kids; I'm saying [b]the kids make the choice themselves[/b], end of story. There is no excuse for anyone's behavior--not history, not enviroment, not any sob story at all--life is what you strive to make it. The only exception I consider in making choices is someone who is mentally unable (and I mean that in the nicest way possible). There, I'm done. :angel:
  9. I pine for snow because of that strip. The only chance I had to build anything was in the famous recreation of "Big Calvinsaurus, little snowmen". I made about 20 little 2 in. snowmen (used up all the snow in our yard, :/), and then stomped them all! Aw, what I wouldn't give for [i]real[/i] snow. BTW, for peeps suffering from C&Hs withdraw, who need a fresh new strip to keep them going somehow (mind you, this is NOT to replace C&Hs in ANY way), try FoxTrot. It works for me.
  10. Uh oh, my spelling has gone down hill. Ah well. You know Cera, you are too much like me (or me like you?) for it to be remotely a good thing. *laughs* We could really frightened the world, you know. I don't think the world can handle two Ceras or Ginnys. *laughs manically* BTW, I learned the whole manical laughter thingy from Calvin, bless his twisted little heart.
  11. *screams and points at Cera* Stop coping me!!! :freak: *hugs her rare, one of a kind, made by her grandma Hobbes plushie* He was the reason I read C&H! he was, as he put it, a babe magnet. My granddad and I always read the books together--he had Calvina and all those long words, and I had all the other parts. That's why I have such a big vocabulary now--I'm always looking for new big words like "expletive". Aw, there we go, the emotional attachement to a strip. And that's why I like C&H.
  12. GinnyLyn


    I'm a CCM peep myself. CCM=Christian Contemporary Music. Ah, nothing like Smitty or Chapman, or newSong, or....
  13. O golly. Shocksville...I don't know much about anime outside of the network broadcasted stuff (no cable :bawl: ). *everyone stares in shock* Let's see, I have shoulder length (a little longer) red-brown hair, blue eyes, lots of guys tell me I have a nice build :blush:, ok, stopping now.... Personality wise, I am caring, kind, sympathetic to others to a fault; I don't judge people unless they give me a reason to; I tend to be more emotional than logical; I don't like confrontations or fights, but when I am pushed far enough, [b]watch out!!![/b] So, who does that make me like?
  14. "If you attempt to fail, and succeed, which have you done?" HEY! :bawl: Cera, you got that from [i]me![/i] Admit it! *Weilds the mighty SH :devil:, falls over from the weight of the mighty SH :p, and giggles in spite of herself :laugh: * You great goober! :whoops: :freak: :excited: :angel:
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mornigndew [/i] [B]1. What is failure? 2. Have you ever fail to do something before (big one)? 3. How do you deal with it? 4. Do you ever been you any stage of depression? [/B][/QUOTE] Everyone's summed it up pretty good already, but here's my view: 1. Failure is when you don't even try. When people count on you, and you let them down because you didn't try. When you think you are a failure and you give in [b]before you even try.[/b] Failure has an inverse relationship to attempting. 2. Lots of times. Let's see, homework, keeping "dates", trying to push my responsibilities off on someone else, even when I know I'm supposed to be doing it, etc. 3. I vow to try to do better, to at least try next time. And when I don't do that, that is sometimes a failure in itself. 4. Yeah, I've been depressed, and I still fall into depression occasionally. Especially when I fail to try, knowing I should have tried, and deliberately failing to do so. The dictionary defines failure as "a lack of success". I personally find that definition faulty. If, for example, I failed at a fight or a test, does that mean I did not succeed? (Well, maybe in the immediate sense, yeah. :rolleyes: ) But I learn what I did wrong, and how to improve for next time. At least I gave it what I could the first time around. And I'm sure as heck gonna give it more because I am armed with knowledge and determination the second time around, making me successful because I am a better person for it.
  16. Calvin and Hobbes, for me. :love: But TN is right--these "What's your fab (as long as it's mine too)" topics need to stop. [kindly]A suggestion, though. If you were, say, discussing with other peeps about why they like either strip, what makes the strip special to them, this topic or others like it would have less of an air of "delete it!" about it. [/kindly] :angel:
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Well, look. She's gone and changed her signature... Huh, where have I seen [i]that[/i] before? Watch your ego, dear Ginnymon. ;) [/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Silly, I've had that as part of my sig ever since I took on the duties of Digimon Webmaster. But I think it describes me well, ne?
  18. Hmm, is this SPAM? heh Thanx everyone!!!
  19. [SIZE=4]Yay Adam!!![/SIZE] Indeed, it is nice that the Boards are going faster. I have a cable modem, and it still dragged forever on the old server. OOO! New smilies!!! :naughty: Wicked!!! Again, Good Job Adam!!! (I love !!!!, let's put some more in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  20. OK, gonna totally twist the story here, but I was thinking about this all vacation. (Hope this doesn't destroy what your storyline was doing...:)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Silva and Ryu ran up the steep hill, hand in hand. The warriors were fast approaching behind them. Silva shook off Ryu's hand to swipe at a ninja that got too close, then continued her dash. "If we make it to the village, we'll be safe!" Ryu called. Silva kept running, keeping her eyes on the village opening; she failed to look elsewhere, and tripped on a large rock in the ground. Ragear and Shiva, who had been galloping behind them, doubled their speed. Ragear decided to tackle Silva at this moment, as she attempted to sit up again, and both collapsed in the dirt. Ryu was a good 200 yards away before he looked back to check on Silva's progress. He was shocked to see Silva and Ragear tangled up, one burly samurai raising his katana above his head to remove theirs. A rage burned within him, and Ryu did the most unexpected thing. He leapt off the steep hill slope. Right at the samurai. Baring his fangs and lashing his scorpion tail all the way. Needless to say, everyone was taken aback. Ryu ignored this and struck at the samurai like a leopard at a gazelle. The two rolled over and over across the battlefield, the samurai's sword forgotten in the tumble. Ryu struck out again and again, stabbing and tearing the life from the man. In a moment, the man was dead. The rest of the army charged. Ryu made an astounding leap, grabbed the Masamune, and returned to the fray. Silva gaped; Ragear watched, bug eyed. Shiva stood still, rooted to her spot. "The village!" Ryu suddenly roared. Shiva understood immediately. "We must get Ryu to the village, to Artos, before it's too late!" A resounding screech tore across the field. Ryu had bat wings now, as well as slit eyes. His rage knew no bounds as he fought bloodied tooth and claw. "The ropes!" one man cried before he sank to the ground, the Masamune finding a hilt in his body. The others threw black ropes around Ryu, preventing his movement. Enraged, Ryu shrieked horribly and flapped his wings, lashing out with his scorpion tail. Several more men fell before Ryu was captured. "Ragear," Silva whispered hoarsely, "what do we do?" "Rooie...." Ragear murmured, horrified. "Leave it to me!" Shiva roared as she charged the huddled group of men. They looked up, and one ducked quickly, toward Ryu. He then made a motion, and they released Ryu. Ryu opened his wings, then shot at Shiva. At the last second, he veered away, and launched himself at Silva. "The Master awaits," Ryu said. Ragear snarled. "Not ROOIE!!" He bravely stood before Silva, but was torn away by Ryu. The small dragon rolled over, groaning in sorrow and pain, staring at the glare of deep gashes on his shoulder. "Not Rooie, not blaim Rooie..." Ragear sniffled. "I won't," Shiva said, "but whatever he is now MUST be stopped." She galloped toward Ryu as he swept past Silva. Gently but firmly, Ryu sunk his foot claws into Silva's cloak. "We will go now, to the Master..." Shiva bared her teeth, and breathed an ice storm at Ryu. "Not hert Rooie!" Ragear cried. "I'm not!" Shiva said. "Now let go--stop it! I've got to bring them back!" She flew into the clouds of the ice storm, and glanced around her frantically. "Silva? [i]Silva?[/i]" She continued to look as the ice storm dissipated. "SILVA!!!" "Rooie!" The two dragons continued to call, but soon realised that they were alone. Ryu and Silva were nowhere to be seen. Even the soldiers had disappeared. They had gone back to StormWing.
  21. Uh, totally lost. Clueless. Going on vacation now, see you in 5 days! (it's just too long, I'll get written out, I know I will...:()
  22. Thank you for clearing that up for me, DW. And no, I haven't seen "Princess Mononoke", but I want to, so much! I've got to to run now, we're having an emergency prayer meeting at church for the attacks on America. :( *sniff*...I still can't believe what has happened... Anyways, someone continue the story please. I'm still in, :D, and I'll see you in awhile. Oh, heads up, BTW, I'll be gone Thurs. 9/13--Mon. 9/17, so if you guys and gals can cover for me until I get back (yes, I know that will be a forever long time, but I know you can do it!).
  23. Forgive and forget? Not hardly. This morning at work, I heard the death count had risen to 10,000. Who knows how many have died now, how many have been injured, how many will forever have repetitive nightmares about this, wondering why they lived and others did not, why any of this had to happen. The thought of the innocents trapped on the hijacked planes, being flown to their death. It brings tears to my eyes. I cannot explain why this happened. But my faith in God is still strong. He will have the final retribution. There is a reason, horrid or pure, why everything happens. I refuse to look for a logical reason in all this, but....F.R.O.G. 9/11
  24. Mark Twain's "War Prayer" is remembered at this time. But I believe, as soon as we find out [i]who[/i] was behind this (believe me, this terrorist group was especially intelligent, and they weren't going to throw themselves away in little kamakaze missions, some larger entity, some nation is behind this), we will fight. We must. Like I said once before, not for total annihilation of another nation, but for our own nation's self-preservation. If war is my country's choice, then so be it. I say this with a heavy heart, but the damage has been done. [i]People have died.[/i] We cannot attack till we know who got us first, but I sense once we do find out who it was, passiveness will no longer be an option.
  25. I'll just come right out and say it. Are we going to involve "gods" in this story? See, I'm a Christian, and proud of it, and I've always stayed away from stuff that involved "gods". I don't want to drop out of the story, but could we change this Artos spirit to something not god-like? Sorry, but that's just me. :blush: Also, I'm confused about what to write next, so I'll sit back and see how this turns out. :angel: And DW, if you could just check out my profile and send me the new pic of Poncho to my email, please, I'm too lazy to pm you. :D
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