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dark lord

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Everything posted by dark lord

  1. as the fellowship sat to dinner many a tale were shared and many a talk , as the night wore on char started talking to frodo char: so you are the ring bearer that i and many people have been searching for frodo: yes it seems so alltough i feel not brave at all. char : i dont belive any one could do better in your predicament frodo : for a big folk you seem to understand a good deal char : I'm honored I know that is a complament in your parts and you are one of epic proportians as we say in the soulth. and the candles burnt low.....
  2. char comes up along side of Ralvenar : the ring draws near . Ralvenar: I belive so we depart later today char: It will sadden me much but we will it will not compare to the sadness we may face if indeeed the council decides to destroy the ring Ralvenar: council but how did you know ? that was our destination? char : it was the guess of lady golden berry and it seemed a logical destination. if any room have you i advise packing many of these herbs Ralvenar: yes I was thinking of suplys you will not be able to buy any from here out i hope your well supyed char :I am well suplied looks at char scrutiniously : if you happen to be in need dont fret to ask but enjoy this day it may be our last time seeing this place char: of course....
  3. spe right there exists gundams of great power outside the tiny primative gundam wing i cane name one gundam that could destroy every gundam wing gundam by it self devil gundam oh would i like to see heavy arms against him
  4. char puts his hand on his knee its now miraculsly healed , good now I have gooten a true feel for his power but these two jed they stand in my way do they not know what they are up against. strider: orian desist your atack at once , thiere is no need for more deaths lead your padwan away from the death star and prepare for the fire works . fealing the power upon them the two jedi leave the the death star as it starts too crumble , strider :darth ice the reble fleet has arived you've allready lost the battle out side your imence fleet is gone and at this monent the x wing of hito nears the reactor with every second . darth ice :you lie strider : do I? storm trooper exacuate the the death star like fats from a sinking ship only to be destroyed by the rebel fleet strider starts to fade away and his voice echos : all things begin and end with tatoine..... darth ice destroys the resarected emporer and flee's to his personel ship and blasts his way past the rebels
  5. char siting in the small garden beside tom's cottage with kaeldor ,is in his glory. it has been such a long time since he has been able to just rest his weary bones in bliss. as char sat thier conversing with kaeldor about thiere new suroundings he almost didnt notice the comeing of a beutaful maiden , she was far from ordinary for kaeldor did not even bat an eye when she stroaked his mane . golden berry: it is a beutaful gift to speak with anamals is it not char? char : excuse me fair maiden but how is it u come by my name when i know not yours golden berry : ~laughs~ the body of a man and the toung of an elf thiere can only b 1 such as you but I am the wife of tom bombadaiy golden berry thiere conversation was broken by a large boom coming from the front of the cottage
  6. char: I am sorry I dissagreed with for you seem to be in the right but if you had seen what i had then you too would think differntly the other day.... a poor little hobitling his ball went over the hedge but it was so dark he could not see so he lit a torch ....I couldnt do a thing he was swallowed by the trees Thiere was not even enough left of him to burry ..... char's worrys and of the other soon passed as the up lifting chirip of tom bombadalie's song floated through the under brush tom: ah Ralvenar so you be the beast burnin up my forest , and you ken the last i saw you you were knee high to a hobbit youve grown a might havent you? and the party followed tom to to his wonder full cabin with out a word to strider
  7. strider raises himself of the floor holding his chest blood trickles from his moulth and the gash on his forhead. he wipes the blood from his moulth with a smile and fangs protrude out the corners and with a demonic laugh he stands erect : alas a worthy oponet , i can now harness my true powers . for you see I have become what we origanly were a weapon , yes are sole purpose in this galexy is to be a weapon, or the ultimate peace keeper but we grew soft as are master engaged a battle with a worty oponet leaving uss to our own devises the magie were formed then disbanded then the sidi wich split into the sith and jedi each step of evolution making us weaker , the force is not a tool or a weapon it is a way for the time lord to controll us we are his pawns with him as our ally we gain ultimate power the power to ripple reality, i have found my true calling and have learned to go as i will with my new found skills . strider outstreches his hand and as he does the empors body reanimates as if on an instant replay : Im not done with him yet. darth ice : so youve learned a few new tricks , My powers far exceed yours slashs out at strider but the blade keeps going as if through fog , ice: holagram how could have been fooled. strider punches dart ice , he is very solid,: you fool did you not witness the reanamation of your former master I am in controll no longer do I play with you I can minipulate reality , I admire your courage Join me and together we can restor this galexy and when you lern the true ways of the force we can continue this fight. darth ice: I refuse to belive it take up your arms I will not be denied this fight . darth ice struck with all his might strider would not evade him , and he did not as their lightsabers inter locked enery sparked from the strain of the force they were recieving,and as the battle raged lucuis took up the fight against darth terra and the emporer stood in skock he had just witnissed himself die but some how lived why???
  8. char grabs the stick from Ralvenar "do you know nothing ? the tree's grow restless they were once burned by the hobbits they remember.... and I would rather walk in the dark then be srtangled by a hundred trees wouldnt you? for the time give them your respect i belive their is a clearing ahead were no tree dare grow ." juno: even better if those tree's wont grow thiere it has to be bad . Ralvenar: no I think I know what he's talking about , if its what i suspect then its were the hobits held thiere bonfire against thiere tree's . ken : for some one from far away you seem very knowlageable of this land. char: the beasts that you call dumb animals are a lot more inteligant then you or I they seem to almost inherit the knowlage of thiere ancestors, and they tell me much and so they entered the clearing
  9. overkill what do u mean ? do u mean best weapon or fighting stile or maybe most shone specify
  10. is this thing over??? it was just getting good :confused: :( :o
  11. the party made good head way throught the forest and no dow of blade were loosened and no leaf or branch was broken it had seemed that they had gained the forest's respect. char: were forth does are path lead ? I have heard many tales of the master of these woods thinkist we shall meet him? Ralvenar: that is our destination and rondayvoo point we'll wait thiere untill our other companions meet us . char: good I would like to meet such a lord that would have domion of such a great land it reminds me of my own before the shadow of sauron. the troop proceded to give char a wierd look ken: figures...
  12. char : i do not force my services upon you , and will depart at your bidding . i understand your concerns for my home is quite close to the hand of sauron and I know no promise will gain the the trust of a fair elf lord I had forseen this so I bear the tolkien Of the fair maiden Lorien , if still you do not belive me I and kaeldor will leave you at once On my word.
  13. as bill regains conciseness he thinks ~ damb it my rage had clouded my mind it will not happen again~ Stands up ,lucius seems to be in much the same state as I Bill: darth ice I fear you have made a critical error for I am niether jedi nor sith I am free of such petty bickering . And from my personel experience all that are ignorent are not jedi . Bill dissapers suddenly and dart ice swipes his light saber through the empty air where bill once stood ~laughing~ darth ice : get down here jedi bill: who is the ignorant one I have explained I am no mere jedi. the re avaporated shape of bill flys through the air lightsaber extended darth ice barely perrying his blow and rolling to the side.as the 2 warriors exchanged blows faster then lightning Lucius sat thiere amazed never had he seen such a fight. how could that guy who seemed like such a boob in space fight so fiercely and gracefully here it didnt make sence? palpatine: yes it is boggleing young one but you see these to have superceded the normal strenth of a jedi or sith they are the future. lucius just sat in shock as the battle raged on. darth ice : resitance is futile I out match you by far. bill : does your hatred cloud your mind so? I once thought like you but I have seen the..... arg way of the force bill dissapered once again : you can not fight what you cant see give in , submit and I will spare you... Darth ice : NEVER..... darth ice let out a fierce blast of dark force energy and when the cloud of smoke had cleared the only clue to his location was the broken window that led into the main shaft BIll : it seems your aperntice has forsaken you palpatine palpatine: move a step and your young jedi friend dies ...
  14. unlike Lucius who was captured strider had mysterisly evaded his capture by fakeing his death at the hands of sevrel storm troopers . haveing no one tailing him strider did not find it to hard to make it aboard the death star. strider watched hito dispatch darth tera strider: impressive , most impresive as hito left the room strider strode into the throne room , palpatine did not look surprised at all palpatine: ah young Bill atlast you've figuered out what you are... a sith lord, come rule with me as your father before me and togerther we will bring order to this caotic galexy. Bill: ha you think I would be so foolish ? I do not come to you for partner ship but for questions and if you give me what I want You may leave the throne room alive. palpatine: you idle minded fool you are like your father an idealistic dreamer but i may be able to change that yet bill: wrong awnser , tell me what I want why did you order the slautering of those babey jedi and why did you make it so dart tera could not fight to his abilty I felt you weakin him but for what purpose ? palpatine: ha maybe if you can truley dispatch of my aprentice lord Ice you can get your awnsers and much more..... dart ice falls from the ceiling as if he were simly summoned had he been thiere the whole time why is it he is invisable to my sences , no matter I must finish him quicly but he is a varible foe and i must be careful with that bills black blde clashed with that od dart ice and they danced to the dead mans dance to the victor went the galexy ......
  15. char sits in the bow of a knarled tree in the forbidden forestest watching the strange trio while his furry companion naps at the bootom of the tree, char : a stranger trio I have never seen. unknown to Ralvenar the near by willow tree was slowly creeping its rots towds his caravan , as char noticed this he lept from the tree calm the old willow , suddenly Ralvenar spyed the roots and started to hach them with his sword char: sece your hacking at once elf or would you like to be attacked by the whole forest? Ralvenar looked up to try to find the source of the voice , and the roots receded back into the shadows. Ralvenar: who said that ? char steping out of the foliage : It was I char the beast master, and you are not quite as secretive as you think my friends have been following you for days but finaly I hav caught up with you , For I too feel the growing of saurons powers for I come from the great soulhern forest but i was forced to leave when saurons power perverted my lands I wish to aid you in your quest ...if you'll take me. arousin by the talking kaeldor stalked out of the shadows and ken also awakeing let out an ear piercing girly screem. char : hahaha did kaeldor scare you ? have no fear he's as cuddly as a ***** cat and twice as soft . as char rubed the great cats neck it let out a soft purr that seemed out of place with that char took watch and all was quite but char spied the strange lizard creature slither just out of pouncing distance of kaeldor .......
  16. man your the best name: char race: elf/human bio: char the last of his tribe roamed the land until he found himself in the far soulthern forests was dubed the guardian of nature by gia a goddess from the west . char now has the powers to speak with all life forms and is dubbed the beast master.(yeah i know rip off but it fits in) weapon : a master of his body and a carryer of a strange mystle stalf of bone , a club on one end and a blade on the other rides a great sapertooth tiger named kaeldor descripion : athletic build , kind heart a friend of the weak, sandy blond hair grey eyesleather vest and loincloth and a pouch of herbs at his hip
  17. strider , his arms bound behind his back , stood infront of the jedi council listing to thriere arogent speech about the loss of thiere jedi . yoda: strider or bill i sence you are recless , always were you yet never evil hmmmm darkness i sence in you much darkness. strider: darkness my a s s, have you looked around lately your jedi are not just they chalge sith 2 , 3 on one how hororable is that ? you teach honor yet do not uphold it I know not the true evil the great sith lord or yourself. yoda: acusations you make yet still remains , death are you responcible for . strider: Responcible ! I merly evened the playing field it is not my fault that you jedi canot hold thiere own when thiere on an even battle field. plow koon : The fact still remains though that you wittnissed the random deth of sevral jedi and did not question the sith's precance none of us did yet you were thiere first . you resemble your father too much , you father was the most evil of all sith he hunted down jedi for sport you follow to closely with those last words uttered strider went into a blind rage , the force flowing though him he jumped up bringing his arms infront of him, he then summoned his light saber from mace windu cutting open his binders . useing a force pulse he effintly knocked out the whole jedi council but he drasticly drained his resorces he had barely enough to jump out of the dome and escape the jedi . he was almost certain he was set up by the emporer and he would prov he was no sith lord .... once and for all. as bill left alderan he saw somthing that shocked him comeng into his view screen he saw an enormus metal struture strider: the sith damb it i c it now the attack on those jedi was a warning for the jedi !! And it is also my destiny , as he neared it he also saw another craft and hailed it. strider: rebel ship please respond Lucius: roger strider: state your buisness Lucius: im in persuite of a tie bomber , but that doesnt matter who are you? stider : I ,I am strider Lucius looks down at the ships data base and see's thieres and apv from the jedi about a man named strider the picture seems to match. Lucius: please lower your shields and prepair for bording strider : ~groans~ very well just as Lucius enters strider ship her own is destroyed by an undetected fleet of b38 type star fighters strider : what the hell strider jumps into the seat of the gun turret : sit tight bub this is gonna be a bupy ride Lucius: will this hunk of junk hold together? strider: sure she will hold together babey hold together.....
  18. strider lands in the seat of his swoop just as dart ice finishs off his oponets . the wind blows through his hair as he swoops down to the seedest section of alderan... hells kitchen . he tethers his swoop outside the olkansaco bar . he sits down at a stool when a huge humenoid figure grunts " out lander you no sit in my chair" strider smiles and replies coyly , " realy i didnt see your name on it." then procedes to pick up the brute and trough him out the door. "any one else have any thing to say" the bar goes quite , he sit down and enjoys his pint of milk ,in a dirty glass mind you, and contemplates the mission of dart ice it diddnt make sence to send a deadly sith againts babey jedi..... thiere had to be something to it, but what? just then 20 jedi jumped through the celling and onto the back of strider strider struggled but could get no were even he coild not out match 20 trained jedi , jedi master : you are wanted for aiding in the murder of 4 padewans resistance is futile and you will be terminated if it continues.....
  19. strider as he is called on alderan sits in the the shadow and watchs bemusedly as darth ice thrashs hito and at the same time struglles to block ken.dart terra is just laughing out loud. the hair on the back of darth tera's neck pricks at the sound of a raspy whisper " have you no honor , you leave your comrad un aided , you shall feel my rath." before he could turn around to defend himself he was nocked out cold by the but of striders saber. Dart ice feels his comrad fall to the ground , and as he diverts his attention to see terra's fate he is allmost stricken down by ken ken's light saber starts its decent towards dart ice's neck but half way down his hand is forced to the side by an unseen oponet his light saber flys through the air and into a dark clad warriors hand . strider: tsk tsk tsk ...... rokie you are weak. 2 on one your not a very sporting fellow are you ? im afriad I canot allow you to continue this fight .... those were the last words ken heard . while that went on darth ice and hito had stoped cold but as strider lept into the air and dissapered into the darkness thiere querell redoubled......
  20. i don know where they came from but that black wing zero is definitly an improvement and i have to say your site is definitly one of the better anime ones i been 2
  21. like some one else allready said thieres battle assault and thieres a bootleg of endless waltz for ps and soposedly thieres one on the way about mobile suite gundam i think the publisher is never soft not sure. plus if u realy want the gamess thieres some for the pc my fav is endless duel all gundams are in it but u only start with a few its real chalenging.
  22. this is a sweet idea name: bill sinclair alais: shroud, stider,long shanks ,the dark one, misfit weapon of choice: midnight black lightsaber affiliation: jedi out cast/bounty hunter/mercinery Bio: Born a jedi but turned was cast out for his radicle ideals about the force not bieing a tool.he then developed his own way to flow with the force singular to it self . he is more human then the jedi yet less wratful then the sith , utterly alone. he niether has a great love for the sith nor a great hatred or fear. he is know to pull priorty jobs for the republic and is sometimes seen in conversation with the imperials.not much is known about his early lif but it is rumored that he is the offspring of darth rage and lillith kamdaske the best of both worlds..... skills: master piot and mechanic , his fighting technique is fast and furiose , he holds his saber in many different ways makeing it hard to juge were his blade will land, is also said to use a talon blastor. ship: the nc-017 fire bird , a ship built by the mystic smiths of vorlath , is said to be phycicly linked to orginal pilot canot be unmade while pilot still lives , short term invisabilty , low hull regenative powers descrption: tall , shrouded in a robe of an undetirminable color but best described as "night" athletic build a soft hissing voice cold, the only distinguishable facial feature is a long tuft of shock white hair that protrudes from his hood seems to dissaper if he thinks he bieng observed by undersible eyes, quick of eye and slight of hand
  23. what about master roche or tenchi's dad
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