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Everything posted by GinnyLyn

  1. Can we use animated avatars here like we could on the other Boards? If so, does anyone know the extension they would have to be?
  2. Sorry, I didn't realize "Peace" was already taken, but that was the Crest I made up for myself, and I'm afraid I cannot give it up all that easy. I know I don't have copyrights to it or anything, but I really don't want to change it. In that case, I decided not to be in the story. I know this is ridiculous, but Peace is the Crest I've grow to know and *shrugs weirdly* I'd feel disloyal if I didn't use it. And yes, let's move this little bugger. :D Off to the G&S forums!
  3. I'll try this, what the heck. *shrugs* Info: :D Digidestined Digidestined name: Ginny Lyn Digidestined's intrests: art, writing Family: two younger half-brothers, mom, stepdad Hair/eye color: reddish brown hair/blue eyes Height: 5' 6" Clothes wear in real world: jeans and colorful tshirts, tennis shoes with two different colored shoe laces Clothes in digital world: White, short sleeved jump suit (kinda sorta a version of Ken's clothes; black boots; silver link belt, golden bracelets digivice type: D3 and terminal Digivice color: brown w/black tiger stripes Info: Digimon Digimon: Gryfmon (who else? :D) Crest: Peace (a twirled olive leave) Evolutions: Bitomon-->Tiamon-->Gryfmon-->Tygermon-->Ariamon-->Windeimon (Just one armor: Peace: Doveamon)
  4. *giggles at Cera's last question* Who knows? Only you. Look deep into your heart, Child of--*sees everyone eyeing her funny* Ahem. Just [i]kidding![/i]
  5. *Ben puts his palms together and suddenly flings his arms out in a wide sweeping motion. Everyone is blown back by the force.* Ben: Fools! I'm surrounded by nothing but idiotic fools! Amanda: Hey, you're not very nice! Ben: Well [i]duuuh[/i], I'm the bad guy! And you're all fools because you keep trying to stop me! You CAN'T, so stop trying!!! Ginny: *giggles insanely* Ben: *eyes her menacingly* Stop that! Ginny: *keeps giggling* Cera: *whispers* Ginny, what are you doing? Ginny: Ben, has it ever occured to you that, if the good guys just quit because the bad guys threatened them, there'd be no Digital World as we know? Ben: What's your point? Cera: She's saying we aren't going to quit, no matter what you do! Ben: Then you are even bigger fools than I thought! Kazuya: "Sticks and stones", twisted child! Ben: *furious at this comment* You will perish! Cera: Looks like someone's got a problem with being called names. *Meanwhile, Amanda sees a glow in the temple. Heedless of the angry Ben, she begins to race to the temple.* Oreta: What's she doing?!? Zalta: Amanda! Ben: You INSECT! *he dives at her* *At the same time, Zaltamon barrels into Amanda, both landing in the temple. Zaltamon is a little scratched.* Zalta: Next time, you might wanna be on the look out for evil guys! Amanda: *grins sheepishly* Thanks, Z! Zalta: Hold that thought--here he comes again! Cera: Ginny, we gotta save Amanda! Ginny: Hang on, I don't want to be in the way when Mr. Blade Swinger goes chasing after him. *points to Kazuya running after Ben* Cera: Doesn't matter--let's go! You too, Oreta!
  6. :\ I'm getting to the point where I'm ready to...well, not give up, but frankly, if this story doesn't getting moving again real soon, I dunno what I'll do!
  7. What happened to griping in the other thread?!? If all we do is complain instead of posting bits of the story, then this story really [i]will[/i] fall apart. *hems and haws, wondering which post to pick it up from. Yawns and walks away, leaving the decision to someone else. *thanx Cera! ;)**
  8. Ya know, maybe we should have one thread to gripe in, and another thread to actually write the story in. If we're not careful, this story's gonna fall apart. Somebody do something!
  9. Actually, my family took me to my Chili's, and my buddy the bartender gave me a free drink. I said Strawberry Daquari. And he said, nah, you gotta have something stronger than that. He brought me a vodka and Chardenay (wine) mix. I felt all fuzzy after that, but I didn't get drunk or anything. However, alcohol tastes nasty. I don't plan to drink it again anytime soon.
  10. Just one problem. All of us who are Mods, admins, all that--we aren't gonna get the chance to see all the new ranks anyway. But then it would be unfair to give us our posts back, and not the other peeps. *head ache* Well, maybe we staffers [i]should[/i] get our post count back, because we are so special! :D:D:D
  11. OK, here we go. I admit I feel embarrassed about all this, and I want you guys to remember I'm still the same peep, regardless. (Oy, is that not just weird what I just said, or what?) *big deep breath* Oh btw, I'm sorry if I gave out false info to everyone, but my riddle was true. "I'm old enough to drive and to work, but not to drink." This riddle is no longer applicable to me. It should now read: "I can drive, vote, work, and drink (just not in that order, and hopefully not all at once)." Yours truly has turned 21 years old today.
  12. *waiting for inspiration, waiting for inspiration.................* *ugh* Ya know, if Ben is so unbeatable, and we can't stop him, then what's next in the story? *flops over* UGH! I [i]was[/i] going to post this one part, but it's rather Ben related, and I'd rather not until I knew what he was thinking. Ben Ben, not evil destroy the world Ben. *my head hurts now*
  13. I remember I had 1500+ posts, but I don't remember the exact number. And I'm pretty sure I posted this in this thread earlier, but I can't seem to find my post anywhere. :confused: Ah well, I'm going to go ponder what my custom avie should look like...:D
  14. Didn't mean to do anything. Owowowowowowow! Stop pulling my hair, you evil little--!!! :( :( :( I'm sorry, did I spoil a part of the story I wasn't supposed to? Please forgive me Ben. :(:(:(
  15. Just 3 hours and 15 minutes left. My family managed to convince me to go to my Chili's for my lunch, and [i]of course[/i] my co-workers embarrassed me! :) *hic*
  16. I know for sure I had over 1500. 1570?
  17. *looks around, confused* So we lost a kid (Obtuk), we gained one (Amanda), Kazuya is on our side (???), and there is a possibility that Blockmon *is promptly stifled by Ben* mffid wuthd osgfd. *still :confused: *
  18. Lemme just say this much, TN is WAY over. Since you thought I might get mad, I won't, but gollY! 27 to 31?!? I won't be that for a LOOOOOONG time.
  19. OK, the day you've been waiting for! I'm............*breathes deeply, ready to reveal her age* .......one year older today than I was yesterday! :D:cool: *dodges rotten fruit as she runs* Ok, honest, I'm not my new age until 5:43 this afternoon (Central, USA time), so I'm going to wait until then to tell you numerically how old I am. Meanwhile, I'm interested to see how old you all think I am. :D:D:D
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ben [/i] [B] Yeah, that might not be a bad idea. You guys [I]still[/I] haven't figured out a way to stop me. :D [/B][/QUOTE] *A giant foot falls from the sky and promptly squishs Ben. The Digital World is saved. The End! :D:D:D Ok, not really. But I thought that was rather humorous.*
  21. *Cera stared, open mouthed. Ginny shivered, unable to forget what she had just seen. The destruction of Ben's partner.* Angel: We got to get the five SnowAgumon's together, and [i]fast![/i] Cera: What about ToyAgumon? Ginny: He's destroyed, completely and totally! *Angel masked her emotions and ran on.* Cera: Nobody [i]ever[/i] answers my questions around here. Let's go Ginny. *She doesn't move.* Cera: *tugs at her arm* C'mon, we can't let Ben get too far ahead! Ginny: I was just thinking, what if I had....what if I had agreed to being the ruler of the Digital World. Would any of this be happening? Could we have avoided ToyAgumon's deletion? Lopthera: If you don't mind losing us instead. There's nothing you could have done except what you did. Cera: Loptheramon's right. Now [i]come on![/i] *Still musing, Ginny follows them.*
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ben [/i] [B] You thought I was gonna pull a Ken didn't you?:D Well, Ha! I didn't.:D [/B][/QUOTE] Oh my GOSH! Yeah, I thought you might. Truth be known, I'm a little shocked. But I just [COLOR=orangered]know[/COLOR] there's a Ken theme draped deep in here somewhere. You're gonna be sorry sooner or later...:D
  23. Check it out! Sylvia is reborn! Sylvia, 18 (it was 18, right?), a young Zora who doesn't believe in magic, despite the fact she has incredible water magic, including the ability to purify any water.
  24. Yeah, that's true. I had 1567 posts before the old boards "went under". Ah well, what does it matter? We're [i]all[/i] going to have to restart post wise again anyway.
  25. The DigiStory shall be continued! I think, on the old boards, it left off at the part where Ben was about to destroy the Primary Village. So now I will await the glorious moment when the new Boards are reopened and we can continue our story.
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