dark lord
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About dark lord
- Birthday August 20
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names bill born an raised on rock n roll first mecha i saw was transformers which lead me 2 robotech and indefinitly to evangelion and gundam
college : electronics department head at local walmart
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bill awakens to find his belongs folded up beside his bed ? wait the bed , it was gone. He was now sleeping in a meadow cloaked in mist outside the town wall , he could have sworn he was on a bed in the house or was it a monistery? confused bill dresses and heads toward town . He stumbles around the town for sevral hours asking all he see's if they know of a women named zoot , the villagers simply stair at him before turning thiere backs. Could it have been a halucination ? But no it couldn't be his cloths they were neatly folded at his side and his wounds they were neatly bandaged , it was all to confuseing for bill who decided to wash his confusion away in the local tavern , as he entered his where abouts were traced across the tavern by a man cloaked in black . Blade: you are the one called bill? confused Bill: Yes I am blade: Where is the house of zoot I was told that you were thiere but none of the locals Knew of it Bill even more confused: zoot you know too , I thought I had gone crazy ... The two warriors converce but they are not alone for another seems to watch them....
wild bill awakens in a strange village , realizeing he is naked looks frantickly from side to side for his sword. priestess puting her hand on wild bill's shoulder: peace brother you are not in danger , we are your friends( more priestesses stand behind her in a giggling group.) we found you in the fields while colecting herbs you were badly injured , do you rember any thing? Bill closes his eyes in concentration: A name I rember a name .... Bill ... That is my name .... priestess: Well good morning Bill my name is zoot. In the future you must not anger drak or even be near when he is angry , for by the wounds that you aquired it could only be drak who inflicted them. Now you must rest Bill falls asleep almost instantly.....
name: Wild Bill class: Warior weapon: bone sword clothing: Blood red armor , rusted red domed helmit with ram horns
"Draw closer and sit beside me and listen to the tale I have to tell about your land, the Land of Uma. Today, you are called to play a vital role in the future of our universe. Your hearts burn with a fire which darkness cannot quench. For you are the Pure of Heart, whose destiny is to fight Evil. But before you engage in battle you must learn about Uma's history and, therefore, come to understand why the threat of darkness still hangs over the people of this planet, even today. The Land of Uma was created in the mists of time by Life. It was, indeed, Life which fashioned this land, sculpting its every contour, providing the blood coursing through the veins of its animals and the life-giving source for its vegetation. But the balance of the universe was under threat and Death had to be created to re-establish some degree of harmony. After all, this is why Life cannot exist without Death. Consequently, the plants began to wither and bloodshed broke out amongst the animals, thus perpetuating the cycle of life and death." The Primeval Battle "Thus elapsed thousands of years which passively witnessed this unending, titanic struggle between Life and Death as it transformed the peaceful Land of Uma into a battle-field. This period was known as the Primeval Combat. It came to an end with Life emerging victorious, but the Land of Uma had now become one huge mass grave. Out of the ashes of this destruction rose Mankind, representing the ultimate challenge to Death. It went forth populating the world, imbuing the land and sea once again with Life. These men, your forbears, created villages, tilled the fields to produce corn and planted trees and bushes yielding fruit and flowers. This marked a golden age, an age of peace and harmony, but at the same time Man continued waging a relentless war against Death. As a token of her gratitude for Man's toil, Life decided to assume human form as the goddess Kaliba, the goddess of nature, and gave our ancestors magic powers." The Dawn of Kaliba "Our ancestors called this period the Dawn of Kaliba. The magic powers helped our ancestors to triumph over adversity. They also used them to create magical creatures, the Dragons of the Dawn, which became Kaliba's invaluable allies. They would protect the villages and castles, light the furnaces of our craftsmen's forges and, with their sacred fire, would help the population through the harsh winters by warming up the air. The Dragons of the Dawn were not the only creatures around. There were others, just as gentle, which are now extinct. Among these were water-sprites, whose songs sounded like a babbling brook; fairies, whose beating wings created rainbows, centaurs, pixies, imps, and many more?. But the Dawn of Kaliba was followed by the Wars of Darkness, which swept all these creatures aside like straws on the wind." The Wars of Darkness "The Wars of Darkness marked the decline of Mankind. The Grim Reaper had licked his wounds and once again, wielding his scythe, started to shed blood. He began to gnaw at the hearts of men, fuelling their greed and spreading jealousy and lies among them? When I think back to this time, I can still vividly remember the deep distress which gripped the hearts of men, the outbreak of bloodshed among them and the tears of the goddess, shed in great sorrow as she contemplated the havoc wreaked by Death, as men killed each other in the pursuit of a scrap of land, power and money? This period of the Wars of Darkness also saw the demise of the magical creatures, especially the Dragons of the Dawn. Others were doomed to become creatures of Evil as imps were transformed into goblins and fairies into gorgons. But Evil's triumph over Life was not quite complete. Our goddess, Kaliba, overcame the distress which burdened her heart and offered one final message of hope to mankind. As part of this, she called upon the assistance of the druids who lived in the great forests of Uma. These druids were the devoted servants of Nature and would willingly sacrifice themselves to ensure that Life would triumph. And in order to make it a more equitable contest and help the druids to drive Death beyond the confines of Uma, the goddess Kaliba gave them the gift of the Time Orb, fashioned from the Tears which dropped from her cheeks. The druids were now ready to bring the Wars of Darkness to an end and men wept when they realised the madness which had possessed them. The Age of Harmony The Wars of Darkness ended about a thousand years ago. Following this, the druids who had survived this battle against Death decided to break up the Time Orb to prevent it from being used for evil purposes. And so, the Orb was broken into seven crystals, the seven tears of Kaliba. Each of these crystals was entrusted to an anonymous guardian whose mission it was to watch over the crystal and to pass it on to a new guardian, worthy of their trust, before their death. But all the guardians knew that the day would come for them to be parted from their crystals. And this day arrived when the Pure of Heart came to them. During the course of this last thousand years, known as the Age of Harmony, the druids gradually began to die out as men learned to co-exist in peace. Everyone then believed that Death would give up the fight and its creatures would disappear from the land of Uma for ever. In order to ensure that this would happen, Kaliba created an order of monks whose task was to guide Mankind along the long path of Life. And indeed, during these thousand years the monks were utterly devoted to their task. But, how foolish to think that the Forces of Darkness could be completely vanquished! How blind men were, not to see that Death was biding its time for the least sign of weakness, for a wicked heart that it could invade?." "And I am the one with that wicked heart, the Chosen One of Death. I am Draak, who will spread my cover of darkness over this golden age, so wretched and lack-lustre compared to the Age of Darkness about to dawn. I used to be one of Kaliba's monks and could see how weak and derisory the powers offered by the goddess were. There is only one real power, and that is the power offered by Death, a power whose depth and strength makes Kaliba's pathetic magic pale into insignificance." "When I was a mere monk I was called Drakil Tanan. By then, I was already fascinated by the magic of darkness, a fascination which soon developed into an obsession. When night fell I would slip into the library and pore over the forbidden texts eager to learn the dark secrets of necromancy. I spent years in the vaults where I raised spectres and skeletons so that they could become my slaves and help me fulfil my mission. But one day, the monks of Kaliba uncovered my secret. And just imagine, those fools dared to pass judgement on me, Drakil Tanan, the great necromancer. I, therefore, left the monastery without any regrets, leaving behind my old name and assuming the new name of Draak. Draak?a name which rises up like a funeral dirge, sounding a knell, the death knell for Kaliba. This name was my comfort during the years after I left the monastery. In the bowels of this land my torrent of supplication was answered and I became the disciple of Necromancy. My powers were enhanced and, at the same time, my soul became ever more consumed by my obsession, plumbing depths only known by Death itself. Ah yes, the Grim Reaper soon realised what an invaluable ally he had in me. And just as the goddess Kaliba had given the druids the Time Orb, I was made privy to the ultimate secrets of Necromancy. I was now able to return to the goddess Kaliba's heavenly kingdom. But, I have to admit that this was a grave error. It was still far too soon to challenge Kaliba, even though I had already used my newly acquired powers to devastate the gold and silver towers of her kingdom and set ablaze the wings of the angels protecting her. The battle between us lasted a day and a night with Kaliba emerging the victor, damn her! But not before I had dealt her a cruel blow. In the heat of the struggle I grabbed one of her hands and took it down to the bowels of this land. Using my powers of Necromancy I corrupted this hand turning it into an instrument of my revenge: the Astral Hand. Armed with this artefact, I made my way to the Dragons of the Dawn cemetery where I intended to raise up from the ashes the most powerful dragon of all, the Dragon Lord, but not in his previous incarnation where he was subservient and loyal to man. I wiped his mind and stole his magic so that I could be transformed into a dragon? Now I am able to devastate this world, enthral its people and allow Death to feed on their souls. Kaliba's monks, these same ones who dared to drive me away, tried to make me see reason. They wanted us to meet face to face. How their feeble attempts were in vain. I cast them into the flames of Hell for their pains, and with their ashes still smouldering I put a curse on the Order of Kaliba. I was then able to turn some monks into demonic skeletons, utterly devoted to my cause?" "You will feel my vengeance, you wretched people. My wings will cast a long shadow over this land, plunging it deep into darkness. I will use your bones to build my throne and your souls to feed my subjects. And as for you, the Pure of Heart, you may well think that you can re-create the Time Orb to prevent me from destroying the land of Uma. But, do not delude yourselves. I will not let you find the seven crystals so that you can re-create the Time Orb and defeat me. I will track you down wherever you are, you wretched creatures. And you will die because no one can defy with impunity Draak, the necromancer and Dragon Lord?." Welcome to the World of DarkStone! sighn up create a name and choose a class : warrior ,assain, thief ,amazon, wizard ,druid, magician , monk , priestess.
whats goin on here its just about to pick up where is everybody:flaming: :devil: :butthead: :demon: :mad: :o :nervous: if this forum dies all shall feel my wrath char out
char: well it seems to me the hobits r comeing for as i have learned that hobbits are almost as stubborn as dwarfs looks around at sevral dwarfs : no offence varios dwafs: none takken you bloody git char: but who else will go and what roads if any shall we travle?....
char : my thanks for your supoort comrads but if my saying means any thing i belive the hobbits can make the journey and will make it with or with out consent . isn't that right merry took ? all look to the window were three hobbits sit with noses against the glass
this looks sad ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ char walks into the chamber unanounced char : I hope I'm am not out of place for saying but I belive that I should be within the party to mount doom . Elrond: who is this barbaian? Ralvenar: He is friend and his coments are most insightful elrond: what knolage do you bring? char: much for I am quite at home in mordor all the elves and dwarves stand and many draw blade. char:fear noti am pure , My tribes once populated the many forests peacefully but now they are exticnt and i am the only one that yet survives.while others feal fear I will be at home and while others have been thiere they know not the secret paths and allys we may have in that relm . I would be a powerful asset for the futher soulth we go the more i can be of help . the counsle sits and contemplates his proposal....
Char decideing not to enter with his companions remains out side newly reunited with kaeldor. char: kaeldor friend I trust your hobbit riders were no great burden? good well no I dont think the elves would begruge you of any game you could catch as long as it shaint be one of thiere steeds . with a mighty roar kaeldor bounded off into the brush. Char sat thiere unconfortable yet content , decideing to ease his nerves he lit up his pipe and sat alone as a mighty fiest raged within. late in the night frodo joined char on the steps . Frodo: char why did you not join in the fiest ? char: me i did not wish to dirty the fair home of such an elven host i feel unworthy to be in such company for as of yet i have not proved my worth . Frodo: You seemed to be able to keep your head in a fight and travel very swiftly and if not for your loyal beast I fear we hobbits would not have escaped char : your words humble me friend but you will see I will prove much greater an asset if to destroy the ring is yoour path , for the journey will only be a trip home for I...
AS darth ice disapered into the jungle , strider started headinding for a small moutain range in the distance . leaving darth tera in much the way darth ice had. strider sat thiere on a cliff in deep meditation all around him was in upheavil a great storm ate the land all around him but with the powers of the force niether cloak nor strand of hair stirred. In a bat on an eye he stood and with a raise of his hand absorbed all the energy of the storm into a globe of power over his hand all around glowed he lifted the ball to his face and view raw power , it would do , he exchanged the power for the chyrstal in his saber , it would do nicely.
SWEETNESS I LOVE WHAT IF GAMES!!!!! lol srry bout that outburst , But would any one trust a site call national exposer ? sounds like a cheesy tabloit ( gotta love um) but right now we have a hard time makeing a robot aven walk how could we make a walking mecha walk and i think i have a pic like that one but mines suposed to be bigfoot . but like some one else already said its not cost efective they would just make it a tank cuz right now i dont think we could make a mech that could travle faster then my granmother well the posts been fun
char coming up the road slowly: Ralvenar , I've been looking for you I'm glad to see youve deald with thos wrethced creatures . Ralvenar: are the hobits allright char : of course I would not leave them if they were not so , where did the dwarf come from?? Ralvenar : you did not pass him char: of course not i would not pass by such warrior with out stoping to chat Ralvenar and siren boult turn...
1 smeagol 2 ummm that monster ... barlock or sumtin 3 some kinda dwarf think like first one or somthing 4 arwin sucks she ruined the whole god damb movie 5 couple names ring wraiths and think nazgule 6 sting 7 found by bilbo ummm glows when orcs be sneakin about 8 gandalf ,gandalf the grey, the white rider, the white , the grey pilgrem, the pilgrem,mirthran sumtin like that , anoyance by hobits 9 strider ,once and true king, long shanks, ranger , light foot or what ever those horse dudes called him,captain of the west, bearer of the star, hier to isludar 10 one gross 111 50 11 fellowship of the ring 12 umm golems brother 13 depends on season 14 ummmm wernt they ahhhh ... never mind cant remember 15 not a clue 16 oh baggins you cheat
char heaves the halflings ont kaeldors back : carry them swiftly to safety do not let any harm come to them. and with those words kaeldor speed off faster then a shot heading towards the last homely house char unslung his sword and letworth but one word before unleashing his mayham : lets role....... as he faught side by side with kool and ken
i saw the movie on tues day kicked a s s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ char raseing his flask:wonderful night ... juno: yes it does prove interesting as the two companions sat discusing old war stories a figure watched from the corner of the tavern .the man seemed to catch on every word as the two sat unaware kaeldor was keen and alerted char. char whispering: i belive we have a tail juno : a what ?? char : a tail .. never mind char got up and left the tavern he stood behind the hedge and sure enough the man came out of the tavern trying to follow char char: interesting... not finding his prey the man sulked home and char followed and what he found was amazeing 3 black riders and this man was thiere spy................